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Dec 20, 2013 ... Daily Spiral Review 1-5. Problem of the Day 1- ... an answer makes sense, and explain how the .... Daily Spiral Review 2-7. Problem of the Day ...
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Teacher: MathGrade3, CORE Units:

Course: MathGrade3

Year: 2012-13

- All -

Topic 1-Numeration Beginning days were used pretesting/level testing and beginning of the year introduction Use of meeting boards/calendar math is implemented each day. Place value, patterning, counting money, making change (Topic 13), telling time and elapsed time ( Topic 17). A problem of the day can also be used at this time. All modules from website should be incorporated into the curriculum. The modules may be taught in any order, but must be covered before PSSAs. Teachers will also incorporate all 7 Modules developed by the PDE on the website. They may be implemented in any order. They are located in the teacher tools section, under PA Standards Instructional Frameworks: ELA. Teachers will also provide students with many opportunities for students to respond to varies types of math responses with writing. Resources such as Math Core Coaches and PDE sas website will be utilized along with the Math PSSA Item Sampler. During this year of transition to the PA Core Lessons have been eliminated from 3rd grade and given to other grades. However, students in your class may not have recieved this instruction. These lessons can still be used to transition students this year. Use this transition guide (link below) along with the curriculum map. Content from earlier years to review and practice: 1-1, 1-3, 1-7, 1-8 Content to prepare for future study or to enrich the curriculum 1-2, 1-4 Content to meet the Grade 3 PA Core Standards 1-5A, 1-5B, 1-5, 1-6, 1-9 Reccommended pacing 7-13 days Topic Resources- Topic 1 enVision Center Activities (including vocabulary cards), Base 10 Blocks, Money, Investigations Collect $2.00 (Unit 1 Investigations Manual p. 66). Essential Questions 1-1 How can you read and write a number in the hundreds?

Standards 3.NBT.A.1 - Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multidigit arithmetic ~ Use place value understanding to round whole numbers to the nearest 10 or 100.




Learning Targets/Feedback

Read and digits numbers in place value the hundreds. standard form expanded form word form

Read and write numbers in the hundreds using standard, expanded, and word form.


Read and write numbers in the thousands.

Read and write numbers in the Daily Spiral Review 1-2 thousands using standard, Problem of the Day 1-2 expanded, and word form. Reteaching 1-2 Practice 1-2 Enrichment 1-2

1-3 How can you CC.2.1.3.B.1 - Number & Greater Operations in Base Ten ~ read and write numbers Apply place value greater numbers? understanding and properties of operations to perform multidigit arithmetic. 1-4 How can you CC.2.1.3.B.1 - Number & Ways to Operations in Base Ten ~ name numbers? Name Numbers Apply place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multidigit arithmetic.

1-5A How can you understand number lines?

1-5B How can you count on the number line?

Model Lessons

Summative Assessments

The Investigations - Collect $2.00 ( Unit 1 Investigations Manual, p 66). Can be Interactive used throughout Topic 1. Learning is important in building Access Math Links for each Topic conceptual by: Go to the ASD Homepage ( ). Click on the blue understanding in mathematics. Academics tab. On the left side of the Students interact page, scroll down to the 3rd Grade Math Links by Topic. Choose the topic in a problembased activitiy and concepts you wish to practice. and share their thinking. Students Daily Spiral Review 1-1 are told what they Problem of the Day 1-1 will learn and the Reteaching 1-1 new lesson Practice 1-1 connects to Enrichment 1-1 students' prior experiences.


CC.2.1.3.B.1 - Number & Operations in Base Ten ~ Apply place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multidigit arithmetic.

1-2 How can you CC.2.1.3.B.1 - Number & Operations in Base Ten ~ read and write a four Apply place value digit numbers? understanding and properties of operations to perform multidigit arithmetic.


Read and write numbers in the ten and hundred thousands.


Read and write six digit numbers in standard, expanded, and word form using place value charts.

Daily Spiral Review 1-3 Problem of the Day 1-3 Reteaching 1-3 Practice 1-3 Enrichment 1-3

Use ordinal numbers to show the order of people or objects. They will name numbers in different ways.

ordinal numbers

Naming numbers in different ways including ordinal numbers.

Daily Spiral Review 1-4 Problem of the Day 1-4 Reteaching 1-4 Practice 1-4 Enrichment 1-4

CC.2.1.3.B.1 - Number & Understand Operations in Base Ten ~ Number Lines Apply place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multidigit arithmetic.

Find whole numbers on the number line. FInd missing whole numbers on a number line. Understnad distance between whole numbers on the number line.

I can locate and compare whole numbers on a number line.

Daily Spiral Review 1-5A Problem of the Day 1-5A Reteaching 1-5A Practice 1-5A Enrichment 1-5A

CC.2.1.3.B.1 - Number & Counting on Operations in Base Ten ~ the Number Lines Apply place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multidigit arithmetic.

Identify the pattern on a number line or graph scale, and calculate missing labels.

I can identify the pattern on a number line or graph scale, and calculate missing labels.

Daily Spiral Review 1-5B Problem of the Day 1-5B Reteaching 1-5B Practice 1-5B Enrichment 1-5B

compare 8/27/2014

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1-5 How can place value help you compare whole numbers?

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CC.2.1.3.B.1 - Number & Comparing Operations in Base Ten ~ Numbers Apply place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multidigit arithmetic.

1-6 How can you CC.2.1.3.B.1 - Number & Ordering Operations in Base Ten ~ order numbers? Numbers Apply place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multidigit arithmetic. 1-7 How do you count money?

1-8 How do you count on to make change?

1-9 How can you solve problems by making an organized list?

CC.2.1.3.B.1 - Number & Counting Operations in Base Ten ~ Money Apply place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multidigit arithmetic.

CC.2.1.3.B.1 - Number & Making Operations in Base Ten ~ Change Apply place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multidigit arithmetic.

CC.2.1.3.B.1 - Number & Problem Operations in Base Ten ~ Solving: Make an Apply place value Organized List understanding and properties of operations to perform multidigit arithmetic.

Compare three digit and four digit whole numbers. Will order three and four digit numbers.

Find the value of money, including $5 and $1 bills, half dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies.

Compare numbers using place Daily Spiral Review 1-5 value. Problem of the Day 1-5 Reteaching 1-5 Practice 1-5 Enrichment 1-5 order

dollar sign decimal point

Order numbers using place value.

Daily Spiral Review 1-6 Problem of the Day 1-6 Reteaching 1-6 Practice 1-6 Enrichment 1-6

Read, write, and count money Daily Spiral Review 1-7 amounts. Problem of the Day 1-7 Reteaching 1-7 Practice 1-7 Enrichment 1-7

Use coins and bills to figure out the change they should receive after purchasing an item.

Use coins and bills to count on Daily Spiral Review 1-8 to find the change. Problem of the Day 1-8 Reteaching 1-8 Practice 1-8 Enrichment 1-8

Make an organized lsit to represent information given in a problem.

Solve a problem by making an Daily Spiral Review 1-9 organized list. Problem of the Day 1-9 Reteaching 1-9 Practice 1-9 Enrichment 1-9

Topic 1 Test 9/10/2014

Topic 2 Adding Whole Numbers Continue use of daily meeting board/calendar math to review concepts taught including patterning, elapsed time, and making change. Topic Resources- Topic 2 enVision Center Activities (including vocabulary cards), 100 Chart, Base 10 Blocks, Investigations Close to 100 (Unit 1 Investigations Manual p. 103). Content from earlier years to review and practice: 2-3, 2-5 Content to prepare for future study or to enrich the curriculum Content to meet the Grade 3 PA Core Standards 2-1, 2-2, 2-4, 2-6, 2-7A, 2-7, 2-8, 2-9, 2-10 Reccommeded Pacing 11-13 days

Essential Questions 2-1 How can the addition properties be used to show relationships that always hold true?



CC.2.1.3.B.1 - Number & Addition Operations in Base Ten ~ Meaning and Apply place value Properties understanding and properties of operations to perform multidigit arithmetic.

Skills Use concrete materials and concepts of addition to model the Commutative, Associative, and Identify Properties of Addition.

2-2 How can you use patterns on a hundreds chart to add two digit numbers?

CC.2.1.3.B.1 - Number & Adding on a Operations in Base Ten ~ Hundred Chart Apply place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multidigit arithmetic.

2-3 How can break apart numbers to make a ten to add two digit numbers using mental math?

CC.2.1.3.B.1 - Number & Using Mental Solve Operations in Base Ten ~ Math to Add problems by Apply place value adding with understanding and properties mental math. of operations to perform multidigit arithmetic.

2-4 How can you CC.2.1.3.B.1 - Number & Operations in Base Ten ~ round numbers? Apply place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multidigit arithmetic.


Estimating 2-5 How can you CC.2.1.3.B.1 - Number & Operations in Base Ten ~ Sums estimate sums? Apply place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multidigit arithmetic. 2-6 How can you CC.2.1.3.B.1 - Number & use addition to solve Operations in Base Ten ~ Apply place value problems?

Vocabulary addends sum

Solve problems by estimating sums.

Adding 2-Digit Add twoNumbers digit numbers using paper-

Adding using a hundreds chart.

Daily Spiral Review 2-2 Problem of the Day 2-2 Reteaching 2-2 Practice 2-2 Enrichment 2-2

Break apart numbers to solve addition mental math problems.

Daily Spiral Review 2-3 Problem of the Day 2-3 Reteaching 2-3 Practice 2-3 Enrichment 2-3

Identity (Zero) Property of Addition

estimate compatible numbers

Model Lessons

The Interactive Learning is important in building Access Math Links for each Topic conceptual by: Go to the ASD Homepage ( ). Click on the blue understanding in mathematics. Academics tab. On the left side of the Students interact page, scroll down to the 3rd Grade Math Links by Topic. Choose the topic in a problembased activitiy and concepts you wish to practice. and share their thinking. Students Daily Spiral Review 2-1 are told what they Problem of the Day 2-1 will learn and the Reteaching 2-1 new lesson Practice 2-1 connects to Enrichment 2-1 students' prior experiences.

Associative (Grouping) Property of Addition



Modeling addition and its properties.

Commutative (Order) Property of Addition

Use a hundred chart to add two digit numbers and develop mental math strategies.

Round two-digit and three-digit whole numbers to the nearest ten or hundred, by comparing to the number halfway between or by using palce value.

Learning Targets/Feedback

Summative Assessments

Investigations Activity - "Close to 100" - Investigations Manual Unit 1 p 103

Round numbers to the nearest Daily Spiral Review 2-4 ten or hundred. Problem of the Day 2-4 Reteaching 2-4 Practice 2-4 Enrichment 2-4

Estimate sums by rounding and using compatible numbers.

Add two-digit numbers

Daily Spiral Review 2-5 Problem of the Day 2-5 Reteaching 2-5 Practice 2-5 Enrichment 2-5 Daily Spiral Review 2-6 Problem of the Day 2-6 Reteaching 2-6 8/27/2014

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understanding and properties of operations to perform multidigit arithmetic.

CC.2.1.3.B.1 - Number & 2-7A How can Operations in Base Ten ~ you add with an Apply place value expanded algorithm? understanding and properties of operations to perform multidigit arithmetic.

and-pencil methods and use addition to solve problems. Solve 3-digit addition problems using an expanded algorithm.

2-7 How can use CC.2.1.3.B.1 - Number & Models for Operations in Base Ten ~ add three-digit Adding ThreeApply place value numbers? Digit Numbers understanding and properties of operations to perform multidigit arithmetic.

2-8 How you use CC.2.1.3.B.1 - Number & Adding ThreeOperations in Base Ten ~ addition to solve Digit Numbers Apply place value problems? understanding and properties of operations to perform multidigit arithmetic.

2-9 How can you CC.2.1.3.B.1 - Number & Adding Three use addition to solve Operations in Base Ten ~ or More Numbers Apply place value problems? understanding and properties of operations to perform multidigit arithmetic.

CC.2.2.3.A.4 - Operations and Problem 2-10 How can Solving: Draw a you solve a problem Algebraic Thinking ~ Solve Picture by drawing a picture? problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic.

Practice 2-6 Enrichment 2-6

Solve 3-digit addition problems using an expanded algorithm.

Solve 3-digit addition problems using an expanded algorithm.

Daily Spiral Review 2-7A Problem of the Day 2-7A Reteaching 2-7A Practice 2-7A Enrichment 2-7A

Add three-digit numbers using place value blocks or pictures and record the results using standard addition algorithm.

Use models to add three-digit numbers.

Daily Spiral Review 2-7 Problem of the Day 2-7 Reteaching 2-7 Practice 2-7 Enrichment 2-7

Add three-digit numbers using paper and pencil methods and use addition to solve problems.

Add three-digit numbers

Daily Spiral Review 2-8 Problem of the Day 2-8 Reteaching 2-8 Practice 2-8 Enrichment 2-8

Add three or more two and/or threedigit numbers using paper adn pencil methods and use addition to solve problems.

Add three or more numbers

Daily Spiral Review 2-9 Problem of the Day 2-9 Reteaching 2-9 Practice 2-9 Enrichment 2-9

Draw a picture to solve a problem.

Draw a picture to solve a problem.

Topic 2 Test 9/30/2014

Daily Spiral Review 2-10 Problem of the Day 2-10 Reteaching 2-10 Practice 2-10 Enrichment 2-10

Topic 3 Subtracting Number Sense Continue Calendar Math Content from earlier years to review and practice: 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, 3-4 Content to prepare for future study or to enrich the curriculum: Content to meet the Grade 3 PA Core Standards: 3-5 Reccommended Pacing- 3 to 7 Days Essential Questions


3-1 When do you CC.2.1.3.B.1 - Number & Operations in Base Ten ~ subtract? Apply place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic.

Content Subtraction Meanings

Skills Recognize situations when subtraction is used to solve a problem and write number sentences.

Vocabulary fact family

Learning Targets/Feedback Use pictures, words, and numbers to model subtraction.

Resources/Strategies Access Math Links for each Topic by: Go to the ASD Homepage ( ). Click on the blue Academics tab. On the left side of the page, scroll down to the 3rd Grade Math Links by Topic. Choose the topic and concepts you wish to practice. Daily Spiral Review 3-1 Problem of the Day 3-1 Reteaching 3-1 Practice 3-1 Enrichment 3-1

3-2 How can you CC.2.1.3.B.1 - Number & Operations in Base Ten ~ subtract on a Apply place value hundreds chart? understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic. 3-3 When can you subtract with mental math?

CC.2.1.3.B.1 - Number & Operations in Base Ten ~ Apply place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic.

3-4 How can you CC.2.1.3.B.1 - Number & estimate differences? Operations in Base Ten ~ Apply place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic.

Subtracting on a Hundreds Chart

Use a hundreds chart to subtract twodigit numbers and develop mental math strategies.


Summative Assessments

The Interactive Learning is important in building conceptual understanding in mathematics. Students interact in a problembased activitiy and share their thinking. Students are told what they will learn and the new lesson connects to students' prior experiences.

Find differences on a hundred Daily Spiral Review 3-2 chart. Problem of the Day 3-2 Reteaching 3-2 Practice 3-2 Enrichment 3-2

Using Mental Solve Math to Subtract Problems by subtracting wiht mental math.

Find differences using mental math.

Daily Spiral Review 3-3 Problem of the Day 3-3 Reteaching 3-3 Practice 3-3 Enrichment 3-3

Estimate Differences

Solve problems by estimating differences.

Estimate differences using rounding and compatible numbers.

Daily Spiral Review 3-4 Problem of the Day 3-4 Reteaching 3-4 Practice 3-4 Enrichment 3-4

Solve word problems and check their answers for reasonableness.

Find reasonableness for a problem.

Daily Spiral Review 3-5 Problem of the Day 3-5 Reteaching 3-5 Practice 3-5 Enrichment 3-5

3-5 How can you CC.2.2.3.A.4 - Operations Problem use reasonableness and Algebraic Thinking ~ Solving: Using to justify an answer? Solve problems involving Reasonableness the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic.

Model Lessons

Topic 3 Test 10/10/2014 8/27/2014

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Topic 4 Subtracting Whole numbers to Solve Problems Continue calendar math activities Content from earlier years to review and practice: Content to prepare for future study or to enrich the curriculum: Content to meet the Grade 3 PA Core Standards: All of Topic 4 Reccommended Pacing- 9 Days

Essential Questions 4-1A How do you make sense of addition and subtraction equations?

4-1 How can you use models to subtract two-digit numbers with regrouping?



CC.2.1.3.B.1 - Number & Operations in Base Ten ~ Apply place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic.

CC.2.1.3.B.1 - Number & Operations in Base Ten ~ Apply place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic.



Relating addition and subtraction

Determine an unknown value Make both sides of an equation equal


Models for subtracting two digit numbers

Subtract difference two-digit estimate numbers using order place value regroup blocks or pictures and record the results using the standard subtraction algorithm.

Learning Targets/Feedback


I can decide whether both sides of an equation are equal. I can determine the value of an unknown number in an equation.

Daily Spiral Review 4-1A Problem of the Day 4-1A Reteaching 4-1A Practice 4-1A Enrichment 4-1A

Model subtracting two-digit numbers

Investigations Activity - "Capture 5 Unit 1 Investigations Manual, p. 61.

Model Lessons

Summative Assessments

The Interactive Learning is important in building conceptual understanding in mathematics. Students interact in a problembased activitiy and share their thinking. Students are told what they will learn and the new lesson connects to students' prior experiences.

Access Math Links for each Topic by: Go to the ASD Homepage ( ). Click on the blue Academics tab. On the left side of the page, scroll down to the 3rd Grade Math Links by Topic. Choose the topic and concepts you wish to practice. Daily Spiral Review 4-1 Problem of the Day 4-1 Reteaching 4-1 Practice 4-1 Enrichment 4-1

4-2 How can use subtract two-digit numbers using paper and pencil?

4-3A How do you subtract with an expanded alogortithm?

4-3 How can you use models to subtract three-digit numbers with regrouping?

4-4 How can you subtract three digit numbers using paper and pencil?

4-5 How can you subtract from a three digit number with zeros?

CC.2.1.3.B.1 - Number & Operations in Base Ten ~ Apply place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic.

Subtracting Two-Digit Numbers

CC.2.1.3.B.1 - Number & Operations in Base Ten ~ Apply place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic.

Subtract two-digit numbers using paper and pencil methods and use subtraction to solve problems.

3-digit Three-digit subtraction by subtraction by breaking numbers breaking them into smaller, apart easier subtraction problems

CC.2.1.3.B.1 - Number & Operations in Base Ten ~ Apply place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic.

Subtract two-digit numbers to solve problems

Daily Spiral Review 4-2 Problem of the Day 4-2 Reteaching 4-2 Practice 4-2 Enrichment 4-2

I can solve 3-digit subtraction problems by breaking them into smaller, easier subtraction problems

Daily Spiral Review 4-3A Problem of the Day 4-3A Reteaching 4-3A Practice 4-3A Enrichment 4-3A

Models for Subtracting Three-Digit Numbers

Subtract three-digit numbers using place value blocks or pictures and record the results using the standard subtraction algorithm.

Model subtracting three-digit numbers.

Daily Spiral Review 4-3 Problem of the Day 4-3 Reteaching 4-3 Practice 4-3 Enrichment 4-3

CC.2.1.3.B.1 - Number & Operations in Base Ten ~ Apply place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic.

Subtracting Three-Digit Numbers

Subtract three-digit numbers using paper and pencil methods and use subtraction to solve problems.

Subtract three-digit numbers to solve problems.

Daily Spiral Review 4-4 Problem of the Day 4-4 Reteaching 4-4 Practice 4-4 Enrichment 4-4

CC.2.1.3.B.1 - Number & Operations in Base Ten ~ Apply place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic.

Subtracting Across Zero

Subtract three-digit numbers using paper and pencil methods and use subtraction to solve problems.

Subtract across zero.

Daily Spiral Review 4-5 Problem of the Day 4-5 Reteaching 4-5 Practice 4-5 Enrichment 4-5

Problem Solving: Draw a Picture and Write a Number Sentence

Solve problems by writing a number sentence based on a picture they have drawn describing the problem.

Draw a picture and write a number sentence to solve a problem.

Daily Spiral Review 4-6 Problem of the Day 4-6 Reteaching 4-6 Practice 4-6 Enrichment 4-6

CC.2.2.3.A.4 - Operations 4-6 How can a and Algebraic Thinking ~ picture help you write a number sentence? Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic.

Topic 4 Test 10/24/2014

Topic 5 Multiplication Meanings Continue use of calendar math to review, reinforce and enrich skills. Topic Resources: Counters for arrays, Graph Paper, Vocabulary Cards Content from earlier years to review and practice: Content to prepare for future study or to enrich the curriculum: Content to meet the Grade 3 PA Core Standards: ALL OF TOPIC 5 8/27/2014

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Reccommended Pacing- 13 days

Essential Questions


CC.2.2.3.A.2 - Operations 5-1 How can you and Algebraic Thinking ~ find the total number Understand properties of of objects in equal multiplication and the groups? relationship between multiplication and division.

Content Multiplication as Repeated Addition

CC.2.2.3.A.4 - Operations and Algebraic Thinking ~ Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic.

5-2 What are arrays, and how do they show multiplication?

CC.2.2.3.A.2 - Operations and Algebraic Thinking ~ Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division.

5-4 How can you write a story to describe a multiplication fact?

CC.2.2.3.A.4 - Operations and Algebraic Thinking ~ Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic.


Will write multiplication multiplication factors number product sentences for given equal group situations, using the X symbol.

Learning Targets/Feedback


Write multiplication sentences Access Math Links for each Topic for repeated addition. by: Go to the ASD Homepage ( ). Click on the blue Academics tab. On the left side of the page, scroll down to the 3rd Grade Math Links by Topic. Choose the topic and concepts you wish to practice. Daily Spiral Review 5-1 Problem of the Day 5-1 Reteaching 5-1 Practice 5-1 Enrichment 5-1

Arrays and Multiplication

Write array Write multiplication sentences multiplication Communitive (Order) for arrays. sentences for Property of arrays, use Multiplication arrays to find products, and use the Communitive Property of Multiplication

Using Multiplication to Compare

Use models and write multiplication sentences to compare amounts.

Writing Multiplication Stories

Write math stories for given multiplication facts.

Problem Solving: Writing to Explain

Identify and explain a multiplication pattern shown in a table.

Explain the pattern in a table used to solve a problem.

Daily Spiral Review 5-5 Problem of the Day 5-5 Reteaching 5-5 Practice 5-5 Enrichment 5-5

2 and 5 as factors

Use patterns to multiply with 2 and 5 as factors.

Find products with 2 or 5 as a factor.

Daily Spiral Review 5-6 Problem of the Day 5-6 Reteaching 5-6 Practice 5-6 Enrichment 5-6

Use patterns to multiply with 10 as a factor.

Find products with 10 as a factor.

Daily Spiral Review 5-7 Problem of the Day 5-7 Reteaching 5-7 Practice 5-7 Enrichment 5-7

CC.2.2.3.A.4 - Operations and Algebraic Thinking ~ Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic. 5-3 How can you CC.2.2.3.A.1 - Operations use multiplication to and Algebraic Thinking ~ Represent and solve compare? problems involving multiplication and division.



Model Lessons

Summative Assessments

The Interactive Learning is important in building conceptual understanding in mathematics. Students interact in a problembased activitiy and share their thinking. Students are told what they will learn and the new lesson connects to students' prior experiences.

Daily Spiral Review 5-2 Problem of the Day 5-2 Reteaching 5-2 Practice 5-2 Enrichment 5-2

Write multiplication sentences Daily Spiral Review 5-3 for comparison situations. Problem of the Day 5-3 Reteaching 5-3 Practice 5-3 Enrichment 5-3

Write multiplication stories.

Daily Spiral Review 5-4 Problem of the Day 5-4 Reteaching 5-4 Practice 5-4 Enrichment 5-4

CC.2.2.3.A.1 - Operations and Algebraic Thinking ~ Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division. 5-5 How do you write a good mathematical explanation?

CC.2.2.3.A.1 - Operations and Algebraic Thinking ~ Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division. CC.2.2.3.A.2 - Operations and Algebraic Thinking ~ Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division. CC.2.2.3.A.4 - Operations and Algebraic Thinking ~ Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic.

5-6 How can you CC.2.2.3.A.3 - Operations and Algebraic Thinking ~ use patterns to multiply by 2 and 5? Demonstrate multiplication and division fluency.

5-7 What are the CC.2.2.3.A.3 - Operations patterns in multiples and Algebraic Thinking ~ Demonstrate multiplication of 10? and division fluency.

5-8A How can you multiply by multiples of 10?

CC.2.2.3.A.3 - Operations and Algebraic Thinking ~ Demonstrate multiplication and division fluency.

5-8 How can patterns be used to find 9s facts?

CC.2.2.3.A.3 - Operations and Algebraic Thinking ~ Demonstrate multiplication and division fluency.

CC.2.2.3.A.3 - Operations 5-9 What are the and Algebraic Thinking ~ patterns in multiples Demonstrate multiplication of 1 and 0? and division fluency.

5-10 How can you tell when you need to answer more than one questions to solve a problem?

CC.2.2.3.A.4 - Operations and Algebraic Thinking ~ Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic.

10 as a factor

Multiplying by Use multiples of 10 patterns to multiply with mulitiples of 10 9 as a factor

Find products with multiples of Daily Spiral Review 5-8A 10 as a factor Problem of the Day 5-8A Reteaching 5-8A Practice 5-8A Enrichment 5-8A

Use patterns to multiply with 9 as a factor.

Find products with 9 as a factor.

Daily Spiral Review 5-8 Problem of the Day 5-8 Reteaching 5-8 Practice 5-8 Enrichment 5-8

Multiplying with 0 and 1.

Use patterns and properties wo multiply with 0 and 1 as factors.

Find products with 0 or 1 as a factor.

Daily Spiral Review 5-9 Problem of the Day 5-9 Reteaching 5-9 Practice 5-9 Enrichment 5-9

Problem Solving: TwoQuestion problems

Solve for one problem and use the solution to complete a second problem.

Solve two-question problems.

Daily Spiral Review 5-10 Problem of the Day 5-10 Reteaching 5-10 Practice 5-10 Enrichment 5-10

Topic 5 Test 11/14/2014 8/27/2014

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Topic 6 Multiplication Fact Strategies Continue Calendar Math: introduce measurement Topic 6 Resources: Teaching Tool #21, Counters, Two-color Tiles, Teaching Tool #20, Interactive Sheet #12, Flashcards, Vocabulary Cards.

Content to meet the Grade 3 PA Core State Standards: All Of Topic 6 Content from earlier years to review and practice: Content to prepare for future study or to enrich the curriculum: Reccommended Pacing- 11 Days

Essential Questions How can you use the distributive property of multiplication?

Standards CC.2.2.3.A.2 - Operations and Algebraic Thinking ~ Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division.



Distributive Property of Multiplication

Use the distributive property to multiply.

Vocabulary Distributive Property

Learning Targets/Feedback I can use the Distributive Property to simplify multiplication problems by breaking apart large arrays that represent multiplication facts into smaller arrays that represent other multiplication facts.

Resources/Strategies Access Math Links for each Topic by: Go to the ASD Homepage ( ). Click on the blue Academics tab. On the left side of the page, scroll down to the 3rd Grade Math Links by Topic. Choose the topic and concepts you wish to practice. Daily Spiral Review 6-1A Problem of the Day 6-1A Reteaching 6-1A Practice 6-1A Enrichment 6-1A

6-1 How can you CC.2.2.3.A.3 - Operations and Algebraic Thinking ~ break apart to Demonstrate multiplication multiply by three? and division fluency.

6-2 How can you CC.2.2.3.A.3 - Operations break apart arrays to and Algebraic Thinking ~ Demonstrate multiplication multiply with 4? and division fluency.

6-3 How can you break apart arrays to multiply with 6 and 7?

CC.2.2.3.A.3 - Operations and Algebraic Thinking ~ Demonstrate multiplication and division fluency.

3 as a Factor

Use and Associative break apart Property of arrays to Multiplication model multiplying by 3.

Use known facts to find products with 3 as a factor.

4 as a Factor

Use and break apart arrays to model multiplying with 4.

Use known facts and doubles Daily Spiral Review 6-2 to find products with 4 as a factor. Problem of the Day 6-2 Reteaching 6-2 Practice 6-2 Enrichment 6-2

Use and break apart arrays to model multiplying with 8.

Use known facts to find products with 6 and 7 as factors.

Use and break apart arrays to model multiplying with 8.

Use known facts and doubles Daily Spiral Review 6-4 to find products with 8 as a factor. Problem of the Day 6-4 Reteaching 6-4 Practice 6-4 Enrichment 6-4

6 and 7 as Factors

Daily Spiral Review 6-1 Problem of the Day 6-1 Reteaching 6-1 Practice 6-1 Enrichment 6-1

8 as a Factor

CC.2.2.3.A.3 - Operations and Algebraic Thinking ~ Demonstrate multiplication and division fluency.

11 and 12 as Factors

Break apart an array of counters to write the multiplication facts.

Use patterns to multiply with 11 and 12 as factors.

Daily Spiral Review 6-5 Problem of the Day 6-5 Reteaching 6-5 Practice 6-5 Enrichment 6-5

6-6 How can you CC.2.2.3.A.3 - Operations multiply 3 numbers? and Algebraic Thinking ~ Demonstrate multiplication and division fluency.

Multiplying with 3 factors.

Use arrays to solve a multiplicaton problem with three factors.

Multiply 3 numbers and use the Associative Property of Multiplication.

Daily Spiral Review 6-6 Problem of the Day 6-6 Reteaching 6-6 Practice 6-6 Enrichment 6-6

CC.2.2.3.A.2 - Operations and Algebraic Thinking ~ Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division.

Multiply to Find Combinations

Use objects, pictures, and multiplication to find combiniations.

I can use objects, pictures, and multiplication to find the number of possible combinations of data or objects in a problem.

Daily Spiral Review 6-7A Problem of the Day 6-7A Reteaching 6-7A Practice 6-7A Enrichment 6-7A

CC.2.2.3.A.4 - Operations and Algebraic Thinking ~ Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic.

Figure out Problem Solving: Multiple what to Step Problems answer first in a multiple step problem.

Solve multiple step problems.

6-7A How can you multiply to find combinations?

6-7 How can you figure out what question needs to be answered first in a multiple step problem?

Summative Assessments

The Interactive Learning is important in building conceptual understanding in mathematics. Students interact in a problem-base activity and share their thinking. Students are told what they will learn and the new lesson connects to students; prior experiences. The Interactive Learning is important in building conceptual understanding in mathematics. Students interact in a problem-base activity and share their thinking. Students are told what they will learn and the new lesson connects to students; prior experiences.

Daily Spiral Review 6-3 Problem of the Day 6-3 Reteaching 6-3 Practice 6-3 Enrichment 6-3

CC.2.2.3.A.3 - Operations 6-4 How can you and Algebraic Thinking ~ break apart arrays Demonstrate multiplication and use known facts and division fluency. to multiply with 8?

6-5 What are patterns in multiples of 11 and 12?

Model Lessons

Daily Spiral Review 6-7 Problem of the Day 6-7 Reteaching 6-7 Practice 6-7 Enrichment 6-7

Topic 6 Test 12/4/2014

Topic 7 Division Meanings Continue calendar math activities. Topic Resources: Counters, Teaching Tool #21, two color tiles or Teaching Tool # 20, Interactive Sheet #12, Vocabulary Cards. Content to meet the Grade 3 PA Core State Standards: All Of Topic 7 Content from earlier years to review and practice: Content to prepare for future study or to enrich the curriculum: Reccommended Pacing- 11 Days 8/27/2014

PerformancePLUS - Maps

Essential Questions


Page 7 of 18


CC.2.2.3.A.2 - Operations and 7-1 How can you Division As Algebraic Thinking ~ think of division as Sharing Understand properties of sharing? multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division. CC.2.2.3.A.1 - Operations and Algebraic Thinking ~ Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division.

Skills Use models to solve division problems involving sharing and record solutions using dividion number sentences.

Vocabulary division

Learning Targets/Feedback Write division sentences for repeated subtraction and sharing equally.

CC.2.2.3.A.4 - Operations and Multiplication Algebraic Thinking ~ Solve Table problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic. CC.2.2.3.A.1 - Operations and Algebraic Thinking ~ Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division.

7-2 How many are left over?

CC.2.2.3.A.1 - Operations and Algebraic Thinking ~ Understanding Represent and solve Remainders problems involving multiplication and division. CC.2.2.3.A.2 - Operations and Algebraic Thinking ~ Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division.

Access Math Links for each Topic by: Go to the ASD Homepage ( ). Click on the blue Academics tab. On the left side of the page, scroll down to the 3rd Grade Math Links by Topic. Choose the topic and concepts you wish to practice. Daily Spiral Review 7-1 Problem of the Day 7-1 Reteaching 7-1 Practice 7-1 Enrichment 7-1

CC.2.2.3.A.4 - Operations and Algebraic Thinking ~ Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic.

7-2A How can you find missing numbers in a multiplication table?


Use division to help find missing numbers on a multiplication table.

I can use multiplication tables to find answers to division problems.

Daily Spiral Review 7-2A Problem of the Day 7-2A Reteaching 7-2A Practice 7-2A Enrichment 7-2A

Understand that when dividing, there may be some left over called a remainder.

Daily Spiral Review 7-2 Problem of the Day 7-2 Reteaching 7-2 Practice 7-2 Enrichment 7-2

Use models to solve division problems involving repeated subtraction and record solutions using division number sentences.

Write division sentences for repeated subtraction and sharing equally.

Daily Spiral Review 7-3 Problem of the Day 7-3 Reteaching 7-3 Practice 7-3 Enrichment 7-3

Solve word problems by writing equations.

I can solve word problems by writing equations that represent the problem situations.

Daily Spiral Review 7-4 Problem of the Day 7-4 Reteaching 7-4 Practice 7-4 Enrichment 7-4

Learn that when dividing, there may be some left over called a remainder.


Model Lessons

Summative Assessments

The Interactive Learning is important in building conceptual understanding in mathematics. Students interact in a problembased activitiy and share their thinking. Students are told what they will learn and the new lesson connects to students' prior experiences.

CC.2.2.3.A.4 - Operations and Algebraic Thinking ~ Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic. CC.2.2.3.A.1 - Operations and Division as 7-3 How can you Algebraic Thinking ~ Repeated think of dividion as Represent and solve Subtraction repeated problems involving subtraction? multiplication and division. CC.2.2.3.A.2 - Operations and Algebraic Thinking ~ Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division. CC.2.2.3.A.4 - Operations and Algebraic Thinking ~ Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic. 7-4A How can you choose an appropriate equation when problem solving?

CC.2.2.3.A.4 - Operations and Writing an Algebraic Thinking ~ Solve equation from a problems involving the four problem operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic.

Writing 7-4 What kinds of CC.2.2.3.A.1 - Operations and Algebraic Thinking ~ Division Stories stories involve Represent and solve division situations? problems involving multiplication and division.

Write division stories.

Write and solve number stories involving division.

Daily Spiral Review 7-4A Problem of the Day 7-4A Reteaching 7-4A Practice 7-4A Enrichment 7-4A

CC.2.2.3.A.2 - Operations and Algebraic Thinking ~ Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division. CC.2.2.3.A.4 - Operations and Algebraic Thinking ~ Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic. CC.2.2.3.A.1 - Operations and Problem Solve 7-5 How can you Algebraic Thinking ~ Solving:Use problems by use objects and draw Represent and solve Objects and Draw using objects a picture to solve a problems involving a Picture and drawing a problem? multiplication and division. picture.

Use objects and draw a picture to solve problems.

Topic 7 Test 12/17/2013

Daily Spiral Review 7-5 Problem of the Day 7-5 Reteaching 7-5 Practice 7-5 Enrichment 7-5

Topic 8 Division Facts Continue Calendar Math Topic Resources: Counters, Interactive Sheets # 13, 14, 2-color Counters, Square Tiles, Flashcards, Vocabulary Cards. Content to meet the Grade 3 PA Core State Standards: All of Topic 8 Content from earlier years to review and practice: Content to prepare for future study or to enrich the curriculum: Reccommended Pacing- 9 Days

Essential Questions





Learning Targets/Feedback


Model Lessons

Summative Assessments 8/27/2014

PerformancePLUS - Maps

8-1 How are multiplication and division related?

CC.2.2.3.A.2 Relating Operations and multiplication and Algebraic Thinking ~ division Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division.

8-2 How can you CC.2.2.3.A.3 use multipication to Operations and Algebraic Thinking ~ help you divide? Demonstrate multiplication and division fluency.

Page 8 of 18

Use counters to build arrays and write multiplication and division fact families for the arrays.

dividend divisor quotient

Given a multiplication fact, state a related division fact.

Access Math Links for each Topic by: Go to the ASD Homepage ( ). Click on the blue Academics tab. On the left side of the page, scroll down to the 3rd Grade Math Links by Topic. Choose the topic and concepts you wish to practice. Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

Fact Families Use multiplication with 2,3,4, and 5 to divide by 2, 3, 4, and 5 without using models.

Give quotients for divisionfacts Daily Spiral Review with divisors of 2,3,4 and 5. Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

CC.2.2.3.A.3 Operations and Algebraic Thinking ~ Demonstrate multiplication and division fluency.

Fact Families Use related with 6 and 7 multiplication facts to mentally solve division word problems with divisors of 6 and 7.

Give quotients for division facts with divisors of 6 and 7.

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

CC.2.2.3.A.3 Operations and Algebraic Thinking ~ Demonstrate multiplication and division fluency.

Fact Families Use related with 8 and 9 multiplication facts to mentally solve division word problems with divisors of 8 and 9.

Give quotients for division facts with divisors of 8 and 9.

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

Use multiplication and division to solve equations.

I can use multiplication and division facts to decide whether both sides of an equation are equal. I can determine the value of an unknown number in an equation.

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

The Interactive Learning is important in building conceptual understanding in mathematics. Students interact in a problem-base activity and share their thinking. Students are told what they will learn and the new lesson connects to students; prior experiences.

CC.2.2.3.A.2 Operations and Algebraic Thinking ~ Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division. 8-3 How can you use multiplication to help you divide by 6 and 7?

8-4 How can you use multiplication to help you divide by 8 and 9?

8-5A How can you make sense of multiplication and division equations?

CC.2.2.3.A.1 Multiplication Operations and and Division Algebraic Thinking ~ Equations Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division. CC.2.2.3.A.2 Operations and Algebraic Thinking ~ Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division.

8-5 What happens when you divide with 0 and 1?

8-6 How can you solve problems by drawing a picture and writing a number?

CC.2.2.3.A.3 Operations and Algebraic Thinking ~ Demonstrate multiplication and division fluency.

Dividing with 0 and 1

Use counters to explore dividing with 1.

Daily Spiral Review Use patterns and fact families Problem of the Day to find answers to division facts Reteaching with 0 and 1. Practice Enrichment

CC.2.2.3.A.1 Operations and Algebraic Thinking ~ Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division.

Problem Solving: Draw a picture and write a number sentence

Learn to solve word problems by using the strategies of Draw a Picture and Write a Number Sentence.

Solve division problems involving sharing and repeated subtraction by drawing a picture and writing a number sentence.

Topic 8 Test 1/16/2015

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

Topic 9 Patterns and Relationships Calendar Math activities continued. Topic Resources: Pattern Blocks, Teaching Tool # 37, Connecting Cubes, Interactive Sheets # 15, 16, 2-color Counters, Teaching Tool # 21, Centimeter Grid Paper, Teaching Tool #13. Content to meet the Grade 3 PA Core State Standards: 9-1, 9-2, 9-3, 9-6 Content from earlier years to review and practice: Content to prepare for future study or to enrich the curriculum: 9-4, 9-5, 9-7, 9-8 Reccommended Pacing- 6-10 days

Essential Questions



9-1 How can you CC.2.2.3.A.4 Repeating continue a repeating Operations and Patterns Algebraic Thinking ~ pattern? Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic.



Identify and extend repeating repeating geometric or patterns repeating number patterns.

Learning Targets/Feedback Identify and extend repeating patterns.

Resources/Strategies Access Math Links for each Topic by: Go to the ASD Homepage ( ). Click on the blue Academics tab. On the left side of the page, scroll down to the 3rd Grade Math Links by Topic. Choose the topic and concepts you wish to practice. Daily Spiral Review 9-1 Problem of the Day 9-1 Reteaching 9-1 Practice 9-1 Enrichment 9-1

Model Lessons

Summative Assessments

The Interactive Learning is important in building conceptual understanding in mathematics. Students interact in a problembased activitiy and share their thinking. Students are told what they will learn and the new lesson connects to students' prior experiences. 8/27/2014

PerformancePLUS - Maps

CC.2.2.3.A.4 Number Operations and Sequences Algebraic Thinking ~ Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic.

9-2 What is the pattern?

9-3 What pairs of CC.2.2.3.A.4 Extending Operations and Tables numbers fit a Algebraic Thinking ~ pattern? Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic. CC.2.2.3.A.4 Wrting Rules Operations and for Situations Algebraic Thinking ~ Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic.

9-4 What is a math rule for the situation?

9-5 How can you translate words to numerical expressions?

CC.2.2.3.A.4 Translating Operations and Words to Algebraic Thinking ~ Expressions Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic.

9-6 How can you CC.2.2.3.A.4 Geometric Operations and describe block Patterns Algebraic Thinking ~ towers? Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic. Equal or 9-7 How can you CC.2.2.3.A.4 Operations and compare two Unequal Algebraic Thinking ~ expressions? Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic.

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Identify and extend whole number patterns involving addition and subtraction.

Indentify and extend patterns in number sequences.

Daily Spiral Review 9-2 Problem of the Day 9-2 Reteaching 9-2 Practice 9-2 Enrichment 9-2

Extend tables of ordered pairs for situations involving multiplication, addition, or subtraction.

Make and extend tables.

Daily Spiral Review 9-3 Problem of the Day 9-3 Reteaching 9-3 Practice 9-3 Enrichment 9-3

Find a rule and extend the table, given a table of number pairs.

Find rules to extend tables.

Daily Spiral Review 9-4 Problem of the Day 9-4 Reteaching 9-4 Practice 9-4 Enrichment 9-4

Translate words or numerical situations to expressions expressions.

Translate words to expressions.

Daily Spiral Review 9-5 Problem of the Day 9-5 Reteaching 9-5 Practice 9-5 Enrichment 9-5

Extend patterns of cubes or tiles.

Use tables to identify and extend geometric patterns.

Daily Spiral Review 9-6 Problem of the Day 9-6 Reteaching 9-6 Practice 9-6 Enrichment 9-6

Complete number sentences and inequalities.

Daily Spiral Review 9-7 Problem of the Day 9-7 Reteaching 9-7 Practice 9-7 Enrichment 9-7

Use logical reasoning and act it out to solve problems.

Daily Spiral Review 9-8 Problem of the Day 9-8 Reteaching 9-8 Practice 9-8 Enrichment 9-8

Compare expressions to determine if they are equal or unequal.

numerical expression equation inequality

CC.2.2.3.A.4 Use the strategies Problem 9-8 How can you Operations and Solving: Act It Out Act It Out and Use solve problems by Algebraic Thinking ~ and Use Reasoning to solve acting them out adn Solve problems problems. Reasoning using reasoning? involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic.

Topic 9 Test 1/27/2015

Topic 10 Continue Calendar Math Topic Resources: Power Solids, Solid Geometric Shapes, Ruler, Geoboards, Teach Tools #17, 18, Vocabulary Cards. Content to meet the Grade 3 PA Core State Standards: 10-5, 10-6, 10-7, 10-8A, 10-8B, 10-8 Content from earlier years to review and practice:10-1, 10-2 Content to prepare for future study or to enrich the curriculum: 10-3, 10-4 Reccommended Pacing- 8-12 Days

Essential Questions 10-1 What is a solid figure?

10-2 How can you describe parts of solid figures?

10-3 What is important to know about lines?

Standards CC.2.3.3.A.1 Geometry ~ Identify, compare, and classify shapes and their attributes.

CC.2.3.3.A.1 Geometry ~ Identify, compare, and classify shapes and their attributes. CC.2.3.3.A.1 Geometry ~ Identify, compare, and classify shapes and their attributes.

CC.2.3.3.A.1 10-4 How do you describe Geometry ~ Identify, compare, and angles? classify shapes and their attributes.

10-5 What is a polygon?

CC.2.3.3.A.1 Geometry ~ Identify,

Content solid figures

Skills Identify solid figures by name and describe their attributes.

Vocabulary solid figure rectangular prism cube pyramid cylinder cone sphere 3 dimensionsl solids solid figure triangular pyramid square pyramid

Learning Targets/Feedback Identify solid figures by name.

Resources/Strategies Access Math Links for each Topic by: Go to the ASD Homepage ( ). Click on the blue Academics tab. On the left side of the page, scroll down to the 3rd Grade Math Links by Topic. Choose the topic and concepts you wish to practice. Daily Spiral Review 10-1 Problem of the Day 10-1 Reteaching 10-1 Practice 10-1 Enrichment 10-1

Relating Students will face solids and shapes identify shapes related edge to given solids. vertex vertices

Identify shapes by their given parts.

Daily Spiral Review 10-2 Problem of the Day 10-2 Reteaching 10-2 Practice 10-2 Enrichment 10-2

Lines and Line Segments

Identify lines and line segments and explore their different relationships.

point line line segment intersecting lines parallel lines

Identify lines and line segments.

Daily Spiral Review 10-3 Problem of the Day 10-3 Reteaching 10-3 Practice 10-3 Enrichment 10-3


Identify and classify angles in relation to right angles. (Show various positions of a right angle, other than just right facing.)

ray angles right angle perpendicular acute angle obtuse angle

Identify angles when compared to a right angle.

Daily Spiral Review 10-4 Problem of the Day 10-4 Reteaching 10-4 Practice 10-4 Enrichment 10-4


Identify and classify polygons.

polygon side

Name and group polygons.

Model Lessons

Summative Assessments

The Interactive Learning is important in building conceptual understanding in mathematics. Students interact in a problembased activitiy and share their thinking. Students are told what they will learn and the new lesson connects to students' prior experiences.

Daily Spiral Review 10-5 Problem of the Day 10-5 8/27/2014

PerformancePLUS - Maps

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compare, and classify shapes and their attributes.

vertex triangle quadrilateral pentagon hexagon octagon

10-6 How can you describe the triangle?

CC.2.3.3.A.1 Geometry ~ Identify, compare, and classify shapes and their attributes.


Identify and classify polygons.

10-7 How can you describe quadrilaterals?

CC.2.3.3.A.1 Geometry ~ Identify, compare, and classify shapes and their attributes.


identify and trapezoid classify quadrilaterals. parallelogram rectangle rhombus square classify

10-8A How can you combine and separate shapes?

CC.2.3.3.A.1 Geometry ~ Identify, compare, and classify shapes and their attributes.

10-8B How can you make new shapes?

10-8 What generalization can be made from a group of examples?

CC.2.3.3.A.1 Geometry ~ Identify, compare, and classify shapes and their attributes. CC.2.3.3.A.1 Geometry ~ Identify, compare, and classify shapes and their attributes.

equilateral triangle isosceles triangle scalene triangle right triangle acute triangle obtuse triangle classify

Reteaching 10-5 Practice 10-5 Enrichment 10-5

Name and group triangles.

Daily Spiral Review 10-6 Problem of the Day 10-6 Reteaching 10-6 Practice 10-6 Enrichment 10-6

Name and group quadrilaterals.

Daily Spiral Review 10-7 Problem of the Day 10-7 Reteaching 10-7 Practice 10-7 Enrichment 10-7

Combine and Make new shapes Separate Shapes by combining or separating shapes.

I can create new shapes by combining shapes or by separating shapes.

Daily Spiral Review 10-8A Problem of the Day 10-8A Reteaching 10-8A Practice 10-8A Enrichment 10-8A

Create New Shapes

Make a new shape by cutting Daily Spiral Review 10-8B apart a shape and rearranging the Problem of the Day 10-8B pieces. Reteaching 10-8B Practice 10-8B Enrichment 10-8B

Make a new shape by cutting apart a shape and rearranging the pieces.

Make and test Identify commonalities generalizations. among objects or situations to make and test generalizations.

Name different types of quadrilaterals.

Daily Spiral Review 10-8 Problem of the Day 10-8 Reteaching 10-8 Practice 10-8 Enrichment 10-8

Topic 10 Test 2/6/2015

Topic 12 Understanding Fractions Topic 12 Resources: Teaching Too #13, Interactive Sheet #20, 2-color Counters, Teaching Tools # 21, 28, Fraction Bars, Vocabulary Cards. Can use "The Hershey's Milk Chocolate Fractions" book. Content to meet the Grade 3 PA Core State Standards: 12-1, 12-2A, 12-2, 12-3, 12-4, 12-5A, 12-5, 12-6, 12-7A, 12-7B, 12-7, 12-8A, 12-8B, 12-10 Content from earlier years to review and practice: Content to prepare for future study or to enrich the curriculum: 12-8, 12-9 Reccommended Pacing- 15-17 Days

Essential Questions 12-1 How can you divide a region into two equal parts?

Standards CC.2.1.3.C.1 - Number & Operations - Fractions ~ Explore and develop an understanding of fractions as numbers. CC.2.3.3.A.2 - Geometry ~ Use the understanding of fractions to partition shapes into parts with equal areas and express the area of each part as a unit fraction of the whole.

12-2A Fractions and Regions (Replaces Lesson 12-2)

12-3 How can you write a fraction to name a part of a set?

CC.2.3.3.A.2 - Geometry ~ Use the understanding of fractions to partition shapes into parts with equal areas and express the area of each part as a unit fraction of the whole.

CC.2.3.3.A.2 - Geometry ~ Use the understanding of fractions to partition shapes into parts with equal areas and express the area of each part as a unit fraction of the whole.

CC.2.3.3.A.2 - Geometry ~ 12-4 How do you estimate Use the understanding of fractions to partition shapes parts? into parts with equal areas and express the area of each part as a unit fraction of the whole. 12-5A How can you compare fractions?

12-5 How can different fractions name the same number?



Dividing Identify regions into equal regions that parts have been divided into equal-sized parts and divide regions into equalsized parts.

Vocabulary halves thirds fourths fifths sixths eighths tenths twelfths

Learning Targets/Feedback Determine if a region is divided into equal parts and the number of equal parts.

Resources/Strategies Access Math Links for each Topic by: Go to the ASD Homepage ( ). Click on the blue Academics tab. On the left side of the page, scroll down to the 3rd Grade Math Links by Topic. Choose the topic and concepts you wish to practice. Daily Spiral Review 12-1 Problem of the Day 12-1 Reteaching 12-1 Practice 12-1 Enrichment 12-1

Fractions and Associate fraction Regions the model, unit fraction symbol, and numerator words used to denominator describe a fractional part of a whole region.

I can associate the model, symbol, and words used to describe a fractional part of a whole region.

Fractions and Associate Sets the model, symbol, and words used to descrie part of a set.

Write a fraction to name a part Daily Spiral Review 12-3 of a set. Problem of the Day 12-3 Reteaching 12-3 Practice 12-3 Enrichment 12-3

Benchmark Fractions

CC.2.3.3.A.2 - Geometry ~ Use the understanding of fractions to partition shapes into parts with equal areas and express the area of each part as a unit fraction of the whole.

Comparing Fractions

CC.2.3.3.A.2 - Geometry ~ Use the understanding of fractions to partition shapes into parts with equal areas and express the area of each part as a unit fraction of the whole.

Finding Equivalent Fractions

Use benchmark fractions to estimate fractional parts.

benchmark fractions

Summative Assessments

The Interactive Learning is important in building conceptual understanding in mathematics. Students interact in a problembased activitiy and share their thinking. Students are told what they will learn and the new lesson connects to students' prior experiences.

Daily Spiral Review 12-2 Problem of the Day 12-2 Reteaching 12-2 Practice 12-2 Enrichment 12-2

Daily Spiral Review 12-4 Problem of the Day 12-4 Reteaching 12-4 Practice 12-4 Enrichment 12-4

I can use benchmark numbers Daily Spiral Review 12-5A Problem of the Day 12-5A to compare fractions with the same numerator or the same Reteaching 12-5A Practice 12-5A denominator. Enrichment 12-5A

Comparing Fractions Using Benchmarks

Use models to find equivalent fractions.

Estimate parts to the nearest 1/2, 1/3, and 1/4.

Model Lessons

simplest form

Visually compare fractions to see if they are equivalent.

Daily Spiral Review 12-5 Problem of the Day 12-5 Reteaching 12-5 Practice 12-5 Enrichment 12-5 8/27/2014

PerformancePLUS - Maps

12-6 How can you use models to compare fractions?

12-7A How can you use models to compare fractions with the same numerator?

12-7B How can you compare fractions on the number line?

12-7 How can you locate fractions on a number line?

12-8A How can you identify equivalent fractions on the number line?

12-8B How can you find a relationship between fractions and whole numbers?

12-8 How can you use fraction strips to add fractions?

12-9 How can you use fraction strips to subtract fractions?

12-10 how can you use a pattern in a table to help you solve a pattern?

CC.2.3.3.A.2 - Geometry ~ Use the understanding of fractions to partition shapes into parts with equal areas and express the area of each part as a unit fraction of the whole. CC.2.3.3.A.2 - Geometry ~ Use the understanding of fractions to partition shapes into parts with equal areas and express the area of each part as a unit fraction of the whole. CC.2.3.3.A.2 - Geometry ~ Use the understanding of fractions to partition shapes into parts with equal areas and express the area of each part as a unit fraction of the whole. CC.2.3.3.A.2 - Geometry ~ Use the understanding of fractions to partition shapes into parts with equal areas and express the area of each part as a unit fraction of the whole.

CC.2.3.3.A.2 - Geometry ~ Use the understanding of fractions to partition shapes into parts with equal areas and express the area of each part as a unit fraction of the whole. CC.2.3.3.A.2 - Geometry ~ Use the understanding of fractions to partition shapes into parts with equal areas and express the area of each part as a unit fraction of the whole.

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Using models Use to compare models to fractions compare fractions.

Use models to compare fractions.

Daily Spiral Review 12-6 Problem of the Day 12-6 Reteaching 12-6 Practice 12-6 Enrichment 12-6

Use models to compare fractions

Use models to compare fractions

I can use models and reasoning to compare fractions with the same numerator.

Daily Spiral Review 12-7A Problem of the Day 12-7A Reteaching 12-7A Practice 12-7A Enrichment 12-7A

Compare fractions on the number line.

Compare fractions using a number line.

I can use number lines to compare fractions with like denominators or like numerators.

Daily Spiral Review 12-7B Problem of the Day 12-7B Reteaching 12-7B Practice 12-7B Enrichment 12-7B

Fractions on the Number Line

1. Find and write fractions and mixed numbers on a number line. 2. Compare and order fractions and mixed numbers.

1. Find and write mixed numbers on a number line. 2. Compare and order fractions and mixed numbers.

Daily Spiral Review 12-7 Problem of the Day 12-7 Reteaching 12-7 Practice 12-7 Enrichment 12-7

Equivalent fractions on the number line

Find equivalent fractions on the number line

I can use number lines to identify equivalent fractions.

Daily Spiral Review 12-8A Problem of the Day 12-8A Reteaching 12-8A Practice 12-8A Enrichment 12-8A

Find fraction names for whole numbers.

Use number lines and fraction strips to name whole numbers.

I can use fraction strips and number lines to find fraction names for whole numbers.

Daily Spiral Review 12-8B Problem of the Day 12-8B Reteaching 12-8B Practice 12-8B Enrichment 12-8B

mixed numbers

CC.2.3.3.A.2 - Geometry ~ Use the understanding of fractions to partition shapes into parts with equal areas and express the area of each part as a unit fraction of the whole.

Add Using models fractions with to subtract the like fractions denominators using models.

Add fractions with like denominators.

Daily Spiral Review 12-8 Problem of the Day 12-8 Reteaching 12-8 Practice 12-8 Enrichment 12-8

CC.2.3.3.A.2 - Geometry ~ Use the understanding of fractions to partition shapes into parts with equal areas and express the area of each part as a unit fraction of the whole.

Subtract Using models fractions with to subtract like fractions denominators using models.

Subtract fractions with like denominators.

Daily Spiral Review 12-9 Problem of the Day 12-9 Reteaching 12-9 Practice 12-9 Enrichment 12-9

CC.2.3.3.A.2 - Geometry ~ Use the understanding of fractions to partition shapes into parts with equal areas and express the area of each part as a unit fraction of the whole.

Make a Problem Solving: Make a table and look Table and look for for a pattern to solve a a pattern problem.

Make a table and use a pattern to solve a problem.

Daily Spiral Review 12-10 Problem of the Day 12-10 Reteaching 12-10 Practice 12-10 Enrichment 12-10

Topic 14 Customary Measurement

Topic 12 Test 2/27/2015

Topic 14 Resources: Inch Ruler, Teaching Tool #33, Interactive Sheets # 21, 22, 23, Yardstick, Measuring Cups (1 Cup, 1 Pint, 1 Quart, 1 Gallon), Rice Sand, Balance Scale, Unit Cubes, Items to weigh, Gallon Man, Vocabulary Cards. Content to meet the Grade 3 PA Core State Standards: 14-2, 14-3, 14-4, 14-5, 14-6 Content from earlier years to review and practice: 14-1 Content to prepare for future study or to enrich the curriculum: Reccommended Pacing- 7-8 Days

Essential Questions



14-1 How do you CC.2.4.3.A.1 - Measurement Understanding measure an object in and Data ~ Solve problems involving measurement and Measurement inches? estimation of temperature, liquid volume, mass or length.

14-2 How do you measure to a fraction of an inch?

CC.2.4.3.A.1 - Measurement Fractions of and Data ~ Solve problems an Inch involving measurement and estimation of temperature, liquid volume, mass or length.


Understand the measurement process and the need for its standard units. Learn to measure with nonstandard units and to the nearest inch.

Measure length to the nearest 1/2 inch and nearest 1/4 inch.

Vocabulary inch

Learning Targets/Feedback


Estimate and measure to the nearest inch.

Access Math Links for each Topic by: Go to the ASD Homepage ( ). Click on the blue Academics tab. On the left side of the page, scroll down to the 3rd Grade Math Links by Topic. Choose the topic and concepts you wish to practice.

Estimate and measure to the nearest 1/2 inch and nearest 1/4 inch.

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

Model Lessons

Summative Assessments

The Interactive Learning is important in building conceptual understanding in mathematics. Students interact in a problembased activitiy and share their thinking. Students are told what they will learn and the new lesson connects to students' prior experiences. 8/27/2014

PerformancePLUS - Maps

Page 12 of 18

14-3 How can you estimate and measure length?

CC.2.4.3.A.1 - Measurement Using Inches, Choose and Data ~ Solve problems Feet, Yards and an involving measurement and Miles appropriate estimation of temperature, unit, estimate, liquid volume, mass or length. and measure in feet, yards, and miles. Convert unit inches, feet, yards.

foot yard mile convert customary

Choose and convert customary (standard) units of length.

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

14-4 What customary units describe how much a container holds?

CC.2.4.3.A.1 - Measurement Customary and Data ~ Solve problems (Standard) Units involving measurement and of Capacity estimation of temperature, liquid volume, mass or length.

capacity cup pint quart gallon customary

Estimate capacity in customary (standard) units.

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

Choose weight an ounce appropriate pound unit and tool, ton estimate, and measure in ounces, pounds, and tons. Identify objects that weigh about an ounce, pound, and ton.

Estimate weight and customary (standard) units.

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

Solve Problems by Acting Out the information given and by using reasoning skills.

Act a problem out and use reasoning to solve.

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

14-5 What customary (standard) units describe how heavy something is?

CC.2.4.3.A.1 - Measurement Units of and Data ~ Solve problems Weight involving measurement and estimation of temperature, liquid volume, mass or length.

14-6 How can you act out and use reasoning to solve problems?

CC.2.4.3.A.1 - Measurement Problem and Data ~ Solve problems Solving: Act It involving measurement and Out and Use estimation of temperature, Reasoning liquid volume, mass or length.

Choose an appropriate unit and tool, estimate and measure in cups, pints, quart, gallons. Identify and estimate capacity tools.

Topic 14 Test 3/18/2015

Topic 15 Metric Measurement Topic Resources: Teaching Tool #32, Centimeter Ruler, Objects to Measure, Meter Stick, Liter (1/2, 2 & 4 liter bottles), Rice or Sand, Balance, Objects to Weigh. Content to meet the Grade 3 PA Core State Standards: All Of Topic 15 Content from earlier years to review and practice: Content to prepare for future study or to enrich the curriculum: Reccommended Pacing- 8 Days

Essential Questions 15-1 How can you estimate and measure in metric units?



CC.2.4.3.A.1 - Measurement Using and Data ~ Solve problems Centimeters and involving measurement and Decimeters estimation of temperature, liquid volume, mass or length.



Students decimeter (dm) will estimate millimeter (mm) and measure centimeter (cm) lengths in centimeters.

Learning Targets/Feedback


Estimate and mesure length in Access Math Links for each Topic centimeters and decimeters. by: Go to the ASD Homepage ( ). Click on the blue Academics tab. On the left side of the page, scroll down to the 3rd Grade Math Links by Topic. Choose the topic and concepts you wish to practice. Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

15-2 How can you estimate and measure length?

CC.2.4.3.A.1 - Measurement Using Meters and Data ~ Solve problems and Kilometers involving measurement and estimation of temperature, liquid volume, mass or length.

15-3 What metric units describe how much a container holds?

CC.2.4.3.A.1 - Measurement Metric Units and Data ~ Solve problems of Capacity involving measurement and estimation of temperature, liquid volume, mass or length.

15-4 What metric units describe mass?

15-5A How can you draw a picture to solve a problem involving units of capacity and mass?

CC.2.4.3.A.1 - Measurement and Data ~ Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of temperature, liquid volume, mass or length.

CC.2.4.3.A.1 - Measurement and Data ~ Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of temperature, liquid volume, mass or length.

Units of Mass

Draw a picture to solve capacity and mass word problems.

Students meter (m) will choose an kilometer (km) approprate unit, estimate, and measure in meters and kilometers.

Estimate and measure length in meter and kilometers.

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

Students milliter (mL) will choose an liter (L) appropriate unit and tool, estimate, and measure in mililiters and liters.

Estimate capacity in metric units.

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

Students mass choose an gram appropriate kilogram unit and too, estimate, and measure in grams and kilograms. Students draw a picture to solve capacity and mass word problems.

Estimate mass in Metric Units

I can draw a picture to solve capacity and mass word problems.

Model Lessons

Summative Assessments

The Interactive Learning is important in building conceptual understanding in mathematics. Students interact in a problembased activitiy and share their thinking. Students are told what they will learn and the new lesson connects to students' prior experiences.

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment 8/27/2014

PerformancePLUS - Maps

15-5 How can you make a table and look for a pattern in order to Solve a Problem?

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CC.2.4.3.A.1 - Measurement Make a Table Students and Data ~ Solve problems and Look for a make a table involving measurement and Pattern and look for a estimation of temperature, pattern in liquid volume, mass or length. order to solve a problem.

Make a Table and look for a pattern to solve a problem.

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

Topic 15 Test 3/26/2015

Topic 17 Time and Temperature Topic 17 Resources: Teaching Tool #34, Teaching Tool #35, Interactive Sheet #27. Can use Judy Clocks and pupil clocks. Content to meet the Grade 3 PA Core Standards:17-1, 17-2, 17-4, 17-6 Content from earlier years to review and practice: Content to prepare for future study or to enrich the curriculum: 17-5 Reccommened Pacing- 7-8 DAYS Essential Questions 17-1 How do you tell time to the neares quarter hour or half hour?



CC.2.4.3.A.2 - Measurement Telling time to Show and and Data ~ Tell and write time the half hour and tell time to the to the nearest minute and quarter hour. half hour and solve problems by calculating quarter hour time intervals. on pupil clock faces.

17-2 How do you CC.2.4.3.A.2 - Measurement Time to the and Data ~ Tell and write time minute. tell time to the to the nearest minute and nearest minute? solve problems by calculating time intervals. 17-3 How can you change units of time?

CC.2.4.3.A.2 - Measurement and Data ~ Tell and write time to the nearest minute and solve problems by calculating time intervals.

17-4 How can you find elapsed time?

CC.2.4.3.A.2 - Measurement and Data ~ Tell and write time to the nearest minute and solve problems by calculating time intervals.

17-5 How are temperatures measured?

17-6 How can you work backward to solve a problem?


CC.2.4.3.A.2 - Measurement and Data ~ Tell and write time to the nearest minute and solve problems by calculating time intervals.

Vocabulary hour half hour quarter hour minute second A.M. P.M.

Learning Targets/Feedback Tell time to the nearest half hour and quarter hour using analog and digital clocks and identify times as AM or PM.

Resources/Strategies Access Math Links for each Topic by: Go to the ASD Homepage ( ). Click on the blue Academics tab. On the left side of the page, scroll down to the 3rd Grade Math Links by Topic. Choose the topic and concepts you wish to practice.

Show and tell time to the minute on a pupil clock face.

Tell time to the nearest minute Daily Spiral Review using analog and digital clocks. Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

Units of Time

Convert between weeks and days, days and hours, and hours and minutes.

Perform simple conversions for units of time.

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

Elapsed Time

Find elapsed time to the hour and minute.

Find elapsed time in intervals of minutes.

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment


thermometer Represent Degree Fahrenheit temperature Degree Celsius in degrees Fahrenheit and degrees Celsius on a thermometer.

Read temperatures on Fahrenheit thermometers and determine appropriate temperatures for given activites.

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

Use pupil clock faces to solve timerelated problems by working backward.

Use the strategy; Work Backward to solve problems.

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

CC.2.4.3.A.2 - Measurement Problem and Data ~ Tell and write time Solving : to the nearest minute and Working solve problems by calculating Backward time intervals.

elapsed time

Model Lessons

Summative Assessments

The Interactive Learning is important in building conceptual understanding in mathematics. Students interact in a problembased activitiy and share their thinking. Students are told what they will learn and the new lesson connects to students' prior experiences.

Topic 17 Test 4/1/2015

Topic 16 - Perimeter, Area, Volume Topic 16 Resources: Teaching Tool #13, Interactive Sheets #24, 45, 26, Inch Ruler, Teaching Tool #33, Straw, Craft Sticks or Toolthpicks, Unit Cubes, Small Box, Vocabulary Cards. Content to meet the Grade 3 PA Core Standards: 16-1, 162A, 16-2, 16-3, 16-4, 16-6, 16-7ABCD, 16-8 Content from earlier years to review and practice: Content to prepare for future study or to enrich the curriculum: 16-7(5th grade standard) NOTE- 16-5 has been replaced with 16-6A and 16-6B Reccommened Pacing- 15-16 days

Essential Questions 16-1 How do you find the perimeter of a shape?

Standards CC.2.4.3.A.6 - Measurement and Data ~ Solve problems involving perimeters of polygons and distinguish between linear and area measures.


Understanding Perimeter

Skills Find the perimeter of a shape.

Vocabulary perimeter

Learning Targets/Feedback Use standard units to find perimeter of a shape.

Resources/Strategies Access Math Links for each Topic by: Go to the ASD Homepage ( ). Click on the blue Academics tab. On the left side of the page, scroll down to the 3rd Grade Math Links by Topic. Choose the topic and concepts you wish to practice. Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

Model Lessons

Summative Assessments

The Interactive Learning is important in building conceptual understanding in mathematics. Students interact in a problembased activitiy and share their thinking. Students are told what they will learn and the new lesson connects to students' prior experiences. 8/27/2014

PerformancePLUS - Maps

16-2A How can you select tools to find perimeter?

CC.2.4.3.A.6 - Measurement and Data ~ Solve problems involving perimeters of polygons and distinguish between linear and area measures.

CC.2.4.3.A.6 - Measurement 16-2 How can you find the and Data ~ Solve problems involving perimeters of perimeter of common polygons and distinguish shapes? between linear and area measures. 16-3 What shapes can you make when you know the perimeter?

16-4 How can you use the strategy Try, Check, and Revise to solve problems?

16-6A How can you cover regions?

16-6B How can you use area and units?

CC.2.4.3.A.6 - Measurement and Data ~ Solve problems involving perimeters of polygons and distinguish between linear and area measures. CC.2.4.3.A.6 - Measurement and Data ~ Solve problems involving perimeters of polygons and distinguish between linear and area measures. CC.2.4.3.A.5 - Measurement and Data ~ Determine the area of a rectangle and apply the concept to multiplication and to addition. CC.2.4.3.A.5 - Measurement and Data ~ Determine the area of a rectangle and apply the concept to multiplication and to addition.

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Tools and units to find perimeter.

Find perimeter using tools and units.


I can select appropriate tools and units to find perimeter.

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

Perimeter of Find the Common Shapes perimeter of common shapes.

Use standard units to find perimeter of a shape.

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

Different Shapes with the Same Perimeter

Use straws to create shapes with given perimeters.

Match shapes to a given perimeter and learn that different shapes can have the same perimeter.

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

Problem Solving: Try, Check and Revise

Use the Try, Check, and Revise strategy to solve problems.

Solve a problem with the Daily Spiral Review process of Try, Check and Revise Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

Square Units and Area

Measure area by counting square units.

Square Units and Area

Use square units to make figures with given areas

I can use square units to make Daily Spiral Review figures with given areas. Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

Estimating and measuring area

Find the areas of irregular figures.

Estimate and find the area of irregular shapes drawn on a grid or with square units shown.

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

Find area by using a formula.

I can find the area of rectangles by counting square units or by using a formula.

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

I can use the areas of rectangles to model the Distributive Property.

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment


I can measure the area of a shape by counting the number of square units that cover a region.

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

16-6 How do you estimate to find the area of an irregular shape?

CC.2.4.3.A.5 - Measurement and Data ~ Determine the area of a rectangle and apply the concept to multiplication and to addition.

16-7A How can you find the area of squares and rectangles?

CC.2.4.3.A.5 - Measurement and Data ~ Determine the area of a rectangle and apply the concept to multiplication and to addition.

16-7B How can you use the distributive property when finding area?

CC.2.4.3.A.5 - Measurement and Data ~ Determine the area of a rectangle and apply the concept to multiplication and to addition.

Distributive Property and Area

Model the distributive property using rectangles.

CC.2.4.3.A.5 - Measurement and Data ~ Determine the area of a rectangle and apply the concept to multiplication and to addition.

Area of Irregular Shapes

Find the area of irregular shapes.

I can find the area of irregular shapes.

Model Unit Fractions

Use equal areas of parts to model unit fractions.

I can use equal areas of parts Daily Spiral Review of figures to model unit fractions. Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

volume Find the cubic unit volume of figures by making models using unit cubes.

Find the volume of solid figures constructed of cubes.

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

Learn that some difficult problems can be solved by solving simpler problems.

Solve complex problems asking for the area of irregular shapes.

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

16-7C How can you find the area of irregular shapes?

CC.2.4.3.A.5 - Measurement 16-7D How can and Data ~ Determine the you determine equal area of a rectangle and apply areas using the concept to multiplication fractions? and to addition. 16-7 How can you measure the amount of space inside a solid figure?

16-8 How can you use simpler problems to solve a problem?

CC.2.4.3.A.5 - Measurement and Data ~ Determine the area of a rectangle and apply the concept to multiplication and to addition.

CC.2.4.3.A.5 - Measurement and Data ~ Determine the area of a rectangle and apply the concept to multiplication and to addition.

Area Formula


Problem Solving: Solve a simpler problem

CC.2.4.3.A.6 - Measurement and Data ~ Solve problems involving perimeters of polygons and distinguish between linear and area measures.

square unit

Topic 16 Test 4/29/2015

Topic 20: Data, Graphs, and Probability Topic 20 Resources: Teaching Tool #10, 13, 16, 23, 30, 31, 32, 33, 44, Graph Paper, Vocabulary Cards. Content to meet the Grade 3 PA Core Standards: 20-2, 20-3, 20-4, 20-9A, 20-9 Content from earlier years to review and practice: Content to prepare for future study or to enrich the curriculum: 20-1, 20-5, 20-6, 20-7, 20-8 Reccommened Pacing- 7-12 DAYS

Essential Questions 20-1 How can you collect and organize data in a tally chart?

Standards CC.2.4.3.A.4 - Measurement and Data ~ Represent and interpret data using tally charts, tables, pictographs, line plots, and bar graphs.

Content Organizing Data



Use Tally data Charts to survey record and tally chart organize tally mark survey data.

Learning Targets/Feedback Use tally charts to record and organize survey data.

Resources/Strategies Access Math Links for each Topic by: Go to the ASD Homepage ( ). Click on the blue Academics tab. On the left side of the page, scroll down to the 3rd Grade Math Links by Topic. Choose the topic and concepts you wish to practice.

Model Lessons

Summative Assessments

The Interactive Learning is important in building conceptual understanding in mathematics. Students interact in a problembased activitiy and share their thinking. Students are told what they 8/27/2014

PerformancePLUS - Maps

Page 15 of 18

will learn and the new lesson connects to students' prior experiences. 20-2 How can you read graphs?

20-3 How do you determine how much a symbol in a pictograph represents?

CC.2.4.3.A.4 - Measurement and Data ~ Represent and interpret data using tally charts, tables, pictographs, line plots, and bar graphs.

CC.2.4.3.A.4 - Measurement and Data ~ Represent and interpret data using tally charts, tables, pictographs, line plots, and bar graphs.

CC.2.4.3.A.4 - Measurement 20-4 How can you choose a scale and Data ~ Represent and to make a bar graph? interpret data using tally charts, tables, pictographs, line plots, and bar graphs.

20-5 How can you locate a point?

20-6 How can you Descirbe whether or not something is probably going to happen?

20-7 How do outcomes to compare topredictions?

CC.2.4.3.A.4 - Measurement and Data ~ Represent and interpret data using tally charts, tables, pictographs, line plots, and bar graphs.

CC.2.4.3.A.4 - Measurement and Data ~ Represent and interpret data using tally charts, tables, pictographs, line plots, and bar graphs.

CC.2.4.3.A.4 - Measurement and Data ~ Represent and interpret data using tally charts, tables, pictographs, line plots, and bar graphs.

CC.2.4.3.A.4 - Measurement 20-8 How do you and Data ~ Represent and make and use line interpret data using tally plots? charts, tables, pictographs, line plots, and bar graphs.

20-9A How can you generate data by measuring lengths to the nearest fourth of an inch and make line plots to organize your data and draw conclusions?

CC.2.4.3.A.4 - Measurement and Data ~ Represent and interpret data using tally charts, tables, pictographs, line plots, and bar graphs.

CC.2.4.3.A.4 - Measurement 20-9 What and Data ~ Represent and conclusions can you draw from tables and interpret data using tally charts, tables, pictographs, graphs? line plots, and bar graphs.

Reading Pictographs and Bar Graphs

Read and pictograph interpret data key from a bar graph scale pictograph and bar graph.

Read and interpret data from a Daily Spiral Review pictograph and a bar graph. Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

Making Pictographs

Make a pictograph from a table or tally chart.

Make a pictograph from a table or tally chart.

Making Bar Graphs

Make a bar graph to represent the data in a table or tally chart.

Make a bar graph to represent Daily Spiral Review the data in a table or tally chart. Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

Order pairs and line graphs.

Locate coordinate grid points on a ordered pair coordinate line graph grid and read plot and use line graphs.

Locate points on a coordinate Daily Spiral Review grid and read and use line graphs. Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

How likely?

Outcomes and Experiments

Describe events as likely, unlikely, impossible (highly improbable), or certain. Compare the likelyhood of events using the terms more likely, less likely, equally likely, most likely, and least likely. Predict the results of a probability experiment, conduct the experiment, and compare the results to the prediciton.

Line Plots and Use the Probability line plot to organize the results of a experiment and predict future events.

likely unlikely certain impossible equally likely more likely less likely outcome

Describe events a likely, unlikely, impossible, or certain. Compare the likelihood of events using the terms more likely, less likely, equally likely, most likely, and least likely.

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment


Daily Spiral Review Predict the results of a probbility experiment, conduct the Problem of the Day Reteaching experiment, and compare the Practice results to the prediction. Enrichment

line plot

Daily Spiral Review Use a line plot to organize the results of a probability experiment Problem of the Day Reteaching and to predict future events. Practice Enrichment

Line Plots

Generate data by measuring lengths to the nearest fourth of an inch and make line plots to organize your data and draw conclusions.

Generate data by measuring lengths to the nearest fourth of an inch and make line plots to organize your data and draw conclusions.

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

Problem Solving: Use tables and graphs to draw conclusions

Solve problems by using tables and graphs to draw conclusions.

Solve problems by using tables and graphs to draw conclusions.

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

Topic 20 Test 5/13/2015

Topic18 Multiplying Greater Numbers Topic Resources: Place Value Blocks, 1-9 Number Cards (Teaching Tool #5), Teaching Tool #24, Interactive Sheets #28, 29, Teaching Tool #1.

Content to meet the Grade 3 PA Core Standards: 18-1, 18-2, 18-4, 18-5, 18-6 Content from earlier years to review and practice: 18-3 Content to prepare for future study or to enrich the curriculum: Reccommened Pacing- 8-9 DAYS

Essential Questions 18-1 How can you use mental math to multiply by multiples of 10, 100, and 1000?



CC.2.2.3.A.1 - Operations and Using Mental Algebraic Thinking ~ Math to Multiply Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division.

Skills Use Mental Math to multiply by multiples of 10, 100, and 1000

Vocabulary multiples

Learning Targets/Feedback Use Mental math to multiply by multples of 10, 100, and 1000.

Resources/Strategies Access Math Links for each Topic by: Go to the ASD Homepage ( ). Click on the blue Academics tab. On the left side of the page, scroll down to the 3rd Grade Math Links by Topic. Choose the topic and concepts you wish to practice.

Model Lessons

Summative Assessments

The Interactive Learning is important in building conceptual understanding in mathematics. Students interact in a problembased activitiy 8/27/2014

PerformancePLUS - Maps

Page 16 of 18

and share their thinking. Students are told what they will learn and the new lesson connects to students' prior experiences. CC.2.2.3.A.1 - Operations and 18-2 How can Estimating Algebraic Thinking ~ youestimate a Products product by rounding? Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division.

18-3 How can you use arrays to help multiply with a 2-digit number?

18-4 How can you break apart arrays to help you multiply with greater numbers?

18-5 How can you use partial products to find the total product?

CC.2.2.3.A.1 - Operations and Multiplication Algebraic Thinking ~ and Arrays Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division.

CC.2.2.3.A.1 - Operations and Breaking Algebraic Thinking ~ Apart to Multiply Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division.

CC.2.2.3.A.1 - Operations and Using an Algebraic Thinking ~ Expanded Represent and solve Algorithm problems involving multiplication and division.

18-6 How do you CC.2.2.3.A.1 - Operations and Multiplying 2 and 3-Digit by regroup to multiply? Algebraic Thinking ~ Represent and solve 1-Digit Numbers problems involving multiplication and division.

18-7 How cana picture help you know what number sentence will help you solve a problem?

CC.2.2.3.A.1 - Operations and Algebraic Thinking ~ Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division.

Problem Solving: Draw a picture and write a number sentence

Estimate products of 1-digit and 2-digit numbers by using rounding.

Estimate Products by using rounding

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

Use an array to multiply 1-digit times 2-digit numbers

Use an Array to Multiply

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

Use an array and breaking apart to multiply 1-digit times 2-digit numbers. Use Breaking apart and the Expanded Algorithm tomultiply a 1-digit times a 2-digit number.

Use Partial Products to Multiply


Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

Use an Expanded Algorithm to Daily Spiral Review Multiply Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

Multiply a 1-digit times a 2-digit or 3-digit number with regrouping

Multiply 1-digit by 2-digit and 3-digit Numbers

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

Solve word problems by drawing a picture and writing a number sentence.

Draw a picture and write a number sentence to solve a problem.

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

Topic 18 Test 5/25/2015

Topic 19 Dividing with 1-Digit Numbers Content to meet the Grade 3 PA Core Standards: 19-1, 19-3, 19-4, 19-6 Content from earlier years to review and practice: 19-2 Content to prepare for future study or to enrich the curriculum: 19-5 Reccommened Pacing- 6-8 DAYS

Essential Questions 19-1 How can you use mental math to divide with 1-digit numbers?

19-3 How can you connect models and symbols?

19-4 How can you divide 2-digit numbers?

Standards 3.OA.B.6 - Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division ~ Understand division as an unknown-factor problem.

3.OA.A.2 - Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division ~ Interpret whole-number quotients of whole numbers, e.g., interpret 56 ÷ 8 as the number of objects in each share when 56 objects are partitioned equally into 8 shares, or as a number of shares when 56 objects are partitioned into equal shares of 8 objects each.


Mental Math with Division

Division with 1-Digit Numbers

I can use multiples to divide numbers by 10, 100, and 1,000.

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

Connect Models with Division

Connect Models with Division

I can use place value blocks and an algorithm to divide 2-digit numbers by 1-digt numbers.

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

3.OA.C.7 - Multiply and divide Divide 2-Digit Divide within 100 ~ Fluently multiply Numbers 2-Digit and divide within 100, using Numbers strategies such as the relationship between multiplication and division (e.g., knowing that 8 × 5 = 40, one knows 40 ÷ 5 = 8) or properties of operations. By the end of Grade 3, know from memory all products of two one-digit numbers.


Learning Targets/Feedback



Model Lessons

Summative Assessments

The Interactive Learning is important in building conceptual understanding in mathematics. Students interact in a problembased activitiy and share their thinking. Students are told what they will learn and the new lesson connects to students' prior experiences.

I can divide 2-digit numbers by Daily Spiral Review 1-digit numbers using pencil and Problem of the Day paper. Reteaching Practice Enrichment 8/27/2014

PerformancePLUS - Maps

19-6 How can you solve problems with multiple steps?

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3.OA.D.8 - Solve problems Multiple Step involving the four operations, Problem Solving and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic ~ Solve two-step word problems using the four operations. Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies including rounding.3

Multiple Step Problem Solving

I can solve multiple step problems.

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

Topic 19 Test 6/4/2015

Topic 13 Decimals and Money Topic 13 Resources: Teaching Tool #31, Teaching Tool #36, Coins, Bills, Vocabulary Cards. Can use "Alexander Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday" -Viorst. All Lessons in Topic 13 are used to prepare for 4th grade and should be taught at the end of the year. There are no third grade standards for these lessons. Essential Questions


13-1 How can you write a decimal and a fraction for the same part of a whole?




Fractions and Write a tenths Decimals fraction and decimal point an equivalent decimal decimal for a hundredths model showing tenths or hundredths.

Learning Targets/Feedback Relate fractions and decimals (tenths and hundredths).

Resources/Strategies Access Math Links for each Topic by: Go to the ASD Homepage ( ). Click on the blue Academics tab. On the left side of the page, scroll down to the 3rd Grade Math Links by Topic. Choose the topic and concepts you wish to practice. Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

13-2 How are decimals and fractions related to money?

Using Money Use to Understand expanded Decimals notation to relate money values to decimal playce values and write money amounts to represent fractions. (1/4, 1/2, 3/4 of a dollar)

13-3 How can you add and subtract money?

Adding and Subtracting money

Add and subtract money given in dollars and cents.

13-4 How can you draw a picture and write a number sentence to solve a problem?

Problem Solving: Draw a picture and write a number sentence

Solve problems by drawing a picture and writing a number sentence.

13-5 How can you tell if you have the information you need to solve a problem?

Problem Solving: Missing Determine whether a or Extra problem can Information be solved by classifying the data in the problem as either extra or missing.

Relate money and decimals (1/4, 1/2, 3/4 of a dollar).

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

Add and subtract money.

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

• Draw a picture and write a number sentence to solve a problem.

Find extra or missing information in a problem.

Model Lessons

Summative Assessments

The Interactive Learning is important in building conceptual understanding in mathematics. Students interact in a problembased activitiy and share their thinking. Students are told what they will learn and the new lesson connects to students' prior experiences.

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

Daily Spiral Review Problem of the Day Reteaching Practice Enrichment

Topic 11 Congruence and Symmetry Topic Resources: Geoboards, Dot Paper, Teaching Tool #17, Interactive Sheet #19, Tool # 37, Vocabulary Cards. There are no 3rd Grade standards for Congruence and Symmetry. All of the lessons are to be used to prepare for future sudy or to enrich the curriculum. Essential Questions 11-1 How can you tell if two figures are the same size and shape?


Content Congruent Figures and Motion

Skills Identify congruent figures and determine whether congruent figures have been created by slides, flips, or turns.

Vocabulary congruent translation reflection rotation slide flip turn transformation

Learning Targets/Feedback Identify transformations of figures.

Resources/Strategies Access Math Links for each Topic by: Go to the ASD Homepage ( ). Click on the blue Academics tab. On the left side of the page, scroll down to the 3rd Grade Math Links by Topic. Choose the topic and concepts you wish to practice. Daily Spiral Review 11-1 Problem of the Day 11-1 Reteaching 11-1 Practice 11-1 Enrichment 11-1

Model Lessons

Summative Assessments

The Interactive Learning is important in building conceptual understanding in mathematics. Students interact in a problembased activitiy and share their thinking. Students are told what they will learn and the new lesson connects to students' prior experiences. 8/27/2014

PerformancePLUS - Maps

11-2 What are symmetric figures?

Line Symmetry

11-3 How can you create a figures with a line of symmetry?

11-4 How can you use objects to solve a problem?

Essential Questions


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Determine if a shape has a line of symmetry

Daily Spiral Review 11-2 Problem of the Day 11-2 Reteaching 11-2 Practice 11-2 Enrichment 11-2

Drawing Create a shapes with Lines figure with of Symmetry one or more lines of symmetry.

Complete a drawing of a symmetrical figure.

Daily Spiral Review 11-3 Problem of the Day 11-3 Reteaching 11-3 Practice 11-3 Enrichment 11-3

Problem Solving: Use Objects

Use tangrams to solve problems.

Daily Spiral Review 11-4 Problem of the Day 11-4 Reteaching 11-4 Practice 11-4 Enrichment 11-4


Identify lines of symmetry in symmetric figures.

line of symmetry symmetric figure

Use a tangram to solve problems.



Learning Targets/Feedback


Model Lessons

Summative Assessments 8/27/2014