Performance Audit, LA Legislative Auditor

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May 6, 2015 - Department of Natural Resources, Office of Coastal Restoration and Management ...... Corrections, Probatio







Under the provisions of state law, this report is a public document. A copy of this report has been submitted to the Governor, to the Attorney General, and to other public officials as required by state law. A copy of this report is available for public inspection at the Baton Rouge office of the Louisiana Legislative Auditor.

This document is produced by the Louisiana Legislative Auditor, State of Louisiana, Post Office Box 94397, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70804-9397 in accordance with Louisiana Revised Statute 24:513. Ten copies of this public document were produced at an approximate cost of $15.00. This material was produced in accordance with the standards for state agencies established pursuant to R.S. 43:31. This report is available on the Legislative Auditor’s website at When contacting the office, you may refer to Agency ID No. 9726 or Report ID No. 40140007 for additional information. In compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance relative to this document, or any documents of the Legislative Auditor, please contact Elizabeth Coxe, Chief Administrative Officer, at 225-339-3800.


May 6, 2015

The Honorable John A. Alario, Jr., President of the Senate The Honorable Charles E. “Chuck” Kleckley, Speaker of the House of Representatives Dear Senator Alario and Representative Kleckley: This report provides information on the approval and tracking of contracts in state government. In addition, we determined the number and dollar amount of state contracts as of November 2014. Appendix A contains the Office of Contractual Review’s (OCR) response. I hope this report will benefit you in your legislative decision-making process. We would like to express our appreciation to the management and staff of OCR for their assistance during this review. Sincerely,

Daryl G. Purpera, CPA, CFE Legislative Auditor DGP/aa CONTRACTS 2015

1600 NORTH THIRD STREET • POST OFFICE BOX 94397 • BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA 70804-9397 WWW.LLA.LA.GOV • PHONE: 225-339-3800 • FAX: 225-339-3870

Louisiana Legislative Auditor Daryl G. Purpera, CPA, CFE Approval and Tracking of Contracts in State Government Office of Contractual Review May 2015

Audit Control # 40140007

Introduction Louisiana Revised Statute (R.S.) 39:1490 charges the Office of Contractual Review (OCR) within the Division of Administration with adopting rules and regulations for the procurement, management, control, and disposition of all professional, personal, consulting, and social services contracts entered into by state agencies. OCR uses the Contract Financial Management System (CFMS) to track and monitor contract information, such as the contracting state agency, type of contract, contract beginning and end dates, and total contract amount. On January 1, 2015, OCR merged with the Office of State Purchasing and is now referred to as the Office of State Procurement. Accordingly, the statutes governing OCR were repealed effective January 1, 2015, and replaced with more current legislation. Since the contract data presented in this report is as of November 1, 2014, the statutes cited throughout this report reflect the laws in effect at that time. As of November 2014, Louisiana had at least 14,693 contracts totaling approximately $21.3 billion in CFMS. 1 Exhibit 1 summarizes the top 10 entities with the largest contract amounts. Exhibit 1 Top 10 Executive Branch Entities by Total Contract Amount in CFMS as of November 1, 2014 Number of Entity Contracts 1. Division of Administration - Facility Planning and Control 3,769 2. Division of Administration, Office of Community Development 2,161 3. Department of Health and Hospitals - Medical Vendor Administration 62 4. Division of Administration, Office of Group Benefits 24 5. Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness 18 6. Department of Economic Development, Office of the Secretary 175 7. Office of Coastal Protection and Restoration 173 8. Department of Natural Resources, Office of Coastal Restoration and Management 107 9. Division of Administration - Debt Service and Maintenance 4 10. Adult Community-Based Rehabilitation Program 42 Source: Prepared by legislative auditor’s staff using CFMS data as of November 1, 2014.

Amount of Contracts $3,550,632,906 $3,040,029,063 $1,660,939,639 $1,529,636,069 $955,153,554 $757,927,484 $680,244,053 $679,629,086 $677,907,973 $644,032,572

Because of the high number and dollar amount of contracts, the purpose of this review was to provide information on how Louisiana approves and tracks state contracts. Appendix B contains our scope and methodology. 1

The total number and dollar amount of existing state contracts could be much higher. See page 6 for further discussion.


Approval and Tracking of Contracts in State Government

Informational Report

Objective: To determine how Louisiana approves and tracks state contracts. We found that Louisiana law does not require that all contract types be approved by a centralized entity. According to state law and the CFMS User Guide, OCR is only required to approve seven of 20 contract types. The remaining 13 contract types represented 55% of all contracts and totaled approximately $6.2 billion as of November 2014. In addition, state law allows OCR to delegate the approval of professional, personal, consulting, and social services contracts under $20,000 and certain routine contracts (called “special delegation”) to state agencies. In fiscal year 2014, 72 agencies had delegated authority to approve 4,599 contracts totaling $278.6 million. We also found that nothing in state law requires that all entities include contract information in CFMS. In addition, OCR requires but has not developed a process to ensure that contracts approved under delegated authority are entered into CFMS. As a result, it is difficult to determine the true number and dollar amount of state contracts. These issues are summarized in more detail below.

Louisiana law does not require that a centralized entity approve all types of state contracts. OCR is only required to approve seven of 20 contract types. The remaining 13 contract types represented 8,068, or 55%, of all contracts, and totaled approximately $6.2 billion, or 29% of total contract amounts, as of November 2014. State law (R.S. 39:1490) requires that OCR adopt rules and regulations for the procurement, management, control, and disposition of all professional, personal, consulting, and social services contracts required by state agencies. According to OCR, it reviews these types of contracts for appropriateness of contract terms and language, signature authorities, evidence of funding and compliance with applicable laws, regulations, executive orders, and policies. OCR also reviews agencies’ procurement processes against competitive solicitation requirements of law. The contracting entity is responsible for justifying the need for the contract and conducting a cost-benefit analysis if required. However, state law does not require that a centralized entity approve all state contracts. According to the CFMS User Guide, OCR is only required to approve seven of the 20 possible contract types in CFMS. The remaining 13 types accounted for 8,068 contracts totaling approximately $6.2 billion as of November 2014. Exhibit 2 lists the 20 types of contracts in CFMS and whether or not OCR is required to approve each type, including the total number and dollar amount of these contracts. Appendix C contains a list of state agencies and the type and dollar amount of contracts per agency and Appendix D contains the total number and dollar amount of contracts by agency and office.


Approval and Tracking of Contracts in State Government

Informational Report

Exhibit 2 CFMS Contract Types Approved and Not Approved by OCR as of November 1, 2014 OCR Approval?

Number of Contracts

Percent of Total Contracts

Other Contract






Building Rentals and Leases






Capital Outlay Construction
















Facility Planning and Control Professional Contract






Major Repair Construction






Major Repair Design






Miscellaneous Contract





















1,215 8,068

8.27% 54.91%

523,678,412 $6,194,283,484

2.45% 29.01%

CFMS Contract Type

Facility Planning and Control Consulting Contract Facility Planning and Control Cooperative Endeavor Agreement

Owner/Contractor Non-Bid < $5,000 Owner/Contractor Non-Bid > $5,000 Owner/Contractor Bid

Owner/Designer Selection Board No Total No OCR Approval Required

Contract Amount

Percent of Total Amount

Agency Contract






Consulting Contract






Cooperative Agreement






Governmental Contract






Personal Contract






Professional Contract






Social Services Contract Yes 887 6.04% 1,534,128,553 Total OCR Approval 6,625 45.09% $15,155,198,512 Grand Total 14,693 100.00% $21,349,481,996 Source: Prepared by legislative auditor’s staff using the CFMS Application Guide.

7.19% 70.99% 100.00%

According to OCR, it is not required to approve all contract types because some, such as those related to facility planning, capital outlay, and buildings and leases, are governed by Title 38 (“Public Contracts, Works, and Improvements”) of Louisiana’s Revised Statutes. In addition, the “other” and “miscellaneous” contract types, which are among the highest number of contracts, do not require OCR approval and are not governed by Title 38. Specifically, the “miscellaneous” contract type includes memorandums of understanding and other agreements,


Approval and Tracking of Contracts in State Government

Informational Report

such as family subsidy agreements for adoptions. The “other” category is used by agencies to enter contracts approved under special delegated authority, which is discussed in the next section.

OCR delegates approval authority for certain contracts to state agencies. In fiscal year 2014, a total of 72 agencies approved 4,599 contracts totaling approximately $278.6 million. According to R.S. 39:1488, the director of OCR may delegate authority to executive branch agencies for the approval of professional, personal, consulting, and social services contracts under $20,000 and may grant special delegated authority to any state agency for routine contracts as the director deems appropriate for any amount. According to OCR, delegating its approval authority helps make the approval process for agencies more timely, as smaller value contracts can be handled in-house by the agencies. OCR can rescind an agency’s delegated authority if it does not comply with procurement laws and regulations. According to OCR, the only entities that have had their authority rescinded in the past ten years were the Department of Education and the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education on July 2, 2014. In fiscal year 2014, 68 entities with delegated approval authority for contracts under $20,000 reported that they approved 3,287 contracts for a total of approximately $31.1 million. Exhibit 3 shows the top 10 entities with the highest dollar amount of contracts approved under delegated authority ($20,000 or less) in fiscal year 2014. As shown in the exhibit, the Office of Risk Management has 623 contracts totaling approximately $9.6 million. These contracts are for legal services and expert witnesses for programs such as Workers’ Compensation. Appendix E contains similar information for all contracts that were approved under delegated authority of $20,000 or less in fiscal year 2014. Exhibit 3 Top 10 Entities with Delegated Authority for Contracts ≤ $20,000 Fiscal Year 2014

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Entity Office of Risk Management Louisiana State University (LSU) - Baton Rouge Division of Administration - Patient’s Compensation Fund LSU Medical Center/Health Sciences Center - New Orleans Department of Public Safety Department of Health and Hospitals Department of Corrections Department of Children and Family Services University of Louisiana - Monroe Northwestern State University

Number of Contracts 623 486 102 137 101 153 64 66 82 89

Source: Prepared by legislative auditor’s staff using information provided by OCR.


Total Value of Contracts $9,552,965 $3,285,624 $2,002,000 $1,268,621 $875,972 $731,481 $720,081 $708,717 $556,018 $538,290

Approval and Tracking of Contracts in State Government

Informational Report

OCR can also grant “special” delegated authority to agencies approving certain routine contracts for any amount. According to OCR’s fiscal year 2014 Annual Report, 18 2 entities with special delegated authority approved 1,312 contracts for a total of approximately $247.5 million. According to OCR, it grants this special delegation to entities that enter into routine contracts that are similar in nature and thus have minimal risk for error. Examples include contracts for medical consultants for disability determinations at the Department of Children and Family Services and cooperative endeavor agreements with federal, state, and local entities for coastal restoration projects. Exhibit 4 shows the top 10 agencies with the highest contract amounts approved under special delegated authority. Appendix F contains a list of all agencies with special delegated contracts and the number and dollar amount of these contracts in fiscal year 2014.

Exhibit 4 Top 10 Entities with Special Delegated Authority Fiscal Year 2014 Number of Total Value of Entity Contracts Contracts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Department of Children and Family Services Office of the Governor - Coastal Activities Louisiana Workforce Commission Community Development Block Grant Program Department of Treasury Louisiana State University (LSU) Department of Economic Development Department of Natural Resources LSU Medical Center/Health Sciences Center New Orleans 10. Southern University

87 25 242 426 89 196 71 16

$59,837,078 $47,650,276 $43,143,326 $38,409,036 30,568,051 $9,963,313 $8,418,741 $4,125,392

68 22

$2,062,273 $830,924

Source: Prepared by legislative auditor’s staff using information provided by OCR.

In January 2015, the statute that provided for OCR’s delegation of authority of $20,000 or less was repealed. According to OCR, the limit for this delegated authority is now $2,000 for agencies whose procurement functions have been centralized as a result of the consolidated statewide procurement function, although provisions for special delegated authority of any amount remain in place.


Four of these agencies also have delegated authority for contracts under $20,000.


Approval and Tracking of Contracts in State Government

Informational Report

Nothing in state law requires that all entities with state contracts enter contract information in CFMS. In addition, OCR requires but has not developed a process to ensure that contracts approved under delegated authority are entered into CFMS. As of November 2014, Louisiana had at least 14,693 active contracts totaling approximately $21.3 billion in CFMS. However, CFMS, which is used by OCR to track and monitor Executive Branch agency contract information, does not contain every state contract. Although CFMS, which is a part of the Integrated Statewide Information System (ISIS), tracks most contracts, primarily Executive Branch agencies use this system. For example, Louisiana State University obtained its own procurement tracking system within the last year, and most state regulatory boards and commissions do not use CFMS. 3 As a result, there is no centralized database where legislators and other stakeholders can easily determine the actual number and dollar amount of all state contracts. Therefore, the total number and dollar amount of existing state contracts as of November 2014 could be much higher. According to OCR, the state began the process of centralizing its procurement function on July 1, 2014, through the transition of Executive Branch agencies that use CFMS to LaGov, the state’s new Enterprise Resource Planning system. During this transition, OCR enters contract information into CFMS for the contracts it approves for the five state agencies that have already started using LaGov. As of November 1, 2014, the Department of Transportation and Development, Department of Environmental Quality, Department of Natural Resources, Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, and the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority have transitioned into the LaGov system. According to OCR, it is working on a plan that will allow for the migration of CFMS to LaGov on July 1, 2015. However, LaGov will still not include all state contracts entered into by higher education institutions and some boards and commissions. In addition, as mentioned previously, OCR may delegate contract approval authority to state agencies for certain contracts. OCR requires that these agencies report the total number and dollar amount of active contracts under delegated authority to them on a quarterly basis. 4 However, while OCR requires that agencies also enter these contracts into CFMS, it does not have a process to ensure this is done. According to OCR, it does not have sufficient funds to engage compliance personnel to ensure all delegated authority contracts are reported in CFMS. Instead, OCR stated that it must rely on state agencies to comply with this requirement.


According to OCR, there are some exceptions, such as those boards and commissions that write their contracts through the Department of Health and Hospitals, and are therefore in CFMS. 4 Likewise, OCR states that it will require that agencies enter delegated authority contracts into LaGov as they transition from CFMS.






We produced this informational report under the provisions of Title 24 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended. Our review focused on the tracking of contracts in state government and included all contracts in the Contract Financial Management System (CFMS) as of November 1, 2014. To gather information to address our objective, we performed the following steps: 

Obtained CFMS active contract data as of November 1, 2014.

Used ACL and Microsoft Excel to analyze the CFMS data by department and contract type.

Interviewed key OCR personnel to obtain a current overview of CFMS and the contracts it contains.

Requested fiscal year 2014 information regarding those contracts executed under delegated authority from OCR.




Agriculture and Forestry, Department of

Ancillary Funds

Capital Outlay

Children and Family Services, Department of (DCFS)



Dollar Amount


Agency Contract Consulting Contract Cooperative Agreement Governmental Contract Personal Contract Professional Contracts Total Agency Contract Building Rentals and Leases Consulting Contract Cooperative Agreement Governmental Contract Miscellaneous Contract Owner/Designer Sel Board Personal Contract Professional Contracts Total FP&C Cooperative Endeavor Agreement FP&C Consulting Contracts Consulting Contract Cooperative Agreement Miscellaneous Contract Major Repair Construction Major Repair Design Owner/Contractor Bid Owner/Contractor Non-Bid >5000 Owner/Contractor Non-Bid < 5000 Owner/Designer Sel Board Personal Contract FP&C Professional Contracts Professional Contracts Total Agency Contract Building Rentals and Leases Consulting Contract Cooperative Agreement Governmental Contract Miscellaneous Contract Personal Contract Professional Contracts Social Services Contracts Total

13 6 5 1 1 5 31 4 1 40 8 1 1 1 870 1,335 2,261

$577,875 1,209,500 69,500 29,165 5,000 630,000 $2,521,040 $18,830,122 1,278,656 567,785,103 15,537,832 25,000 1,400,000 64,089 17,349,615 1,151,488,635 $1,773,759,052

22.92% 47.98% 2.76% 1.16% 0.20% 24.99% 100.00% 1.06% 0.07% 32.01% 0.88% 0.00% 0.08% 0.00% 0.98% 64.92% 100.00%

1,614 1 8 12 3 1 2 99 22 11 1,211 5 635 53 3,677 10 91 93 1 43 213 1 4 186 642

$1,894,956,086 615,265 17,471,291 30,295,000 2,116,835 206,000 21,919 1,037,295,286 3,034,219 146,787 522,719,651 619,253 27,387,106 6,261,490 $3,543,146,189 $12,957,642 109,501,831 64,255,569 1,737,698 66,309,515 154,698,642 494,999 393,135 100,499,162 $510,848,193

53.48% 0.02% 0.49% 0.86% 0.06% 0.01% 0.00% 29.28% 0.09% 0.00% 14.75% 0.02% 0.77% 0.18% 100.00% 2.54% 21.44% 12.58% 0.34% 12.98% 30.28% 0.10% 0.08% 19.67% 100.00%


Approval and Tracking of Contracts in State Government

Department Civil Service, Department of

Corrections, Department of

Culture, Recreation and Tourism, Department of (DCRT)

Economic Development, Department of (DED)

Education, Department of (DOE)

Elected Officials Environmental Quality, Department of (DEQ)


Appendix C


Agency Contract Consulting Contract Personal Contract Professional Contracts Total Agency Contract Building Rentals and Leases Consulting Contract Cooperative Agreement Governmental Contract Miscellaneous Contract Major Repair Construction Personal Contract Professional Contracts Social Services Contracts Total Agency Contract Consulting Contract Cooperative Agreement Governmental Contract Major Repair Construction Personal Contract Professional Contracts Total Agency Contract Building Rentals and Leases Consulting Contract Cooperative Agreement Miscellaneous Contract Other Type Contract Personal Contract Professional Contracts Social Services Contracts Total Agency Contract Consulting Contract Cooperative Agreement Governmental Contract Miscellaneous Contract Other Type Contract Personal Contract Professional Contracts Social Services Contracts Total

3 5 2 3 13 16 20 47 4 2 4 1 29 45 6 174 2 15 44 1 2 8 5 77 3 1 20 108 11 124 4 27 4 302 8 93 3 19 1 147 8 7 64 350

Dollar Amount


$540,123 61,000 25,000 240,050 $866,173 $3,775,827 20,145,571 31,640,799 70,894,419 647,000 354,066,148 61,050 1,128,994 7,116,344 139,023 $489,615,175 $123,032 9,534,635 8,485,362 15,000 98,225 618,799 255,619 $19,130,672 $1,435,000 1,587,663 8,752,495 1,222,020,675 96,270,000 43,874,317 1,339,999 2,981,150 860,000 $1,379,121,298 $5,908,908 158,921,357 1,275,000 19,725,600 0 358,860,010 203,590 2,906,110 45,393,748 $593,194,322

62.36% 7.04% 2.89% 27.71% 100.00% 0.77% 4.11% 6.46% 14.48% 0.13% 72.32% 0.01% 0.23% 1.45% 0.03% 100.00% 0.64% 49.84% 44.35% 0.08% 0.51% 3.23% 1.34% 100.00% 0.10% 0.12% 0.63% 88.61% 6.98% 3.18% 0.10% 0.22% 0.06% 100.00% 1.00% 26.79% 0.21% 3.33% 0.00% 60.50% 0.03% 0.49% 7.65% 100.00%

Agency Contract




Consulting Contract Total Agency Contract Consulting Contract

10 13 6 22

1,646,343 $4,428,513 $615,964 10,546,852

37.18% 100.00% 3.45% 59.11%


Approval and Tracking of Contracts in State Government

Department Environmental Quality, Department of (DEQ) (Cont.)

Executive Department

Health and Hospitals, Department of (DHH)

Higher Education

Insurance, Department of

Appendix C



Cooperative Agreement Miscellaneous Contract Other Type Contract Professional Contracts Total Agency Contract Building Rentals and Leases Capital Outlay Construction Consulting Contract Cooperative Agreement Governmental Contract Miscellaneous Contract Owner/Contractor Bid Owner/Contractor Non-Bid >5000 Owner/Contractor Non-Bid < 5000 Owner/Designer Sel Board Other Type Contract Personal Contract FP&C Professional Contracts Professional Contracts Social Services Contracts Total Agency Contract Building Rentals and Leases Consulting Contract Cooperative Agreement Governmental Contract Miscellaneous Contract Major Repair Construction Personal Contract Professional Contracts Social Services Contracts Total Agency Contract Consulting Contract Cooperative Agreement Governmental Contract Major Repair Construction Major Repair Design Owner/Contractor Bid Other Type Contract Personal Contract Professional Contracts Social Services Contracts Total Agency Contract Consulting Contract Cooperative Agreement Professional Contracts Social Services Contracts Total

15 1 5 4 53 41 14 11 112 323 6 48 21 32 1 2 1,824 4 4 169 178 2,790 65 108 164 60 16 1,200 1 33 293 278 2,218 28 122 48 20 10 21 1 8 19 170 70 517 2 20 1 34 9 66


Dollar Amount


$4,348,306 699,000 1,423,300 208,500 $17,841,922 $176,923,961 4,260,363 14,754,484 360,809,544 4,166,832,491 1,650,501 220,855,152 137,540,038 26,586,578 4,755,280 135,549 117,533,197 1,564,690 159,853 149,137,004 45,912,887 $5,429,411,571 $70,212,219 70,543,296 1,141,329,225 31,519,342 8,987,780 63,344,655 63,655 1,078,974 90,099,099 1,272,716,284 $2,749,894,529 $9,748,789 160,030,825 1,130,534,582 3,647,400 1,996,260 146,435 208,000 320,371 2,943,629 41,213,579 7,218,686 $1,358,008,555 $40,000 3,408,154 400,000 2,485,000 101,555 $6,434,709

24.37% 3.92% 7.98% 1.17% 100.00% 3.26% 0.08% 0.27% 6.65% 76.75% 0.03% 4.07% 2.53% 0.49% 0.09% 0.00% 2.16% 0.03% 0.00% 2.75% 0.85% 100.00% 2.55% 2.57% 41.50% 1.15% 0.33% 2.30% 0.00% 0.04% 3.28% 46.28% 100.00% 0.72% 11.78% 83.25% 0.27% 0.15% 0.01% 0.02% 0.02% 0.22% 3.03% 0.53% 100.00% 0.62% 52.97% 6.22% 38.62% 1.58% 100.00%

Approval and Tracking of Contracts in State Government


Justice, Department of

Lieutenant Governor

Louisiana Workforce Commission

LSU Medical Center/Health Sciences Center (LSUMCHSC)

Miscellaneous Non-State

Natural Resources, Department of (DNR)

Non-Appropriated Requirements

Other Requirements


Appendix C


Consulting Contract Cooperative Agreement Miscellaneous Contract Personal Contract Professional Contracts Social Services Contracts Total Building Rentals and Leases Consulting Contract Total Agency Contract Building Rentals and Leases Consulting Contract Governmental Contract Miscellaneous Contract Other Type Contract Personal Contract Professional Contracts Social Services Contracts Total Building Rentals and Leases Consulting Contract Governmental Contract Miscellaneous Contract Personal Contract Professional Contracts Social Services Contracts Total Professional Contracts Total Agency Contract Consulting Contract Cooperative Agreement Miscellaneous Contract Owner/Designer Sel Board Other Type Contract Personal Contract Professional Contracts Total Consulting Contract Cooperative Agreement Personal Contract Professional Contracts Total Agency Contract Consulting Contract Cooperative Agreement Governmental Contract Miscellaneous Contract Other Type Contract Social Services Contracts


1 1 1 16 68 2 89 1 1 2 7 41 20 13 10 244 20 11 24 390 1 19 2 1 3 61 3 90 3 3 10 12 55 3 1 50 2 8 141 2 2 1 10 15 4 1 56 7 14 1 3

Dollar Amount


$44,100 637,000 1,730 418,757 21,976,023 120,000 $23,197,610 $538,045 53,000 $591,045 $2,428,048 13,994,656 8,097,845 3,939,381 625,168 102,280,387 818,480 648,700 10,160,677 $142,993,342 $18,000 11,254,520 1,033,620 0 156,450 54,468,382 1,609,986 $68,540,958 $275,000 $275,000 $1,550,852 644,393 129,941,448 519,975 759,123 552,097,172 130,000 844,414 $686,487,378 $53,500 5,890,000 45,000 1,510,140 $7,498,640 $10,700,000 30,000 1,722,326,254 1,254,500 175,545,000 250,000 4,320,300

0.19% 2.75% 0.01% 1.81% 94.73% 0.52% 100.00% 91.03% 8.97% 100.00% 1.70% 9.79% 5.66% 2.75% 0.44% 71.53% 0.57% 0.45% 7.11% 100.00% 0.03% 16.42% 1.51% 0.00% 0.23% 79.47% 2.35% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.23% 0.09% 18.93% 0.08% 0.11% 80.42% 0.02% 0.12% 100.00% 0.71% 78.55% 0.60% 20.14% 100.00% 0.56% 0.00% 89.97% 0.07% 9.17% 0.01% 0.23%

Approval and Tracking of Contracts in State Government

Department Other Requirements (Cont.)

Public Safety, Department of

Public Service Commission

Revenue, Department of

Special Schools and Commissions

State, Department of

Transportation and Development, Department of

Treasury, Department of

Veteran Affairs, Department of

Wildlife and Fisheries, Department of (WLF)


Appendix C


Total Agency Contract Building Rentals and Leases Consulting Contract Cooperative Agreement Governmental Contract Miscellaneous Contract Other Type Contract Personal Contract Professional Contracts Social Services Contracts Total Consulting Contract Cooperative Agreement Total Building Rentals and Leases Consulting Contract Cooperative Agreement Professional Contracts Total Consulting Contract Personal Contract Professional Contracts Social Services Contracts Total Consulting Contract Professional Contracts Total Agency Contract Consulting Contract Cooperative Agreement Governmental Contract Personal Contract Professional Contracts Total Consulting Contract Cooperative Agreement Professional Contracts Total Consulting Contract Personal Contract Professional Contracts Total Agency Contract Building Rentals and Leases FP&C Cooperative Endeavor Agreement FP&C Consulting Contracts Consulting Contract Cooperative Agreement Governmental Contract


Dollar Amount


86 5 19 12 4 2 8 99 2 20 6 177 1 1 2 7 23 4 11 45 4 16 14 2 36 10 3 13 11 33 54 2 5 29 134 4 1 2 7 19 1 10 30 40 4

$1,914,426,054 $23,245,950 12,238,079 8,370,776 451,351 910,175 2,067,603 7,050,059 95,000 22,318,331 967,862 $77,715,186 $15,000 16,918 $31,918 $15,331,222 28,277,502 49,995 419,890 $44,078,609 $2,426,995 196,000 285,630 41,000 $2,949,625 $12,317,460 775,000 $13,092,460 $15,859,322 16,821,788 313,928,405 890,250 1,395,000 8,830,592 $357,725,357 $13,190,000 1,200,000 60,000 $14,450,000 $3,313,072 7,200 219,800 $3,540,072 $10,567,920 1,053,683

100.00% 29.91% 15.75% 10.77% 0.58% 1.17% 2.66% 9.07% 0.12% 28.72% 1.25% 100.00% 47.00% 53.00% 100.00% 34.78% 64.15% 0.11% 0.95% 100.00% 82.28% 6.64% 9.68% 1.39% 100.00% 94.08% 5.92% 100.00% 4.43% 4.70% 87.76% 0.25% 0.39% 2.47% 100.00% 91.28% 8.30% 0.42% 100.00% 93.59% 0.20% 6.21% 100.00% 33.34% 3.32%

19 2 15 24 16

3,298,543 8,000 1,382,998 5,972,672 5,729,443

10.41% 0.03% 4.36% 18.84% 18.08%

Approval and Tracking of Contracts in State Government



Appendix C


Dollar Amount


2 $565,860 Wildlife and Fisheries, 2 30,000 Department of (WLF ) 26 3,084,645 (Cont.) 150 $31,693,764 11 $10,310,356 4 20,758,956 1 0 16 6,587,064 Youth Development, Office of (OYD) 1 45,000 14 204,305 52 44,067,383 99 $81,973,064 Grand Total 14,693 $21,349,481,996 Source: Prepared by legislative auditor’s staff using unaudited CFMS data as of November 1, 2014.

1.79% 0.09% 9.73% 100.00% 12.58% 25.32% 0.00% 8.04% 0.05% 0.25% 53.76% 100.00%

Miscellaneous Contract Personal Contract Professional Contracts Total Building Rentals and Leases Consulting Contract Cooperative Agreement Governmental Contract Personal Contract Professional Contracts Social Services Contracts Total



Department/ Class Agriculture and Forestry, Department of

Ancillary Funds

Capital Outlay Children and Family Services, Department of (DCFS)

Civil Service, Department of

Culture, Recreation and Tourism, Department of (DCRT)

Economic Development, Department of (DED)

CFMS Agency Name

Number of Contracts

Amount of Contracts*

Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry



Total Department of Corrections - Prison Enterprises Division of Administrative Law Division of Administration (DOA), Office of Telecommunications Management DOA, Office of Risk Management DOA, Louisiana Federal Property Assistance Agency DOA, Office of Technology Services DOA, Patient’s Compensation Fund DOA, Office of Group Benefits Total DOA, Facility Planning and Control** Governor’s Office on Women’s Policy Total Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) DCFS, Office of Family Support

31 12 4

$2,521,040 $2,888,656 30,000

Total Boards and Commissions, Ethics for State Elected Officials Department of Civil Service State Exam, Municipal Fire and Police Civil Service State Police Commission Total Culture, Recreation and Tourism (DCRT), Office of Tourism DCRT, Office of State Parks DCRT, Office of Cultural Development DCRT, Office of State Museum DCRT, Office of the Secretary DCRT, Office of the State Library Facility Planning and Control** Total Boards and Commissions (BC), Architectural Examiners BC, Auctioneers Licensing BC, Certified Public Accountant BC, Certified Shorthand Reporters BC, Examiners of Interior Designers BC, Louisiana Cemetery Economic Development, Department of (DED), Business Services DED, Office of the Secretary Total


1 1,859 1 10 350 24 2,261 3,676 1 3,677 639 3

0 158,338,924 64,089 69,196,903 13,604,411 1,529,636,069 $1,773,759,052 $3,543,135,322 10,867 $3,543,146,189 $510,848,193 0



2 4 3 4 13

$110,000 478,623 37,400 240,150 $866,173

50 7 7 4 1 2 6 77 1 3 1 7 1 2

$15,647,966 2,237,971 70,300 141,033 180,000 166,177 687,225 $19,130,672 $49,000 50,000 45,000 70,500 10,000 55,500

112 175 302

620,913,814 757,927,484 $1,379,121,298

Approval and Tracking of Contracts in State Government

Department/ Class

Education, Department of (LDOE)

Elected Officials

Environmental Quality, Department of (DEQ)

Executive Department

CFMS Agency Name Education, Department of (LDOE), Executive Office of the Superintendent LDOE, Management and Finance LDOE, School and Community Support LDOE, Special School District LDOE, Student and School Performance LDOE, Subgrantee Assistance LDOE, Recovery School District Total Boards and Commissions (BC), Louisiana Crawfish Promotion and Research BC, Louisiana Rice Promotion BC, Louisiana Rice Research BC, Soybean Promotion Total Environmental Quality, Department of (DEQ), Environmental Compliance DEQ, Environmental Services DEQ, Office of Management and Finance DEQ, Office of the Secretary Total Boards and Commissions (BC), Contractors Licensing BC, Louisiana Motor Vehicle BC, Louisiana Tax Commission BC, Stadium and Exposition District Children’s Cabinet Department of Military Affairs Division of Administration (DOA), Commissioner’s Office DOA, Facility Planning DOA, Office of Community Development DOA, Office of Contractual Review DOA, Office of General Counsel DOA, Office of State Lands DOA, State Buildings and Grounds DOA, Construction Litigation Auxiliary DOA, Office of the Chief Information Officer DOA, Office of Statewide Information System DOA, Office of Statewide Reporting Governor’s Office Louisiana Commission on Human Rights Governor’s Office of Coastal Restoration Governor’s Office, Commission on Law Enforcement Governor’s Office of Elderly Affairs Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness Louisiana Abstinence Education Program Louisiana Board of Professional Geoscientists Louisiana Public Defender Board Louisiana State Board of Cosmetology


Appendix D

Number of Contracts

Amount of Contracts*

14 107 4 13 3 62 147 350

$1,210,000 117,122,450 3,164,462 273,540 56,904,563 55,659,298 358,860,010 $593,194,322

3 2 3 5 13

$495,000 1,020,000 1,289,904 1,623,609 $4,428,513

26 5 8 14 53

$8,220,648 1,309,193 5,167,212 3,144,870 $17,841,922

2 3 5 1 2 102

$200,000 826,000 1,464,908 104,500,000 5,000 58,453,478

14 8 2,161 2 8 11 1 3 7 2 2

510,117,260 370,925 3,040,029,063 150,000 515,000 1,180,000 2,386,842 138,000 3,745,816 4,812,000 156,200

12 3 3 183

98,943 122,325 1,782,022 46,534,170

18 2 4 33 4

955,153,554 11,235 66,440 8,374,480 417,000

Approval and Tracking of Contracts in State Government

Department/ Class

Executive Department (Cont.)

Health and Hospitals, Department of (DHH)

CFMS Agency Name Louisiana Recreational and Used Motor Vehicle Commission Louisiana State Racing Commission Office of Coastal Protection and Restoration Office of Community Programs Office of Financial Institution Office of the Governor Total Addictive Disorders Regulatory Authority Boards and Commissions (BC), Dentistry BC, Examiners of Psychologists BC, Hearing Aid Dealers BC, Licensed Professional Counsel BC, Medical Examiners BC, Nursing Home Examiners BC, Optometry Examiners BC, Pharmacy BC, Physical Therapy BC, Practical Nurse Examiners BC, Veterinary Medicine BC, Wholesale Drug Distributors BC, Licensed Professional Vocational Rehabilitation Counsel Louisiana Board of Massage Therapy Louisiana Board of Embalmers and Funeral Directors Louisiana Board Examiners, Dietetics and Nutrition Louisiana Board of Behavior Analysts Louisiana State Board of Nursing Health and Hospitals, Department of (DHH), Central Louisiana Human Services District Acadiana Area Human Services District, Family Subsidy Agreements Acadiana Area Human Services District Leases Capital Area Human Services District, Family Subsidy Capital Area Human Services District, Support Services Capital Area Human Services District DHH, Louisiana Emergency Preparedness Network Contracts DHH, Louisiana Emergency Preparedness Network Leases DHH, Acadiana Area Human Services District DHH, Imperial Calcasieu Human Services Authority DHH, Imperial Calcasieu Human Services Authority Leases DHH, Northeast Delta Human Services Authority DHH, Northeast Delta Human Services Authority Leases DHH, Northwest Louisiana Human Services District DHH, South Central Louisiana Human Services Leases DHH, Central Louisiana State Hospital


Appendix D

Number of Contracts 5 2 173 1 9 4 2,790 3 19 7 1 7 10 1 1 3 7 5 5 3

Amount of Contracts* $174,000 3,648,223 680,244,053 15,000 3,267,034 452,600 $5,429,411,571 $138,000 1,936,601 61,499 14,400 92,900 4,176,144 73,228 25,000 142,500 851,976 890,000 476,200 42,000

1 5 1 3 5 7

15,210 160,000 260,000 14,600 15,000 471,600



334 3 49 1 111

1,358,791 1,199,424 137,514 31,200 6,781,743



1 34 51

494,874 3,706,110 6,837,054

2 31 1 66 3 1

608,214 5,509,263 502,805 16,378,043 1,387,973 3,096

Approval and Tracking of Contracts in State Government

Department/ Class

Health and Hospitals, Department of (DHH) (Cont.)

Higher Education

CFMS Agency Name DHH, Development Disabilities Council DHH, Health Services Medicaid DHH, Medical Vendor Administration DHH, Medical Vendor Leases DHH, Office of Behavioral Health Leases DHH, Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities Leases DHH, Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities Subsidy Agreements DHH, Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities DHH, Office of Aging and Adult Service DHH, Office of Behavioral Health DHH, Office of Behavioral Health - Support Companions DHH, Office of Public Health DHH, Office of the Secretary DHH, Feliciana Forensic Facility DHH, Office of Public Health Leases DHH, Office of the Secretary Leases Facility Planning and Control** Florida Parishes Human Resource Services Florida Parishes Human Services Authority Florida Parishes Human Services Authority, Family Subsidy Agreements Louisiana Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Metropolitan Human Services Authority Metropolitan Human Services Authority, Family Subsidy Agreements Total Baton Rouge Community College Board of Regents for Higher Education Board of Supervisors, Community and Technical College System Board of Supervisors, University of Louisiana System Bossier Parish Community College Facility Planning and Control** Governor, Office of Student Financial Assistance Grambling State University Isaac Delgado Community College L.E. Fletcher Technical Community College Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge Louisiana State University - Shreveport Louisiana Tech University Louisiana Technical Office LSU Agricultural Center LSU Medical Center - New Orleans LSU Medical Center - Shreveport LSU Systems Office - Board of Supervisors McNeese State University Nicholls State University


Appendix D

Number of Contracts

Amount of Contracts*

30 1 62 13 11

$1,434,318 8,400 1,660,939,639 10,025,326 4,244,190





50 49 78 279 489 50 1 38 8 1 3 29

7,709,037 58,206,800 585,926,037 7,567,395 253,860,647 39,510,014 9,900 37,499,969 4,005,364 63,655 1,918,775 2,439,328



4 3

37,400 522,919

71 2,218 7 30 8 9 12 60 13 5 6 1 89 5 6 59 3 72 11 34 3 3

618,168 $2,749,894,529 $28,856,139 6,833,361 407,286,121 597,400 3,530,841 3,238,508 885,561 6,131,910 696,776 0 263,669,504 1,150,000 606,000 3,895,695 138,546 281,209,680 31,405,497 224,125,594 211,416 150,000

Approval and Tracking of Contracts in State Government

Department/ Class

Higher Education (Cont.)

Insurance, Department of Justice, Department of Lieutenant Governor Louisiana Workforce Commission

LSU Medical Center/Health Sciences Center (LSUMCHSC)

Miscellaneous Non-State

Natural Resources, Department of (DNR)

NonAppropriated Requirements

Other Requirements

CFMS Agency Name Northwestern State University Pennington Biomedical Research Center Regents - Louisiana University Marine Consortium South Louisiana Community College Southeastern Louisiana University Southern University Southern University - Shreveport University of Louisiana at Monroe University of New Orleans Total Department of Insurance

Appendix D

Number of Contracts

Amount of Contracts*

3 13 20 10 5 4 1 13 12 517 66

$2,025,240 2,320,620 8,674,827 394,488 7,481,289 53,884,455 787,584 2,773,361 15,048,144 $1,358,008,555 $6,434,709



Department of Justice



Total Office of Lieutenant Governor

89 2

$23,197,610 $591,045

Total Department of Health and Hospitals Board Certified Social Work Examiners Labor, Office of Employment Security Total Huey P. Long Medical Center Lallie Kemp Medical Center Leonard J. Chabert Medical Center LSU HSC - Healthcare Services Division University Medical Center Walter O. Moss Medical Center Washington/St. Tammany Medical Center Total Board of Examiners of Bar Pilots of New Orleans Board of Home Inspectors Total Natural Resources, Department of (DNR), Office of Coastal Restoration and Management DNR, Office of Conservation DNR, Office of Mineral Resources DNR, Office of the Secretary Facility Planning and Control**




Total Boards and Commissions, Louisiana Beef Industry Council Treasury, Louisiana State Bond Commission Total Adult Community-Based Rehabilitation Program Division of Administration, Debt Service and Maintenance Economic Development, Debt Service and State Commission Total


12 378 390 1 31 2 36 10 2 8 90 2 1 3

$206,400 142,786,942 $142,993,342 $0 6,784,632 3,569,927 49,199,562 7,405,087 1,159,920 421,830 $68,540,958 $125,000 150,000 $275,000

107 9 9 12 4

$679,629,086 4,112,838 621,200 1,983,651 140,603



1 14 15 42

$390,000 7,108,640 $7,498,640 $644,032,572



40 86

592,485,510 $1,914,426,054

Approval and Tracking of Contracts in State Government

Department/ Class

Corrections, Department of

Public Safety, Department of

Public Service Commission Revenue, Department of

Special Schools and Commissions

CFMS Agency Name Corrections, Louisiana Correctional Institute for Women Corrections, Administration (Headquarters) Corrections, Adult Probation and Parole Corrections, Allen Correctional Center Corrections, Avoyelles Correctional Center Corrections, David Wade Correctional Center Corrections, Dixon Correctional Institute Corrections, Elayn Hunt Correctional Center Corrections, Louisiana State Penitentiary Corrections, Probation and Parole - Clinton District Corrections, Probation and Parole - East Jefferson District Corrections, Probation and Parole - Lafayette District Corrections, Probation and Parole - Lake Charles District Corrections, Probation and Parole - Leesville District Corrections, Probation and Parole - Minden District Corrections, Probation and Parole - Natchitoches District Corrections, Probation and Parole - New Iberia District Corrections, Probation and Parole - New Orleans West District Corrections, Probation and Parole - Shreveport District Corrections, Probation and Parole - Tallulah District Corrections, Probation and Parole - Thibodaux District Corrections, Probation and Parole - Ville Platte District Corrections, Probation and Parole - West Baton Rouge District Corrections, Rayburn Correctional Center Corrections, Winn Correctional Center Corrections, Work Training Facility/North Facility Planning and Control** Total Boards and Commissions, Private Investigator Examiners Public Safety Services Safety, Fire Marshal Safety, Highway Safety Commission Safety, Office of Management and Finance Safety, Office of Motor Vehicles Safety, Office of State Police Total Louisiana Public Service Commission Total Department of Revenue Total Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Education, Louisiana Special Education Center/Alexandria Education, School for Math, Science and Arts Louisiana Schools for the Deaf and Visually Impaired New Orleans Center for Creative Arts Total


Appendix D

Number of Contracts

Amount of Contracts*

10 58 5 1 11 8 8 15 33 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1

$808,384 107,497,982 2,244,842 177,033,074 222,775 218,720 1,140,131 1,605,038 2,248,386 384,000 596,364 1,175,000 1,658,888 439,580 680,000 1,514,450 1,662,000

2 2 1 1 1

2,963,401 1,824,585 544,966 1,351,271 495,000

2 4 1 1 1 174 4 3 5 105 8 10 42 177 2 2 45

4,118,207 43,271 177,033,074 50,736 61,050 $489,615,175 $200,000 480,876 3,287,969 38,048,408 1,312,215 1,381,761 33,003,957 $77,715,186 $31,918 $31,918 $44,078,609

45 1

$44,078,609 $0

11 1 20 3

294,880 19,000 2,581,995 53,750



Approval and Tracking of Contracts in State Government

Department/ Class State, Department of Transportation and Development, Department of Treasury, Department of

Veteran Affairs, Department of

Wildlife and Fisheries, Department of (WLF)

Youth Development, Office of (OYD)

CFMS Agency Name Secretary of State Total Boards and Commissions, Registration for Professional Engineers and Surveyors Department of Transportation and Development Total Department of Treasury Total Louisiana War Veterans’ Home Northeast Louisiana War Veterans’ Home Northwest Louisiana War Veterans’ Home Southeast Louisiana War Veterans’ Home Southwest Louisiana War Veterans’ Home Total Facility Planning and Control** Wildlife and Fisheries (WLF), Fisheries Administration WLF, Enforcement Division Wildlife and Fisheries WLF, Wildlife Division WLF, Coastal and Non-Game Total Corrections, OYD - Baton Rouge District Corrections, OYD - Lafayette District Corrections, OYD - Lake Charles District Corrections, OYD - Natchitoches District Corrections, OYD - Tallulah District Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Youth Services, OYD, Contract Services Office of Youth Development Total

Appendix D

Number of Contracts

Amount of Contracts*

13 13

$13,092,460 $13,092,460

6 128 134 7 7 3 5 6 8 8 30 21 50 2 11 24 42 150 1 2 1 1 1

$516,110 357,209,247 $357,725,357 $14,450,000 $14,450,000 $72,000 1,036,470 1,110,155 755,962 565,486 $3,540,072 $3,306,543 16,993,541 108,000 2,313,011 3,837,054 5,135,615 $31,693,764 $815,875 1,684,038 435,952 299,355 325,000

49 44 99

45,273,389 33,139,456 $81,973,064

Grand Total 14,693 $21,349,481,996 *This total is the net contract amount and includes any contract amendments. **These contracts reflect department-specific contracts for the repair and maintenance of state buildings. Source: Prepared by legislative auditor’s staff using unaudited CFMS data as of November 1, 2014.



Number of Contracts

Entity* 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

Division of Administration, Office of Risk Management Louisiana State University (LSU) - Baton Rouge Division of Administration - Patient’s Compensation Fund Louisiana State University Medical Center/Health Sciences Center (LSUMCHSC) - New Orleans Department of Public Safety and Corrections Department Health and Hospitals Department of Corrections Department of Children and Family Services University of Louisiana - Monroe Northwestern State University Grambling State University Southeastern Louisiana University Southern University McNeese State University Board of Regents University of New Orleans L.E Fletcher Technical Community College Isaac Delgado Community College Department of Wildlife and Fisheries South Louisiana Community College Department of Justice Baton Rouge Community College Department of Economic Development Department of Education University of Louisiana at Lafayette Bossier Parish Community College Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON) Department of Insurance Department of State - Secretary of State LSU - Shreveport


Total Amount

623 486 102

$9,552,865 3,285,624 2,002,000

137 101 153 64 66 82 89 53 71 64 75 76 72 29 37 60 37 34 37 32 51 20 25 28 30 55 39

1,268,621 875,972 731,481 720,081 708,717 556,018 538,290 531,462 526,619 509,324 436,901 387,624 386,700 383,763 374,007 368,899 339,236 295,174 289,513 289,020 275,640 263,870 252,336 251,968 243,463 243,206 238,660

Approval and Tracking of Contracts in State Government

Appendix E


Number of Contracts

Louisiana Community and Technical College System Louisiana Tech University Department of Transportation and Development Division of Administration Division of Administration, Governor’s Office of Elderly Affairs Louisiana Workforce Commission Department of Military Affairs LSUMCHSC - Shreveport Department of State Civil Service Department of Culture, Recreation, and Tourism Department of Agriculture and Forestry Division of Administration, Office of Group Benefits Office of the Governor Nicholls State University Delta Community College Office of Student Financial Assistance Board of Elementary and Secondary Education University of Louisiana System State Board of Certified Public Accountants Department of Revenue Department of Environmental Quality Southwest Louisiana Technical Community College Louisiana Public Defender Board LSU - Alexandria Louisiana Regional Airport Northshore Technical College Department of Natural Resources Louisiana Real Estate Commission State Board of Private Security Examiners

31 39 12 26 17 14 13 22 18 19 22 8 18 29 15 10 13 9 10 5 7 17 10 12 6 8 5 8 3

230,170 224,120 222,840 217,755 217,009 195,106 190,993 180,150 177,450 170,969 168,600 149,800 141,135 127,320 126,266 104,481 101,875 95,563 91,000 90,000 86,967 72,087 71,654 66,647 62,200 61,589 58,499 34,300 33,860

60. State Licensing Board of Contractors



61. Louisiana Tax Commission



62. Division of Administration, Office of Facility Planning and Control



63. LSU - Eunice



64. Louisiana State Racing Commission



65. Louisiana School for Math, Science, and the Arts



31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59.


Total Amount

Approval and Tracking of Contracts in State Government

Appendix E

Number of Contracts


Total Amount

66. River Parishes Community College



67. Louisiana Real Estate Appraisers Board



68. Nunez Community College



Grand Total



*The following five entities had delegated approval authority but did not enter into any contracts under this authority during fiscal year 2014: Louisiana Public Broadcasting, Louisiana Small Business Development Center, Northwest Louisiana Technical College, Office of Youth Development, and the State Police Commission. Source: Prepared by legislative auditor’s staff using unaudited data from the FY 14 OCR Annual Report.



Number of Contracts

Entity* 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Department of Children and Family Services Office of the Governor - Coastal Activities Louisiana Workforce Commission Community Development Block Grant Program Department of Treasury Louisiana State University Department of Economic Development Department of Natural Resources Louisiana State University Medical Center/Health Sciences Center (LSUMCHSC) - New Orleans 10. Southern University 11. University of Louisiana - Monroe 12. Northwestern State University 13. University of Louisiana - Lafayette 14. Southeastern Louisiana University 15. LSUMCHSC - Shreveport 16. Department of Insurance 17. McNeese State University 18. Nicholls State University Grand Total

Total Amount

87 25 242 426 89 196 71 16

$59,837,078 47,650,276 43,143,326 38,409,036 30,568,051 9,963,313 8,418,741 4,125,392

68 22 26 10 11 7 6 2 3 5 1,312

2,062,273 830,924 726,124 486,842 393,561 283,066 220,432 150,000 128,749 126,943 $247,524,127

*The following six entities had delegated approval authority but did not enter into any contracts under this authority during fiscal year 2014: Department of Public Safety, Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, Division of Administration, Office of Group Benefits - Preferred Provider Organization, Louisiana Public Defender Board, Louisiana Tech University, and Office of the Governor. Source: Prepared by legislative auditor’s staff using unaudited data from the FY 14 OCR Annual Report.
