Palynological Characteristics of Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene ...

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and Paleogene Deposits on the West of the Sambian Peninsula ... results of studying dinocysts in the Upper Cretaceous–Lower Paleogene succession of the.
ISSN 0869-5938, Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, 2008, Vol. 16, No. 5, pp. 528–539. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2008. Original Russian Text © G.N. Aleksandrova, N.I. Zaporozhets, 2008, published in Stratigrafiya. Geologicheskaya Korrelyatsiya, 2008, Vol. 16, No. 5, pp. 75–86.

Palynological Characteristics of Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene Deposits on the West of the Sambian Peninsula (Kaliningrad Region), Part 2 G. N. Aleksandrova and N. I. Zaporozhets Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia Received August 22, 2007

Abstract—The results of studying dinocysts in the Upper Cretaceous–Lower Paleogene succession of the Kaliningrad region are considered. Distinguished in the succession are seven biostratigraphic units in the rank of the Palaeohystrichophora infusorioides, Chatangiella vnigrii, Cerodinium diebelii, Alisocysta margarita, Deflandrea oebisfeldensis, Areosphaeridium diktyoplokum, and Rhombodinium perforatum beds and one Charlesdowniea clathrata angulosa Zone. The Lyubavas Formation has not been distinguished on the west of the Sambian Peninsula. Ages of the Sambia, Alka, and Prussian formations are verified. DOI: 10.1134/S0869593808050067 Key words: Campanian, Maastrichtian, Paleocene, Eocene, biostratigraphy, dinocysts, spores and pollen.

INTRODUCTION First part of this work1 has been dedicated to data on lithological structure of the studied sections, where eight dinocyst biostratigraphic subdivisions are established. In this, second part of the work, we consider data clarifying age of bio- and lithostratigraphic units. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS Investigation of dinocysts in borehole section 1P and coastal exposures Bakalinksy Cape resulted in recognition and dating of biostratigraphic subdivisions in the rank of beds and zones. According to Kirsch (1991) and Slimani (2001), joint occurrence of Palaeohystrichophora infusorioides, Sphaerodictyon filosum, Florentinia stellata, Leberidocysta chlamydata, and Odontochitina operculata suggests that the P. infusorioides Beds correspond in age to the early Campanian second half (Fig. 1). As is noted by Slimani (2001), the last occurrence of P. infusorioides is characteristic of the early late Campanian in the West European sections, and the level of this event clearly subdivides the Campanian deposits. The first appearance of Areoligera coronata and Areoligera senonensis is recorded at the same level. As is established in the Whitecliff Formation of England (Prince et al., 1999), mass abundance of Spiniferites and P. infusorioides is confined in the formation section to the upper Santonian–lower Campanian interval that can be correlated therefore with the P. infusorioides Beds distinguished in Borehole 1P. Considerable 1 See

“Stratigraphy Geol. Correlation,” 16 (3), 2008.

taxonomic changes across the Santonian–Campanian boundary are not recorded, but Prince et al. showed that in the lower Campanian (Offaster pilula Zone) species X. perforatus, S. echinoideum, S.? longifurcatum, R. truncigerum, and S. protrusa disappear upward in the section at the successive levels, which can be used for correlation. Florentinia ferox disappears higher, at the level coinciding with the base of the Gonioteuthis quadrata Zone of belemnite scale. X. perforatus, R. truncigerum, and S. protrusa have not been found in the P. infusorioides Beds, but the last occurrence of S.? longifurcatum and Florentinia ferox is established at the depth of 73.5 m, and we can speak therefore that host deposits correspond in age to the early Campanian. At the same depth, Magallanesium (Spinidinium) cf. macmurdoense and Magallanesium (S.) densispinatum disappear from the genus Spinidinium dominated here by S. echinoideum, the species that continue to occur in overlying deposits, though in insignificant amount. The Chatangiella vnigrii Beds contain assemblage with Gillina hymenophora, Spongodinium delitiense, Xenascus ceratioides, Trithyrodinium cf. striatum, and Canningia spp. This assemblage is most close to the late Campanian assemblages (Kirsch, 1991; Slimani, 2001) (Fig. 1). The comparative analysis also shows that successive changes in dinocyst assemblages described by Lebedeva (2005) in the Upper Cretaceous deposits of the Polar Cis-Urals are close to those established in Borehole 1P. Genera Alterbidinium and Spinidinium are abundant in lower part of the Spinidinium spp.–Isabelidinium spp.–Chatangiella verrucosa Beds of the Khatanga area (subbeds 1) that is characteristic also of the


Stage Substage



P. tubuloaculeatum

D. galeata





E. ? masureae

H. gamospina

A. coronata

S. mayii


G. calcarata


G. elevata

G. ventricosa




Foraminiferal zones, Robaszynski et al., 1984

galeata ? varium


Dinocyst zones and ubzones




A. laevigatus PraebuliO. tenuicostata – mina Inoceramus sp. ind. ussaensis carseaye C. semiplana A. laevigatus Praebulialaeformis – mina laidanensis Picnodonte sp. gracilis A. verus MarginuO. tenuicostata – shatrashalina lnoceramus nensis humiloides alexandrovi (part) (part)

no data

Zones of macro- and microfauna (Marinov et al., 2002)

Lebedeva (2005)

Ch. chetiensis (part)

Spinidinium spp. – Isabelidinium spp. – Ch. verrucosa

Ch. niiga

Dinocyst beds and subbeds



P. infusorioides

Ch. vnigrii

no data

C. diebelii


Dinocyst beds

Borehole 1P (this work)

Fig. 1. Correlation chart for dinocyst beds distinguished in Upper Cretaceous deposits recovered from Borehole 1P; abbreviations: (A.v.) Alterbidinium varium, (C.p.) Cladopyxidium paucireticulatum.

Gonioteuthis quadrata





M. liradis- C.p. coides pseudobtusa A.v.



fastigata cimbrica

B. junior

Dinocyst zones and subzones

Maastrichtian Campanian

Ernst (1964), Schulz (1979), & Christensen (1995, 1999)




Kirsch (1991)

diebelii coronata

middle lower upper middle

Maastrichtian lower

Campanian upper


2008 Santonian

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Silmani (2001)




P. infusorioides Beds according to our data. Subbeds 1 of the Khatanga area are correlated with lower part of the Sphenoceramus patootensiformis Zone of inoceramids spanning the Santonian–Campanian boundary interval and correspond to the terminal Santonian. According to Lebedeva, the first occurrence of Chatangiella vnigrii and Spongodinium delitiense is recorded, along with disappearance of Surculosphaeridinium? longifurcatum, at the presumable base of the lower Campanian in upper part of the Spinidinium spp.–Isabelidinium spp.–Chatangiella verrucosa Beds (subbeds 2) at the level of beds with bivalve assemblage Oxytoma tenuicostata–Inoceramus sp. indet, belemnites Actinocamax laevigatus ussaensis, and foraminifers Praebulimina carseaye. In the Khatanga area, this interval is correlated with upper part of the Sphenoceramus patootensiformis Zone. Lebedeva established the first occurrence of Chatangiella niiga and persistent presence of Palaeoperidinium at the base of overlying beds barren of macro- and microfauna. In her opinion, the beds are of the Campanian age. Our results on dinocysts from Borehole 1P showed coexistence of Chatangiella niiga, Chatangiella vnigrii, Spongodinium delitiense, and Palaeoperidinium in the Chatangiella vnigrii Beds, which can be correlated therefore with the Chatangiella niiga beds of the Polar Cis-Urals. Although the Palaeohystrichophora infusorioides and Chatangiella vnigrii beds cannot be regarded as strictly successive because of insufficiently frequent sampling and some difference in composition of their assemblages, the latter can be attributed in general to one evolutionary stage of dinocysts. The beds under consideration are correlative with the following subdivisions of dinocysts scales: Zone A coupled with Exochosphaeridium? marureae, Hystrichokolpoma gamospina, and Areoligera coronata (lower part) zones in Belgium (Slimani, 2001), the Areoligera coronata Zone lower part in Germany (Kirsch, 1991), the Spinidinium spp.–Isabelidinium spp.–Chatangiella verrucose subbeds 2 and Chatangiella niiga Zone of the Polar Cis-Urals (Lebedeva, 2005). Thus, the Palaeohystrichophora infusorioides and Chatangiella vnigrii beds of Borehole 1P correspond in age to lower part of the late Campanian. O.B. Dmitrenko studied nannoplankton in samples 58–67 from the depth interval of 75–67 m (Fig. 2). Poorly to moderately preserved nannofossils are either rare or low abundant. In samples 64 and 66, they are more abundant and better preserved. Coccolithophorid assemblages from the designated section interval include 3 to 19 species. Most abundant are small coccolithophorids occurring throughout the interval: Prediscosphaera intercisa (Defl.) Shum., P. columnata (Stov.) Perch-Niels., P. cretaceae (Arkh.) Gart., Biscutum constans (Gorka) Black, B. magnum Wind, Zygodiscus ponticulus Defl., Z. nanus Gart., Discorhabdus sp., and smaller Chistozygus forms. Their percentage in assemblages is up to 70–80% (in Sample 65, there are only

three specimens representing 100% of the assemblage). Species of lower abundance are Chistozygus litterarius (Gorka) Manivit, Cribrosphaerella ehrenbergii (Arkh.) Defl., Placozygus sigmoides (Br., Sull.) Romein, Eiffellithus turriseiffeli (Defl., Fert) Rein., Microstaurus chiastus (Worsl.) Grun, Arkhangelskiella specillata Veksh., Aspidolithus parcus (Str.) Noel, Kamptnerius magnificus Defl., Lithastrinus carniolensis Defl., Lucianorhabdus maleformis Rein., and Teichorhabdus ethmos Wind, Wise. They represent the rest of assemblages, while abundance of the other species often occurring as single specimens is less than one percent. These are Ahmuellerelle octoradiata (Gorka) Rein., Micrantolithus belgicus Hay, Towe (Sample 59), Glaukolithus diplogrammus (Defl., Fert) Rein, (Sample 60), Eiffellithus eximius (Stov.) Perch-Niels. (Sample 61), Lucianorhabdus cayeuxi Defl. (Sample 63), Lithastrinus grillii Str., Dianorhabdus rectus Worsl., Ceratolithoides aculeus (Str.) Prins (Sample 64), Calculites ovalis (Str.) Prins, C. obscurus (Defl.) Prins, Sissingh (Sample 66), and Micrantolithus decoratus Defl. (Sample 67). In the last group there are two zonal index species Calculites ovalis and Ceratolithoides aculeus. In zonation suggested by Sissingh (1977) for Europe and Tunisia, synonymous zones (CC19 and CC20, respectively) correspond to the terminal early Campanian. These and three other zones of the upper Campanian correspond to one Biscutum coronum Zone established in high latitudes of the Atlantic and Indian oceans (Wind, 1979; Wind and Wise, 1983). A review of nannofossil zonations and their correlation can be found in work by Perch-Nielsen (1985). In interpretation of Olferíev and Alekseev (2002, 2003), the lower–upper Campanian boundary is in middle part of the CC19 Zone. In Western Europe, the same level corresponds to the lower– middle Campanian boundary (Ogg et al., 2004). Data characterizing distribution of nannofossils and dinocysts in the Palaeohystrichophora infusorioides and Chatangiella vnigrii beds evidence their deposition in the terminal early–early late Campanian, if the stage is divided in two parts (Olferíev and Alekseev, 2002, 2003), or in the terminal early and during the greater part of the middle Campanian, when three substages are distinguished (Ogg et al., 2004; Fig. 3). In deposits attributed to the Lyubavas Formation during field description of core samples from Borehole 1P, we identified the Cerodinium diebelii Beds (depth interval of 60.8–52 m). According to the Maastrichtian zonation in the North Sea (Schiøler and Wilson, 1993), the last occurrence of Isabelidinium cooksaniae is recorded in the Belemnitella junior Zone, and that of Alterbidinium acutulum in upper part of the Belemnella occidentalis Zone. According to Kirsh (1991), stratigraphic range of Alterbidinium varium in the Upper Cretaceous of “Helveticums and Ultrahelveticums” (nappes in southern High Bavaria) corresponds to dinocyst subzones delitiense and varium distinguished in the diebelii Zone and correlative with the falsostuarti


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C. ovalis CC19

C. aculeus CC20

Coccolithoforid zones (Sissingh, 1977; PerchNielsen, 1995)







Sampling depth, m Nannoplankton species

Fig. 2. Distribution ranges of nannoplankton in Borehole 1P.

Occurrence rate of coccoliths

Presen Rare Few Moderate High

P. intercisa P. columnata P. cretaceae Z. ponticulus P. sigmoides E. turriseiffeli A. parcus K. magnificus L. carniolensis M. decoratus B. magnum B. constans Discorhabdus sp., Z. nanus T. phacelosus C. litterarius A. specillata C. ovalis T. obscurus L. maleformis L. grillii C. ehrenbergii D. rectus C. aculeus T. ethmos E. eximius, L. cayeuxi M. chiastus åÂÎÍË Chiastozygus, M. belgicus A. octoradiata


Amount of coccoliths





Anapachydiscus fresvillensis


Nost. hyatti


Gansserina gansseri



Pseudokossmaticeras tercense


Globotrun. calcarata Campanian


Nostoceras hyattii


Didymoceras donezianum

Globotrun. ventricosa


Nannoplankton zones

Belemnella lanceolata

marroti/vari delawarensis

Placenticeras bidorsatum

CC18 (part)

Offasta pilula

Globotrun. CC22 calcarata

Bostrychoceras polyplocum


Hoplitoplacenticeras marroti


Delawarella campaniensis

Globotrun. elevata

Belemnitella langei najdini/ Micraster grimmensis

Globotrun. ventricosa

Globotrun. elevata

Placenticeras bidorsatum


Belemnitella langei langei/ Didymoceras donezianum

Belemnitella langei minor/ Bostrychoceras polyplocum

Hoplitoplacenticeras coesfeldiense/ Belemnellocamax mucronata mucronata

CC20 Chatangiella vingrii

PalaeohystCC19 richophora infusorioides

Belemnellocamax mammilatus



Gonioteuthis quadrata

Globotrun. havanensis


upper Campanian


Belemnitella mucronata



Cerodinium diebelii



Bostruchoceras polyplocum



Belemnella sumensis

Belemnella licharewi/Micraster grimmensis

Globotrun. havanensis




Bel. "minor"


Globotrun. aegyptiaca




Belemnitella junior – Neobelemnella kazimiroviensis

no data Globotrun. aegyptica

Didymoceras cheyennensis

CC24 Gansserina gansseri

Belemnitella "langei"




CC25 b

Pachydiscus epiplectus



Abathom. mayaroensis

Belemnitella langei


B. obtusa B. pseudobtusa B. lanceolata

Racemi. fructicosa



Pachydiscus neubergicus

B. fastigata B. cibrica B. sumensis

Dinocyst beds


B. junior


Local zones and subzones of mollusks and echinoids

Hoploscaphites constrictus Acanthoscaphites tridens


Ammonite zones



Abathom. mayaroensis








Belemnella casimirovensis


Nannoplankton zones

Zones of planktonic foraminifers

Zones of belemnites and other macrofossils

Ammonite zones terminus


Kaliningrad oblast, Borehole 1P (this work)

East European platform, Olfer’ev and Alekseev, 2003


65 65.5±0.3

Paleocene Stage


Danian Substage

Cretaceous Time scale Ogg, Acterberg, Gradstein, 2004

Zones of planktonic foraminifers Nannoplankton zones


Belemnitella mucronata alpha

Belemnitella praecursor mucronatiformis Dicarinella asymetrica CC17

Fig. 3. Correlation of nannoplankton zones and dinocyst beds with zonal scale of Western Europe and East European platform.

and gansseri (lower part) foraminiferal zones. The first occurrence of Cerodinium diebelii is concurrent to appearance of Alterbidinium varium in sections of Ger-

many. The first occurrence of Cerodinium speciosum is recorded in upper part of the diebelii Zone (galeata Subzone) and corresponds to the lower–middle Maas-


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trichtian boundary in the foraminiferal zonation (Robaszynski et al., 1984). Slimani (2001) defined stratigraphic range of Alterbidinium varium within the interval of Membranilarnacia liradiscoides–Deflandrea galeata (subzone “a”) Zone concurrent to the B. lanceolata–B. junior (part) Zone of belemnite scale. The appearance of Cerodinium albertii and last occurrence of Alterbidinium acutulum is recorded in subzone “a” of the Pervosphaeridium tubuloaculeatum Zone, which corresponds to the B. sumensis, B. cimbrica, and B. fastigata zones of belemnites. The appearance of Cerodinium speciosum is known in the Deflandrea galeata Zone (subzone “a”) at the level of middle part of the B. junior Zone. Laciniadinium? aquiloniforme occurring in upper part of the Cerodinium diebelii Beds is described from the Gulpen Formation corresponding to part of the nannoplankton Zone CC25 and B. junior Zone of belemnites in lower part of the upper Maastrichtian (Schiøler et al., 1997). Thus, the data we obtained are ambiguous to some extent. For instance, coexistence of Alterbidinium acutulum and A. varium is typical of the early Maastrichtian, whereas association of Cerodinium speciosum, Cerodinium albertii, and Laciniadinium? aquiloniforme suggests the late Maastrichtian formation time of the beds. Possible reasons could be as follows: (a) redeposition of Alterbidinium acutulum and A. varium into higher horizons that is admissible, because the dinocyst assemblage is confined to sandy deposits; (b) distribution range of the above taxa spans a higher stratigraphic level that should be proved by additional paleontological data; (c) possible influence of paleoecologic factors. The Cerodinium diebelii Beds are correlative with the synonymous dinocyst zone (Kirsh, 1991) and also with the composite interval of the Membranilarnacia liradiscoides, Pervosphaeridium tubuloaculeatum, and Deflandrea galeata (subzone “a”) zones (Slimani, 2001). Consequently, the Cerodinium diebelii Beds correspond in age to the early and earliest late Maastrichtian (Figs. 1, 3). Unfortunately, we had no samples from the depth interval of 67.0–60.8 m, and characterization of this section part remains unknown. Summarizing the results obtained, we arrived at the conclusion that the Lyubavas Formation is missing from section of Borehole 1P. It was distinguished misleadingly based on lithologic similarity with the Maastrichtian deposits. Describing this formation in Lithuania, A.A. Grigyalis wrote: “In southern part of the Kaliningrad region, deposits of the Lyubavas Formation are very close in composition to underlying Maastrichtian rocks of the Upper Cretaceous” (Kaplan et al., 1977, p. 33), excluding therewith the Maastrichtian strata from the formation. In deposits attributed to the Sambia Formation during geological description of Borehole 1P, we distinguished the Alisocysta margarita Beds (depth interval of 51.0–37.6 m). Based on joint occurrence of DeflanSTRATIGRAPHY AND GEOLOGICAL CORRELATION


drea oebisfeldensis, Deflandrea denticulata, Rottnestia borussica, and Alisocysta sp. 2 Heilmann-Clausen, the beds can be correlated with upper parts of the Alisocysta margarita Zone in Western Europe (Powell, 1992), zones 4–5 (Heilmann-Clausen, 1985) and D4 (Costa and Manum, 1988), which are concurrent to the nannoplankton Zone NP8 and Zone–4 of planktonic foraminifers, being of the Thanetian age (Fig. 4). The hiatus between Maastrichtian and Thanetian deposits is lithologically unrecognizable in the section, being confined most likely to the member of lithified (silicified?) sandy aleurites at the depth of 51.25– 51.55 m. Consequently, our data confirm presence of the upper Paleocene (Thanetian) deposits on the west of the Sambian Peninsula (Kaplan et al., 1977; Grigyalis et al., 1988), but their affiliation with the Sambia Formation is a topic of discussion. In general, they are similar to deposits of the Sambia Formation, characteristic of which are clays and aleurites with intercalations of silicified rocks. Based on diatoms found earlier (Kaplan et al., 1977; Grigyalis et al., 1988), the Sambia Formation was attributed to the early Eocene (Ypresian). In Borehole 1P, the early Eocene age is established for the D. oebisfeldensis Beds distinguished in the section part (depth interval of 34.8–32.6 m) attributed by geologists to the Alka Formation. The bed’s assemblage is correlative with dinocysts of the Glaphyrocysta ordinata Zone (Powell, 1992) and zones 7 (Heilmann-Clausen, 1985), D5b (Costa and Manum, 1988), and E1b (Bujak and Mudge, 1994) of Western Europe. The designated units are concurrent to lower part of the nannoplankton Zone NP 10 (Martini, 1971) and Subzone–6b of planktonic foraminifers (Blow, 1969; Berggren, 1972), characterizing basal beds of the Eocene. In the North Sea, the Odin Member in lower part of the Balder Formation has similar paleontological characterization (Mudge and Bujak, 1994). In Russia, the D. oebisfeldensis Beds were established in the Trans-Urals (Vasil’eva, 2000, 2005; Oreshkina et al., 2004) at the level of the Moisseevia (= Coscinodiscus) uralensis/Hemiaulus proteus diatom Zone. Strel’nikova described in detail a section of Paleogene deposits recovered from Borehole 2 in Pionersk area of the Kaliningrad region (Kaplan et al., 1977; Strel’nikova et al., 1978; Strel’nikova, 1992). In her works, she considered first data on diatoms substantiating presence of upper Paleocene deposits and age of the Sambia Formation. The Trinacria ventriculosa and Hemiaulus proteus diatom Zones distinguished in section of Borehole 2 correspond in stratigraphic range to the upper Paleocene and basal Eocene, being correlative to nannoplankton zones NP8–NP10 (part). Taking into account the gentle dip of Paleogene deposits in the Sambian Peninsula and geographic proximity of two sections under consideration, we correlated them as is shown in Fig. 5. As one can see from the figure, silty clays and siliciliths in the depth interval of 43.6–34.9 m (Borehole 2, the Trinacria ventriculosa Zone) are concurrent to the member of fine-grained silty to clayey Vol. 16

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Dinocyst zones (Costa&Manum, 1988)

Dinocyst zones (Powell, 1992)

P17 P16 P15

NP20 NP19


Rpe (part)









Borehole 1P (this work)

Nannoplankton zones (Martini, 1971)

Barto- Priabonian nian


Series upper

Zones of planktonic foraminifers (Bergreen et al., 1995)







Formations after Grigyalis et al. (1988)

Prussian Fm.

Rpo Rdr


Ypresian ThaneDanian Selandian tian

upper lower




P9 P8 P7






P4 P3 P2






D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1

Prussian Fm.

Alka Fm. no data


Areosphaeridium diktyoplokum

Alka Fm. Fm. “Untere Triebsand”




Ch. clathrata angulosa


P10 NP14 NP13


Rh. perforatum


D11 D10

Dinocyst beds

Pla Ccl Dva/Dsi Wme Gor/Was Aau Ahy Ama Ppy Csp Sde Csp Scr Xiu


Sambia Fm.

D. oebisfeldensis

Sambia Fm.

? A. margarita

Lyubavas Fm.


Tru Cco

Fig. 4. Correlation chart for dinocyst beds and zones distinguished in the Paleogene deposits recovered from Borehole 1P.

sands with silicified interlayers, depth interval of 51– 37.6 m in Borehole 1P (Sambia Formation, the A. margarita Beds), whereas clays in the depth interval of 34.9–33.3 m of Borehole 2 (Sambia Formation, the Hemiaulus proteus Zone) are correlative with the member of interlayering sands and clayey aleurites in the depth interval of 34.8–32.6 m in Borehole 1P (lower part of the Alka Formation, the D. oebisfeldensis Beds). We have no samples from the depth interval of 37.6– 34.8 m in Borehole 1P, but judging from lithology, this inadequately sampled section is lacking hiatuses. We failed to establish the Apectodinium hyperacanthum and Apectodinium augustum dinocyst zones, which are included into chart of zonal subdivisions and correlation of Paleogene deposits in Russia (Nikolaeva et al., 2006) and may correspond to the interval that has not been sampled. In general, lithologic composition and paleontological data lead to the following conclusion: in both sections, the late Thanetian–early Eocene deposits belong most likely to the Sambia Formation. Accordingly, we suggest considering the A. margarita and D. oebisfeldensis beds of Borehole 1P as biostratigraphic subdivisions of the late Thanetian–early Eocene Sambia Formation.

As one can judge from lithologic structure, the overlying deposits of the Alka Formation, depth interval 32.0–24.0 m in Borehole 1P, correspond solely to one horizon of the “Untere Triebsand.” Based on the results of palynological analysis, we identified the Areosphaeridium diktyoplokum Beds at this level. According to joint occurrence of Areosphaeridium diktyoplokum and Eatonicysta ursulae, these beds can be correlated with Subzone D9na (Köthe, 1990) concurrent to nannoplankton zones NP12 (upper part)–NP14 (lower part) of the late Ypresian. In Sample 22, however, we found Duosphaeridium nudum and Hystrichosphaeropsis costae. In zonal scale of the Norwegian– North Sea region (Eldrett et al., 2004), limit of their joint occurrence is confined to nannoplankton Zone NP15a and simultaneously to Zone P10 of planktonic foraminifers and magnetic polarity Chron C21n that corresponds to the middle Lutetian. The same middle Lutetian level constrains the joint occurrence of Eatonicysta ursulae and Enneadocysta arcuata (Stover and Williams, 1995). According to Powell and Brinkhuis (Luterbacher et al., 2004), the first occurrence of Enneadocysta arcuata is recorded in the Paleogene zonation of Western Europe at the base of the dinocyst Subzone


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m 0

Borehole 2 (Pionersk) m 13.0

Borehole 1P (Yantarnyi) QIV



Priabonian (Ch. clathrata angulosa)

15 Alka Formation (upper LutetianBartonian)


Bartonian-Priabonian ransition (R. perforatum)

20 no data


25.6 Sambia Formation (lower Eocene) (Hemiaulus proteus)


Lower Lutetian (A. diktyoplokum)


Early Eocene (D. oebisfeldensis)

no data

37.5 Upper Paleocene (Trinacria ventriculosa)

40 Upper Paleocene, Thanetian (A. margarita)

45 48.8

50 Lyubavas Formation (lower-basal upper Paleocene)

Maastrichtian (C. diebelii)

55 60

60.5 Upper Cretaceous (Campanian)

no data


? Campanian (P. infusorioides – Ch. vnigrii)

70 75














Fig. 5. Correlation of sections penetrated by boreholes 1P and 2 (Pionersk): (1) marl; (2) inequigranular sand; (3) interlayering medium-grained silty sand, clay and aleurite; (4) aleurite; (5) fine- to medium-grained sand; (6) fine-grained sand; (7) silicification; (8) clay laminae; (9) aleurite; (10) bioturbation; (11) inclusion of amber; (12) phosphorite nodules; (13) gravel, pebbles.

D9e, i.e., at the level of lower part of Zone NP15. Charlesdowniea species present in the assemblage also evidence against constraining the assemblage age by the late Ypresian only. In addition to transitional character of the above dinocyst assemblage, a comparable situation concerning the oldest foraminiferal assemblage of the Alka Formation has been observed in southern Lithuania. The latter assemblage includes species of the Hantkenina alabamensis Zone, on the one hand, and species of the older Acarinina rotundimarginata and A. bulbrooki STRATIGRAPHY AND GEOLOGICAL CORRELATION

zones, on the other (Grigyalis et al., 1988). According to stratigraphic charts substantiated for the marine Paleogene in southern areas of European Russia (Akhmetíev and Beniamovski, 2003), boundary between the Hantkenina alabamensis and Acarinina rotundimarginata Zones is at the level of middle part of Zone NP15. Kaplan et al. (1977) suggested the Bartonian age for the Alka Formation. Later on, this formation was correlated with the Kiev Formation of western Belarus based on comparable assemblages of benthic foraminifers, dinoflagellates, and shark teeth (Grigyalis et al., 1988). Vol. 16

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Stratigraphic range of the formation was regarded as spanning the Lutetian second half and the entire Bartonian, i.e., as corresponding to zones NP15 (Chiphragmalithus alatus)–NP16 (Discoaster taninodifer) and PI2 (Acarinina rotundimarginata), P13 (Hantkenina alabamensis), and P14 (Globigerina turcmenica). According to aforesaid, age of the Areosphaeridium diktyoplokum Beds corresponding to “Untere Triebsand” of the Alka Formation is constrained by the Lutetian (upper part of NP14 (?)–lower part of NP15), although their upper limit is still problematic, as we had no opportunity to study samples from the depth interval of 24–17,3 m. It is clear, however, that the beds transgressively overlap with a considerable hiatus the underlying deposits. Lithologic transition from the Alka to Prussian Formation is established at the depth of 18.5 m beginning from the basal pebbly horizon (“Wilde Erde”). In section of Borehole 1P, palynological characteristics are studied only in lower part of the Prussian Formation, which is represented only by two facies of “Wilde” and “Blaue Erde,” whereas upper facies of “Triebsand” and “Krant” are eroded. In basal interval of the formation (lower part of “Wilde Erde,” depth interval of 17.3– 15.7 m), we distinguished the Rhombodinium perforatum Beds. Based on their index species, the beds are correlated with lower parts of Zone D12 (Costa and Manum, 1988; Köthe, 1990) and Rhombodinium perforatum Zone (Powell, 1992) of Northwestern Europe, which correspond in whole range to the Priabonian, being simultaneously correlative with nannoplankton zones NP18 (part)–NP21. In the Parisian basin, the first occurrence of Rh. perforatum is recorded in Zone W12 of the late Bartonian (Châteauneuf and Gruas-Cavagnetto, 1978). According to data of Powell and Brinkhuis (Luterbacher et al., 2004) used in the Paleogene zonation of Northwestern Europe, the Rhombodinium perforatum appearance is confined to the base of the dinocyst Subzone D12a (37.2 ± 0.1 Ma) and corresponds to the Priabonian lower boundary. These records are well consistent with the absolute date of 37.7 ± 3.0 Ma obtained for glauconite from the Prussian Formation (Kaplan et al., 1977). Acme of Microdinium reticulatum recorded in the Rhombodinium perforatum Beds has been recognized earlier in sections of the Peri-Tethys northern coast from the Carpathians to Aral region at the boundary level between the middle and upper Eocene (terminal Bartonian–basal Priabonian) (Zaporozhets and Andreeva-Grigorovich, 1998). Thus, the Rhombodinium perforatum Beds in lower part of “Wilde Erde” of the Prussian Formation correspond to the Bartonian–Priabonian transition. Higher part of the Prussian Formation in Borehole 1P, facies “Triebsand” (?) and “Krant”, and lower part of the Palvininkai Formation in coastal outcrops of the Bakalinskii Cape belong to the Charlesdowniea clathrata angulosa Zone. Based on its index species, this

zone is concurrent to Zone W13 established in the Parisian basin (Châteauneuf and Gruas-Cavagnetto 1978), where it is correlated with nannoplankton zones NP18– NP21 (Powell, 1992) of the Priabonian. In the Paleogene zonation of Northwestern Europe, the first occurrence of Thalassiphora fenestrata is designated at the base of the dinocyst Subzone D12b (36.20 ± 01 Ma), which is correlated with zones NP18 (terminal part)– NP20 of the Priabonian (Luterbacher et al., 2004). The Priabonian Charlesdowniea clathrata angulosa Zone was distinguished also on the south of the USSR (Andreeva-Grigorovich, 1991; Zaporozhets, 1993, 1999, 2001), in the southern Trans-Urals (Vasilíeva, 1990) and West Siberia (Yakovleva and Kulkova, 2003). The problem of amber-producing plants is certainly of interest. If we admit that amber is fossil resin of Pinus succinifera, as has been suggested, then its abundance is certainly disproportional to low content of pine pollen in the productive member (“Blaue Erde”) of the Prussian Formation. In areas, where pines are edificators of forest vegetation, their pollen usually represents 90% and more of palynological spectra. It is reasonable to ask, therefore, which Eocene plants of Sambia could be producers of amber in addition to pines? In recent flora there are known more than twenty families of resin-producing plants. Remains of some these plants occur as inclusions in amber (Conwentz, 1886). These are Araucariaceae (copal resin) and Cupressaceae, the genus Tetraclinis inclusive (sandarac resin). Many angiosperms, e.g., Leguminosae, Anacardiaceae, and others, also produce resin. The problem of producers of Baltic amber could be solved by means of comparative infrared spectroscopy of ambers and other organic resins produced by pines and other plants. We share the opinion (Baltakis, 1966; Grigyalis et al., 1988) that the Eocene paleogeography of Sambian Peninsula was controlled by combination of maritime landscapes and a large river valley that crossed the Scandinavian Shield from the north to the south. The river avandelta was situated close northward of the Kaliningrad seacoast, where a narrow strait of that time connected the North Sea basin with marginal seas of the Peri-Tethys and associated lagoons. In the late Bartonian and Priabonian, ambers discharged from avandelta streams accumulated on the bottom of lagoons in reducing environment. This scenario is consistent with a considerable abundance of Hydropteris (aquatic fern) spores in assemblage of palynomorphs from the depth interval of 17.3–13.3 m, which evidence freshwater influx into the basin of sedimentation at the accumulation time of lower amber-bearing sediments of the Prussian Formation. At least one fourth of plant genera occurring in ambers are of subtropical and even tropical affinity (Fundamentals of Paleontology, 1963). Paleobotanical data suggest that climate in Sambia of the late Bartonian–Priabonian time was subtropical, seasonal, and sufficiently humid, with bulk precipitation during winter


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months. It was not different in principle from climate in other mid-latitude regions of West Eurasia. Dominant zonal type of vegetation corresponded to oak-laurel-pine forests with participation of Ericaceae. Palmaceae were components of vegetation in seacoast zone. CONCLUSION Eight biostratigraphic subdivisions are distinguished based on palynological data obtained for the Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene deposits of the Sambian Peninsula. Distribution of dinocysts studied in detail throughout the section is used to verify ages of lithostratigraphic units. The Upper Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary is established inside the monotonous sequence of gray glauconite-quartz sands and aleurolites. The results confirmed presence of the upper Paleocene deposits in the Sambia area. The Sambia Formation corresponds in stratigraphic range to the late Thanetian–early Eocene, “Untere Triebsand” of the Alka Formation is of the Lutetian age, the Prussian Formation and lower part of the Palvininkai Formation span the Bartonian–Priabonian transition and the Priabonian Stage. Two breaks in sedimentation are established. The first one corresponds to greater part of the late Maastrichtian coupled with the lower and partly upper Paleocene. The second hiatus between the Sambia and Alka formations corresponds to the Ypresian Stage. Deposits of the Prussian Formation accumulated in reducing environment that was favorable for the amber preservation. Not only pines, but also other conifers and angiosperm plant could be producers of amber. The results obtained show that lithostratigraphic charts of the Paleogene in the Sambian Peninsula should be revised and verified. Drilling of several boreholes and their geological and paleontological study are necessary for the comprehensive reconstruction of stages in evolution of sea basin in the region of research. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are grateful to N.P. Lukashina and A.D. Krylov (Institute of Oceanology RAS, Atlantic Division, Kaliningrad) who kindly donated samples for this study. Determination of nannofossils from Borehole 1P by O.B. Dmitrenko (Institute of Oceanology RAS, Moscow) is highly appreciated. We also thank M.A. Akhmetíev, V.N. Beniamovski, and A.I. Yakovleva (GIN RAS) for fruitful discussion of our results and manuscript. Advices and comments of reviewers N.K. Lebedeva and V.A. Zakharov were very valuable. The work was supported by the Russian Foundation for basic Research, project 05-05-64910 and grant NSh1615-2003.5. Reviewers N.K. Lebedeva and V.A. Zakharov STRATIGRAPHY AND GEOLOGICAL CORRELATION


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