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Performance Assessment of Computer Centre at Yobe State University Nigeria under Different Repair Policies Using Copula. V.V. Singh1 Jyoti Gulati2.
2015 International Conference on Energy, Environment and Chemical Engineering (ICEECE 2015) ISBN: 978-1-60595-257-4

Performance Assessment of Computer Centre at Yobe State University Nigeria under Different Repair Policies Using Copula V.V. Singh1 Jyoti Gulati2 1 Department

of Mathematics & Statistics, Yobe State University Yobe State, Nigeria


of Mathematics, Mewar University Chittorgarh Rajasthan, India. * V.V.Singh

Keywords: Reliability, Gumbel-Hougaard family copula, MTTF, Internet Data Centre, availability. Abstract. In this paper, we focus on the reliability and performance analysis of Computer Centre (CC) at Yobe State University, Damaturu, Nigeria. The CC consists of three servers: one database mail server, one redundant and one for sharing with the client computers in the CC (called as local server). Observing the different possibilities of functioning of the CC, analysis has been done to evaluate the various reliability characteristics of the system. The system can completely fail due to failure of router, redundant server before repairing the mail server, and switch failure. The system can also partially fail when local server fails. The system can also fail completely due to a cooling failure, electricity failure or some natural calamity like earthquake, fire etc. All the failure rates are assumed to be constant while repair follows two types of distributions: general and GumbelHougaard family copula. Introduction Reliability of a system plays an important role in operations of industry and organization. It involves effective methods to improve the reliability and availability of complex systems under different failure and repair policies. The system reliability has been extensively studied and used by various authors like, Govil [2], Gupta and Sharma [9] Cui and Lirong [6] and many others. They have discussed the reliability characteristics of complex systems by taking various failure and one repair policy. Considering the present scenario with the complexity of advance technology and modern demands of the networking system, it is necessary to study the computer centre that has become an essential requirement of usual life. Singh et al. [11] have studied the reliability characteristic for Internet data centre with a redundant server including a main mail sever. In continuation to the study of Internet data centre, Rawal et al.[5] have discussed the reliability of Internet Data Centre having one mail server and one redundant server especially for the use of Internet. In this paper the authors have put their attention toward many other factors which were not taken in account in the earlier study, but still they have left many necessary parameters. For example, the authors in this paper do not consider the connectivity and sharing (of files and data) with clients’ computers. The function of CC is to provide Internet to whole the University and provide labs (for all the computing related activities) to all the students of the University. The CC consists of three servers: one database (mail server), one redundant server and one for sharing (files and data) with the client computers in the CC (called as local server). The CC is having 100 computers, two routers and 5 switches. All systems are interconnected by local server. The CC has two types of failure: partial failure and complete failure. Whenever local server fails, all 100 computers become disconnected from the Internet but working for other types of use. However, all other systems which are directly connected to either mail server or redundant server are unaffected by this. Whenever the mail server fails, the redundant server comes into function automatically by a switch over device. The switch over device is instantaneous and automatic. The system can fail due to the following:

(i) Failure of redundant server before repair of main server (ii) Failure of local server (iii) Failure of switch (iv) Failure of router (v) Failure of cooling system (vi) Failure due to natural calamity like earthquake or fire etc. The system will be in complete failure mode if redundant server fails before repairing of main mail server. The system will be in degraded mode: (i) when the main mail server fails completely and redundant server is in the partial failure mode, (ii) local server fails. The authors in [1, 3, 4, and 9] have considered reliability and MTTF of a system, with different types of failures and one type of repair. However, there are many situations in real life systems where more than one repair is possible between two adjacent transition states. When this possibility exists, reliability of the system can be analyzed with the help of copula [10]. The authors [7, 8, 12, 13, and 14] have studied the reliability models with different types of failure and different types of repair employing Copula distribution. They have concluded that reliability of system improves by employing Copula. M. Ram [7] have discussed the reliability of a system with different failure and common cause failure under the preemptive resume policy using Gumbel-Hougaard family copula distribution. The authors [12, 14] discussed the reliability analysis of a system which has two subsystems under k-out-of-n: G; policy using Copula distribution. Waiting repair policy also play an important role in reliability theory, whenever the repair is being employed to a failed unit and mean time the other operating unit of system fails, then recently failed unit has to wait for getting repair until it is not a priority unit. The authors [8, 15] studied the reliability characteristics of repairable complex systems using Copula distribution. Therefore, in reference to the earlier models discussed, here we have considered Computer Centre in which we highlighted improvement of reliability due to two different repair facilities available between adjacent states, i.e. the initial state and complete failed states. All failure rates are assumed to be constant. The repair follows general and Gumbel-Hougaard family copula distribution. The paper is organized as follows: In §2, describes the notation and assumptions used in the paper. In §3 describes the state transition diagram of the model. The § 4 explains the mathematical formulation and solution of the model. Finally, we conclude in § 5. 2. Notations & Assumptions 2.1 Notations t

Time variable on time scale.


Laplace transform variable.

1 / 2 / C

Failure rates for Main mail server/ Redundant server/ local server. S / R / CL Failure rates for switch/ Router/ Natural calamity like earthquake Tsunami suddenly getting fire etc. 1(x)/ 2(x)/ General repair rates for Main mail server/ Redundant server/ local server/ repair rate C (x)/ µ0(x) for complete failed states. Pi(t) The probability that the system is in Si state at instant’s’ for i =0 to 9. P( s) Laplace transformation of P (t). The probability that a system is in state So for j=1 to 8; the system is running under Pj (x, t) repair and elapsed repair time is x, t. Ep(t) Expected profit during the interval [0, t). K1, K2 Revenue and service cost per unit time respectively. The expression of joint probability (failed state Si to good state S0) according to µ0(x)= C(u1(x),u2( Gumbel-Hougaard family copula is given as C (u ( x), u ( x))  exp[ x  {log  ( x)} ]  , where, u1 x)) = (x), and u2 = ex, where  is a parameter. 1/



2.2 Assumptions The following assumptions are taken throughout the discussion of the model: I. Initially, the system is in S0 state where all servers are in good condition. II. When the main mail server fails, the redundant server starts working and repair is employed to the failed server. III. When the local server fails, the client computers in CC are disconnected from local server and waits for repair. However, there is no effect on other systems which are connected directly from the main or redundant server. This needs fast repairing, i.e. Copula distribution is employed to repair. IV. The system waits for repair, if repair facility is not available; as soon as the repair facility is available, the repairing is employed to the failed unit. V. All failure rates are assumed to be constant. VI. Switch failure, router failure, cooling failure and failure due to natural calamity needs fast repairing, i.e. Copula distribution is employed to repair (Gumbel-Hougaard family Copula). VII. Repaired system works like a new and the repair does not damage anything. 3. Mathematical Model Description 3.1. State Description for Mathematical Model

3.2. Formulation and Solution of Mathematical Model Mathematical Formulation of Model By the probability of considerations and continuity of arguments, we can obtain the set of difference differential equations governing the present mathematical model as; 

   t  1  S   R  2  C  P0 (t )   1 ( x) P1 ( x, t )dx    2 ( x) P2 ( x, t )dx   C ( x) PC ( x, t )dx  0 0 0 

  0 ( x) P7 ( x, t )dx    0 ( x) P4 ( x, t )dx    0 ( x) P8 ( x, t )dx 0





   0 ( x) P5 ( x, t )dx    0 ( x) P6 ( x, t )dx

    t  x  2  CL  S   R  1 ( x) P1 ( x, t )  0



    t  x   R   S   CL  1   2 ( x) P2 ( x, t )  0   …(3)     t  x  1  2   S  CL   R  C ( x) PC ( x, t )  0


    t  x   0 ( x) P4 ( x, t )  0


    t  x   0 ( x) P5 ( x, t )  0


    t  x   0 ( x) P6 ( x, t )  0


    t  x   0 ( x) P7 ( x, t )  0


    t  x   0 ( x) P8 ( x, t )  0


Boundary conditions P1 (0, t )  1 ( P0 (t )  PC (0, t )) ...(10) PC (0, t )  C P0 (t ) ..(12) P5 (0, t )  1P2 (0, t ) ...(14)

P2 (0, t )  2 ( P0 (t )  PC (0, t ))

P4 (0, t )  2 P1 (0, t ) P6 (0, t )  S ( P0 (t )  P1 (0, t )  PC (0, t )  P2 (0, t ))

P7 (0, t )  R ( P0 (t )  P1 (0, t )  PC (0, t )  P2 (0, t ))

...(11) ...(13) ...(15) ...(16)

P8 (0, t )  CL ( P0 (t )  P1 (0, t )  PC (0, t )  P2 (0, t ))


B. Solution of the model Taking Laplace transformation of equations (1)-(19) and using equation with help of initial condition, P0(t)=1 and other state probabilities are zero at t, one can obtain Laplace transform of state transition probabilities. The sum of Laplace transform of state transition probabilities where the system is in operational mode may be given as: Pup ( s )  P0 ( s )  P1 ( s )  P2 ( s )  PC ( s )

...(18) Pdown (s)  1  Pup (s) ...(19) C. Particular Cases Availability Analysis: For particular cases the study of availability is focus on following cases, When repair follows exponential distribution, setting S 0 ( s ) 

exp[ x  {log  ( x )} ]1 /  s  exp[ x  {log  ( x )} ]1 / 

S ( s) 


s  , taking the values of different parameters as λ1=0.05, λ2 = 0.03, λC = 0.04, λS = 0.045, λR = 0.12, λCL = 0.01, Ø , θ = 1, x = 1, in (18), then taking the inverse Laplace transform, one can obtain, Availability= - 0.031027e (-1.47000 t) - 0.00461e (-1.06200t) + 0.00580 e (-2.7339 t) +0.03705 e (-1.172639t) - 0.001129 e (-1.10096 t) -0.010098 e (-1.074933 t) +1.00400 e (-0.08812t) …(20 a) (-1.0700t) (-2.73530 t) (-1.16938 t) Availability= 0 .00.3318 e +0.006305 e +0.012187 e - 0.020156 e (1.090609t) +0.99835 e (-0 . 043207 t) …(20 b) For, t= 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, …….; units of time, one may get different values of Availability with the help of (20 a), (20 b)& as shown in Table and in attached Figure.

Availability A1 1.000 0.919 0.842 0.771 0.706 0.646 0.592 0.542 0.496 0.454 0.416

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

A1 A2

A2 1.000 0.955 0.915 0.877 0.840 0.804 0.770 0.738 0.707 0.677 0.648









0.4 0







Table and Fig 2. For variation of Availability with time (t) 4. Mean Time to Failure (MTTF) Taking all repairs zero and the limit as s tends to zero in (18) for the exponential distribution; one can obtain the MTTF as: MTTF 

  1 (1  C ) 2 (1  C ) C 1   1   (1  S  R  2  C  CL )  (S  R  2  CL ) (1  S  R  CL ) (1  S  R  2  CL ) 


Setting λ1=0.05, λ2=0.03, λC=0.015, λS=0.045, λR=0.012, λCL=0.010 and varying λ1, λ2, λC, λS, λR, λCL, one by one respectively as 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9 in (22), one may obtain the variation of M.T.T.F. with respect to failure rates as shown in Fig.4 Failure Rate








































































 




























Failure Rate

MTTF as function of Failure rate Fig. 5: MTTF as function of Failure rate Table and respective Fig 3 for variation of MTTF with Failure rates 5. Cost Analysis Let the service facility be always available, then expected profit during the interval [0, t) is; t

E p (t )  K1  Pup (t )dt  K 2t



For the same set of parameter of (47), one can obtain (52).Therefore; EP(t)= K1 ( 0.02111 e (-1.4700 t) +0.0043372 e(-1.0620 t) - 0.00212151 e (-2.73392 t) -0.031597 e (-1.172639 t) + 0.001026 e (-1.10096 t) + 0.00939e (-1.07493 t) - 11.393674 e(-.0.0881199 t) +11.392) K2t ... (24 A*) E P(t)=K1(0.002449487760e(-1.0620t)+ 0.002244366578e(-2.7351t)0.01043094952e(-1.167348t) (-0.01072t) +0.01494738019e (-1.09035t) - 93.30805491e + 93.3033)- K2*t …(24 B*)

Setting K1= 1and K2= 0.75, 0.50, 0.25, and 0.05 respectively and varying t =0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 units of time, the results for expected profit can be obtain as shown in Fig.4. 6.0





8 5.0




3.5 3.0


2.5 2.0





Expected Profit c=0

Expected Profit







4 3 2



0.5 0.0

0 0













Time (t)

Fig 4. Expected profit as function of time 6. Interpretation of results and Conclusion Fig.2 provides information how the availability of the complex repairable system changes with respect to the time when failure rates are fixed at different values. When failure rates are fixed at lower values λ1 = 0.05, λ2 = 0.03, λc = 0.045, λs = 0.040, λR = 0.012, λCL = 0.01 availability of the system decreases and ultimately becomes steady to the value zero after a sufficient long interval of time. Hence, one can safely predict the future behavior of a complex system at any time for any given set of parametric values, as is evident by the graphical consideration of the model. Availability of system for which human failure is ignored is decreases up to time t=60, but it again start increasing again. Fig. 3, yields the mean-time-to-failure (M.T.T.F.) of the system with respect to variation in λ1, λ2, λc, λs, and λR and λCL respectively when the other parameters have been taken as constant. When revenue cost per unit time K1 is fixed at 1, service costs K2 = 0.50, 0.40, 0.30, 0.20, 0.10, profit has been calculated and results are demonstrated by graphs in Fig.4. A critical examination from Fig.4 reveals that expected profit increases with respect to the time when the service cost K2=0.10. Finally, one can observe that as service cost increase, profit decrease. In general, for low service cost, the expected profit is high in comparison to high service cost. References [1] A. Ghasemi, S. Yacout, M.-S. Ouali (2010), Evaluating the Reliability Function and the Mean Residual Life for Equipment with Unobservable States, IEEE, Transitions on Reliability. Vol. 59(1), (2010) 45-54. [2] A. K. Govil, Operational behaviour of a complex system having shelf-life of the components under preemptive-resume repair discipline, Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 13, (1974) 97-101. [3] Alistair G, Sutcliffe, Automating Scenario Analysis of Human and System Reliability, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and Humans, Vol.37 (2), (2007) 249-261. [4] Chiwa Musa Dalah, V.V. Singh, Study of Reliability Measures of a Two Unit Standby System Under the Concept of Switch Failure Using Copula Distribution, American Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics Vol. 4(4), (2014) 118-129. [5] D. R. Cox, The analysis of non-Markov stochastic processes by the inclusion of supplementary variables, Proc. Comb. Phil. Soc. (Math. Phys. Sci.), Vol. 51, (1995) 433-44. [6] D. K. Rawal, M. Ram, V.V. Singh, Modeling and availability analysis of internet data center with various maintenance policies, IJE Transactions A: Basics Vol. 27(4), (2014) 599-608.

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