Perimeter, Area, and Scale Factor Worksheet. 1. Several rectangles ... was used
to enlarge or shrink each of the following similar figures. Original Rectangle.
Perimeter, Area, and Scale Factor Worksheet 1. Several rectangles were enlarged or shrunk to the following dimensions. Find the scale factor that was used to enlarge or shrink each of the following similar figures.
Original Rectangle 4 x 34
Image 17 x 2
4 x 26
10 x 65
5 x 15
18 x 6
12 x 8
21 x 14
Scale Factor:_________ B. Scale Factor:_________ C. Scale Factor:_________ D. Scale Factor:_________
2. Use the diagram of two similar triangles below to answer the following questions.
a) What is the scale factor from Triangle A to Triangle B? ________ b) What is the scale factor from Triangle B to Triangle A? ________ c) Calculate the area and perimeter for Triangle A: Area: ______ Perimeter: _______
d) Calculate the area and perimeter for Triangle B: Area: ______ Perimeter: _______
Name: ________________________________Date:_____________________Period:_____________ e) How did the perimeter change from Triangle A to Triangle B? _________________________ f) How did the area change from Triangle A to Triangle B? _____________________________
3. Use the diagram of two similar rectangles below to answer the following questions.
a) What is the scale factor from Rectangle A to Rectangle B? ________ b) What is the scale factor from Rectangle B to Rectangle A? ________ c) Calculate the area and perimeter for Rectangle A: Area: ______ Perimeter: _______
d) Calculate the area and perimeter for Rectangle B: Area: ______ Perimeter: _______
e) How did the perimeter change from Rectangle A to Rectangle B? ______________________ f)
How did the area change from Rectangle A to Rectangle B? ___________________________
Name: ________________________________Date:_____________________Period:_____________ 4. Use the diagram of two similar parallelograms below to answer the following questions.
a) What is the scale factor from Parallelogram A to Parallelogram B? ________ b) What is the scale factor from Parallelogram B to Parallelogram A? ________ c) Calculate the area and perimeter for Parallelogram A: Area: ______ Perimeter: _______
d) Calculate the area and perimeter for Parallelogram B: Area: ______ Perimeter: _______
e) How did the perimeter change from Parallelogram A to Parallelogram B? _______________ f) How did the area change from Parallelogram A to Parallelogram B? ____________________
5. Use the diagram to answer the following questions.
a) What is the scale factor from Circle A to Circle B? ________ b) What is the scale factor from Circle B to Circle A? ________
Name: ________________________________Date:_____________________Period:_____________ c) Calculate the area and circumference for Circle A: Area: ______ Circumference: _______
d) Calculate the area and circumference for Circle B: Area: ______ Circumference: _______
e) How did the circumference change from Circle A to Circle B? _________________________ f) How did the area change from Circle A to Circle B? _____________________________
6. Use the diagram to answer the following questions.
a) What is the scale factor from Trapezoid A to Trapezoid B? ________ b) What is the scale factor from Trapezoid B to Trapezoid A? ________ c) Calculate the area and perimeter for Trapezoid A: Area: ______ Perimeter: _______
d) Calculate the area and perimeter for Trapezoid B: Area: ______ Perimeter: _______
e) How did the perimeter change from Trapezoid A to Trapezoid B? ______________________ f) How did the area change from Trapezoid A to Trapezoid B? ___________________________