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Peters Elementary - Union Public Schools
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Peters Elementary - Union Public Schools
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1 box colored pencils presharpened (12-ct). 2 medium Pink Pearl erasers. 1 bottle Elmer's School Glue (4 oz.) 2 pkg wide
PETERS ELEMENTARY SUPPLY LIST 2017-18 KINDERGARTEN 2 boxes Crayola washable markers/wide (8-ct.) 2 boxes Crayola crayons (24-ct.) 6 Elmer's glue sticks 1 yellow plastic pocket and brad folder 1 blue plastic pocket and brad folder 1 green plastic pocket and brad folder 1 box facial tissue 3 Black Marble Composition Notebooks, 100-ct. 2 bottles Elmer's glue (4 oz.) 1 watercolor set 1 pair scissors, 5" blunt 1 clear plastic zipper pencil pouch 24 yellow wood pencils #2
THIRD GRADE 2 Elmers glue sticks 1 black marble composition book (100-ct.) 2 medium Pink Pearl erasers 1 red plastic pocket & brad folder 1 green plastic pocket & brad folder 1 blue plastic pocket & brad folder 1 yellow plastic pocket & brad folder 24 yellow wood pencils #2 2 boxes Crayola crayons (24-ct) 1 pkg wide-ruled filler notebook paper (200-ct.) 1 box facial tissues 1 pair scissors, 5" sharp 1 clear plastic zipper pencil pouch 1 boxes Crayola washable markers (8-ct.) 1 box colored pencils presharpened (12-ct) 1 pkg. highlighters 1 spiral notebook wide-ruled, 1 subject 1 zipper pouch with 3-hole punches
FIRST GRADE 4 boxes Crayola crayons (24-ct.) 6 Elmers glue sticks 1 pair scissors, 5" blunt 24 yellow wood pencils #2 1 pencil box 1 red plastic pocket & brad folder 1 blue plastic pocket & brad folder 1 yellow plastic pocket & brad folder 1 green plastic pocket & brad folder 2 black marble composition books (100-ct.) 2 medium Pink Pearl erasers 1 box facial tissue 2 nylon zipper pencil pouches 1 pkg wide-ruled, loose-leaf paper
FOURTH GRADE 1 bottle Elmer's School Glue (4 oz.) 24 yellow wood pencils #2 2 black marble composition books (100-ct.) 4 paper pocket & brad folders (any color) 1 plastic pocket folder (any color) 1 box facial tissue 1 clear plastic zipper pencil pouch 1 box Crayola crayons (24-ct.) 1 pair scissors - 5" sharp 2 medium Pink Pearl erasers 4 spiral notebooks (70 sheets) wide-ruled, 1 subj. 1 pkg wide-ruled filler notebook paper (100-ct.) No binders Please do not label 4th grade supplies
SECOND GRADE 3 boxes Crayola crayons (24-ct.) 1 clear plastic zipper pouch 24 yellow wood pencils #2 1 red plastic pocket & brad folder 1 blue plastic pocket & brad folder 1 yellow plastic pocket & brad folder 1 green plastic pocket & brad folder 1 purple plastic pocket & brad folder 1 black marble composition books (100-ct.) 4 Elmer's glue sticks 1 pair scissors, 5" sharp 1 box facial tissue 1 watercolor set Boys - 1 box gallon-size Ziploc bags Girls - 1 box sandwich-size Ziploc bags
FIFTH GRADE 4 spiral notebooks (70-ct) wide-ruled 1 subj. 1 box colored pencils presharpened (12-ct) 2 pkg wide-ruled filler notebook paper (200-ct.)
1 boxes facial tissue 1 box Crayola crayons (24-ct.) 1 orange plastic pocket & brad folder 1 blue plastic pocket & brad folder 1 purple plastic pocket & brad folder 1 yellow plastic pocket & brad folder 1 red plastic pocket & brad folder 1 pkg. highlighters, asst. colors 24 yellow wood pencils #2 3 black marble composition books (100-ct.) 1 Elmer's glue stick 1 med. Pink Pearl eraser 1 pair scissors, 5" sharp
Brands name are suggested, not required.
Peters Elementary - 2900 West College, Broken Arrow, OK 74012 - 918-357-4338, Tracy Weese, Principal Meet the Teacher: Thursday, August 17, 2017
4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
First day of school: Tuesday, August 22, 2017
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