properly dug out and cleaned with water. The foliage and roots were air dried and recorded their respective yields. The foliage and roots samples. were oven ...
Agric. Sci. Digest, 20 (2) : 133-134,2000
PERFORMANCE OF PERIWINKLE VARIETIES UNDER ASSURED RAINFALL ZONE OF VIDARBHA (MAHARASHTRA) REGION J.T. Paturde, S.G. Wankhade and P.P. Khode AICRP on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Dr. PanJabrao Deshmukh Krishl Vldyapeeth, Akola-444 104, India
ABSTRACT A field experiment for successive three years were conducted during 1995-96 to 199798 to evaluate the performance of periwinkle varieties. The varieties Selection-I and M-153 performed well under assured rainfall zone of Vidarbha region in respect of root and foliage yield as well as alkaloid content and yield.
The roots and foliage is the commercial produce of periwinkle (Catharanthus Spp.) The alkaloids present in the roots, stem and leaves is used in the medicines on cancer, blood pressures and leukaemia. Thtis the periwinkle has greater importance and market among the medicinal plants. The maximum content of alkaloid is found in the roots (0.78-1.22%) followed by leaves (0.60-0.80%) and stem (0.28-0.31%). The genetic amelioration programme in Catharanthus Spp. is underway to upgrade the yield and content of alkaloid in roots and foliage. The assured rainfall zone (annual rainfall 650-950 mm) of Vidarbha region is comprising of four districts viz. Akola, Amravati, Buldhana and Washim. The major soil type is shallow to medium black soils (InceptisoIsNertisols) with low fertility status, except that of available K. A field experiment for successive three years during 1995-96 to 1997-98 was conducted to study the performance of various varieties of periwinkle at Nagarjun Medicinal Plant Garden, Dr. PDKV, Akola for their yield and alkaloid yield potential. There were six varieties of periwinkle viz. Selection 1, Selection-8, L-31, M-153, IG49581, and EC120837, tested in Randomized block design with four replications. The seedlings were grown on well manured raised beds in the month of June and the same were transplanted in the month of August of every year under experimentation. The row to row and plant to plant spacing was 45 x 30 em in the gross plot size of 2.7 x 1.8 m. The NPK fertilizer@ 40:30:30 kg N, Pps and Kp per hectare was applied at the time of transplanting. The usual agronomic practices were followed with protective irrigations as and when required. After harvesting of folliate (stem+leaves) above ground leave, the roots were
properly dug out and cleaned with water. The foliage and roots were air dried and recorded their respective yields. The foliage and roots samples. were oven dried at 60°C of 24 hours and powdered for estimation of total alkaloids. The method suggested in the report of Vth workshop on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants was adopted for estimation ohotal alkaloids (Anonymous, 1983). ~t and FoUage yield: From the three years pooled data (Table 1) it is found that periwinkle variety Selection-l produced significantly highest root yield and it was at par with the variety M-153. The varieties M-153 and IC-49581 did not show significant differences. However, variety M-153 produced significantly more yield than varieties Selection-8 and EC-12083. Variety Selection : Selection-1 recorded highest foliage yield but it was at per with M-153 and IC 49581. The rest of the varieties did not significant differences in producing foliage yield. The highest yield of root and foliage of selection-1 was also reported by Hisar Research Centre (Anonymous, 1998). Alkaloid content and yield : Variety Selection-1 recorded highest root alkaloid content but it was at par with the alkaloid content of EC120837 and IC-49581 (Table 2). The lowest root alkaloid content was noticed in variety L-31. The root alkaloid yield was significantly highest with Selection-I. The lowest root alkaloid yield was noticed with Selection-8 followed by EC 120837. Foliage alkaloid content of Selection-1 was highest but it was at par with L-31, IC 49581 and. EC 120837. Variety M-153 was lowest in foliage alkaloid content. The foliage alkaloid yield was also highest with the variety Selection-1 however it was at par with IC 49581.
Selection-1 Selection-8 L-31 M-153 IC~49581
EC-120837 SE± C.D. at 5%
Table 1 : Root and foliage yield (q ha-1) of periwinkle varieties. Root yield FoH,e yield 95-96 97-98 95-96 96- 7 97-98 96-97 Pooled Mean 16.7 16.4 14.7 15.9 33.1 33.4 30.5 27.5 23.1 9.9 9.8 9.4 9.7 29.7 12.1 11.9 11.8 26.9 24.5 21.6 11.3 30.6 28.3 14.2 13.9 12.9 13.7 23.7 30.6 14.0 11.7 11.5 12.4 28.1 24.0 9.5 9.0 9.1 23.9 23.1 21.0 8.9 0.8 0.6 1.1 1.5 2.1 1.3 1.2 4.4 6.3 2.3 4.0 1.8 3.2 3.7 Table 2 : Total alkaloid content (%) and alkaloid yield (Kg ha· 1) Alkaloid yield Alkaloid Content 96-97 , 97-98 97-98 96-97 Mean
Selection-I Selection-8 L-31 M-153 IC-49581 SE± C.D. at 5%
2.62 2.30 2.25 2.35 2.50 0.03 0.10
Selection-1 Selection-8 L-31 M-153 EC120837 SE± C.D. at 5%
0.90 0.75 0.87 0.72 0.85 0.04 0.12
2.55 2.35 2.20 2.35 2.47 0.04 0.12 0.82 0.77 0.80 0.70 0.87 0.04 0.12
Roots 2.58 2.32 2:22 2.35 2.48
Foliage 0.86 0.76 0.84 0.71 0.86
Pooled Mean 32.4 23.5 24.3 27.6 27.6 22.7 1.7 5.0
Pooled Mean
43.2 22.6 26.8 32.6 29.0 3.5 10.5
37.3 21.9 25.0 30.5 28.3 1.4 4.3
40.2 22.3 25.9 31.5 28.7 2.2 6.7 ,
30.2 17.4 21.5 20.4 19.9 2.4 7.1
25.3 15.2 17.4 16.6 18.5 1.6 4.9
27.8 16.3 19.5 18.5 19.2 1.8 5.4
The authors are thankful to the Project Plant, NRC. Boriavi (Anand) Gujarat for providCoordinator, AICRP on Medicinal and Aromatic ing seed material for testing. REFERENCES Anonymous (1983) In : 5th Workshop Report on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Solan, PP-I0. Anonymous (1998); In : 12th Workshop Report on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Hisar, pp-66.