Perl Scripting II Conditionals, Logical operators, Loops, and File ...

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Control structures allow you to tell Perl the order in which you want the interpreter ... What does this print if $i=2 and $j=2? ... What is TRUE (in Perl). 1. The string ...
Perl Scripting II Conditionals, Logical operators, Loops, and File handles

Suzi Lewis Genome Informatics

Control Structures  Control structures allow you to tell Perl the order in which you want the interpreter to execute statements.  You can create alternative branches in which different sets of statements are executed depending on circumstances  You can create various types of repetitive loops.

Conditional Blocks $i = 1; $j = 2; if ($i == $j) {

# Curly braces define a “block”

print "i equals j\n"; $i += 1; } unless ($i == $j) { print "i does not equal j\n"; $i += 2; } print "\$i is $i\n";

Single line Conditionals  You can also use the operators if and unless at the end of a single statement. This executes that one statement conditionally. print "i equals j\n"

if $i == $j;

print "i is twice j\n" if $i == $j * 2; print "i does not equal j\n" unless $i == $j;

If-Else Statements  Use else blocks for either/or constructions. if ($i == $j) { print "i equals j\n"; $i += $j; } else { print "i does not equal j\n"; die "Operation aborted!"; }

 What does this print if $i=2 and $j=2?

If-Else Statements  You can perform multiple tests in a series using elsif: if ($i > 100) { print "i is too large\n"; } elsif ($i < 0) { print "i is too small\n"; } elsif ($i == 50) { print "i is too average\n"; } else { print "i is just right!\n"; }

 What does this print if $i=50? If $i=51?

Use == to Compare Two Numbers for Equality $i =

4 == 4;


$i =

4 == 2 + 2;


$i =

4 == $j;

# depends on what $j is

 Do not confuse == with =  == is for numeric comparison.  = is for assignment.

Use != to Compare Two numbers for Non-Equality $i =

4 != 4;


$i =

4 != 2 + 2;


$i =

4 != $j;

# depends on what $j is

Use > and < for "Greater than", "Less than" $i =

4 > 3;


$i =

4 < 3;


$i =

4 > $j;

# depends on what $j is

Use >= and = 3;


$i =

4 >= 4;


$i =

4 0) { print "a is the right size\n"; } else { die "out of bounds error, operation aborted!"; } if ($i >= 100 || $i 0); print "a is too small\n" if not $ok; # same as this: print "a is too small\n" unless $ok; # and this: print "a is too small\n" if !$ok;

and versus &&, or versus ||  Precedence  && higher than = which is higher than and.  || higher than = which is higher than or.

 This is an issue in assignments  Example 1 $ok = $i < 100 and $i > 0; # This doesn't mean: $ok = ($i < 100 and $i > 0); # but: ($ok = $i < 100) and $i > 0;

 Example 2 $ok = $i < 100 && $i > 0; # This does mean $ok = ($i < 100 && $i > 0);

 When in doubt, use parentheses.

The or and || operators do no more than necessary.  If what is on the left is true, then what is on the right is never evaluated, because it doesn't need to be. $i = 10; $j = 99; # $j comparison never evaluated $i < 100 or $j < 100;

The "or die" Idiom  The die() function aborts execution with an error message  You Combine “or die” and truth statements idiomatically like this ($i < 100 and $i > 0) or die "\$i is the wrong size";

File Tests  A set of operators are used to check whether files exist, directories exist, files are readable, etc.  -e # file exists  -r # file is readable  -x # file is executable  -w # file is writable  -d # filename is a directory  Examples (-w "./fasta.out”)or die "Can't write to file"; print "This file is executable\n" if -x "/usr/bin/perl";

Loops  Loops let you execute the same piece of code over and over again.  A while loop  Has a condition at the top.  The code within the block will execute until the condition becomes false. while ( CONDITION ) { # Code to execute }

While loop: Print "below 5" until the number is not below 5  Code:

 Output of: 51%


0 is less than 5

# file:

1 is less than 5

$number = 0;

2 is less than 5

while ( $number < 5 ) {

3 is less than 5

print "$number is less than 5\n"; $number = $number + 1; }

4 is less than 5

foreach Loops  foreach will process each element of an array or list:

foreach $list_item ( @array ) { Do something with $list_item; }

for Loops  The for loop is the most general form of loop: for ( initialization; test; update ) { # Do something }

 The first time the loop is entered, the code at initialization is executed.  Each time through the loop, the test is reevaluated and the loop stops if it returns false.  After the execution of each loop, the code at update is performed.

A simple for loop for ( $i = 1; $i < 5; $i++ ) { print $i,"\n"; } 

This will print out the numbers 1 to 4:  From command line: 52%

1 2 3 4 

This is equivalent to the previous while example.

There are ways to leave loops outside of the conditional, but this practice is discouraged.

Basic Input & Output (I/O) Getting computer programs to talk to the rest of the world.

The STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR File handles  Every Perl scripts starts out with three connections to the outside world:  STDIN (Standard input)  Used to read input. By default connected to the keyboard, but can be changed from shell using redirection (cosmids.fasta"

For appending open FILEHANDLE,">>cosmids.fasta"

For reading and writing open FILEHANDLE,"+