Pembelajaran Berasaskan Otak Pembelajaran Berasaskan Otak 12 ...

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Pembelajaran Berasaskan Otak. ▫ Learning involves both focused attention and peripheral perception. ▫ We absorb everything but attend to that which is novel ...
Pembelajaran Berasaskan Otak

Pembelajaran Berasaskan Otak – Terbit daripada Neuroscience & Konstructivism – Satu pendekatan berdasarkan kehendak pelajar – Bermula pada tahun 1980s – Berkembang 1990’s : „ Fizik „ Emosi „ Farmakologi „ Pendidikan

12 Prinsip Pembelajaran Berasaskan Otak

Pembelajaran Berasaskan Otak „

Learning is enhanced by challenge, inhibited by threat.

„ Our brains actually expand or shut down certain


Pembelajaran Berasaskan Otak

functions based on the presence of challenge or threat. The more complex the challenge and the safer the social and psychological environment, the greater the learning.

Pembelajaran Berasaskan Otak Learning involves both focused attention and peripheral perception.


Emotions are linked to cognition; they are the gatekeeper to intellect.



Emotions flavor or color each experience, making us want more or less of that experience. There should be an environment that is positive, challenging, respectful and engaging -- where “inquiring minds want to know!”

„ We absorb everything but attend to that which is novel, out-of-the-ordinary, different, or personally



important. Active processing occurs when we employ questions that foster metacognition, reflection and creative expression.

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Pembelajaran Berasaskan Otak „

The brain processes parts to whole simultaneously.


Spatial processing - synthesizing small pieces of information to derive larger global relationships - happens left to right across the brain.

Pembelajaran Berasaskan Otak The search for meaning occurs through patterning. „ The brain’s goal is to invest information with personal meaning through making and detecting patterns based on what we already know or have experienced. „

Pembelajaran Berasaskan Otak Each brain is unique. „ Each person’s brain matures differently, and brain size and weight can vary by as much as 50 percent among people of normal intelligence. „

Pembelajaran Berasaskan Otak Learning is social and embedded in experience. „ Social interactions can actually change the functioning of our brains through solidifying our beliefs, challenging our perceptions, testing our assumptions, and fine-tuning the way we interact with others, „

Pembelajaran Berasaskan Otak „

The brain has a rote memory system (explicit) and a spatial memory system (implicit).


The brain is a parallel processor.


Learning engages the entire physiology; it needs food & water.

Pembelajaran Berasaskan Otak „

The search for meaning is innate.


Learning involves unconscious and conscious processing.

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Teaching with the Brain in Mind „ „ „ „ „ „ „

Reflective work Positive support Cues, prompts Accountability Responsibility Artistic touch Relationships

„ „ „ „ „ „ „ „

Avoid conflict Chunking High interest Activity Movement Constant feedback Regroup Repetition

“The brain doesn’t need to be motivated to learn any more than the heart needs to be motivated to pump blood.” Leslie Hart

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