Pasaporte - Summer 2009 - Baker & Taylor

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8 El lector/ The Reader. Schlink, Bernhard/ Contreras,. Joan Parra (TRN). Random. House. Español. 9780307473103 Paper $13.95. 9 Querido John/ Dear John.
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La leyenda del jinete sin cabeza (The Legend of Sleepy Hollow) Irving, Washington / Smith, Tod (ILT) Stone Arch Books Reinforced Binding, $25.32 9781434216885

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Pasaporte Archive Spring 2009 Winter 2009 Fall 2008 Summer 2008

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Pasaporte - your passport to Spanish books, music and DVDs from around the globe. Travel the world without leaving your seat! BAKER & TAYLOR ESPAÑOL UPDATE Published between issues of Baker & Taylor’s more extensive Español catalog, Pasaporte brings you updated lists of best-sellers, and reviews of books, CDs and DVDs, along with relevant news of Spanish language publishing and Baker & Taylor Español updates. Pasaporte was conceived and created to support your collection development efforts. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. Baker & Taylor’s Programa Puente Continues to Expand Through a New Distribution Agreement with Planeta Mexico. Effective immediately, Baker & Taylor and Planeta Mexico are teaming up to offer US readers a selection of Mexican titles published by the largest Spanish language publisher in the world. Planeta’s string of award winners and best sellers are sure to be of interest to the largely Mexican U.S. immigrant population and a welcome offering to the school, academic, and library markets. This latest distribution agreement represents a great addition to an already strong Programa Puente that also includes titles from other large Spanish language publishers such as Santillana México, Random House Mondadori and Océano, as well as some of Mexico’s most important independent publishers. For more information on Baker & Taylor’s Programa Puente, click here.  Baker & Taylor to Distribute Titles by Mexico’s Editorial Almadía Oaxaca-based Editorial Almadía represents another excellent addition to Programa Puente’s growing list of independent publishers. Founded in 2005, Almadía has become one of México’s fastest growing quality publishers in just four short years. Specializing in publishing new Mexican voices and creating beautiful, affordable books has really paid off for this independent publisher, whose catalogue includes a variety of genres such as fiction, poetry, short story, essay and children’s books, award-winning and respected authors, such as Juan Villoro, Margo Glantz, Francisco Hinojosa and Julio Scherer, and a number of translations. For more information on Baker & Taylor’s Programa Puente, click here.  Baker & Taylor Employee Profile: Nelson Roman Nelson is one of Baker & Taylor’s newest Divisional Merchandise Directors; he joined the company in May. Prior to working for Baker & Taylor, he was the Director of Instructional Materials for the New York City Department of Education, where he was instrumental in streamlining the process of book purchasing by the largest K-12 school system in the country. He has held many senior management positions over the course of his 20 years in the Office Products industry, and holds a Certified Purchasing Manager (CPM) certification from the Institute of Supply Management. One of his favorite books by a Latino author is The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, by Junot Díaz.

Nelson says: My primary responsibility at Baker & Taylor is ensuring that we work with publishers that can provide us with titles and rich content to support the needs of our customers in the markets that we serve: public, academic and school libraries, retailers, and online. In relation to public libraries, that means that we look to work with publishers whose materials not only circulate well, but can also provide expanded rich content to support the librarians’ search, discoverability, and decision-making process. To find out more about how our various programs can help with your title selection,

please drop me a line at [email protected]. LIBRARIAN'S CORNER For the Summer 2009 issue, Pasaporte talked to… Kathleen Sullivan Kathleen Sullivan is currently celebrating 40 years of working in public libraries. Her career began when she was a page and clerk at the Burbank Public Library. She later graduated with an MLS from the University of Southern California. Kathleen’s many posts include Collection Development Specialist/Reference Librarian at the Ventura County Libraries; Head of the Reference and Collection Development Departments at the Thousand Oaks Library; and presently, Collection Development Coordinator for the Phoenix Public Libraries in Arizona.  Kathleen’s professional interests include collection management, developing effective vendor relationships, and intellectual freedom.  She has conducted numerous workshops on genre fiction, reference interviewing, and developing collection plans and weeding programs. The Phoenix Public Library has had decentralized selection of materials for five years and currently has a collection development staff of 2.75 FTE.  As Collection Development Coordinator, Kathleen’s primary responsibilities are to develop staff methods for effective and efficient collection analysis, and to establish strong working partnerships with vendors. Kathleen says: As a non-Spanish speaking Librarian, I know the value of having Spanish speaking staff and vendors assist with Spanish collection development.  At Phoenix, our Spanish speaking staff is primarily on the front lines helping our many Spanishspeaking patrons. They teach computer classes, arrange ESL training sessions, answer reference and circulation questions, and go out into the community to make sure that the Spanish speaking residents of the city are aware of the services and resources the library can provide for their families.  The staff is in constant communication with our patrons and spends part of their non-desk time weeding and analyzing the use of our collection, since we feel that it is critical to keep it up to date. My job is to coordinate collection weeding and analysis, and to take those findings to our vendors, pointing out the library’s needs and soliciting their help to locate the appropriate materials.  Budget restraints have kept us from sending staff to the various Spanish book fairs, so now, more than ever, we count on our relationships with vendors to ensure that our patrons obtain the newest and best materials possible. There is a great demand for Spanish language DVDs and music, and we have found Internet Movie Database ( and All Music Guide ( to be invaluable resources to help us choose the best films, documentaries, telenovelas, and music.  In addition, our vendors are not only able to provide a wide range of materials, but also point to resources that offer reviews of the products they carry. We have also worked with vendors to make sure that their catalogs provide product descriptions in English to assist non-Spanishspeaking staff with the selection process, and count on our vendors’ relationships with publishers to let them know what kind of materials (and at what level) we need for our library.  Over the years, we have seen input from U.S. libraries and vendors make a difference in the quality and variety of the materials available in Spanish.  As we learn to make shrinking dollars stretch, we make hard decisions about what we can and cannot afford. Our collection analysis efforts and our receptivity to the needs and wants of our Spanish language patrons are paying high dividends, and our strong vendor relationships help us turn our available dollars into dynamic collections for our patrons.  For more information on our library’s Spanish language programs and services, visit If you would like to discuss any of the above topics, I can be reached at [email protected].


Oink, oink, Benito (Oink, Oink, Benny)

Una bruja horriblemente guapa (A Horribly Beautiful Witch)

El maravilloso viaje de Xía Tenzin (Xía Tenzin’s Marvelous Trip)

Tijuana Dream

La Luna Roja (Red Moon)


What is Océano? Océano is a Barcelona-based publishing company with a 50-year history, and when taking corporate acquisitions into account, a combined experience in the business spanning over 100 years. We have offices throughout every Spanish speaking country in Latin America, Brazil, and the US. This network of offices and distribution centers makes our company one of the most established ones in this market. The company’s core business and roots are reference materials for all segments of the population (students, professionals, and general consumers). About 15 years ago, the company launched a trade book division to publish new content and distribute other important publishers (we distribute the Harry Potter books exclusively throughout Latin America, for example). The success of that endeavor motivated Océano to expand its trade division, both through proprietary content (available through the Travesía line of books), and through new distribution agreements (such as the one we have with Thomas Nelson that covers Spain and Latin America). In 2002, the Digital/On-Line Division (Océano Digital) was created to bring content to Internet users. Public, academic, school, and special libraries have greatly benefited from this latest venture. How do you select the books you publish? Editorial committees in Barcelona and Mexico City are responsible for selecting projects after extensive analysis and market trends studies.   What makes Océano different from other publishers? Its wide distribution network and its ability to create content for specific markets/countries and serve them individually, instead of viewing all Spanish-speaking countries as one homogenous market. Also, the company’s motto is, “Todos los libros, todos los soportes” (loosely translated: “all books in all formats”). This means that Océano publishes both in traditional paper format, and electronic format via the Web and digital media (CDs and DVDs). Could you please tell us a little bit about the types of books Océano publishes? We publish books for children, young adults, and adults. For children, we publish fiction, encyclopedias, and dictionaries. We offer books from the same categories for young adults, as well as academic materials in the sciences and mathematics. For adults, we offer fiction, non-fiction, and professional materials for a variety of fields such as management, health professions, cooking, psychology, beauty, and many others. Our materials are available through our trade book (División de Librerías), reference (Grandes Obras), and digital divisions (Océano Digital), depending on the markets they serve best. What can we expect from Océano in the future? Innovation. Our company has implemented today’s technologies to distribute appropriate content in a variety of formats, and by doing so, has become a leader in the distribution of great works in Spanish.  We expect that same type of innovation and leadership to move us into the future.

© 2009 Baker & Taylor, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Baker & Taylor Inc. is a wholesale distributor of books, movies, music and games located at 2550 West Tyvola Road, Charlotte, NC 28217.


Top Ten Titles The “Top 10” section of the newsletter reflects Baker Taylor’s Spanish materials sales in the past three months, and provides readers with collection development insight, by listing what public libraries around the country are collectively purchasing in the areas of Spanish adult and children’s and teens fiction and nonfiction, as well as music and DVDs. The best–selling titles are ranked with the most popular as #1.  



Supplier ISBN/UPC

Format List

---Adult Fiction


Nocturna/The Strain

Del Toro, Guillermo/ Hogan, Chuck/ Ochoa, Santiago (TRN) Young, William Paul/ Jacobsen,


9780061787171 Paper $17.99


La cabaña/The Shack


Diecinueve minutos / Nineteen Minutes

4 5

Ángeles y demonios/ Angels & Demons Rumbo al hermoso norte/ Into the Beautiful North

Wayne (COL)/ Cummings, Brad (COL) Picoult, Jodi

Windblown Media

9781935170006 Paper $14.99

Atria Books

9781439109250 Paper $15.00

Brown, Dan/ Murillo, Eduardo G. Urano (TRN)

9788492516513 Paper $14.95

Urrea, Luis Alberto/ Urrea, Enrique Hubbard (TRN)

9780316054867 Paper $14.99

Back Bay Books


El fuego/ Fire

Neville, Katherine/ Anuvela (TRN)


La caza/ The Hunt

Cussler, Clive/ Puig, Fernando Gari (TRN)


El lector/ The Reader

Schlink, Bernhard/ Contreras, Joan Parra (TRN)


Querido John/ Dear John

Sparks, Nicholas/ Rabascall, Iolanda (TRN)


Demasiados héroes/ Too Restrepo, Laura Many Heroes



Random House Español Random House Español Random House Español Roca Editorial

9780307392701 Paper $19.95

9780307392633 Paper $18.95

9780307473103 Paper $13.95 9788492429769 Cloth $24.95

Santillana USA




9781603966429 Paper $21.99  

---Adult Nonfiction

1 2 3 4

El sabor de la salud/The Flavors of Health

Fittante, Ann Rodale

9781605299457 Paper $21.95

La reina del Pacífico/ The Queen of the Pacific

Random Scherer, Julio House García Español

9780307392541 Paper $16.95

¿Qué hay detrás de tu nombre?/ What's the Iam, Mabel Rayo Meaning Behind Your Name? Guía de ciudadanía / naturalización en Not Available Learning USA/Guide to U.S. (NA) Express Llc Citizenship/Naturalization

9780061568503 Paper $14.95 9781576856178 Paper $9.95


Quinceañeras/Sweet Fifteen

López, Adriana


9780061470752 Paper $14.95


Qué comer/ What To Eat

Fossas, Francesc

Océano Ámbar

9788475565309 Paper $26.00


El pez que vivía fuera del agua/ The Fish that Was Out of Water

Puigferrat, Jaume

Oceano de México

9789707774582 Paper $21.75


Vamos a recuperar muebles/ Let’s Restore Manuel, Furniture Virginie

Océano Ámbar

9788475564982 Paper $44.95


Cómo lidiar con los ex/How to Deal with Your Ex

Collins, Maria Rayo Antonieta

9780061724923 Paper $14.99


El encanto de las velas/ The Charm of Candles

Álvarez, Cristina

9788475564920 Cloth $22.90




Océano Ámbar  



---Childrens Fiction

The Storyteller's Candle / La velita de los cuentos (Bilingual) A Perfect Season for Dreaming / Un tiempo perfecto para soñar (Bilingual)

González, Lucía/ Delacre, Lulu (ILT)

Childrens Book Press

Sáenz, Benjamin Alire/ Morales, Esau (ILT)



Meyer, Stephenie

Cinco Puntos Press Santillana USA


Un sillón para siempre / A Chair for Always


Estrellita en la ciudad grande/ Estrellita in the Big City (Bilingual)

Williams, Vera B./ Valenzuela, Liliana (TRN) Caraballo, Samuel/ Torrecilla, Pablo (ILT)


Amanecer/ Breaking Dawn


1 2

9780892392223 Reinforced $16.95 9781933693019 Cloth


9781603960229 Paper



9780061722837 Cloth


Piñata Books

9781558854987 Cloth


Meyer, Stephenie

Santillana USA

9786071100337 Paper


Demasiados juguetes/ Too Many Toys

Shannon, David


9780545079181 Reinforced $16.99


Crepúsculo/ Twilight

Meyer, Stephenie

Santillana USA

9789707709942 Paper



El gran día de Lily/ Lilly's Big Day


9780061363160 Cloth


Groundwood 9780888997173 Cloth Books


Henkes, Kevin/ Posada, María Candelaria (TRN) Mora, Pat/ Carling, Amelia Lau (ILT)

10 Abuelos/ Grandparents  






---Childrens Nonfiction



Sopa de frijoles / Bean Soup (Bilingual)

Argueta, Jorge/ Yockteng, Rafael (ILT)

Brown, Monica/ Pelé, King of Soccer / Pelé, El rey Gutiérrez, Rudy (ILT)/ del fútbol (Bilingual) Gayesky, Fernando

Groundwood 9780888998811 Cloth $18.95 Books Rayo

9780061227790 Cloth $17.99

(TRN) Baranda, María/ Sada, Margarita (ILT)


Arrullo/ Lullaby


Tiburones/ Sharks

McMillan, Beverly/ Musick, John A.


Insectos y arañas/ Insects and Spiders

Tait, Noel/ Mclaine, Lachlan (EDT)


Inventos/ Inventions

Murphy, Glenn


Abecedarios/ Alphabets (Bilingual)


Selva tropical/ Rain Forests


Crepúsculo: El libro oficial de la película/ / Twilight: The Complete Illustrated Movie Companion

Vaz, Mark Cotta

Santillana USA

9788420421964 Paper $19.99


Con la música en las manos/ With Music in Your Hands

Zapata, Soledad Fernández/ Sagredo, Jose Luis (COL)

Ediciones Castillo

9789702010104 Paper $10.95



El Naranjo Silver Dolphin en español Silver Dolphin en español Silver Dolphin en español

Weill, Cynthia/ Cinco Basseches, K. B. (PHT)/ Puntos Jiménez, Armando Press (ILT) Silver Vogt, Richard C. (EDT) Dolphin en español



9789685389723 Cloth $17.95 9786074040036 Cloth $16.95

9786074040029 Cloth $16.95

9786074040005 Cloth $16.95

9781933693132 Cloth $14.95

9786074040012 Cloth $16.95



--Latin Music

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The Last Gran City Pop La Revolución El Patrón Yo no canto Almas gemelas iDon Para siempre Palabras del silencio No molestar



Aventura Paulina Rubio Wisin y Yandel Tito "El Bambino" Espinoza Paz El Trono de México Don Omar Vicente Fernández Luis Fonsi Marco Antonio Solís

Premium Latin / Sony Norte Universal Music Latino Machete Music Universal Music Latino Disa Records Fonovisa Records Machete Music Sony BMG Norte Universal Music Latino Fonovisa



171012080028 602527048659 602527061696 827865388322 890573025124 602517887107 602527030241 886971460223 602517737402 808835374828



$14.98 $11.98 $11.98 $13.98 $11.98 $11.98 $11.98 $15.98 $18.98 $13.98


--Spanish Language DVD


Elsa & Fred


Por ti


Victoria Like Water for Chocolate

  4   5   6   7   8   9

Alexandre,Manuel Navarre Corp. Vale,Leonardo Navarre Corp. García Peniche,Arturo Lions Gate Leonardi,Marco

Timecrimes Yo pecador Sabores Breakfast chronicle Supervivientes de los andes

  10 Homework/La tarea


Elejalde,Karra Soler,Andrés Baras,Sara Cann,Benjamin Stiglitz,Hugo Rojo,María

00787364807598 DVD $14.98 00000799805626 DVD $19.98

Buena Vista Home Entertaiment Magnolia Pictures New Form, Inc. Umgd - Fontana Facets Video

00717951002730 DVD $9.99 00876964001557 00735978230639 00602517740167 00736899122225

Urban Vision Entertainment Vanguard Cinema



00876122001610 DVD $19.98



$26.98 $9.99 $19.98 $29.95

00638652110800 DVD $9.95 00658769204032 DVD $19.95




Feature Titles La leyenda del jinete sin cabeza (The Legend of Sleepy Hollow) by Irving, Washington / Smith, Tod (ILT) Stone Arch Books Reinforced Binding, $25.32 9781434216885 (ISBN 10: 1434216888) Audience: Grades 7-9, Ages 12-14 A headless horseman haunts Sleepy Hollow! At least that’s the legend in the tiny village of Tarrytown. But scary stories won’t stop the town’s new schoolmaster, Ichabod Crane, from crossing the hollow, especially when the beautiful Katrina lives on the other side.



      Material Reviews Oink, oink, Benito (Oink, Oink, Benny) by Barbro Lindgren/Olof Landström (ILT)

Ediciones Castillo Paperback, $9.95 9789702013020 (ISBN 10: 970201302X) Audience: Kindergarten, Ages 5-6






Translated from the original Swedish, this is a continuation of the popular Benito series, in which Benito is the oldest brother in a family of pigs.  Here, readers will find Benito taking care of his younger brother, and the two getting very dirty when they go to a muddy pond to play. A sweet, delightfully illustrated story of friendship and brotherly love that is highly recommended for schools and libraries. ~ Larry Bennett, Vice President, Digital Print Media and World Language Materials back    Una bruja horriblemente guapa (A Horribly Beautiful Witch) by Christophe Miraucourt/Schlossberg, Elisabeth (ILT) Editorial Luis Vives (Edelvives) Paperback, $10.95 9788426348364   (ISBN 10: 842634836X) Audience: Grades 2-3, Ages 7-8 Translated from the original French, this is the funny, engaging story of a young witch who was born with the severe handicap of being “horribly pretty.”  A wonderful message about honesty, love, and the importance of inner beauty will increase the story’s appeal to caretakers and educators. This early reader chapter book is filled with simple but enchanting color illustrations that will enhance a beginning reader’s experience, and is highly recommended for schools and libraries. ~ Larry Bennett, Vice President, Digital Print Media and World Language Materials back    El maravilloso viaje de Xía Tenzin (Xía Tenzin’s Marvelous Trip) by Patxi Zubizarreta Editorial Luis Vives (Edelvives) Paperback, $11.95 9788426371768 (ISBN 10: 8426371760) Audience: Grades 3-4, Ages 8-9 Xía Tenzin’s journey is a marvelous one indeed in this 2009 Ala Delta Award winner. From the mountains of Tibet, the protagonist embarks on a journey to search for his father and see the ocean for the first time. The five thousand mile walk is an arduous one, but replete with learning experiences. Along Xía’s path, different peoples and their ancient customs, breathtaking views of the land, and unexpected dangers, all join together to draw a splendid picture of life in China. In the end, Xía will know that it is time to return home once he finds himself. ~ Queta Fernandez, Manager, National Accounts, Special Collections back    Tijuana Dream by Luna, Juan Hernández Ediciones B México Paperback, $18.95 9789707103658 (ISBN 10: 9707103655) The Tijuana portrayed in the pages of this detective novel by an award-winning author is certainly not a “dream.”  Instead, it is a dusty, aggressive, violent city, full of obscure hideouts to serve the many outlaws who inhabit it. It is there that we find Antonio Zepeda, a life insurance salesman who roams its bars and mean streets nightly in an attempt to forget a bad divorce that has left him confused and without any lasting belief in love. As if this weren’t enough, events take an even more interesting turn when Zepeda suddenly becomes entangled in the sordid and dangerous world of drug trafficking. The characters who parade through this action and suspense filled novel are a testament to the author's fertile imagination; through it all, they appear to readers as real as the warm mist that envelops Tijuana on stormy nights. ~ Laura Bejarano, Spanish Language Sales Specialist back    La Luna Roja (Red Moon) by Luis Leante Alfaguara Paperback, $19.99 9786071101822 (ISBN 10: 6071101824) The most recent novel by the author of Mira si yo te querré (See How Much I Love You), which won the Alfaguara Prize in 2007, begins with the introduction of Rene Kuhnheim, a translator of the works of the Turkish author Emin Kamal. Kuhnheim meets a mysterious woman who is quick to offer harsh criticism of his work on the renowned Turkish poet, and shortly after, Emin Kamal is found dead under extremely strange circumstances. The novel then takes goes off in a striking direction that offers a sequence of exciting clues to help solve the mystery of the author’s death. The reader is taken on a journey into the author and his translator’s pasts that constitutes a re-creation of the sentimental education of two writers living in the same city (Istanbul) during different times. The story’s twists and turns serve to unravel the mystery of Kermal's untimely death, as they help Kuhnhein to come to terms with his own past. A magnificently told story that adroitly combines fiction and reality, and as it does, reflects on its own creation. Highly recommended. ~ Laura Bejarano, Spanish Language Sales Specialist back