Logo on the event page of each of the co-producers' Web sites and all online ... Fax: E-Mail: I am pleased to sponsor IV
PERFORMANCE, TALKBACK, AND RECEPTION Thursday, 16 May 2013, 7:00–9:30 p.m., performance + talkback + reception Friday, 17 May 2013, 2:00–3:30 p.m., performance + talkback Asia Society | 725 Park Avenue @ 70th Street, New York City
EVENT DESCRIPTION For Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, the Asian American Arts Alliance and the Asian American Bar Association of New York (AABANY) present a captivating theatrical event, Iva: The Myth of Tokyo Rose, Allegiance on Trial. This is a devised play inspired by the life of Iva Toguri, a Japanese American citizen who was accused of treason for allegedly broadcasting anti-American propaganda during World War II as the infamous “Tokyo Rose.” This world premiere production examines issues of race and civil rights, engaging audiences in a powerful dialogue about social justice issues that resound to present day. The adaptation will be fully staged and performed by a cast of professional actors with writer/codirector Soriya Chum and general manager/co-director Elena Chang of the Asian American Arts Alliance. Excerpts from the actual trial transcripts will be interspersed with period music, still photographs, and contemporaneous news reels. The Thursday performance will be followed by an exclusive reception with members of the cast, crew, and special guests. The Friday performance will be geared toward high school and college students. This is the second year that the Alliance and AABANY have innovatively collaborated together to bring to the stage a theatrical production based on Asian American legal history. In May 2012, “Revising Vincent: The Legacy of the Vincent Chin Case 30 Years Later” was performed at New York Law School to a large audience that included many members from community groups, followed by a talkback led by the Hon. Denny Chin and Dean Frank Wu who co-authored a trial reenactment that formed the basis of the production. "Iva: The Myth of Tokyo Rose" seeks to build on 1
the success of that first event and hopes to reach a wider audience and raise awareness of recurring issues and themes in the Asian American experience. • THE TENTATIVE SCHEDULE FOR THE EVENING OF THURSDAY, 16 MAY 2013 6:30 p.m. Doors open 7-8:15 p.m. Introductory remarks/Performance 8:15-8:30 p.m. Talkback with expert speakers [in formation] 8:30-9:30 p.m. Reception • TICKET PRICING General Admission $20 Performance $50 Performance + wine reception*** Members of Alliance/AABANY $15 Performance $30 Performance + wine reception*** ***The wine reception takes place only following the Thursday, May 16, 2013, performance.
CO-PRESENTERS Asian American Arts Alliance | www.aaartsalliance.org The Asian American Arts Alliance is dedicated to strengthening Asian American artists and arts/cultural groups in New York City through funding, promotion and community building. AUDIENCE. The Asian American Arts Alliance has more than 1,100 profiles on its online platform, the a4Hub. During the first quarter of 2012 our Web site averaged more than 6,700 monthly visitors, representing more than 5,000 unique visits. Our bi-weekly e-newsletter reaches more than 6,700 subscribers each time. Our programs include our free monthly Town Halls, our Brainstorm! artist-as-entrepreneur workshop series, and the a4Hub. Attendance at our events ranges from around 50 to more than 300.
Asian American Bar Association of New York (AABANY) | www.aabany.org The Asian American Bar Association of New York was formed in 1989 as a not-for-profit corporation to represent the interests of New York Asian American attorneys, judges, law professors, legal professionals, paralegals and law students. The mission of AABANY is to improve the study and practice of law, and the fair administration of justice for all by ensuring the meaningful participation of Asian Americans in the legal profession. AABANY seeks not only to encourage the professional growth of its members but also to advocate for the Asian Pacific American community as a whole. AUDIENCE. The Asian American Bar Association of New York counts approximately 2000 members and subscribers on our mailing list and employs a variety of social media to reach our constituency of Asian Pacific American lawyers (in private practice and the public sector, in firms and companies large and small, both locally and with offices worldwide), law students, law professors, prosecutors, judges and other legal professionals. In 2012, our website received more than 5,000 unique visitors representing nearly 12,000 pageviews. Our programs include continuing legal education (CLE) presentations, sponsored by our association as an accredited CLE provider or co-sponsored with other bar associations and groups. We also host numerous networking events throughout the year, open to our membership and conducted in partnership with other bar associations and groups. Attendance at our events range from around 20 to more than 700.
SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Patron - $10,000 · Up to 35 reserved tickets with premier seating + admission to wine reception · Credit on marketing/promotional materials and on-site signage · Logo on the event page of each of the co-producers’ Web sites and all online communications related to the event · Listed and mentioned in press for the event as appropriate Benefactor - $5,000 · Up to 20 reserved tickets with special seating + admission to wine reception · Credit on marketing/promotional materials and on-site signage · Logo on the event page of each of the co-producers’ Web sites and all online communications related to the event · Listed and mentioned in press for the event as appropriate Donor - $2,500 · Up to 10 reserved tickets + admission to wine reception · Credit on marketing/promotional materials and on-site signage · Logo on the event page of each of the co-producers’ Web sites and all online communications related to the event · Listed and mentioned in press for the event as appropriate Friend - $1,000 · Up to 5 reserved tickets + admission to wine reception · Credit on marketing/promotional materials and on-site signage · Logo on the event page of each of the co-producers’ Web sites and all online communications related to the event · Listed and mentioned in press for the event as appropriate Individual Donor - $500 (limited to individual donations) · Up to 2 reserved tickets + admission to wine reception · Credit on marketing/promotional materials and on-site signage
COMMUNITY SPONSORS Community Sponsor Involvement / Responsibilities List event on organizational e-newsletters - Post event on organizational Web site, if possible - Help display postcards and/or other print promotional materials at your facilities Community Sponsor Benefits - Up to 2 reserved general admission tickets to the event (subject to availability) - Credit on marketing/promotional materials - Listed and mentioned in press for the event as appropriate ***Please make your check out to the Asian American Arts Alliance, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All gifts are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Thank you for your support!
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I am pleased to sponsor IVA: Tokyo Rose at the following level:
Patron - $10,000 Up to 35 reserved tickets with premier seating + admission to wine reception Credit on marketing/promotional materials and on-site signage Logo on the event page of each of the co-producers’ Web sites and all online communications related to the event Listed and mentioned in press for the event as appropriate
Benefactor - $5,000 Up to 20 reserved tickets with special seating+ admission to wine reception Credit on marketing/promotional materials and on-site signage Logo on the event page of each of the co-producers’ Web sites and all online communications related to the event· Listed and mentioned in press for the event as appropriate
Donor - $2,500 Up to 10 reserved tickets + admission to wine reception Credit on marketing/promotional materials and on-site signage Logo on the event page of each of the co-producers’ Web sites and all online communications related to the event Listed and mentioned in press for the event as appropriate
Friend -$1,000 Up to 5 reserved tickets + admission to wine reception Credit on marketing/promotional materials and on-site signage Logo on the event page of each of the co-producers’ Web sites and all online communications related to the event Listed and mentioned in press for the event as appropriate
Individual Donor - $500 (limited to individual donations) Up to 2 reserved tickets + admission to wine reception Credit on marketing/promotional materials and on-site signage
COMMUNITY SPONSORS Community Sponsor Involvement / Responsibilities - List event on organizational e-newsletters -Post event on organizational Web site, if possible -Help display postcards and/or other print promotional materials at your facilities
Community Sponsor Benefits - Up to 2 reserved general admission tickets to the event(subject to availability) - Credit on marketing/promotional materials - Listed and mentioned in press for the event as appropriate ***Please make your check out to the Asian American Arts Alliance, 20 Jay St Brooklyn, NY 11201. The Asian American Arts Alliance is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All gifts are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Thank you for your support!
CONTACT For more information about sponsorships, please contact Yang Chen Executive Director Asian American Bar Association of New York (AABANY)
[email protected] or Andrea Louie Executive Director Asian American Arts Alliance
[email protected]