Bersham mudstone. Nicholls (1962) presented chemical data for an. Upper Carboniferous mudstone sample collected at a depth of about 1260 ft (~380 m) from ...
Computers & Geosciences Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 313-347, 1994 Copyright © 1994 ElsevierScienceLid 0098-3004(93)E0013-6 Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved 0098-3004/94 $7.00 + 0.00
PATRICE DE CARITAT,t* JOHN BLOCH,2t and IAN HUTCHEON1 ~Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive N.W., Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4 and 21nstitute of Sedimentary and Petroleum Geology, Geological Survey of Canada, 3303-33rd St. N.W., Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2L 2A7 (Received 27 April 1993; accepted 25 October 1993)
Abstract--The computer code LPNORM implements the mathematical method of linear programming to calculate the mineralogical makeup of mineral mixtures, such as rock, sediment, or soil samples, from their bulk geochemical composition and from the mineralogical (or geochemical) composition of the contained minerals. This method simultaneously solves the set of linear equations governing the distribution of oxides into these minerals, subject to an objective function and a set of basic constraints. LPNORM allows the user to specify what minerals will be considered for normative analysis, what their composition is (in terms of mineral formula or geochemical composition), and whether to maximize mineral abundances, minimize slack variables (oxides that can not be accounted for), or do both at once in the objective function. Independent knowledge about the abundance of one or several of the minerals in the sample can be entered as additional equality or inequality constraints. Trial-and-error approach enables the user to "optimize" the composition of one or a few of the contained minerals. Results of comparative tests, highlighting the efficiency, as well as the shortcomings, of LPNORM are presented. Key Words: Normative analysis, Norms, Modes, Linear programming, Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Clay minerals.
INTRODUCTION The goal of normative analysis is to determine the mineralogy of rocks from their bulk chemical composition. A norm is a calculated inventory of mineral abundances in a rock, and is accurate when these abundances approach or equal the actual mineral amounts, collectively referred to as the mode. Although alternative methods of quantification of a rock's mineralogy, including point-counting, image analysis, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and electron beam techniques, may work adequately under certain conditions, they may present prohibitive disadvantages in terms of time, cost, or efficacy when applied to fine-grained material, such as mud, shale, finegrained metamorphic rocks, and soils. Calculating or estimating the mineral composition of rocks from bulk chemical analyses long has been a concern of the disciplines of geochemistry and mineralogy (see Cross and others, 1902). The first undertakings of normative analysis were directed towards igneous rocks, and made use of the C I P W norms (Cross and others, 1902; Kelsey, 1965). This procedure consists of distributing the elements present into a series of hypothetical minerals not necess-
arily present in the rock, following a crystallization sequence derived from petrographic observations and constrained thermodynamically. Although widely used for igneous rock classification schemes and petrogenetic studies, C I P W norms have limited application to sedimentary and pedologic material. The application of normative analysis to sedimentary rocks has been hampered by the occurrence of minerals with variable compositions, particularly clay minerals, as well as organic matter and amorphous material. Combining X R D and chemical data, pioneering studies by Imbrie and Poldervaart (1959), Miesh (1962), and Nicholls (1962) were concerned with the determination of the mineralogy of claybearing rocks.
EXISTING NORMATIVE ANALYSIS COMPUTER CODES AND LPNORM A few computer codes implementing normative analysis specifically for clay-bearing rocks have been published in recent years: for example, S E D N O R M (Cohen and Ward, 1991) and P E L N O R M (Merodio, Spalletti, and Bertone, 1992). There are three main drawbacks to these programs. The first drawback has to do with mineral compositions. Although these methods allow for some variation in clay mineral compositions, the variability generally is limited to choices between a few
*Present address: Geological Survey of Norway, P.O. Box 3006-Lade, N-7002 Trondheim, Norway. tPresent address: Scealu Modus, 2617 Cutler Ave. N.E., Albuquerque, NM 87106, U.S.A. 313
embedded compositions. For instance, in SEDNORM, the Ca:Na and/or Mg:Fe ratios of smectite can be set to 0: 1, 1 : 1, or 1:0. These rigid rules are unlike the natural, continuous chemical and structural variability of clays and many other minerals, and, therefore, drastically limit the usefulness of these methods in practical applications. Secondly, these programs comprise a built-in, fixed list of minerals to be considered for each normative analysis. The only exception to this is for K-bearing minerals. In SEDNORM, the distribution of K between muscovite/illite and feldspar can be set to 0: 1, 1: 1, or 1:0, essentially leaving the user to decide whether to have muscovite/illite or feldspar in the rock, or to have both, but then with the restriction that these two phases contain equal amounts of K, that is, one-half the K in the rock each. Similarly, PELNORM allows four variations, depending on whether the presence of smectite is or is not "desired", and on whether K20 is to be distributed in orthoclase only or in orthoclase and illite. The suite of minerals considered in each normative analysis thus basically is fixed, and can not be adapted to particular applications. Therefore, these programs may return a positive normative amount for one or several minerals that are not actually present in the analyzed rock, whereas they will not consider minerals that are not in the built-in list, but that may be present in the samples. Thirdly, these codes distribute the different analyzed elements in a structured and inflexible order, generally starting with distributing P into apatite, then S into pyrite and/or gypsum, etc. Although this is straightforward and acceptable in situations where there is only one mineral containing a given element, arbitrary choices must be made when an element occurs in two or more minerals in the same rock (e.g. K may occur in K-feldspar, illite, muscovite, and biotite in sedimentary rocks). The methods presented by Wright and Doherty (1970), Pearson (1978), Banks (1979), and Slaughter (1989) overcome the problem of the order in which oxides are allocated to minerals by solving simultaneous equations to derive mineral norms. Unfortunately, computer codes implementing these methods have not been made available publicly. In this paper, we present a method, and its implementation as the F O R T R A N computer code LPNORM, designed for normative analysis of any type of rock (igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary), or other consolidated or unconsolidated mineral aggregate (bricks, concrete, ceramic, soil, mud, clay fractions, etc.). This procedure differs from available computer software in that it combines three advantageous characteristics. The first notable characteristic of LPNORM is that it makes use of the mathematical technique known as linear programming or linear optimization, which seeks the "best" numerical solution to the set of (linear) equations governing the distribution of oxides into minerals.
This approach was proposed originally by Greenwood (1967) to resolve petrological problems, and is particularly useful in the normative analysis of rocks and other mineral assemblages. The second beneficial characteristic of LPNORM is that it does not rely on any rigid presupposition as to the composition of the mineral phases, but instead requires that each mineral formula be explicitly specified. Finally, the list of minerals considered in each normative analysis by LPNORM is user-specified to best reflect what is known about the actual mineralogical composition of the rock. Before describing in detail the code LPNORM and the principles behind it, it is important to stress that neither LPNORM, nor any other normative analysis method, should be used as a "black box" with the expectation that an accurate solution will be automatically generated. The accuracy of the result of any normative analysis is dependent upon the amount of information one has about the rock and its contained minerals.
Mineral abundances LPNORM distributes the analyzed oxides according to a set of (linear) equations, which are solved simultaneously using the mathematical method known as linear programming or linear optimization. This method is described fully in any linear programming textbook (e.g. Hadley, 1962; Gass, 1975; Bunday, 1984), and is, accordingly, only briefly introduced here. A linear programming problem can be posed as follows. Maximize the objective function =: z = ~ X/,
subject to a set ofn constraints (linear inequalities) of the general form:
bi>~ ~ ai,iXj, (i = 1,n),
and to a set of m basic constraints (linear inequalities): X,>~0,
where, in the present context, X/is the abundance (in wt%) of mineral j in the rock, b, in the analytic proportion (in wt%) of oxide of i in the rock, and % is the weight ratio of oxide of i in mineral j and is calculated according to: MW~
ai.j = M I ~ x - - ,
where MW, and M ~ are the molecular weights of oxide of i and of mineral j, respectively, and St~l,j and SI,;, are the stoichiometric coefficients of element i in mineral j and of element i in oxide of i, respectively.
Linear programming normative analysis code Equation (1) dictates that the total mineral abundance be maximized. (Note that linear programming also can be used to minimize an objective function.) Ideally, if all elements had been analyzed for with absolute accuracy, and if the presence and exact composition of all phases in the rock were known, z should be equal to 100 wt%; in practice, however, z usually is smaller than 100wt%. Equation (2) represents greater-than-or-equal-to relationships ('>/') accounting for the fact that a proportion of the analyzed oxides potentially may be tied up either in minerals not considered, or in amorphous or organic phases. In general, the constraints can be a mixture o f ' ~' variety. Banks (1979) showed ways to incorporate analytical error on the oxide proportion measurements (b,'s) into linear programming, but these are not implemented currently in L P N O R M . Equation (3) represents a set of basic constraints requiring that the abundance of all normative minerals be nonnegative. In L P N O R M , the linear programming problem is modified somewhat from the previously given generalizations. In order to avoid '~>' relationships, or mixtures of inequalities and equalities, all oxide distribution equations [Eq. (2)] are transformed into equalities by introducing slack variables on the righthand sides. The objective function also is altered to take these slack variables into account. Thus, the linear optimization problem solved by L P N O R M is as follows. Maximize the objective function z:
in any linear programming textbook. Geometrically speaking, the set of linear equations [Eqs. (6) and (7)] define a volume, which usually is closed and convex ("convex hull") in the N-dimensional space considered. The objective function has a range of values across this volume, and the final solution among the infinite number of possible solutions is the one that maximizes the objective function. In order to illustrate how mineral abundances are determined by L P N O R M , let us consider the following simple, theoretical example: a fictional rock containing 10wt% quartz, 2 0 w t % kaolinite, 3 5 w t % chlorite, and 35 wt% illite has a calculated composition of 47.28 wt% SiO2, 22.22 wt% A1203, 15.07wt% F%O3, 5.33wt% MgO, and 3.15wt% K20, giving an anhydrous total of 93.05 wt%. X R D results indicate that the rock contains quartz, kaolinite, illite, and chlorite. The composition of the two first phases reasonably can be considered to be fixed (quartz = SiO 2, kaolinite = A12Si 205 (OHh), and the compositions of the two latter minerals are assumed to be known in this simple example (illite = K076 Fe03 I Mgo.28 ALL97 5i3.46 O10 (OH)2, chlorite = Fe3 Mg2 AI2 Si 3 O10 (OH)8). The linear programming problem at hand is stated thus: maximize the objective function: z = q + k + i + c - 2si02 - ";'Al2Oa -2w2o, - 2Mgo - 2K~o, (9) where q, k, i, and c represent the abundance (in wt%) of quartz, kaolinite, illite, and chlorite in the rock, subject to: 47.28 = 1.0000q + 0.4655k + 0.5221i
subject to a set of n constraints of the general form: m
b , = ~ ai4Xj + 2i,
+0.2771c + 2siQ
where 2, is the slack variable for oxide of i, and all other symbols are defined as previously. Thus, in essence, a slack variable, also referred to as a "residual", represents the a m o u n t of any oxide that can not be accounted for, given the bulk rock geochemistry and mineral compositions provided. Therefore, the sum of the slack variables is an indication of how well the mineral compositions fit the rock's composition. The objective function [Eq. (5)] maximizes mineral abundances and minimizes slack variables. Another type of objective function, which has yielded excellent results in our experience with L P N O R M , consists in only minimizing the slack variables: z = Z - L. i
The set of equations in (6) and (7) is solved simultaneously by the Simplex Method, which is detailed
22.22=0.3950k + 0 . 2 5 2 2 i + 0 . 1 5 6 8 c +)-.v~o~ (11)
and to a set of m + n basic constraints: X;~>0,
15.07 = 0.0622i + 0.3683c + )~Fe:o,
5.33 = 0.0284i + 0.1239c + 2MgO
3.15 = 0.0899i + 2k, o
and to: q >~0, k ~>0, i ~>0, c >~ 0, 2s,o2 >~ 0, ),,v,o3 ~> 0, )~ve.,o3~> 0, 2Mgo ~>0, 2K,O ~> 0.
The solution of this linear programming problem, determined using L P N O R M , is: q = 10(9.98) wt%, k = 20(19.99) wt%, i = 35(35.00) wt%, c = 35(35.04) wt%,
which is the correct solution. All slack variables are equal to zero in this example. The ai,i coefficients for the first equation of this example [Eq. (10)] were calculated as follows:
m msio2 Ssi.quartz asio2,q..... - MWq~..~ x Ssi,s,om 60.08 1.00 = - x = 1.0000, 60.08 1.00
P . DE C A R 1 T A T ,
M 14/'Si02 asio2,kaolinite - - _
_ Wkaolinit e
60.08 258.16
Ssi,kaolinite - &,s~o2
2.00 = 0.4655, 1.00
X - -
M Wsio2× -SSi,illite -
asio2,illit e ~- _
M 141illite Ssi,sio2
60.08 398.18
3.46 x - - = 0.5221, 1.00
M Wsio: asio2,chlorit e - - M W c h l o r i t m
Ssi,chlorit e x
60.08 3.00 = 650.42 x 1~0 = 0.2771,
and so forth for the other equations. Note that the objective function can be modified to maximize mineral abundances only, or minimize the slack variables only, instead of doing both together, as in Equation (9). Also note that any oxygen and hydrogen necessary for making up some minerals is added as needed, and taken into account in the final mineral weight proportions calculated.
Mineral compositions The simple, theoretical example presented here would correspond to a situation where all mineral compositions are known exactly, all minerals present in the rock have been identified, and the rock, which contains no amorphous material, was analyzed fully with absolute accuracy. Obviously, this will never be the situation in any real world normative analysis. Usually there will be uncertainty about the composition of one or more minerals identified to be present in the rock. Further, many minerals may show a range of compositions within a single sample. Errors in bulk rock geochemical analyses, and those derived from the misinterpretation of XRD patterns, also should be assessed carefully by each user. As alluded to before, the "goodness-of-fit" between the bulk geochemistry of a sample and the combination of mineral compositions and abundances that make up that sample, may be indicated by the sum of all the slack variables. However, a low or nil slack variable sum does not necessarily prove that the calculated norm is accurate: erroneous mineral compositions may yield low residuals, but generally the resulting norm will not be credible to the vigilant analyst, as it will not be consistent with other available information. Many clay minerals contain small amounts of Na, Ca, Ti, etc. In minerals where these are minor constituents, slight overestimation of their abundance within these minerals may limit drastically the calculated percentage of that mineral. Further, in the situation of XRF analysis of Na20 at least, experimental accuracy and precision usually are low. For these reasons, it may be wise to ignore these elements
1. H U T C H E O N
in a mineral formula, which, in turn, may inflate the residual sum. Minerals belonging to solid solutions, which are abundant in natural rocks and soils, can be dealt with by using only the end-member compositions in LPNORM. The resulting end-member mixture then can be reported as such. Alternatively, a single phase can be reported, the composition of which is the weighted average of the end-members, or combinations of the possible intermediate compositions can be used. Once again, it is independent knowledge about the sample and the constituent minerals that determines what alternative is the most appropriate. For instance, if LPNORM returns 2.5 wt% calcite (CaCO3), 1.5 wt% magnesite (MgCO3), and l wt% siderite (FeCO3) , these results can be reworked to say that the rock contains 5 wt% carbonate (of average composition Ca0.s0Fe0.20Mgo.30CO3), or 1 wt% calcite + 1.5 wt% dolomite (Cao.s0Mg0.s0CO3)+ 1 wt% siderite, or ankerite and/or Fe-calcite can be invoked, and so forth. Specific knowledge about the composition of the rock-forming minerals obtained by XRD, EDX, electron-microprobe, analytical TEM, etc. must be integrated at this stage. Sedimentary rocks may contain detrital illite and authigenic illite, or detrital chlorite and authigenic chlorite. The composition of these two mineral generations usually is different. If the composition of one of these generations can be determined, by electron microprobe on the detrital phase for example, normative analysis may help constrain the abundances of these two phases. LPNORM can be used to improve one's estimate about the composition of one or a few mineral phases by the "trial-and-error" approach. This technique will be used in the subsequent section on sensitivity analysis, but it is worth stressing at this stage that the number of phases with uncertain composition should be kept to a strict minimum, and, therefore, that additional information about the rock and about some of the contained minerals may have to be obtained independently if one is to have any confidence in the resulting normative calculation. SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS In order to illustrate how it is possible to constrain the composition of one or a few minerals in a rock, let us conduct a theoretical experiment as was done for the example detailed previously. Consider a fictitious rock containing 10wt% quartz (SiOD, 20wt% kaolinite (AI2Si2Os(OH)4), 10wt% illite (K0.76Fe0.31Mg0.28All.97Si3.46O10(OU)2), and 60wt% chlorite (Fe3Mg2Al2Si3Ol0(OH)8). The exact bulk rock chemical composition is calculated to be: 41.16wt% SiO2, 19.83wt% A1203, 22.72wt% Fe203, 7.72 wt% MgO, and 0.90 wt% K20, giving an anhydrous total of 92.33 wt%. A series of calculations can be conducted in which the composition of two clay-mineral phases, namely illite and chlorite, is
Linear programming normative analysis code deliberately modified. Normative analyses then are conducted using these inaccurate compositions, in effect simulating flawed initial guesses about these compositions. Observing how these mistaken compositions affect the calculated norm is part of the extensive sensitivity analysis we performed, and also provides a method to improve the inaccurate initial mineral compositions, as will be shown next. In the experiment reported here, the Fe (Fe/[Fe + Mg]) of illite and chlorite are altered deliberately and simultaneously from their correct values of 0.53 and 0.60, respectively. The calculations use combinations of erroneously high chlorite Fe ~ with high illite Fe4~, and low chlorite Fe4~ with low illite Fe#¢ (Fig. 1), or high chlorite Fe4~ with low illite Fe4f, and low chlorite Feqe with high illite Fe#¢ (Fig. 2). These clearly show that, in well-constrained situations at least, it is possible to determine precisely the F e ~ of chlorite and illite in only a few trial-and-error attempts, by monitoring the effects these incorrect compositions have on the calculated norm. In both situations (Figs. 1 and 2), the wrong Fe#c's result in conspicuously low chlorite abundances and totals, and in somewhat less marked high kaolinite and quartz abundances, whereas the dlite abundance remains unaffected. In addition, the residuals display a distinct m i n i m u m at the correct chlorite and illite Fe4~, and change composition from one side of the minimum to the other (in the present situation from Fe to Mg oxide). During any trial-and-error process, this change in composition of the residual generally will indicate that the correct solution has just been exceeded, and
this can be used to narrow down any further calculation. Another experiment was conducted to see if the K-content of illite could be "optimized" by using L P N O R M using the same trial-and-error approach. In this situation, the fictitious rock contains 20 wt% quartz (SiO2), 2 7 w t % kaolinite (AI2Si2Os(OH)4), 38 wt% illite (Ko.82Feo.6oMgo.16All.74Si3.4601o(OH)2), and 15 wt% chlorite (Fe 3Mg, AI 2Si3.50i0 (OH)8). The exact bulk rock chemical composition is calculated to be: 56.88 wt% SIO2, 21.32 wt% A1203, 10.08 wt% Fe203, 1.55 wt% MgO, and 3.60 wt% K 2 0 , giving an anhydrous total of 93.43 wt%. Starting initial compositions for illite and chlorite were selected at random, simulating a real-life situation, and after a few initial iterations, the Fe4~ of chlorite and illite was constrained with sufficient confidence, following the approach outlined previously. Next, the K-content of illite was changed, and the effect on calculated norms was monitored (Fig. 3). Across the range of tested K-content values (going from 0.60 to 0.90 K/O~0(OH)2), mineral totals remained constant at ~ 1 0 0 w t % , illite abundances fell from 51 to 35 wt%, whereas all other norms increased (kaolinite from 21 to 29wt% , quartz from 17 to 21 wt%, and chlorite from 11 to 16 wt%). These variations show no break in slope (maxima or minima). The residuals are negligible in all instances ( 10wt%, or chlorite abundance t>20 wt%. (See Fig. 1 for label descriptions.)
approach is not as effective in constraining the Kcontent of illite as in determining the F e ~ of illite and chlorite, as there is only one K-bearing mineral present whereas there are two Fe, and Mg-bearing phases in the rock. Also, the Si/A1 of minerals is difficult to constrain when quartz and kaolinite are present, because the abundances of these two phases will adjust to dampen any SiO 2 and/or A1203 residuals. Therefore, it may be necessary to rely on additional, independent information about mineral 1011 . . . .
, ....
, ....
- . , ....
_ .
'-' 0.08
compositions and abundances to obtain a credible whole rock norm. Finally, Banks (1979) showed that for real rocks and real analyses (with associated errors) there exists a relatively large range of norms that satisfy the bulk rock composition at the 95% confidence level, even if errors in mineral compositions are ignored. Precise chemical analyses of the bulk sample thus are essential for obtaining a reasonable norm.
,oof__.o,; (I)
98 ~ . . . . 0.5
"o I
' " ' ' 0.6
..... 0.9
0.8 I
~ 0.7
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Correct Chl and Ill F e #
Q im
k q
. . . .
K/Olo (OI4) 2 in
. . . .
Figure 3. LPNORM results of sensitivity analysis: abundances versus K-content in illite (per O~0(OH)2). Some of these LPNORM runs included constraint: chlorite abundance >/5 wt%. (See Fig. 1 for label descriptions.)
The calculations presented thus far in this paper were all based on theoretical mixtures of minerals with predetermined and fixed compositions. It is imperative to test this method with actual data from real mineral mixtures, in which errors are introduced during bulk sample chemical analysis and while estimating individual mineral compositions, and where the presence of unsuspected, or amorphous and therefore XRD-invisible, phases cannot be irrevocably discounted. Calculation results are presented next in order of increasing mineralogical complexity: first, L P N O R M results for a relatively coarse-grained rock (amphibolite) are compared with published modes; second, a series of clay mixtures analyzed by X R D and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and subjected to normative analysis are presented; third, L P N O R M output for a mudstone that has become a de f a c t o yardstick for normative analysis in recent years is offered; fourth, mode and norm for a carbonatealtered lithic sandstone are compared. Finally, a recent application of the program for calculating shale norms is reported.
Linear programming normative analysis code
Table 1. Three Valley Gap amphibolite samples: comparison of mode and norm Sample BR-2 Mineral Quartz Plagioclase Amphibole Clinopyroxene Orthopyroxene Apatite Chlorite Sum
9 28 52 9 0 1 1 100
7 30 51
11 0 0 1 10---0
Sample BR-3
Sample BR-4
10 27 55
59 10
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
10 i
II 36 44 8 1 0 0 IN
2 35
0 36 47 16
0 0 0 99
46 16
Sample BR-5
Modes in vol% and norms in wt% (mineral amounts rounded off to the closest integer). Comparison of vol% and wt% justified on the basis of similar mineral specific weights. Modes from Nicholls, Stout, and Ghent (1991). Mineral compositions from Ghent and others (1977), and Nicholls, Stout, and Ghent (1991). Three Valley Gap amphibolite
Ghent and others (1977) and Nicholls, Stout, and Ghent (1991) published whole rock chemical analyses and electron microprobe analyses of minerals for amphibolite boudin samples collected near Three Valley Gap in British Columbia, Canada. Nicholls, Stout, and Ghent (1991) presented mineral modes for four of these Three Valley Gap samples. These modes were obtained from automated electron microprobe counts, as detailed in Nicholls and Stout (1986) and Nicholls. Stout, and Ghent (1991). LPNORM was run for these samples on the basis of the chemical probe analysis data for the various minerals. Table 1 summarizes the comparison of mineral modes and calculated norms, also illustrated in Figure 4. The objective function for all these runs was to maximize mineral abundances and minimize slack variables. The correlation between mode and norm generally is satisfactory, and the few discrepancies, such as for quartz in samples BR-3, 4, and 5, could be explained by the compositional heterogeneity of these amphibolite boudins (Nicholls, Stout, and Ghent, 1991) as well as the presence of sporadic quartz veins (J. Nicholls, pers. comm., 1993), in addition to errors as discussed previously. Ck O' standard mixtures
The next test was to compare LPNORM results with known proportions of clay mineral standards mixed together. The individual standards used were K3 kaolinite (Weaver and Pollard, 1973), IMT-1 illite (Hower and Mowatt, 1966), Upton (WY) smectite (Ross and Hendricks, 1945), and Chester (VT) chlorite (Foster. 1962). These standard clays were analyzed by XRD (to check their purity) and by XRF (to determine their chemistry) prior to admixing them. Table 2 summarizes the resulting clay standard compositional data. Four different clay standard mixtures were prepared by admixing various weights of these clay standards. These mixtures then were analyzed also by XRD and XRF (Table 3), and these results were used as input for normative analysis using LPNORM. All the runs were performed with the CAGEO 20 3--E
same objective function, namely to maximize mineral abundances and minimize slack variables. Smectite and illite compositions were idealized by ignoring the small amounts of Na, Ca, and Ti contained, for reasons presented earlier. Results of the normative analysis, shown in Table 4 and Figure 5, indicate a reasonable match between weighted modes and calculated norms for samples CSM-5 and CSM-6, which contain high amounts of smectite, and a poorer agreement for samples CSM-7 and CSM-8, which contain lower amounts of smectite and higher amounts of kaolinite and illite. Bersham mudstone
Nicholls (1962) presented chemical data for an Upper Carboniferous mudstone sample collected at a depth of about 1260 ft (~380 m) from a core drilled near Bersham, U.K. Nicholls (1962) performed normative analysis, using a series of"normative" mineral formulae (some of these are similar to end-member compositions of solid solutions, and are labeled "illite-l", "illite-2", and "illite-3", and "'chlorite-1" and "chlorite-2" herein, the others are considered to be pure phases). The chemical data (Table 5) and mineral formulae from Nicholls (1962) are used as input for LPNORM, and our results are compared to Nicholls' (1962) results and Cohen and Ward's (1991) SEDNORM results (Table 6). The LPNORM results, using the minimization of slack variables as objective function, compare favorably with the original data from Nicholls (1962) (Fig. 6), except that LPNORM predicted 4wt% more kaolinite (Al4Si4Oj0(OH)+) and 6wt% less "+illite-3" (AI2Si40~0(OH)2). This reflects the relatively comparable composition of these two phases, which therefore are more or less interchangable. Because "illite-3" has a higher SiO2 content ( ~ 67 wt%) than kaolinite ( ~ 46 wt%), transferring 4% mass from the kaolinite to the "illite-3" phase, would result in a decrease of about 2-3 wt% free SiO2, and therefore quartz. Bowen sandstone
Cohen and Ward (1991) performed normative analysis with SEDNORM (their tables 3 and 4) on a
and I.
A 60
Amphibole 1:/
Plagioclase •
30 o Z
• x
[~ o
• Clinopyroxene
10 ~ /~ 0
~ Clinopyroxene Quartz I
~ I O
Amphibole • .
' _ O - 7
Amphibole// 1:/
Plagioclase • /
o Z
30 o
Z 10
20 • Clinopyroxene
•Quadz I / 0
20 Mode
/o 0
,.--=-~, °,ua?z, , , , 10
Figure 4. Norm versus mode plot for samples BR-2 (A), BR-3 (B), BR-4 (C), and BR-5 (D) from Three Valley Gap. Diagonal line labeled "1 : l" represent location of the perfect, 1 : 1 correlation between norm and mode. See text for discussion.
Table 2. Clay mineral standards: X R F compositions Oxide SiO 2 AI 203 Fe203* MgO Ca• MnO K20 Na20 P2 O5 TiO 2 LOI Total
K3 Kaolinite 45.95 38.79
14.89 99.63
IMT-I Illite
Upton, WY Smectite
Chester, VT Chlorite
48.35 24.10 7.68 2.96 0.35
56.76 19.86 3.98 2.72 0.43
20.13 20.93 15.85 32.20
8.50 1.99
0.11 3.28
6.43 100.36
0.15 12.70 99.99
10.09 99.20
All values in wt% (LOI: loss on ignition). lllite and chlorite compositions corrected for the presence of ~4.5 wt% quartz and ~4.7 wt% magnetite, respectively, in clay standard. *Total Fe reported as Fe203.
Linear programming normative analysis code
Table 3. Clay standard mixtures: XRF compositions Oxide
Sample CSM-5
Sample CSM-6
Sample CSM-7
Sample CSM-8
SiO2 A]20 ~ Fe203* MgO Ca• MnO K20 Na20 P205
51.49 + 0.30 22.83 _+0.41 5.17 __+0.11 3.78 __+0.12 0.37 + 0.01 0.04 + 0.00 1.67 __+0.03 1.83 _+0.37 0.09 + 0.03 0.75 + 0.02 12.00 100.02
48.70 _+0.34 24.11 + 0.39 5.92 __+0. I l 4.63 __ 0.10 0.33 _+0.01 0.05 + 0.00 2.33 _+0.02 1.87 + 0.45 0.11 _+0.02 0.99 + 0.02 10.95 99.99
45.85 _+0.37 25.61 + 0.53 6.85 _+0.16 5.82 + 0.17 0.29 + 0.01 0.08 + 0.00 3.10 + 0.05 0.71 + 0.42 0.12 __+0.02 1.33 _+0.02 10.20 99,96
51.23 + 0.44 25.53 + 0.37 5.76 _+0.08 2.83 + 0.17 0.33 __+0.01 0.03 + 0.01 5.04 + 0.05 0.54 _+0.50 0.21 _+0.04 1.04 _ 0.02 7.45 99.99
TiO 2
LOI Total
All values in wt%. Reported compositions are the average and ISD of duplicate or triplicate XRF analyses performed on three glass beads for each mixture (except LOI). *Total Fe reported as Fe203.
50 [
Smectite •
Smectite O / 1:1
3O 30
o Z
"w 20
10 10 ,uartz
40 50 Mode (wt%)
Quartz 10
Illito •
2010i ! , /
Iltite • 1:1
D ,
O ISle
Mode (wt%)
C 40
o z
Mode (wt%)
0 -0"•
I 10
Ka°liniteQuartz O
I 20
40 Mode (wt%) 30
Figure 5. Norm versus mode plot for samples CSM-5 (A), CSM-6 (B), CSM-7 (C), and CSM-8 (D). See text for discussion.
Table 4. Clay standard mixtures: comparison of mode and norm Sample CSM-5 Mineral Quartz Chlorite Kaolinite lllite* Smectitet Sum
Mode 2 6 15 20 58 100
LPNORM 0 5 12 19 63 lO0
Sample CSM-6 Mode 2 10 20 28 39 100
Sample CSM-7
LPNORM 0 8 18 27 46
3 14 26 37 20 100
Sample CSM-8 Mode
12 23 36 27 lOl
1 15 58 29 102
23 59 lI
Modes and norms in wt% (mineral amounts rounded off to the closest integer). *lllite composition free of Na and Ca. tSmectite composition free of Na, Ca, and Ti.
carbonate-altered lithic sandstone sample from the Bowen Basin, Queensland (Australia), for which they also reported optical modes. LPNORM was applied to that sample (Tables 7 and 8), with the objective function to minimize the slack variables, and results show a good correlation with the mode (Fig. 7). Given the amount of (inorganic) CO2 reported (11.2 wt%), it is impossible to have 34% carbonates, as reported in the mode (Cohen and Ward, 1991, table 4). Indeed, using the carbonate with lowest CO2 content, siderite ( ~ 38 wt%), among the carbonates reported to be present, it is evident that the maximum carbonate proportion allowable is 29 wt%. This illustrates the usefulness of complementing any modal analysis by normative analysis to confirm that the modes are at least consistent with the geochemistry. The discrepancy for the "kaolinite +muscovite" amounts is difficult to comment upon without distinct modes for each of these two phases. Obviously, the abundance of muscovite is governed by the K:O content of the sample (1.20 wt%), which imposes a muscovite abundance between 10wt% (for 1.00 K/ Ol0(OH)2 ) and 13 wt% (for 0.75 K/OI0(OH)2 ). Unless there are large quantities of free (?amorphous) Si and A1 in the sample, or the analysis lacked precision, it is inescapable that there must be a high kaolinite content (26 or 23 wt%, respectively, for these two extreme muscovite compositions). Thus, the sum of the abundances of kaolinite and illite will be about 36 wt%. Belle Fourche Formations shales
de Caritat and others (1994) presented a study of the mineralogy and geochemistry of the Cenomanian Belle Fourche Formation, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. The Belle Fourche Formation is a regionally extensive shale unit within the lower Colorado Group in this foreland basin. Bulk rock geochemistry of shale and bentonite core samples were determined from XRF analysis, Rock-Eval pyrolysis, and elemental C and S determinations. Clay mineral compositions were determined from XRF analysis, and elemental C and S determinations, on thirteen ', which is interpreted as ' ~ ", respectively. (6) Additionally, mineral names containing mathematical symbols, such as K-feldspar or illite/smectite, which include ' - ' (minus sign) and '/' (divide sign) respectively, will cause program failure. (7) Finally, mineral names and operands must be written in single quotes (e.g. 1 'quartz' ' > ' 10). Given these rules, the following constraints, containing 2, 3, and 2 minerals, respectively, are valid: 1 'quartz' + 2.5 'kaolinite' ' > ' 15.5, meaning
/ Celadonite
\ Pyrophyllite
Figure 9. Muscovite, celadonite, pyrophyllite ternary diagram showing calculated compositions ofillite/smectite from shale matrix, both immature (Tm,X~ 435 C), and bentonite samples from Belle Fourche Formation. Three celadonitic compositions probably result from overestimation of kaolinite content in those clay fractions, resulting in illite/smectite overly enriched in Fe and Mg. See de Caritat and others (1994) for further discussion.
1 x q u a r t z + 2.5 x kaolinite ~> 15.5 wt%,
1 'albite' 1 'orthoclase' 1 'anorthite' "=" 45, meaning 1 x albite + 1 × orthoclase + I x anorthite = 4 5 wt%
+ 1 'illite' - 3 "chlorite' ' < ' 0, meaning I x illite - 3 x chlorite ~< 0 wt%. meaning 1 x illite ~< 3 × chlorite. meaning illite/chlorite ~< 3.
Conversely, the following two constraints would not be acceptable: 1 'Kfeldspar' ' > '
10 'smectite', (right-hand
side can not contain any minerals),
'biotite' ' > ' 5, (coefficient missing for biotite). (25) The set of linear equations subject to the objective function now is solved simultaneously by linear programming, using the well-established computational procedure termed the Simplex Method, which was developed in the 1950s by George Dantzig (e.g. see Dantzig, 1956). L P N O R M (Appendix 1) uses a modified version of the Simplex algorithm presented in Press and others (1986). The solution, in terms of wt% of the various minerals, then is returned to the screen and saved in the L P N O R M . O U T and L P N O R M . L O G files. The results are given, and should only be used, as integers, but for the benefit of the user they also are returned with two decimal places (to allow monitoring of small variations), although these decimal places are not significant in our opinion. The mineral sum and the objective function value are given next. Finally, a verification table indicates how much of the various oxides has been used up, as well as the sum of the unused oxides (slack variables). Execution of L P N O R M is rapid in terms of C P U time, and in real time is limited mainly by its interactive nature. Written in F O R T R A N 77, this program was compiled and run on S U N workstations during development, and the distribution version has been modified to compile and execute adequately on any PC, taking advantage of a mathematical coprocessor if available. The source code and example files are available upon submission of a 3 1/2 in. diskette to the first author. CONCLUSION The computer code L P N O R M performs normative analysis from a bulk chemical analysis and from the composition of contained minerals. This code can be used for any type of mineral mixture, such as soils, concrete, ceramic, sediments, or rocks. L P N O R M implements the mathematical method of linear programming, and makes use of the Simplex Method to solve simultaneously the set of linear equations governing the distribution of all listed oxides into these minerals, subject to an objective function and a set of basic linear constraints. The user can specify the list of minerals to be considered for normative analysis, and what their composition is (mineral formulae or geochemical compositions). The objective function can be set to the maximization of mineral abundances, the minimization of slack variables, or the simultaneous maximization of mincral abundances and minimization of slack variables. Independently acquired information about the absolute or relative abundance of one or several of the minerals in the
sample can be entered as additional equality or inequality constraints. A trial-and-error approach enables the user to "optimize" the composition of one or a few of the contained minerals. Results of comparative tests show that L P N O R M yields acceptable results in many situations, and represents an improvement upon semiquantitative normative methods such as X R D . Thus, any attempt to quantify mineralogical abundances by optical, image analysis, or X R D methods should be complemented by chemical analysis and linear programming normative analysis. L P N O R M is an efficient, quick, and therefore economical, method to obtain first-order quantitative norms from geochemical data, and does not violate the normative "golden rule", namely that the more one knows about a sample and its constituent minerals, the more one can rely on the results from its normative analysis.
Acknowledgments--This study was supported financially by a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada strategic research grant. We wish to thank Maarice Shevalier for numerous rescue operations from crashing SUNs and intergalactic networks. Linear discussions with Terry Gordon enhanced the first author's understanding of optimization. As always, we are indebted to the Dudes of Diagenesis for keeping us on the right track. Colin Harvey and an anonymous referee are thanked for their assistance. REFERENCES
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space calculations: Can. Mineralogist, v. 29, no. 4, p. 633-653. Pearson, M. J., 1978, Quantitative clay mineralogical analyses from the bulk chemistry of sedimentary rocks: Clays and Clay Minerals, v. 26, no. 6, p. 423-433. Press, W. H., Flannery, B. P., Teukolsky, S. A., and Vetterling, W. T., 1986, Numerical recipes: the art of scientific computing: Cambridge Univ. Press, 818 p. Ross, C. S., and Hendricks, S. B., 1945, Minerals of the montmorillonite group, their origin and relation to soils and clays: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper, v. 205-B, p. 23-72. Slaughter, M., 1989, Quantitative determination of clays and other minerals in rocks, in Pevear, D. R., and Mumpton, F. A., eds., Quantitative mineral analysis of clays: The Clay Minerals Society Workshop Lecture Series, v. I, p. 120-151. Weaver, C. E., and Pollard, L. D., 1973, The chemistry of clay minerals. Developments in Sedimentology Series, v. 15: Elsevier, New York, 213 p. Wright, T. L., and Doherty, P. C., 1970, A linear programming and least squares computer method for solving petrological mixing problems: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 81, no. 7, p. 1995-2008.
APPENDIX 1 Program Listing Note: the following listing contains copyrighted subroutines (SIMPLX, SIMPI, SIMP2, SIMP3) from Press and others (1986) reproduced herein by permission.* program
: : : = : = : : = = = = = =
implicit integer parameter integer & & & real & real*8 & real integer character*l
character*2 character*10 character*58
none MMAX (MMAX=I00) stox(12),nel(30),mi,ne,oxmax,mimax, iflagl ,iflag2,i,j,k,l,n,icount,icol,irow, lmin, ICASE ,jsam, m l , m 2 , m 3 , N P , M P , m , n c o n , n c , i a b u n ( 3 0 ) , i s u m i n ,dmi,di,iflag3,iflag4,dmimax oxide(12),mwox(12),verify(12),diff(12) ,EPS,fac(30),sumin, totdiff stoich(20,30),st,mw, molw(30),sumox, aij(30,12) ,aijsum(30),abun(30),chbal A (MMAX, MMAX) IZROV(MMAX),IPOSV(MMAX) sign,answerl,answer2,answer3 symbol(20,30),sy,element(12),sign2 m i n e r a l ( 3 0 ) , m i n c o n ( 3 0 ) , m i n m i n , m i n m a x , name i00) sample(100),heading
data mwox
/ 60.08,101.96,159.69,40.30,61.98,56.08,94.20 ,79.90,141.94,70.94,44.01,32.06 / data element / 'Si', 'AI', 'Fe', 'Mg', 'Na', 'Ca' 'K', 'Ti', 'P & , 'Mn', 'C', 'S' / data stox / 1,2,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,1,1 / oxmax=12 &
open open open open open open goto
(7,file='oxlist.dat',status='old',err=2 (8,file='minlist.dat',status='old',err=4) (10,file='ipnorm.out',status='unknown') (ll,file='ipnorm.lp',status='unknown') (12,file='aij.dat',status='unknown') (20,file='Ipnorm.log',status='unknown') 6
*Copyright © 1986, 1992 Numerical Recipes Software. Reproduced by permission, from the book Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing, published by Cambridge University Press.
6 c
continue w r i t e (*,*) w r i t e (*,*) goto I00 continue w r i t e (*,*) w r i t e (*,*) goto 100 continue rewind rewind rewind rewind rewind rewind
'*** Cannot open O X L I S T . D A T
'*** Cannot open M I N L I S T . D A T
7 8 I0 ii 12 20
c write write write
(*,504) (10,506) (20,506)
c c ************************************ c read 'minlist.dat' file read (8,*) C
mi=l w r i t e (i0,*) '*** C o m p u t i n g m i n e r a l data' w r i t e (20,*) '*** C o m p u t i n g m i n e r a l data' w r i t e (10,508) w r i t e (20,508) continue mimax=mi-i read (8,500,end=12) mineral(mi), &(symbol(ne,mi),stoich(ne,mi),ne=l,20)
do n e = 2 0 , 1 , - i if (symbol(ne,mi).eq.' nel(mi)=ne-i endif end do
~) then
c c c h e c k if any o x i d e occurs more than once in any m i n e r a l c formula; if so, add up the s t o i c h i o m e t r i e s for those oxides iflagl=0 do ne=l,nel(mi) do j = l , n e l ( m i ) - n e if ( s y m b o l ( n e , m i ) . e q . s y m b o l ( n e + j , m i ) . a n d . & stoich(ne+j,mi).ne.0) then stoich(ne,mi)=stoich(ne,mi)+stoich(ne+j,mi) stoich(ne+j,mi)=0.0 iflagl=l endif end do end do C
c if the p r e v i o u s loop was accessed, we must clean up the slate if (iflagl.eq.l) then icount=0 do ne=l,nel(mi) if (stoich(ne,mi).eq.0.0) then icount=icount÷l endif end d o c do n e = l , n e l ( m i ) - i c o u n t k=l I0 if ( s t o i c h ( n e , m i ) . e q . 0 . a n d . s t o i c h ( n e + k , m i ) . n e . 0 ) then stoich(ne,mi)=stoich(ne+k,mi) symbol(ne,mi)=symbol(ne+k,mi)
Linear programming normative analysis code stoich(ne+k,mi)=0 endif k=k+l if (ne+k.le.nel(mi)) end do nel(mi)=nel(mi)-icount endif
goto i0
mw=0 chbal=0. do ne=l,nel(mi) sy=symbol(ne,mi) st=stoich(ne,mi)
(sy, st,mw, chbal)
(mw.eq.0) then w r i t e (*,*) '*** m o l e c u l a r weight not computed' w r i t e (*,*) '*** charge balance not computed' w r i t e (I0,*) '*** molecular weight not computed' w r i t e (I0,*) '*** charge balance not computed' w r i t e (20,*) '*** m o l e c u l a r weight not computed' w r i t e (20,*) '*** charge balance not computed' goto i00 endif end do molw(mi)=mw if
w r i t e (10,510) mi,mineral(mi),molw(mi),nel(mi),chbal, &(symbol(ne,mi),stoich(ne,mi),ne=l,nel(mi)) write (20,510) mi,mineral(mi),molw(mi),nel(mi),chbal, &(symbol(ne,mi),stoich(ne,mi),ne=l,nel(mi)) c
12 c
mi=mi+l goto 8 continue write write
(10,512) (20,512)
c c ************************************ c calculate the stoichiometric coefficients a(i,j) 14 continue write (*,520) read (*,'(al)') answerl c if ((answerl.eq.'a').or.(answerl.eq.'A').or. & (answerl.eq.'b').or.(answerl.eq.'B').or. & (answerl.eq.'c').or.(answerl.eq.'C').or. & (answerl.eq.'d').or.(answerl.eq.'D')) then write (20,522) answerl write (20,*) endif c c if answerl is 'a' ^^ .... ^ ..... ^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c if ((answerl.eq.'a').or.(answerl.eq-°A')) then write (20,*) '*** Computing a(i,j) coefficients' do m i = l , m i m a x aijsum(mi)=0 do ne=l,nel(mi) do i = l , o x m a x if (symbol(ne,mi).eq.element(i)) then aij(mi,i)=(mwox(i)*stoich(ne,mi))/(molw(mi)*stox(i)) if (element(i).eq.'S') then write (20,534) element(i),mineral(mi),aij(mi,i)
else write (20,532) element(i),mineral(mi),aij(mi,i) endif aij sum(mi)=aijsum(mi)+aij (mi, i) endif end do end do write (20,546) aijsum(mi) end do goto 22 endif C
c if answerl
if ((answerl.eq.'b').or.(answerl.eq.'B')) then rewind 12 read (12,552,end=16,err=16) heading write (20,536) heading write (*,536) heading write (*,*) goto 18 continue write (*,*) write (20,*) write (*,*) 'No existing/empty AIJ.DAT file! Try again...' write (20,*) 'No existing/empty AIJ.DAT file! Try again... goto 14 continue read (12,540,end=20) di,dmi,element(di) & ,mineral(dmi),aij(dmi,di) goto 18 continue dmimax=dmi do dmi=l, dmimax aij sum(dmi) =0.0 do di=l, oxmax if (aij(dmi,di).gt.0.0) then if (element(di).eq.'S') then write (*,516) element(di),mineral(dmi),aij(dmi,di) write (20,516) element(di),mineral(dmi),aij(dmi,di else write (*,518) element(di),mineral(dmi),aij(dmi,di) write (20,518) element(di),mineral(dmi),aij(dmi,di endif endif aijsum(dmi)=aijsum(dmi)+aij(dmi,di) end do write (*,546) aijsum(dmi) write (20,546) aijsum(dmi) end do goto 22 endif
c c if answerl
is 'c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
^ .......
if ((answerl.eq.'c').or.(answerl.eq.'C')) then write (*,*) write (*,*) 'These a(i,j) coefficients will be ', & 'saved in AIJ.DAT file' write (*,*) write (*,*) [y=yes, n=no (DEFAULT), e=end, x=next mineral] write (*,*) &. rewind 8 read (8,556) heading rewind 12 write (12,552) heading iflag3=0 do mi=l,mimax
Linear programming normative analysiscode
aijsum(mi)=0 iflag4=0 do ne=l,nel(mi) do i=l,oxmax if (symbol(ne,mi).eq.element(i)) then aij(mi,i)=(mwox(i)*stoich(ne,mi))/(molw(mi)*stox(i)) if ((iflag3.eq.0).and.(iflag4.eq.0)) then if (element(i).eq.'S') then write (*,530) element(i),mineral(mi),aij(mi,i) else write (*,528) element(i),mineral(mi) aij(mi,i) endif write (*,524) read (*, ' (al)') answer2 endif if answer2 is not 'yes', or 'no', or 'end', or 'next' if (('y').and.('Y' ('n').and.('N' ('e').and.('E' ('x').and.('X' answer2='n' endif
.and. .and. .and. ) then
if answer2 is 'yes'
if ((answer2.eq.'y').or.(answer2.eq.'Y') then write (*,526) read (*,*) aij(mi,i) if (element(i).eq.°S ') then write (20,530) element(i),mineral(mi),aij(mi,i) else write (20,528) element(i),mineral(mi),aij(mi,i) endif write (20,*) ' (User-specified value)' if (element(i).eq.'S') then write (12,538) i,mi,element(i),mineral(mi) ,aij(mi,i) else write (12,542) i,mi,element(i),mineral(mi) ,aij(mi,i) endif
if answer2 is 'no' else if ((answer2.eq.'n').or.(answer2.eq.'N')) then if (element(i).eq.'S') then write (20,534) element(i),mineral(mi),aij(mi,i) else write (20,532) element(i),mineral(mi),aij(mi,i) endif if (element(i).eq.'S') then write (12,538) i,mi,element(i),mineral(mi) ,aij(mi,i) else write (12,542) i,mi,element(i),mineral(mi) ,aij(mi,i) endif c c if answer2 is 'end' c else if ((answer2.eq.'e').or.(answer2.eq.'E')) then if (iflag3.eq.l) then if (element(i).eq.'S') then write (*,534) element(i),mineral(mi) ,aij(mi,i) else write (*,532) element(i),mineral(mi) ,aij(mi,i) endif
endif if (element(i).eq.'S') then write (20,534) element(i),mineral(mi) ,aij(mi,i) else write (20,532) element(i),mineral(mi) ,aij(mi,i) endif if (element(i).eq.'S') then write (12,544) i,mi,element(i),mineral(mi) ,aij(mi,i) else write (12,542) i,mi,element(i),mineral(mi) ,aij(mi,i) endif iflag3=l if answer2 is 'next' else if ((answer2.eq.'x').or.(answer2.eq.'X')) then if (iflag4.eq.l) then if (element(i).eq.'S') then write (*,534) element(i),mineral(mi),aij(mi,i) else write (*,532) element(i),mineral(mi),aij(mi,i) endif endif if (element(i).eq.'S') then write (20,534) element(i),mineral(mi),aij(mi,i) else write (20,532) element(i),mineral(mi),aij(mi, i) endif if (element(i).eq.'S') then write (12,544) i,mi,element(i),mineral(mi) ,aij(mi,i) else write (12,542) i,mi,element(i),mineral(mi) ,aij(mi,i) endif iflag4=l endif aijsum(mi)=aijsum(mi)+aij(mi,i) endif end do end do write (*,546) aijsum(mi) write (20,546) aijsum(mi) end do goto 22 endif c ^AA^A^A^AA^^^A^^^^^^^^A^A^AA^^AAA^A^^AAAAA^^^^ c if answerl is ' d ' c if ((answerl.eq.'d').or.(answerl.eq.'D')) then goto i00 endif c c if answerl is none of the above (a,b,c,d) ...................... c if (('a').or.('A').or. & ('b').or.('B').or. & ('c').or.('C').or. & ('d').or.('D')) then goto 14 endif c 22 continue C C
c read 'oxlist.dat' file read (7,*)
Linear programming normative analysis code j sam=l c 24 c
continue read read
(7,548,end=100) sample(jsam) (7,*,end=f00) (oxide(i),i=l,oxmax)
c write write write
(*,502) (mineral(n),n=l,mimax) (10,502) (mineral(n),n=l,mimax) (20,502) (mineral(n),n=l,mimax)
c do i=l, o x m a x s u m o x = s u m o x + o x i d e (i ) end do c write write write write write write
*,550) sample(jsam) 10,550) sample(jsam) 20,550) sample(jsam) *,554) ( o x i d e ( i ) , i = l , o x m a x ) , s u m o x 10,554) ( o x i d e ( i ) , i = l , o x m a x ) , s u m o x 20,554) ( o x i d e ( i ) , i = l , o x m a x ) , s u m o x
c c ************************************ c p r e p a r e the initial t a b l e a u N=mimax+oxmax MI=0 M2=0 M3 = o x m a x M=MI+M2+M3 NP=I00 MP=I00 26 continue c c reset m a t r i x to zero do i = I , M P IZROV(i)=0 IPOSV(i)=0 do j = I , N P A(i,j)=0 e n d do e n d do c c *********************** OBJECTIVE FUNCTION *********************** c c w r i t e the o b j e c t i v e function (z=aolxl+ao2x2+...+aoNxN); c options are c i) to m i n i m i z e the sum of the s l a c k variables, c 2) to m a x i m i z e the m i n e r a l abundances, c 3) to m i n i m i z e the m i n e r a l abundances, c 4) to do b o t h I) a n d 2) together, or c 5) to do b o t h I) a n d 3) t o g e t h e r c 28 continue w r i t e (*,568) read (*,570,err=28) iflag2 if (iflag2.eq.0) then g o t o 100 else if (iflag2.eq.9) then g o t o 52 e l s e if (iflag2.eq.l) then w r i t e (10,*) w r i t e (20,*) w r i t e (I0,*) '*** Obj.fct.: m i n i m i z e slack v a r i a b l e s w r i t e (20,*) '*** Obj.fct.: m i n i m i z e slack v a r i a b l e s do icol=2,mimax+l A(l,icol)=0 e n d do do i c o l = m i m a x + 2 , m i m a x + o x m a x + l A(l,icol)=-i end do else if (iflag2.eq.2) then
P. DE CARITAT, J. 8LOCH, and I. HUTCHEON w r i t e (i0,*) w r i t e (20,*) w r i t e (I0,*) '*** Obj.fct.: m a x i m i z e w r i t e (20,*) '*** Obj.fct.: m a x i m i z e do i c o l = 2 , m i m a x + l A(l,icol)=l end do do i c o l = m i m a x + 2 , m i m a x + o x m a x + l A(l,icol)=0 end do else if (iflag2.eq.3) then w r i t e (I0,*) w r i t e (20,*) w r i t e (I0,*) '*** Obj.fct.: m i n i m i z e w r i t e (20,*) '*** Obj.fct.: m i n i m i z e do i c o l = 2 , m i m a x + l A(l,icol)=-I end do do i c o l = m i m a x + 2 , m i m a x + o x m a x + l A(l,icol)=0 end do else if (iflag2.eq.4) then w r i t e (i0,*) w r i t e (20,*) w r i t e (i0,*) '*** Obj.fct.: m i n i m i z e & ' m a x i m i z e m i n e r a l abundances' w r i t e (20,*) '*** Obj.fct.: m i n i m i z e & ' m a x i m i z e m i n e r a l abundances' do i c o l = 2 , m i m a x + l A(l,icol)=l end do do i c o l = m i m a x + 2 , m i m a x + o x m a x + l A(l,icol)=-I end do else if (iflag2.eq.5) then w r i t e (i0,*) w r i t e (20,*) w r i t e (i0,*) '*** Obj.fct.: m i n i m i z e & ' m i n i m i z e m i n e r a l abundances' w r i t e (20,*) '*** Obj.fct.: m i n i m i z e & ' m i n i m i z e m i n e r a l abundances' do i c o l = 2 , m i m a x + l A(l,icol)=-i end do do i c o l = m i m a x + 2 , m i m a x + o x m a x + l A(l,icol)=-i end do else goto 28 endif
mineral abundances mineral abundances
mineral mineral
abundances abundances
slack variables AND slack variables AND
slack variables AND slack variables
c c now, the '=' c o n s t r a i n t s (oxmax of them: one for each oxide) c rows 2->oxmax+l: c o n s t r a i n t s do i r o w = 2 , o x m a x + l A(irow, l)=oxide(irow-l) do m i = 2 , m i m a x + l A(irow, m i ) = - a i j ( m i - l , i r o w - l ) end do do j = m i m a x + 2 , m i m a x + o x m a x + l A(irow, j)=0 if ( then A(irow,mimax+irow)=-i endif end do end do c c a l l o w to m i n i m i z e a n d / o r m a x i m i z e the a b u n d a n c e of a m i n e r a l c (compatible w i t h the type of o b j e c t i v e function chosen) if ( ( i f l a g 2 . e q . l ) . o r . ( i f l a g 2 . e q . 2 ) . o r . ( i f l a g 2 . e q . 4 ) ) then 30 continue
Linear programming normativeanalysiscode
32 34
w r i t e (*,606) read (*,608,err=30) m i n m i n if (minmin.eq.' ') goto 32 do k=l,30 if (minmin.eq.mineral(k)) then w r i t e (10,610) m i n m i n w r i t e (20,610) minmin A(l,k+l)=-I goto 30 endif end do write (*,612) m i n m i n goto 30 endif continue if ( ( i f l a g 2 . e q . l ) . o r . ( i f l a g 2 . e q . 3 ) . o r . ( i f l a g 2 . e q . 5 ) ) continue w r i t e (*,614) read (*,616,err=34) m i n m a x if (minmax.eq.' ') goto 36 do k=l,30 if (minmax.eq.mineral(k)) then w r i t e (10,618) m i n m a x w r i t e (20,618) m i n m a x A(l,k+l)=l goto 34 endif end do w r i t e (*,620) m i n m a x goto 34 endif continue
c ***********************
c a l l o w for a d d i t i o n a l c o n s t r a i n t s (interactive) c 38 continue neon=0 w r i t e (*,602) read (*, ~ (i2)',err=38) neon if (ncon.eq.0) goto 46 if (ncon.le.-l) goto 38 do i = o x m a x + 2 , o x m a x + 2 + n c o n - i do j = l , m i m a x + o x m a x + l + n c o n A(i,j)=0 end do nc=i-oxmax-i 40 continue w r i t e (*,628) nc read (*, ' (i2) ',err=40) imin if (imin.le.0) goto 40 42 continue w r i t e (*,604) nc read (*,*,err=42) ( f a c ( 1 ) , m i n c o n ( 1 ) , l = l , l m i n ) , s i g n , A ( i , l ) do l = l , l m i n do k=l,30 if (mincon(1).eq.mineral(k)) then A(i,k+l)=-fac(1) g o t o 44 endif end do w r i t e (*,*) 'Mineral name not recognized; try again' goto 42 44 continue end do c if (sign.eq.'') then sign2='>=' A(i,mimax+i)=l else goto I00 endif w r i t e (*,*) ('+',fac(1), ' * ' , m i n c o n ( 1 ) , l = l , l m i n ) , s i g n 2 , A ( i , l ) , &' wt%' w r i t e (i0,*) '*** Constraint: ', & ( ' + ' , f a c ( 1 ) , ° * ' , m i n c o n ( 1 ) , l = l , l m i n ) , s i g n 2 , A ( i , l ) , ' wt%' w r i t e (20,*) '*** Constraint: ', &('+',fac(1),'*',mincon(1),l=l,lmin),sign2,A(i,l),' wt%' end do c 46 continue c c fill in area right of the original m a t r i x with zeros do i = l , o x m a x + l do j = m i m a x + o x m a x + 2 , m i m a x + o x m a x + l + n c o n A(i,j)=0 end do end do c c w r i t e initial t a b l e a u to log file ('ipnorm.log') w r i t e (20,*) w r i t e (20,572) ( m i n e r a l ( m i ) , m i = l , m i m a x ) , ( e l e m e n t ( i ) , i = l , o x m a x ) w r i t e (20,574) A(I,I), (A(l,j),j=2,mimax+oxmax+l+ncon) do i = 2 , o x m a x + l w r i t e (20,576) element(i-l),A(i,l), & (A(i,j),j=2,mimax+oxmax+l+ncon) end do do i = o x m a x + 2 , o x m a x + l + n c o n w r i t e (20,574) A(i,l), ( A ( i , j ) , j = 2 , m i m a x + o x m a x + l + n c o n end do c c w r i t e initial t a b l e a u to 'ipnorm.lp' file (to be u s e d w i t h ip_solve c if one w i s h e s to c h e c k the a c c u r a c y of the linear p r o g r a m m i n g results) do i = l , m i m a x name(i)=mineral(i) end do do i = m i m a x + l , m i m a x + o x m a x name(i)=element(i-mimax) end do w r i t e (11,578) ( A ( l , j ) , n a m e ( j - l ) , j = 2 , m i m a x + o x m a x + l ) w r i t e (11,580) do i = 2 , o x m a x + l w r i t e (11,582) ( - A ( i , j ) , n a m e ( j - l ) , j = 2 , m i m a x + o x m a x + l ) w r i t e (11,584) A(i,l) end do w r i t e (11,586) (name(j),j=l,mimax) w r i t e (11,580) w r i t e (11,588) ( n a m e ( j ) , j = m i m a x + l , m i m a x + o x m a x ) w r i t e (11,580) do i = o x m a x + 2 , o x m a x + 2 + n c o n - I w r i t e (11,622) fac(1),mincon(1) if ( then w r i t e (11,624) ( f a c ( 1 ) , m i n c o n ( 1 ) , l = 2 , 1 m i n ) endif w r i t e (11,626) sign,A(i,l) w r i t e (11,580) end do c c call up the s u b r o u t i n e i m p l e m e n t i n g the S i m p l e x m e t h o d (Copyright: c C a m b r i d g e U n i v e r s i t y Press. Source: N u m e r i c a l Recipes, the Art of c S c i e n t i f i c Computing; by Press et al.) M3=M3+ncon M=MI+M2+M3 N=N+ncon
Linear programming normative analysis code EPS=I.E-6 ICASE=2 w r i t e (20,*) w r i t e (20,*)
'*** Initial
EPS value
CALL S I M P L X ( A , M , N , N P , M I , M 2 , M 3 , I C A S E , IZROV, IPOSV, EPS)
w r i t e (*,*) w r i t e (20,*) if (ICASE.eq.0) then w r i t e (*,*) '*** A finite solution was found for sample ', & sarnple(jsam) w r i t e (I0,*) '*** A finite solution was found for sample ', & sample(jsam) w r i t e (20,*) '*** A finite solution was found for sample ', & sample(jsam) else if (ICASE.eq.I) then w r i t e (*,*) *** The o b j e c t i v e f u n c t i o n is ', & u n b o u n d e d for sample ',sample(jsam) w r i t e (i0,*) '*** The objective function is ', & u n b o u n d e d for sample ',sample(jsam) w r i t e (20,*) '*** The o b j e c t i v e function is ', & 'unbounded for sample ',sample(jsam) else if (ICASE.eq.-I) then w r i t e (*,*) '*** No solution satisfies the given ', & 'constraints for sample ',sample(jsam) w r i t e (i0,*) '*** No solution s a t i s f i e s the given ', & 'constraints for sample ',sample(jsam) w r i t e (20,* '*** No solution s a t i s f i e s the given ', & 'constraints for sample ',sample(jsam) else w r i t e (*,*) 'ICASE error' write ( 1 0 , * 'ICASE error' write (20,* 'ICASE error' goto i00 endif w r i t e (*,*) w r i t e (20,*) c output of linear o p t i m i z a t i o n if ( goto 48 sumin=0 w r i t e (i0,*) do k = l , m i m a x abun(k)=0 end do do i=2,oxmax+l k=IPOSV(i-l) if (k.le.mimax) then abun(k)=A(i,l) iabun(k)=int(abun(k)+0.50) w r i t e (*,558) i a b u n ( k ) , a b u n ( k ) , m i n e r a l ( k ) w r i t e (10,558) i a b u n ( k ) , a b u n ( k ) , m i n e r a l ( k ) w r i t e (20,558) i a b u n ( k ) , a b u n ( k ) , m i n e r a l ( k ) sumin=sumin+abun(k) isumin=int(sumin+0.50) endif end do c c include m i n e r a l s from additional c o n s t r a i n t s if ( then do i = o x m a x + 2 , o x m a x + l + n c o n k=IPOSV(i-l) abun(k)=A(i,l) iabun(k)=int(abun(k)+0.50) w r i t e (*,560) i a b u n ( k ) , a b u n ( k ) , m i n e r a l ( k )
P. DE CARITAT, J. BLocH, and l. HUTCHEON w r i t e (I0,560) i a b u n ( k ) , a b u n ( k ) , m i n e r a l ( k ) w r i t e (20,560) i a b u n ( k ) , a b u n ( k ) , m i n e r a l ( k ) sumin=sumin+abun(k) isumin=int(sumin+0.50) end do endif w r i t e (*,562) isumin, sumin,A(l,l) w r i t e (10,564) isumin,sumin,A(l,l) w r i t e (20,564) isumin,sumin,A(l,l) c c To print the output tableau to log file, d e - c o m m e n t the following c w r i t e (20,514) (IZROV(J),J=I,M) c do i = l , o x m a x + l + n c o n c w r i t e (20,566) IPOSV(i-I), (A(i,j),j=l,mimax+oxmax+l+ncon) c end do c c v e r i f y output w r i t e (i0,*) w r i t e (20,*) w r i t e (*,590) w r i t e (10,590) w r i t e (20,590) totdiff=0 do i = l , o x m a x verify(i)=0 do j = l , m i m a x if ( a i j ( j , i ) . n e . 0 . a n d . a b u n ( j ) . n e . 0 ) then verify(i)=verify(i)+aij(j,i)*abun(j) endif e n d do diff(i)=oxide(i)-verify(i) totdiff=totdiff+diff(i) w r i t e (*,592) e l e m e n t ( i ) , v e r i f y ( i ) , o x i d e ( i ) , d i f f ( i ) w r i t e (10,592) e l e m e n t ( i ) , v e r i f y ( i ) , o x i d e ( i ) , d i f f ( i ) w r i t e (20,592) e l e m e n t ( i ) , v e r i f y ( i ) , o x i d e ( i ) , d i f f ( i ) end do w r i t e (*,594) totdiff w r i t e (10,594) totdiff w r i t e (20,594) totdiff c 48 continue c c rerun this sample u n d e r different conditions? 50 continue w r i t e (*,596) read (*,598,err=50) answer3 if ( ( a n s w e r 3 . e q . ' y ' ) . o r . ( a n s w e r 3 . e q . ' Y ' ) ) then w r i t e (20,*) w r i t e (20,600) g o t o 26 else if ( ( a n s w e r 3 . e q . ' n ' ) . o r . ( a n s w e r 3 . e q . ' N ' ) ) then g o t o 52 else g o t o 48 endif c c next sample, if any 52 continue jsam=jsam+l g o t o 24 c c terminate execution 100 continue c w r i t e (*,700) w r i t e (20,702) c c l o s e (7) c l o s e (8) c l o s e (i0)
4 line
Linear programming normative analysis code close close close
(Ii) (12) (20)
stop c c formats format (a10,1x,20(a2,fS.2,:,3x)) 50O format (/,80('='),/,/, ' MINERALS: ',30(a10, :,ix)) 502 format (5(/),2(80('='),/),2(/),32x, 'Program LPNORM',3(/),21x, 5O4 &'Copyright 1 9 9 2 , 1 9 9 3 P a t r i c e de Caritat',3(/),2(80('='),/)) f o r m a t (80('='),/, 506 &'Program LPNORM - University of C a l g a r y - ', &'Copyright 1 9 9 2 , 1 9 9 3 P a t r i c e de C a r i t a t ' , / , &7x, ' [Ref: C a r i t a t , B l o c h a n d H u t c h e o n , C o m p u t e r s &'& G e o s c i e n c e s , 1993] ',/,80('='),/) f o r m a t (Ix, '#',ix, ' M I N E R A L ' , 4 8 x , ' M O L . W T . ' , I x , 508 &'#EL.',Ix, '*CH.BAL.',/,80('_'),/) f o r m a t (i2, ' : ' , a 1 0 , 1 x , 4 3 ( ' '),f7.2,1x, i3,3x, fS.4, 510 & S x , 2 0 ( a 2 , f 5 . 2 , :,3x)) 512 f o r m a t (/, &' (*CH.BAL. b a s e d on f o l l o w i n g v a l e n c e s : -2:0 -I:F,S,CI,OH ', &'+I:H,Na,K',/,10x, '+2:Mg,Ca,Mn,Fe,Ba +3:AI +4:C,Si,Ti ', &'+5:N,P)',/,80('_')) f o r m a t (/,30x, ' O U T P U T T A B L E A U ' , / , 1 3 x , 1 0 0 ( i 2 , :,4x)) 514 f o r m a t (ix,a2, ' in ',al0, ' = ',f8.6) 516 518 f o r m a t (ix,a2, ' o x i d e in ',al0, ' = ',f8.6) f o r m a t (/, ' S e l e c t o p t i o n (a), (b), (c) or (d) ',/, 520 &4x, 'a: c a l c u l a t e a ( i , j ) c o e f f i c i e n t s from MINLIST.DAT file ,/, &4x, 'b: r e a d a(i,j) c o e f f i c i e n t s from AIJ.DAT file',/, &4x, 'c: e n t e r a(i,j) c o e f f i c i e n t s from keyboard',/, &4x,'d: q u i t L P N O R M n o w ' , / , &4x, 'Your c h o i c e . . . ',$) 522 f o r m a t (/, ' S e l e c t o p t i o n (a), (b), (c) or (d) ',/, &4x, 'a: c a l c u l a t e a(i,j) c o e f f i c i e n t s from MINLIST.DAT file',/, &4x, 'b: r e a d a(i,j) c o e f f i c i e n t s from AIJ.DAT file',/, &4x, 'c: e n t e r a(i,j) c o e f f i c i e n t s from keyboard',/, &4x, 'd: q u i t L P N O R M n o w ' , / , &4x, 'Your c h o i c e . . . ',al) 524 f o r m a t (' . . . c h a n g e v a l u e ? (y/n/e/x): ',$) 526 f o r m a t (8x, ' E n t e r n e w v a l u e : ',$) 528 f o r m a t (ix,a2, ' o x i d e in ',al0, ' = ',f8.6,$) 530 f o r m a t (Ix,a2, ' in ',al0, ' = ',f8.6,$) 532 f o r m a t (Ix,a2, ' o x i d e in ',al0, ' = ',f8.6) 534 f o r m a t (ix,a2, ' in ',al0, ' = ',f8.6) 536 f o r m a t (/, ' R e a d i n g a(i,j) coeff, f r o m A I J . D A T f i l e for ', &'sample: ',/,ix, aS8) 538 f o r m a t (i3,1x, i 3 , 1 x , a 2 , ' in ',al0 = ',f8.6) 540 f o r m a t (i3,1x, i 3 , 1 x , a 2 , 1 0 x , a l 0 , 3 x , fS.6) 542 f o r m a t (i3,1x, i 3 , 1 x , a 2 , ' o x i d e in ',al0 = ',f8.6) 544 f o r m a t (i3,1x, i 3 , 1 x , a 2 , ' in ',al0 = ',f8.6) 546 f o r m a t (19x, ' S U M = ',f8.6, ' ') 548 f o r m a t (a58) 550 f o r m a t (/, ' S A M P L E ',a58) 552 f o r m a t (a58) 554 f o r m a t (Ix, ' S i 0 2 A 1 2 0 3 Fe203 MgO Na20 CaO K20 Ti02 ', &'P205 M n O inCO2 S SUM',/,ix,12(fS.2,1x),f6.2) 556 f o r m a t (22x,a58) 558 f o r m a t (ix, i3, ' (',f6.2, ') ', ' wt% ,al0) 560 f o r m a t (ix, i3, ' (',f6.2, ') ', ' w t % al0, ' ( c o n s t r a i n t ) ' ) 562 f o r m a t ( 3 0 ( ' - ' ) , / , I x , i3, ' (',f6.2, ', ' wt% t o t a l ',/,/,8x, f6.2, &' w t % o b j e c t i v e function',/,/) 564 f o r m a t ( 3 0 ( ' - ' ) , / , I x , i3, ' (',f6.2, ', ' w t % t o t a l ',/,8x,f6.2, &' wt% objective function') 566 f o r m a t ('x',i2, ' :',i00(f6.2, :)) 568 f o r m a t (/, ' S e l e c t t y p e of o b j e c t i v e f u n c t i o n ( o p t i o n 1-5) ', &'(0: exit; 9: s k i p this s a m p l e ) ' , / , &4x, 'i: m i n i m i z e s l a c k v a r i a b l e s ' , / , &4x, '2: m a x i m i z e m i n e r a l a b u n d a n c e s ' , / , &4x, '3: m i n i m i z e m i n e r a l a b u n d a n c e s ' , / , &4x, '4: m i n i m i z e s l a c k v a r i a b l e s A N D m a x i m i z e m i n e r a l a b u n d a n c e s ' , / ,
570 572 574 576 578 580 582 584 586 588 590 592 594 596 598 600 602 604 606 608 610 612 614 616 618 620 622 624 626 628 700 702 c
&4x, '5: m i n i m i z e slack variables AND minimize mineral abundances',/ &4x,'Your choice... ',$) format (il) format (30x, ' I N P U T T A B L E A U ' , / , 8 x , 3 0 ix, a 4 , : ) , 1 2 ( a 2 , 3 x ) ) format (2x, f 6 . 2 , 1 0 0 ( f S . 2 , : ) ) format (a2,f6.2,100(fS.2,:)) format ( 1 0 0 ( f 9 . 6 , 1 x , a l 0 , : , ' + '),$) format (';') format (100(f9.6,1x,al0, :, ' + '7,$) format (' = ',f9.6, ';') format ('SUM_MINERALS = ' , 1 0 0 ( a l 0 , : ' + '7,$) format ('SUM_SLACK = ' , 1 0 0 ( a l 0 , :, ' + '),$) format (/,2x,30('-'), ' VERIFY OUTPUT ' , 3 1 ( ' - ' ) , / , i x , ' i ',76x, ' I ') format (Ix, ' r ' , 3 x , a 2 , ': ',f6.2, ' w t % u s e d o f t h e i n i t i a l ', &f6.2, ' wt%',' ( d i f f . = ',f6.2, ' w t % ) ' , 5 x , 'I') format (Ix, ' f ',76x, ' I ',/,ix, ' J ',47x, ' t o t a l d i f f . = ', &f6.2, ' wt%',6x,'l',/,ix,' I',76x, ' I ' , / , 2 x , 7 6 ( ' - ' ) , / , / ) format (/, ' D o y o u w a n t t o r e r u n t h i s s a m p l e ( y / n ) ? ',$) format (al) format (80('=')7 format (/, ' H o w m a n y c o n s t r a i n t s d o y o u w a n t t o a d d ? ',$) format (' E n t e r c o n s t r a i n t ',i2, ': ',$) format (/, ' * * * M i n i m i z e the abundance of... ',$) format (al0) format (/, '*** M i n i m i z e the abundance of... ',al0) format (' Unable to identify mineral ',al0, ' ... t r y a g a i n ' ) f o r m a t (' *** M a x i m i z e the abundance of... ',$) format (al0) format '*** M a x i m i z e the abundance of... ',al0) format ' Unable to identify mineral ',al0, ' ... t r y a g a i n ' ) format fg.6,1x,al0,$) format I00(:, ' + ',f9.6,1x,al0),$) format ix, a l , l x , f g . 6 , $ ) format ' Number of minerals involved in c o n s t r a i n t ',i2, ' : ',$) format /,/,80('='),/,/,32x, 'Quitting LPNORM',/,/,80('='),/,/) format (80('='),/,32x, 'Quitting LPNORM',/,80('='))
end c c ............................................................. c ........................ SUBROUTINES ........................ c ............................................................. SUBROUTINE implicit integer real*8 character*2
(sy,st,mw, chbal) none anum, chge aw(60),st,mw, chbal sy
c c atomic weights for H,C,N,O,F,Na,Mg,AI,Si,P,S,CI, c K, C a , T i , M n , F e , B a , O H data &aw(1), aw(6), aw(7), aw(8), aw(9), aw(ll) &,aw(12),aw(13), aw(14),aw(15), aw(16),aw(17) &,aw(19),aw(20),aw(22),aw(25),aw(26),aw(56),aw(60)/ &I.0079,12.011,14.0067,15.9994,18.9984,22.9898 &,24.305,26.9815,28.086,30.9738,32.06, 35.453 &,39.102,40.08, 47.90, 54.938,55.847,137.34,17.0073/ c c Molecular weight computation ( a s s u m i n g Fe = +2 & S = -i) c if (sy.eq.'H') then anum=l e l s e if ( s y . e q . ' C ' ) then anum=6 e l s e if ( s y . e q . ' N ' ) then anum=7 e l s e if ( s y . e q . ' O ' ) then anum=8 e l s e if ( s y . e q . ' F ' ) then anum=9
Linear programming normative analysiscode else if (sy eq.'Na') then anum=ll else if (sy eq.'Mg') then anum=12 else if (sy eq.'Al') then anum=13 else if (sy eq.'Si') then anum=14 else if (sy eq.'P') t h e n anum=15 else if (sy eq.'S') then anum=16 else if (sy eq.'Cl') then anum=17 else if (sy eq.'K') t h e n anum=19 else if (sy eq.'Ca') then anum=20 else if (sy eq.'Ti') then anum=22 else if (sy.eq°'Mn') then anum=25 else if (sy.eq.°Fe ') then anum=26 else if (sy.eq.'Ba') then anum=56 else if (sy.eq.'OH') then anum=60 else w r i t e (*,*) "*** s y n t a x error in element '",sy,' .... w r i t e (I0,*) "*** s y n t a x error in element '",sy,"'" w r i t e (20,*) "*** s y n t a x error in element '",sy,"'" mw=0 return endif mw=mw+aw(anum)*st c c C h a r g e b a l a n c e c o m p u t a t i o n (assuming Fe = +2 & S = -I) c if ( ( s y . e q . ' H ' ) . o r . ( s y . e q . ' N a ' ) . o r . ( s y . e q . ' K ' ) ) then chge=+l else if ((sy.eq.'Mg' . o r . ( s y . e q . ' C a ' ) . o r . ( s y . e q . ' N n ).or. & (sy.eq.'Fe' .or.(sy.eq.'Ba')) then chge=+2 else if ((sy.eq.'Al' ) then chge=+3 else if ( ( s y . e q . ' C ' ) . o r . ( s y . e q . ' S i ' ) . o r . ( s y . e q . ' T i ' ) then chge=+4 else if ( ( s y . e q . ' N ° ) . o r . ( s y . e q . ' P ' ) ) then chge=+5 else if ((sy.eq.°F ' . o r . ( s y . e q . ' C l ' ) . o r . ( s y . e q . ' S ' ) .or. & ( s y . e q . ' O H ) ) then chge=-I else if ((sy.eq.'O' ) then chge=-2 else return endif chbal=chbal+chge*st c end c c c ................................................
S U B R O U T I N E SIMPLX(A,M,N, N P , M I , M 2 , M 3 , I C A S E , IZROV, IPOSV, EPS) implicit none integer MMAX PARAMETER(MMAX=I00) real A(MMAX,MMAX),eps,ql,bmax
14 15 I0
integer IZROV (MMAX), IPOSV (MMAX), L1 (MMAX), L2 (MMAX), L3 (MMAX) &epscount, k, n12, i, ir, kp, ip,Ml2, is, kh,M, Ml, M2,M3, n,NP, ICASE, nll w r i t e (20,*) w r i t e (20,*) 'M=',M,' MI=',MI,' M2=',M2, ' M 3 = ' , M 3 epscount=0 I F ( M . N E . M I + M 2 + M 3 ) P A U S E 'Bad input c o n s t r a i n t counts. NLI=N DO ii K = I , N L1 (K) =K IZROV (K) =K CONTINUE NL2 =M DO 12 I = I , M IF(A(I+I,I) .LT.0.)PAUSE 'Bad input tableau. ' L2(I)=I I POSV (I ) =N+ I CONTINUE DO 13 I=I,M2 L3 (I) =l CONTINUE IR=0 I F ( M 2 + M 3 . E Q . 0 ) G O TO 30 IR=I DO 15 K = I , N + I QI=0. DO 14 I = M I + I , M Q I = Q I + A (I+l, K) CONTINUE A(M+2, K) =-QI CONTINUE CALL S I M P I ( A , M + I , L I , N L I , 0 , K P , BMAX) IF (BMAX. LE. EPS. AND. A (M+2,1). LT. -EPS )T H E N
c EPS=EPS*I0 w r i t e (*,*) w r i t e (*,*) '*** SIMPLX - EPS value i n c r e a s e d to: ',EPS w r i t e (20,*) w r i t e (20,*) '*** SIMPLX - EPS value i n c r e a s e d to: ',EPS if
17 18
(EPS.Ie. IE-3)
goto 161
ICASE=-I RETURN continue ELSE I F ( B M A X . L E . E P S . A N D . A ( M + 2 , 1 ) . L E . E P S ) T H E N MI2=MI+M2+I IF(MI2.LE.M)THEN DO 16 I P = M I 2 , M IF(IPOSV(IP).EQ.IP+N)THEN CALL SIMPI(A, IP,LI,NLI,I,KP,BMAX) I F ( B M A X . G T . 0 . ) G O TO 1 ENDIF CONTINUE ENDIF IR=0 MI2=MI2-1 I F ( M I + I . G T . M I 2 ) G O TO 30 DO 18 I=MI+I,MI2 IF(L3(I-MI).EQ.I)THEN DO 17 K = I , N + I A(I+I,K)=-A(I+I,K) CONTINUE ENDIF CONTINUE GO TO 30 ENDIF CALL S I M P 2 ( A , N , N P , L 2 , N L 2 , I P , KP, QI,EPS,epscount) IF(IP.EQ.0)THEN ICASE=-I RETURN ENDIF
Linear programming normative analysiscode 1
19 2
22 20
c c C
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SUBROUTINE SIMP2(A,N,NP,L2,NL2,IP,KP,QI,EPS,epscount) implicit none integer MMAX,NP
P. DE CARITAT, J. BLOCH,and I. HUTCH~ON PARAMETER(MMAX=I00) real A(MMAX,NP),ql,q, q0,qp,eps integer L2(MMAX),nl2,ip,kp, i,ii,k,N, epscount IP=0 epscount=epscount+l if ( then EPS=EPS*I0 epscount=0 w r i t e (*,*) w r i t e (*,*) '*** SIMP2 - EPS value i n c r e a s e d to: ',EPS w r i t e (20,*) w r i t e (20,*) '*** SIMP2 - EPS value i n c r e a s e d to: ',EPS endif
11 1
12 2
ii 12
Linear programming normative analysis code
APPENDIX 2 Mineral and Oxide Input Files: Bersham Mudstone Example Mmeral mputfi& MINERAL quartz illl ii12 ii13 kaolinite chll chl2 calcite magnesite siderite apatite pyrite anatase
COMPOSITION Sample 0 2.00 Si 1.00 A1 6 00 K 2.00 A1 6 00 Na 2 . 0 0 Si 8 00 A1 4 . 0 0 Si 2 00 A1 2 . 0 0 Si 8 00 Fel2.00 Si 8 00 Mgl2.00 C 1 00 Ca 1.00 C 1 00 M g 1.00 C 1 00 Fe 1.00 P 3 00 Ca 5.00 S 2.00 Fe 1.00 O 2.OO Ti 1.00
Si 6.00 Si 6.00 O 20.00 0 5.00 O 20.00 0 20.00 0 3.OO 0 3.00 O 3.0O 0 12.00
0 20.00 0 20.00 OH 4.00 OH 4.00 OH16.00 OH16.00
OH 4.00 OH 4.00
Oxi~inputfi& Si02 A1203 Fe203 MgO Bersham mdst (Nicholls, 62.56 20.60 3.55 1.25
Na20 1962) 0.62
S 0.02
APPENDIX 3 Log File: Bersham Mu~tone Examp~ Program
L P N O R M - U n i v e r s i t y of C a l g a r y - C o p y r i g h t 1 9 9 2 , 1 9 9 3 P a t r i c e de C a r i t a t [Ref: C a r i t a t , B l o c h a n d H u t c h e o n , C o m p u t e r s & G e o s c i e n c e s , 1993] ================================================================================ *** C o m p u t i n g # MINERAL l:quartz Si 1.00 2:ilii K 2.00 3:ii12 Na 2 . 0 0 4:ii13 A1 4 . 0 0 5:kaolinite A1 2 . 0 0 6:chll Fel2.00 7:ch12 Mgl2.00 8:calcite Ca 1.00 9:magnesite M g 1.00 10:siderite Fe 1.00 ll:apatite Ca 5.00 12:pyrite Fe 1.00 13:anatase Ti 1.00 (*CH.BAL.
data #EL.
A1 6 . 0 0
0 20.00
OH 4 . 0 0
A1 6 . 0 0
0 20.00
OH 4 . 0 0
Si 8.00 O 20.00 OH 4 . 0 0 ............................................ Si 2.00 O 5.00 OH 4.00 ............................................ Si 8.00 0 20.00 OH16.00 ............................................ Si 8.00 0 20.00 OH16.00 .................................... "C 1.00 "0 3.00 . . . . ............................................ C 1.00 O 3.00 C
;i;i;; S
b a s e d on f o l l o w i n g +2:Mg,Ca,Mn,Fe,Ba
valences: -2:0 -I:F,S,CI,OH +3:AI +4:c,si,Ti +5:N,P)
S e l e c t o p t i o n (a), (b), (c) o r (d) a: c a l c u l a t e a ( i , j ) c o e f f i c i e n t s f r o m ' m i n l i s t . d a t ° f i l e b: r e a d a ( i , j ) c o e f f i c i e n t s f r o m ' a i j . d a t ' f i l e c: e n t e r a ( i , j ) c o e f f i c i e n t s f r o m k e y b o a r d d: q u i t L P N O R M n o w Your choice.., a *** C o m p u t i n g a ( i , j ) c o e f f i c i e n t s Si o x i d e in q u a r t z = 0.999920 SUM = 0.999920 K o x i d e in i l l l = 0.118249 = 0.383969 A 1 o x i d e in i l l l = 0.452508 Si o x i d e in i l l l SUM = 0.954726 = 0.081083 N a o x i d e in i i 1 2 = 0.400156 A 1 o x i d e in i i 1 2 = 0.471584 Si o x i d e in i i 1 2 SUM = 0.952824 = 0.282974 A1 o x i d e in i i 1 3 = 0.666971 Si o x i d e in i i 1 3 SUM = 0.949945 = 0.394947 A 1 o x i d e in k a o l i n i t e = 0.465446 Si o x i d e in k a o l i n i t e SUM = 0.860393 = 0.644363 Fe o x i d e in c h l l Si o x i d e in c h l l = 0.323237 SUM = 0.967600 M g o x i d e in c h l 2 = 0.436284 Si o x i d e in c h l 2 = 0.433613 SUM = 0 869897 C a o x i d e in c a l c i t e = 0 560300 = 0 439708 C o x i d e in c a l c i t e SUM= i 000008 M g o x i d e in m a g n e s i t e = 0 477974 C o x i d e in m a g n e s i t e = 0 521976 SUM-- 0 999950 Fe o x i d e in s ~ d e r i t e = 0 689173 C o x i d e in s i d e r i t e = 0 379867 SUM= 1 069041 C a o x i d e in a p a t i t e = 0.558208 P o x i d e in a p a t i t e = 0.423852 SUM = 0.982060 Fe o x i d e in p y r i t e = 0.665558 S o x i d e in p y r i t e = 0.534480 SUM = 1.200038 T i o x i d e in a n a t a s e = 1.000015 SUM = 1.000015
MINERALS: calcite
quartz magnesite
illl siderite
SAMPLE Bersham mdst (Nicholls, Si02 A1203 Fe203 MgO Na20 62.56 20.60 3.55 1.25 0.62 *** O b j . f c t . :
ii12 apatite 1962) CaO 0.34
ii13 pyrite
K20 3.35
Ti02 0.94
P205 0.17
kaolinite anatase
MnO 0.02
intO2 0.90
S 0.02
SUM 94.32
slack variables
INPUT TABLEAU q u a r i l l l i i 1 2 ii13 k a o l c h l l c h l 2 c a l c m a g n s i d e a p a t p y r i a n a t Si A1 Fe Mg Na Ca K Ti P Mn C S 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00-I.00i. 00-I. 00-i. 00-i. 00-I. 0 0 - i . 00-I. 00-i. 00-i. 00-i. 00-i. O0 Si 6 2 . 5 6 - 1 . 0 0 - 0 . 4 5 - 0 . 4 7 - 0 . 6 7 - 0 . 4 7 - 0 . 3 2 - 0 . 4 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00-I.00 0.00
AI 20.60 0.00-0.38-0.40-0.28-0.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Fe 3.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00-0.64 0.00 0.00 0.00-0.69 0 . 0 0 - 1 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0.00 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0
Linear programming normative analysis code Mg
347 0.00
0 . 0 0 - I . 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Na 0.62 0.00 0 . 0 0 - 0 . 0 8 0 . 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 . 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 . 0 0 - I . 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Ca 0.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 . 0 0 - 0 . 5 6 0.00 0 . 0 0 - 0 . 5 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 . 0 0 - 1 . 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 K 3.35 0 . 0 0 - 0 . 1 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 . 0 0 - 1 . 0 0 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Ti 0.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 . 0 0 - i . 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 . 0 0 - i 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 P 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 . 0 0 - 0 . 4 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 - i . 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Mn 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 . 0 0 - 1 . 0 0 0.00 0.00 C 0.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 . 0 0 - 0 . 4 4 - 0 . 5 2 - 0 . 3 8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 . 0 0 - 1 . 0 0 0.00 S 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 . 0 0 - 0 . 5 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 . 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 . 0 0 - 1 . 0 0 ***
12 M I =
0 M2=
0 M3=
- EPS v a l u e
*** A f i n i t e Bersham mdst 36 17 3 3 8 0 28 1 0 2 0
0 O0
0 00
0 00
0 00
0 00
0 00
0 00
0 00
0 00
0 00
0 00
0 00
0 00
1.00000E-06 12
solution was found ( N i c h o l l s , 1962)
36.01) w t % 16.87) w t % 3.19) w t % 2.87) w t % 7.65) w t % 0.21) w t % 28.33) w t % 0.94) w t % 0.40) w t % 2.13) w t % 0.04) w t %
1.00000E-05 sample
quartz kaolinite chll chl2 ii12 calcite illl anatase apatite siderite pyrite
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(98.63) -0.02
wt% wt%
total objective
............................... Si: AI: Fe: Mg: Na: Ca: K : Ti: P : Mn: C : S :
62.56 20.60 3.55 1.25 0.62 0.34 3.35 0.94 0.17 0.00 0.90 0.02
wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt%
used used used used used used used used used used used used
of of of of of of of of of of of of
the the the the the the the the the the the the
VERIFY initial initial initial initial initial initial initial initial initial initial initial initial
OUTPUT 62.56 20.60 3.55 1.25 0.62 0.34 3.35 0.94 0.17 0.02 0.90 0.02
............................... wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% total
diff.= diff.= diff.= diff.= diff = diff = diff = diff = diff = diff = diff = diff =
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00
wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt%
0.02 w t %
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =