Chartered Islamic Finance Professional. -Certified Islamic Microfinance Manager.
Irawan Febianto (
[email protected]) -Chartered Islamic Finance Professional -Certified Islamic Microfinance Manager -Lecturer, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Padjadjaran
Human Capital Development Framework in Islamic Finance
• Distance learning enhanced by ICT as enabler • Should be interspersed with face-to-face tutorial • Accords uniformity of materials covered and improves monitoring of quality assurance
30,000 for Gulf countries Assuming 50% executives & above we should have 15,000 to be trained Another 35,000 executives and above for Indonesia Pakistan & other SEA nations Less 15,000 produced by existing institutions over the next decade Total to be trained is about 35,000
Need to combine conceptual & theoretical knowledge as well as skills & competencies Sufficient yet effective duration of training
Quality of Training Programme Up-to-date Teaching & Learning Model
Appropriate Curriculum
Aiming towards increasing pool of talent in Islamic finance
Quantitative measures Best & Right candidate, act as the most important asset
Qualified Resource Persons and Personnel
Islamic values and ethics as the pillars Relevant Shariah on mu’amalat Core or Hard Knowledge Skills and competencies
The trainers need to be knowledgeable Experienced with excellent track records Ideally with industry exposure or experience Dedicated towards the cause of Islam & IF
First degree holders in any discipline Not only from the related fields such as finance, banking, insurance, economics etc Conversant in interpersonal skills
2 Sumber: Dato’ Agil Natt (2010)
PELUANG KERJA • Dibutuhkan paling tidak 8000 SDM per tahun di Indonesia dibidang keuangan syariah untuk ditempatkan diberbagai bank syariah, BPRS, BMT, lembaga-lembaga pendidikan, asuransi syariah, perusahaan reksadana dan sekuritas, serta lembaga syariah lainnya.
Islamic Commercial Bank: 10 with 970 offices channels Islamic Business Unit: 24 with 298 offices channels Islamic Rural Banks: 144 with 271 offices channels Total: 1539 offices channels (May, 2010) and keep growing!
Islamic finance… fastest growing segment in global financial system •
Notwithstanding global financial crisis, Islamic finance has shown strong growth
Islamic Assets under Management
Average growth rate of 15-20% p.a. maintained
Islamic Mutual Funds
New areas of business continue to progress - Islamic Mutual Funds growing at average of 23% p.a. Islamic finance is no more peripheral to the conventional banking system It has grown from being a novelty to increasingly grown from a complementary status to a viable & attractive alternative to the world today…
USD750 billion & expected to hit USD1 trillion by 2010 Growth rate of 15-20% p.a.
USD300 billion Growth rate of 23% p.a.
Takaful Contributions
USD7.2 billion Growth rate of 13% p.a.
Global Market Capitalization of Dow Jones Islamic Index
USD10 trillion
Shariah Compliant Global Funds
680 funds
Global Outstanding Sukuk
USD107 billion
Number of Islamic Financial Institutions (IFIs)
> 600 IFIs in 75 countries
Sources: McKinsey, The World Islamic Banking Competitiveness Report 2007-08, “Capturing the Trillion Dollar Opportunity”; Islamic Finance News, IFSB & National Authorities; Islamic Banker Research Group; Islamic Finance and Insurance & Investor Offshore Review
BEASISWA: IRTI (Islamic Research & Training Institute)-IDB
Scope • The Program supports post graduate studies, including PhD, MPhil, M.Sc., MBA, MA or equivalent degrees of higher education. The degree must be in one of the following fields: • Islamic Jurisprudence of financial transactions (fqh al-mu’amalat). • Islamic Economics, • Islamic Banking and Finance • Islamic Business Studies and related areas. Place of Study/ Placement • The list of the institutions offering the areas of study will be decided by IRTI Management. The institution providing the post graduate degree must satisfy the following conditions: • Must be accredited from relevant accreditation bodies. • Capable of providing quality program and support in the areas of study. • Must satisfy the following conditions: – – – –
Serve the objectives of IRTI Scholarship Program. Emphasize Islamic dimensions.(Islamic economics and Islamic banking and finance, etc.) Be on-campus for at least 70% of the program period. Lead to a degree endorsed and accredited by the host institution.
Benefits • As per the rules and regulations of the Scholarship Program, the candidate is entitled to the following benefits. • Full tuition fees for the period of study. • Living and Installation allowance. • Student medical insurance when applicable. • A round trip air tickets for scholar. • Thesis preparation allowance
BEASISWA: Bank Negara Malaysia Eligibility • The Scholarship is open to citizens of all countries. • Applicants are required to have a bachelor's degree in Shariah studies from a recognised institution of higher learning, achieving at least a Second Class Upper or its equivalent. • For the CIFP Scholarship, a special consideration will be accorded to those with a diploma (or its equivalent) in Shariah studies, but they must have at least 5 years working experience in the financial industry. • • •
Applicants are also expected to have secured admission to EITHER a Masters or Doctorate programme in Shariah, specializing in fiqh muamalat, at a recognised institution of higher learning, in a full-time programme, OR the CIFP programme conducted by INCEIF. Current students enrolling in the specified programmes at recognised institutions of higher learning may also apply for the scholarship. Applicants should not be in receipt of any other scholarship awards.
Award Package • Post-Graduate Scholarship • The Post-Graduate Scholarship will cover the approved tuition and examination fees, and the recipient will be provided a quarterly subsistence allowance. • Where and when applicable, other allowances such as for books and equipment, approved return air fare, warm clothing, relocation, end of study and thesis/dissertation completion, will also be provided. • CIFP Scholarship • The CIFP Scholarship will cover the registration and approved examination fees. In addition, the recipient will also be paid a study allowance. • Special Note: There is no employment bond attached to either scholarships.
BEASISWA: INCEIF (International Centre For Education In Islamic Finance), Malaysia • In recognition of INCEIF's role in the development of the human capital for Malaysia's growing Islamic finance industry, the university was recently accorded the "Project of National Interest" (Projek Berkepentingan Negara) status by Y.A.B. Prime Minister Dato' Seri Mohd Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak in his capacity as the Minister of Finance. • With this status, organisations and individuals who contribute cash to INCEIF is eligible to claim for tax deduction in respect of their contribution, Bank Negara Malaysia Assistant Governor Dato' Muhammad Ibrahim said in his speech at a zakat contribution ceremony held at Bank Negara Malaysia today. • To date, RM798, 240 or 88% of the total amount received has been disbursed to 251 deserving students, Malaysian and international, based on their academic results and potential contribution to the Islamic finance industry locally and globally. The international recipients of the funds include those from Indonesia, Singapore, South Korea and India.
BEASISWA: INCEIF (International Centre For Education In Islamic Finance), Malaysia • INCEIF invites applications for scholarship or loan from both existing students and those interested to pursue any of the following programmes: – – – –
Chartered Islamic Finance Professional (CIFP) Masters in Islamic Finance PhD Islamic Finance (by Coursework and Dissertation) PhD Islamic Finance (by Research)
• The scholarship or loan award shall be in the form of full or partial fee sponsorship or waiver for the whole or partial duration of the course of studies. The scholarship recipients should maintain at least the minimum pass level to retain the scholarship.
• Universitas Padjadjaran (UNPAD) becomes INCEIF's latest MOU partner in Indonesia 5 August 2010, where both parties agreed to cooperate by participating in relevant activities held by each party relating to research and development as well as training and education in Islamic finance, organising joint conferences, workshops, seminars etc. and to provide access to facilities for both parties. • Other MOU partners in Indonesia include Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Airlangga and Universitas Sumatera Utara.
PERSYARATAN UMUM (Membangun Kompetensi Diri/ CV) • • • •
• • • • •
Nilai Mata Kuliah Syariah = B IPK minimal 3.00, semakin tinggi semakin baik Skripsi terkait Syariah = B TOEFL = 500 (untuk Bank/Lembaga Keuangan) = 550 (untuk Scholarship) IELTS =6.0 Surat Rekomendasi dari Dosen/ Praktisi Syariah. Dapat membaca Al Qur’an Karya Tulis lain selain Skripsi terkait Syariah* Organisasi terkait Syariah* * Penunjang
Wajib: Bahasa Arab Pengantar Hukum Jurisprudensi Islam Fiqh Mu’ammalah Manajemen Dalam Perspektif Syariah Pilihan Wajib *: Ekonomi Syariah/ Akuntansi Syariah Pilihan Konsentrasi *: Manajemen Keuangan & Perbankan Syariah** Manajemen SDM Syariah Manajemen Marketing Syariah Manajemen Operasi Syariah Seminar: Seminar Manajemen Syariah * Pilih Minimal Satu * *Sangat Disarankan untuk peluang kerja & beasiswa
LEARNING PROCESS Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence
Islamic Law of Contract (‘Aqd)
Fiqh Muammalah
Islamic Economics
Islamic Accounting
Islamic Business & Management
Islamic Finance
• Islamic HRM
• Islamic Banking
• Islamic Marketing Management
• Islamic Capital Market
• Islamic Operational Management, etc
• Takaful, etc
Sumber: Irawan Febianto (2009)
وﷲ أﻋﻠم ﺑﺎﻟﺻواب وﺻﻠﻰ ﷲ ﻋﻠﻰ ﻧﺑﯾﻧﺎ ﻣﺣﻣد وﻋﻠﻰ اﻟﮫ وﺻﺣﺑﮫ أﺟﻣﻌﯾن واﻟﺳﻼم ﻋﻠﯾﻛم ورﺣﻣﺔ ﷲ وﺑرﻛﺎﺗﮫ