Peer groups in history taking (Anamnesegruppen

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At the faculty of medicine of Homburg/Saar Anamnese- gruppen were established as an optional subject in the preclinical part of the medical education.
Peer groups in history taking (Anamnesegruppen): are they suitable for teaching doctor-patient-communication in the preclinical part of medical education? Ellisabeth Weil 1, Lisa Willms 1, Lisette Hayer 1, Leandra Koletzko1, Volker Köllner 1,2 1

Medizinische Fakultät der Universität des Saarlandes, , Homburg/Saar; Bliestal Kliniken, Fachklinik für Psychosomatische Medizin, Blieskastel

2 Mediclin

What is an ‘Anamnesegruppe’? Anamnesegruppen (peer groups in history taking) are a teaching format where students in groups of 10 learn anamnesis with the focus on the doctor-patient-relationship under the supervision of 2 tutors (senior students).This concept was developed by W. Schüffel (1983). Over a period of 2 semesters the groups meet 1x/week on a ward of the university hospital. Every week a different student of the group takes the history of a patient; afterwards feedback is given about the discussion technique and the group recapitulates the doctor-patient-relationship according to M. Balint. The possibility to express the own feelings especially after a difficult and emotional anamnesis should also be a contribution to the burnout prophylaxis. Furthermore the situation allows the students to practise positive criticism. The students have the chance to learn these abilities in a relaxed learning environment. Background and questions At the faculty of medicine of Homburg/Saar Anamnesegruppen were established as an optional subject in the preclinical part of the medical education. They are a part of a longitudinal curriculum for ‘doctor-patient-communication’. In order to pass the course the students have to participate in weekly meetings (ca. 20) over 2 semesters and in a final exam in the format of an OSCE. There are offered 5 groups with 50 places, which corresponds to 25% of the students of one year.

Results • 110 students applied for 45 seats (50% of the year). 43 (25f/18m; Ø age 22,4 y; 19-30 y) attended the final exam and the evaluation. • Compared to the average of all courses, the Anamnesegruppen scored better in all categories, except for ‘Lecturers’ expertise’ (p