Design and Implementation of Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network Nodes Based on Linux OS N Putra Sastra1, Wirawan2, G. Hendrantoro3
1) Electrical Department of ITS, Surabaya, 6011 email:
[email protected] 2,3) Electrical Department of ITS, Surabaya, 60111 email: {wirawan, gamantyo}
Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network (WMSN) is a solution of transmitting lightweight multimedia content with limited processor capabilities. The benefits of using this hardware are energy consumption saving and the use of bandwidth. In this paper, a model sensor network node established with multimedia capabilities. This built node uses radio board intel mote2 with embedded Linux as operating system. On Linux, an application is designed to capture images using multimedia board IMB400. Images are taken to show that the application works. Keywords : WMSN, Intel mote2, Linux Embedded
1. INTRODUCTION Multimedia communications, like video on demand, video streaming, and video communication on wireless network had became a need on society. On the other hand, many vendors had developed portable hardware of multimedia communication that use less energy. Intel mote2 radio sensorboard with processor platform XSCALE PXA270 Intel 32-bit is such a device. This sensor is designed as wireless sensor network embedded system on TinyOS [1]. Because of the capabilities of this intel mote2 board, open source community of embedded system have developed an embedded Linux based operating system[3]. With this Linux embedded, the development of applications becomes easier. As an embedded system, some technical criterias required. Especially on multimedia application, we need the capability of process and storage in capturing and storing video or images. Therefor in this paper we design node that capable in multimedia application based on intel mote2 platform and Linux as embedded operating system. We discuss about how to build a sensor network node that able to capture images in Portable Pixmap (PPM) format. This format is a raw bit image format with high redundancy. The advantages of this format are its low process and relatively easy in images analysis.
2. HARDWARE Hardware that required are intel mote2 which applicable for multimedia using multimedia sensor IMB400. This radio board has 256KB SRAM memory, 32MB FLASH, 32MB SDRAM, 802.15.4 integrated radio, optional external radio through SDIO and UART interface, integrated 2.4 GHz antenna. There are basic and advance connectors for system expanding such as 3xUART, I2C, 2xSPI, SDIO, I2S, AC97 audio facility, USB host, I/F camera, and mini USB GPIO port to direct connectivity to PC[1]. Multimedia sensor using IMB400 with camera chipset ov7670, microphone, speaker, and passive infra red sensor [2]. Board IMB400 is a multimedia sensor with images capturing and video streaming capabilities on intel mote2 platform with TinyOS as operating system.
3. SOFTWARE Node is using platform embedded Linux OS. We select Linux as OS with some considerations, i.e. such a vast Linux developers that we can get required driver on building application easier. We can use various compilers to develop an application. And specific modules addition on Linux OS does not require reflashing. On Linux OS, to images or video capture we use video4linux that provided by its kernel. Interfacing video camera card needs some drivers : I2C driver to read serial data, I2C-GPIO driver, and camera driver with soc-ov7670 chipset. To use Linux as OS, we need flashing process to upload bootloader, kernel, and root file system to radioboard using jtag cable[8] and interface board, IIB400. We need to add one pull up resistor in IMB400 bus data line GPIO I2C so the driver of pxacamera I2C-GPIO and ov7670-soc work [4][6].
IV. DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION IMAGE CAPTURE AT LINUX EMBEDDED OPERATING SYSTEM Linux kernel already provides Programming application interface for Video4Linux. Programming starts with statements of file headers which are data structure of Video4Linux as base of programming application interface: #include #include
Fig 1. Board Intel mote2 Architecture Define image size and format Initialization and definition of image’s size and format are put in functions. This method gives flexibility in changing image size and file format. typedef struct {struct int fd; int use_mmap;
define YUV2RGB YUV422_to_RGB8 static void process_image
static int read_frame static void init_mmap static void init_userp }video_device;
Design image capture function Jtag cable amontec
Image capturing steps include these functions: open_device (); init_device (colour); start_capturing (); mainloop (colour); stop_capturing (); uninit_device (); close_device ();
Imote2 interface board Imote2 radio board Imote2 battery
board Those functions are defined to meet our requirements. A complete flow chart to capture image on Linux OS is shown in Fig. 3.
Fig 2(a). Multimedia Sensorboard IMB400, (b) Flashing Linux OS method (c) IMB400 modification by adding 1K8 Ohm pull up resistor. 2
Platform yang dibuat ini merupakan platform berbeda yang diterapkan pada intel mote2 yang sebelumnya banyak dikembangkan pada TinyOS. Perbedaan yang signifikan adalah dengan penggunaan Linux OS, maka tidak diperlukannya flashing dan compiling seluruh sistem agar dapat berjalan pada intel mote2, melainkan hanya perlu mengcompile aplikasi yang akan dijalankan pada platform linux ini.
Embedded Linux OS Initialisation Load GPIO and camera driver
Open Camera
Dari riset ini hal utama yang diperoleh adalah, diperlukannya suatu tambahan pull up resistor sebesar 1K8 antara vcc dan pada bagian kanan dari R8 board IMB400. Tanpa reisistor ini tidak ada yang bisa dibaca kembali oleh chip sensor visual. Hal ini berbeda dengan implementasi pada TinyOS, yang tidak memerlukan pull up resistor.
Capture Image and Save into file (format ppm)
Output images from this application are images of size 640 x 480 pixels ppm format, with size of 901 KB (complete meta data is shown in Table 1)
Close Camera
Table 1. Property of captured images Filename FileModDate FileSize Format FormatVersion Width Height BitDepth ColorType FormatSignature Encoding MaxValue ImageDataOffset
Fig 3. Flowchart to capture image
Image capture test The built application is compiled on Linux host using cross-compiler processor XSCALE, and uploaded to radio board intel mote2. Testing is carried out by running application on radio board intel mote2 that integrated with multimedia board IMB400. int main(int argc, char **argv) { dev_name = "/dev/video0"; enum v4l2_colorspace colour = V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV; for (;;) { int index; int c; c = getopt_long (argc, argv, } }
image001.ppm 12-Jun-2010 13:20:37 921615 PPM P6 640 480 24 Truecolor P6 Rawbits 255 15
Time that required for one 901 KB of size image, when transmitted using 802.14.5 protocol that integrated with radio board intel mote2, is t = (901x8Kb/250Kb/s) = 28,8 second. Energy consumption for transmission is far above energy for processing [7]. In order to lenghten node life time, an image compression needed in radio board. For example, when using Huffman coding with sequential processing coding and sampling rate 3 for JPEG format will reduce file size to 25 KB or 200Kb, so transmitting one image require less than one second.
[4], [last accessed 13 September 2009]
V. CONCLUSSIONS This paper introduce a scheme to capture image using sensorboard intel mote2 on platform embedded Linux OS. Resulting images from camera is raw bit images, portable pixmap (ppm). The aim of using this format is to reduce processor load. Output images are images with dimension of 640 x 480 pixels and size of 900 KB.
[5] Wireless_pdf/Imote2_IMB400_Preliminary.pdf [ last accessed 29 Oktober 2009] [6], [last accessed January 2010] [7] N.P. Sastra, IMO Widyantara, DM Wiharta, Wirawan,” Modeling Wireless Visual Sensor Network with a Low Energy Consumption for Desired Image Quality and View Point ”, Kummoto Forum, Surabaya, 2008.
Further research that will be carried out is on development of wireless network topology, processing and compressing images on radioboard, video streaming application, and camera selection application in capturing scenary or specific object.
[8], [last accessed 16 January 2010]
References [1] Kling, R.M. “Intel Motes: Advanced Sensor Network Platform and Application”, IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, 2005, [2] Nachman, L., Huang, J., Shahabdeen, J. Adler, R., Kling, R., IMOTE2: Serious Computation at the Edge, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, 2008 [3] Rashmi Parthasarathy 1 Nina Peterson1 WenZhan Song 1 Ali Hurson2 Behrooz A. Shirazi, “Over the Air Programming on Imote2-based Sensor Networks”, 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System, 2010 Sciences (HICSS)
Fig 4. Some captured images using IMB400 on embedded Linux OS