Flowers, flames and stars 3. Clare. Beddor 4. Jurian's finger bone 5. three 6. Cassian: red; Azriel: blue 7. Rhys's moth
Everything you need to host a publication celebration for the new book from #1 New York Times bestselling author Sarah J. Maas! WORLDOFSARAHJMAAS.COM
CONTENTS Hello, Sarah J. Maas Fans!........................................................................... 3 A Court of Frost and Starlight Invitation Template....................................... 4 A Court of Thorns and Roses Series Pronunciation Guide........................ 5 A Court of Frost and Starlight Party Decorations and Costumes.................. 6 A Court of Frost and Starlight Snacks and Drinks......................................... 7 A Court of Frost and Starlight Games and Activities .................................... 8 Which Court Would You Belong To? Quiz................................................ 9 Which Court Would You Belong To? Key................................................ 12 A Court of Thorns and Roses Series Trivia Quiz...................................... 13 Create Your Own Winter Solstice Story................................................... 14 Invitation Template (printable)................................................................. 16 Colouring Page (printable)........................................................................ 17
© Josh Wasserman
HELLO, SARAH J. MAAS FANS! If you want to celebrate the release of A Court of Frost and Starlight, you’ve come to the right place! We hope this party pack will give you all the inspiration and practical resources you need to plan the ultimate on-sale celebration. Join the #ACOFASparty with Feyre and Rhys and the rest of the Inner Circle at your local bookshop, library, home, or online!
You’ll have to gauge the size and age range of your crowd to determine which of these activities will work best, and feel free to plan them in any order you like. Some activities, such as the snacks and decorations, may require advance preparation. Please feel free to photocopy any and all pages – all the necessary copyrights have been cleared. We would love to see your celebrations in action. Share your photos using #ACOFASparty to keep in touch with all other party revellers on your A Court of Frost and Starlight night!
Tag us online at: @KidsBloomsbury
BloomsburyPublishing BloomsburyYA
A COURT OF FROST AND STARLIGHT INVITATION TEMPL ATE Use this template to invite guests to your A Court of Frost and Starlight celebration. Make sure you send out invitations well ahead of the event. For a printerfriendly version of this template, see page 16. For a downloadable version, visit
A COURT OF THORNS AND ROSES SERIES PRONUNCIATION GUIDE It’s important that you know how to pronounce all the characters and places correctly when hosting your celebration, so we’ve included this guide to help! Feel free to photocopy this page for attendees.
CHARACTERS Alis: Alice Amarantha: Am-a-ran-tha Amren: Am-ren Azriel: Ahz-re-el Cassian: Cas-e-an Elain: Eh-lane Feyre: Fay-ruh Lucien: Loo-shien Morrigan: More-eh-ghan Nesta: Nes-tah Rhysand: Ree-sand (Rhys: Reese) Tamlin: Tam-lin
PLACES Hybern: Hi-burn Prythian: Prith-ee-en
OTHER Attor: At-tor Bogge: Boh-ghi Calanmai: Cal-an-may Naga: Nah-gah Puca: Pu-kah Suriel: Sur-ee-el #ACOFASparty
A COURT OF FROST AND STARLIGHT PARTY DECORATIONS AND COSTUMES Here are some creative ideas to help bring your celebration space to life!
Invite your partygoers to dress like their favourite character from the Court of Thorns and Roses series. See if you can get the entire Inner Circle to show up, and don’t forget to post pictures online and tag them with #ACOFASparty. Make sure your party space has plenty of room for those Illyrian wings! If you’re feeling extra adventurous, host a costume competition. Present every outfit on stage, and determine winners by the loudest audience cheers.
D e co r at i o n s
A Court of Frost and Starlight takes place during the Winter Solstice, so you’ll want to decorate your party with frosty winter themes. Hang paper snowflakes and icicles from the ceiling. Drape garlands and wreaths of fir to welcome people into the space. Don’t let Cassian help decorate. He’s hopeless at it. Light candles and adorn the room with fairy lights for that starlight feel. This is the Night Court, after all! Remember to keep an eye on the candles, or use battery-operated ones.
A COURT OF FROST AND STARLIGHT SNACKS AND DRINKS Serve these snacks and drinks inspired by A Court of Frost and Starlight to your guests.
S n ac k s
birthday cake or cupcakes
The Winter Solstice celebrated in A Court of Frost and Starlight is also Feyre’s birthday, so bake a birthday cake or cupcakes to celebrate. Decorate them with the Night Court crest:
rainbow fruit platter
One of Feyre’s official titles is Defender of the Rainbow and you can celebrate this by creating your very own rainbow fruit platter! Try strawberries, cantaloupe melon, pineapple, green grapes, red grapes, and blueberries. Layer them in an arch on a platter.
Drinks sparkling apple juice
No party is complete without some bubbly to toast Night Court power couple Feyre and Rhys! hot chocolate
To complement your winter-themed party, serve hot chocolate with marshmallows.
A COURT OF FROST AND STARLIGHT GAMES AND ACTIVITIES Get your guests involved in some of these fun activities.
DEFEND-YOUR-SHIP DEBATE How to play: volunteers from the audience get up and debate each other to ‘defend their ship’. They can pick any relationship pairing they want as long as no two are the same. Then they should get up in pairs and debate (to a time limit) why their chosen relationship is the best! Note that the relationship can be a romance OR a friendship. Winners are determined by the loudest audience cheers. With thanks to Emily from Dymocks Sydney for creating this activity!
PAINTING PARTY Inspired by Feyre’s love of painting, host your own painting party as part of your A Court of Frost and Starlight celebration night. Each guest will need a canvas, easel, paintbrushes, paints, a water cup, mixing tray and paper towels. You can offer a reusable pattern and tracing paper, or let your guests freestyle, but make sure you provide a model for everyone to base their portrait on. We suggest using the book cover as a model. As the host, encourage your guests to change the background and the dress colour to make each painting truly unique! If you’re looking for a simpler version of the painting party, print the colouring sheet at the back of the party pack for your guests. Provide markers, crayons and colouring pencils, and let your guests be as creative as they can! See page 17 to print this colouring book page!
WHICH COURT WOULD YOU BELONG TO? QUIZ Ask your guests to take our Court of Thorns and Roses series quiz to find out which court they would belong to! Feel free to photocopy these pages.
1. Pick a personal motto
3. What’s your favourite fairytale?
r a) Embrace the finer things in life.
r a) Rapunzel
r b) Take the bull by the horns.
r b) Bluebeard
r c) Competition is the mother of success.
r c) Rumpelstiltskin
r d) Be as shrewd as a serpent and as innocent as a dove.
r d) Little Red Riding Hood
r e) The early bird catches the worm. r f ) ‘The more that you read, the more things you will know’ – Dr. Seuss. r g) Live by your own rules.
2. How would you most like to spend a weekend? r a) Visiting an art gallery and strolling around a stately home. r b) Soaking up the sun on an island in the Mediterranean. r c) Running a marathon, the same as every weekend. r d) Chilling in a mountain lodge. r e) Going for a walk each morning and then pottering around at home. r f ) Working my way through a pile of books I’ve been dying to read. r g) By day: luxuriating in a sensuous spa. By night: strutting it in an exclusive club.
r e) Hansel and Gretel r f ) Goldilocks and the Three Bears r g) Snow White
4. What’s your favourite kind of party? r a) Refined masked ball r b) Sunset boat party r c) Bonfire gathering r d) Holiday carousing r e) I’m not big on parties, TBH r f ) Picnic in a pasture r g) Cocktail evening with burlesque entertainment
5. Which one of these cute animals makes your heart melt? r a) Lovely little lamb r b) Adorable dolphin calf r c) Furry fox cub r d) Huggable husky r e) Darling deer fawn r f ) Frolicking foal r g) Fluffy feline
6. You have a massive crush on someone. What do you do?
8. Which of these are your least appealing attributes?
r a) Assuming they meet my standards, I’d leave them a love letter.
r a) Snobbery (otherwise known as good taste, IMHO).
r b) Make my feelings known and ask them out. Why the hell not?!
r b) I can be pretty hot-headed – and vulgar.
r c) Check out how suitable a match we’d be before deciding what action to take. r d) Engineer a way to spend time with them. r e) Avoid them like the plague. I blush like crazy so they’d know exactly how I felt, which would be, like, a disaster.
r c) I’m massively competitive and never compromise. r d) I have a secret sly side. r e) Sitting on the fence. r f ) I can be too serious.
r f ) What’s a ‘crush’?
r g) I’m pretty sure everything about me is appealing.
r g) Be myself. I’m a total mistress of seduction and always get who I want.
9. What’s your sweet treat of choice?
7. What does your best friend love most about you?
r a) Rhubarb cake
r a) My trustworthiness r b) My joie de vivre and generosity r c) My sense of honour r d) My sharp wit r e) My radiant personality r f ) My intellect r g) To narrow it down, I’d say my loyalty, charm and stunning good looks
r b) Strawberries and fresh cream r c) Spiced apple pie r d) Black Forest gateau r e) Honey-filled pancakes r f ) Oat cookies r g) Lemon tart with a dark chocolate base
10. Pick an outdoor activity r a) Skinny-dipping in a sparkling lake r b) Deep-sea diving r c) Free-climbing r d) Snowboarding r e) Hillwalking r f ) Meadow meandering r g) Hang-gliding
11. Which of the following would you most love to receive as a gift? r a) Stylish sapphire earrings r b) Precious pearl necklace r c) Bracelet of fire opals r d) Dazzling diamond tiara r e) Radiant rubies r f ) Pretty gold pendant r g) Extravagant onyx choker
14. How would you describe your style? r a) High-class timelessness r b) Bright and bold r c) Sporty r d) Crisp and cool r e) Comfy r f ) Geek chic r g) I dress to impress
12. What’s your favourite smell?
15. Which of the following would be top of your bucket list?
r a) Sweet rose blossom
r a) Visit all the world’s wonders
r b) The sea
r b) Sail the seven seas
r c) Burning wood
r c) Break a world record
r d) Gingerbread latte
r d) Observe the Northern Lights
r e) Freshly brewed coffee
r e) See the sunrise on every continent
r f ) Freshly cut grass
r f ) Write a life-changing novel
r g) Seductive jasmine
r g) Make sure I’m immortalised
13. Which botanical beauty most blows you away? r a) Beautiful bluebells r b) Gorgeous olive groves r c) Magnificent marigolds r d) Simple roses r e) Striking sunflowers r f ) Bright buttercups r g) Towering pine trees
WHICH COURT WOULD YOU BELONG TO? KEY Mostly As You’re a loyal friend with a sweet romantic streak. Your appreciation of the finer things in life would make you feel totally at home in Spring Court. But be careful: your fine tastes and obsession with status can seem shallow. Sometimes the best things in life are free! Mostly Bs You’re a breeze of fresh air. Your passion and joy for life is infectious, your generosity is admirable, and you’re not backwards in coming forward, which makes you a Summer Court-er to the core! But, sometimes, looking before you leap (and thinking before you speak) is definitely for the best. Mostly Cs You’re a super-reliable friend and doggedly determined – an ideal inhabitant of Autumn Court. While your dedication means you always get things done to a high standard, you might need to curb your competitiveness, as it can make you appear, well, a bit cold. There’s more to life than coming first, you know. Mostly Ds There’s something charmingly understated about you, inside and out. You’re thoughtful, composed, calm and graceful, but keep a sharp eye on the icy shrewdness that runs through your veins, you wily Winter Court dweller! Mostly Es There’s a ravishing radiance about you. But while you light up the lives of everyone you meet like a dazzling Dawn Court sunrise, you’re often reluctant to bask in the glow of your own brilliance. It’s all right to blow your own trumpet from time to time, and don’t be so afraid of adventure. Mostly Fs You’re a book-loving brainiac who thinks innovatively and loves to learn, which makes Day Court your ideal home. Although your love of learning is praiseworthy and you put your knowledge to great use, don’t neglect your emotional and physical needs and, most importantly, remember to make time for your friends. Mostly Gs Out-of-this-world attractive and utterly audacious, Night Court is your darkly decadent domain. Admirers are drawn to you like moths to a flame. Rather than burning devotees with your vanity and arrogance, why not work on the nurturing part of your nature? Inside your selfserving, super-siren exterior, there’s a deeply caring soul just yearning to get out. #ACOFASparty
A COURT OF THORNS AND ROSES SERIES TRIVIA QUIZ 1. Name the seven Courts in the Court of Thorns and Roses series. (1 point) _______________________________________________________________________________ 2. What three things does Feyre paint on the dresser in her father’s home? (3 points) _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. What is the name Feyre gives to Rhys in A Court of Thorns and Roses instead of her own? (1 point) __________________________________________________________________________________ 4. What does Amarantha wear around her neck? (1 point) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. In the beginning of A Court of Mist and Fury, how many months does Feyre spend in the Spring Court before Rhys calls in his bargain? (1 point) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6. What colours are Cassian and Azriel’s Siphons? (2 points) Cassian: ________________________ Azriel: ________________________ 7. What does Feyre take from the Weaver’s hut in A Court of Mist and Fury? (1 point) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 8. In A Court of Wings and Ruin, what does Feyre see in the Ouroboros mirror? (1 point) _______________________________________________________________________________ 9. Who is Lucien’s father? (1 point) ______________________________________________________________________ 10. In A Court of Wings and Ruin, who says, ‘Only you can decide what breaks you, Cursebreaker ...Only you.’? (1 point) _____________________________________________________________________ 1. Night, Day, Dawn, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter 2. Flowers, flames and stars 3. Clare Beddor 4. Jurian’s finger bone 5. three 6. Cassian: red; Azriel: blue 7. Rhys’s mother’s ring 8. Herself 9. Helion 10. The Suriel
CREATE YOUR OWN WINTER SOLSTICE STORY Have some fun by creating your own personalised story with this excerpt from A Court of Frost and Starlight! adjective ending in ‘est’_________________________ name__________________________________________ food__________________________________________ noun__________________________________________ season________________________________________ name__________________________________________ food__________________________________________ occupation____________________________________ adjective______________________________________ noun__________________________________________ verb ending in ‘ing’_____________________________ adjective______________________________________ noun__________________________________________
CREATE YOUR OWN WINTER SOLSTICE STORY Have some fun by creating your own personalised story with this excerpt from A Court of Frost and Starlight! Feel free to photocopy these pages for your guests. You could also ask them to read their stories to the party.
But for now: Solstice. The ____________ night of the year. I (ADJECTIVE ENDING IN “EST”)
turned from the window to ____________, who was still fussing (NAME)
over the edges of her ____________. “It’s a special ____________ (FOOD)
here as well, right?” I asked casually. “Not just in Winter and Day.” And ____________. (SEASON)
“Oh, yes,” __________ said, stooping over the worktable to examine (NAME)
her ____________. Skilled ___________—trained by Azriel himself– (FOOD)
and master cook. “We love it dearly. It’s ____________, warm, lovely. (ADJECTIVE)
Presents and __________ and food, sometimes ______________ (NOUN)
under the starlight . . .” The opposite of the __________, wild, days(ADJECTIVE)
long party I’d been subjected to last year. But—presents.
I had to buy ____________ for all of them. Not had to, but (NOUN)
wanted to. #ACOFASparty
Art by Charlie Bowater #ACOFASparty