Sehkari Bhawan Near Bahu Plaza Jammu. (
OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER, PWD (R&B) DIVISION POONCH FRESH NOTICE INVITING TENDER (4th call) e- NIT No.:- 96/2013 Dated :- 23.02.2013 Tenders are invited by the Executive Engineer PWD (R&B) Division Poonch on behalf of Governor of J&K State, by e-tendering mode on Turn Key basis from approved and eligible contractors registered with J&K State Govt. / CPWD / MES and Railways for the following work. S. Name of work No.
1 1
Name of Division
Design & Construction of 24m span single lane Steel Motorable Bridge over Gagrian Nallah at Chaprian on Sawjian road Km 10th RD 500, Tehsil Mandi, Dstrict Poonch (As per scope of Work)
PWD (R&B) Division Poonch
Cost Earnest Time of Money Allowe docu- @ 2% d for ment (Rs. in com(In lacs) pletion Rs.)
Time and date of opening of tender
4 5 6 7 19.03.2013 at 1200 Hrs 1000/- 2% of 12 in the office of non quoted Months Superintending refund value of Engineer PWD (R&B) able work
Class of Contrac tor
8 “A”
Circle Rajouri
1. Date of Publishing from 23.02.2013 from 1800 hrs 2. The Bidding documents can be downloaded from the website from 1000 hrs. on 26.02.2013 to 18.03.2013 upto 1400 hrs. 3. a. The Bids shall be deposited in electronic format on the website from 08.03.2013 , 1000 hrs to 18.03.2013 upto 1400 hrs. The bids received will be opened at 1200 Hrs on 19.03.2013 on line. b. The complete bidding process will be on line. c. A Pre-bid meeting will be held on 28.02.2013 at 1200 Hrs in the Office of the Executive Engineer PWD (R&B) Division Poonch to clarify the issues and to answer question on any matter that may be raised. d. Technical bids of bidders shall be opened on line in the office of Superintending Engineer PWD (R&B) Circle Rajouri on 19.03.2013 at 1200 Hrs. 4. Bid documents can be seen at and downloaded from the website Bid documents contain qualifying criteria for bidder, specifications, bill of quantities, conditions and other details. 5. The site for the work is available. 6. Bids must be accompanied by bid security (EMD) and cost of tender document as specified in column 5 & 6 of the table payable at Rajouri pledged in favour of Superintending Engineer PWD (R&B) Circle Rajouri. Bid security will have to be in any one of the forms as specified in the bidding documents and shall have to be valid for six months or more after last date of receipt of Bid. The cost of downloaded tender documents in form of DD shall be in separate envelope with cover marking cost of document. a. The original instruments in respect of cost of Documents, EMD and relevant technical bid documents etc must be delivered to the Superintending Engineer PWD (R&B) Circle Rajouri on or before 18.03.2013 up to 1400 Hrs. If the office happens to be closed on the date of receipt as specified, the EMD Documents fee will be received on the next working day at the same time and venue. b. Financial Bids will be opened in the office of the Superintending Engineer PWD (R&B) Circle Rajouri and the date of opening of Financial bid shall be communicating to the bidders. If the office happens to be closed on the date of opening of the bids as specified, the bids will be opened on the next working day at the same time and venue. 7 The bid for the work shall remain open for acceptance for a period of 90 days from the date of opening of bids. If any bidder / tenderer withdraws his bid/tender before the said period or makes any modifications in the terms and conditions of the bid, the said earnest money shall stand forfeited. 8. No Engineer of Gazetted rank or other Gazetted Officer employed in Engineering or Administrative duties in an Engineering Department of the State Government is allowed to work as a Contractor for a period of two years after his retirement from Government service, without permission of the Government. This contract is liable to be cancelled if either the contractor or any of his employees is found any time to be such a person who had not obtained the permission of the Government as aforesaid before submisson of the tender or engagement in the Contractor’s Service. 9. Other details can be seen in the bidding documents. 10. Instruction to bidders regarding e-tendering process a. The interested bidder can download the NIT/bidding document from the website b. To participate in bidding process, bidders have to get (DSC) "Digital Signature Certificate" as per Information Technology Act-2000, to participate in online bidding. This certificate will be required for digitally signing the bid. Bidders can get above mentioned digital certificate from any approved vendors. The Bidders, who already possess valid (DSC) Digital Signature Certificates, need not to procure new Digital Signature Certificate. c. The bidders have to submit their bids online in electronic format with Digital Signature. The bids cannot be uploaded without Digital Signature No Proposal will be accepted in physical form. d.
Bids will be opened online as per time schedule mentioned in Para 3(d) & 6(b).
e. Before submission of online bids, bidders must ensure that scanned copy of all the necessary documents have been attached with bid. f. The department will not be responsible for delay in online submission of bids whatsoever reasons may be. g. All the required information for bid must be filled and submitted online. h. Bidders should get ready with the scanned copies of cost of documents & EMD as specified in the tender documents. The original instruments in respect of cost of documents, EMD and relevant documents be submitted to the Tender Inviting Authority by Registered post/courier as per time schedule specified. i. The details of cost of documents, EMD specified in the tender documents should be the same, as submitted online (scanned copies) otherwise bid will not be accepted. j. Bidders can contact the undersigned for any guidance for getting DSC or any other relevant details in respect of e-tendering process. 11. The guidelines for submission of bid online can be downloaded from the website 12. If after opening of e-tenders, it is found that the rates quoted by the lowest tenderer are less than 25% of the Advertised amount, it will be treated as non responsive bid and will not be considered in any case come but may even after opening of financial Bid. ------------------ Deleted 13. The following key constructional material shall be supplied by the Divisional Store at the rates noted against each. i. Cement = Rs. 450/- Bag. (on cash payment) ii. Steel of all sorts = Rs. 52000/- M.T. (All Dia Bars) iii. Asphalt = Rs. 52000/- M.T. Sd/No. 16375-449 Executive Engineer, Dated :- 23.02.2013 PWD (R&B) Division DIP/J-8926/13 Poonch
Government of Jammu and Kashmir J&K Services Selection Board ( Sub:
Syllabus for Multiple choice objective type written test for the posts of Electrician and Technician-III. Unit-I 10 MARKS Safety Precautions and laws of Resistance Safety Precautions, Precautions to avoid electric shock, Graphical symbols, Fuse and its types. Electric Circuit, Definitions of e.m.f., P.D., current, resistance; Ohm's Law: Series and parallel circuit. Conductors, Insulators, Wires and cables, Various types of wires, Uses of different types of wires. Unit-II 10 MARKS Work, Power, Energy, Magnetism and Electromagnetism Power and Energy definition; Energy consumption; Pump and efficiency. Electromagnet, Comparison Induced E.M.F. and current; Faraday's Laws of Electromagnetic Induction. Unit-III 10 MARKS Cells, Batteries and DC Generators Secondary cell and Primary cell; Internal construction of battery; Parts of secondary cell; Precautions, charging battery from A.C. Supply; First charge on New Battery. Examples, Capacity and Efficiency of battery; Defects in battery. Main parts of D.C. machine Slip ring and commutator; Ordinary generators. Generator fails to build up voltage. Defects in motors, motor characteristics. Unit-IV 10 MARKS House Wiring and A.C. Circuits Wiring System; How electric supply comes to our houses or factories? Types of wiring; I.S.I. Rules megger testing; Wiring Diagrams. House Wiring Estimating. Advantages of A.C. over D.C. and D.C. over A.C. Definitions, lagging and leading of currents. Unit-V 10 MARKS Polyphase and Transformers Star and Delta Connection - relation between line current and voltage with phase current and voltage. Construction, types; their comparison, advantages parts, principle; powers transformers - Conservator, Breather, Temperature gauge, Explosions, Vent. How to Design Small Power Transformer. Unit-VI 10 MARKS A.C. Three-Phase Motors and A.C. Single-Phase Motors Principle of action; Formulae, why starter is used for starting; D.O.L. starter, Star Delta Starter. Why motor is not self-started-principle and working: Types - Split phase motor. Unit-VII 10 MARKS Winding and Electrical Instruments A.C. winding, Dismantle operation. Connection of voltmeter, Ammeter watt-meter; Megger, Earth tester; Energy meter. Unit-VIII 10 MARKS Illumination and Conversion for A.C. to D.C. Sodium Vapour lamp; H.P.V.M. lamps, fluorescent tube; Double tube circuit. Use of A.C. and D.C., rectifier Construction and uses - metal rectifiers, mercury arc rectifier. Unit-IX 10 MARKS Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electricity. Types of Power Stations; Overhead lines system, material and IE Rules. Unit-X 10 MARKS Electrical Appliances Electricity in Home, Design for heating element, Electrical appliances, Electric iron, room coller, electric brooders. Sd/Secretary Services Selection Board
GOVERNMENT OF JAMMU AND KASHMIR, SERVICES SELECTION BOARD, Sehkari Bhawan Near Bahu Plaza Jammu. ( CORRIGENDUM 1) It is notified for the information of all concerned that the J&K Services Selection Board is going to conduct the WALK TEST of 25 Kms for male and 14 Kms for female to be completed in four hours of the candidates who have qualified the Height Measurement Test for the posts of FORESTOR, (FOREST DEPARTMENT), DIVISIONAL CADRE JAMMU, ADVERTISED VIDE NOTICE NO. 08 OF 2010 DATED 24-12-2010, (ITEM NO 224) as per the revised dates shown against each below at Kaluchack Chowk, (Near Parmandal Road Diversion Point) at 09.00 A.M Sharp. 2) S.No Revised Date of Walk Test From Upto 01 800 11-03-2013 801 1600 12-03-2013 1601 2400 13-03-2013 2401 3200 14-03-2013 3201 4000 16-03-2013 4001 4800 18-03-2013 4801 5600 19-03-2013 5601 6400 20-03-2013 6401 7200 22-03-2013 7201 8000 23-03-2013 8001 Onwards 25-03-2013 Supplementary walk test shall also be conducted on 26-03-2013. 3) All eligible candidates who have qualified the Height measurement Test, are advised to report at 09.00 AM sharp for the walk test on the scheduled date at Kaluchack Chowk, (Near Parmandal Road Diversion Point. 3) No TA / DA shall be paid by the Board for appearing for the walk test. Note:1. Candidates who have not qualified the Height Measurement Test need not to appear for walk Test. 2. Candidates are required to bring along a valid and widely accepted Identity Certificate / Document / Card for the purposes of identification of the candidates. Candidate are also required to bring along two recent passport size photographs attested at the front by a Gazetted Officer and name, parentage and address of the candidate attested by the Gazetted Officer at the back side of the photograph. 3. Cases of impersonation will be dealt strictly and legal action as warranted under rules will be initiated in case of impersonation. 4. All the eligible candidates will stitch their S.NO marked on a piece of white cloth of (3" X 3") inches on their chest and back both. Sd/Convenor, Selection Committee, Divisional Cadre Jammu. No. SSB/Sel/Secy/ 2013 / Dated: 02 -03-2012.
Government of Jammu and Kashmir J&K Services Selection Board Jammu ( NOTICE Subject:- Syllabus for Multiple Choice Objective Type Written Test for the post of Computer Operator / Computer Assistant and Junior Health Inspector. It is hereby notified for information of all the candidates that the syllabus notified by the Board for the post of Data Entry Operator will also apply mutatis mutandis for the post of Computer Operator and Computer Assistant and syllabus issued for the post of Forest Guard shall apply to the post of Junior Health Inspector (Health). Sd/Secretary Services Selection Board Jammu No: SSB/Sel/Secy/013/ Dated :-03-2013.
(i) Partnership. (ii) Simplification. (iii) Percentage. (iv) Profit and Loss. (v) Ratio and Proportion. (vi) Simple and Compound Interest. (vii) Arithmetic and Geometric Progressions. (viii) Square Root, Area, Average. ( (ix) Volume and Surface Area. Sub: Syllabus for Multiple Choice Objective Type written test for the post of (x) Time and Distance. Village Level Worker and Multipurpose Worker (RDD). (xi) Heights and Distance. Unit-I 15 MARKS Unit-III 25 MARKS General English Social Science:(i) Paragraph writing/ Comprehension (A) History. (ii) Rearranging of jumbled sentences (i) Revolt of 1857-Causes and Effects. (iii) Dialogue (ii) Rise of National Movement-Factors. (iv) Narration (iii) Formation of the Indian National Congress in 1885 and Role of Moderates. (v) Models (iv) Factors leading to the rise of Extremism in the Congress with special reference to (vi) Articles the Partition of Bengal. (vii) Paragraph writing with blanks to be filled in with the following (v) Important dates and historical events with refernce to India Phrases, Pronouns, Homonyms/ homophones, Tenses. (vi) Swadeshi Movement. (viii) Substitution (vii) Rise of Muslim League in 1906 : Causes. (ix) Punctuation (viii) Khilafat Movement and the Non-Cooperation Movement. (x) Synonyms and antonyms (ix) From Swaraj to the Independence Movement. (xi) Pairs of words and their use in meaningful sentences. (x) Civil Disobedience Movement. (xii) Idioms and phrases (xi) Quit India Movement. (xiii) Uses of Prepositions. (xii) Independence and Partition of India. Unit-II 15 MARKS (B) Civics. Mathematics (i) Fundamental Rights.
Government of Jammu and Kashmir J&K Services Selection Board
Tuesday ! March 5, 2013
Government of Jammu and Kashmir J&K Services Selection Board ( Syllabus for Multiple Choice Objective Type written test for the post of Jr. Librarian and Library Assistant. Unit-I 10 MARKS General English (i) Paragraph writing/ Comprehension (ii) Rearranging of jumbled sentences (iii) Dialogue (iv) Narration (v) Models (vi) Articles (vii) Paragraph writing with blanks to be filled in with the following Phrases, Pronouns, Homonyms/ homophones, Tenses. (viii) Substitution (ix) Punctuation (x) Synonyms and antonyms (xi) Pairs of words and their use in meaningful sentences. (xii) Idioms and phrases (xiii) Uses of Prepositions. Sub:
General Knowledge with special reference to J&K State. (i) Important dates, Names of popular personalities and their achievements/ contribution. (ii) Constitution of J&K State. (iii) Centre-State relationship. (iv) Weather, Climate, Crops, Means of Transport. (v) Important projects and their impact on State Economy. (vi) Rivers and Lakes. (vii) Important Tourist Destinations. (viii) History of J&K State. (ix) Historical places of the State and their importance. Unit-III Library Science:(A) 10 MARKS (i) Library Classification: Meaning, Need and Purpose. (ii) Species of Library Classification. (iii) Library Catalogue: Definition, Purpose, Functions. (iv) Canons of Cataloguing: an overview. (B) 10 MARKS (i) Information Literacy: What, Why & How? (ii) Ready Reference and Long Range Reference Service.
Government of Jammu and Kashmir J&K Services Selection Board ( Sub:
Syllabus for Multiple choice objective type written test for the posts of Fitter. Unit-I 10 MARKS Safety, accident prevention, different types of hammers. Description, use and care of 'V' Blocks. Bench vice construction, types, uses, care & maintenance, vice clamps, hacksaw frames and blades, specification. Unit-II 10 MARKS Measurement standards (English, Metric Units), angular measurements, try square. Calipers - types, material, constructional details, uses, care & maintenance of cold chisels materials, types, cutting angles. Unit-III 10 MARKS Types of files - convexing, taper, needle, care. Micrometer outside and inside -principle. Micrometer depth, graduation. Unit-IV 10 MARKS Graduations, Vernier Caliper. Drill holding devices - material, construction and their uses. Unit-V 10 MARKS Heat treatment, various heat treatment methods - normalizing, annealing, hardening and tampering. Power hammer construction, features, method of operating and uses. Rivets - Tin man's rivets. Unit-VI 10 MARKS Hand tools: Hammers, welding description, types and uses. Machines and accessories, welding transformer, welding generators, description, principle, method of operating, carbon dioxide welding.
Government of Jammu and Kashmir J&K Services Selection Board ( Syllabus for Multiple Choice Objective Type written test for the post of Extension Educator. Unit-I 15 MARKS General English (i) Paragraph writing/ Comprehension (ii) Rearranging of jumbled sentences (iii) Dialogue (iv) Narration (v) Models (vi) Articles (vii) Paragraph writing with blanks to be filled in with the following Phrases, Pronouns, Homonyms/ homophones, Tenses. (viii) Substitution (ix) Punctuation (x) Synonyms and antonyms (xi) Pairs of words and their use in meaningful sentences. (xii) Idioms and phrases (xiii) Uses of Prepositions. Unit-II 15 MARKS Mathematics (i) Partnership. (ii) Simplification. (iii) Percentage. (iv) Profit and Loss. (v) Ratio and Proportion. (vi) Simple and Compound Interest. (vii) Arithmetic and Geometric Progressions. (viii) Square Root, Area, Average. (ix) Volume and Surface Area. (x) Time and Distance. (xi) Heights and Distance. Unit-III Social Science:(A)History. 10 MARKS (i) Revolt of 1857-Causes and Effects. (ii) Rise of National Movement-Factors. (iii) Formation of the Indian National Congress in 1885 and Role of Moderates. (iv) Factors leading to the rise of Extremism in the Congress with special reference to the Partition of Bengal. (v) Important dates and historical events with refernce to India (vi) Swadeshi Movement. (vii) Rise of Muslim League in 1906 : Causes. (viii) Khilafat Movement and the Non-Cooperation Movement. (ix) From Swaraj to the Independence Movement. (x) Civil Disobedience Movement. (xi) Quit India Movement. (xii) Independence and Partition of India. (B) Civics. 10 MARKS (i) Fundamental Rights. (ii) Directive Principles. (iii) Democracy. (iv) Public opinion. Sub:
(ii) Directive Principles. (iii) Democracy. (iv) Public opinion. (v) Representaion. (vi) Franchise. (vii) Secret Ballot. (viii) Nomination. (ix) Symbol. (x) The Campaign (xi) Presidential elections. (xii) Languages (xiii) Cities and Villages. (xiv) The United Nations. (C) Geography (i) Change of Seasons (ii) Planets / Solar System (iii) Longitude-Latitude. (iv) Types of forests (with special reference to J&K State) (v) Conservation and protection of forests. (vi) National Parks and wildlife sanctuaries (Reference to J&K State). (vii) Water resources and their uses. (viii) Sources of Water ( with special reference to J&K State) (ix) Conservation and management of water resources. (x) Rainwater Harvesting. (xi) Transport. (xii) Roads (Different routes of J&K State) Unit-IV 15 MARKS General Knowledge and Current Affairs Abbreviations, Important Dates, First in World, First in India, Names of popular
13 (iii) Evaluation of Select Encyclopedias, year, books and Directories. (iv) Criteria for Evaluation of Online Reference Sources. (C) 10 MARKS (i) Types of Libraries: Features and Functions. (ii) Librarianship as a Profession and its ethics. (iii) Historical Development of Libraries with special reference to India. (iv) Role of International Organizations: IFLA and UNESCO in the development of library and information sector. (D) 10 MARKS (i) Role of Professional Associations in the field of Library and Information Science in India. (ii) Library Legislation in India including essential features of various Library Acts. (iii) Library Extension activities: Need, Importance and Methods. (iv) Resource Sharing, Concept and Methods, Networking and Consortia approach. (E) 10 MARKS (i) General Principles and Theories of Management. (ii) Human Resource Management with special reference to Library and Information Centres. (iii) Stock Verification and Stock Rectification. (iv) Library Building, Space Management, Equipment. (F) 10 MARKS (i) Objectives and Facets of Documentation. (ii) Indexing System: Need and Importance. (iii) Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI): Methods and Techniques. (iv) National and International Information Systems - INIS, AGRIS, MEDLARS, INSPEC:- Their Activities and Services. (G) 10 MARKS (i) Automation and Digitization. (ii) Write off and Weeding out books in Library. (iii) Abstract and Abstracting: Need, Importance; Types. (iv) Documents Delivery Service - Recent Trends, Characteristics and Problems. Translation Service - Need, Types, Pools, Tools and Problems. (H) 10 MARKS (i) Fundamentals of Computer, Storage Device, Input / Output Devices, Computer Memory. (ii) Library Automation : Definition, Need, Purpose, Housekeeping Operations, Planning and Implementation. (iii) Selection and Evaluation of Library Automation Software Packages. (iv) Networks: General - ERNET, JANET, BLAISE, NICNET, INFONET. Library and Information Networks - INFLIBNET, DELNET Sd/Secretary Services Selection Board
Oxygen acetylene cutting - machine description, parts, uses, method of handling, cutting torch-description, parts, function and uses. Unit-VII 10 MARKS Lathe main parts, carriage, tail stock. Holding of job between centers. Chucks and chucking the independent four-jaw chuck. Boring tools and enlargement of holes. Unit-VIII 10 MARKS Taper - definition, use and method of expressing tapers. Standard tapers - taper, calculations morse taper. Screw thread definition - uses and application. Terminology of screw threads. Setting tool for cutting internal and external threads, use of screw pitch gauge for checking the screw thread. Unit-IX 10 MARKS Drill - material, types, (Taper shank, straight shank) parts and sizes. Drill troubles : causes and remedy. Equality of lips, length of lips, Drill kinds. Radius gauge, feeler gauge, hole gauge and their uses. Unit-X 10 MARKS Screw threads : terminology. Taps British standard (B.S.W., B.S.F., B.A. & B.S.P.). Dies : British standard, metric and BIS standard, material, parts, types, Method of using dies. Die stock : material, parts and uses. Scrapers and their types, methods of scraping. Vernier micrometer, material, parts, graduation, use, care and maintenance. Screw thread micrometer : Construction, graduation and use. Lapping: Application of lapping, material for lapping tools, lapping abrasives, charging of lapping tool. Surface finish importance. Honing : Application of honing, material for honing, tools shapes, grades, honing abrasives. Sd/Secretary Services Selection Board
(v) Representaion. (vi) Franchise. (vii) Secret Ballot. (viii) Nomination. (ix) Symbol. (x) The Campaign (xi) Presidential elections. (xii) Languages (xiii) Cities and Villages. (xiv) The United Nations. (C) Geography 10 MARKS (i) Change of Seasons (ii) Planets / Solar System (iii) Longitude-Latitude. (iv) Types of forests (with special reference to J&K State) (v) Conservation and protection of forests. (vi) National Parks and wildlife sanctuaries (Reference to J&K State). (vii) Water resources and their uses. (viii) Sources of Water ( with special reference to J&K State) (ix) Conservation and management of water resources. (x) Rainwater Harvesting. (xi) Transport. (xii) Roads (Different routes of J&K State) Unit-IV 15 MARKS General Knowledge and Current Affairs Abbreviations, Important Dates, First in World, First in India, Names of popular Personalities, The Newspaper World, Geographical Discoveries, Books and Authors, Principal Languages of India, Capitals and Currencies of Countries, United Nations Organisation, Members of United Nations Organisation (UNO), Other International Organisations and Groups, Space Programme of India, India's Atomic Research, Awards, Honours and Prizes, The World of Sports, Climate and Crops, Democracy and Democratic Institutions, Seven Wonders of the world. Languages, Cities and Villages (with special reference to J&K State). Unit - V 15 MARKS General Knowledge with special reference to J&K State. (i) Important dates, Names of popular personalities and their achievements/ contribution. (ii) Constitution of J&K State. (iii) Centre-State relationship. (iv) Weather, Climate, Crops, Means of Transport. (v) Important projects and their impact on State Economy. (vi) Rivers and Lakes. (vii) Important Tourist Destinations. (viii) History of J&K State. (ix) Historical places of the State and their importance. Unit-VI 10 MARKS General Science:(i) Motion, Gravitation, Matter, Heat, Sound, Light. (ii) Air, Water, Atom, Cell, Element, Mixture and Compound, Ecology, Energy and Metals. (iii) Structure of animal and plant cell, food chain, food web, Digestive System, Respiratory System, Nervous System, Photosynthesis, Transpiration, Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration. Sd/Secretary Services Selection Board
Personalities, The Newspaper World, Geographical Discoveries, Books and Authors, Principal Languages of India, Capitals and Currencies of Countries, United Nations Organisation, Members of United Nations Organisation (UNO), Other International Organisations and Groups, Space Programme of India, India's Atomic Research, Awards, Honours and Prizes, The World of Sports, Climate and Crops, Democracy and Democratic Institutions, Seven Wonders of the world. Languages, Cities and Villages (with special reference to J&K State). Unit - V 15 MARKS General Knowledge with special reference to J&K State. (i) Important dates, Names of popular personalities and their achievements/ contribution. (ii) Constitution of J&K State. (iii) Centre-State relationship. (iv) Weather, Climate, Crops, Means of Transport. (v) Important projects and their impact on State Economy. (vi) Rivers and Lakes. (vii) Important Tourist Destinations. (viii) History of J&K State. (ix) Historical places of the State and their importance. Unit-VI 15 MARKS General Science:(i) Motion, Gravitation, Matter, Heat, Sound, Light. (ii) Air, Water, Atom, Element, Mixture and Compound, Energy and Metals. (iii) Structure of animal and plant cell, food chain, food web, Digestive System, Respiratory System, Photosynthesis, Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration. Sd/Secretary Services Selection Board