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Jan 2, 2014 ... PowerPoint, Adobe reader), internet/WWW, Visual-paradigm UML (Unified Modeling Language),. BizAgi (Workflow modeling application), IBM ...
Personal information First name(s) / Surname(s) Address(es) Mobile phone E-mail Nationality Date of birth Gender

Farkhat Kainazarov Aymanova 172 Str.,s/n 050062 Almaty KAZAKHSTAN : +7(701)261 13 84 [email protected] , [email protected] Kazakh 22-01-1988 Male

Work experience Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities

Name and address of employer

October 2009 –August 2011 Service engineer Communicate with subscribers and troubleshoot problems occurred with landline services. Add and provide subscribers’ profile additional landline phone services. Create new lines according increase of subscribers’ line Make back-up of all running software and data about subscribers in operating devices Joint Stock Company Kazakhtelecom, Furmanov St.240B, 050059, Almaty

Education and training University Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

03/09/2011 - 22/08/2013 MA in Service Engineering & Management -

Business Process Modelling and Analysis Information Systems Enterprise Management Organizational Behaviour and Leadership Decision support systems and analysis Research methods Operations and logistics management Services marketing and new service development

Name and type of organisation University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering providing education Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

05/09/2005 – 28/06/2009 BSc in Electrical Engineering -

Digital communication technologies Wireless telecommunication principles and technologies Mobile communication and digital systems of data transfer

Name and type of organisation Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunication providing education Level in national or international Enters to top 10 Universities in Electrical Engineering Field in CIS countries .Closely cooperates with classification Universities of Europe, Russia, U.S.

Personal skills and competences

Mother tongue(s)

Able to work well in teams. Self-motivated. Flexible in assignments. Attentive to detail. Able to network effectively.


Other language(s) Self-assessment Social skills and competences

Russian, Fluent



Portuguese Basic

Ability to establish and maintain good working relations with people of different national and cultural backgrounds. Responsibility, self-respect.

Organisational skills and Organized students assemblies to lectures of foreign Professors, Scientists, PhD in home competences Country University. Organized meetings of students with honored representatives of art, sport and the public. Organized students gathering for public works.

Computer skills and competences

Other skills and competences

Driving licence

Excellent user of Windows OS (XP/Windows7). Skilled with word processing (MS Office, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe reader), internet/WWW, Visual-paradigm UML (Unified Modeling Language), BizAgi (Workflow modeling application), IBM Lotus Notes. Have knowledge of creation website on the base of Google Sites. Good use of graphics package (Visio 2003/07). Knowledgeable about database operations (MS Access 2003/2010. Have base knowledge of SQL).User of Red Hat Linux. Understand transportation and infrastructure planning. Knowledgeable about project design and planning. Able to present technical data and technical report writing (skills acquired in courses taken in MA degree and gathered in last work place) Category B I

Additional information

Preferences; sport types: Soccer, swimming. Spend spare time with friends. Listen to music, playing computer games, reading books related IT and business development. Work in a group and make experiments. Travelling and know other cultures.