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A floating dock system supported by mooring piles at the Sutera .... source of food and income through fishing activities and recently has provided areas for ... narrow top or crest, consisting of stones which are large enough to prevent or limit.


A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Engineering (Coastal and Maritime)

Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia



To my friends, teachers, lecturers and professors, who patiently share their ideas, knowledge and skills with me all these years; and

To students, researchers, academicians and engineers, who have spent time to read my thesis on the Stepped-Slope Floating Breakwater System; and




I would like to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to my thesis supervisor, Professor Hadibah Ismail, for her supervision, helpful encouragement, knowledge, continued guidance and moral support throughout my studies as well as freedom provided to work on this research. I would also like to thank Associate Professor Ir. Faridah Jaffar Sidek who has given me a tremendous amount of suggestions, advice, knowledge and guidance as well as for having many meaningful conversations. I am also grateful to my colleagues, Eldina and Sabri, for sharing their ideas and providing valuable suggestions; laboratory assistants, Pak Din and Helmy, for their patience, for answering endless questions and making the time spent together working at the coastal laboratory a valuable experience for me; and my former colleague in COEI as well as former flatmate in Wangsa Maju, Teh Hee Min, for sharing his knowledge and laboratory experience. Their boundless enthusiasm for coastal engineering is contagious and served as my sources of inspiration when there was doubt. Many thanks are also due to the staff of COEI, Halim, Asrol (former staff), Kak Ani, Kak Zim and Azuan, for their support and assistance in my studies. Associate Professor Ron Cox from the University of New South Wales helped guide me in my study during his visit to COEI. His expertise in coastal engineering proved instrumental in helping to efficiently solve problems that arose. I gratefully acknowledge Dr. Nor Azizi from PPD, UTM, Dr. Colin Christian from the University of Auckland, Dr. Torsten Schlurmann from Bergische Universität - Gesamthochschule Wuppertal, Pei Fung and Yew Kim for their contributions. Special thanks to Andreas Büttcher, for his valuable time and effort to produce those beautiful drawings for me and making the time in university, K2 and B-1-53 a true joy; and Edward Andrewes for his effort and contributions to this project. Their great dedication towards assisting me was above and beyond what I expected. I truly appreciated their true friendship. I would also like to thank Jeff, Mathieu Mirmont, Makara Ty, Abdelghani El Mahrad, Wong Teck Soon, Inayati, Jörg Weigl, Chai Chuen Loon, Lim Meng Hee, Wong Yi Kang, Nadia and those mates in K2 for their moral support, encouragement and friendship. I wish to extend my gratitude to COEI for providing necessary funding and facilities for the study and to Seginiaga Rubber Industries Sdn. Bhd. for the manufacture of the STEPFLOAT models. Last, but most importantly, I would like to thank Papa, Mama, my sister and brother, Alan (Soh Chong Zeh), Man (Mati-ur Rehman), my uncle and late auntie for their unswerving belief and support to me all these years.



With the increasing demand for multi-purpose use of coastal sea areas in recent years, the composite stepped-slope floating breakwater system (STEPFLOAT) has been designed and developed as an alternative engineering solution, mainly for shore protection and coastal shelter to pioneer the floating breakwater technology in Malaysia. The unique stepped-slope and multiple sharp-edge features of the STEPFLOAT serve to intercept waves by dissipating (rather than reflecting) the wave energy through the formation of wave breaking, turbulence and eddies around the polyhedron as the waves impinge on the surface of the structure. Laboratory experiments were conducted to study the performance of the STEPFLOAT as a wave attenuator under unidirectional monochromatic wave only environment on various system arrangements, i.e. 2-row, 3row, G = b and G = 2b systems. A suggested mooring method using vertical piles as a modification to the classical mooring system using chains or cables is applied to the STEPFLOAT system to overcome the problem of roll and sway motions. Additional tests on the 2-row chain-moored STEPFLOAT were also conducted to allow comparisons with the fundamental design of the SSFBW system as well as the pilesupported STEPFLOAT. Experiments on restrained case for 2-row and 3-row systems were performed to evaluate the effect of heave and limited roll motions of the floating body on wave attenuation. For the present study, a simple conventional method is applied to decompose the co-existing composite wave record in front of the model into the incident and reflected waves. Transmitted wave heights were measured at the lee side of the model. Measured transmission coefficient (Ct), reflection coefficient (Cr) and loss coefficient (Cl) were related to the non-dimensional structural geometric parameters, i.e. relative width (B/L), relative draft (D/L) and relative pontoon spacing (G/L), and hydraulic parameters, i.e. wave steepness (H/L) and relative depth (d/L). Two new nondimensional composite parameters, i.e. BD number and BDG number were introduced and examined. Experimental results for Ct are presented and compared to the results of previous studies of various floating breakwater designs done by other researchers. Empirical equations for predicting the transmission coefficient are developed for each tested system using Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. The STEPFLOAT, with relatively smaller structure width, generally has excellent wave attenuation ability over most of the previous floating breakwaters. The experimental results showed that the composite pile-supported STEPFLOAT with 3-row, G = b and G = 2b arrangements are capable to attenuate waves up to 80% of the incident wave height for wave period of less than 1.33 seconds.



Berikutan dengan peningkatan permintaan terhadap penggunaan kawasan pantai sejak kebelakangan ini, sistem pemecah ombak terapung komposit bercerun tingkat (STEPFLOAT) telah direkabentuk dan dibangunkan sebagai satu penyelesaian kejuruteraan alternatif, khasnya untuk kawalan dan perlindungan pantai bagi merintis teknologi pemecah ombak terapung di Malaysia. Bentuk STEPFLOAT yang bercerun tingkat dan berbucu tajam berfungsi untuk memintas ombak dengan mengurangkan tenaganya melalui pembentukan pemecahan ombak, gelora dan eddi di sekitar struktur polihedron tersebut apabila ombak bertindak pada permukaannya. Ujikaji makmal telah dijalankan dalam keadaan ombak seragam sehala bagi pelbagai penyusunan sistem, iaitu sistem 2-baris, 3-baris, G = b dan G = 2b bagi menilai prestasi STEPFLOAT sebagai struktur pelemah ombak. Penggunaan cerucuk menegak sebagai pengubahsuaian kepada sistem tambatan secara tradisional yang menggunakan rantai atau kabel telah diaplikasikan dalam sistem STEPFLOAT bagi mengatasi masalah gerakan oleng dan huyung. Ujikaji tambahan terhadap STEPFLOAT berbaris dua yang ditambat oleh rantai juga dilakukan untuk perbandingan dengan sistem SSFBW dan STEPFLOAT yang ditambat oleh cerucuk. Eksperimen untuk kes terhalang bagi sistem 2-baris dan 3-baris telah dilaksanakan bagi menilai kesan gerakan lambung dan oleng yang terhad pada struktur terapung tersebut terhadap pelemahan ombak. Kaedah konvensional telah digunakan dalam kajian ini bagi menguraikan rekod ombak komposit kepada ombak tuju dan ombak pantulan. Tinggi ombak terhantar diukur di belakang model. Pekali penghantaran ombak (Ct), pekali pantulan (Cr) dan pekali kehilangan (Cl) dikaitkan dengan parameter-parameter tanpa dimensi geometri struktur, iaitu lebar relatif (B/L), draf relatif (D/L) dan sela relatif (G/L), dan parameter-parameter hidraulik, iaitu kecuraman ombak (H/L) dan kedalaman relatif (d/L). Dua parameter komposit tanpa dimensi baru, iaitu nombor BD dan nombor BDG telah diperkenalkan dan diperiksa. Keputusan ujikaji bagi Ct telah dibandingkan dengan hasil keputusan daripada pelbagai rekabentuk pemecah ombak terapung yang lain. Persamaan empirikal bagi meramal pekali penghantaran ombak telah dihasilkan bagi setiap sistem yang dikaji dengan menggunakan Analisis Regresi Linear Berbilang. STEPFLOAT dengan lebar struktur yang lebih pendek secara relatif mempunyai keupayaan pelemahan ombak yang lebih baik berbanding dengan kebanyakan pemecah ombak yang lain. Keputusan ujikaji menunjukkan bahawa sistem komposit STEPFLOAT bertambatan cerucuk dengan susunan 3-baris, G = b dan G = 2b berupaya mengurangkan tinggi ombak sehingga 80% daripada tinggi ombak tuju bagi kala ombak kurang daripada 1.33 saat.





































Background of the Problem



Statement of the Problem



Objectives of the Study



Scope of the Study



Significance of the Study



1.6.1 An Alternative Engineering Solution for Shore Protection and Coastal Shelter 1.6.2 Multi-Purpose Breakwater Facility

8 8

1.6.3 An Impetus for Future Research and Development (R & D)


1.6.4 References and Guidelines for Future Research Development 1.6.5 Great Potential for Commercialization


9 10




Wave Protection



Floating Breakwater Applicability and Advantages



Operation of a Floating Breakwater as a Wave Attenuator



Wave Control and Attenuation Mechanisms







24 Wave Breaking and Overtopping

26 Turbulence and Eddies




2.4.3 2.5

Mooring Systems



Performance Considerations



Existing Floating Breakwaters



Floating Breakwater by Tsunehiro et al. (1999)


2.7.2 Floating Dynamic Breakwater by Federico (1994)



Cage Floating Breakwater by Murali and Mani (1997)



Rapidly Installed Breakwater System (RIBS) by Resio et al. (1997)










The Evolution of the Stepped-Slope Floating Breakwater System


3.2.1 The SSFBW: Fundamental Design of the Stepped-Slope Floating Breakwater System


3.2.2 The STEPFLOAT: Proposed Improved Design of the Stepped-Slope Floating Breakwater System

58 Design Concepts and Practicability





(a) Shape and Geometry


(b) Alternative Features


(c) Material Type


(d) Mooring System


The Composite STEPFLOAT Breakwater Model








Laboratory Facilities and Instrumentation


4.2.1 Wave Flume

73 General Remarks When Using Wave Flume


(a) Decay Due to Internal Friction


(b) Decay Due to Viscous Boundary Friction


4.2.2 Wave Generating System


4.2.3 Wave Absorber


4.2.4 Wave Probes and Data Acquisition System

83 Wave Probe Calibration



Measurement of Incident, Reflected and Transmitted Waves



Determination of Wave Period and Wave Length





Experimental Tests on STEPFLOAT





Dimensional Analysis



Experimental Results



Steel Chain Mooring System

106 Two-row System


5.2.2 Restrained Case



109 Two-row System

109 Three-row System


Vertical Pile System

114 Two-row System

114 Three-row System

118 G = b System

119 G = 2b System


Performance Evaluation Based on Results Comparison




Performance Evaluation in terms of Mooring Systems STEPFLOAT vs SSFBW vs Rectangular Pontoon (with Line Mooring) STEPFLOAT (Vertical Piles vs Steel Chains)



STEPFLOAT (Vertical Piles vs Restrained Case)




Performance Evaluation of Pile-System STEPFLOAT in terms of System Arrangements

146 Two-row vs Three-row

146 Three-row vs G = b

154 G = 0 vs G = b vs G = 2b


Comparison on the Performance between the STEPFLOAT and Previous Floating Breakwater Studies










Parametric Analysis and Empirical Relationships


Influence of Relative Width, B/L

168 Two-row System

168 Three-row System

170 G = b System

170 G = 2b System


Influence of Relative Draft, D/L

174 Two-row System

174 Three-row System

175 G = b System

176 G = 2b System




6.2.3 Influence of Wave Steepness, H/L

178 Two-row System

178 Three-row System

179 G = b System

180 G = 2b System


6.2.4 Influence of Relative Depth, d/L

182 Two-row System

182 Three-row System

183 G = b System

184 G = 2b System


6.2.5 Influence of Relative Gap Size, G/L

186 G = b System

186 G = 2b System











Multiple Linear Regression Analysis


7.2.1 Examination of the Variables


7.2.2 Multiple Linear Regression Models of Ct

201 Two-row Equation

202 Three-row Equation

205 G = b Equation

208 G = 2b Equation


7.2.3 Multiple Regression Diagnostics

213 Two-row Model

214 Three-row Model

217 G = b Model

219 G = 2b Model





Summary and Conclusions



Recommendations for Future Research


REFERENCES Appendices A1-A4

234 239 - 250







Average wave height at P1, P2, P3 and P4 with various frequencies



Absolute percentage difference between calculated and measured wave height at different positions



Mean wave period for various frequencies of wave generating motor



Wave period of model and prototype for various frequencies



Determination of wave number, k, by Bi-Section Method (for T = 1.33 s , d = 45 cm)



Determination of wave length using the linear dispersion relationship



The structure of experimental tests



Summary of regression analysis parameters for the 2-row vertical pile-system STEPFLOAT breakwater (second order polynomial)


Summary of regression analysis parameters for the 2-row vertical pile-system STEPFLOAT breakwater (exponential)


Summary of regression analysis parameters for the 3-row vertical pile-system STEPFLOAT breakwater (second order polynomial)


Summary of regression analysis parameters for the 3-row vertical pile-system STEPFLOAT breakwater (exponential)


Summary of regression analysis parameters for the G = b vertical pile-system STEPFLOAT breakwater (second order polynomial)








Summary of regression analysis parameters for the G = b vertical pile-system STEPFLOAT breakwater (exponential)


Summary of regression analysis parameters for the G = 2b vertical pile-system STEPFLOAT breakwater (second order polynomial)


Summary of regression analysis parameters for the G = 2b vertical pile-system STEPFLOAT breakwater (exponential)



Variable range for 2-row empirical model



Variable range for 3-row empirical model



Variable range for G = b empirical model



Variable range for G = 2b empirical model



Comparison of predicted and observed Ct for 2-row system



Summary of Ct, Cr and Cl for the STEPFLOAT in terms of various system arrangements and mooring systems


Summary of Ct predictive equations










Wave responses to a line-moored floating structure described by a single sinusoid wave train



Relationships among (Ȧt)m, F(x) and I(x)



A-Frame Floating Breakwater



Tethered-Float Breakwater [Harms, 1980]



Pole-Tire Breakwater [Harms, 1980]



Variation of the position of the eddies with the movement of the free surface [Tolba, 1999]



Alaskan floating breakwater [Morey, 1998]



Anchor-and-line mooring system [McCartney, 1985]



Mooring line configurations for a single pontoon-type floating breakwater [Sannasiraj et al., 1998]


The “X” shaped section of Bombardon floating breakwater was beached near the shoreline near the left center [Normandy Invasion, 1944]



Perspective view of the floating breakwater [Tsunehiro et al., 1999]



Floating dynamic breakwater [Federico, 1994]



Cage floating breakwater [Murali and Mani, 1997





Rapidly Installed Breakwater System concept [Resio et al., 1997]



The SSFBW model



Comparison of Ct for different number of rows of SSFBW at water depths of 20 cm and 30 cm [Teh, 2002]



A single module of a composite STEPFLOAT



3-D view of a composite STEPFLOAT module formed by a pair of top half and bottom half units



Module assembly of the 2-row STEPFLOAT breakwater



A single module of a suggested solid-type STEPFLOAT breakwater



Proposed horizontal platform as a walkway for pontoons



Proposed synthetic seaweed curtains as wave screens or silt curtains



Schematic sketch of the suggested STEPFLOAT mooring system using vertical piles



Top half of the STEPFLOAT module



Bottom half of the STEPFLOAT module



The STEPFLOAT system model is formed by a series of composite single modules



Schematic layout of the wave flume



The measurements of wave decay without the presence of floating breakwater model


Comparison between the calculated attenuated wave heights due to boundary friction and measured wave heights




Wave prove calibration



Laboratory and STEPFLOAT model set-up in the wave flume



Relationship between wave period and frequency



Plots of d/L vs. T for d = 45 cm



Details of the vertical pile system




Definition sketch of a pile-system 2-row STEPFLOAT breakwater



Wave profiles of the composite and transmitted waves for 2-row model system using vertical piles (f = 42 Hz or T = 0.95 sec)


Variation of Ct, Cr and Cl against T for 2-row model system using chain mooring for D/d = 0.104


Variation of Ct, Cr and Cl against T for 2-row model system restrained from moving for D/d = 0.133


Variation of Ct, Cr and Cl against T for 3-row model system restrained from moving for D/d = 0.133


Variation of Ct, Cr and Cl against T for 2-row model system using vertical piles for D/d = 0.133


Variation of Ct, Cr and Cl against T for 3-row model system using vertical piles for D/d = 0.133


Variation of Ct, Cr and Cl against T for G = b model system using vertical piles for D/d = 0.133


Variation of Ct, Cr and Cl against T for G = 2b model system using vertical piles for D/d = 0.133


Specifications and test details of a 2-row STEPFLOAT, a single row of SSFBW and rectangular pontoon models


Ct vs T for comparisons among a 2-row STEPFLOAT, a single row of SSFBW and rectangular pontoon models


Ct vs B/L for comparisons among a 2-row STEPFLOAT, a single row of SSFBW and rectangular pontoon models


Ct vs D/L for comparisons among a 2-row STEPFLOAT, a single row of SSFBW and rectangular pontoon models


Ct vs H/L for comparisons among a 2-row STEPFLOAT, a single row of SSFBW and rectangular pontoon models


Ct vs d/L for comparisons among a 2-row STEPFLOAT, a single row of SSFBW and rectangular pontoon models


Ct vs T for comparison of 2-row STEPFLOAT breakwater using vertical piles and steel chain mooring
























[Ct]red vs T between 2-row STEPFLOAT breakwater using vertical piles and steel chain mooring


Ct vs B/L for comparison of 2-row STEPFLOAT breakwater using vertical piles and steel chain mooring


Ct vs D/L for comparison of 2-row STEPFLOAT breakwater using vertical piles and steel chain mooring


Ct vs H/L for comparison of 2-row STEPFLOAT breakwater using vertical piles and steel chain mooring


Ct vs d/L for comparison of 2-row STEPFLOAT breakwater using vertical piles and steel chain mooring


Comparison between restrained case and vertical-pile system on the effect of heave and limited roll motions on Ct, Cr and Cl for 2-row STEPFLOAT


Comparison between restrained case and vertical-pile system on the effect of heave and limited roll motions on Ct, Cr and Cl for 3-row STEPFLOAT



Ct vs B/L - Comparison of 2-row STEPFLOAT between restrained case and vertical-pile system 147


Ct vs D/L - Comparison of 2-row STEPFLOAT between restrained case and vertical-pile system 147


Ct vs H/L - Comparison of 2-row STEPFLOAT between restrained case and vertical-pile system 148


Ct vs d/L - Comparison of 2-row STEPFLOAT between restrained case and vertical-pile system



Ct vs B/L - Comparison of 3-row STEPFLOAT between restrained case and vertical-pile system 149


Ct vs D/L - Comparison of 3-row STEPFLOAT between restrained case and vertical-pile system 149


Ct vs H/L - Comparison of 3-row STEPFLOAT between restrained case and vertical-pile system 150


Ct vs d/L - Comparison of 3-row STEPFLOAT between restrained case and vertical-pile system


















Ct & 'Ct[2-3] vs T - Performance comparison between 2-row and 3-row STEPFLOAT systems


Ct vs B/L - Performance comparison between 2-row and 3-row STEPFLOAT systems


Ct vs D/L - Performance comparison between 2-row and 3-row STEPFLOAT systems


Ct vs H/L - Performance comparison between 2-row and 3-row STEPFLOAT systems


Ct vs d/L - Performance comparison between 2-row and 3-row STEPFLOAT systems


Ct & 'Ct[3-b] vs T - Performance comparison between 3-row and G = b STEPFLOAT systems


Ct vs B/L - Performance comparison between 3-row and G = b STEPFLOAT systems


Ct vs D/L - Performance comparison between 3-row and G = b STEPFLOAT systems


Ct vs H/L - Performance comparison between 3-row and G = b STEPFLOAT systems


Ct vs d/L - Performance comparison between 3-row and G = b STEPFLOAT systems


Ct, 'Ct[0-b] & 'Ct[2b-b] vs T - Performance comparison between G = 0, G = b and G = 2b STEPFLOAT systems


Ct vs B/L - Performance comparison between G = 0, G = b and G = 2b STEPFLOAT systems


Ct vs D/L - Performance comparison between G = 0, G = b and G = 2b STEPFLOAT systems


Ct vs H/L - Performance comparison between G = 0, G = b and G = 2b STEPFLOAT systems


Ct vs d/L - Performance comparison between G = 0, G = b and G = 2b STEPFLOAT systems



Ct vs G/L - Performance comparison between G = b and G = 2b STEPFLOAT systems


Comparison of floating breakwaters efficiency between the STEPFLOAT and those from previous studies



Measured Ct, Cr & Cl versus B/L of 2-row system with D/d = 0.133



Measured Ct, Cr & Cl versus B/L of 3-row system with D/d = 0.133



Measured Ct, Cr & Cl versus B/L of G = b system with D/d = 0.133



Measured Ct, Cr & Cl versus B/L of G = 2b system with D/d = 0.133



Measured Ct, Cr & Cl versus D/L of 2-row system with D/d = 0.133



Measured Ct, Cr & Cl versus D/L of 3-row system with D/d = 0.133



Measured Ct, Cr & Cl versus D/L of G = b system with D/d = 0.133



Measured Ct, Cr & Cl versus D/L of G = 2b system with D/d = 0.133



Measured Ct, Cr & Cl versus H/L of 2-row system with D/d = 0.133



Measured Ct, Cr & Cl versus H/L of 3-row system with D/d = 0.133



Measured Ct, Cr & Cl versus H/L of G = b system with D/d = 0.133



Measured Ct, Cr & Cl versus H/L of G = 2b system with D/d = 0.133



Measured Ct, Cr & Cl versus d/L of 2-row system with D/d = 0.133



Measured Ct, Cr & Cl versus d/L of 3-row system with D/d = 0.133



Measured Ct, Cr & Cl versus d/L of G = b system with D/d = 0.133



Measured Ct, Cr & Cl versus d/L of G = 2b system with D/d = 0.133



Measured Ct, Cr & Cl versus G/L of G = b system with D/d = 0.133



Measured Ct, Cr & Cl versus G/L of G = 2b system with D/d = 0.133



Scatterplot matrix of the Ct and the 4 independent variables for 2-row



Scatterplot matrix of the Ct and the 4 independent variables for 3-row



Scatterplot matrix of the Ct and the 5 independent variables for G = b






Scatterplot matrix of the Ct and the 5 independent variables for G = 2b



Measured Ct versus BD/dL for 2-row STEPFLOAT system



Measured Ct versus BD/dL for 3-row STEPFLOAT system



Measured Ct versus BDG/dL2 for G = b STEPFLOAT system



Measured Ct versus BDG/dL2 for G = 2b STEPFLOAT system



Scatterplot matrix of the Ct and the 2 independent variables for 2-row



Scatterplot matrix of the Ct and the 2 independent variables for 3-row



Scatterplot matrix of the Ct and the 2 independent variables for G = b



Scatterplot matrix of the Ct and the 2 independent variables for G = 2b



Predicted and observed Ct for 2-row system



Studentized deleted residuals versus predicted Ct for 2-row system



Predicted and observed Ct for 3-row system



Studentized deleted residuals versus predicted Ct for 3-row system



Predicted and observed Ct for G = b system [Equation (7.9)]



Predicted and observed Ct for G = b system [Equation (7.10)]



Studentized deleted residuals versus predicted Ct for G = b system [Equation (7.9)]


Studentized deleted residuals versus predicted Ct for G = b system [Equation (7.10)]



Predicted and observed Ct for G = 2b system



Studentized deleted residuals versus predicted Ct for G = 2b system



Cross-section of the suggested shapes for the bottom layer of the STEPFLOAT








A floating dock system supported by mooring piles at the Sutera Harbour Resort, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia



Wave generating system



Electronic analog control panel



Capacitance-type wave probe



HIOKI 8833 MEMORY Hi CORDER data acquisition system



Wave Flume



Various STEPFLOAT model system arrangements



2-row STEPFLOAT model moored to the flume bed by steel chains



A 2-row model as restrained from moving at four steel piles



A 3-row model with vertical pile system



Wave-structure interaction during experimental tests for 2-row system using chain mooring


Wave-structure interaction during experimental tests for the restrained 2-row system


Wave-structure interaction during experimental tests for the restrained 3-row system








Wave-structure interaction during experimental tests for 2-row system using vertical piles


Wave-structure interaction during experimental tests for 3-row system using vertical piles


Wave-structure interaction during experimental tests for G = b system using vertical piles



Wave-structure interaction during experimental tests for G = 2b system using vertical piles 124


A 2-row STEPFLOAT breakwater moored with six steel chains



The transition between slack and taut conditions of the STEPFLOAT system


Induced roll and sway motions generate secondary waves at the leeside of the floating breakwater during the experiments





List of Abbreviations



analysis of variance



American Society of Civil Engineers



Coastal Engineering Manual



Coastal and Offshore Engineering Institute



direct current



ethylene-propylene diene monomer



U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center



gross domestic product



high-density polyethylene



that is (Latin id est)



liquid crystal display



mass-length-time system



modified power transmission theory



principle of dimensional homogeneity



Pusat Pengajian Diploma



power transmission theory



polyvinyl chloride



Rapidly Installed Breakwater System



Malaysian Ringgit



styrene-butadiene rubber




sea state



Stepped-Slope Floating Breakwater (fundamental design)


Stepped-Slope Floating Breakwater (improved design)



still-water level



Universiti Teknologi Malaysia



variance inflation factor



Wave Analysis MIT (numerical program developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

List of Notations a


wave amplitude

a0, a1, a2


regression coefficients for the second order polynomial trend line



characteristic breakwater pontoon size or dimension

b, c


constants for the exponential trend line



unstandardized coefficient for independent variable



breakwater width



wave flume width



partial regression coefficient [i = 1, 2, 3, …]



regression constant



relative width



§ B ·§ D ·§ L · BD number = ¨ ¸¨ ¸¨ ¸ © L ¹© L ¹© d ¹



§ B ·§ D ·§ G ·§ L · BDG number = ¨ ¸¨ ¸¨ ¸¨ ¸ © L ¹© L ¹© L ¹© d ¹



wave celerity



loss coefficient



reflection coefficient







transmission coefficient



percentage of Ct reduction



water depth



draft or depth of submergence

d/L or d/gT2


relative water depth



relative draft



incident wave energy



dissipated wave energy or energy loss



reflected wave energy



transmitted wave energy



frequency or a mathematical function



F ratio (= regression mean square/residual mean square)



gravitational acceleration = 9.81 m/s2



gap between modules or pontoon spacing



relative gap or indicative of gap size to wave length ratio or relative pontoon spacing



wave height



wave height at xp = 0



wave height after travelling a distance, xp



incident wave height



wave steepness parameter

Hi/L or H/L


wave steepness



deep water wave height



reflected wave height



transmitted wave height



number of fundamental dimensions



wave number (=



wave length



deep water wave length



number of dimensional variables

2S L

2S ) CT




not available



correlation coefficient



square of the correlation coefficient






wave period

T model


wave period of model

T prototype


wave period of prototype



breakwater width



relative width



horizontal distance or dummy variable representing independent non-dimensional variable



horizontal distance in wave flume

'Ct [2-3]


difference of Ct between 2-row and 3-row STEPFLOAT systems [= Ct 2-row - Ct 3-row]

'Ct [3-b]


difference of Ct between 3-row and G = b STEPFLOAT systems [= Ct 3-row - Ct G=b]

'Ct [0-b]


difference of Ct between G = 0 (or 2-row) and G = b STEPFLOAT systems [= Ct G=0 - Ct G=b]

'Ct [2b-b]


difference of Ct between G = 2b and G = b STEPFLOAT systems [= Ct G=2b - Ct G=b]



phase lag induced by reflection process



displacement of the water surface relative to the SWL



total wave surface profile



direction of wave advance (=



fluid kinematic viscosity



fluid density



density of structure

Ȧ or V


wave angular or radian frequency (=

2Sx 2St )  L T

2S ) T










Results of the multiple linear regression analysis for a 2-row STEPFLOAT system


Results of the multiple linear regression analysis for a 3-row STEPFLOAT system


Results of the multiple linear regression analysis for a G = b STEPFLOAT system


Results of the multiple linear regression analysis for a G = 2b STEPFLOAT system






Many citizens from maritime nations have settled close along the coast in order to make a living, engage in trade and access communication links. The coast provides a source of food and income through fishing activities and recently has provided areas for recreation. Malaysia and most of the countries in Southeast Asia region are not seen as countries of extremes, either extremes of climate or extremes of natural events. Hence, it sometimes escapes attention and awareness that a large proportion of these countries’ population are exposed to wave disturbance and threatened by coastal erosion. Coastal problems have caused a significant impact on the economy of many countries. As a result, it is unavoidable that the government and local shore property owners need to contend with these problems by implementing some programmes of investment in shore protection and coastal shelter to reduce the risk of loss of life and property.

2 Most sites for small craft harbours, marinas and coastal aquaculture facilities will be found to need some form of perimeter protection. The physical conditions of a proposed site may be relatively calm for most of the time due to natural protection. However, the wave climate of the site could be moderately rough under storm conditions due to the arrival of far field waves and eventually significant protection may be required. Competent coastal shelter and shore protection may take the form of stone barriers, wave screens or vertical barriers, which are either solid or semipermeable such as floating breakwaters.

Breakwaters, either fixed or floating, are structures constructed to protect the shoreline, other coastal structures, marinas, etc. by reflecting and/or dissipating the incident wave energy and thus reduce wave action in the leeside of the breakwater system. Permanently fixed breakwaters provide a higher degree of protection than floating breakwaters. However, a fixed breakwater may not be competitive cost wise with a floating breakwater in relatively deeper water depths and it may also cause a lot of detrimental effects to the environment.

Increasing construction costs and environmental constraints encourage alternative considerations to the traditional fixed breakwaters for coastal shelter and shore protection. Floating breakwaters have later gained wide attention and subsequently appeared to be a good choice for wave suppression during most weather conditions. They are considered as cost-effective and environmentally-friendly substitutes for the conventional type of breakwaters for the perimeter protection. In recent years, many research institutions such as Indian Institute of Technology Madras, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, The University of Auckland, State University of New York, Sharif University of Technology, University of New Hampshire, Australian Water and Coastal Studies Pty. Ltd., University of Wuppertal and Suez Canal University, have been involved with the design and development of floating breakwaters for application within semi-protected coastal areas from high energy wave condition.

3 1.2

Background of the Problem

The energetic power of water waves are often difficult to deal with and it has been the most challenging aspect for coastal engineers. Many coastlines of the world are facing the need for beach stabilization out of the effects of beach erosion. Coastal erosion has become a more significant environmental issue nowadays as it poses threats to many lives, valuable resources and properties, as well as commercial activities in coastal areas. Human lives, sandy beaches, tourism and industrial development, infrastructure, agriculture, aquaculture, residential and mangroves are among the examples of the sacrifices of the destructive wave attack.

The increase in the number of private pleasure crafts and small commercial vessels has generated a demand for convenient and accessible sheltered mooring. Many naturally protected or semi-sheltered waters along coastlines in established population centers have been developed to accommodate the influx of vessels. As a result, artificial man-made structures will be required to provide perimeter protection from incident waves where nature offers little or no protection.

It is for these reasons that breakwaters of various dimensions and designs have been widely employed in locations exposed to wave attack. The purpose of installing a breakwater is to reduce the incident wave heights to a level commensurate with the intended use of the site in the leeside of the structure. Cost-effective design and the required degree of wave protection will dictate possible breakwater alternatives.

The rubble mound breakwater offers advantages in the form of excellent perimeter protection. It provides a high degree of wave protection and has been widely used to attenuate surface water waves. The breakwater is a fixed gravity structure

4 constructed of organized pile of graded rocks with a sloped surface, a broad base and a narrow top or crest, consisting of stones which are large enough to prevent or limit movement under most wave conditions. Nevertheless, there are many sites in marine setting where the traditional fixed breakwater is not suitable. Construction of fixed breakwaters are often more expensive in deeper water depth. Poor foundation condition is another disadvantage of the application of this fixed structure.

An additional negative aspect is that such a structure will not allow the transport of sediment along the shoreline. It creates unacceptable sedimentation and water quality problems due to poor water circulation behind the structure. The base of the fixed breakwater will lead to the bottom loss for plant and animal habitat. As it is a permanent fixed structure, a rubble mound breakwater must be high enough to provide reasonable protection under most storm flood level conditions. If it were to be built at a lower level, its effectiveness could be severely reduced.

In recent years, coastal engineers become more environmentally conscious. Coastal engineering projects often have a significant effect on natural ecosystems and the ensuing environmental damage may make things worse for future generations. In seeking to revolutionize towards softer engineering solutions by encouraging the provision of technically, environmentally and economically sound and sustainable perimeter protection measures, a move towards schemes designed to work with nature rather than against it has begun to emerge. Floating breakwater has later appeared to be a cost-effective substitute for the conventional type of breakwaters in providing the required level of protection while working with the power and resources of nature.

The demand made the concept of the first locally designed floating breakwater technology possible. In 2002, Teh (2002) has completed his study on wave dampening characteristics of the fundamental design of a stepped-slope floating breakwater, namely

5 SSFBW. Foreseeing the potential of the stepped-slope floating breakwater system to be commercialized in the market for the benefit of communities, an improved cost-effective and practical design to suit the local needs is necessary in order to put forward the system into the industry. Therefore, the present study is carried out as a continuation of the work done by Teh (2002).


Statement of the Problem

There has been quite a number of floating breakwaters available in the market but until the present invention of the STEPFLOAT breakwater, there is no truly outstanding solution that has been put forward into the local maritime industry. While attention was given to the preservation and conservation of natural environment, most floating breakwaters which utilized the concept of wave reflection in their designs, have neglected the safety of moving vessels in the vicinity of the floating breakwater system. Therefore, there arises a need for an economical and environmentally-friendly yet viable floating breakwater that has an acceptably high efficiency in dissipating wave energy, instead of reflecting it, to provide the required level of tranquility in areas it desires to protect. As a result, the first locally designed floating breakwater technology has been developed. However, the fundamental design of the SSFBW was still in the stage of infancy. Practical requirements such as manufacturing problem, jointing system, mooring method, material and economics as well as the viability of the system need to be considered and incorporated into the improved design of the STEPFLOAT. Thus far, modifications to the fundamental design of the SSFBW system as well as the mooring method are required not only to enhance the efficiency of the floating breakwater system, but also to improve the practicability of the system.

6 1.4

Objectives of the Study


The primary objective of this research is to evaluate and predict the wave attenuation efficiency of the improved design of a composite stepped-slope floating breakwater system, i.e. STEPFLOAT, as a wave attenuator.


It is also intended to assess the wave reduction capabilities and the stability of the structure on several system arrangements (i.e. 2-row, 3-row, G = b and G = 2b systems) and on three types of mooring systems. Analyses of wave-structure interaction based on measured laboratory data also need to be performed in order to allow comparisons of results among the STEPFLOAT breakwater model with different system arrangements and mooring methods.


Also, it is the goal of this study to develop empirical model for each system arrangement in the form of functional relationship of various dimensionless parameters of breakwater geometry and wave conditions, to predict the performance of the STEPFLOAT breakwater system.


Scope of the Study

The scope of work throughout the study is orderly stated as follows: 1.

Literature review based on various sources of references such as theses, technical papers, technical reports, books, patents, articles, etc has been conducted to provide sufficient knowledge and understanding on wave attenuation concepts, wave protection systems, laboratory and field studies for the design and investigations on the performance of a floating breakwater system.

7 2.

A review of the previous design of the SSFBW system and the mooring method in order to produce modifications and improved design of the STEPFLOAT system has been carried out.


Planning and design of appropriate and suitable research methodology to conduct the laboratory experiments.


Fabrication of the STEPFLOAT model and the construction of the composite STEPFLOAT system with an assembly of several modules connected to one another by a stainless steel bolt-and-nut system. This part of the study was conducted in collaboration with the industry, i.e. SEGINIAGA Rubber Industries Sdn. Bhd.


Design and building of the vertical piling system with aluminium rods, steel pipes and U-shape steel bars.


Setting up of the equipment and apparatus as well as setting up the model of the floating breakwater system in the laboratory.


A series of laboratory tests on the STEPFLOAT with different mooring systems and various system arrangements under wave only condition was conducted.


Experimental data on wave reduction capabilities, the physical mechanism of the wave-structure interaction and stability of the structure, were observed, recorded and systematically documented.


Dimensional analysis and parametric analysis were performed. Measured laboratory data was further analyzed using Multiple Linear Regression Method to yield empirical wave-structure relationships for pile-supported STEPFLOAT to predict the performance of the floating breakwater system.


Assessment and comparisons of results of the STEPFLOAT with the previous study on the SSFBW design as well as studies on other floating breakwaters done by other researchers.

8 1.6

Significance of the Study


An Alternative Engineering Solution for Shore Protection and Coastal Shelter

The STEPFLOAT system may provide an alternative solution for coastal protection with a functional cost-effective engineering design while protecting and enhancing the environment. The amount of money spent on imported technologies and products or conventional breakwater construction for coastal protection would therefore be greatly minimized. Long-term dependence on costly imported technologies would be an impractical solution and it is not worthwhile. Therefore, a locally designed floating breakwater system would be an alternative engineering solution to minimize the unnecessary loss to the country’s resources.


Multi-Purpose Breakwater Facility

The design and development of the multi-purpose STEPFLOAT breakwater system would eventually benefit the communities, especially those shore property owners or citizens who reside near the coastal area, as the STEPFLOAT system has multi-purpose functions such as wave attenuator, walkway platform and encourage marine habitats. Other advantages that can be provided by the STEPFLOAT system as a multi-purpose breakwater facility will be further discussed in Chapter III.

9 1.6.3 An Impetus for Future Research and Development (R & D)

The rubble mound breakwater has found frequent application in Malaysia’s coastal water due to its durability and the high degree of wave protection. Even though it has been proven as an effective wave attenuation structure, the rubble mound breakwater is limited to its potential application in certain regions and it causes environmental degradation. It is for these reasons that floating breakwater designs are of interest for perimeter protection. The STEPFLOAT system is the first floating breakwater technology designed locally. Its promising results with good wave attenuation capability have gained momentum for further research and development. It is believed that this potential floating breakwater system would be the impetus for continuing future research and development in Malaysia in this particular engineering design and other coastal and marine engineering aspects, especially technologies for shore protection and coastal shelter.


References and Guidelines for Future Research Development

Laboratory experiments have been carried out to gather some information about the performance of the new design and improved floating breakwater system to provide data and information for the preliminary design of the prototype-scale field version of the STEPFLOAT system. Results and findings as well as empirical models from the laboratory investigations in the present study could be very useful information, references and guidelines for future research development by other researchers, who attempt to investigate this particular field of study.

10 1.6.5

Great Potential for Commercialization

The present study on STEPFLOAT system aims to assess the performance of the improved floating breakwater system design and does not involve any commercial interest. However, the success of this study, with encouraging results and findings on the performance of the system, would determine the potential of the STEPFLOAT system to be commercialized in the market in future. An increasing demand for mooring in coastal water in Malaysia and simultaneous shortage of suitable construction sites that are naturally sheltered from wave action generate a need for artificial cost-effective perimeter protection devices. Keizrul Abdullah (2005) reported that Malaysia with an extensive coastline of 4809 km has a total eroding coastline of 1372 km. Coastal erosion and wave attack on other coastal facilities for aquaculture activities, leisure purposes, etc. have also fostered the development of the environmentally-friendly floating breakwater system to ameliorate the risk of livelihood and properties of the coastal communities. It is believed that for these reasons, the potential use of floating breakwaters in Malaysia and perhaps in South East Asia countries would boom a vast popular demand for perimeter protection from the more traditional harder defences to solutions that we now term as “soft engineering”.





W ave Protection

The destructive power of sea waves has been one of the most challenging tasks for coastal engineers to contend for decades. The development in coastal waters generally depends on the anticipated wind-generated wave climate at specific site and most sites will be found to need some form of wave protection. In some cases, protection is readily established for on-site conditions because of existing natural wave and wake protection. Nevertheless, few sites have this natural protection. As a result, man-made structures are installed to prevent the coastal lines of defence or project sites from being affected by severe hydraulic loadings from the sea. Fixed breakwaters and floating breakwaters are often constructed to reduce surface water wave energy entering the sheltered area.

There are no universal standards or guidelines to define the maximum acceptable wave height within the proposed project sites. The degree of wave protection needed will depend on the owner’s or engineer’s perception of acceptable costs and damage

12 risks. These considerations often limit marina and any other small or medium-scale coastal projects feasible to naturally sheltered or semi-sheltered waters.

The rubble mound breakwaters and berm breakwaters have been widely used to create protected berthing areas for boats and ships. Rubble mound breakwater is one of the most conventional fixed breakwaters. The breakwater is a fixed, pervious gravity structure constructed of graded rock material, with one or more stone underlayers and a cover layer composed of stone or specially shaped concrete armour units, to minimize the transmission and overtopping of wave energy. The permanently fixed breakwaters may vary in profile from vertical to the gently sloping, usually no flatter than 1 to 10 (Teh, 2002). It has found popular application in coastal regions as an effective wave attenuator due to its durability and the high degree of wave energy suppression it can provide.

However, the rubble mound breakwater is limited in its potential application when the water depth at a given site is getting deeper as it will ultimately increase the breakwater cost significantly. Besides, a firm subsurface soil capable of providing adequate foundations is necessary to withstand the mass of the rubble mound breakwater. The breakwater may also interrupt littoral transport including local silt or scour problems and may disrupt water circulation and cause water quality deterioration within a given site, especially a marina which requires clean and clear aesthetic view of its surrounding water. It is for these reasons that alternative breakwater designs, primarily floating breakwaters, are of interest for a more environmentally-friendly and cost-effective application.

13 2.2

Floating Breakwater Applicability and Advantages

Environmental and financial restrictions on marina and any other coastal facilities development have fostered alternative engineering designs and development for shore protection and coastal shelter. An alternative attenuator or substitute to traditional fixed rubble mound breakwater is essential to the future of coastal engineering. A floating breakwater is one such alternative, a concept which utilizes reflection, dissipation and/or transformation to reduce wave energy and therefore attenuating incident waves to an acceptable level (Morey, 1998).

A floating breakwater is a floating structure of finite draft and relies on wavestructure interaction in the upper portion of the water column. Generally, a floating breakwater consists of a floating pontoon connected to the bed of the sea by line moorings such as cables and chains. Floating breakwaters can act as the primary source of wave protection or supplemental protection where partial shelter is given by reefs, shoals or conventional fixed structures. They are commonly installed at sites such as marinas, yacht clubs, small craft harbours, recreational areas and aquacultural facilities.

While fixed breakwaters provide some environmental and financial restrictions, floating breakwaters possess several distinct advantages. These include lower capital cost, shorter construction time, suitability for deep water sites, minimal impact on water circulation and marine habitat, accommodation for a variety of bottom conditions, and effective performance where large tidal variation exists.

While providing medium degree of wave protection, floating breakwaters offer cost-effective and economical alternatives, especially in deeper water regions. Based on the state-of-the-art literature review of floating breakwaters by Hales (1981), in water

14 depths greater than about 10 feet (or 3.05 meters), a fixed breakwater may not be competitive cost wise with a floating breakwater (depending on the incident wave period). Another attractive benefit of floating breakwaters is that they are flexible, removable, and movable from a location to another. They can be realigned into new layout as desired with minimum effort as facilitated by the buoyant and mobile characteristics of the structures.

Floating breakwaters also tend to work with Nature and are environmentally friendly. As the breakwater does not extend to the full depth of the water, there is very little or negligible interference of floating breakwater with littoral transport, shore processes, local water circulation and flushing currents that are essential for the maintenance of water quality. While the construction cost of a fixed breakwater increases with depth and requires firm foundation, the cost of a floating system is relatively less sensitive to water depth and subsurface soil conditions at a site. Floating breakwaters can act as multi-purpose breakwater facility and permit greater multi-use potential than fixed structures. Apart from the main function as a wave attenuator, floating breakwater can be used to serve as walkway, marine habitat, pier and boat dock.

Floating breakwaters, however, pose some drawbacks which require careful consideration in their evaluation. The engineering involved in the research, design and development of floating breakwaters for coastal regions present major challenges. The design of a floating breakwater system must be carefully matched to the site specific conditions and must be determined after the analysis of the anticipated wave climate at a specific location. Some disadvantages include the limitation to short fetches, shorter service life (10-20 years) and a portion of the incident wave is transmitted (Morey, 1998). Hales (1981) stated that uncertainties in the magnitude and types of applied loading on the system, and lack of maintenance cost information, dictate conservative design practices which naturally increase the initial project cost. A major disadvantage is

15 that floating breakwaters move in response to wave action and thus are more prone to structural-fatigue problems.


Operation of a Floating Breakwater as a Wave Attenuator

The main focus in this study of wave-structure interaction is about the wave attenuation of a newly developed floating breakwater system. Figure 2.1 schematically illustrates wave responses to a line-moored floating breakwater. As an incident wave approaches the floating breakwater, the breakwater is subjected to incident wave energy. A portion of the incident wave energy is reflected seaward as a reflected wave while another portion is transmitted past the breakwater to the leeside of the structure as transmitted wave. Part of the wave energy is dissipated at the structure or passes beneath it. The remaining energy excites the motions of the breakwater, i.e. heave, roll and sway motions.

The oscillating motions of the floating breakwater in turn generate waves at both sides of the structure in the direction of the reflected and transmitted waves. The portions generated by the breakwater motions, overtop and pass beneath the structure form the total transmitted wave while the total reflected wave is composed by the portions generated by the breakwater motions and the reflected components. Wave attenuation is therefore accomplished by the mechanisms of wave reflection, interference due to wave radiation, and energy extraction/dissipation due to wave breaking, absorption, turbulence, eddies and friction (Briggs, 2001).

16 Floating breakwaters anchored with chains or cables have some disadvantages such as large roll motion and secondary waves generation at the leeward side of the structure due to sway motion. Therefore, a replacement of the mooring system with piles instead of mooring lines can be beneficial. Such a system may overcome the problem of sway motion, which is prevented in this case by piles, and in addition the roll motion is limited due to the existence of the piles.

Incident wave height, Hi

Reflected wave height, Hr



Transmitted wave height, Ht

SWL Sway


Figure 2.1 : Wave responses to a line-moored floating structure described by a single sinusoid wave train


Wave Control and Attenuation Mechanisms

Waves on the surface of the ocean with periods of 3 to 25 seconds or surface gravity waves are primarily generated by winds and are a fundamental feature of coastal regions of the world (USACE, 2002). The most elementary wave theory developed by Airy, namely the small-amplitude or linear wave theory, gives a reasonable approximation of wave characteristics for a wide range of wave parameters. Equation

17 (2.1) describes the free surface as a function of time t and horizontal distance x for a simple periodic, sinusoidal, progressive wave travelling in the positive x-direction (USACE, 2002):


a cos( kx  Zt )

H 2Sx 2St  cos( ) L T 2

a cos T


where Ș is the elevation of the water surface relative to the still-water level SWL, and

H is one-half the wave height equal to the wave amplitude a. 2

Engineers and designers need to arm with the fundamental concepts of wave control and attenuation in order to use variations on the ideas and principles to match specific site conditions with the appropriate design of wave attenuation system. From the Equation (2.1) of wave profile, it can be observed that there are four basic physical parameters of water wave, namely wave height, wave length, wave period and wave direction, dictate the water surface elevation. Hence, in order to control the waves, these basic parameters of water wave need to be controlled.

According to Tobiasson and Kollmeyer (1991), the ultimate wave attenuator is a wide, low sloping shoreline beach made up of coarse sands and gravels. With the proper absorption and drainage characteristics, along with the room for reshaping its profile, this attenuator may be able to withstand any wave system, especially for shorter period wind-generated waves. However, “We are part of Nature. How can the part conquer the whole?” as stated by a great Indian philosopher named Osho (2001). It implies that no human invention can utterly stop the existence of Nature. The floating breakwater is not a panacea for wave protection. There are no systems designed today that will offer complete protection and each of them has its limitations relative to wave intensity. Once it is accepted that the system will offer much reduced protection at some wave intensity, it must then be accepted that the system may also fail at certain extent of wave intensity.

18 A properly designed floating breakwater is capable to provide adequate wave attenuation for the normal conditions and it becomes less protective as the waves increase in size while meeting the primary requirement of at least surviving through the storm. Floating breakwaters are generally ineffective when subjected to incident waves of extreme height or long periods. The action of floating breakwater may be considered in terms of basic wave processes which may result in wave attenuation. Therefore, the control of basic physical wave processes such as reflection, dissipation and transformation should be optimized in a wave attenuation system in order to reduce incident wave height through the conversion of wave energy. These energy reduction mechanisms operate in a singular nature or in a combination of two or more modes and will be discussed in the following sections.

2.4.1 Reflection

Wave dampening through the process of reflection is accomplished when the wave energy is redirected, with a change in wave direction, to somewhere else by an obstacle. Each component wave of a random sea is assumed to be reflected at an angle equal to the angle of incidence and to continue to propagate in that direction, as in the theory of geometrical optics.

For the case of pure standing wave with perfect reflection of an incident wave from an impermeable vertical wall, the reflected wave, with the same height as the incident wave, propagates in the reverse direction off the wall and meets the incident wave. The two waves of the same height and period momentarily meet and superimpose, resulting in a new wave twice as high as the original incident wave. However, often in nature, not all of the incident wave energy is perfectly reflected from obstacles. Some is

19 absorbed by the obstacle and some is transmitted past the obstacle. Normally partial standing waves are formed in front of an obstacle. An incident wave with a height of Hi and a reflected wave with a smaller height Hr but with different phase than the incident wave, both with the same wave periods, give the total wave profile seaward of the obstacle (Dean and Dalrymple, 2000) as in the Equation (2.2a):


Hi H cos(kx  Zt )  r cos(kx  Zt  H ) 2 2


where İ is the phase lag induced by the reflection process.

It is quite often that reflections occur during the performance test on floating breakwater system when measuring wave heights in a wave flume or tank. It is necessary to separate out the incident and reflected wave heights from the total wave profile seaward of the floating breakwater structure. Using trigonometric identities, Equation (2.2a) is rewritten as follows:


Hi H (cos kx cos Zt  sin kx sin Zt )  r (cos(kx  H ) cos Zt  sin(kx  H ) sin Zt ) 2 2

Grouping similar time terms,


Hr Hr º ª Hi º ª Hi « 2 cos kx  2 cos(kx  H )» cos Zt  « 2 sin kx  2 sin(kx  H )» sin Zt ¼ ¬ ¼ ¬

or, for convenience, denoting the parenthetical terms by I(x) and F(x),


I ( x) cos Zt  F ( x) sin Zt


20 Thus Șt is a sum of standing waves with the first term as a regular incident wave propagating in the positive-x direction and the second term as the reflected wave traveling in the reverse direction. To find the extreme values of Șt for any x, it is necessary to find the maximums and minimums of Șt of the envelope of the wave heights with respect to time t. By taking the first derivative and setting it equal to zero to find the extremes, yields

wK t wt

 I ( x)Z sin Zt  F ( x)Z cos Zt



tan(Zt ) m

F ( x) I ( x)


where the subscript m indicates either maximum or minimum. Examining Figure 2.2, the relationships among (Ȧt)m, F(x) and I(x) are deduced that I ( x)

cos(Zt ) m

I 2 ( x)  F 2 ( x)

F ( x)

sin(Zt ) m

I ( x)  F 2 ( x) 2

Substituting into Equation (2.2b) yields

(K t ) m

I 2 ( x)  F 2 ( x) I ( x)  F ( x) 2


r I 2 ( x)  F 2 ( x)

Substituting for I(x) and F(x) from Equation (2.2b) into Equation (2.4), the extreme values of Șt for any location x are



I 2 ( x)  F 2 ( x) F(x) (Ȧt)m I(x) Figure 2.2 : Relationships among (Ȧt)m, F(x) and I(x)


>K t ( x)@m


HH §H · §H · r ¨ i ¸  ¨ r ¸  i r cos(2kx  H ) 2 © 2 ¹ © 2 ¹


[Șt(x)]m varies periodically with x. At the phase positions (2kx1 + İ) = 2nʌ (n = 0, 1,…), [Șt(x)]m becomes a maximum of the envelope:

(K t ) max

1 (H i  H r ) , 2

the quasi-antinodes


Whereas at the phase positions (2kx2 + İ) = (2n + 1)ʌ (n = 0, 1,…), the value of [Șt(x)]m becomes a minimum of the envelope:

(K t ) min

1 (H i  H r ) , 2

the quasi-nodes


For laboratory experiments, where wave reflection from a floating breakwater is present, if the amplitude of the quasi-antinodes and nodes are measured by slowly moving a wave probe along the wave flume, the incident and reflected wave heights are found simply from Equations (2.8) and (2.9) as follows:



(K t ) max  (K t ) min

H max  H min 2



(K t ) max  (K t ) min

H max  H min 2


The reflection from the floating breakwater or obstacle can be defined as the ratio of the reflected wave height to the incident wave height, which is termed the reflection coefficient:


Hr Hi

2K t 2K t


 2K t



 2K t



or it can also be defined in terms of wave energies as follows:


Er Ei


Most breakwaters function primarily as wave reflectors. Although some of the intercepted wave energy is indeed dissipated upon the structure, the larger portion is generally redirected seaward again. The application of reflection method must always be given careful consideration as reflection may end up on a neighbouring shoreline and pose erosion problem. The interaction of the reflected and incident waves often creates messy and unstable conditions of water surface which are particularly dangerous to boats or small crafts at the seaward side of a floating breakwater system that is at its proximity to a navigational watercourse.

23 Therefore, vertical impermeable and rigid walls are less favourable if compared to sloping walls which are capable to considerably reduce wave run-up and wave impact on the walls. A fairly efficient reflector needs to be designed to withstand rather large forces. When the reflecting slope becomes very flat, the incident wave will break on the slope, causing an increase in energy dissipation and commensurate decrease in the reflection coefficient. In some cases, wave energy may be transformed into secondary wave trains.

Reflective floating breakwaters utilize large vertical or inclined surfaces to reflect incident wave energy back seaward. According to Morey (1998), the performance of reflective structures is most sensitive to incident wave height and period, depth and angle of the reflecting surface and the overall structure stability while Teh (2002) stated that, in general, the reflection characteristics are governed primarily by surface slope, roughness, permeability and geometrical slope of the structure and also dependent on the still water depth, incident wave condition, wave steepness and angle of wave advance. As the slope of the wall decreases or the wall roughness or permeability increases, the reflected wave height decreases (Sorensen, 1978). Also, for a given obstacle, wave reflection decreases with an increase in incident wave steepness, especially when wave breaking occurs.

A typical floating breakwater design utilizing the concept of reflection is the AFrame as shown in Figure 2.3. The A-Frame floating breakwater has been used extensively in British Columbia (Morey, 1998). A centerboard made of timber is combined with stabilizers such as steel, plastic or wood and steel framing members to form a large moment of inertia in order to increase the mass of the entire system. The light-weighted structural and simplistic design of the A-Frame, however, have some drawbacks which include high cost, corrosion of steel frames and damage to ends through collisions with other modules, resulting in loss of buoyancy.


Cylinder Pontoon

Steel Wood Sheet

Figure 2.3 : A-Frame Floating Breakwater

2.4.2 Dissipation

Dissipative floating breakwaters convert incident wave energy into heat and sound through the mechanisms of fluid turbulence, vortices or/and eddies as well as breaking on sloping surfaces or against structural members. The process of wave breaking occurs naturally on shelving coasts where most wind-generated wave energy is eventually dissipated. The efficiency of the dissipative structures is dominated mainly by structural geometry and mooring restraints. These have limited use in attenuating waves of any significant heights but have been used extensively in quelling wind-generated waves (EDCL, 1991).

Concepts grouped under this attenuation method include tethered-float and poletire breakwaters as shown in Figures 2.4 and 2.5, respectively. Most of the incident wave energy is transformed into turbulence within and around the many components of these structures, while only a small portion is reflected. The pole-tire and tethered-float breakwaters are technically feasible solutions to wave protection problems in short-fetch (e.g. less than 10 km) or semi-protected locations. However, according to Harms (1980),

25 the pole-tire breakwater is a more effective wave energy filter than a tethered-float breakwater of equal size.




H, L

Frame Anchor



Figure 2.4 : Tethered-Float Breakwater [Harms, 1980]

The most common dissipative floating breakwater is the Goodyear. Goodyear scrap tire floating breakwater uses a modular building-block design of 18 tires bound together with flexible belting such as unwelded open-link galvanized chain. It has overall length, width and height dimensions of 2.0 by 2.2 by 0.8 m, respectively (Morey, 1998). Units, with 18 tires each (3-2-3-2-3-2-3 combination), are connected to form a floating breakwater system with 3, 4 or 5 units in width.





Pole Tire mooring damper PLAN VIEW B




Figure 2.5 : Pole-Tire Breakwater [Harms, 1980] Wave Breaking and Overtopping

Wave breaking is a phenomenon where all or part of a wave is caused to break, i.e., tumbles or trips over itself when reaching a critical state. Basically, wave breaking conditions for wave-structure interaction depend on the slope, geometrical shape and

27 permeability of structures, wave steepness and bottom slope or configuration. According to Tobiasson and Kollmeyer (1991), whatever wave part cannot be blocked will break or tumble over the top of the structure, perhaps disturbing the water on the other side of the structure and creating significantly smaller wave than the original wave. Waves transmitted by overtopping tend to have shorter periods, because the impact of the falling water mass often generates harmonic waves with periods of one-half and onethird the incident wave period (Goda, 2000). The volume of water carried over the structure or overtopping wave and water depth are among the basic factors that determine the wave form after the wave overtopping. The resulting waves after reforming will have smaller wave heights and shorter period.

Sorensen (1978) explained the wave breaking phenomena stating that the crest particle velocity is typically much lower than the wave celerity. In deep water regions, for a given wave period, the particle velocity of a wave crest is proportional to the wave height. Thus with increasing wave heights the particle velocity will eventually reach a point that is equal to the wave celerity where the wave becomes unstable and break. As a wave shoals or propagates from a greater to a lesser depth of water, the increasing crest particle velocity becomes equal to the decreasing phase velocity causing the wave to break.

There are a few relationships for wave breaking quoted in the literature by Sorensen (1978). Miche’s equation determined the limiting condition for wave breaking in any water depth as follows: §H· ¨ ¸ © L ¹ max

1 § 2Sd · tanh¨ ¸ 7 © L ¹


Equation (2.12) was later found to be sufficiently accurate for engineering purposes and Danel had reduced the equation to

28 § H0 ¨¨ © L0

· ¸¸ ¹ max

1 , 7

in deep water


Equation (2.13) indicates that the wave will break when the deep water wave height becomes one-seventh of the wave length. In shallow water, the Equation (2.14) gives the condition for breaking of an ideal wave on a horizontal bottom of zero slope. §H· ¨ ¸ © L ¹ max

1 2Sd 7 L


§H· ¨ ¸ © d ¹ max

0.9 ,

in shallow water

(2.14) Turbulence and Eddies

Frictional dissipation of wave energy is rather an ambitious endeavour. It is realized that some form of frictional effects play a role in many wave attenuation processes. However, the losses are too small to be used exclusively in attenuator designs. Nonetheless, the concept of turbulent disorientation is possible to envision some well organized fluid movement under the action of a water wave being subverted into even smaller chaotic motions which first destroy the organization of the fluid under a surface wave, and therefore the wave itself, and then further break down into turbulent motions (Tobiasson & Kollmeyer, 1991). The concept of turbulence is to get the larger threatening wave form to cascade its energy down into more numerous, but smaller physical systems that can easily be dealt with. The turbulent disorientation is capable to destroy the wave over a short distance and this principle offers some innovative floating breakwater design possibilities.

29 Another kind of energy loss is the formation of eddies around the corners of floating structure due to the fact that the floating body is in the domain of the waves. Eddy has a swirling flow pattern and is an important feature in many research and engineering fields. In floating breakwater design, eddies are generally desirable and design is optimized to promote the occurrence of eddies in order to enhance wave dissipation. A qualitative study was performed by Tolba (1999) to describe how the incident waves lose some of its energy when it passes through a floating breakwater. The study included the description of water particles movement around the edges of the structure by using small artificial particles and watching their motion using the video camera. The study showed that some of the incident wave energy is dissipated due to the formation of eddies around the two sharp edges of the body. The area of the eddy formed in front of the body is bigger in size than the second eddy formed at the lee of the body. Furthermore, the position of the eddy changes with the movement of the free surface of the wave as shown in Figure 2.6



One of the methods of wave attenuation is the application of the mechanism of transformation, which convert incident wave energy through induced motion response into secondary wave trains of various heights and periods. Highest efficiencies occur when the secondary transmitted wave trains are out of phase with the incident waves. Attenuation is influenced by mass, natural periods of motion, and the relative width. A typical design using the concept of transformation is the Alaskan floating breakwater as shown in Figure 2.7. The Alaskan floating breakwater, which is currently used in several harbours along the Alaskan coast, is a double pontoon system constructed from concrete and polystyrene foam (Morey, 1998). The two large pontoons are held in position using a series of braces to provide additional stiffness and floatation.


Heave motion Incident wave Transmitted wave Reflected wave S.W.L.

Eddy (1) Eddy (2)


Heave motion Incident wave Transmitted wave Reflected wave S.W.L.

Eddy (4) d

Eddy (3)

Figure 2.6 : Variation of the position of the eddies with the movement of the free surface [Tolba, 1999]


Polystyrene filled

Reinforced concrete

Figure 2.7 : Alaskan floating breakwater [Morey, 1998]


Mooring Systems

Mooring systems are an integral part of any successful floating breakwater design. A highly efficient wave attenuator is no consolation if the mooring system fails to keep the floating breakwater in position during survival storm conditions. In addition, mooring design has a direct influence on wave transmission performance and breakwater structural design. Prior to the specific design of mooring system, it is important to have an investigation on the types of subsoil that will hold the mooring system, the applied loads and the types of material best suited for mooring structures (Tobiasson & Kollmeyer, 1991). Most floating breakwaters would in most instances be moored using a conventional catenary anchor leg mooring system or by rigid guide pile-type mooring as shown in Figure 2.8 and Plate 2.1, respectively.


Precast concrete block


Figure 2.8 : Anchor-and-line mooring system [McCartney, 1985]

Plate 2.1 : A floating dock system supported by mooring piles at the Sutera Harbour Resort, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

There is increased interest in the use of chain, cable and synthetic line spanning from the surface to seabed anchors as mooring method due to deep water and aesthetic considerations. When mooring line is connected to a floating breakwater, the weight of the line causes it to hang vertically downward due to gravity. With sufficient length of the line, the other end of the line may be laid along the bottom due to gravity and

33 connected to an anchor. As the horizontal force applies to the floating breakwater, this force is then translated into a tension force in the anchor line, and ultimately becomes a horizontal force translocated to the anchor. The translocation of forces along the mooring line is attained by the catenary shape formed by the chain. According to Tobiasson and Kollmeyer (1991), anchoring systems with a chain should use a scope of three to five times the depth of water, with the smaller scope ratios related to the heavier chains while anchoring systems with nylon should use a scope of at least seven times the depth of water.

The principle of catenary provides the proper force lead to an anchor by translocating the horizontal pull down the line and it allows some effective flex. Chains are preferred for catenary moorings because of their greater weight, durability and robustness. Chains also have the advantage of ideal bending properties and good seabed abrasion qualities with predictable maintenance intervals. Pretension of the mooring system should be considered so that the floating breakwater remains close to the fully loaded locations, even in an unloaded situation. The length of the mooring line should be such that maximum line tension does not give uplift forces on an anchor. Sufficient excess line length needs to be stored in the catenary reservoir so that the floating breakwater will not be pulled under the surface under storm tidal conditions. Clump weight or heavy block weight can be positioned at some midpoint along the mooring line to form an auxiliary anchor. It will greatly provide more horizontal pull on the main anchor because of its downward pull on the line.

Mooring systems are no better than their anchoring devices. Dead weight anchors such as concrete blocks or ship anchors rely primarily on anchor mass with additional help from frictional resistance between the anchors and soil whereas penetration anchors rely on soil shear strength to resist “pullout” under load conditions (USACE, 2002). Dead weight anchors can be used in any water depth, but work best in sand or mud

34 bottoms to allow some embedment. Most anchors hold best if the pull on the anchor is close to the horizontal and parallel to the bottom. There is conservative belief that if a heavy anchor does not dig into the seabed, the substantial weight of the anchor may provide certain extent of safety. However, it should be noted that in salt water an iron or steel anchor’s weight will only be 87% of its weight in air and it will be only slightly heavier in fresh water (Tobiasson & Kollmeyer, 1991).

Sannasiraj et al. (1998) have studied the behaviour of a single pontoon-type floating breakwater with three different types of mooring configurations, viz. mooring at water level, mooring at base bottom and cross moored at base bottom level as shown in Figure 2.9. In all cases, the length of the mooring line is fixed at twice the water depth and four mooring chains are used for each configuration. The transmission coefficient is not significantly affected by the mooring configurations studied. However, among the three configurations, cross-moored floating pontoon yields a higher Ct compared to the other two configurations. The configuration with mooring at base bottom was observed to be efficient in attenuating the incident wave energy and in addition the forces on the mooring chains for this are found to be less. Based on their investigation on responses, transmission characteristics and mooring forces, crossed mooring for floating breakwater is not efficient. Therefore, mooring configuration is one of the primary factors that need to be taken into serious consideration in floating breakwater design.


Mooring at water level

Mooring at base bottom

Cross moored at base bottom

Figure 2.9 : Mooring line configurations for a single pontoon-type floating breakwater [Sannasiraj et al., 1998]

Pile guide systems are probably the most commonly used form of floating dock mooring support system. Cantilever piles are driven into the subsoil and used as mooring system with an adequate connection between the piles and the floating system to transfer the applied load to the piles. Most pile guide systems will be designed to allow the application of horizontal load by use of a bearing or rolling guidance system. Piling system allows the breakwater to rise and fall with the tide but not move laterally. Pileanchored breakwaters are limited to fairly shallow sites with water depth of about 30 feet or 9.1 m and require suitable bottom material to allow adequate pile penetration and sufficient lateral strength (McCartney, 1985).

The two main structural materials used to manufacture piles are concrete and steel, which have already been extensively used in many applications at sea. Timber might also be employed. Reinforced concrete ships of the 1914-18 war, with lives of 50 years or more, and concrete forts of the 1939-45 war have demonstrated the durability and corrosion resistance of concrete (Shaw, 1982). For spun concrete pile, except where piles are to be jetted, SAI (2001) has recommended that the lower end of the pile should be sealed with a plug or driving shoe to prevent continuing ingress of salt water into the

36 inside of the pile (a requirement for saline water). As for steel, it is a well-proven material for use at sea although there may be fatigue problems and appropriate corrosion protection must be provided. Where steel piles are used, consideration shall be given to their protection. Some commonly used methods include HDPE sleeves, epoxy coating and paint systems.

Catenary mooring systems have significant cost advantages over guide pile systems in deepwater, i.e. greater than 10 m (Headland, 1995). Furthermore, catenary mooring systems are softer than guide pile systems which generally result in lower mooring forces. The mooring forces for the guide pile system could be about 10 times greater than those for the catenary mooring system. However, catenary mooring systems have some drawbacks. Line-moored floating breakwaters are dynamic structures that are more prone to fail at connecting joints between units and at mooring line connectors. Also, if the mooring lines or anchors fail, a floating breakwater can damage nearby vessels, piers and other structures. Another disadvantage of such a system could be the potential rectilinear and angular motions affecting the performance of the floating breakwater, and the wear of the mooring lines at the seabed touch down point.

For a permanent floating breakwater such as floating docks in marina, it is recommended that pile guide system is used as mooring method to restraint the floating structure if the water depth is not too deep. Moreover, most of the floating breakwaters are designed for relatively shallower water region. Piling system is a solution to overcome the above mentioned disadvantages of those floating breakwaters moored with chains or cables. Such a system may overcome the problem of sway motion and in addition the roll motion is limited due to the existence of the piles. Therefore, the pilesystem floating breakwater can move freely with the tides and probably avoid the problems of the overtopping due to the effect of tides on the mooring lines when the mooring lines reach their maximum length.

37 2.6

Performance Considerations

A wave’s influence extends down into the water to depths which approximate one-half of its wave length (Tobiasson and Kollmeyer, 1991). As a wave passes a point in shallow and transitional water regions, the entire water column under the crest moves forward in the direction of wave travel. As the trough passes, the water reverses itself and moves backwards. Hence an elliptical orbit of water particle as a wave passes a fixed point. For deepwater conditions, particle paths are circular. No closed orbit is formed because the crest movement is generally greater than the trough movement. As a result, wave current is induced in the direction of wave travel. The amplitude of the water particle displacement decreases exponentially with depth and in deepwater regions becomes small relative to the wave height at a depth equal to one-half the wave length below the free surface (USACE, 2002). Thus the power of waves varies from the top of the crest to the bottom. The greatest power occupies the SWL and it diminishes rapidly with depth.

The wave power, or rate of energy transport, is what must be attenuated. A wave, which is basically described in terms of size and shape, can be expressed mathematically in terms of power relationships. The effects of a floating breakwater on a wave system can be determined by observing the structure’s effect on the power of waves. An incident wave that is going to strike on the floating breakwater is described in terms of pure power. As it interacts with the structure, some of this power is blocked and attenuated by the wave attenuator. The remaining power that flows past the structure will reconstitute back into a new wave behind the structure and can be used to determine the wave attenuation efficiency. The power of the wave increases with the square of the wave height. Thus, a general rule of thumb is that to attenuate one-half of the wave power is to reduce the wave height by about one-quarter (Tobiasson and Kollmeyer, 1991). Therefore, incident wave height should be attenuated as much as possible by

38 redirecting the wave energy back to the sea or converting the wave energy into other forms of energy such as heat and sound.

Briggs (2001) in his technical report has made a reference to the breakwater performance characteristics obtained by Jones (1971), reported that an ideal wave barrier will have the following performance characteristics: (a) good performance or attenuation of wave energy, (b) high mobility, (c) quick installation and removal, (d) survivability in a ‘design’ storm, (e) economic, and (f) reusable. Of the criteria for evaluating a floating breakwater, the most important is performance or wave attenuation, as quantified by wave transmission. Wave transmission is an important aspect in the determination of the effectiveness of the floating breakwater to protect the targeted region. The generally accepted criterion for evaluating a floating breakwater’s performance is the transmission coefficient, Ct, a ratio of the transmitted wave height, Ht to the incident wave height, Hi:


Ht Hi


Ct can also be defined in terms of the total incident wave energy, Ei, and transmitted wave energy, Et:


Et Ei


According to Hales (1981), this definition is satisfactory as long as the waves are regular. However, in wave climates consisting of short-crested irregular waves, the definition may need to reflect the amount of energy transmission instead of wave height

39 transmission. Accordingly, a transmission coefficient is frequently formulated as the ratio of the transmitted wave height squared, Ht2 to the incident wave height squared, Hi2: H t2 H i2



The design of a floating breakwater system is always site-specific. Waves favourably attenuated by a floating breakwater usually do not exceed 4 feet (or 1.22 m) in height and periods usually do not exceed 4 seconds (Hales, 1981). Note that these waves are relatively short period, it is pertinent to remember that the average waves are not the ones which cause the destruction of the floating structure. The peak waves or the extreme waves are the parameters the structure must be designed to withstand.

The incident wave energy is split up into reflected, dissipated (taking into account the wave energy dissipation by breaking and friction) and transmitted wave energy. The relationship can be expressed mathematically as: Ei

E r  El  Et



UgH i2

UgH r2



UgH l2 8

UgH t2 8


As the density of water, ȡ and the gravitational acceleration, g are constant, Equation (2.18b) can be rewritten as:

H i2

H r2  H l2  H t2


40 However, Hl, as appears in Equation (2.19), does not exist in reality. Therefore, it would be more appropriate to correlate the equation in terms of coefficients by the relationship:

§ Hr ¨¨ © Hi



· § Hl · § Ht · ¸¸ ¸¸  ¨¨ ¸¸  ¨¨ H H ¹ © i¹ © i¹





C r2  C l2  C t2

with C r


Er , Cl Ei


El and C t Ei

Et Ei

The parameter relating to the energy loss due to wave dissipation may readily be used in the form of dimensionless parameter as Cl to describe the floating breakwater performance:


1  C r2  C t2


Existing Floating Breakwaters


Little attention was paid to the use of floating breakwaters until the expedient harbour design for the invasion of Normandy of World War II had included moored floating breakwaters (“Bombardon”) to dissipate wave energy and provide shelter for invading troops. The Bombardon had a cross section similar to a Maltese cross in shape; each unit was 61 m (200 feet) in length, 7.6 m (25 feet) in beam and depth with 5.8 m

41 (19 feet) draft (USACE, 2002). According to Hales (1981), the Bombardon was designed to withstand a wave of 10 feet (3.05 m) high and 150 feet (45.72 m) long, and was successful during the invasion. However, the structure collapsed during an unexpected storm when the seas grew to 15 feet (4.57 m) in height with lengths of 300 feet (91.44 m), thus generating stresses more than eight times those for which the structure had been designed. Shown in Figure 2.10 is the transfer point on Omaha Beach where the cargos of amphibious trucks were reloaded on other trucks for transfer to supply and ammunition depots (Normandy Invasion, 1944). Note the “X” shaped section of Bombardon floating breakwater beached near the shoreline in the left center.

Bombardon floating breakwater

Figure 2.10 : The “X” shaped section of Bombardon floating breakwater was beached near the shoreline near the left center [Normandy Invasion, 1944]

42 Use of floating breakwaters declined over the following years until 1957, when the U. S. Navy Civil Engineering Laboratory saw the potential of floating units to protect small, moored craft and marine structures (Hales, 1981). The need to protect boats and structures increased as there were more and more people settled along the coasts. Over the years, studies were performed on the use of many different types of floating breakwaters to protect beaches, harbours, pleasure craft and other coastal structures from the effects of waves. Some of these studies include Adee (1976), Agerton et al. (1976), Armstrong & Peterson (1978), Harms (1979), Harms (1980), Cox et al. (1991), Mani (1991), Murali & Mani (1997), Archilla (1999), Farmer (1999), Tolba (1999), Briggs et al. (2000), Christian (2000), Briggs et al. (2002), Hadibah Ismail & Teh (2002a) and Hadibah Ismail & Teh (2002b).

In recent years, many types of floating breakwaters have been model-tested and some have been constructed. Hales (1981) provides a comprehensive survey of floating breakwater types. An inventory of typical floating breakwater types, model test information, prototype installations and design considerations can be found in McCartney (1985). There have also been a lot of different types of floating breakwater design patents available today. Patent is a way to protect the ideas and rights of inventors apart from its original purpose to provide more information available to the public. Some of the floating breakwater design patents include those from Federico (1994), Resio et al. (1997), Tsunehiro et al. (1999), Bishop & Bishop (2002) and Meyers & Brown (2002).

There has been research conducted in the area of floating breakwaters of various types with different design concepts. There were plenty of works have been done in this area for floating structures utilizing different wave attenuation mechanism. Therefore, it is beneficial to have a background in this field due to the fundamental relationship with the composite stepped-slope floating breakwater system being considered in the present

43 study. Several relevant research studies and floating breakwater designs will be discussed in the following section.

2.7.1 Floating Breakwater by Tsunehiro et al. (1999)

Tsunehiro et al. (1999) have patented their floating breakwater design as shown in Figure 2.11. The floating breakwater was designed primarily to provide protection for fishing port, marina and shoreline erosion. Conventionally, line-moored floating breakwaters are used for wave attenuation. However, these floating breakwaters have caused rectilinear and angular motions which in turn affecting the performance of the system. For this reason, a floating breakwater system consists of a breakwater body supported by piles was developed in order to allow the floating structure to move freely in vertical direction following the tides. Rollers are used as rolling guidance system to provide a smooth vertical movement. The structure is being restrained from horizontal movement due to the existence of piles.

The floating breakwater was designed such that it has another structure with opening area below the floating breakwater body. Partition walls with necessary spacing are installed within the opening area to enhance the strength of the structure as well as to hold the water within the opening area. As the floating breakwater body moves vertically up and down, the hollow structure with partition walls built below it moves simultaneously and accordingly with the movement of the body. Trapped water between the partition walls inside the opening area are lift together with the structure, thus creating eddies and turbulence around the structure. As a result, wave energy is dissipated through the formation of eddies. However, part of the incident wave energy is reflected back seaward due to the floating breakwater body.


Incident wave

Breakwater body Transmitted wave



Partition wall

Figure 2.11 : Perspective view of the floating breakwater [Tsunehiro et al., 1999]

Experimental results on wave attenuation have shown that the floating breakwater is capable to attenuate the height of short-period waves up to 60% with Ct ranging from 0.4 to 0.6. In order to achieve the threshold value of Ct = 0.5, the minimum B/L value has to be approximately 0.13. The Cr value was reported to be in the range of 0.45 to 0.55 while Cl remains fairly constant at approximately 0.5. Therefore, it can be concluded that the floating breakwater achieved its purpose as a wave attenuator utilizing the hybrid method of wave reflection and dissipation.

2.7.2 Floating Dynamic Breakwater by Federico (1994)

A dynamic floating breakwater or dock device designed by Federico (1994) is generally T-shaped in cross-section, having a platform beam, a vertical beam and a keel member. Figure 2.12 shows a perspective view of the floating dynamic breakwater with an exposed cross-sectional slice (a), cross-sectional view of two alternative embodiments

45 of the floating breakwater (b and c), and an illustration showing the pivoting motion induced by the incoming waves (d).


Platform beam

Keel member Vertical beam


Weight adding member Floatation member


Incoming wave Closed hollow member



Figure 2.12 : Floating dynamic breakwater [Federico, 1994]

The density of the floating structure varies from top to bottom, such that the platform beam is the least dense (approximately 0.5 g/ml to 0.7 g/ml), the keel member

46 is the densest (approximately 2.5 g/ml) and the density of the vertical beam falls in approximately 1.0 g/ml. The floating member as a whole must have an average density (approximately 0.6 g/ml to 0.8 g/ml) remaining less than that of water (1 g/ml) so that the structure will float at or near the surface of the water. The variation in densities of the components creates a low center of gravity for the floating breakwater, such that the center of gravity is located in the vicinity of the junction of the keel member and the lower portion of the vertical beam. Therefore, the keel member will remain relatively stable and motionless, acting as a pivot point when encountering incoming waves. The pivoting motion in conjunction with the vertical motion act to create anti-waves which cancel or lessen the incoming waves.

As a wave approaches the floating breakwater, the high density keel member causes the structure to have a slow response to the vertical component of the approaching wave, causing the tip of the wave to break onto itself and across the platform beam. In conjunction with the incoming waves, the structure begins pivoting about its low center of gravity, the frequency of the pivoting motion corresponding to the frequency of the incoming waves. After an initial incoming wave has pivoted the structure in the direction of wave advance, the structure pivots back in the direction opposite to the incoming waves. The T-shape of the platform beam and vertical beam creates an anti-wave in the opposite direction of the incoming waves. These anti-waves meet the incoming waves with the troughs of the anti-waves canceling the peaks of the incoming waves, thus significantly reducing the size of the incoming waves and creating a calmer condition on the other side of the breakwater. The particular dimension of the dynamic breakwater is a function of the expected size, shape and length of waves to be encountered by the structure. Proper dimension will result in the breakwater creating the proper anti-waves to dampen the incoming waves.

The platform beam is preferably rectangular in surface configuration, although variations in configuration are possible. The cross-sectional width of the depending

47 vertical beam is preferably the same from top to bottom but may also be flared such that the cross-sectional width is wider at the bottom than at the top. The keel member may match the vertical beam in cross-section but is preferably wider so as to concentrate more mass in a shorter vertical distance. The keel member may also be bulbous, circular, flared or triangular to accomplish the concentration of mass.

The platform beam and vertical beam of the floating breakwater are preferably constructed of a lightweight concrete created by using polystyrene beads or other similar light-weight material as the aggregate filler. By varying the proportion of polystyrene beads relative to the proportions of cement and sand in the mixture, the density of the finished product can be controlled. This material is lightweight in its finished form, having a controllable density of between 0.4 g/ml and 1.5 g/ml. The keel member may be formed of standard concrete having gravel or rock as the aggregate fill material to provide the high density value required. The platform beam can be constructed with low density floatation members made of a lightweight, closed-cell foam material, such as polystyrene, recycled plastic or closed hollow members such as PVC pipe. Additionally, various strength enhancing reinforcement members such as wire mesh or weight adding member such as high density materials may be incorporated into the design to improve structural integrity or add weight to the keel member.

2.7.3 Cage Floating Breakwater by Murali and Mani (1997)

To meet the demand for a cost-effective floating breakwater, a new, improved cage floating breakwater system has been developed by Murali and Mani (1997). The basic configuration reported for a cost-effective Y-frame floating breakwater (Mani, 1991) has been adopted for the system. The details of the cage floating breakwater are

48 shown in Figure 2.13. The breakwater comprises two trapezoidal pontoons of width B spaced at a clear distance b and fixed with two rows of equally spaced piles with a certain gap to diameter ratio (G/D). It should be specified here that the symbols or nomenclatures used in this particular section are based on the definition given in Figure 2.13. The space between the two pontoons might serve as a cage by enclosing it with suitable nylon mesh. The model was moored to the flume bed by eight taut mooring lines: four connected to the bottom of the pontoons and four to the bottom of the pipes.


PVC pipes

Net Mooring lines Flume bed



Figure 2.13 : Cage floating breakwater [Murali and Mani, 1997]

Experiments were conducted in a 30 m x 2 m x 1.5 m wave flume with a constant water depth of 1 m to study the performance characteristics of the cage floating breakwater. A geometrical scale of 1:15 was adopted for the model study. The pontoon width, B was designed to be 0.2 m. The diameter of the pipes was 0.09 m. A wave gauge mounted on to a trolley was towed slowly against the direction of incident waves for a distance of about 6-8 m from a position 5 m away from the model to record the wave envelopes.

49 From the laboratory study results, Ct is more or less constant for G/D less than 0.22 irrespective of Hi/gT2 (Hi/gT2 ranging between 0.0014 and 0.016). A 15-20% reduction in Ct was observed when attempts were made to reduce G/D from 0.33 to 0.22. This is attributable to higher reflection characteristics and wave energy dissipation due to turbulence created in the vicinity of the pipes. For increase in d/h from 0.36 to 0.46, considerable reduction in Ct value is observed (about 10-15%). An increase in d/h beyond 0.46 would not be beneficial as the reduction in Ct value is of the order of 3% for increase in d/h from 0.46 to 0.56. The results suggest that an optimal value of G/D = 0.22 and d/h = 0.46 for the floating breakwater to obtain the desired results of Ct below 0.5.

Results on the effect of increasing gap between the pontoons b on Ct recommended that a b/B ratio not greater than 1.0 for the cage floating breakwater. Moreover, the size and hence the cost of the breakwater would significantly increase for b/B > 1. Attempts to reduce the b/B ratio to 0.5 resulted in a drastic increase in water surface oscillations inside the cage due to multiple reflections, leading to frequent surge of water level from within the cage.

By using the optimal combination of parameters mentioned earlier, for large Hi/gT2 > 0.010, the system was found to be able to effectively restrict the Ct below 0.1. This performance is comparable with those of conventional breakwaters like a rubble mound, vertical wall, etc. For the experimental range of Hi/gT2, the Cr varies between 0.46 and 0.77. Results comparison revealed that the cage floating breakwater is 10-20% more efficient in controlling the Ct compared to the Y-frame floating breakwater by Mani (1991). To restrict Ct below 0.5, the studies carried out by Yamamoto (1981) on rectangular pontoons suggest a W/L ratio of about 0.25, whereas the study on the cage floating breakwater indicates that by fixing a row of pipes below the floating body, the W/L requirement can be reduced to 0.15 without any compromise in the performance. The two rows of pipes in the floating breakwater act as a barrier for the incident waves

50 and any attempt to increase the number of rows would no doubt increase the efficiency of the system but at the same time would result in an increase in size, force and cost. Therefore, the number of rows is restricted to a maximum of two.


Rapidly Installed Breakwater System (RIBS) by Resio et al. (1997)

The RIBS is a floating breakwater with two legs in a “V” shape in plan view that provide a sheltered region from waves and currents. This new concept of the RIBS promises to expand floating breakwater technology by allowing operations in SS3 conditions (waves with peak periods in the range of 3 to 6 sec and significant wave heights between 1 to 1.5 m). The driving force behind RIBS concept has been the fact that SS3 conditions seriously diminish or halt force projection plans. The objective of the RIBS is to reduce the waves from SS3 to SS2 or wave heights up to 1 m within the lee of the structure to facilitate military and civilian operations along exposed portions of the world’s coastlines. Figure 2.14 is an artist’s rendition of what the full-scale RIBS will look like.

According to the patent (Resio et al., 1997), the legs of the RIBS are composed of two structural members where a first member provides a means for floating the structure and sufficient freeboard for the structure to minimize wave overtopping. Second member provides a means for ballasting the structure and a curtain member connecting the first and second members that extend through a water column between the first and second members. The suspended curtain deflects and redirects incident wave front energy. According to Briggs (2001), the RIBS legs need to be of the order of 1.5 to 3 wavelengths in length and extend through the water column a depth sufficient to deflect most of the wave energy (i.e. order of 0.5 times the water depth).


Figure 2.14 : Rapidly Installed Breakwater System concept [Resio et al., 1997]

An integrated study of analytical, numerical, laboratory and field experiments has been performed to predict the performance of the RIBS (Briggs, 2001). Several RIBS geometries and configurations were tested in the directional spectral wave basin at the ERDC in 1997 to investigate the effects of draft, interior angle and shape on performance. In these Fundamental Laboratory experiments (FLab), the RIBS was idealized as a thin, rigid, fixed, vertical barrier corresponding to a 293-m-long RIBS in 15-m-deep water. The physical model scale was 1:32. Wave transmission was measured and evaluated. The Ct decreased as wave period decreased and D/d increased, and was fairly uniform with distance in the lee of the RIBS. From the experimental results, it was determined that the RIBS should be positioned so that the D/d is greater than 50% of the water depth and an interior angle greater than 45 degrees should be used.

The ERDC deployed the first ocean-scaled version of the RIBS off Port Canaveral, Florida, during 20-30 May 1999. This XM99 prototype was approximately

52 77 m long, 2.4 m wide and 7.3 m deep. Water depth was 13.41 m. The novel construction technique consisted of rigid steel truss frames and flexible membrane panels in a “Venetian Blind” arrangement. Incident directional and transmitted waves were measured with buoys. The measured Ct were less than the Ct = 0.5 desired level of efficiency for several hours every day. Incident wave heights up to 0.83 m were efficiently reduced during the field trial. The XM99 performed very well considering that it experienced some minor tearing in the curtains after the first two days, resulting in a reduced barrier to wave transmission.

The analytical models used in this study are based on linear wave theory and idealize the RIBS as a fixed, rigid, vertical barrier. They are designated the power transmission (PTT) and modified power transmission (MPTT) models. However, these models were never intended for a multi-legged structure such as the RIBS. Because of some shortcomings in their formulation, they are compared to the measured data only to assess their range of applicability to the RIBS. The numerical program WAMIT (Wave Analysis MIT) was the numerical model used in the study of RIBS. The average WAMIT-predicted Ct was 0.13 higher than the corresponding measured value.





Wave can be detrimental to beaches and marinas and their patron vessels. Unprotected beaches are subject to soil erosion and are open to waves at times strong enough to cause danger to picnickers. Marinas need protection from waves or otherwise the patron vessels may bump into one another to cause damage. There have been quite a number of floating breakwaters but until the present invention of the STEPFLOAT, there is no truly outstanding solution that has been put forward into the local industry. While attention was given to the preservation and conservation of natural environment, most floating breakwaters which utilized the concept of wave reflection in their designs, have neglected the safety of moving vessels in the vicinity of the floating breakwater system.

Recent years have seen a boom in marina development and other developments in coastal region not only in Malaysia but other maritime countries. In Malaysia, about RM40 million has been allocated for the construction of public marinas in every state.

54 Therefore, there arises a need for a new economical and environmentally-friendly floating breakwater that has an acceptably high efficiency in dissipating wave energy, instead of reflecting it, to provide shelter or protection to those particular regions. The demand made the concept of the first locally designed floating breakwater technology possible. In 2002, Teh (2002) has completed his study on wave dampening characteristics of the fundamental design of the SSFBW.

Bearing in mind that the SSFBW provides promising results in wave reduction capability and foreseeing the potential of the SSFBW system to be commercialized in the market for the benefit of communities, the author has decided to make some modifications to the fundamental design of the SSFBW system as well as the mooring method in order to improve the performance of the system. In 2003, with due respect to the several floating breakwater designs available in the market, the author has committed to further study the efficiency of the improved design of the stepped-slope floating breakwater, namely STEPFLOAT, in order to put forward the system into the industry. Therefore, this study is carried out as a continuation of the work done by Teh (2002).


The Evolution of the Stepped-Slope Floating Breakwater System

Malaysia is not a country of extremes of climate and natural events. However, we are a maritime nation whose coastal problems are well recognized. It is difficult to be precise about the impact of coastal events on the Malaysia economy. Certainly the risk is not as great as in Holland where probably 50% of the GDP is at risk (Purnell, 1996). Many residents on the coast live behind eroding and potentially eroding coastlines. Some kind of engineering solutions to meet the need of coastal problems is necessary. A change towards softer engineering solutions, instead of more traditional harder defences,

55 to reduce the risk to people and the developed and natural environment from wave impact is recommended. For these reasons, the SSFBW has been designed and developed and it has been evolved to a more cost-effective system as the STEPFLOAT marks the state of the art in floating breakwater technology. The evolution of the design and development of the stepped-slope floating breakwater system will be discussed in the following sections.

3.2.1 The SSFBW: Fundamental Design of the Stepped-Slope Floating Breakwater System

Teh (2002) has pioneered a research to study the effectiveness of applying the fundamental design of the SSFBW as a wave attenuator by conducting flume tests for the determination of wave attenuation characteristics. A series of unidirectional regular wave only condition were generated on a 1-row, 2-row and 3-row SSFBW for water depths of 20 cm and 33 cm. A 1-row SSFBW model of 0.80 m x 0.25 m x 0.13 m is depicted in Figure 3.1. Basically, the SSFBW is a trapezoidal structure that is composed of an impermeable stepped slope at both the windward and the leeward of the upper layer of the floating module. The surface area of the stepped slope is somewhat larger than the smooth slope. Hence, it is expected that the wave energy can be greatly reduced as the wave action impinges on the stepped slope of the structure. The portion at the bottom is relatively bulky and is totally immersed into water for better stability. The SSFBW model was made of a mixture that consists of cement, sand, polystyrene and water with ratio in volume of 1:1.5:7:2. In static freshwater condition, the SSFBW has a 5 cm freeboard and an 8 cm draft and it was cross-moored to the bottom of the flume by four nylon ropes to keep the body in position.


13 cm

80 cm

25 cm

Figure 3.1 : The SSFBW model

The SSFBW is principally a wave energy dissipator, which causes the wave to break over it, expending the upper part of the wave energy across its stepped slope surface. If the system consists of multiple modules in rows, the remaining wave energy is expected to be suppressed to the least. The SSFBW was tested to be hydrodynamically stable under wave action. Figure 3.2, as reported by Teh (2002), shows the comparison of Ct for different number of rows of SSFBW at water depths of 20 cm and 33 cm. Detailed design drawings, system description, laboratory set-up and procedures, related calculations, results and interpretation on the SSFBW can be found in Teh (2002).

From Figure 3.2, for d = 20 cm, the performance of the SSFBW improves with the increase in number of rows when wave period is below 1.4 sec. The improvement of efficiency is not subjected to the increment of row when wave period is greater than 1.4 sec. The Ct values of a single row of the SSFBW maintain at approximately 0.7 when the period periods increase to 1.1 sec and beyond. The wave attenuation performance of 2row and 3-row systems is found to be better than the single row system for the wave periods smaller than 1.4 sec. For d = 33 cm, the single row of SSFBW has the lowest performance on wave attenuation whereas the performance for the 2-row and 3-row systems are more encouraging.


d = 20 cm 1.0 0.8 0.6

Ct 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.8














T (s)

d = 33 cm 1.0 0.8 0.6

Ct 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.8






T (s) 1 ROW 3 ROWS Poly. (2 ROWS)

2 ROWS Poly. (1 ROW) Poly. (3 ROWS)

Figure 3.2 : Comparison of Ct for different number of rows of SSFBW at water depths of 20 cm and 30 cm [Teh, 2002]

58 The effect of water depth is found to be less influential on Ct for the case of single row of SSFBW. It was also observed that Ct varies very little with wave period for the single row system. Most of the plotted data points are seen to be scattered around Ct = 0.7. In general, Ct for the 1-row system in 20 cm water depth is slightly lower than the one in 33 cm for the given range of wave periods.

3.2.2 The STEPFLOAT: Proposed Improved Design of the Stepped-Slope Floating Breakwater System Design Concepts and Practicability Considerations

The objectives of the development of the STEPFLOAT are primarily to design and develop a floating breakwater system in order to provide a multi-purpose breakwater facility apart from its main function of attenuating waves. The composite STEPFLOAT breakwater system is designed to provide several advantages as follows: i.

It is a modular structure. Therefore it is removable and it provides flexibility, i.e. the system can be rearranged into new layout with minimum effort.


Multi-purpose functions (as a wave attenuator, walkway platform and encourage marine habitats).


Low construction cost as compared to other fixed breakwater systems.


Shorter construction period.


Adaptable to water level change.


Local design and made of locally-available material.


Materials are of polymer rubber blend or/and polyethylene that are heat and weather resistant under marine conditions.

59 viii.

Materials are non-toxic and strong, i.e. durable against wear and tear, hence do not break easily leaving rubbish or debris in the water.


Anti-fungal compounds in the material are capable to prevent marine fouling.


Environmentally and ecologically friendly.


Provide a safe habitat for fish and other marine life.


Aesthetics provided.

The concept of the STEPFLOAT breakwater system mainly rests on the shape and geometry of the structure, the durability and robustness of the materials making up the structure, the mooring system design and the provisional designs that may be added on to complete the structure as a whole and cost-effective system that satisfy the practical requirements of the users.


Shape and Geometry

In order to improve the fundamental design of the SSFBW to be a more practical and cost-effective floating breakwater system with enhanced wave attenuation capability, STEPFLOAT is designed to be a modular composite floating breakwater type which consists of a series of modules with impermeable stepped slopes (to remain the fundamental stepped slope feature of the SSFBW) that are neatly connected to one another. Each single module takes up the geometrical shape of a polygonal structure as shown in Figure 3.3.

The top layer of the composite STEPFLOAT module is designed to be squarish and having an upwardly tapering wall looking side view with two upper side walls come


Figure 3.3 : A single module of a composite STEPFLOAT

in the form of square steps (as in Figure 3.4). Impermeable stepped slopes at both the seaward and leeward of the upper portion of the floating module provide a shape that would effectively attenuate waves impinging on the structure. The portion at the bottom layer (as in Figure 3.4) is designed to be in an octagonal shape and is made squarish having a downwardly tapering wall looking side view in order to create multiple sharp edges for better wave attenuation through the formation of eddies and turbulence. The idea can also minimize the cross sectional area of the floating breakwater immersed under water, thus reducing the construction costs. Besides, the bottom layer remains its bulky and massive features in order to enhance structure stability.

The central part of the module is hollow inside and acts as a ballast tank so that the required draft of the system can be controlled by filling in or removing the seawater or any other suitable substances in the tank. The top half being adapted to be mated with the bottom half to thereby form a single module of a composite STEPFLOAT as shown in Figure 3.4. The stepped-slope and multiple sharp-edge features of the STEPFLOAT serve to intercept waves by dissipating (rather than reflecting) the wave energy as the wave action impacts on the surface of the structure, thus reducing wave action in the area it is desired to protect in a more environmentally-friendly manner. The geometrical

Figure 3.4 : 3-D view of a composite STEPFLOAT module formed by a pair of top half and bottom half units

Bottom half

Top half


62 configuration of a polyhedron is designed to allow the STEPFLOAT to operate mainly on the physical principles of wave breaking, frictional dissipation, eddies and turbulence and partly by wave reflection.

The STEPFLOAT is designed in modular form so that they can be joined together into a larger and longer unit as the condition requires. Figure 3.5 shows a 2-row STEPFLOAT system consists of an assembly of modules attached to one another by a jointing system. The top portion can be securely fixed to the bottom portion by a simple jointing system and is not described in detail in the present specification. Each module of composite STEPFLOAT is manufactured in parts so that they can be dismantled and transported in small units and assembled in-situ. Alternatively, the STEPFLOAT module can be fabricated as a solid-type unit as shown in Figure 3.6 using lightweight concrete with HDPE coating. Post-tensioning cables running through hollow tubes shall be moulded inside the modules with cables clamped from one end to the other in order to unite and strengthen the joined modules. Hence, the composite-type or solid-type breakwater system acts as one solid body to dampen the incoming waves. The system can also be expanded into as many rows as required, depending on the strength of the approaching waves.


Alternative Features

Apart from the modules that make up the main system, additional modules are also suggested to complete the multi-purpose tasks that may be required. An additional inverted stepped-slope unit can be locked between two jointing rows of the system as shown in Figure 3.7. This unit will thus act as a walkway platform for users who need to stand or walk on the structure. An indigenous design unit is also proposed to be

Figure 3.5 : Module assembly of the 2-row STEPFLOAT breakwater

1.0 Material for upper portion is polymer blend between EPDM and SBR or equivalent. 2.0 Material for lower portion is polyethylene. 3.0 Excellent impact strength at low temperatures. 4.0 Material for bolts and nuts must be made from stainless steel (galvanize iron) and coated with marine paint. 5.0 Part assembly must be sealed and free from any hole which can be accessed by water. 6.0 The central hollow ballast tank must be filled with sand or other alike material which is free from vapourization process (where necessary).




Figure 3.6 : A single module of a suggested solid-type STEPFLOAT breakwater

Figure 3.7 : Proposed horizontal platform as a walkway for pontoons

incorporated as an option. It takes up the shape of artificial seaweeds hanging from the bottom of the modules acting as several sheet of ‘grass’ keels or curtains (as in Figure 3.8) to further reduce the wave transmission as well as to minimize the oscillating currents or kinetic energy beneath the structure. It is anticipated that the artificial seaweed curtains beneath the structure will also serve as possible breeding grounds and habitat for fish and other marine life. Alternatively, old tires could also be utilized to serve the same purpose as a wave screen.


Figure 3.8 : Proposed synthetic seaweed curtains as wave screens or silt curtains


Material Type

There are many types of material that could be used for the STEPFLOAT breakwater. The common ones are fibre-glass, hardwood, PVC-based and polystyrene. However, all these materials have the disadvantage of not being robust or durable enough to remain exposed under the hot sun in marine conditions. The top module of the composite STEPFLOAT will be of polymer rubber blend between ethylene-propylene diene monomer (EPDM) and styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) or equivalent. This polymer rubber blend has high strength or resistance to long-term wear and tear. However, the bottom module is subjected to abusive abrasion from floating wood, coral reefs, sand and rocks and thus made from material having high elasticity and abrasive resistance such as rubber or the like. High-density polyethylene (HDPE) with an excellent balance of stress cracking resistance, stiffness and melt strength was chosen to fabricate the bottom part of the composite module. The material will also be injected

66 with anti-fungal compounds that will prevent marine fouling on the structure. For solidtype STEPFLOAT breakwater, lightweight concrete with HDPE coating is preferable as the density of lightweight concrete is adjustable in order to control the draft of the STEPFLOAT.


Mooring System

A floating breakwater generally requires some form of mooring or restraint system to maintain its position and limit excursions within certain operational constraints. This may generally be provided by mooring line system or by piles. When a floating breakwater is subjected to the attack of incident waves, it will experience the rectilinear motions of heave, sway and surge, and the angular motions of yaw, pitch and roll. These potential motions represent the structure’s six degrees of freedom. However, hydraulic model test in a wave flume has limited the possible degree of freedom to allow only the motions of heave, sway and roll. Generally, a floating breakwater moored with chains or cables are subjected to these oscillatory motions of the structure due to wave excitation.

The line-moored SSFBW has some disadvantages which need to be remedied in order to provide a better floating breakwater system for the benefits of users. Large roll motion may affect the performance of the floating breakwater to be used as a pier or pedestrian walkway. The horizontal sway motion generates secondary waves that are not recommended on the leeward side of the structure. In addition, the sway motions of the floating breakwater allow the structure to impact with the boats when it is used as a pier or mooring. The line-moored floating breakwater moves upward and downward with the wave surface according to the tide. During flood tide, the floating breakwater moves

67 upward and the mooring lines may reach its maximum length. In this case, the designed draft may increase and excessive overtopping may occur. On the contrary, when the structure moves downward with the ebb tide, the mooring lines become slack. This slackness increases the sway motion and may affect the performance of the floating breakwater. If the floating breakwater is exposed to strong hydrodynamic loads, cracks may occur at the connection between the chains and the floating structure and failure may occur at the connection zone.

With those identified disadvantages and considering that the primary application of the STEPFLOAT is in relatively shallower water, a suggested mooring method using vertical piles as a modification to the classical mooring system using chains or cables is recommended for the STEPFLOAT system. Such a system may overcome the problem of sway motion, which is prevented in this case, and in addition the roll motion is limited due to the existence of the piles. The STEPFLOAT is allowed to move freely in heave and limited roll motions (two degrees of freedom), thus eliminating or reducing those aforementioned disadvantages and eliminating any chance the floating breakwater getting adrift. Schematic sketch of the suggested STEPFLOAT mooring system concept using vertical piles is given in Figure 3.9.


The Composite STEPFLOAT Breakwater Model

In the present study, only composite STEPFLOAT breakwater is considered. A geometrical scale of 1:10 is adopted. The composite STEPFLOAT module used in the present study is constructed in parts with the top portion being adapted to be mated with the bottom portion to form a floating module. The size of each module is 100 mm long, 100 mm wide and 100 mm high. The top layer is fabricated from polymer rubber blend




limited roll



circular ring or roller

vertical piles


Figure 3.9 : Schematic sketch of the suggested STEPFLOAT mooring system using vertical piles

between EDPM and SBR while the lower layer is made from HDPE. Figures 3.10 and 3.11 show the drawings of the top half and bottom half of the STEPFLOAT module, respectively.

The model of the composite STEPFLOAT breakwater system (as in Figure 3.12) is constructed as a modular system with an assembly of eight modules in each row connected to one another side by side by a stainless steel bolt-and-nut system to U-shape aluminium bars. Special sealant is used between the top and bottom modules to avoid water going into the cavity. The STEPFLOAT breakwater may be made with several rows of modules attached side by side according to requirements of the tests. The length of the model with eight modules in each row nearly crosses the wave flume width to best approximate the one dimensional wave condition. With the density of fresh water, the model has a freeboard of 4.0 cm and immersed depth of 6.0 cm in static water condition.

Figure 3.10 : Top half of the STEPFLOAT module


Figure 3.11 : Bottom half of the STEPFLOAT module


Figure 3.12 : The STEPFLOAT system model is formed by a series of composite single modules

Lower portion

Upper portion






This chapter describes the test procedures, experimental facilities and equipments used to physically model and analyze wave transmission over the floating breakwater system. The experimental investigations that have been carried out relate to laboratory tests of the STEPFLOAT breakwater system to gather some information relative to fundamental questions about the STEPFLOAT performance and to provide generic performance characteristics which could subsequently be applied to specific design situations as well as for the preliminary design of the field version of the STEPFLOAT. These laboratory experiments were conducted in the unidirectional wave flume at the Coastal and Hydraulic Laboratory, Coastal and Offshore Engineering Institute (COEI), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia City Campus, Kuala Lumpur. The experiments were carried out in a simplified environment and controlled condition where monochromatic wave only condition was used in the wave flume throughout the experiments.

73 4.2

Laboratory Facilities and Instrumentation

4.2.1 Wave Flume

The laboratory tests on hydraulic performance of the STEPFLOAT were performed in a unidirectional wave flume. The total length of the flume is approximately 16.6 m while the width is 0.92 m and the height is 0.7 m. It has a rigid flat bed, made of marine plywood, and raised 1.16 m above the laboratory ground level. Both sides of the wall boundary were built of a 5 mm thick glass and 5 mm thick plastic Perspex panels fixed in steel frames. The wave flume is supported by a piston-type wave generator. At the other end of the flume is a flexible wave absorber to reduce the turbulent reflection velocities. The wave flume is equipped with a carriage which moves on two steel rails at the top of the side walls. On this carriage, a wave probe was fixed to measure the water level variation. The longitudinal section of the wave flume is shown in Figure 4.1.

Fly Wheel

Wave Probes Motor


Steel Rail Water Level 0.7 m

Wave Absorber

Marine Plywood

Wave Paddle

16.6 m

Note: All units are not to scale

Figure 4.1 : Schematic layout of the wave flume

Flume width: 0.92 m

74 General Remarks When Using Wave Flume

It is recognized that the quantitative definition of some of the limiting requirements of the wave flume is very difficult in many instances and only approximations are presently available. Surface tension tends to increase the velocity of propagation of surface waves. According to Hughes (1993), surface tension effects must be considered when wave periods are less than 0.35 sec and when water depth is less than 2 cm. At these small parameter values, the restoring force of surface tension begins to be significant and the model will experience wave motion damping that does not occur in the prototype. Since the physical model tests in the present study were carried out in a constant water depth of 45 cm and with wave period greater than 0.35 sec, the effects of surface tension is considered negligible.

Water waves are also attenuated by internal friction and by viscous boundary layer friction caused by the water viscosity. An expression to estimate wave height attenuation due to internal friction in waves in deep water where boundary shear is negligible is shown in Equation (4.1) (Hughes, 1993).

d § H 2C 2 · ¸ ¨ SU dt ¨© 4 L ¸¹

H 2C 2 16S UQ 4 L3 3


where H is defined as wave height (decays in time). The left hand side represents the time rate of change of total wave energy per unit surface area in a linear wave and the right hand side is the average rate of energy conversion per unit area due to internal shearing stresses.

By rearranging and canceling variables, Equation (4.1) can be integrated as in Equation (4.2) to give Equation (4.3).







³  16LS Q dt

1 d H2 2 H

H t Ht 0





e  8S Qt / L 2



where H(t) is the attenuated wave height at time t. The above formulation assumes uniform, regular waves travelling over a horizontal bottom and can be used to examine the range of potential scale effect arising from internal friction.

Over short distances in the wave flume, internal friction is minimal and viscous dissipative effects in non-breaking waves are limited to the thin boundary layer. A formula for estimating wave attenuation of regular waves in a rectangular wave channel having a uniform and constant cross-section is found in Hughes (1993). The expression for viscous boundary layer damping of a small amplitude linear wave in a wave flume of constant cross-section is defined as in Equation (4.4). Equation (4.4) for wave height attenuation due to viscous boundary layer dissipation is for constant water depths. H2 H1


Dx p




ª § 4Sd · 2SB f ¸ « sinh ¨ 2 SQ « L © L ¹ Bf C T « § 4Sd · 4Sd « sinh ¨ L ¸  L © ¹ ¬

º » » » » ¼


For the present work, the effect of the viscosity in wave motion and the boundary friction on the decay of water waves was studied by measuring the incident wave height

76 at four different positions (i.e. P1, P2, P3 and P4) spaced 1.5 m from each other in the middle of the wave flume as shown in Figure 4.2. The measurements were conducted without the presence of floating breakwater model in a constant water depth of 45cm. Table 4.1 shows the average wave height measured at P1, P2, P3 and P4 with various frequencies, ranging from 36 Hz to 56 Hz. The decay was also calculated theoretically using Equations (4.3) and (4.4).




Fly Wheel

P1 Motor

Steel Rail Water Level Wave Paddle

45 cm Wave Absorber

1.5 m

Note: All units are not to scale

1.5 m

1.5 m

Flume width: 0.92 m

Figure 4.2 : The measurements of wave decay without the presence of floating breakwater model

Table 4.1 : Average wave height at P1, P2, P3 and P4 with various frequencies Average wave height (cm) with various frequencies Probe Horizontal 36 Hz 40 Hz 44 Hz 48 Hz 52 Hz 56 Hz position distance, x p (m) P1 0.0 3.8112 6.6025 6.7007 6.9456 6.8495 5.4435 P2 1.5 3.7729 6.5313 6.5669 7.0300 6.6681 5.5944 P3 3.0 3.7854 6.5233 6.4719 6.8735 6.4600 5.5176 P4 4.5 3.7240 6.4871 6.3967 6.5761 6.1385 5.1300 1.1113 1.0034 0.9098 0.8305 0.7655 0.7148 T (s) 1.7747 1.5006 1.2629 1.0659 0.9109 0.7962 L (m) 0.25 0.30 0.36 0.42 0.49 0.57 d/L Water region transitional transitional transitional transitional transitional deep water

77 (a)

Decay Due to Internal Friction

From Table 4.1, the only water wave in deep water region (d/L > 0.50) is given by wave with f = 56 Hz. The corresponding wave period and wave length are 0.7148 sec

and 0.7962 m, respectively. Average wave height at P1, H t x p

0.0 m

was measured as

5.4435 cm. For temperature equals to 27°C, the kinematic viscosity for water,Q equals to 8.5680 (10)-7 m2/s (Lienhard IV & Lienhard V, 2003). Further calculations are performed as follows to yield the attenuated wave heights:

The wave celerity, C


0.7962 0.7148

1.1139m / s . Therefore, the time required

for the wave to travel 1 m is 0.8978 sec. The time used to calculate the attenuated wave height at the second, third and the fourth positions are calculated as follows: txp

1.5 m

1.5(0.8978) 1.3467 s


3.0 m


2.6934 s

(for the third position at P3)


4.5 m



(for the fourth position at P4)

(for the second position at P2)

Using the time calculated, the attenuated wave height can be calculated at the different position using Equation (4.3) as follows:

H t H t H t

H txp

0.0 m

x p 1.5 m

x p 3.0 m

x p 4.5 m


5.4435e  8S 5.4435e  8S 5.4435e  8S


8.5680 10 7 1.3467 / 0.7962 2


(0.014% decay)


8.5680 10 7 2.6934 / 0.7962 2


(0.029% decay)


8.5680 10 7 4.0401 / 0.7962 2


(0.043% decay)

78 (b)


Decay Due to Viscous Boundary Friction

2 S (8.5680) 10 0.92 1.1139 0.7148


ª § 4S (0.45) · 2S (0.92) º « sinh ¨ 0.7962 ¸  0.7962 » © ¹ « » § 4S (0.45) · 4S (0.45) » « « sinh ¨© 0.7962 ¸¹  0.7962 » ¬ ¼


and using Equation (4.4) yields:

H 1 x


0.0 m


H 2 x


1.5 m

5.4435e 0.003788 1.5


(0.57% decay)

H 2 x


3.0 m

5.4435e 0.003788 3.0


(1.13% decay)

H 2 x


4.5 m

5.4435e 0.003788 4.5


(1.69% decay)

The calculations showed that wave attenuation due to internal friction is very small and nearly negligible while the effects of boundary friction on wave attenuation are relatively more significant. Plots in Figure 4.3 show the comparison between the calculated attenuated wave heights due to boundary friction and measured wave heights with various frequencies. The absolute percentage difference between calculated and measured wave height at different positions for f ranging from 36 Hz to 56 Hz are tabulated in Table 4.2. The maximum percentage error, i.e. 8.99%, was found to occur at xp = 4.5 m for f = 52 Hz. In general, most absolute percentage errors are below 5% and therefore the errors are deemed to be insignificant.


4.2 Wave height (cm)

f = 36 Hz 4.0 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 0





7.0 Wave height (cm)

f = 40 Hz 6.8 6.6 6.4 6.2 6.0 0





7.0 Wave height (cm)

f = 44 Hz 6.8 6.6 6.4 6.2 6.0 0





Horizontal distance, xp (m) Measured

cal (Boundary friction)

Figure 4.3 : Comparison between the calculated attenuated wave heights due to boundary friction and measured wave heights


7.2 Wave height (cm)

f = 48 Hz 7.0 6.8 6.6 6.4 6.2 0.0





7.0 f = 52 Hz Wave height (cm)

6.8 6.6 6.4 6.2 6.0 0.0





5.8 Wave height (cm)

f = 56 Hz 5.6 5.4 5.2 5.0 4.8 0.0





Horizontal distance, xp (m) Measured

cal (Boundary friction)

Figure 4.3 (continued) : Comparison between the calculated attenuated wave heights due to boundary friction and measured wave heights

81 Table 4.2 : Absolute percentage difference between calculated and measured wave height at different positions f (Hz) 36 40 44 48 52 56


Absolute % error at different positions x p = 0.0 m x p = 1.5 m x p = 3.0 m x p = 4.5 m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.69 0.72 1.60 1.68 2.15 3.36

0.04 0.49 2.63 0.13 4.71 2.52

1.35 0.69 3.37 4.01 8.99 4.14

Wave Generating System

The wave generator used in the present study is a piston type in order to displace the water at a rate matching the requirements of the wave train being generated. The mechanical response of the piston-type wave generator is based on simple piston principle that creates the waves by using an electric motor to drive a paddle forward and backward. The wave generating system consists of a motor, electronic analog control panel, pulleys, fly wheel and wave paddle as shown in Plate 4.1. An analog control panel, as shown in Plate 4.2, was used to control the frequency (ranging from 0.1 Hertz to 60.0 Hertz) of a DC motor in order to generate monochromatic waves with various wave periods in the flume. The pulleys were responsible for reciprocating the wave paddle forward and backward corresponding to the motor’s speed. The iron fly wheel is a disk of 46 cm in diameter, 1.5 cm thick and has a groove of length equals to 32 cm. The wheel was rotated by a shaft connected to the motor. It was also connected to the wave paddle plate by means of a 1 m metal crank. The wave paddle is an aluminium plate of 89 cm in length and 56 cm in width. An opening of 2 cm between the lower end of the paddle and the flume bed was provided to reduce shear friction as well as to minimize turbulence. The desired wave height was associated with both paddle

82 movement and water depth. The maximum attainable wave height at a particular frequency was limited by wave breaking or the limitation of the wave flume itself.

Plate 4.1 : Wave generating system

Plate 4.2 : Electronic analog control panel

83 4.2.3 Wave Absorber

In order to make efficient use of the facility in wave tests, it is necessary to prevent reflection of the waves from the far end of the flume. Unwanted reflections can alter significantly the incident wave field, which in turn may impact test results. Therefore, at the end of the wave flume, a wave absorber was constructed consisting of L-shaped steel bar screen at a slope of approximately 1:7. Teh (2002) has tested the wave absorbing performance of various types of wave absorbers and reported that the performance of the L-shaped steel bar screen is capable to achieve 89.11% to 98.90% of wave energy absorption for the tested wave period range of 0.87 sec to 1.66 sec. A layer of sponge covers the walls behind the wave absorber was also constructed to further absorb wave energy and reduce reflection. In general, the average reflection was found to be less than 6% of the incident wave energy and was neglected during analysis.

4.2.4 Wave Probes and Data Acquisition System

Instantaneous wave surface elevation was measured by two capacitance-type wave gauges. The sensor portion of the wave probe consisted of a thin insulated wire held taut by a supporting rod. The rod is constructed of stainless steel with a minimum cross-section to reduce flow disturbance. Plate 4.3 shows the capacitance-type wave probe used in the experiments. The wire insulation served as a capacitor between the inside conducting wire and the water. The capacitance varies linearly as the water surface elevation changes. One of the main advantages of the single-wire capacitance wave probe is that the gauge exhibits good linearity and dynamic response over a reasonable length so that it can be used for fairly large waves (Hughes, 1993). The capacitance wave probe is also stable over sufficiently long times. Therefore, gauge

84 “drift” is not a significant problem. It has minor obstruction to the wave front, no distortion of the wave shape and low construction costs.

Plate 4.3 : Capacitance-type wave probe

The variations in sensor capacitance as the water level changes were converted by an amplifier into voltage signals and the signals were transferred to the HIOKI 8833 MEMORY Hi CORDER data acquisition system (as shown in Plate 4.4). Wave probe calibration yields the voltage-elevation conversion graph with associated coefficients. With the coefficients input into the data acquisition system, the voltage signals will be converted instantaneously to water surface elevation during the experimental run. Realtime wave observation is possible on the LCD screen of the HIOKI 8833 MEMEORY Hi CORDER wave recorder or wave profiles can be printed on the recording papers from the thermal printer of the wave recorder for further analysis.


Plate 4.4 : HIOKI 8833 MEMORY Hi CORDER data acquisition system Wave Probe Calibration

A frame supporting the probe was suspended over the wave flume. This mounting greatly facilitated the daily calibration of the probes and also helped to maintain the probes in the proper position relative to the static water level. Each day before experimental tests began, wave probes were calibrated at several different water levels to account for variations in water level changes.

Capacitance wave probes feature a linear (or nearly linear) relationship between the sensor output and the elevation of the water level on the gauge. This relationship is determined by calibrating the probe statically. In static calibration, the wave probe is vertically raised and lowered in known incremental distances relative to the still water

86 level and the gauge output at each location is recorded. The calibration relationship is obtained as a mathematical curve-fit between the recorded gauge outputs (in voltage units) and the corresponding elevations in length units as shown in Figure 4.4 as one of the examples of the wave probe calibration. Ideally, the relationship is linear and a leastsquares linear regression is applied to obtain the necessary conversion equation. All the probes responded linearly with a correlation coefficient of 0.9995 and greater and were deemed acceptable for calibration.

During the static calibration, it is very important not to disturb the water because even the slightest water level fluctuation will impact the quality of the wave probe calibration. The static calibration obtained for capacitance wave gauges is considered sufficient for most laboratory wave conditions.


Water level (cm)

8 y = 3.689685x - 18.182769



R = 0.999905 0 -4 -8 -12 0







Voltage (V)

Figure 4.4 : Wave prove calibration



87 4.3 Measurement of Incident, Reflected and Transmitted Waves

As incident waves propagate shoreward and impinge on an obstacle, part of the incident wave energy is reflected, hence posing wave reflection at the seaward of the structure. However, quite often in nature, when waves are reflected from structures, not all of the wave energy is reflected; some is absorbed by the obstacle and some is transmitted past the obstacle. Incident and reflected waves, propagating in opposite directions, will superimpose. For this reason, in measuring wave heights in the wave flume where reflection from a floating breakwater is present, the amplitude of the quasiantinodes and nodes are measured by slowly moving a wave probe along the wave flume. It requires slowly traversing a wave probe along the direction of wave propagation in the wave flume.

Figure 4.5 shows the position of the wave probes used for the wave height measurement. A wave probe was located at the seaward and leeward of the floating breakwater, respectively. For the measurement of incident and reflected wave heights, a wave probe was fixed at the middle of the carriage that moved on two steel rails. It would be traversed along the direction of wave propagation for a distance of 2L at the seaward side of the STEPFLOAT. The scattered wave system, which occurs near the STEPFLOAT, decays exponentially beyond the imaginary boundaries of 3d away from the structure (Dean and Dalrymple, 2000). Therefore, at leeward side of the floating breakwater, another wave probe was fixed at a distance of 3d away from the floating structure to measure the transmitted wave heights as well as to avoid the scattered effect near the floating breakwater.

The duration of the recording was selected after allowing a few seconds for the waves to stabilise so as to ensure that measurement of waves upwave of the breakwater were not contaminated by reflected waves which were re-reflected by the wave paddle;

0.7 m

Marine Plywood

16.6 m

Wave Probes

8.5 m

Vertical pile




Figure 4.5 : Laboratory and STEPFLOAT model set-up in the wave flume

Note : All units are not to scale

Wave Absorber

Water Level

Steel Rail


Flume width: 0.92 m

Wave Paddle


Fly Wheel


89 and that the measurement of waves downwave of the breakwater were not contaminated by the waves reflected by the wave absorber. Also, the time origin of the data recording was selected such that the shorter period waves reach the location of the model and there were sufficient numbers of wave cycles within a chosen record length. Hence, a recording length of 20 seconds was chosen. However, the length of wave record for analysis was chosen carefully and must be suitable so as to exclude those contaminated waves. Data were recorded at a sampling frequency of 25 Hz.

It is necessary to be able to separate out the incident and reflected wave heights from the co-existing waves in front of the model. To do this, the incident and reflected wave heights are found simply from Equations (2.8) and (2.9) in Section 2.4.1. To calculate the transmitted wave height, a number of transmitted waves recorded by the second wave probe at the leeward side of the structure were analyzed and the average of those wave heights was taken to be the transmitted wave.

4.4 Determination of Wave Period and Wave Length

In the present study, the wave period is varied by means of controlling the frequency of the motor. In order to obtain the wave period T, a point was marked on the fly wheel. Time taken by the marked point to revolve 10 revolutions was recorded. The time measurement for 10 revolutions was repeated for six times for various frequencies. An average wave period for each frequency was calculated. Table 4.3 indicates the mean wave period for each frequency of the wave generating system. A relationship can be found when the wave period is plotted against the frequency as shown in Figure 4.6. Based on the equation, wave period for various frequencies ranging from 30 Hz to 58 Hz was calculated and would be applied throughout the experiments. Table 4.4 shows the

90 Table 4.3 : Mean wave period for various frequencies of wave generating motor Frequency (Hz) 29 32 35 38 41 44 47 50 53 56 59

Time for 10 revolutions (s) 2 3 4 5 13.85 13.85 13.88 13.79 12.54 12.54 12.60 12.55 11.43 11.42 11.50 11.48 10.48 10.54 10.53 10.54 9.66 9.79 9.79 9.76 9.11 9.16 9.10 9.10 8.48 8.51 8.48 8.50 7.94 7.92 8.02 7.98 7.57 7.56 7.54 7.54 7.23 7.12 7.16 7.23 6.82 6.82 6.85 6.82

1 13.79 12.57 11.41 10.48 9.75 9.12 8.50 8.01 7.57 7.12 6.81

Average wave period (s) 1.38 1.25 1.14 1.05 0.97 0.91 0.85 0.80 0.76 0.72 0.68

6 13.85 12.48 11.44 10.62 9.66 9.05 8.47 7.93 7.56 7.11 6.85


Wave Period, T (s)

1.2 0.9 0.6 2

T = 0.0006 f - 0.0717 f + 2.9820 0.3


R = 0.9988

0.0 26













Frequency, f (Hz)

Figure 4.6 : Relationship between wave period and frequency

Table 4.4 : Wave period of model and prototype for various frequencies f (Hz) 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 T model (s) 1.33 1.26 1.19 1.12 1.06 1.01 0.95 0.91 0.86 0.82 0.79 0.76 0.74 0.72 0.70 *T prototype (s) 4.21 3.98 3.76 3.55 3.36 3.18 3.02 2.87 2.73 2.61 2.50 2.41 2.33 2.26 2.21 * Based on geometrical scale of 1:10

91 wave period of model and its corresponding prototype wave period (based on a geometrical scale of 1:10) for various frequencies. According to Froude Scaling, based on a geometrical scale of 1 : x, the prototype wave period, T prototype was obtained by multiplying the wave period of model, T model with


In water wave modelling, a direct measurement of wave length is inconvenient. Therefore, wave length was determined by the linear dispersion relationship:


gk tanh kd


V and d were known from the measurement of wave period and water depth (in this case, d = 45 cm), hence k could be computed by using the Bi-Section Method. Subsequently, the wave length could be determined by L

2S . For instance, a wave k

with T = 1.33 sec is propagating in a water depth d = 0.45 m. The corresponding angular frequency, V

2S T

2S 1.33

4.72rad / s .

Transforming Equation (4.6) into a functional equation: f k

gk tanh kd  V 2

Bi-Section Method is applied to obtain the k value. The exact value for k will be found when f(k) equals zero as shown in Table 4.5.

Hence, the value of k is 2.7045 rad/s. Therefore, the corresponding wave length, L can be determined by L

2S k

2S 2.7045

2.32m . The results of wave length for all

92 wave periods in water depth of 0.45 m are tabulated in Table 4.6. From Figure 4.7, it is found that the d/L for all the cases are in the range between 0.19 and 0.59. Hence, the tests are carried out in transitional and deep water region. It should be noted that the test results are only applicable for this condition.

Table 4.5 : Determination of wave number, k, by Bi-Section Method (for T = 1.33 s , d = 45 cm) k (rad/s) 2.900000000 2.710000000 2.704000000 2.704400000 2.704480000 2.704486000 2.704486700 2.704486620 2.704486540 2.704486535 2.704486538 2.704486537

f(k) 2.297351428 0.064858246 -0.005723512 -0.001017998 -0.000076897 -0.000006314 0.000001921 0.000000980 0.000000039 -0.000000020 0.000000015 0.000000000

Table 4.6 : Determination of wave length using the linear dispersion relationship d (m) 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45

f (Hz) 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58

T (s) 1.33 1.26 1.19 1.12 1.06 1.01 0.95 0.91 0.86 0.82 0.79 0.76 0.74 0.72 0.70

V (rad/s) 4.72 4.99 5.29 5.60 5.92 6.25 6.59 6.93 7.28 7.62 7.95 8.26 8.54 8.78 8.99

k (rad/s) 2.70 2.93 3.19 3.48 3.81 4.17 4.57 5.01 5.48 5.97 6.48 6.98 7.45 7.88 8.25

f(k) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

L (m) 2.32 2.14 1.97 1.80 1.65 1.51 1.37 1.25 1.15 1.05 0.97 0.90 0.84 0.80 0.76

d/L 0.19 0.21 0.23 0.25 0.27 0.30 0.33 0.36 0.39 0.43 0.46 0.50 0.53 0.56 0.59

93 0.8 0.7

Deep water

0.6 d/L = 0.50


0.5 0.4 0.3

Transitional water

0.2 0.1

d/L = 0.04

0.0 0.6





T (s)

Figure 4.7 : Plots of d/L vs. T for d = 45 cm

4.5 Experimental Tests on STEPFLOAT

A series of laboratory experiments were conducted in wave only condition in a unidirectional wave flume (Plate 4.5) for the composite STEPFLOAT breakwater system with four different types of model system arrangements, i.e. 2-row, 3-row, G = b and G = 2b as shown in Plates 4.6 (a) to 4.6 (d), respectively. Steady monochromatic nonbreaking waves were generated in all the experiments. The structure of the experiments is summarized in Table 4.7. The tests were generally divided into three groups of experiments. In the first group of experiments, the 2-row STEPFLOAT breakwater system moored with chains was studied in order to allow performance comparison to the SSFBW system and rectangular pontoon. The STEPFLOAT model, in a constant water depth of 53 cm, was allowed to move freely in three degree of freedom, i.e. heave, sway

94 and roll motions, with the model moored by steel chains to the bed of the flume as shown in Plate 4.7.

Plate 4.5 : Wave flume

In the second group of experimental tests, the wave attenuation efficiency of the restrained floating breakwaters was studied for 2-row and 3-row systems in a constant water depth of 45 cm. The models were restrained at four piles (Plate 4.8) in the upper column of water with their original depth of submergence when they were allowed to float freely without any external disturbance. They were restrained such that no motions of the structures were allowed. The results of the coefficients of transmission were to be used as reference values for the results of the pile-system STEPFLOAT breakwater and to evaluate the effect of heave and limited roll motions of the floating body on wave attenuation.

(d) G = 2b

(c) G = b Plate 4.6 : Various STEPFLOAT model system arrangements

(b) 3-row

(a) 2-row


96 Table 4.7 : The structure of experimental tests System arrangments



Chain mooring



Heave & limited roll (using vertical piles)







G = 2b


Plate 4.7 : 2-row STEPFLOAT model moored to the flume bed by steel chains


Plate 4.8 : A 2-row model as restrained from moving at four steel piles

The third group of experiments studied the performance of the 2-row and 3-row STEPFLOAT breakwater system using four vertical steel piles (Plate 4.9) as mooring method. The floating breakwater models were allowed to move in heave and limited roll motions (two degrees of freedom). This will improve the stability of the STEPFLOAT breakwater system when used as a walkway or pier. The effect of the motions on wave attenuation can be evaluated when compared to the restrained case. Besides 2-row and 3row systems, another two different system arrangements with G = b and G = 2b were studied using vertical piles with heave and limited roll motions in order to investigate the effect of pontoon spacing on wave attenuation. All experimental tests on vertical pilesystem STEPFLOAT breakwater were carried out in a constant water depth of 45 cm.

The vertical pile system consists of two horizontal bars restrained at the steel rails on top of the side walls of the flume. Four external hollow pipes were welded to the horizontal bars. Eight slide bearings were fixed inside the external hollow pipes for smooth linear motion of the aluminium internal rods. The four aluminium internal rods were fixed to the STEPFLOAT body and extended inside the external hollow pipes,

98 allowing the floating breakwater to move in heave and limited roll motions when exposed to the attack of the incident regular waves. The details of the vertical pile system used in the present study are given in Figure 4.8.

Plate 4.9 : A 3-row model with vertical pile system

Aluminium internal rods Horizontal bar

Steel rail External hollow pipes

STEPFLOAT 0.70 m Heave motion Side wall of flume Flume bed 0.92 m

Figure 4.8 : Details of the vertical pile system




Dimensional Analysis

Dimensional analysis is an algebraic technique of dimensionally homogeneous functions that makes use of the study of dimensions. It is based on the principle of dimensional homogeneity (PDH) that all mathematical equations that relate to physical quantities must be dimensionally homogenous. Dimensional analysis is particularly helpful in experimental work as it indicates the direction in which experimental work should go and it can efficiently shorten laboratory procedures. If we divide all the terms in a dimensionally homogenous equation by a quantity that has the same dimensions, then all the terms will become dimensionless. As a result, we can express the equation more simply as relationship between dimensionless groups or numbers. Dimensional analysis is a powerful scientific procedure that formalizes this process.

The pi theorem or the Buckingham pi theorem is a generalized method of dimensional analysis and is the most popular now (Finnemore and Franzini, 2002). If an equation satisfies the PDH, then the pi theorem arranges or reduces the variables into a

100 lesser number of dimensionless groups of variables. Thus if an equation has a number of n dimensional variables composed of k fundamental dimensions, (n-k) dimensionless terms, often referred to as ɉ terms, may be derived.

Previous studies on floating breakwater (Hadibah Ismail & Teh, 2002b; Christian, 2000 and Tobiasson & Kollmeyer, 1991) have revealed that breakwater width is a dominant parameter that affects the floating breakwater performance. In some cases, the floating breakwater can be made wide enough in comparison to the wave that it is designed for so as to allow all of the breaking energy to expend itself on the surface of the breakwater. With waves breaking over a floating breakwater, particularly if this occurs in a random manner, the waves created in the water space behind the structure may differ considerably from the incident waves (Tobiasson and Kollmeyer, 1991).

The B/L ratio is a dimensionless parameter which characterizes the size of a floating breakwater. Based on literature survey done by Mani (1991), to achieve a Ct value of 0.5, the B/L ratio for most of the floating breakwaters should be in the range of 0.45-1.70. While for floating tire breakwaters, they offer excellent protection for marinas and effectively stop the short length waves which can be very destructive to boats berthed at pier (Armstrong and Petersen, 1978). Sorensen (1978) stated that Ct = 0.1-0.2 when the wave length was equal to the major structure length in direction of wave propagation. But when the wave length was increased to four times the structure length, Ct increased to 0.6. For floating breakwaters aligned normal to the wave direction, the relative width (i.e., breakwater width in the direction of wave travel) should be greater than unity (Briggs, et. al, 2002). Hales (1981) reported that wave transmission decreased as the breakwater width increased to more than one-half the wave length.

Christian (2000) in his experimental tests on floating breakwaters which have various vertical plates attached to improve their efficiency, found out that a deeper skirt

101 or draft generally reduces the Ct values. Teh (2002) reported that a slow decrease in Ct is observed as D/L increase for a single row of SSFBW. For the two-row and the three-row systems, improvement in wave attenuation is found considerable when D/L is less than 0.7. In general, for a given wave length, if the draft is small, the relative width must be larger and vice versa. Thus, if the draft is relatively shallow, the breakwater width needs to be longer to compensate.

Mani (1991) in his study on Y-frame floating breakwater concluded that Ct decreased for an increase in Hi/gT2. Murali and Mani (1997) in their study on the performance of cage floating breakwater reported that for large Hi/gT2 (>0.010) the system effectively restricts the Ct (below 0.1). Flat waves with a low value of Hi/gT2 are transmitted with ease. However, steep waves with greater value of Hi/gT2 are arrested effectively. Period, being an extremely important and basic characteristic of a parameter, is intrinsically incorporated within the wave steepness parameter, as smaller wave periods produce waves with smaller wave lengths and smaller wave lengths produce steeper waves.

Based on Teh (2002)’s work, Ct values of a single row system are less dependent on the given range of d/gT2. However, the two-row and three-row systems have strong transmission dependence upon d/gT2. As d/gT2 increases, Ct decreases from as high as 0.9 to as low as 0.1. The results indicate that the deeper the water depth is, the greater the wave dampening ability of the system it makes.

With some literature background on parameters affecting the floating breakwater performance, a dimensional analysis using pi theorem was performed in order to develop a design relationship for Ct in terms of hydraulic characteristics and the geometry of the STEPFLOAT. The main function of a floating breakwater is to minimize the height of

102 waves transmitted, Ht past the structure. The physical processes of wave-structure interaction are visualized in order to consider relevant physical factors that probably influence the wave transmission processes. Figure 5.1 provides a definition sketch of the problem under consideration. In general, the transmitted wave height, Ht may be

B heave limited roll






vertical piles


Figure 5.1 : Definition sketch of a pile-system 2-row STEPFLOAT breakwater

assumed to be a function of the following independent variables of hydraulic parameters, structure’s geometry parameters, fluid and structure properties: Ht = f (Hi, L, d, B, D, ȡ, ȡs)


where f is a function. The resulting basic functional Equation (5.1) contains eight dimensional variables. That means n = 8. Since the floating breakwater system is a surface dominated phenomenon, the viscous effect has been considered negligible and

103 excluded from the analysis. Based on Equation (5.1), six of the eight terms already have linear dimensions while the remaining two terms of water density and density of the structure include dimension of mass. The dimensions of the physical quantities are subsequently expressed in terms of the mass-length-time (MLT) system as follows:


>L@ ,


>L@ ,


>L@ , d >L@ ,


>L@ ,


>L@ ,


ªM º «¬ L3 »¼ , U s

ªM º «¬ L3 »¼

It is obviously shown that only M and L are involved, so the number of fundamental dimensions, k = 2. Therefore, the number of dimensionless ɉ groups needed is (n-k) = (8-2) = 6.

From the list of dimensional variables, k of them are selected to be primary (repeating) variables, which must contain all of the fundamental dimensions and must not form a ɉ among themselves. In this case, k = 2. Therefore, L and ȡ are selected as the primary (repeating) variables. The ɉ groups are formed by multiplying the product of the primary variables, with unknown exponents, by each of the remaining variables, one at a time. In order to satisfy dimensional homogeneity, the exponents of each dimension are equated on both sides of each pi equation, and so solve for the exponents and the forms of the dimensionless groups. Since the ɉs are dimensionless, they can be replaced with M0L0T0. In the case of this study, only M and L are involved, thus M0L0. Working with ɉ1,


( L ) a1 ( U ) b1 H t

M 0 L0

( L) a1 ( ML3 ) b1 L


0 = b1


0 = a1 - 3b1 + 1

104 Solving for a1 and b1, a1 = -1,



b1 = 0

Ht L


Working in a similar fashion with ɉ2, ɉ3, ɉ4, ɉ5 and ɉ6,


Hi L



d L









Us U


The basis for the selection of the terms is based on the particular system under investigation and should reflect the understanding of the process involved. A common dimensionless parameter used to quantify wave attenuation is the coefficient of transmission, Ct which is defined as a ratio of the transmitted wave height to the incident

§H wave height ¨¨ t © Hi

· ¸¸ . Note that Ct ¹

Ht Hi

§ 31 ¨¨ © 32

Ht L · . ¸ . Therefore, it follows that the L H i ¸¹

105 above dimensionless pi groups are further rearranged and combined as desired to yield the following non-dimensional relationship:


Ht Hi

§B D H d· f¨ , , i , ¸ © L L L L¹


The most common parameters are shown in Equation (5.8) and are considered representative for a variety of floating breakwater types. The four governing dimensionless pi terms have been used by researchers as the fundamental parameters for the study of floating breakwaters. However, some complicated and unique systems may not be completely explained by the results of the analysis. Thus, additional parameters would be required to analyze the system. Note that

Us will remain constant for a given U

floating breakwater, therefore it is not included in the final relationship in Equation (5.8). For the case of the STEPFLOAT breakwater with gap between rows of modules, i.e. G = b and G = 2b, it follows the same method of dimensional analysis above with similar working fashion and pattern for all variables with an additional variable of G to arrive at the final functional Equation (5.9) as follows:



Ht Hi

§B D H d G· f¨ , , i , , ¸ ©L L L L L¹


Experimental Results

This section describes the results of the experimental work which was done in the laboratory to evaluate the efficiency of the STEFPLOAT breakwater system by

106 measuring the incident and transmitted wave heights in order to obtain the transmission coefficients. During the experimental tests, incident and transmitted wave profiles were measured by two wave probes and printed simultaneously on the recording papers from the thermal printer of the HIOKI 8833 MEMORY Hi CORDER wave recorder. Figure 5.2 (a) and 5.2 (b) give examples of the wave profiles of the composite wave, which is a combination of incident and reflected waves, and transmitted wave, respectively.

The attenuation efficiency of the STEPFLOAT floating breakwater is quantified by the coefficients of transmission. The results of the experimental study in terms of reflection coefficients and loss coefficients are also included in this chapter and directly related to the wave periods. Therefore, wave dampening characteristics of the STEPFLOAT breakwater, in terms of Ct, Cr and Cl, for the 2-row, 3-row, G = b and G = 2b floating breakwater systems are presented in the following sections, according to different types of mooring systems.

5.2.1 Steel Chain Mooring System Two-row system

Figure 5.3 shows the plots of Ct, Cr and Cl versus wave period for 2-row STEPFLOAT breakwater model system moored with steel chains in a constant water depth of 53 cm. The system was tested in the laboratory under regular incident waves with T ranging from 0.68 sec to 1.05 sec. For the given range of wave period, it was observed that the Ct value increases from 0.67 to 0.93 as the wave period increases while the Cr curve shows a slowly decreasing trend from a Cr value of 0.30 to 0.21. The curve


Wave elevation (cm)



-7.0 0









Time (sec)

(a) The recorded signal of the composite wave in front of the model

Wave elevation (cm)



-7.0 0





Time (sec)

(b) The recorded signal of the transmitted wave behind the model

Figure 5.2 : Wave profiles of the composite and transmitted waves for 2-row model system using vertical piles (f = 42 Hz or T = 0.95 sec)



Ct, Cr & Cl





0.4 0.2

Cr 0.0 0.6






Time (sec)

Figure 5.3 : Variation of Ct, Cr and Cl against T for 2-row model system using chain mooring for D/d = 0.104

as in Figure 5.3 shows the decreasing trend of loss coefficient as a function of wave period. It is seen that the 2-row model system using chain mooring does not provide promising results with all its data points above Ct = 0.5. Small variation in Cr values within the tested range of wave period shows that wave period or wave length has little influence on Cr. The low values of Cr indicate that little wave reflection occurred when the floating breakwater is subjected to the incident wave. However, most of the incident wave energy is attenuated by the mechanism of wave dissipation with higher Cl values.

Plates 5.1 (a) and 5.1 (b) show the digital images taken during the experiments with relatively shorter and longer waves for 2-row system with chain mooring for performance comparison. It is seen in Plate 5.1 (a) that shorter incident wave gives better wave attenuation compared to relatively longer incident wave in Plate 5.1 (b). A calmer wave environment with smaller transmitted wave height behind the structure is observed in Plate 5.1 (a) while relatively longer incident wave does not have significant impact on wave attenuation as visualized in Plate 5.1 (b). In fact, these phenomena have readily shown in Figure 5.3 with the Ct trend line. From the curve, it is noticeable that shorter

109 wave length (or smaller wave period) gives lower Ct whereas longer wave length (or greater wave period) has resulted in higher Ct. Plates 5.1 (c) and 5.1 (d) show some wave dissipation phenomena during experiments.

5.2.2 Restrained Case Two-row System

Figure 5.4 shows the plots of measured Ct, Cr and Cl versus wave period for 2row STEPFLOAT model that is restrained at the vertical piles to be prevented from moving in a constant water depth of 45 cm. The system was tested under incident waves with T ranging from 0.69 sec to 1.11 sec. As expected, Ct decreases as wave period decreases. Ct value decreases from 0.55 to 0.17 as the wave period decreases for the given range of tested wave period. The threshold level of Ct = 0.5 is achieved for T < 1.06 sec for D/d = 0.133. In general, the trend line of Cr is fairly uniform around the value of 0.4 with incident wave period. There is a tendency to decrease slightly as the wave period increases. It was also observed that Cl varies little with wave period. The lowest and highest values of Cl are 0.72 and 0.93, respectively, with a difference of 0.21.

It was observed that the restrained 2-row model system provides effective performance on wave attenuation, especially in higher frequency waves, with moderate wave reflection. Again, like the 2-row model with chain mooring, small variation in Cr values for this restrained case of 2-row system shows that wave period or wave length has little influence on Cr. Similarly, most of the incident wave energy is attenuated through wave dissipation with even higher Cl values.



Plate 5.1 : Wave-structure interaction during experimental tests for 2-row system using chain mooring






Ct , Cr & Cl






Cr 0.2 0.0 0.6







Time (sec)

Figure 5.4 : Variation of Ct, Cr and Cl against T for 2-row model system restrained from moving for D/d = 0.133

Plate 5.2 shows the digital images taken during the experiments for the restrained 2-row system. A calmer wave environment at the leeward side of the floating breakwater [see Plate 5.2 (a)] was observed with its short incoming wave stroke on the structure. Relatively longer incident wave does not give significant influence on wave attenuation [see Plate 5.2 (b)]. Plates 5.2 (c) and 5.2 (d) show the chaotic phenomena of wave breaking and turbulence during the experiments that have contributed considerably to the wave attenuation. Three-row System

Figure 5.5 shows the plots of measured Ct, Cr and Cl versus wave period for the restrained 3-row STEPFLOAT breakwater system in water depth of 45 cm. Incident waves with T ranging from 0.70 sec to 1.33 sec were generated throughout the



Plate 5.2 : Wave-structure interaction during experimental tests for the restrained 2-row system




113 experiments. For the given range of tested wave period, Ct decreases from 0.65 to 0.15 as wave period decreases. For the restrained 3-row system, only when the wave period T 0.8373 sec, the system with smaller spacing, i.e. G = b, leads to lower values of Ct, while at higher frequencies when T < 0.8373 sec, the larger pontoon spacing, i.e. G = 2b, results in lower Ct values. This is because in relatively longer waves (lower frequency) the smaller spacing allows the two pontoons to act as a continuous structure functioning like a single unit, spanning a considerable portion of wave length, whereas in shorter waves (higher frequency) pontoons with a larger spacing tend to act independently as two separated single pontoon breakwaters in series, hence enhance the wave energy dissipation mechanism.


0.8 0.7



0.5 0.4 0.3 G=0 G=b


G = 2b

0.1 0.6




























0.2 0.0



0.2 0.0

-0.2 T (sec)

Figure 5.42 : Ct, 'Ct[0-b] & 'Ct[2b-b] vs T - Performance comparison between G = 0, G = b and G = 2b STEPFLOAT systems

160 Figure 5.43 shows the variations of Ct as a function of B/L for G = 0, G = b and G = 2b systems. For the G = 2b system, the threshold level of Ct = 0.5 is only achieved when B/L • 0.2713 while for the G = 0 and G = b systems, this level is attained when B/L > 0.1478 and B/L > 0.1955, respectively, as reported in earlier section. Figures 5.44 through 5.46 show decreasing trend when Ct values were plotted against D/L, H/L and d/L, respectively, for the three systems. Figure 5.47 shows the plots of Ct against G/L with a decreasing trend of Ct as G/L increases.

1.0 G=0


G=b G = 2b


0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.05







Figure 5.43 : Ct vs B/L - Performance comparison between G = 0, G = b and G = 2b STEPFLOAT systems


1.0 G=0


G=b G = 2b


0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.02








Figure 5.44 : Ct vs D/L - Performance comparison between G = 0, G = b and G = 2b STEPFLOAT systems

1.0 G=0


G=b G = 2b


0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.00











Figure 5.45 : Ct vs H/L - Performance comparison between G = 0, G = b and G = 2b STEPFLOAT systems


1.0 G=0


G=b G = 2b


0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.15







Figure 5.46 : Ct vs d/L - Performance comparison between G = 0, G = b and G = 2b STEPFLOAT systems

1.0 0.8



G = 2b



0.2 0.0 0.00








Figure 5.47 : Ct vs G/L - Performance comparison between G = b and G = 2b STEPFLOAT systems

163 5.4 Comparison on the Performance between the STEPFLOAT and Previous Floating Breakwater Studies

Figure 5.48 shows a comparison between the results of the present experimental results of Ct of 2-row, 3-row, G = b and G = 2b STEPFLOAT systems with the work of other authors for different types of floating breakwaters. The Ct curves of various existing types of floating breakwaters are extracted and superimposed into Figure 5.48, with B/L ranging from 0 to 1. All Ct trendlines show reasonably good agreement in terms of the trend of the curve. The figure shows that the suggested STEPFLOAT breakwater system is more efficient compared to the other results. However, an exact comparison cannot be made due to the different experimental criteria used in the laboratory by different investigators.

Without taking account of the floating breakwater’s draft, tested wave steepness and water depth, the STEPFLOAT system generally has excellent wave dampening ability over most of the previous floating breakwaters. The graphs in Figure 5.48 reveal the significant influence of certain geometric characteristic of floating structures on wave attenuation. The Ct decreases proportionally with the increase of the B/L ratio revealing the significant influence of the width of structures on wave attenuation.

For instance, in order to reduce a one meter long incident wave height by 50%, the STEPFLOAT breakwater system would need to be constructed at least 0.15 m, 0.21 m, 0.20 m and 0.27 m wide for the 2-row, 3-row, G = b and G = 2b systems, respectively. The single row of SSFBW system for D/d = 0.242 would need 0.23 m wide to provide such degree of protection while A-frame floating breakwater requires breakwater width of 0.62 m. The required width for the rectangular cylinder to bring down the one meter incident wave height by half is 0.43 m, which is higher than that of the box-type floating breakwater with B = 0.30 m. However, the Y-frame with pipes is









































[N] [O] [P] [Q]

STEPFLOAT: Present Study - 2-Row System Present Study - 3-Row System Present Study - G = b System Present Study - G = 2b System

Log Raft [Riche & Nece, 1974] Goodyear [Harms, 1979] Wave-Maze [Stitt & Noble, 1963] Twin Plate [Kumar et al. , 2001] Wave-Guard [Harms, 1979] A-Frame [Brebner & Ofuya, 1968] Y-Frame - No Pipes [Mani, 1991] Y-Frame - With Pipes [Mani, 1991] Box [Nece et al. , 1988] Rectangular Cylinder [Yamamoto et al. , 1982] [K] Tethered Float [Harms, 1980] [L] 2-Tier Floating Pipe [Purushotham et al. , 2001] [M] 1-Row SSFBW with D/d = 0.24 [Teh, 2002]

[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J]


Figure 5.48 : Comparison of floating breakwaters efficiency between the STEPFLOAT and those from previous studies



165 capable to offer a minimum of 50% reduction of wave height with the required breakwater width of only 0.15 m, which is comparable to the one provided by the 2-row STEPFLOAT system. Nonetheless, it has to be noted that the draft of the Y-frame extended by the attachment of a row of pipes at the bottom of the trapezoidal float has enhanced the wave attenuation capability of the floating breakwater system, thus smaller breakwater width is required. For the rest of the floating breakwaters, their width would need to be built larger than 0.62 m to attain the 50% wave height reduction.

Teh (2002) reported that, for the range of 0 < B/L < 1.0, some of the floating breakwaters, mainly shallow-draft structures such as the log raft, the tethered float, the Goodyear floating tire breakwater, the Wave-Maze, the Wave-Guard, the floating plates and the floating pipes, are found less effective in attenuating the wave with even greater value of B/L. As a result, the sea surface is occupied by a large surface area of these structures in order to achieve a lower Ct. This is unfavourable as the spread may cause difficulties in installation and handling as well as taking up too much space.





In this Chapter, Ct, Cr and Cl are calculated and presented for the laboratory experiments on the vertical pile-system STEPFLOAT floating breakwater with different system arrangements with respect to the specific dimensionless variables.


Parametric Analysis and Empirical Relationships

Parametric analysis was used to study the influence of independent variables on the transmission coefficient. This preliminary examination describes qualitatively the general trends of the Ct, Cr and Cl with respect to the individual independent variables and investigates quantitatively the empirical relationship of the Ct associated with the

167 trend as a function of a specific independent variable, for all independent variables that are under consideration. Several empirical relationships are investigated in this section. Included are the four general dimensionless structural geometrical variables (relative width,

B D and relative draft, ) and the dimensionless hydraulic variables (wave L L


H d and relative depth, ). An additional dimensionless structural L L

geometrical variable, namely relative gap size,

G is included for the case of the G = b L

and G = 2b systems.

The second order polynomial and exponential trend lines for the plots of Ct from the least squares regression analysis for the entire data set are shown. The equations for these least squares fit lines are given by


a 0  a1 x  a 2 x 2



ce bx


where a0, a1 and a2 are constants for the second order polynomial trend line [Equation (6.1)] while c and b are constants for the exponential fit line [Equation (6.2)], and e is the base of the natural logarithm. x is a dummy variable representing the independent nondimensional variable. However, for the plots of Ct in this chapter, only trend lines with higher R2 are shown in the figures.


6.2.1 Influence of Relative Width,

B L Two-row System

The literature has indicated that the relative width,

B has great influence on L

wave transmission of floating breakwaters and has been used as one of the most representative parameters in result presentation by most of the researchers in their studies on floating breakwaters. Figure 6.1 shows the relationship between B/L and the measured Ct, Cr and Cl for the two-row system with D/d = 0.133. Based on the fit line of Ct, it is found that the B/L is a strong governing parameter to Ct. The results indicate that Ct increases with decrease in B/L, whereas Cl increases with the increase in B/L. No appreciable variation can be found in Cr with increasing B/L. The values of Cr stay within the range from 0.10 to 0.43, with most of the data points scatter closely around 0.2.

The scatter in this data is considered small and the least squares regression analysis for Ct indicates a correspondingly high R2 = 0.8621 (for the exponential fit line). The regression coefficients for the second order polynomial and the constants by the exponential trend lines of Ct are also listed in Tables 6.1 and 6.2, respectively. Thus, this parameter does a good job predicting the STEPFLOAT performance.


1.0 0.8 Ct , Cr & Cl

Cl 0.6

Ct = 0.9436e




R = 0.8621

0.4 0.2 0.0 0.05








Figure 6.1 : Measured Ct, Cr & Cl versus B/L of 2-row system with D/d = 0.133

Table 6.1 : Summary of regression analysis parameters for the 2-row vertical pile-system STEPFLOAT breakwater (second order polynomial) Independent Variable x Name Symbol B/L Relative width D/L Relative draft H/L Wave steepness d/L Relative depth Dependent variable = Ct


R 0.8447 0.8447 0.5494 0.8447

Regression Coefficients a1 a2 a0 0.8706 -2.8526 2.6432 0.8706 -9.9840 32.3795 0.6959 -7.3947 39.5794 0.8706 -1.3312 0.5756

Table 6.2 : Summary of regression analysis parameters for the 2-row vertical pile-system STEPFLOAT breakwater (exponential) Independent Variable x Name Symbol Relative width B/L Relative draft D/L Wave steepness H/L Relative depth d/L Dependent variable = Ct

Constants 2

R 0.8621 0.8621 0.4983 0.8621

c 0.9436 0.9436 0.6512 0.9436

b -4.2975 -15.0413 -8.2953 -2.0055

170 Three-row System

From the results of the three-row system in Figure 6.2, it is noticed that the transmitted energy decreases with the increase of B/L while the energy lost has the inverse trend. The trend between Ct and B/L suggests that relative width did have an effect on Ct. Most of the data points of Cr are exhibited within the range from 0.16 to 0.39. The Cr curve seems to increase slowly with the increase in B/L. The regression analysis of Ct gave a higher R2 = 0.9124 (for the exponential trend line). Again, the regression analysis coefficients for the second order polynomial and the constants by the exponential fit line of Ct are listed in Tables 6.3 and 6.4, respectively. G = b System

A trend between Ct and B/L was observed with the G = b system, as can be seen in Figure 6.3. For the given range of B/L, the trend line of Ct decreases as the B/L increases, whereas the Cl fit line increases with the increase in B/L. Similar to the previous two systems, there is no appreciable variation can be found in Cr with increasing B/L for G = b system except that the curve starts to increase at the larger end of B/L. In general, the Cr data points stay around 0.2. The second order polynomial regression coefficients for the Ct curve are listed in Table 6.5 while the constants of the exponential fit line of Ct are shown in Table 6.6. The polynomial and exponential fit lines of Ct gave the R2 = 0.9431 and 0.9238, respectively.



Ct , Cr & Cl

0.8 0.6


Ct = 1.1501e




R = 0.9124


Cr 0.2 0.0 0.10









Figure 6.2 : Measured Ct, Cr & Cl versus B/L of 3-row system with D/d = 0.133

Table 6.3 : Summary of regression analysis parameters for the 3-row vertical pile-system STEPFLOAT breakwater (second order polynomial) Independent Variable x Name Symbol Relative width B/L Relative draft D/L Wave steepness H/L Relative depth d/L


R 0.8961 0.8961 0.7436 0.8961

Regression Coefficients a0 a1 a2 1.0267 -3.0677 2.6852 1.0267 -15.5942 69.3861 0.8144 -10.7992 54.2211 1.0267 -2.0792 1.2335

Dependent variable = Ct

Table 6.4 : Summary of regression analysis parameters for the 3-row vertical pile-system STEPFLOAT breakwater (exponential) Independent Variable x Name Symbol Relative width B/L Relative draft D/L Wave steepness H/L Relative depth d/L

Dependent variable = Ct

Constants R2 0.9124 0.9124 0.6526 0.9124

c 1.1501 1.1501 0.7864 1.1501

b -4.0282 -20.4766 -12.9918 -2.7302



Ct, Cr & Cl


Cl 2


Ct = 1.1864(B/L) - 2.0914(B/L) + 0.8691 2


R = 0.9431


Cr 0.2 0.0 0.10









Figure 6.3 : Measured Ct, Cr & Cl versus B/L of G = b system with D/d = 0.133

Table 6.5 : Summary of regression analysis parameters for the G = b vertical pile-system STEPFLOAT breakwater (second order polynomial) Independent Variable x Name Symbol Relative width B/L Relative draft D/L Wave steepness H/L Relative depth d/L Relative gap size G/L Dependent variable = Ct


R 0.9431 0.9431 0.4877 0.9431 0.9431

Regression Coefficients a0 a1 a2 0.8691 -2.0914 1.1864 0.8691 -10.6313 30.6577 0.7041 -9.3395 58.9867 0.8691 -1.4175 0.5450 0.8691 -6.3788 11.0368

Table 6.6 : Summary of regression analysis parameters for the G = b vertical pile-system STEPFLOAT breakwater (exponential) Independent Variable x Name Symbol Relative width B/L Relative draft D/L Wave steepness H/L Relative depth d/L Relative gap size G/L Dependent variable = Ct

Constants R2 0.9238 0.9238 0.3870 0.9238 0.9238

c 1.0468 1.0468 0.6339 1.0468 1.0468

b -3.7801 -19.2153 -9.7316 -2.5620 -11.5292

173 G = 2b System

Figure 6.4 shows the results of Ct, Cr and Cl versus B/L for G = 2b system. Again, as previous discussed system, a similar trend of Ct versus B/L was observed with the G = 2b system, suggesting that B/L did have an effect on Ct. Therefore, a statistical analysis will be performed in the following chapter to see if the influence of B/L is statistically significant. As expected, Cl curve increases as the B/L increases. A trend between Cr and B/L was observed with the G = 2b system (a concave shape of results with the nadir between 0.30 and 0.35). The regression analysis of Ct gave a high R2 = 0.9422 (for second order polynomial curve) and its regression coefficients are listed in Table 6.7. The constants by the exponential fit line of Ct are listed in Table 6.8.


Ct, Cr & Cl

0.8 0.6



Ct = 0.0085(B/L) - 1.3235(B/L) + 0.8755



R = 0.9422

0.4 0.2


0.0 0.10







Figure 6.4 : Measured Ct, Cr & Cl versus B/L of G = 2b system with D/d = 0.133

174 Table 6.7 : Summary of regression analysis parameters for the G = 2b vertical pile-system STEPFLOAT breakwater (second order polynomial) Independent Variable x Name Symbol Relative width B/L Relative draft D/L Wave steepness H/L Relative depth d/L Relative gap size G/L

Regression Coefficients a0 a1 a2 0.8755 -1.3235 0.0085 0.8755 -8.9335 0.3868 0.7192 -7.6584 27.2829 0.8755 -1.1911 0.0069 0.8755 -2.6800 0.0348


R 0.9422 0.9422 0.5955 0.9422 0.9422

Dependent variable = Ct

Table 6.8 : Summary of regression analysis parameters for the G = 2b vertical pile-system STEPFLOAT breakwater (exponential) Constants

Independent Variable x Name Symbol Relative width B/L Relative draft D/L Wave steepness H/L Relative depth d/L Relative gap size G/L Dependent variable = Ct

6.2.2 Influence of Relative Draft,


R 0.9169 0.9169 0.5165 0.9169 0.9169

c 1.2962 1.2962 0.7343 1.2962 1.2962

b -3.5118 -23.7048 -12.8463 -3.1606 -7.1114

D L Two-row System

The effect of draft for the 2-row STEPFLOAT breakwater is demonstrated in terms of draft to wave length ratio, D/L in Figure 6.5. A decreasing trend of Ct curve is

175 observed as D/L increases, whereas Cl increases with an increase in D/L. The variation of Cr with D/L is not appreciable. Most of the data points are scattered at 0.1 < Cr < 0.3. From the data points of Ct, it is found that the variation of draft has a profound effect on wave attenuation. The regression analysis of Ct indicates a correspondingly high R2 = 0.8621. The second order polynomial regression coefficients and the constants of exponential relationship are listed in Tables 6.1 and 6.2, respectively.


Ct, Cr & Cl

0.8 0.6

Cl Ct


Ct = 0.9436e 2

R = 0.8621 0.4

Cr 0.2 0.0 0.01






Figure 6.5 : Measured Ct, Cr & Cl versus D/L of 2-row system with D/d = 0.133 Three-row System

Figure 6.6 relates D/L with respective Ct, Cr and Cl for the three-row system. It proved to be a good indicator, as there was a very defined trend showing that as D/L increased, Ct decreased. The trend line of Cl increases slowly as the D/L increases. Most of the data points of Cr, however, are scattered fairly uniform in the range of 0.16 - 0.39,

176 giving a very mild curve or nearly linear horizontal line. The R2 = 0.8961 and 0.9124 for the second order polynomial and exponential curves of Ct, respectively and related regression analysis coefficients or constants are again shown in Tables 6.3 and 6.4.

1.0 0.8 Ct, Cr & Cl

Cl 0.6



Ct = 1.1501e 2

R = 0.9124

0.4 0.2 0.0 0.01







Figure 6.6 : Measured Ct, Cr & Cl versus D/L of 3-row system with D/d = 0.133 G = b System

The results of Ct, Cr and Cl versus D/L for the G = b system are shown in Figure 6.7. Similar to the previous discussed systems, it is found that there is a huge variation of Ct with increasing D/L. The curve of Cl increases slowly as the D/L increases and the data points are generally above Cl = 0.7. The data points of Cr are scattered at 0.1 < Cr < 0.4. High values of Cl and low values of Cr indicate that most of the incident wave energy is dissipated instead of reflected. The regression analysis gave R2 = 0.9431 and 0.9238 for the second order polynomial and exponential curves, respectively. The

177 corresponding regression analysis coefficients or constants are listed in Tables 6.5 and 6.6.


Ct, Cr & Cl

0.8 0.6



Ct = 30.658(D/L) - 10.631(D/L) + 0.8691 2


R = 0.9431

0.4 0.2


0.0 0.01






Figure 6.7 : Measured Ct, Cr & Cl versus D/L of G = b system with D/d = 0.133 G = 2b System

A trend between Ct and D/L, as shown in Figure 6.8, was observed for the G = 2b system, suggesting that D/L had a strong influence on Ct. As expected, the curve of Cl lies at the upper level region of the Figure 6.8 with most of the data points above Cl = 0.7. Again, the data points of Cr are generally scattered in the lower region at 0.1 < Cr < 0.4 with a slight concave shape of results with the nadir around D/L = 0.5. The second order regression analysis of Ct gave an R2 = 0.9422 and its corresponding coefficients are listed in Table 6.7. The constants of exponential curve for the same data points of Ct are listed in Table 6.8.



Ct, Cr & Cl

0.8 0.6



Ct = 0.3868(D/L) - 8.9335(D/L) + 0.8755 2


R = 0.9422


Cr 0.2 0.0 0.01






Figure 6.8 : Measured Ct, Cr & Cl versus D/L of G = 2b system with D/d = 0.133

6.2.3 Influence of Wave Steepness,

H L Two-row System

Figure 6.9 shows the Ct, Cr and Cl versus H/L for the two-row system. There is a trend showing that as wave steepness increased, Ct decreased. When steeper waves pass over or beneath the floating breakwater, they create larger eddies at the edges of the structure due to a larger elevation head difference than flatter waves, resulting in greater energy dissipation and thus lower transmission. Again, the Cl fit line occupies the upper level of the chart with mostly all the data points above Cl = 0.7. As for Cr, the data points are scattered around Cr = 0.2. The R2 = 0.5494 for the second order polynomial curve and its corresponding regression analysis coefficients are again listed in Table 6.1. The constants of exponential equation are listed in Table 6.2. In summary, although the R2

179 values for both regression types are slightly lower, this parameter of wave steepness has some validity in predicting the STEPFLOAT performance. The scatter in the data and low correlation may be due to the limited data set of wave heights and wave lengths.


Cl 0.8 Ct, Cr & Cl


Ct = 39.579(H/L) - 7.3947(H/L) + 0.6959



R = 0.5494




Cr 0.0 0.00







Figure 6.9 : Measured Ct, Cr & Cl versus H/L of 2-row system with D/d = 0.133 Three-row System

The data points of Ct, Cr and Cl are respectively plotted against H/L in Figure 6.10. The Ct curve exhibits a trend with its data points scatter at 0.20 < Ct < 0.76, for the given range of H/L. Cl and Cr data points are respectively scattered at 0.62 < Cl < 0.96 and 0.16 < Cr < 0.39. It was observed that the data points of Cr scatter uniformly over the H/L. The second order polynomial regression analysis gave a higher R2 = 0.7436, compared to the 2-row system. The coefficients or constants of both the second order polynomial and exponential equations are listed in Tables 6.3 and 6.4.



Cl Ct, Cr & Cl

0.8 2

Ct = 54.221(H/L) - 10.799(H/L) + 0.8144



R = 0.7436




Cr 0.0 0.00







Figure 6.10 : Measured Ct, Cr & Cl versus H/L of 3-row system with D/d = 0.133 G = b System

A similar trend to that described earlier was found for the G = b system. Figure 6.11 demonstrates that the system altered mildly the magnitude of Ct but did not change the trend of decreasing Ct with increasing wave steepness. Again, as seen in Figure 6.11, most of the incident wave energy is attenuated through the mechanism of wave dissipation with high values of Cl while Cr remains its uniform trend with most of the data points scatter around Cr = 0.2. The R2 = 0.4877 and 0.3870 for the second order polynomial and exponential fit lines, respectively. Tables 6.5 and 6.6 show their respective regression analysis constants.




Ct, Cr & Cl

0.8 2

Ct = 58.987(H/L) - 9.3395(H/L) + 0.7041



R = 0.4877





0.0 0.00







Figure 6.11 : Measured Ct, Cr & Cl versus H/L of G = b system with D/d = 0.133 G = 2b System

Similar to the other system arrangements, the G = 2b system has a decreased Ct trend line with increased wave steepness, showing that Ct values are dependent upon H/L, as can be seen in Figure 6.12. Again, the fit lines of Cl and Cr demonstrate similar trend as previously discussed systems. The second order polynomial regression analysis gave an R2 = 0.5955. Related regression coefficients are listed in Tables 6.7 and 6.8 for the polynomial and exponential equations.



Ct, Cr & Cl


Cl 2

Ct = 27.283(H/L) - 7.6584(H/L) + 0.7192

0.6 0.4


R = 0.5955



Cr 0.0 0.00







Figure 6.12 : Measured Ct, Cr & Cl versus H/L of G = 2b system with D/d = 0.133

6.2.4 Influence of Relative Depth,

d L Two-row System

Figure 6.13 shows the relationship between d/L and measured Ct, Cr and Cl. The data is plotted in the similar pattern as in the previous graphs. From the curve of Ct, d/L proved to be a good indicator, as there was a defined trend showing that as d/L increased, Ct decreased. It shows that STEPFLOAT in relatively deeper water gives better performance with lower values of Ct. Again, it was observed that the Cl fit line and Cr curve occupy the upper and lower parts of the graph above Cl = 0.7 and below Cr = 0.3, respectively. The regression analysis of Ct indicates a correspondingly high R2 = 0.8621 (for the exponential fit line). The regression coefficients are respectively listed in Tables 6.1 and 6.2 for the second order polynomial and exponential regression.




Ct, Cr & Cl

0.8 Ct = 0.9436e-2.0055(d/L)


R2 = 0.8621


Ct 0.2 0.0 0.10

Cr 0.20







Figure 6.13 : Measured Ct, Cr & Cl versus d/L of 2-row system with D/d = 0.133 Three-row System

The results of measured Ct, Cr and Cl versus d/L for the three-row system are shown in Figure 6.14. A trend between Ct and d/L was observed, suggesting that d/L has an effect on Ct. Cl increases as d/L increases. The data points of Cr are scattered between 0.1 and 0.4. The R2 = 0.8961 and 0.9124 for the second order polynomial and exponential fit lines, respectively and their corresponding regression coefficients are listed in Tables 6.3 and 6.4.



Ct, Cr & Cl

0.8 0.6

Cl Ct -2.7302(d/L)

Ct = 1.1501e 2

R = 0.9124


Cr 0.2 0.0 0.10








Figure 6.14 : Measured Ct, Cr & Cl versus d/L of 3-row system with D/d = 0.133 G = b System

From the results of the G = b system in Figure 6.15, it is noticed that the transmitted energy decreases with the increase of d/L while the energy lost has the inverse trend. The trend between Ct and d/L suggests that relative water depth did have an effect on Ct. Most of the data points of Cr are exhibited within the range from 0.09 to 0.37. The Cr curve seems to increase slowly with the increase in d/L. The regression analysis of Ct gave an R2 = 0.9431 (for the second order polynomial trend line). Again, the regression analysis coefficients for the second order polynomial and the constants by the exponential fit line of Ct are listed in Tables 6.5 and 6.6, respectively.



Ct, Cr & Cl

0.8 0.6

Cl Ct


Ct = 0.545(d/L) - 1.4175(d/L) + 0.8691 2

R = 0.9431


Cr 0.2 0.0 0.10








Figure 6.15 : Measured Ct, Cr & Cl versus d/L of G = b system with D/d = 0.133 G = 2b System

A similar trend to that described earlier was found for the G = 2b system. Figure 6.16 demonstrates that the system altered the magnitude of Ct but did not change the trend of decreasing Ct with increasing wave steepness. Again, as seen in Figure 6.16, most of the incident wave energy is attenuated through the mechanism of wave dissipation with high values of Cl while Cr demonstrates a slight concave shape of results with the nadir around d/L = 0.35. The data points of Cr are generally scattered between 0.1 and 0.4. The R2 = 0.9422 and 0.9169 for the second order polynomial and exponential fit lines, respectively. Tables 6.7 and 6.8 show their respective regression analysis constants.



Ct, Cr & Cl

0.8 0.6

Cl Ct


Ct = 0.0069(d/L) - 1.1911(d/L) + 0.8755 2

R = 0.9422

0.4 0.2 0.0 0.10









Figure 6.16 : Measured Ct, Cr & Cl versus d/L of G = 2b system with D/d = 0.133

6.2.5 Influence of Relative Gap Size,

G L G = b System

A defined trend of Ct curve was visible signifying that the relative gap size or spacing between the rows of modules was an important factor affecting Ct, as can be noted in Figure 6.17. Cl and Cr curves stay above Cl = 0.7 and below Cr = 0.4, respectively, indicating that the system performs effectively as a better wave energy dissipator rather than as a reflector. The regression analysis of Ct gave an R2 = 0.9431 (for the second order polynomial fit line). The regression coefficients or constants for the polynomial and exponential equations are listed in Tables 6.5 and 6.6, respectively.



Ct, Cr & Cl

0.8 0.6

Cl Ct


Ct = 11.037(G/L) - 6.3788(G/L) + 0.8691 2

R = 0.9431 0.4 0.2


0.0 0.03








Figure 6.17 : Measured Ct, Cr & Cl versus G/L of G = b system with D/d = 0.133 G = 2b System

The plot given in Figure 6.18 shows the measured Ct, Cr and Cl versus G/L for the G = 2b system. The curve of Ct highlights the decrease in Ct with an increase in G/L. Strong trend regarding the influence of the G/L on Ct is apparent. A similar trend for Cl and Cr to that described in the G = b system was found for the G = 2b system. The regression analysis of Ct indicates a correspondingly R2 = 0.9422 (for the second order polynomial curve). The second order polynomial regression coefficients and the constants of exponential relationship are listed in Tables 6.7 and 6.8, respectively



Ct, Cr & Cl

0.8 0.6

Cl Ct


Ct = 0.0348(G/L) - 2.68(G/L) + 0.8755 2

R = 0.9422 0.4

Cr 0.2 0.0 0.05







Figure 6.18 : Measured Ct, Cr & Cl versus G/L of G = 2b system with D/d = 0.133





This chapter discusses the statistical analysis performed on the experimental test results. The objective of the statistical analysis is to develop a series of probabilistic models or empirical equations that predict the STEPFLOAT breakwater efficiency for the 2-row, 3-row, G = b and G = 2b systems, subject to a variety of input conditions, which include the structural geometrical characteristics (breakwater width, draft and spacing between pontoons) and the hydraulic characteristics (wave height, wave length and water depth). The statistical analysis, specifically the Multiple Linear Regression Analysis, was performed using the SPSS Version 12.0 for Windows (SPSS Inc., 2004). Statistical software is essential for analyzing data. It channels a user’s energy into thinking about a problem instead of being preoccupied with computational details. SPSS Version 12.0 for Windows is a desktop statistical software specifically catered towards scientific research.

190 7.2

Multiple Linear Regression Analysis

Multiple linear regression analysis is a powerful and frequently used tool for modeling relationships among variables (Norušis, 2000). In multiple regression, the empirical relationships that relate the dependent variable, i.e. Ct to two or more predictor terms as depicted in Equations (7.1) and (7.2), imply that each of the predictor terms have a linear relationship with the dependent variable. In order to predict the efficiency of the STEPFLOAT system in terms of Ct, a myriad of possible predictors were considered and determined in dimensional analysis which in turn resulted in the formation of non-dimensional relationships. Several dimensionless variables were identified as being significant following completion of the dimensional analysis and parametric analysis.


B0  B1

B D H d  B 2  B3  B4 L L L L

for 2-row & 3-row systems


B0  B1

G B D H d  B2  B3  B4  B5 L L L L L

for G = b & G = 2b systems


or Ct

The first step in developing an empirical model to predict the Ct is to select the variables to include in the equation. As Ct is a dimensionless dependent variable, it is desirable for the components within the equation to be dimensionless. In order to nondimensionalize all the structural and hydraulic variables, the dimensional variables were divided by wave length to form dimensionless variables for the analyses of the efficiency of the STEPFLOAT system. The parametric analysis showed that the dimensionless variables, i.e. relative width, relative draft, wave steepness, relative water depth and relative gap were important factors affecting the performance of the STEPFLOAT system.

191 The form of the equation is the next consideration. The simplest equation is linear which has the basic form as shown in Equations (7.1) and (7.2). When hydraulic variables such as wave height and wave length are present in the dimensionless independent variables, the relationships are not normally linear. For this reason of nonlinearity, higher order equations were considered and several criteria have to be satisfied. The data were transformed by utilizing intrinsically linear functions. The most widely used intrinsically linear functions are the natural logarithmic and power models. The transformation for natural logarithmic analysis involves taking the natural logarithm of the independent variables, then proceeding with the regression while for the power model, it involves taking the logs of both the dependent and independent variables before the regression analysis.

Basic linear, natural logarithmic and power relationships were investigated and their suitability was judged by the following criteria: (i)

The relationship between the dependent and the independent variables is linear.


The magnitude of the squared multiple correlation coefficient, R2, which is a general measure of how well the equation fit the data.


The ability of the equation to incorporate all the desired significant variables while minimizing the number of statistically fitted parameters.


Residuals should be normally distributed showing that there is no bias in the equation.

Based on the desired criteria as well as the results of the multiple regression analyses on the three different forms of equations, the basic linear relationship would be the most preferable as it gives better model. Therefore, detailed discussion on the multiple regression analysis will be limited to the derivation of basic linear empirical relationships.

192 According to Norušis (2000), the enter and stepwise methods are sufficient for most purposes. When conducting the regression, the author utilized the SPSS Version 12.0 for Windows statistical software and conducted both the enter and stepwise analyses using the SPSS Linear Regression procedure. In the enter method, all independent variables are entered into the equation as a group while the stepwise method involves the selection of independent variables proceeds by steps and are evaluated according to the selection criteria for removal (probability of F to remove • 0.10) and entry (probability of F to enter ” 0.05).

The multiple linear regression equation, as seen in Equation (7.1), contains a constant and four partial regression coefficients (B1 through B4) - one for each of the four B


independent variables, for 2-row and 3-row STEPFLOAT systems. The regression equation, for G = b and G = 2b systems, contains a constant and five partial regression coefficients (B1 through B5) as shown in Equation (7.2). The least squares method is B


used to estimate the values of the coefficients in which the coefficients that result in the smallest sum of squared differences between the observed and predicted values of the Ct are selected.


Examination of the Variables

Before estimating the partial regression coefficients, the independent variables (B/L, D/L, H/L, d/L and G/L) have to be assured that they are linearly related to the dependent variable, Ct. Figures 7.1 through 7.4 show the matrix scatterplots of the Ct and the independent variables for 2-row, 3-row, G = b and G = 2b, respectively. The top row of each matrix shows the relationships between Ct and the independent variables. The relationship between Ct and all the independent variables appears to be more or less

















Figure 7.1 : Scatterplot matrix of the Ct and the 4 independent variables for 2-row






Figure 7.2 : Scatterplot matrix of the Ct and the 4 independent variables for 3-row




















Figure 7.3 : Scatterplot matrix of the Ct and the 5 independent variables for G = b







Figure 7.4 : Scatterplot matrix of the Ct and the 5 independent variables for G = 2b

195 linear. Since all of the independent variables have a linear relationship with the Ct, it makes sense to compute the multiple linear regression equations using the independent variables without any transformations.

However, it was observed from the matrix scatterplots that there are strong dependencies among the independent variables except the wave steepness, indicating that one variable is almost a linear combination of the other independent variables with the tolerance value close to zero as shown in the collinearity statistics. If any of the tolerances (the strength of the linear relationships among the independent variables) are small, multicollinearity may cause problems such as the coefficients in the wrong sign, high values of standard error of the regression coefficients, etc. This may have serious effect on the estimates of the regression coefficients and the general applicability of the estimated model.

If the independent variables are identified to be very highly related, a regression model that contains all of them may not be able to be estimated. One of the possible remedial measures for solving the problem of multicollinearity is to delete certain independent variables from the model, but this approach has the disadvantages of discarding the important information contained in the deleted independent variables. Considering that parametric analysis has demonstrated the significant influence of all the independent variables on the performance of the STEPFLOAT system, it is decided that instead of removing some of them from the model, two new composite parameters BD/dL (for 2-row and 3-row systems) and BDG/dL2 (for G = b and G = 2b systems), which incorporate the structural geometrical characteristics (B, D and G) as numerator and hydraulic characteristics (d and L) as denominator, were examined. The new dimensionless parameter BD/dL (hereafter referred to as BD number) is a combination of three nondimensional parameters and is defined by Equation (7.3) while the composite parameter BDG/dL2 (hereafter referred to as BDG number) is a combination of four nondimensional parameters and is defined by Equation (7.4). Thus these two new

196 parameters incorporate many of the original factors (except H/L) affecting the STEPFLOAT’s performance. H/L will be used as one of the regressor variables for the multiple linear regression.







Figures 7.5 through 7.8 show the results of the measured Ct versus BD number or BDG number. It was observed that all curves of Ct give a decreasing trend as the BD number or BDG number increases, thus both BD number and BDG number have significant influence on Ct. Therefore, the new independent variable, i.e. BD number or BDG number, and the wave steepness, H/L, are plotted together with Ct in the form of matrix scatterplots for evaluation if the independent variables appear to be linearly related to Ct. Figures 7.9 through 7.12 demonstrate the scatterplot matrixes of the Ct and the independent variables of BD number or BDG number and H/L for 2-row, 3-row, G = b and G = 2b systems, respectively.

It was observed from the top row of each scatterplot matrix that the BD number or BDG number and H/L are more or less linearly related to the dependent variable Ct. It was also noted from the scatterplot matrixes that the strength of the linear relationships among the independent variables is not as strong as those discussed previously. Presuming that the independent variables are not very highly related or multicollinearity is absent, multiple linear regression analysis will be performed using the new composite parameter of BD number or BDG number as well as H/L to estimate four different regression models for 2-row, 3-row, G = b and G = 2b STEPFLOAT systems. Collinearity statistics in the linear regression statistics will verify or confirm the presence of multicollinearity.


1.0 -32.2314 (BD/dL)

Ct = 0.9436e



R = 0.8621


0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.01





Figure 7.5 : Measured Ct versus BD/dL for 2-row STEPFLOAT system

1.0 -30.2114 (BD/dL)

Ct = 1.1501e



R = 0.9124


0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.01







Figure 7.6 : Measured Ct versus BD/dL for 3-row STEPFLOAT system


1.0 -30.2114 (BDG/dL^2)

Ct = 1.1501e



R = 0.9124


0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.000







Figure 7.7 : Measured Ct versus BDG/dL2 for G = b STEPFLOAT system

1.0 -30.2114 (BDG/dL^2)

Ct = 1.1501e



R = 0.9124


0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0








Figure 7.8 : Measured Ct versus BDG/dL2 for G = 2b STEPFLOAT system











Figure 7.9 : Scatterplot matrix of the Ct and the 2 independent variables for 2-row




Figure 7.10 : Scatterplot matrix of the Ct and the 2 independent variables for 3-row











Figure 7.11 : Scatterplot matrix of the Ct and the 2 independent variables for G = b




Figure 7.12: Scatterplot matrix of the Ct and the 2 independent variables for G = 2b

201 7.2.2

Multiple Linear Regression Models of Ct

A multiple linear regression was performed on the results within the data sets for each system. After an exhaustive analysis of the basic linear relationship as well as the natural logarithmic and power models, the basic linear relationship was adopted. The reasoning being aptness of the model, as the others did not adequately describe the behaviour of the wave attenuation process. The basic linear relationship generally predicts the dependent variable Ct reasonably well and results in a “good” regression model. The proposed wave transmission equation is a proportional estimation between statistical validity and practical implication. The partial regression coefficients were developed for the 2-row and 3-row systems by taking the BD number (BD/dL) and wave steepness (H/L) and regressing these variables against Ct. For the G = b and G = 2b systems, the variable G was included in the BD number to form BDG number (BDG/dL2), therefore BDG number replaced the BD number analyzed for the 2-row and 3-row equations. The empirical relationships that relate the Ct to the BD number or BDG number, as well as the H/L are depicted in Equations (7.5) and (7.6).


B0  B1

H BD  B2 L dL

for 2-row & 3-row systems



B0  B1

BDG H  B2 2 L dL

for G = b & G = 2b systems


Multiple linear regression method by SPSS inputs all the independent variables in a single step. While all variables are entered into the equation as a group by the enter method, the stepwise method choose variables one at a time for entry into the equation or removal from it, based on the Stepping Method Criteria using probability of F with the specified entry probability value < 0.05 and the removal probability value > 0.10, for all cases. SPSS returned the results from the multiple linear regression, which included the fitted parameter, R2 and the standard error of the estimate.

202 Two-row Equation

An empirical formula for Ct was derived to predict wave attenuation capability of a 2-row STEPFLOAT system. The resulting linear mathematical relationship is shown in Equation (7.7). Both enter and stepwise methods yield similar results as attached in Appendix A1. It should be stressed that Equation (7.7) should only be used within the variable range given in Table 7.1.


0.792  12.190

BD H  dL L


Table 7.1 : Variable range for 2-row empirical model Variable BD/dL H/L B/L D/L d/L

Range of variable 0.0121 - 0.0368 0.0058 - 0.0811 0.0904 - 0.2757 0.0258 - 0.0788 0.1937 - 0.5907

R is the correlation coefficient between the observed value of the Ct and the predicted value based on the regression model. The observed value of 0.93 is quite large, indicating that the linear regression model predicts well. The linear empirical model also produced the coefficient of multiple determination, R2 of 0.86, which indicates that the model accounts for about 86% of the observed variability in the Ct response (refer to the SPSS output in Appendix A1). Based on the results shown in the model summary by the stepwise method in Appendix A1, adjusted R2 increased from 0.837 for the model 1 (which considers only BD/dL in the equation) to 0.854 for the model 2 [which is the model as in Equation (7.7)]. The adjusted R2 statistic is an easy way to guard against overfitting, that is including regressors that are not really useful. The increase of adjusted R2 indicates that the addition of the H/L into the model reduced the error or residual

203 mean square. In addition, the standard error for model 2 is reduced to 0.048185 from 0.050817 (the standard error for model 1). Therefore, it could be concluded that adding the H/L to the model does result in a meaningful reduction in unexplained variability in the Ct.

The analysis-of-variance or ANOVA table in Appendix A1 is used to test several equivalent null hypotheses: that there is no linear relationship between the Ct and the independent variables, that all of the partial regression coefficients are zero, and that the value of multiple R2 is zero. The test of the null hypothesis is based on the ratio of the regression mean square to the residual mean square. The ratio of the two mean squares, labeled F, is 129.259. Since the observed significance level is less than 0.05, the null hypothesis is rejected and it can be concluded that Ct is linearly related to either BD number or H/L, or both. At least of one of the Ct regression coefficients is not zero. However, it was noted that this does not necessarily imply that the equation found is an appropriate model for predicting Ct as a function of BD number and H/L. Further tests of model adequacy are required before this model is comfortably used in practice.

The coefficients for the independent variables are listed in the column labeled B in Appendix A1. Using these coefficients, the estimated regression equation can be written as Equation (7.7). In the multiple regression equation, the partial regression coefficient for a variable indicates how much the value of the Ct changes when the value of that independent variable increases by one and the value of the other independent variable do not change. The negative coefficients show that the predicted value of the Ct decreases when the values of the BD number and the H/L increase. The standard errors are a useful measure of the precision of estimation for the regression coefficients. The SPSS output in Appendix A1 reports that the standard errors for B0, B1 and B2 are 0.022, B



1.224 and 0.414. The estimated intercept and regression coefficients are considerably larger than the magnitude of their respective standard errors. This implies good precision of estimation. The importance of the two independent variables relative to the given

204 model is determined based on the beta weights, which make partial regression coefficients somewhat more comparable. In the output, these beta coefficients are in the column labeled Beta. It was observed that BD/dL, with the beta coefficient of -0.787, appears to be a more significant variable affecting the Ct value if compared to the H/L with a smaller beta coefficient of -0.191. However, the values of the beta coefficients still depend on the other independent variables in the model, so they do not reflect in any absolute sense the importance of the individual independent variables (Norušis, 2000).

The significance of the individual regression coefficient can be determined based on the output of the t statistic (by dividing the estimated coefficient by its standard error) and its observed significance level. This is a partial test as the regression coefficient depends on all the other regressor variables that are in the model. Since the significance level for all partial regression coefficients is less than 0.05, it indicates that both the BD number and H/L contribute significantly to the model.

Appendix A1 also shows the matrix of Pearson correlation coefficients for all of the variables in the model. Pearson correlation matrix demonstrates the strength of the linear relationship between pairs of variables. The first part of the table contains the observed correlation coefficients for each pair of variables. The second part of the table contains the one-tailed observed significance levels and the third part of the table shows the sample size on which the correlation is based. Looking at the extreme upper-right corner, it was observed that the correlation coefficient between Ct and BD number equals -0.917 while the correlation coefficient between Ct and H/L equals -0.728. Since the observed significance levels are less than 0.05 or 0.01 alpha level, there is linear relationship between Ct and BD number and H/L.

In order to determine the strength of linear relationship between the Ct and an independent variable, while “controlling” or keeping constant the effects of other

205 independent variables, the partial correlation analysis is required. The partial correlation coefficient is the correlation between two variables when the linear effects of other variables are removed. Appendix A1 shows the partial correlation coefficient between Ct and BD number when the linear effect of H/L is eliminated. The partial correlation coefficient is -0.838 with the observed significance level less than 0.05, thus linear relationship between Ct and BD number exists. The partial correlation coefficient between Ct and H/L, with BD number as the control variable, is -0.349. The corresponding significance level is 0.02, which is less than 0.05. Hence, linear relationship exists between Ct and H/L.

From the collinearity statistics, it was observed that the tolerance value is 0.533 > 0.20 (as a rule of thumb, if tolerance is less than 0.20, a problem with multicollinearity is indicated) or the variance-inflation-factor, VIF = 1.875 < 4 (VIF values above 4 suggest a multicollinearity problem). Since both tolerance and VIF values fulfilled the mentioned criteria, multicollinearity does not exist. Three-row Equation

The full empirical equation for Ct for 3-row STEPFLOAT system, resulting from the regression analysis, is given as Equation (7.8). Again, both enter and stepwise methods yield similar results as attached in Appendix A2. It should be stressed that Equation(7.8) should only be used within the variable range given in Table 7.2.


0.863  9.061

BD H  2.332 dL L


206 Table 7.2 : Variable range for 3-row empirical model Variable BD/dL H/L B/L D/L d/L

Range of variable 0.0175 - 0.0534 0.0094 - 0.0831 0.1313 - 0.4004 0.0258 - 0.0788 0.1937 - 0.5907

This linear empirical model of 3-row system provided a superior estimation than the 2-row one. The correlation coefficient, R = 0.97 is rather large, implying that the linear regression model predicts well. The coefficient of multiple determination, R2 = 0.94, indicating that 94% of the observed variability in Ct is “explained” by the two independent variables, i.e. BD number and H/L (refer to the SPSS output in Appendix A2). Based on the results shown in the model summary by the stepwise method in Appendix A2, adjusted R2 increased from 0.882 for the model 1 (which considers only BD/dL in the equation) to 0.938 for the model 2 [which considers BD/dL and H/L in the model as in Equation (7.8)]. The increase of adjusted R2 indicates that with the additional variable of the H/L to the model, it reduced the error or residual mean square. It was also observed that the standard error for model 2 is reduced to 0.0387161 from 0.0535415 (the standard error for model 1). Therefore, it could be concluded that adding the H/L to the model does result in a reduction in unexplained variability in the Ct.

The ANOVA table in Appendix A2 shows that the F value is 334.835 and the corresponding significance level is less than 0.05, thus Ct is said to be linearly related to either BD number or H/L, or both. The partial regression coefficients are shown in the table of coefficients in Appendix A2. The negative coefficients show that the predicted value of the Ct decreases when the values of the BD number and the H/L increase. The SPSS output in Appendix A2 reports that the standard errors for B0, B1 and B2 are 0.018, B



0.723 and 0.368. The estimated intercept (B0 = 0.863) and regression coefficients (B1 = B


207 -9.061 and B2 = -2.332) are significantly larger than the magnitude of their respective B

standard errors. This implies good precision of estimation for the regression coefficients.

The beta coefficients show that BD/dL, with the beta coefficient of -0.687, appears to be a more influential variable as compared to the H/L with a smaller beta coefficient of -0.348. The significance of the individual regression coefficient is determined based on the output of the t statistic with t values equal to -12.535 and -6.343 for BD number and H/L, respectively. Since the significance level for both partial regression coefficients is less than 0.05, it indicates that both the BD number and H/L contribute significantly to the model.

The matrix of Pearson correlation coefficients for all of the variables in the model shows that the correlation coefficient between Ct and BD number equals -0.940 while the correlation coefficient between Ct and H/L equals -0.849. Since the observed significance levels are less than 0.05, there is linear relationship between Ct and BD number and H/L. Appendix A2 also shows the partial correlation coefficient between Ct and BD number when the linear effect of H/L is eliminated. The partial correlation coefficient is -0.888 with the observed significance level less than 0.05. The partial correlation coefficient between Ct and H/L, with BD number as the control variable, is -0.699. The corresponding significance level is less than 0.05. Hence, linear relationship exists between Ct and BD number as well as between Ct and H/L. From the collinearity statistics, it was observed that the tolerance value is 0.468 > 0.20 and the VIF = 2.137 < 4. Therefore, multicollinearity does not exist.

208 G = b Equation

The full equations for the G = b STEPFLOAT system, resulting from the regression analysis using the enter and stepwise methods, are given as Equations (7.9) and (7.10), respectively. All independent variables are entered into the Equation (7.9) as a group by the enter method while the stepwise method has excluded the variable of H/L in the model as shown in the Excluded Variables table in Appendix A3. The statistics for Model 1 as in the Excluded Variables table show that the variable of H/L has observed significance level of 0.241, which is greater than 0.05 (the criterion for adding a variable), so it is not eligible to enter the model. Table 7.3 gives the summary of the applicable range for use of these equations for the G = b STEPFLOAT system.


0.630  58.952

BDG H  0.439 2 L dL

by the enter method


0.620  62.127


by the stepwise method



Table 7.3 : Variable range for G = b empirical model Variable BDG/dL H/L B/L D/L G/L d/L


Range of variable 0.00075 0.0082 0.1313 0.0258 0.0430 0.1937


0.00701 0.0779 0.4004 0.0788 0.1313 0.5907

The correlation coefficient, R for both Equations (7.9) and (7.10) are 0.955 and 0.954, respectively. Generally, these imply that both the linear regression models predict well. The coefficient of multiple determination, R2 for both models are similar, i.e. R2 =

209 0.91, indicating that 91% of the observed variability in Ct is “explained” by the independent variable(s), i.e. BDG number and H/L or BDG number only (refer to the SPSS output in Appendix A3). Based on the results shown in the model summary in Appendix A3, the standard error of the estimate for both equations were also found to be almost analogous, i.e. 0.0406260 [for Equation (7.9)] and 0.0408208 [for Equation (7.10)].

The ANOVA tables for both the enter and stepwise methods in Appendix A3 show that the F values are 218.088 and 430.624, respectively. The corresponding significance level for both models is less than 0.05, thus Ct is said to be linearly related to either BDG number or H/L, or both. The partial regression coefficient(s) are shown in the table of coefficients in Appendix A3.

The SPSS output in Appendix A3 reports that by using the enter method, the standard errors for B0, B1 and B2 are 0.014, 4.001 and 0.370. The estimated intercept B0 = B




0.630 and regression coefficient B1 = -58.952 are significantly larger than the magnitude B

of their respective standard errors. This implies good precision of estimation for the estimated intercept and regression coefficient B1. However, the standard error for B2 is B


0.370, which is high and somewhat close to the magnitude of B2 = -0.439. This shows B

that the estimated partial regression coefficient B2 has slightly lower precision of B

estimation. It was also observed that the corresponding t statistic equals to -1.189 with the significance level of 0.241 (this means that the finding has only a 75.9% chance of being true and has less significant contribution to the model). Careful must be given when extrapolating beyond the region containing the original observations. It is very possible that a model that fits well in the region of the original data will no longer fit well outside of that region (Montgomery and Runger, 2003). Therefore, it is recommended that in predicting the Ct value, Equation (7.9) has to be applied carefully where the applicable range of variable, as in Table 7.3, for use of the equation has to be strictly followed.

210 Nevertheless, the stepwise method has excluded the variable of H/L in the model, giving the standard errors for B0 and B1 as 0.011 and 2.994. The estimated intercept B0 = B



0.620 and regression coefficient B1 = -62.127 are considerably larger than the magnitude B

of their respective standard errors. This gives reasonable precision of estimation. The significance of the regression coefficient is determined based on the t statistic with t values equal to -20.751 for BDG number and its significance level is less than 0.05. This indicates that the BDG number contributes significantly to the model. However, it should be noted that the model with the exclusion of independent variable H/L, which was previously found to be significantly influential to the Ct value, might be biased, i.e. it does not represent the true underlying model. Therefore, it is again recommended that in estimating the Ct value, Equation (7.10) has to be applied carefully within the applicable range of variable, as in Table 7.3.

According to Montgomery and Runger (2003), a major criticism of variable selection methods such as stepwise regression is that the analyst may conclude there is one ‘best’ regression. Generally, this is not the case, because several equally good regression models can often be used. The final model obtained from any model-building procedures should be subjected to the usual adequacy checks or diagnostics, such as residual analysis, which will be performed in the later sections. Therefore, based on the statistical results, Equations (7.9) and (7.10) are equally good in predicting the performance of the G = b STEPFLOAT system under the condition that the data points lie within the joint region of original area among regressor variables but not outside the region that is spanned by the original observations. Predicting the value of new observations or estimating the performance of the floating breakwater at a point within the ranges of regressor variables but outside the joint region of original area is considered an extrapolation of the original regression model.

The matrix of Pearson correlation coefficients for all of the variables shows that the correlation coefficient between Ct and BDG number equals -0.954 while the

211 correlation coefficient between Ct and H/L equals -0.677. Since the observed significance levels are less than 0.05, there is linear relationship between Ct and BDG number and H/L. Appendix A3 also shows the partial correlation coefficient between Ct and BDG number when the linear effect of H/L is eliminated. The partial correlation coefficient is -0.915 with the observed significance level less than 0.05. The partial correlation coefficient between Ct and H/L, with BDG number as the control variable, is -0.180. The corresponding significance level is 0.241, which is greater than 0.05. Hence, strong linear relationship exists between Ct and BDG number but low linear correlation was found between Ct and H/L. From the collinearity statistics, it was observed that the tolerance values are 0.555 (with VIF = 1.803) and 1.000 (with VIF = 1.000) for the Equations (7.9) and (7.10), respectively. Note that the tolerance values are greater than 0.20 and the VIF values are smaller than 4. Therefore, multicollinearity does not exist. G = 2b Equation

The empirical equation for Ct for G = 2b STEPFLOAT system is given as Equation (7.11). Again, both enter and stepwise methods produce similar results as attached in Appendix A4. Equation (7.11) should only be used within the variable range given in Table 7.4.


0.692  24.395

BDG H  1.198 2 L dL


The correlation coefficient, R = 0.97 is rather large, implying that the linear regression model predicts well. The coefficient of multiple determination, R2 = 0.94, indicating that 94% of the observed variability in Ct is “explained” by the two

212 Table 7.4 : Variable range for G = 2b empirical model Range of variable

Variable BDG/dL H/L B/L D/L G/L d/L


0.0020 0.0079 0.1743 0.0258 0.0861 0.1937


0.0186 0.0840 0.5317 0.0788 0.2626 0.5907

independent variables, i.e. BDG number and H/L (refer to the SPSS output in Appendix A4). Based on the results shown in the model summary by the stepwise method in Appendix A4, adjusted R2 increased from 0.924 for the model 1 (which considers only BDG/dL2 in the equation) to 0.939 for the model 2 [which considers BDG/dL2 and H/L in the model as in Equation (7.11)]. The increase of adjusted R2 indicates that with the additional variable of the H/L to the model, it reduced the error or residual mean square. It was also observed that the standard error for model 2 is reduced to 0.0393489 from 0.0440984 (the standard error for model 1). Therefore, it could be concluded that adding the H/L to the model does result in a reduction in unexplained variability in the Ct.

The ANOVA table in Appendix A4 shows that the F value is 340.721 and the corresponding significance level is less than 0.05, thus Ct is said to be linearly related to either BDG number or H/L, or both. The partial regression coefficients are shown in the table of coefficients in Appendix A4. The negative coefficients show that the predicted value of the Ct decreases when the values of the BDG number and the H/L increase. The SPSS output in Appendix A4 reports that the standard errors for B0, B1 and B2 are 0.013, B



1.528 and 0.346. The estimated intercept (B0 = 0.692) and regression coefficients (B1 = B


-24.395 and B2 = -1.198) are significantly larger than the magnitude of their respective B

standard errors. This implies good precision of estimation for the regression coefficients.

213 The beta coefficients show that BDG/dL2, with the beta coefficient of -0.835, appears to be a more influential variable as compared to the H/L with a smaller beta coefficient of -0.181. The significance of the individual regression coefficient is determined based on the output of the t statistic with t values equal to -15.969 and -3.465 for BDG number and H/L, respectively. Since the significance level for both partial regression coefficients is less than 0.05, it indicates that both the BDG number and H/L contribute significantly to the model.

The matrix of Pearson correlation coefficients for all of the variables in the model shows that the correlation coefficient between Ct and BDG number equals -0.962 while the correlation coefficient between Ct and H/L equals -0.768. Since the observed significance levels are less than 0.05, there is linear relationship between Ct and BDG number and H/L. Appendix A4 also shows the partial correlation coefficient between Ct and BDG number when the linear effect of H/L is eliminated. The partial correlation coefficient is -0.927 with the observed significance level less than 0.05. The partial correlation coefficient between Ct and H/L, with BDG number as the control variable, is -0.472. The corresponding significance level is less than 0.05. Hence, linear relationship exists between Ct and BDG number as well as between Ct and H/L. From the collinearity statistics, it was observed that the tolerance value is 0.506 > 0.20 and the VIF = 1.976 < 4. Therefore, multicollinearity does not exist.

7.2.3 Multiple Regression Diagnostics

In this section of multiple regression diagnostics, examination using residuals and other diagnostics techniques for adequacy checks and to identify data points that are in some way unusual are performed.

214 Two-row Model

Figure 7.13 graphically shows the scatterplot of predicted and observed values of Ct. The data points are reasonably evenly distributed on either side of the fitted 45° straight line, which is a line of perfect agreement. In general, the agreement between experimental and predicted results is rather good with the coefficient of determination, R2 = 0.8602. Table 7.5 compares the predicted and actual Ct values for the 2-row system and shows that the maximum discrepancy between the predicted and observed Ct was 19.56% while the average absolute prediction error was approximately 8.19%.


R = 0.8602

1.0 0.9 0.8

Predicted Ct

0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0











Observed Ct Figure 7.13 : Predicted and observed Ct for 2-row system

215 Table 7.5 : Comparison of predicted and observed Ct for 2-row system Predicted Ct Observed Ct Case Name Test 1-2 0.6396 0.6211 Test 3-4 0.6255 0.5564 Test 5-6 0.6122 0.6456 Test 7-8 0.5930 0.6168 Test 9-10 0.5657 0.5736 Test 11-12 0.5463 0.5973 Test 13-14 0.5252 0.5779 Test 15-16 0.4969 0.4509 Test 17-18 0.4638 0.3731 Test 19-20 0.4339 0.4137 Test 21-22 0.4065 0.4109 Test 23-24 0.3763 0.3295 Test 25-26 0.3452 0.3270 Test 27-28 0.3211 0.3356 Test 29-30 0.2995 0.2988 Test 31-32 0.6257 0.6940 Test 33-34 0.6091 0.5238 Test 35-36 0.6019 0.6832 Test 37-38 0.5792 0.5812 Test 39-40 0.5405 0.4630 Test 41-42 0.5200 0.5317 Test 43-44 0.4994 0.5298 Test 45-46 0.4617 0.4011 Test 47-48 0.4211 0.4026 Test 49-50 0.3978 0.4536 Test 51-52 0.3615 0.3083 Test 53-54 0.3388 0.3996 Test 55-56 0.3125 0.3178 Test 57-58 0.2875 0.2481 Test 59-60 0.2750 0.2633 Test 61-62 0.6179 0.6625 Test 63-64 0.6041 0.6110 Test 65-66 0.5937 0.6550 Test 67-68 0.5635 0.4975 Test 69-70 0.5275 0.4456 Test 71-72 0.5036 0.4673 Test 73-74 0.4772 0.4533 Test 75-76 0.4522 0.5213 Test 77-78 0.4302 0.5013 Test 79-80 0.3903 0.4157 Test 81-82 0.3593 0.3810 Test 83-84 0.3362 0.3613 Test 85-86 0.3145 0.3305 Test 87-88 0.2904 0.2967 Test 89-90 0.2770 0.2904 Total Number of data Average absolute prediction error, %

% difference 2.8988 11.0447 -5.4557 -4.0006 -1.3860 -9.3306 -10.0365 9.2604 19.5650 4.6430 -1.0925 12.4263 5.2843 -4.4928 0.2136 -10.9167 13.9996 -13.5047 -0.3508 14.3314 -2.2535 -6.0893 13.1236 4.3854 -14.0401 14.7121 -17.9501 -1.7167 13.6898 4.2393 -7.2111 -1.1341 -10.3352 11.7169 15.5160 7.2018 4.9985 -15.2957 -16.5148 -6.5140 -6.0394 -7.4700 -5.0886 -2.1668 -4.8249

Absolute % difference 2.8988 11.0447 5.4557 4.0006 1.3860 9.3306 10.0365 9.2604 19.5650 4.6430 1.0925 12.4263 5.2843 4.4928 0.2136 10.9167 13.9996 13.5047 0.3508 14.3314 2.2535 6.0893 13.1236 4.3854 14.0401 14.7121 17.9501 1.7167 13.6898 4.2393 7.2111 1.1341 10.3352 11.7169 15.5160 7.2018 4.9985 15.2957 16.5148 6.5140 6.0394 7.4700 5.0886 2.1668 4.8249 368.4617 45 8.1880

216 The variability of the predicted value of Ct is not constant for all points but depends on the value of the independent variable. Cases with values of the independent variable close to the mean value have smaller variability for the predicted value of Ct. The Studentized residual, by dividing the observed residual by an estimate of the standard deviation of the residual at that point, takes into account the differences in variability from point to point (Norušis, 2000). In order to see the impact of a case on the computation of the regression statistics, Studentized deleted residual (i.e. Studentized residual for a case when the case is excluded from the computation of the regression statistics) is recommended by Norušis (2000). When there are departures from the regression assumptions or any violations against regression suitability criteria or if there are unusual and influential data points, it would be easily identified using Studentized deleted residuals. The residuals should show no pattern when plotted against the predicted values.

In Figure 7.14, the Studentized deleted residuals (Studentized deleted residuals will be referred as simply residuals throughout the rest of this chapter) are plotted against the predicted Ct to further verify the aptness of the model. Most of the residuals fall in a horizontal band around 0 with the residuals for predicted Ct below 0.45 have somewhat less spread than the residuals for the larger predicted values. The lesser the scatter in the plots, the better the fit of the model. If there is trend in the residuals either upward or downward the aptness of the model has to be questioned. In general, the residuals appear to be randomly scattered around the horizontal line through 0 with no obvious trend and there are no outliers observed, thus Equation (7.7) is valid.

217 3.0

Studentized Deleted Residual






-3.0 0.2






Unstandardized Predicted Ct

Figure 7.14 : Studentized deleted residuals versus predicted Ct for 2-row system Three-row Model

The observed and predicted Ct values are plotted against each other in Figure 7.15. The data points are reasonably randomly distributed on either side of a 45° line, which is shown for easier observation of a 1:1 correlation between predicted and observed Ct. The agreement between observed and predicted Ct is good with an R2 = 0.9410. The model gives a general equation that passes through the points but individual data points can still be over or under predicted by as much as 23.45% with an average absolute prediction error of approximately 6.72%.

218 2

R = 0.9410

1 0.9 0.8

Predicted Ct

0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.0











Observed Ct Figure 7.15 : Predicted and observed Ct for 3-row system

Figure 7.16 shows the scatterplot of the residuals against the predicted Ct. In general, the residuals appear to be randomly distributed around the horizontal band around 0. It was observed that there is no obvious trend in the plots, thus Equation (7.8) is valid.

219 3.0

Studentized Deleted Residual






-3.0 0.2






Unstandardized Predicted Ct

Figure 7.16 : Studentized deleted residuals versus predicted Ct for 3-row system G = b Model

Figures 7.17 and 7.18 show the comparison of predicted and observed values of Ct for G = b system based on the Equations (7.9) and (7.10), respectively. Again, data points are evenly scattered on either side of the fitted 45° straight line for both models. The agreement between experimental and predicted results is good with the coefficient of determination, R2 = 0.9122 and 0.9092 for the model based on Equations (7.9) and (7.10), respectively. The average absolute prediction error was approximately 7.95% [for Equation (7.9)] and 8.21% [for Equation (7.10)].

220 2

R = 0.9122

1.0 0.9 0.8

Predicted Ct

0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Observed Ct Figure 7.17 : Predicted and observed Ct for G = b system [Equation (7.9)]


R = 0.9092

1.0 0.9 0.8

Predicted Ct

0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Observed Ct Figure 7.18 : Predicted and observed Ct for G = b system [Equation (7.10)]

221 In Figures 7.19 and 7.20, the residuals are plotted against the predicted Ct. Most of the residuals fall in a horizontal band around 0 with the residuals for predicted Ct below 0.40 have somewhat less spread than the residuals for the larger predicted values. In general, the residuals appear to be randomly scattered around the horizontal line through 0 with no obvious trend, thus Equations (7.9) and (7.10) are valid.


Studentized Deleted Residual






-3.0 0.1






Unstandardized Predicted Ct

Figure 7.19 : Studentized deleted residuals versus predicted Ct for G = b system [Equation (7.9)]

222 3.0

Studentized Deleted Residual






-3.0 0.1






Unstandardized Predicted Ct

Figure 7.20 : Studentized deleted residuals versus predicted Ct for G = b system [Equation (7.10)] G = 2b Model

Figure 7.21 shows the comparison of predicted and observed values of Ct for G = 2b system. As other models, it was observed that data points are randomly scattered on either side of the fitted 45° straight line. The agreement between experimental and predicted results is good with the R2 = 0.9419. The average absolute prediction error was calculated to be approximately 6.70%.

223 In Figure 7.22, the residuals are plotted against the predicted Ct. Most of the residuals fall in a horizontal band around 0 with the residuals for predicted Ct below 0.40 have somewhat less spread than the residuals for the larger predicted values. The residuals generally appear to be randomly distributed around the horizontal line through 0 with no obvious trend, thus Equation (7.11) is valid.


R = 0.9419

1.0 0.9 0.8

Predicted Ct

0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Observed Ct Figure 7.21 : Predicted and observed Ct for G = 2b system


Studentized Deleted Residual





-4.0 0.0








Unstandardized Predicted Ct

Figure 7.22 : Studentized deleted residuals versus predicted Ct for G = 2b system




Summary and Conclusions

Current environmental constraints and financial restrictions on development of marinas, harbours, aquaculture facilities, recreational beaches and other coastal facilities dictate that alternatives to traditional coastal protection structures such as rubble-mound and caisson breakwaters are essential to the futu re of coastal engineering. As a result, the composite stepped-slope floating breakwater (STEPFLOAT) system has been developed based on the concept which utilizes mainly dissipation to reduce wave energy and therefore attenuating incident waves to an acceptable level.

The purpose of this research was to conduct a series of laboratory experiments to evaluate and predict the hydraulic performance of the STEPFLOAT breakwater system using vertical piles as mooring method. The STEPFLOAT is a floating break water with stepped-slope features at the upper layer and multiple sharp edges all over the polyhedron that serve to intercept waves by dissipating the wave energy as the waves impinges on the surface of the structure, thus providing a sheltered region from waves.

226 The mooring system using vertical piles was suggested in order to overcome the problem of roll and sway motions, which will in turn generate secondary waves in the leeside of the floating breakwater, the di sadvantage of mooring lines in region with large tidal range and to improve the performance of the STEPFLOAT system as a pier or pedestrian walkway in small craft harbours a nd marinas. Invention disclosure and patent application on the STEPFLOAT break water system have been submitted to the Research Management Centre of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia for further action.

The hydraulic performance of a floating breakwater can be quantified by its ability to reduce waves in the sheltered region and this may be quantified by the wave transmission coefficient Ct. Several STEPFLOAT system arrangements were tested in the unidirectional wave flume at the COEI Laboratory in 2004 to investigate the influence of engineering design parameters on the coefficient of transmission which is useful and essential for future design purposes. The physical model scale was 1:10. W ave transmission was measured and evaluated. The ability of the suggested pilesystem floating breakwater to attenuate in cident regular waves was determined by comparing its results with the results of chain moored breakwater sy stem and restrained case. A summary of Ct, Cr and Cl for the STEPFLOAT breakwater in terms of various system arrangements and mooring systems is tabulated in Table 8.1. Finally the following summary of the major findings and important conclusions of the present study were drawn:


The chain-moored 2-row STEPFLOAT system tends to become fully suspended and taut and impart snap loads as the waves impinge upon the floating breakwater. This has subsequently induced sway and roll motions which in turn generate secondary waves behind the structure. Hence unsatisfactory performance with higher Ct or a minimum of Ct = 0.6 was achieved.

227 Table 8.1 : Summary of Ct, Cr and Cl for the STEPFLOAT in terms of various


System arrangements


system arrangements and mooring systems

d D/d

Chain-moored 53 cm 0.104


0.68 - 1.05 sec


0.32 - 0.73 C t : 0.60 - 0.97

Mooring systems Restrained case 45 cm 0.133 0.69 - 1.11 sec (for 2-row) 0.70 - 1.33 sec (for 3-row) 0.25 - 0.60 (for 2-row) 0.19 - 0.59 (for 3-row) C t : 0.17 - 0.56


C r : 0.17 - 0.41

C r : 0.28 - 0.58

C r : 0.10 - 0.43

C l : 0.10 - 0.72

C l : 0.72 - 0.93

C l : 0.63 - 0.94

C t : 0.11 - 0.69

C t : 0.20 - 0.72

C r : 0.21 - 0.65

C r : 0.16 - 0.39

C l : 0.43 - 0.92

C l : 0.62 - 0.96



Pile-supported 45 cm 0.133 0.70 - 1.33 sec 0.19 - 0.59 C t : 0.25 - 0.69

C t : 0.17 - 0.67 G=b



C r : 0.09 - 0.37 C l : 0.71 - 0.94 C t : 0.16 - 0.69

G = 2b



C r : 0.11 - 0.41 C l : 0.62 - 0.94

Note: n.a. = not available


The suggested pile-system STEPFLOAT, for the case of 2-row system, has significant wave attenuation capability as compared to the chain-moored system. A [Ct]red ranging from 33.42% to 39.30% was obtained.


The restrained case of the STEPFLOAT system was investigated, as it is restricted from motion, in order to find the transmission and reflection coefficients of the body without motion so that these could be used as a reference to determine the effect of heave and limited roll motions of the pile-system STEPFLOAT on wave attenuation. The suggested vertical pile-system for 2-row and 3-row STEPFLOAT showed the same behaviour as the restrained structure but with slightly higher values for Ct (approximately 10% difference). Most of the incident wave energy was reflected backoffshore for the case of restrained

228 body if compared to lower wave reflection by the vertical pile-system STEPFLOAT with a difference of about 20% between the two cases. Hence the initial objective of developing the STEPFLOAT break water as a wave energy dissipator rather than a wave energy reflector was achieved. (d)

The pile-supported STEPFLOAT break water system with 3-row, G = b and G = 2b arrangements were found to be effective in attenuating incident wave heights up to 80% for wave period of less than 1.33 sec and were also hydrodynamically stable due to wave-structure interaction. Ct was found to decrease with increasing B/L, D/L, H/L, d/L and G/L.


The experimental results proved that there were significant amount of energy loss in the incident wave energy. Observation of the experiments showed that part of the wave energy loss is dissipated in the form of eddies created around the sharp edges of the floating body. These eddies occupy an area on the seaward side of the structure which is larger than on the leeward side. Furthermore, the position of these eddies changes with the wave surface elevation around the STEPFLOAT. The STEPFLOAT is structurally different from other existing floating breakwaters, thus exhibits fundamentally different functional characteristics as a break water. The S TEPFLOAT intercepts and dissipates most of the incident wave energy rather than redirecting it to the seaward region of the sea. hWile most of the existing floa ting break waters act as wave energy reflectors, the STEPFLOAT mak es a better wave energy dissipator.


Experimental results showed that 3-row system achieved slightly lower Ct as compared to the 2-row system for the tested wave period below 1.0 sec. There is no clear distinction shown for results with wave period greater than 1.0 sec.


In comparison with 3-row system, the G = b system generally performed slightly more effective in attenuating wave energy. For T < 0.90 sec, the G = b system with a pontoon spacing of b gives no significant differences in attenuating relatively shorter incident waves as compared to the 3-row system.


The spacing between the breakwater pontoons is an important parameter that brings in additional waterline beam for a given individual or combined module width. The G = 0 (or 2-row) system generally provides higher Ct if compared to

229 the G = b and G = 2b systems. For T > 0.8373 sec, the G = b system gives better and more effective wave attenuation than G = 2b system while the contrary was achieved for T < 0.8373 sec. In relatively lower frequency (or longer waves), the smaller spacing allows the two pontoons to act as a continuous structure functioning like a single unit, spanning a considerable portion of wave length, whereas in higher frequency (or shorter waves), a twin-pontoons section with larger spacing tend to act independently as two separate single pontoon breakwaters in series. Thus, for twin- pontoon section to achieve better wave attenuation performance, the spacing should be approximately equal to the pontoon width, for T > 0.8373 sec. (i)

The relative width B/L is one of the dominant parameters in determining the efficiency of the STEPFLOAT. As B/L increases, the degree of wave transmission generally decreases. To be effective with an achievement of the threshold level of Ct = 0.5, the 2-row, 3-row, G = b and G = 2b systems should have a ratio of the overall breakwater width to wave length of at least 0.1478, 0.2068, 0.1955 and 0.2713, respectively.


A comparison on wave attenuation ability was made among the STEPFLOAT, the SSFBW , the rectangular pontoon a nd also results of various floating breakwater designs. In general, the findings of the present study show reasonably good agreement with the results from other researchers. The STEPFLOAT generally has excellent wave attenuation ability over most of the previous floating breakwaters. The range of B/L for the STEPFLOAT breakwater system is relatively smaller than most of the other floating break waters and this implies that a relatively smaller structure width is sufficient for the STEPFLOAT to achieve similar or better level of wave attenuation as achieved by other floating breakwaters. Thus STEPFLOAT will potenti ally appear to be a competitively cost-effective floating breakwater in the future market.


Several dimensionless variables, i.e. B/L, D/L, G/L, H/L and d/L were investigated individually relative to measured Ct. Although the relationship between Ct and all the independent variables appears to be more or less linear, there are strong dependencies among the independent variables

230 (multicollinearity) except wave steepness. Hence, in order to yield a regression model that contains all the independent variables, two new composite parameters BD number (for 2-row and 3-row systems) and BDG number (for G = b and G = 2b systems), which incorporate the structural geometrical and hydraulic characteristics, were introduced and examined. Both BD and BDG numbers proved to have significant influence on Ct. (l)

A series of empirical design models were developed for the 2-row, 3-row, G = b and G = 2b pile-supported STEPFLOAT systems based on multiple linear regression analysis. The predicted results are in reasonably good agreement with the experimental values with the average absolute prediction error for all system arrangements below 9%. The empirical multiple linear regression model predictions were a good fit to the measured data for the range of experimental conditions tested. Thus, the empirical equations for the pile-supported STEPFLOAT with different system arrangements as shown in Table 8.2 can be used as a preliminary tool to obtain related engineering design parameters.

Table 8.2 : Summary of Ct predictive equations





Enter &Stepwise



Enter &Stepwise






Enter &Stepwise



G = 2b

BD H  dL L BD H 0.863  9.061  2.332 dL L BDG H 0.630  58.952  0.439 2 L dL BDG 0.620  62.127 dL2 BDG H 0.692  24.395  1.198 2 L dL

0.792  12.190

These equations are only applicable when the variables lie within the tested range given in previous chapter.

231 8.2

Recommendations for Future Research

The present study considers the case of a composite stepped-slope floating break water system interacting with monochroma tic wave train. The workcarried out and the study performed of the related literature indicates that there are several extensions of the present study which may improve the overall understanding of the behavior and performance of the STEPFLOAT system. Prospective extensions of the present study include the following:


Promising data were obtained from the laboratory data sets. Although most of the data has been analyzed, much remains to be done with this data. It was impossible to investigate every potential relationship within the scope of this thesis. Reflection is often a major concern and design criterion for engineers, especially in areas of ship traffic. Maximizing energy dissipation may be great importance, for both reflection and transmission purposes. Additional study should be done with these data sets in comparison to workof other researchers, particularly in the area of the reflection coefficient and loss coefficient as well as the development of equations that focus on reflection and energy dissipation.


In the present study, the case of the STEPFLOAT break water system interacting with regular waves is considered, whereas it is of interest to consider the wavestructure interaction of the floating breakwater to random waves. This would be useful to assess the extent to which the regular wave results of the present study can be applied to random waves.


The present study considers the one-dimensional case of the STEPFLOAT breakwater system subjected to normally incident regular waves. For future research, study on the similar problem in a two-dimensional or three-dimensional scale to investigate the wave diffraction around the floating breakwater is recommended. Examination of the influence of oblique regular and irregular waves on the STEPFLOAT breakwater of finite length may be considered.

232 (d)

The influence of the hydrodynamics load associated with oblique and normally incident waves on the bending moments and torsion at breakwa ter section needs to be assessed in this breakwater de sign. Study on the influence of impulsive loads such as wave forces on the mooring lines or piles is recommended for proper mooring design. The consequences of connections between floating modular units and mooring structures failing should be considered as connections have generally been unsatisfactory and are often under-designed for most of the existing floating breakwater designs. Failures of either the breakwater structure or moorings are relatively common. British Standards Institution (1999) highlighted that the low success rate of floating break waters is due in part to the difficulty of predicting wave forces. Physical models should be used whenever possible. Models will however only provide approximate estimates of wave forces and the nature of wave loading. Allowance should be made for tests at the installation stage and monitoring of long-term performance. This would be helpful in the evaluation of extreme motions and forces.


The mechanics of motion of the STEPFLOAT are not thoroughly investigated in the present study. A study on the motions of the STEPFLOAT in response to wave is highly recommended.


During experiments, strong turbulence and eddies were observed. K nowing the effects of water particles turbulence around the floating break water on bed scour may be great importance for the understanding of scour problems posed by the wave hydrodynamics and this may lead to the suggestions of proper mitigating measures against the bed scour problems.


Stepped-slope feature of the STEPFLOAT are sufficiently good in intercepting and dissipating wave energy effectively. hW ile the feature of the upper layer of the floating breakwater remained, it is wo rthwhile to further investigate the performance of the floating breakwater using different shapes for the bottom layer of the floating breakw ater (such as the suggested shapes for the bottom layer in Figure 8.1) in order to further enhance the performance and stability of the structure. A hull shape bottom layer might also contribute to the wave attenuation performance which worthwhile to have a trial in the laboratory.


Figure 8.1 : Cross-section of the suggested shapes for the bottom layer of the STEPFLOAT


As a way to improve the efficiency of the STEPFLOAT system, an additional indigenous design unit, i.e. wave screen or seaweed curtain as in Figure 3.8, is recommended to be incorporated into the STEPFLOAT system as an option. The artificial seaweeds will be fixed to the bottom of the STEPFLOAT and extended into the water acting as a sheet of ‘grass’ keel or curtain to further reduce the wave transmission as well as to minimize the oscillating currents beneath the structure. The idea can also minimize the cross sectional area of the floating breakwater immersed under water, thus reducing the construction costs.


The equations presented could be further expanded by conducting additional tests investigating additional variables relating to the motions and mooring system.


Laboratory experimental data should be verified by data from the prototype tests in the field. As there are more parameters that might probably affect the efficiency of the STEPFLOAT in the field compared to the controlled conditions in the laboratory, it is expected that there will be some discrepancies of results between laboratory study and prototype test.


W hile physical modeling provides the most

reliable estimates of the performance

of the STEPFLOAT, numerical modeling is useful in refining design of the STEPFLOAT to an optimum degree prior to physical modeling test.


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239 APPENDIX A1 Results of the multiple linear regression analysis for a 2-row STEPFLOAT system


The Enter Method b

Variables Entered/Removed Variables Variables Model Entered Removed a 1 . HL, BDdL a. All requested variables entered. b. Dependent Variable: Ct

Method Enter


Model Summary Model 1


Adjusted R Std. Error of the Square Estimate

R Square a

0.927 a. Predictors: (Constant), HL, BDdL b. Dependent Variable: Ct





ANOVA Model 1

Sum of Squares 0.600 Regression 0.098 Residual 0.698 Total a. Predictors: Constant, HL, BDdL b. Dependent Variable: Ct


Mean Square 2 0.300 42 0.002 44

F 129.259

Sig. a 0.000



Unstandardized Coefficients B Std. Error Model 0.792 0.022 1 Constant -12.190 1.224 BDdL -1.000 0.414 HL a. Dependent Variable: Ct

Standardized Coefficients

95% Confidence Collinearity Interval for B Statistics Lower Upper Beta Bound Bound Tolerance VIF 35.974 0.000 0.748 0.837 -0.787 -9.959 0.000 -14.660 -9.720 0.533 1.875 -0.191 -2.414 0.020 -1.836 -0.164 0.533 1.875 t


240 (b)

The Stepwise Method a

Variables Entered/Removed Variables Variables Model Entered Removed 1 BDdL . 2 HL . a. Dependent Variable: Ct

Method Stepwise (Criteria: Probability-of-F-to-enter = .100). Stepwise (Criteria: Probability-of-F-to-enter = .100).


Model Summary Model 1

Adjusted R Std. Error of the R Square Square Estimate

R a

0.917 0.841 b 2 0.927 0.860 a. Predictors: Constant, BDdL b. Predictors: (Constant), BDdL, HL c. Dependent Variable: Ct

ANOVA Model 1

0.837 0.854

0.050817 0.048185


Sum of Squares Regression 0.587 Residual 0.111 0.698 Total Regression 0.600 2 Residual 0.098 0.698 Total a. Predictors: Constant, BDdL b. Predictors: Constant, BDdL, HL c. Dependent Variable: Ct

df 1 43 44 2 42 44

Mean Square 0.587 0.003

F 227.188

Sig. a 0.000

0.300 0.002






Unstandardized Coefficients B Std. Error Model 1 Constant 0.794 0.023 BDdL -14.209 0.943 2 Constant 0.792 0.022 BDdL -12.190 1.224 HL -1.000 0.414 a. Dependent Variable: Ct

Standardized Coefficients



Beta 34.172 -0.917 -15.073 35.974 -0.787 -9.959 -0.191 -2.414

0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020

95% Confidence Collinearity Interval for B Statistics Lower Upper Bound Bound Tolerance VIF 0.747 0.840 -16.110 -12.308 1.000 1.000 0.748 0.837 -14.660 -9.720 0.533 1.875 -1.836 -0.164 0.533 1.875

241 b

Excluded Variables

Collinearity Statistics Minimum Partial VIF Tolerance Sig. Correlation Tolerance 0.020 -0.349 0.533 1.875 0.533

Model 1

Beta In t a HL -0.191 -2.414 a. Predictors in the Model: Constant, BDdL b. Dependent Variable: Ct

Pearson Correlations BDdL

Ct Pearson Correlation

Sig. (1-tailed)


Partial Correlation Control Variables HL Ct


Control Variables BDdL Ct




1.000 -0.917 -0.728

-0.917 1.000 0.683

-0.728 0.683 1.000

. 0.000 0.000

0.000 . 0.000

0.000 0.000 .

45 45 45

45 45 45

45 45 45

Ct Correlation Significance (2-tailed) df Correlation Significance (2-tailed) df

1 . 0 -0.838 0.000 42 Ct

Correlation Significance (2-tailed) df Correlation Significance (2-tailed) df

1 . 0 -0.349 0.020 42

BDdL -0.838 0.000 42 1 . 0 HL -0.349 0.020 42 1 . 0

242 APPENDIX A2 Results of the multiple linear regression analysis for a 3-row STEPFLOAT system


The Enter Method b

Variables Entered/Removed Variables Variables Model Entered Removed a 1 . HL, BDdL

Method Enter

a. All requested variables entered. b. Dependent Variable: Ct


Model Summary Model 1


R Square a

0.941 0.970 a. Predictors: (Constant), HL, BDdL b. Dependent Variable: Ct

Adjusted R Std. Error of Square the Estimate 0.938



ANOVA Model 1

Sum of Squares 1.004 Regression 0.063 Residual 1.067 Total a. Predictors: Constant, HL, BDdL b. Dependent Variable: Ct


Mean Square 2 0.502 42 0.001 44

F 334.835

Sig. a 0.000



Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients Coefficients B Std. Error Model 0.018 1 Constant 0.863 -9.061 0.723 BDdL -2.332 0.368 HL a. Dependent Variable: Ct

95% Confidence Collinearity Interval for B Statistics Lower Upper Beta Bound Bound Tolerance VIF 48.800 0.000 0.828 0.899 -0.687 -12.535 0.000 -10.520 -7.602 0.468 2.137 -0.348 -6.343 0.000 -3.073 -1.590 0.468 2.137 t


243 (b)

The Stepwise Method a

Variables Entered/Removed Variables Variables Model Entered Removed 1 BDdL . 2 HL .

Method Stepwise (Criteria: Probability-of-F-to-enter = .100). Stepwise (Criteria: Probability-of-F-to-enter = .100).

a. Dependent Variable: Ct


Model Summary Model 1

Adjusted R Std. Error of the R Square Square Estimate

R a

0.884 0.940 b 2 0.970 0.941 a. Predictors: Constant, BDdL b. Predictors: (Constant), BDdL, HL c. Dependent Variable: Ct

0.882 0.938

0.0535415 0.0387161


ANOVA Model 1

Sum of Squares 0.943 Regression 0.123 Residual 1.067 Total 1.004 2 Regression 0.063 Residual 1.067 Total a. Predictors: Constant, BDdL b. Predictors: Constant, BDdL, HL c. Dependent Variable: Ct

df 1 43 44 2 42 44

Mean Square 0.943 0.003

F 329.118

Sig. a 0.000

0.502 0.001






Unstandardized Coefficients B Std. Error Model 1 Constant 0.861 0.024 BDdL -12.406 0.684 2 Constant 0.863 0.018 BDdL -9.061 0.723 HL -2.332 0.368 a. Dependent Variable: Ct

Standardized Coefficients



Beta 35.211 -0.940 -18.142 48.800 -0.687 -12.535 -0.348 -6.343

0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

95% Confidence Collinearity Interval for B Statistics Lower Upper Bound Bound Tolerance VIF 0.812 0.911 -13.785 -11.027 1.000 1.000 0.828 0.899 -10.520 -7.602 0.468 2.137 -3.073 -1.590 0.468 2.137

244 b

Excluded Variables

Collinearity Statistics Minimum Partial VIF Tolerance Sig. Correlation Tolerance 0.000 -0.699 0.468 2.137 0.468

Model 1

Beta In t a HL -0.348 -6.343 a. Predictors in the Model: Constant, BDdL b. Dependent Variable: Ct

Pearson Correlations BDdL

Ct Pearson Correlation

Sig. (1-tailed)


Partial Correlation Control Variables HL Ct


Control Variables BDdL Ct




1.000 -0.940 -0.849

-0.940 1.000 0.729

-0.849 0.729 1.000

. 0.000 0.000

0.000 . 0.000

0.000 0.000 .

45 45 45

45 45 45

45 45 45

Ct Correlation Significance (2-tailed) df Correlation Significance (2-tailed) df

1 . 0 -0.888 0.000 42 Ct

Correlation Significance (2-tailed) df Correlation Significance (2-tailed) df

1 . 0 -0.699 0.000 42

BDdL -0.888 0.000 42 1 . 0 HL -0.699 0.000 42 1 . 0

245 APPENDIX A3 Results of the multiple linear regression analysis for a G = b STEPFLOAT system


The Enter Method b

Variables Entered/Removed Variables Variables Model Entered Removed a . HL, BDGdL2 1 a. All requested variables entered. b. Dependent Variable: Ct

Method Enter


Model Summary Model 1


Adjusted R Std. Error of Square the Estimate

R Square a

0.912 0.955 a. Predictors: (Constant), HL, BDGdL2 b. Dependent Variable: Ct




ANOVA Model 1

Sum of Squares 0.720 Regression 0.069 Residual 0.789 Total a. Predictors: Constant, HL, BDGdL2 b. Dependent Variable: Ct


Mean Square 2 0.360 42 0.002 44

F 218.088

Sig. a 0.000



Unstandardized Coefficients B Std. Error Model 0.630 0.014 1 Constant 4.001 BDGdL2 -58.952 -0.439 0.370 HL a. Dependent Variable: Ct

Standardized Coefficients

95% Confidence Collinearity Interval for B Statistics Lower Upper Beta Bound Bound Tolerance VIF 44.024 0.000 0.601 0.659 -0.905 -14.734 0.000 -67.026 -50.878 0.555 1.803 -0.073 -1.189 0.241 -1.185 0.306 0.555 1.803 t


246 (b)

The Stepwise Method a

Variables Entered/Removed Variables Variables Model Entered Removed 1 BDGdL2 . a. Dependent Variable: Ct

Method Stepwise (Criteria: Probability-of-F-to-enter = .100).


Model Summary Model 1


R Square

Adjusted R Std. Error of the Square Estimate


0.909 0.954 a. Predictors: Constant, BDGdL2 b. Dependent Variable: Ct




ANOVA Model 1

Sum of Squares Regression

Residual Total a. Predictors: Constant, BDGdL2 b. Dependent Variable: Ct


0.718 0.072 0.789

Mean Square 1 43 44


0.718 0.002







Standardized Coefficients

Unstandardized Coefficients

95% Confidence Collinearity Interval for B Statistics Lower Upper Beta Bound Bound Tolerance VIF 55.232 0.000 0.597 0.642 -0.954 -20.751 0.000 -68.164 -56.089 1.000 1.000

B Std. Error Model 1 Constant 0.620 0.011 BDGdL2 -62.127 2.994 a. Dependent Variable: Ct




Excluded Variables

Model 1

Beta In HL

t a


-0.073 -1.189 0.241 a. Predictors in the Model: Constant, BDGdL2 b. Dependent Variable: Ct

Collinearity Statistics Minimum Partial Tolerance VIF Tolerance Correlation -0.180




247 Pearson Correlations BDGdL2

Ct Pearson Correlation

Sig. (1-tailed)



Partial Correlation Control Variables HL Ct


Control Variables BDGdL2 Ct



1.000 -0.954 -0.677

-0.954 1.000 0.667

-0.677 0.667 1.000

. 0.000 0.000

0.000 . 0.000

0.000 0.000 .

45 45 45

45 45 45

45 45 45

Ct Correlation Significance (2-tailed) df Correlation Significance (2-tailed) df

1 . 0 -0.915 0.000 42 Ct

Correlation Significance (2-tailed) df Correlation Significance (2-tailed) df

1 . 0 -0.180 0.241 42

BDGdL2 -0.915 0.000 42 1 . 0 HL -0.180 0.241 42 1 . 0

248 APPENDIX A4 Results of the multiple linear regression analysis for a G = 2b STEPFLOAT system


The Enter Method b

Variables Entered/Removed Variables Variables Model Entered Removed HL, . 1 a. All requested variables entered. b. Dependent Variable: Ct

Method Enter


Model Summary Model 1


Adjusted R Std. Error of Square the Estimate

R Square a

0.942 0.971 a. Predictors: (Constant), HL, BDGdL2 b. Dependent Variable: Ct




ANOVA Model 1

Sum of Squares 1.055 Regression 0.065 Residual 1.120 Total a. Predictors: Constant, HL, BDGdL2 b. Dependent Variable: Ct


Mean Square 2 0.528 42 0.002 44

F 340.721

Sig. a 0.000



Unstandardized Coefficients B Std. Error Model 0.692 0.013 1 Constant 1.528 BDGdL2 -24.395 -1.198 0.346 HL a. Dependent Variable: Ct

Standardized Coefficients

95% Collinearity Confidence Statistics Lower Upper Beta Bound Bound Tolerance VIF 52.436 0.000 0.665 0.719 -0.835 -15.969 0.000 -27.478 -21.312 0.506 1.976 -0.181 -3.465 0.001 -1.896 -0.500 0.506 1.976 t


249 (b)

The Stepwise Method a

Variables Entered/Removed Variables Variables Model Entered Removed 1 BDGdL2 . HL a. Dependent Variable: Ct


Method Stepwise (Criteria: Probability-of-F-to-enter = .100). Stepwise (Criteria: Probability-of-F-to-enter = .100).


Model Summary Model 1

Adjusted R Std. Error of the R Square Square Estimate

R a

0.925 0.962 b 2 0.971 0.942 a. Predictors: Constant, BDGdL2 b. Predictors: Constant, BDGdL2, HL c. Dependent Variable: Ct

0.924 0.939

0.0440984 0.0393489


ANOVA Model 1

Sum of Squares 1.037 Regression 0.084 Residual 1.120 Total 1.055 2 Regression 0.065 Residual 1.120 Total a. Predictors: Constant, BDGdL2 b. Predictors: Constant, BDGdL2, HL c. Dependent Variable: Ct

df 1 43 44 2 42 44

Mean Square 1.037 0.002

F 532.999

Sig. a 0.000

0.528 0.002






Unstandardized Coefficients B Std. Error Model 1 Constant 0.666 0.012 BDGdL2 -28.116 1.218 2 Constant 0.692 0.013 BDGdL2 -24.395 1.528 HL -1.198 0.346 a. Dependent Variable: Ct

Standardized Coefficients



Beta 54.944 -0.962 -23.087 52.436 -0.835 -15.969 -0.181 -3.465

0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001

95% Confidence Collinearity Interval for B Statistics Lower Upper Bound Bound Tolerance VIF 0.641 0.690 -30.572 -25.660 1.000 1.000 0.665 0.719 -27.478 -21.312 0.506 1.976 -1.896 -0.500 0.506 1.976

250 b

Excluded Variables

Collinearity Statistics Minimum Partial VIF Tolerance Model Beta In t Sig. Correlation Tolerance a 1 HL 0.001 -0.472 0.506 1.976 0.506 -0.181 -3.465 a. Predictors in the Model: Constant, BDGdL2 b. Dependent Variable: Ct

Pearson Correlations BDGdL2

Ct Pearson Correlation

Sig. (1-tailed)



Partial Correlation Control Variables HL Ct


Control Variables BDGdL2 Ct



1.000 -0.962 -0.768

-0.962 1.000 0.703

-0.768 0.703 1.000

. 0.000 0.000

0.000 . 0.000

0.000 0.000 .

45 45 45

45 45 45

45 45 45

Ct Correlation Significance (2-tailed) df Correlation Significance (2-tailed) df

1 . 0 -0.927 0.000 42 Ct

Correlation Significance (2-tailed) df Correlation Significance (2-tailed) df

1 . 0 -0.472 0.001 42

BDGdL2 -0.927 0.000 42 1 . 0 HL -0.472 0.001 42 1 . 0