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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Department. Juan R. Liwag Memorial High School – Senior High School. Bayanihan, Gapan City 3105.



A Research Paper Submitted to the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Department Juan R. Liwag Memorial High School – Senior High School Bayanihan, Gapan City 3105

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject RESEARCH PROJECT

March 2018


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the Almighty God fpr his graceful blessings and guidance to pursue this study, to those who helped us, from the very beginning to the successful end of this project To our research project teacher and adviser, Ms. Divine Claire F. Lorido, for approving this research project and providing us necessary tools, understanding and time for our study. To Dr. Jeffrey Sta. Ines and Dr. Wajavina Catacutan, for guiding and reminding us the importance of conducting a research with their full-pledge logical and moral support And to all of the proponents of this study, Hazel Anne T. Alarilla, Sophia J. Pangilinan, Joicel Marie L. Aberin, Arjay M. de Leon, Karlo D. Quilantang and Mark Joseph R. Zuñiga. I, John Paulo Mendoza, leader of this project, profoundly offered my knowledge, time and effort to expand the growing perception of science to household settings. Without the concerted time and effort of each and every aforementioned names, this study would not be possible and successful.


Perception of STEM Teachers in JRLMHS towards the Integration of Biotechnology to Household Settings Mendoza, John Paulo D., Alarilla, Hazel Anne T., Pangilinan, Sophia J., De Leon, Arjay M., Zuñiga, Mark Joseph R., Quilantang, Karlo D. & Aberin, Joicel Marie L.

Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics

Juan R. Liwag Memorial High School, Gapan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines

ABSTRACT Lack of awareness to the applications of science to daily living may be a hindrance to self and community progress especially to the promotion of scientific education. In this study, the awareness of STEM Teachers from JRLMHS about the various applications of biotechnology common to household settings was perceived to understand the reasons and factors affecting their perception levels. Selfconstructed questionnaires in the form of advantages and disadvantages of each three household biotechnological applications were constructed via survey design. The level of perception was acquired using the measures of positions in the form of quartile-based percentiles. T-test for uncorrelated samples and mean differences of perception levels and factors associated were computed electronically using MS Excel. Based on the findings of the study, though perception levels below the age of 55 present moderate awareness, their mean differences varied. Both the eldest (8.75) and youngest (7.07) age ranges were assessed significantly aware of the integration of biotechnology to household settings specifically to Pharmaceuticals and Supplementation. Moreover, the results revealed that females (5.93) were more aware and consider biotechnology as crucial part of their household units than how males (5.09) perceived it to be. Factors such as Latent toxicity and Naturalism statistically suggest as a contributing factor of such low perception levels of teachers under the application of biotechnology to Food Supply and Agriculture. There is a direct indication that teachers were moderately aware of the applications of science common to their household and that contributing factors are still affecting this present-day awareness.


TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page………………………..……………...……………….………………………… i Enclosure 3……….……………..……………...……………….……………..………… ii Acknowledgement……..….…..……………...……………….………………,……… iii Abstract…….…………………………………...………………………………………… iv Table of Contents……………………………...………………………………………… v List of Tables…………..………………………...…………….………………………… vi CHAPTER I – INTRODUCTION……………...………………………………………… 1 I.

Rationale……………………………………………….……………………………… 1


Statement of the Problem…………………………………………….…………. 4


Hypotheses…………………………………………………………….……………... 4


Significance of the Study……………………………………………………….… 5


Definition of Terms……..……………………………………………………….… 6

CHAPTER II – METHODOLOGY…………..……………………………………..….. 10 Research Design…………………………………….…………………………………………… 11 Instruments……………………………………………………………………….………………. 11 Participants.…......……………………….……………………………….……………………. 12 Data Collection…………………………………………………..…….………………………… 14 Statistical Treatment…………………………………………….……………………………… 15 CHAPTER III – RESULTS AND DISCUSSION..…….…………………………..... 17 Perception Levels……………………….………………………..……………………. 17 Factors Affecting Perception Levels………………………..……………………. 19 Conclusions……...……….…………………………..………………………………………….. 21 Recommendations……………………….………….…………………………………………. 22 REFERENCES……………………………………………..…….………………. 23 APPENDICES…………………………………………..……….………………. 28 Raw Data…………………………………………….……………………………………. 29 Curriculum Vitae…………….…………………….……………………………………. 33



Table 1

Rates with its corresponding verbal indicators (Perception Levels)


Table 2

Rates with its corresponding verbal indicators (Factors associated)


Table 3

Ranges of Mean Differences in Perception Levels


Table 4

Sample Size per strata from the Population of Secondary STEM teachers in JRLMHS


Table 5

Perception and Distribution of the respondents by Age


Table 6

Perception and Distribution of the respondents by Gender


Table 7

Perception and Distribution of the respondents by Subject Teaching


Table 8

Factors associated to Biotechnology applications based on the weighted means of Disadvantages


Table 9

T-Test for Comparison of Perception levels and Factors associated


Table 10

Data Gathered, Mean and Interpretation from Math Teachers (Advantages)


Table 11

Data Gathered, Mean and Interpretation from Math Teachers (Disadvantages)


Data Gathered, Mean and Interpretation from Science Teachers (Advantages)


Data Gathered, Mean and Interpretation from Science Teachers (Disadvantages)


Table 12 Table 13


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Rationale Science has been making its practical impact, not solely to the industrial revolution over the past centuries, but progressively rapid to its situation today. Nowadays, people are benefiting from sustainable health and practical living because of the breakthroughs produced by Science and Technology (UNESCO, 2014, p. 3). It has been making progress to acquire knowledge, intelligence and better understanding in life. It can also contribute to the development of new concepts, innovations and theories that can improve our life style Applied Sciences are disciplines of Science that utilizes existing scientific thought to develop practical applications (Donnelly, 2015). It considers mainly the applications of pure Sciences such as Biology, Chemistry and Physics for the invention and innovation of technologies used today. Without applied Sciences, great scientific discoveries may be limited as only increase in human knowledge, which is significant but underutilized. Applied Sciences are tools in which tangible technological applications on society is made. It is what takes theory, study, and data and turns it into practical, functional items such as computers, electronic appliances, food and clothing technologies, simple machineries, pharmaceutical drugs, medical technology and techniques and even daily household tasks exploited practically by applied scientific understanding. One of the essential Sciences in application today is biotechnology, a discipline in which biological systems, organisms, cellular and molecular components are exploited to develop new technologies and products. It is viewed by the current generation as the frontier of the next revolution with enormous social and economic consequences as it is known to be the controlled and deliberate manipulation of


biological systems where it harnesses cellular and molecular processes to develop technologies and products highlighting the potential benefits to society via reduction of hunger, prevention of malnutrition, cure of diseases and promotion of health, and improved quality of life (Hossain et al., 2003, p. 36; Isserman, 2001, p. 1225). Biotechnology comprises a unit of manufactured and synthesized household needs where each member of the family is presently relying much from medicines that they take to the food that they eat. According to Biotechnology Innovation Organization (2017), a survey found out that more than one-quarter billion people worldwide have benefited from biologically synthesized drugs and vaccines (Aerni, 2002, para. 2). Moreover, genetic modifications of plants and microorganism has the potential to revolutionize the way society organizes its production and distribution of food, fiber, and other agricultural products consumed by common household members today (Hossain et al., 2003). These scientific advancements span from domestic to global; though it has presented numerous implications especially to its common goal: to help improve human life. Certain families of low class communities presented one which is the lack of awareness to the current trends. This may be a hindrance to self and community progress, mainly because these advancements are being so rampantly invested to all aspects of our lives that impassiveness to it becomes a problem (Raja, 2016, p.3). In contrast, awareness strengthens individuals' ability to understand and provide solutions to global shortcomings and to acquire modern skills of the 21st Century (Crawford & Kirby, 2008, p.57). In the Philippines, efforts were established at promoting scientific education at both elementary and secondary level. Research about Science teaching as cited and attested by Calderon and Gonzales (1993), shows that the quality of science education in schools has been strongly influenced by the quality of Science


educators. The interest of students in Science is directly related to the quality of teaching as well as the interactive learning provided by Science teachers. Interviews with Science students show that they are inspired by Science teachers who engaged them in a task that allowed them to ask and solve problems. As this Science-based knowledge continues to expand there were still limitations in Science education needed to be considered such as lack of qualified Science teachers, incongruent subject appointment with teachers’ educational background, lack of quality textbooks and the lack of defined and reflected Science education in the teacher education curriculum (Science Education Institute – Department of Science and Technology [SEI-DOST] & University of the Philippines – National Institute of Science of Science and Mathematics Education [UP NISMED], 2011, p.2). It is important for educators to have a well-developed scientific knowledge about biotechnology and related processes so they can contribute to public dissemination and instructions to the learners of the modern era. Knowledge of the extent of students' understanding and attitudes can lead to better utilizaton of teaching materials in biotechnology education. It is important for the teaching force to be well informed about the practical applications of biotechnology, especially those related to human health, agriculture and the environment (Dawson, 2007). In response to the given implication, this study was conducted to serve as an instrument and instigation to the next breed of educators from Juan R. Liwag Memorial High Schools under the field of Science and Mathematics by assessing their level of perception and knowledge about the various and improved findings in biotechnology common to their household, as well as surveying their perception about the contributing factors that affect such levels of


perception among secondary teachers of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Statement of the Problem This study was conducted to determine the level of awareness and factors affecting these levels based on the practical integration and applications of biotechnology to household settings as perceived by the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Secondary Teachers in JRLMHS. It aims to understand and predict human behavior and knowledge in a variety


biotechnological applications applied to everyday living. Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions: 1. How do the demographic profile of respondents be described and what level of perception according to awareness do the STEM teachers have with the applications of biotechnology to their household units in terms of: a. Age b. Gender c. Subject Teaching 2. How can the factors affect the level of awareness possessed by respondents to the integration of biotechnological impact and innovations that helped improve their lives on a house unit? 3. Is there a significant difference between the level of perception based on awareness and the factors associated by weighted means? Hypotheses H0 : There is no significant difference between the level of perception based on awareness and the factors associated by weighted means.


Ha :There is a significant difference between the level of perception based on awareness and the factors associated by weighted means.

Significance of the Study The emergence of technology-based lifestyle has been limitless in its arrival and invasion of our way of living. Knowledge of the evolution and extent of students' understanding and attitudes can lead to better use of teaching materials in Science and hence to improving applied scientific skills in schools. In part, it is the role of the educators to facilitate, assess and utilize practical Science to help younger generations be aware and accustom to Science as an application to improve quality of living. The level of awareness of certain individuals towards the mechanisms or practices, which greatly influence their daily living is crucial. The application of Science to our daily life particularly domestic technology or the application of Science into the home is very evident nowadays. Household technology recognizes the use of Science to integrate homes and acquire improved quality of living such as energy efficiency or self-sufficiency (Bittman et al., 2004). Almost all of the machines or appliances which aid the needs of each and every household came from man’s knowledge regarding basic Science concepts and the application of it into useful account. Evaluating the STEM teachers’ awareness and perception towards the application of Science in household settings can further improve our understanding of the teachers’ level of perception and knowledge about the practical use of Science in households. The advantages and disadvantages of the different Science applications in households are some of the factors, which can affect the daily living of people as individuals who perform daily activities and roles in households. As a result, this study also aims to seek the pros and cons of applying these varying scientific


concepts and to validate its influence and effectiveness to the daily living of the people or more specifically, to households when it comes to home appliances, home automation and other devices commonly used in homes, such as clothes dryers and washing machines. It also aims to evaluate the influence and effectiveness of biotechnology when it comes to the utilization of engineered commercial products such processed foods, drugs or household chemicals. This study will find out the level of perception and knowledge of STEM teachers’ regarding the various findings and advancements of biotechnology common to their households. This will give the teachers, the students, and the future researchers an insight to foster teachers' understanding and to develop their knowledge towards such field. By figuring out the level of awareness of these individuals about biotechnology in their households, their existing knowledge and certain shortcomings regarding it will be known. Through this, the students, the teachers as well as the future researchers will foster their own understanding about biotechnology through researching and reading articles regarding it. This will also provide them a foundation to participate more intelligently in discussions such as the morality or ethics of the use of biotechnology in some controversial areas particularly its application to alterations of the human physiological system and all the experimental processes that come with it. This study will also be an instrument in determining the level of efficiency or economic growth of the country when it comes to using applied Science or will further assess its label or status. It is also through this study that an individual who can be student, who usually uses genetically modified materials without prior knowledge regarding it, a teacher, or a simple citizen, who practically utilize it for convenience will be able to determine the level of awareness and the shortcomings both in the understanding and the utilization of these scientific applications. The


knowledge that will be acquired from this study by a certain individual, especially educators of youth, can then be passed on to another which will enable each and everyone to be more equipped with knowledge when it comes to such field and matter. With the help of this study, the advantages of applying the different scientific concepts on the mechanisms and practices used in households will be utilized more effectively. On the other hand, the disadvantages of integrating biotechnology to household settings would be known and abated.

Definition of Terms The study operationally defined the following terminologies: a. Biotechnology An applied science where it harnesses cellular and biomolecular processes to develop technologies and products that help improve our lives under food supply, agriculture, household commodities, daily essentials and the health of our planet through pharmaceuticals and supplementation. b. Household Commodities Goods and products used within households tangible and movable personal property placed


the living

rooms, kitchens, Goods and products used movable personal rooms, kitchens, family

property placed rooms, great

rooms, hallways, attics, and basements. c. Latent toxicity

within households in

the living

rooms, dining tangible and rooms, dining

rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms, recreation


The toxic quality of food, products or any chemically synthesized goods that are dormant and sometimes triggered when consumed in larger amounts. d. Likerts’ Scale The most widely used approach to scaling responses in survey research, such that the term (or more accurately the Likert-type scale) is often used interchangeably with rating scale, although there are other types of rating scales. The scale is named after its inventor, psychologist Rensis Likerts. e. Measures of Central Tendency A single value that attempts to describe a set of data by identifying the central position within that set of data; collectively known as summary statistics pertaining to the measures of central location of data or arrangement of numerical figures by mean (average), median (middle value) and mode (frequency). f. Naturalism A psychological view and traditional perspective of neglecting, ignoring and rejecting the idea and/or utilization of technology, chemistry or any means physical and chemical intervention to life and life processes. g. Perception An impression of regarding, understanding, or interpreting something usually from a measured instrument that assess psychological and social perspectives; a mental impression.


h. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) A curriculum based on the idea of educating students in four specific disciplines — science, technology, engineering and mathematics — in an interdisciplinary and applied approach. Rather than teach the four disciplines as separate and discrete subjects, STEM integrates them into a cohesive learning paradigm based on real-world applications and competencies now applied to senior high school academic strands all over the Philippines and as a comprehensive discipline in global academe. i.

Stratified Sampling A type of sampling method where the researcher divides the population into

separate groups, called strata. Then, a probability sample (often a simple random sample ) is drawn from each group. j.

T-test for Uncorrelated Samples A statistical procedure, sometimes called the dependent sample t-test, used

to describe and determine whether the mean difference between two sets of observations (usually ungrouped data) is zero.






Research Locale


Statistical Treatment Figure 2. Schematic Diagram of Methods


Research Design This study is a descriptive-quantitative research utilizing inferential statistics to draw conclusions from the hypothesis. Specifically, the researchers used the descriptive method of research using survey design. The research questions presupposed much upon knowledge of the problem to be investigated as contracted to the questions to generate basis of explanatory studies. The researcher aimed to gather in-depth understanding of the perception of Secondary STEM teachers of JRLMHS towards the integration of biotechnology to household settings presented in the form of perception levels based on awareness and factors associated with their perception levels.

Instruments The research questionnaires used in this study were self-constructed, procured, and pre-evaluated questionnaire strictly for a perception purpose of the teachers. It was developed to generate data for data collection. The questionnaire was in the form of “Likert-type” Scale or an equivalent descriptive rating of verbal indicators indicated as follows: Table 1. Rates with its corresponding verbal indicators (Perception Levels) Rate 5 4 3 2 1

Verbal Indicator Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

The corresponding numbers of the verbal indicators per item number were averaged and their disadvantages were subtracted from the mean of the advantages to get their corresponding level of perception (Tolentino et al., 2017, p. 18). For the second form, items were constructed based on factors affecting the level of


perception (via awareness level) and to be interpreted by using the weighted means of both advantages (perception level) and disadvantages (factors associated) (Duldao, 2016): Table 2. Rates with its corresponding verbal indicators (Factors associated) Rate 4.01 – 4.75 3.25 – 4.0 2.50 – 3.24 1.75 – 2.49 1.0 1.74

Verbal Indicator Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

The interpretation was obtained by computing the measures of positions as quartile-based percentiles: 𝑅𝑎𝑛𝑘 # =

𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑒 (𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑠 + 1) 100

The level of perception (mean difference) ranges are as folllows: High is percentile of 75, Low is percentile of 25 and in between is Moderate. (Appendix A and Table 8) Table 3. Ranges of Mean Differences in Perception Levels NO. OF ITEMS 10



RANGE (Mean Difference)


8.25 AND ABOVE 2.76 – 8.24 2.75 AND BELOW 3.75 AND ABOVE 1.26 – 3.74 1.25 AND BELOW 3.0 AND ABOVE 1.1 – 2.99 1.0 AND BELOW


Participants A. Sampling Sample survey was used in this study; hence, stratified random sampling design was applied to determine a common stratum or class to which all the respondents of


the population belong. The study was conducted in Juan R. Liwag Memorial High School and the respondents involved in the study were STEM secondary (junior and senior) teachers under their class stratifications; namely Gender: Male and Female and Subject Teaching: Science and Math The total population of STEM teachers in JRLMHS is 71. Strata were grouped first according to the subject teaching. The population of Science teachers is broken down as follows: a total population of 37 teachers of whom 29 are female and 8 are male. Subsequently, the population of math teachers is broken down as follows: a total population of 34 teachers of whom 27 are female and 7 are male. The margin of error is 5%. As much as possible the margin of error should not be higher than 5% (Calderon & Gonzales, 1993, p. 176). The sampling was performed using the pure random sampling equation from Pagosoet al. (1976, p.46): 𝑛=

𝑁 1 + 𝑁(𝑒)2

in which n = size of the sample N = size of the population e = margin of error

Total Sample of Secondary STEM teachers in JRLMHS (n): 𝑛=


71 1 + 71(0.05)2 71 1.1775

𝑛 = 60.30 ≈ 60 Sampling Proportion for strata (%) =

𝑛 60 = × 100 = 85% 𝑁 71


B. Respondents Table 4. Sample Size per strata from the Population of Secondary STEM teachers in JRLMHS Subject Science Mathematics






29 8 27 7 71

85 85 85 85

25 7 22 6 60


The total sample or respondents of secondary STEM Teachers is equal to 60 teachers and broken down as follows: 25 female and 6 male Science teachers; lastly, 22 female and 6 male Mathematics teachers

C. Locale The locale of the study was at Juan R. Liwag Memorial High School in Gapan City, Nueva Ecija which has a total population of 212 teachers from both junior and senior high department.

Figure 1.Maps showing the location of Juan R. Liwag Memorial High School.Gapan City, Nueva Ecija from Google Maps ©


Data Collection Data was gathered by surveying with the use of


questionnaires. After the retrieval of the questionnaires, the researcher converted the information manually and quantitatively. Data processing comprises two steps: (1) categorization of data and (2) tabulation of the data. The data was categorized as: (1) respondents profile such as age, gender, and subject teaching (2) the perception of JRLMHS’s STEM teachers towards the different biotechnological applications (3) the factors affecting the level of perception based on awareness. In the tabulation of the data, data was analyzed by means of frequency, percentages and measures of central tendency. All answers were tallied and grouped electronically in MS Excel spread sheet. Data processing was manually tallied based on process. Tabular method was also used in presenting the data wherein data was organized into classes or categorized in row and in columns.

Statistical Treatment The demographic profile of the respondents was calculated using frequency tables and the central tendency distribution. T-test for Uncorrelated Samples was utilized using MS Excel – Analysis Toolpak VBA to analyze the significant differences between the perception levels and factors affecting perception levels based on weighted means


CHAPTER III RESULTS AND DISCUSSION This chapter deals with the presentation, analysis and interpretation of the data gathered from the responses of the 60 Science and Mathematics teachers in JRLMHS. It described their demographic profile in terms of their age, gender, and subject teaching. Likewise, the data were analyzed and interpreted by the level of perception according to awareness towards the integration of biotechnology: Food Supply & Agriculture, Pharmaceuticals & Supplementation, Household Commodities & Essentials and the weighted mean of all three biotechnological applications to household settings.

Perceptions Levels Table 5. Perception and Distribution of the respondents by Age Perception Level No. of Respon dents

D (%)

30 yrs old and below



31 – 49 yrs old


50 – 54 yrs old


55 yrs old and above



Food Supply and Agricultur e 0.57 Low

Pharmaceut icals and Supplement ation

Household Commoditie s and Essentials






Moder ate







ate 20%









te 4.46

ate 2.0

ate 13.33%




Modera te


ate 4.75


Modera te



Table 1 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents in terms of age. Most of the respondents (43.33%) belong to 31-49 years old. A close percentage was found for respondents with ages 50-54 (20%) and 30 and


below (23.33%) of the population. There was least percentage revealed for age 55 and above (13.33%), since most teachers of this age are subject to retirement and/or leave. Fifty-five and above years old or 13.33% of the population perception towards biotechnology is high (8.75), and that this age range is the most aware of the applications or uses biotechnology provided in their household in terms of Pharmaceuticals & Supplementation (High), and Household Commodities & Essentials (High). Although perception levels below the age of 55 present moderate awareness, their mean differences varied. The mean difference 7.07 of the age range of 30 and below (23.33%) suggests that teachers under this age range are not far less aware with the uses of biotechnology in their household since younger generations are the ones with equipped knowledge and understanding towards the latest applications of science (Dijkstra, Russo & Rojas, 2014) especially on the uses it provides to the field of medicine and health like manufactured and formulated drugs (Pharmaceuticals & Supplementation). Moreover, the applications of biotechnology in pharmaceuticals is perceived by most population as compounded naturally and that 61% of all new chemical entities introduced worldwide as drugs could be traced to or were inspired by natural products (Gupta, Gabrielsen & Ferguson, 2005).


Table 6. Perception and Distribution of the respondents by Gender Perception Level No. of Respo ndent s




D (%)

Food Supply and Agriculture




Pharmaceuti cals and Supplement ation 1.84 Modera

Household Commoditie s and Essentials 2.69 Moder










ate 2.96



Modera te



Modera te

The distribution and perception of the respondents in terms of gender is shown in Table 2. 78.33% of the population is composed of females and 21.96% of males. Results revealed that both gender profiles reported moderate awareness towards their over-all biotechnology perception. Moreover, the perception clearly indicates that females tend to be more aware (5.95) of these applications since they are the ones who heads, overlook, buy and check consumed or used products in their household than males do on a regular basis (Chant, 2003). Table 7. Perception and Distribution of the respondents by Subject Teaching



No. of Respo ndent s 28

Perception Level D (%)

Food Supply and Agriculture




Pharmaceuti cals and Supplement ation 2.47 Modera

Household Commoditi es and Essentials 3.14 Mode







Modera te



rate 2.69

Mode rate

Moder ate


Moder ate

The distribution and perception of the respondents in terms of subject teaching is shown in Table 3. As observed, both teaching domains display moderate


awareness toward their over-all biotechnology perception with Math teachers (5.93) being negligibly higher than Science teachers (5.09) by 0.84. This is evident since most STEM teachers are gradually getting inclined with the modern applications and understanding of the concepts and lessons they are teaching (Bøe et al., 2011).

Factors affecting Perceptions levels Table 8. Factors associated to Biotechnology applications based on the weighted means of Disadvantages Factors Associated Latent Toxicity Naturalism Doubt on Efficiency High Cost Availability Lack of Information

Biotechnology Applications



Food Supply & Agriculture/Household Commodities & Essentials Food Supply & Agriculture Food Supply & Agriculture/Pharmaceuticals & Supplementation Pharmaceuticals & Supplementation Pharmaceuticals & Supplementation/ Household Commodities & Essentials Household Commodities & Essentials



3.67 3.12


3.20 3.26




As statistically defined, there is a significant difference between the level of perception based on awareness and the factors associated by weighted means (Table 9). Low perception levels of Food Supply & Agriculture from across the three demographic profiles were statistically affected by Latent Toxicity (3.38) Naturalism (3.67) which means that teachers still agreed to the use of natural or organic-based products made available to their household units and they perceived that plant organisms should grow accordingly by nature and not by manipulation, which may present risks to students if teachers might teach and encourage them to consume and promote genetically modified organisms (GMOs) on processed foods and harvested crops (Buiatti, Christou & Pastore, 2013).


Moderate perception levels of Pharmaceuticals & Supplementation and Household Commodities & Essentials from Gender, Subject Teaching and two age range from Age demographics were statistically affected by two factors, namely Latent toxicity (3.38) and Availability (3.26). It clearly indicates that some teachers under the age of 31-54 years old do not consider using pharmaceutical, manufactured, chemically synthesized products and neutraceuticals such as dietary supplements pre- and probiotic products, shampoo, disinfectants, cleaners, bath acids, sanitizers, shampoo, conditioner, soap, detergents or cosmetics because these might also contain preservatives and caustic chemicals harmful to consumers consuming it. Moreover, availability is evident because while urbanized areas are aware of synthetic drugs made available for treatment of common diseases or illnesss, household commodities or products for hygienic purposes, remote areas like schools in municipality, barangays or barrios are still far-fetched by supplies and distribution of the said products (Ironmonger, 2001). Consequently, factors such as high cost, doubt on efficiency and lack of information was statistically defined neutral and takes no stand among any biotechnological applications because a number of teachers want to remain neutral among these applications probably because certain applications like products with GMOs or manufactured ones are actually efficient for some due to modern demand and affordable price, they are and toxic to others due to chemical issues and adverse side effects. As for the lack of information, teachers have been naturally aware that most household commodities they use are manufactured and that these products had undergone numerous chemical processes (Soltzet al., 2003; Thompson et al.,



CONCLUSIONS Based on the findings of the study, though perception levels below the age of 55 present moderate awareness, their mean differences varied. Both the eldest and youngest age ranges were assessed significantly aware of the integration








Pharmaceuticals and Supplementation. Moreover, the results revealed that females were more aware and consider biotechnology as crucial part of their household units than how males perceived it to be. Subsequently, factors affecting such perception levels were determined accordingly. Results revealed that factors such as Latent toxicity and Naturalism statistically suggest as a contributing factor of such low perception levels of many teachers under the application of biotechnology to Food Supply and Agriculture. Others like Availability were also considered as a factor affecting moderate perception levels on the awareness of teachers to the application of biotechnology to medicine and health. In addition, there is a significant difference between the level of perception based on awareness and the factors associated by weighted means. There is direct indication that teachers or educators alike were moderately aware of the applications of science common to their household units and that contributing factors are still affecting this present day awareness and understanding to a number of biotechnological applications common to their household. Lastly, these educators of JRLMHS perceived that


Science is still on its way to ensure a safe and guaranteed technology to sustain a growing and proactive future for younger generations ahead. RECOMMENDATIONS In line

with the


findings and conclusions, the


recommendations were made:

1. Curriculum implementers shall give emphasis to applications of biotechnology, applied science or biology-related subjects to increase both educator and youth perception towards the pros and cons of science to daily living. 2. Teachers must be able to share or inform his/her students about the latest biotechnological applications if he/she has aa good and valid reason to let the students know what they consume or use. 3. The study used small population as sample size, the strata and respondents can be expanded to acquire a larger view of perception not just from teachers but to students as well. 4. Consider including another applications of science to household units under the field of applied physics.


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APPENDICES Appendix A. Quartile-based percentiles of each Number of items 

FOR 10 ITEMS (over-all Biotechnology applications)

𝑅𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝐻𝑖𝑔ℎ =

75 (10 + 1) = 0.75(11) = 8.25 100

𝑅𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝐿𝑜𝑤 =

25 (10 + 1) = 0.25(11) = 2.75 100

FOR 3 ITEMS (Food Supply and Agriculture & Pharmaceuticals and Supplementation)

𝑅𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝐻𝑖𝑔ℎ =

75 (3 + 1) = 0.75(4) = 3 100

𝑅𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝐿𝑜𝑤 =

25 (3 + 1) = 0.25(4) = 1 100

FOR 4 ITEMS (Household Commodities and Essentials)

𝑅𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝐻𝑖𝑔ℎ =

75 (4 + 1) = 0.75(5) = 3.75 100

𝑅𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝐿𝑜𝑤 =

25 (4 + 1) = 0.25(5) = 1. 100

Table 9. T-Test for Comparison of Perception levels and Factors associated T-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances Variable 1 Mean 3.715 Variance 0.01555 Observations 6 Hypothesized Mean Difference 0 Df 6 t Stat 3.464264831 P(T