PBN projects

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Feb 26, 2013 ... [RUNNING INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS] Pannon Business Network. PBN | International cooperation for success [email protected].

MITKE - Managing the Industrial Territories in the Knowledge Era Programme INTERREG IVC Duration 01.11.2008 – 31.10.2011 Objectives MITKE focuses on providing a platform and mechanism for collection, exchange and transfer of experiences and views among the partner regions in order to find and test better solutions and tools for intervention and thus contribute to an improved management of Business Areas and Industrial Parks (BAIPs) across Europe. Website www.mitke.eu On WIKI http://mitke-wiki.wikispaces.com/ Project manager Ms Regina Pethő

I3SME - Introducing innovation Inside SMEs Programme CENTRAL EUROPE Duration 01.10.2008 - 31.03.2011 Objectives The elaboration and application of a comparative benchmarking analysis system for SMEs which enables the development in innovation through the promotion and adaptation of the best sectorial and regional examples. Website http://www.i3sme.eu Project manager Ms Andrea Kurucz

B2B LOCO - Logistics cooperation along the North-South transport corridor. Programme FP7 Duration 01.09.2009 – 31.08.2011 Objectives B2B Loco will provide SME community with two international conferences, two practical workshops and three brokerage events, supplemented with permanent communication mechanisms (ww. newsletters, alumni networks). As a result of B2BLoco activities, SMEs will benefit from advanced solutions developed by FP consortia, experiences of successful SMERTD-Academia cooperation cases which are laudable and should be copied. In addition to this project will support processes of forming partnerships for future Framework Programmes. Moreover, new information channels which will be created during the project will support transfer of essential information on transport and logistics. http://www.b2bloco.eu/ Website Project manager Ms Delinke Bejczy

PBN | International cooperation for success [email protected]

CENTRIS centrope_tt - Tools for Transnational Innovation Support in Centrope Programme CENTRAL EUROPE Duration 01.01.2009 – 30.09.2012 Objectives Through the distribution of transnational Innovation vouchers the assistance by the cooperation of SMEs and R&D institutions active in the CENTROPE region. Website http://www.centrope-tt.info/ http://www.xing.com/net/CTT On XING Project manager Ms Andrea Kurucz

CASTLE - Cooperation Among SMEs Toward Logistic Excellence Programme INTERREG IVC Duration 01.11.2008 – 31.10.2011 Objectives CASTLE was born to answer regional needs to improve SMEs logistics policies. It relies on a solid past cooperation among ten partners in Italy, Poland, Greece, Slovenia, Spain, Germany, Hungary & Austria. CASTLE creates an operational matrix of best practices & experiences exchange for the development of SMEs logistics public policies which can shorten the divide between transport & logistics effectiveness vs. environmental protection & energy saving (win-win policy making in a regional merging of the Lisbon and Gothenburg agendas). CASTLE improves policy making through the surveying, analysis, exchange & transfer of best practices, the creation of a new regional policy tool usable by policy makers and joint partners policy making exercises (EU CASTLE Forum). These activities are also triggered on a bottom-up approach in terms of logistics governance consolidation, thanks to the set up of Regional Forums on Logistics which bring SMEs logistics needs to policy makers on the base of the triple-helix principle. Website www.castle-project.eu Project manager Ms Regina Pethő

WATERMODE - Transnational Network for the Promotion of the Water-Ground Multimodal Transport Programme SOUTH EAST EUROPE Duration 12.03.2009 – 30.09.2011 Objectives The project objective is to promote the coordination between actors dealing with logistics for a better management of the transport policies and an efficient implementation of the multimodal logistics cooperation, especially exploiting the ground/water connections. The project will therefore highlight the potentials of the waterways crossing the area, contributing to the full integration of the maritime and river transport in the logistics chain. Website http://www.watermode.eu/ Project manager Ms Delinke Bejczy


TEX-EASTile - Ecological labels possible advantages for domestic enterprises. Programme SOUTH EAST EUROPE Duration 12.03.2009 – 11.03.2012 Objective To spread and boost knowledge and application of environmental certification to products and processes in home textile and work wear within SEE area. Assuming that eco-design labels are synonym of high technical products and improved company culture, the project wants to contribute to the reinforcement of the competitive positioning of textile enterprises. Website http://www.texeastile.eu/ Project manager Ms Delinke Bejczy and Ms Szilvia Bauer

ESPAN – Renewable Energies in the interest of companies’ cost-efficiency Programme AT-HU 2007-2013 Duration 01.01.2009 – 31.12.2012 Objectives: To create bilateral and interregional cooperation for AT and HU regions in regional, communal and SME level, for the sustainable use and development of energy. Besides climate protection we pay attention to put the extant legal and regional sources to use for regional value creation. To involve local development bodies, research, the economy institutes to create new interregional business places, to contribute to creation or the maintenance of workplaces in energy sectors. http://www.espan.hu/ Website Project manager Ms Beáta Szij

IRIS – Interregional Innovation System Programme AT-HU 2007-2013 Duration 01.09.2009 – 31.08.2012 Objectives: We address the project to participants of regional innovation system inside of project frame: focus on SMEs, clusters and networks, chambers of commerce, economic and industry, innovation and development agencies, service centres, training institutes, universities, thinktank centres, governmental bodies and financial actors. Project manager Ms Delinke Bejczy

CITT - Centrope ICT Technology Transfer Programme FP7 Duration 01.01.2008 – 31.12.2009 Objectives CITT will outline a strategy for a cross-border ICT network for information and communication technologies in the Centrope region and to support this strategy with best practice examples Website http://www.centrope-itt.eu/ Project manager Mr. Róbert Németh PBN | International cooperation for success [email protected]

C-PLUS – Implementing world-class clusters in the CENTROPE region Programme CENTRAL EUROPE Duration 03.2010 – 02.2013 Objectives To measure the innovation potential of SMEs acting as members of a cluster through the comparative benchmarking analysis and by sharing and adapt the best practices. To elaborate regional action plans for the increase of innovation level and on base of these to develop a Website Project manager

Transnational Action Plan, to realize pilot actions by focusing on the problem zones. Under construction Ms Andrea Kurucz

REZIPE – Renewable Energies for Zero Emission Transport in Europe Programme CENTRAL EUROPE Duration 04.2010 – 03.2013 Objectives To create a momentum for zero emission vehicles fed by renewable energy, validate policy tools, test innovative approaches for public vehicles or joint Public-Private-Partnership in six local pilot implementations; produce a toolbox and template for follower cities. Website Under construction Project manager Ms Beáta Szíj

CHAMPIONS – Improvement of CE regions' accessibility through air transport interconnectivity Programme CENTRAL EUROPE Duration 03.2010 – 02.2013 Objectives Identify and implement existing travel demand by setting up new flight connections; analyse strengths and weaknesses of passenger information services (PTS) in airports, train stations or other prominent places in order to improve the interconnectivity between air and public transport; implement pilot investment; improve the accessibility between airports and regions resp. cities through innovative bus concepts/systems Under construction Website Project manager Mr. Attila Joós

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Pannon Business Network Association Gesztenyefa str. 4., H-9027 Győr, Hungary Zanati str. 32-36., H-9700 Szombathely, Hungary +36 94 505 003; +36 94 505 004 [email protected] [email protected]