Phaidon Press Winter & Spring 2012

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Pop Art 9. Agnes Martin 10–11. Chris Johanson 12. Speaking of Art 13. Unmonumental 14. Silent Theater: The Art of. Edward Hopper 15. The Music of Painting ...
Phaidon Press Winter & Spring 2012

Food/Cook Fresh: What to Cook and How to Cook It 2–3 Mugaritz 4–5 Fish: Recipes from the Sea 6–7 Art Baroque & Rococo 8 Pop Art 9 Agnes Martin 10–11 Chris Johanson 12 Speaking of Art 13 Unmonumental 14 Silent Theater: The Art of Edward Hopper 15 The Music of Painting 16 Art and Feminism 16 Art and Photography 17 The Artist’s Body 17 Architecture Concrete 18 Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa: SANAA 19 Gunnar Asplund 20 On and By Frank Lloyd Wright 20 John Pawson: Visual Inventory 21 General Non-Fiction Damn Good Advice (For People With Talent!) 22–23

Photography Joel Meyerowitz: Taking My Time 24–25 The Sites of Ancient Greece 26 Dorothea Lange 27 Stanley Kubrick: Drama & Shadows: Photographs 1945–1950 27 Design Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec 28–29 Travel Wallpaper* City Guides 30–31 Children’s Books Petr Horáček: Jonathan and Martha 32–33 Beatrice Alemagna: The Bug Next Door 34 Sempé & Goscinny: Nicholas on Holiday / Nicholas on Vacation 35 Sara Fanelli: The Onion’s Great Escape 36–37


Grilled Halloumi with Pomengranate Tabbouleh

What to Cook and How to Cook It Jane Hornby

270 x 220 mm 10 5/8 x 8 5/8 inches 352 pp 650 col illus. Hardback (UK edition) 978 0 7148 6360 3

ISBN: 978- 0 7148 63603


Preparation time: 15 minutes Cooking time: 5 minutes Serves 4, easily doubled or more

2 While you wait, finely grate the zest from the lemons, then squeeze the juice from one (about 3 tbsp). Whisk the zest and juice with the olive oil and some salt and pepper.

Tabbouleh is a fresh, lively Middle Eastern salad of chopped herbs with plenty of lemon and bulgur wheat. It’s also delicious with goat’s cheese, fish, grilled meat and houmous amongst other things. I’ve added chickpeas to mine to make a more sustaining meal. If you can’t find bulgur, use cous cous instead.

• A brand-new collection of recipes from Jane Hornby, author of What to Cook and How to Cook It

1 Put the bulgur into a large bowl. Pour in the hot stock then cover the bowl and leave to stand for 15 minutes.

3 Pick the leaves from the bunches of herbs, then finely chop. Trim and finely slice the onions. 2

120 g (4 oz) bulgur wheat 400 ml (14 fl oz) very hot vegetable stock [volume TBC] 2 lemons

• Shows how to create simple, delicious meals for all occasions using fresh seasonal produce, perfect for sharing with family and friends

3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, plus extra to drizzle if you like 50 g (2 oz) bunch flat leaf parsley 50 g (2 oz) bunch mint 1 bunch spring onions generous you’re feeling 400g (14 oz) can chickpeas, drained

• Every recipe is clearly explained with step-by-step photographs for each stage and all the ingredients

100 g (3½ oz) ready-prepared pomegranate seeds 250 g (9 oz) or 500 g (1 lb 2 oz) halloumi cheese, depending how


• Includes breakfasts and brunches, quick after-work suppers, alfresco dinners, salads, picnics and barbecues

9 780714 863603

(US edition) 978 0 7148 6390 0 ISBN: 978- 0 7148 63900 9 780714 863900

£ 24.95 UK $ 39.95 US € 35.00 EUR $ 45.00 CAN $ 49.95 AUS Published May 2012

Jane Hornby is an experienced food writer and cook. After training as a chef, she worked as Cookery Writer and Food Editor on the BBC’s bestselling Good Food magazine for five years. The magazine is renowned for its clear, step-by-step style and for its totally foolproof recipes. She has also edited several of the BBC Good Food’s successful 101 recipe books.

Chapter Title


4 Drain the bulgur in a sieve, then return to the bowl. Add the dressing, herbs, onions, chickpeas and most of the pomegranate seeds. Stir well and season generously to taste.


5 When you’re ready to serve, put a griddle pan over a high heat. Cut the halloumi into slices about 1 cm (½ inch) thick. Cook the cheese for 2 minutes on each side or until it comes away easily from the ridges of the pan. A palette knife or fish slice will be handy to lift and turn the cheese. If you don’t have griddle pan, just fry the halloumi in a dry pan instead.

Praise for What to Cook and How to Cook It: ‘makes cooking a doddle’ The Sunday Times ‘easy and delicious recipes that anybody can cook to perfection’ Martha Stewart



6 Spoon the salad on to serving plates, top with the cheese then scatter with the rest of the pomegranate seeds. Serve with a wedge of lemon and a drizzle more oil.

See more:


Grilled Halloumi with Pomengranate

7 Return the custard to a clean pan, then bring to the boil over a medium heat until thick and smooth, stirring all the time. Pour into a bowl, sprinkle the surface with a little sugar (this will stop a skin forming) and cool for 15 minutes. Cover and transfer to the refrigerator to cool completely.


8 When the fruit and custard have cooled, it’s time to layer up the trifle. Tear the brioche into pieces and put some into the bottom of a large serving bowl or trifle dish. Sprinkle with some of the liqueur and leave to soak in for a few seconds.



9 Spoon over some of the cooked fruit and its juice, then layer the rest of the brioche and fruit until it has all been used up and the brioche is totally covered in juice. Keep adding a little liqueur to the brioche as you go, saving 1 tbsp for later. 10 Give the custard a quick whisk to make sure it’s smooth, then spoon it on top of the fruit and spread to the edges. Chill the trifle for a few hours now if you have time (or overnight, if that’s helpful).

Top and centre: Grilled Halloumi with Pomegranate Tabbouleh: Bottom: Summer Trifle




11 Whip the remaining cream with the rest of the vanilla and liqueur until thickened but not stiff. 12 Spoon the cream over the trifle, then scatter with the reserved currants and berries.


Summer Pudding Trifle

Winter & Spring 2012





Mugaritz A Natural Science of Cooking Andoni Luis Aduriz

290 x 250 mm 11 3/8 x 9 7/8 inches 240 pp 150 col illus. Hardback 978 0 7148 6363 4 £ 35.00 UK $ 49.95 US € 39.95 EUR $ 55.00 CAN $ 69.95 AUS Published May 2012 ISBN: 978- 0 7148 63634

• The definitive book on influential chef Andoni Luis Aduriz and Mugaritz restaurant in northern Spain, recently voted the world’s third best restaurant in the S. Pellegrino World’s 50 Best Restaurant Awards

at U uR r EE N AT

• Documents the creative process behind the innovative dishes, with 70 recipes and over 150 photographs • Six thematic chapters explain Aduriz’s key philosophies, including his interactions with nature and technology, a new language of cooking, the experience of the diner and his wide-ranging sources of inspiration • Andoni Luis Aduriz is at the forefront of Spain’s culinary innovation, and the book will appeal to all lovers of creativity, as well as restaurant-goers and aspiring or professional chefs



Andoni Luis Aduriz is one of Spain’s most innovative chefs. Having trained under Ferran Adrià at elBulli, he is in the vanguard of Spain’s culinary future, and is widely recognized as one of Ferran’s most talented protégés.

more dishes, with more products, because we never have all of the produce in sufficient quantity to feed to all our clientele. Fortunately, in this sense the public has evolved to such a point that it is open to some culinary masochism and no longer “abuses” the environment.They no longer view the fact that they cannot try the peas as a shortcoming on our part or a reason to demand the complaint form, but a value, an ethical commitment to the environment. Moreover, from a symbolic perspective, this way of working reinforces certain intangible assets: we are not only offering a product, but also knowledge.We are synonymous with values, with the wisdom of others to feed an environment, a landscape. It is not the same thing eating an egg as eating an egg that has a story behind it.We like to eat stories.

9 780714 863634

f i N d i N g t H E S E unique products and establishing a common language with them has taken years, but now that search is so familiar, it is imprinted in the genes of the restaurant that all our staff are involved in it. Thus we have ensured that a large percentage of our products come from this type of source outside the market: milk, cheese, foie gras, veal, partridge, wild mushrooms, eggs… Today we speak directly with boat captains so that they do not throw those two red breams or the muxarra that have bitten the hook that was intended for the hake back into the sea and for which there is no other option other than throwing them overboard or having them for their own lunch. They are fishermen who have had to adapt their way of fishing to the demand required from the mainland, turning their back on what the sea naturally offers. They have also shown us what can only be had from our own sea, and which fish they value but do not bother about because the effort is not worth it in monetary terms.

See more:

i N m a N y C a S E S we have changed the way our suppliers work, since they have ended up cultivating things that they never would have planted or turning their attention to details that they never would have been interested in if not for us. Some of them have even become true outsiders among their colleagues, who consider them to be crazy and eccentric or dangerous degenerates for cultivating 5,000 baby carrots and flying the colours of pleasure, hedonism and texture. but after all these years they have come to share our goals and values, and quite rightly feel as if the accolades received by us in recent times also belong to them.

Pag E 4 1

runtiamet utata as sincita volessi nessi ut dignatem reptat.


m u g a r i t z also represents the road leading to it and its environment. Perhaps things would have been different if we had been overwhelmed with bookings right from the start, if we had not had all that time to look around and lose ourselves for hours in the green expanse. The constant ringing of the phone could have stopped this contemplation and prevented it from turning into action. We could have used the conventional market channels and turned our back on the forest, our neighbours, even the seasons. but this was not the case, and now, among other things, Mugaritz proposes a


N at u r E


Cu uC Cu um m bb EE rr ii m m PP rr EE g gN Na att EE d d w w ii tt H H g ga az z PP a aC CH Ho o C wa att EE rr ,, ff rr o oz z EE N N d d rr o o PP ll EE tt SS o o ff g go oa att ’’ SS C CH H EE EE SS EE w aN Nd d rr EE Q Qu u ii EE N N ii ii m m ii N N tt ll EE a a VV EE SS a

Top and middle: spreads from the Nature chapter; Bottom: recipe for Cucumber with Gazpacho Water, Frozen Droplets of Goat’s Cheese and Requienii Mint Leaves 4



50 50


mu ug g aa rr ii tt zz m

Winter & Spring 2012

Ng grrEEd diiEEN NttSS iiN

Parrat atiio oN N PPrrEEPa

— 700 700 gg tomato tomato — — 500 500 gg cucumber cucumber — — 100 100 gg onion onion — — 80 80 gg green green pepper pepper — — 10 10 gg garlic garlic — — 15 15 gg salt salt — — 1.5 1.5 ll mineral mineral water water —

HEE g ga az zPaC PaCH Ho o Peel Peel the the onions, onions, garlic garlic and and cucumbers. cucumbers. ttH remove the the stalk stalk from from the the pepper pepper and and tomato. tomato. Cut Cut all all the the vegetables vegetables Remove into medium-sized medium-sized pieces pieces and and put put them them in in container container with with the the water water into and salt. salt. Leave Leave to to macerate macerate for for 4-5 4-5 hours. hours. Next, Next, process process the the and vegetables in in parts parts in in aa blender blender or or using using aa handheld handheld blender. blender. Pass Pass the the vegetables liquid purée purée through through paper paper filters filters or or aa very very fine fine mesh mesh strainer. strainer. Collect Collect liquid the liquid liquid that that has has filtered filtered owing owing to to the the weight weight of of the the actual actual purée purée the without applying applying any any type type of of pressure. pressure. without

— 11 kg kg cucumber cucumber — — 20 20 gg salt salt —

HEE C Cu uC Cu um mbbEErr Slice Slice the the cucumber cucumber into into 44 cm cm cylinders. cylinders. Peel Peel ttH

— 200 200 gg lactic lactic acid acid fermentation fermentation — creamy goat’s goat’s cheese cheese creamy

HEE C CH HEEEESSEE Put Put the the cheese cheese into into aa baby’s baby’s bottle bottle and and let let aa few few ttH

— 40 40 Corsican Corsican mint mint leaves leaves — (mentha requienii) requienii) (mentha

HEE m miiN Ntt Cut Cut the the tiny tiny mint mint leaves leaves carefully carefully and and rinse rinse them them in in cold cold ttH

them vertically vertically with with aa pointed pointed knife knife and and with with only only one one continual continual them movement of of the the wrist wrist so so that that there there are are no no uneven uneven edges. edges. movement Place the the cucumber cucumber in in aa container container and and sprinkle sprinkle itit with with salt. salt. Let Let itit Place sweat for for 10 10 minutes, minutes, rinse rinse with with water water and and leave leave to to dry. dry. Pour Pour the the sweat translucent gazpacho gazpacho into into aa vacuum-sealed vacuum-sealed pot pot and and add add the the cucumber cucumber translucent cylinders. Impregnation impregnation will will occur occur at at room room temperature temperature by by opening opening cylinders. and closing closing the the airflow airflow of of the the pot. pot.As as the the cucumbers cucumbers are are immersed immersed in in and the gazpacho, gazpacho, whenever whenever they they need need to to recover recover air air removed removed by by the the the vacuum, they they will will absorb absorb the the surrounding surrounding gazpacho, gazpacho, fully fully soaking soaking itit vacuum, up. Ifif you you do do not not have have this this type type of of pot, pot, put put the the cucumber cucumber into into an an up. airtight bag bag with with the the gazpacho gazpacho and and try try to to remove remove as as much much air air as as airtight possible from from the the interior. interior. Leave Leave the the cucumbers cucumbers to to macerate macerate and and possible absorb the the liquid liquid for for one one day. day. absorb in either either case, case, once once the the impregnation impregnation has has occurred, occurred, set set aside aside half half the the In well-filtered, cold cold liquid liquid and and keep keep the the cucumbers cucumbers immersed immersed in in the the well-filtered, other half half until until serving. serving. other

drops fall fall into into aa container container with with liquid liquid nitrogen nitrogen so so that that they they acquire acquire the the drops shape of of aa teardrop. teardrop. Strain Strain and and store store the the frozen frozen teardrops teardrops in in the the shape freezer at at -18ºC. -18ºC. freezer

water with with food food disinfectant. disinfectant. Run run them them under under cold cold water water and and keep keep water them between between damp damp paper paper towels towels in in the the refrigerator. refrigerator. them

rEr C Ei PC Ei SP E S

o rr 88 PP EE o o PP ll EE ff o

Ntat tatiio oN N PPrrEESSEEN NiiSSH HiiN Ng g && ffiiN

Store plates plates with with aa slight slight dip dip in in the the Store freezer to to hold hold the the gazpacho gazpacho freezer consommé. Place Place the the cucumber cucumber on on consommé. the cold cold plate plate and and place place aa few few the cheese teardrops teardrops on on top. top. Scatter Scatter aa cheese few mint mint leaves leaves and and finish finish off off by by few serving aa little little of of the the cold cold gazpacho gazpacho serving consommé. consommé.

51 51


o i ly fi s h

Recipes from the Sea

a n c h ov i e s eel



m ac k e r e l

270 x 180 mm 10 5/8 x 7 1/8 inches 312 pp 135 col illus. Hardback 978 0 7148 6387 0 £ 24.95 UK $ 39.95 US € 35.00 EUR $ 45.00 CAN $ 49.95 AUS Published February 2012 ISBN: 978- 0 7148 63870

9 780714 863870

See more:

• More than 200 simple, authentic recipes for fish and seafood, newly collected from the Silver Spoon kitchen






s wo r d f i s h

• From traditional seafood soups to simple grilled fish with herbs, the Italian approach to cooking with fish is both delicious and resourceful






• Demystifies the process of choosing, preparing and cooking all kinds of fish and seafood with clear, step-by-step instructions • Includes advice on choosing and substituting different kinds of fish to make the most of what’s available near you

Praise for previous books from the Silver Spoon kitchen: ‘The Silver Spoon is an amazing encyclopedia of Italian food – comprehensive and inspiring’ Gordon Ramsay on The Silver Spoon ‘One of the most sought-after books of the holiday season.’ USA Today on The Silver Spoon ‘Evocative and informative … leaves you hungry for another visit’ Time Out on Tuscany ‘beautifully presented in an imaginative style, and perfect for anyone who is passionate about Italian cuisine’ Italia on Recipes from an Italian Summer

4 Seafood

m ackerel also known as Bonito Italian Name: Sgombro Latin Name: Scombridae Size: 50 – 60 cm / 20– 24 inches Weight: 3.4 kg (7½ pounds) Recipes on pp. 68–71

Mackerel is abehind common to a number Far far away, thename wordapplied mountains, far fromofthe different species fish, mostly, but not exclusively, countries Vokaliaofand Consonantia, there live the blind from the family Scombridae. They may be found in all texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the tropical Most live offshore in A the coast ofand the temperate Semantics,seas. a large language ocean. small oceanic environment but aby few, likeplace the Spanish mackerel river named Duden flows their and supplies it with (Scomberomorus maculatus), enter bays and be in the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic can country, caughtroasted near bridges piers. Common of Even which parts and of sentences fly intofeatures your mouth. mackerel are a slim, cylindrical (asabout opposed to the the all-powerful Pointing has noshape control the blind tunasitwhich deeper bodied) and numerous finlets on a texts is an are almost unorthographic life One day however the dorsal and ventral theLorem dorsalIpsum and anal small line of blind text sides by thebehind name of fins. Theto scales small, if present. A female decided leaveare for extremely the far World of Grammar. The Big mackerel lays about onetomillion at a time. Oxmox advised her not do so,eggs because thereShearwater, were tuna, dolphins, whales, orca,wild seagulls, marlins, sharks, thousands of bad Commas, Question Marks and and humans may hunt mackerel. Mackerel are prized devious Semikoli, but the Little Blind Text didn’t listen. She (and areher highly harvested) meat, into which often packed seven versalia, for puttheir her initial theisbelt and very oily. Theyon are known for their fighting ability, made herself the way. When she reached the and first are hills anthe important recreational and commercial The of Italic Mountains, she had a last viewfishery. back on the meat can quickly, especially in the tropics, causing of skyline of spoil her hometown Bookmarksgrove, the headline scombroidVillage food poisoning—it mustofbe eaten thethe dayLine of Alphabet and the subline her ownon road, capture, unless properlyquestion refrigerated or cured. Lane. Pityful a rethoric ran over her cheek, then she continued her way. On her way she met a copy. The copy warned the Little Blind Text.

5 Seafood

se a Ba ss also known as bass, sea perch, sea dace Italian Name: Branzino Latin Name: Dicentrarchus labrax Size: 40 cm / 16 inches Weight: 4 kg (10 lb) Recipes on pp. 68–71

4 Seafood

Thefar European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax, alsothe known Far away, behind the word mountains, far from as MoroneVokalia labrax,and is a Consonantia, primarily ocean-going countries there livefish thethat blind sometimes entersthey brackish fresh waters. Itright is also texts. Separated live inand Bookmarksgrove at the knownofasthe theSemantics, sea dace. Highly a foodAfish, it coast a largeregarded languageas ocean. small is often marketed asflows Mediterranean sea and bass, bronziniitor river named Duden by their place supplies with branzini (branzino is the name of the fish in Northern Italy; the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in in otherroasted parts ofparts Italy,of it is called spigola oryour ragno). In Spain, which sentences fly into mouth. Even where, due to itsPointing popularity, it is is called the all-powerful has nofarmed, controlitabout the lubina blind or róbalo. The bass is a member of the Moronidae texts it is anEuropean almost unorthographic life One day however a family.line Theofname derives from Ipsum the presence small blindDicentrarchus text by the name of Lorem of two dorsal fins.for It has silver sides a whiteThe belly. decided to leave the far World ofand Grammar. Big Juvenileadvised fish maintain on the back and sides, Oxmox her notblack to dospots so, because there were a feature that can create confusion with Dicentrarchus thousands of bad Commas, wild Question Marks and punctatus. This fish’s is serrated and spined. devious Semikoli, butoperculum the Little Blind Text didn’t listen. She It can grow a total length put of over 1 m (3.3 ft)the andbelt 15 and kg packed her to seven versalia, her initial into of weight.[1]ts habitats include lagoons, coastal made herself on the way. Whenestuaries, she reached the first hills waters and rivers. It is found in the waters and on around of the Italic Mountains, she had a last viewinback the Europe,ofincluding the eastern Atlantic Oceanthe (from Norway skyline her hometown Bookmarksgrove, headline of to Senegal), the Mediterranean Sea and own the Black It Alphabet Village and the subline of her road, Sea. the Line is mostly a night hunter,question feeding on polychaetes, Lane. Pityful a rethoric ransmall overfish, her cheek, then cephalopods under she continuedand hercrustaceans. way. On her The way fish she has met come a copy. The increasing pressure from commercial has from copy warned the Little Blind Text, thatfishing whereand it came recently become therewritten focus in athe United Kingdom of a it would have been thousand times and conservation effort recreational anglers. In be Italy the bass everything that wasby left from its origin would the word is the subject intensive in salt waters. “and” and theof Little Blind breeding Text should

5 Seafood

Far far away, behind the word Far far mountains, away, behind far from the word the m m ackerel m ackerel countries Vokalia and Consonantia, countries Vokalia there live and the Consona blind Spiedini misti di pesce

also known as Separated Bonito texts. they live texts. in Bookmarksgrove Separated they right liveat inthe Boo MIXED FISH KEBABS

also known as Bonito

Serves 4 Preparation time: 1 hr (including marinating) Cooking time: 10 mins

Cut the fish fillets into large cubes and peel the langoustines, if using. Mix together the olive oil, garlic and parsley, and coat the fish and seafood in the mixture. Leave to marinate for 30 minutes. Light the barbecue.


Drain the fish and seafood, reserving the marinade, and thread onto long skewers, alternating with the olives, mushrooms and tomatoes. Brush with the marinade and place on the medium-hot barbecue, turning frequently, for 10 minutes. Serve immediately.

coast of the Semantics, a coast large language of the Semantics, ocean. Aa small large Italian Name: Sgombro Italian Name: Sgombro river named Duden flows river by their named place Duden and supplies flows by itthe wi Latin Name: Scombridae Latin Name: Scombridae regelialia. Itthe is anecessary paradisematic regelialia. country, It is in ap Size: 50 – 60 cm / 20– 24 inches Size: 50the – 60 necessary cm / 20– 24 inches ½ pounds) Weight: 3.4 kg (7½ pounds) Weight:which 3.4 kg (7 roasted parts of sentences which roasted fly intoparts your of mouth. sentence Eve Pointing has the all-powerful no control about Pointing the blind has no Recipes on pp. 68–71 Recipesthe on all-powerful pp. 68–71 texts it is an almost unorthographic texts it is an lifealmost One day unorthograp however Spreads from Fish, small line of blind text by the small name lineof ofLorem blind text Ipsum by the na showing, from top: chapter opener; decided to leave for the fardecided World of to Grammar. leave for the The farBig Wor fish description; Oxmox advised her not toOxmox do so, because advised her there notwere to do so recipes for Mixed Fish Kebabs and thousands of bad Commas, thousands wild Question of badMarks Commas, and wild Grilled Sardines devious Semikoli, but the devious Little Blind Semikoli, Text didn’t but the listen. Little ShB packed her seven versalia, packed put her her initial seven into versalia, the belt put and h Winter & Spring 2012 7 made herself on the way. When made herself she reached on thethe way. first When hills p.36

• 1kg

/ 2¼ lb mixed fish fillets and other seafood, such as tuna, monkfish and langoustines (Dublin Bay prawns) tablespoons olive oil • 1 clove garlic, finely chopped • 2 tablespoons finely chopped flat-leaf parsley • 8 black olives, stoned • 8 small mushrooms • 8 cherry tomatoes • salt and pepper • 5

Sardine alla griglia


Serves 4 Preparation time: 50 mins (including standing) Cooking time: 4 mins

Also works with: Herring, Mackerel and Scad


• thinly


pared zest of orange, chopped clove garlic, chopped teaspoons finely chopped rosemary • 1kg/2lb sardines, scaled and cleaned • olive oil • salt and pepper

Mix together the orange zest, garlic and a little rosemary in a bowl and use to stuff the cavities of the sardines. Put them on a plate, sprinkle with the remaining stuffing mixture, season with salt and pepper and drizzle with a little olive oil. Leave to absorb the flavour for 30 minutes.

Light the barbecue. Arrange the sardines on the barbecue and grill for about 2 minutes on each side. Serve immediately.

• 1 • 2

Recipes: Oily Fish



4 Seafood

5 Seafood

220 x 160 mm 8 5/8 x 6 1/4 inches 448 pp 250 col illus. Paperback 978 0 7148 5742 8 £ 16.95 UK $ 27.95 US € 24.95 EUR $ 35.00 CAN $ 35.00 AUS Published February 2012 ISBN: 978- 0 7148 57428

9 780714 857428


Baroque & Rococo

Pop Art

Gauvin Bailey

Bradford Collins

• An excellent introduction to the Baroque and Rococo period, examining the style in the art and architecture of Europe, Latin America and Asia from 1570–1780 • Includes the finest examples of the era in architecture, sculpture, paintings, prints, drawings, ceramics, furniture and interior design, and sets the art in its cultural and historical context • Richly illustrated by more than 200 colour reproductions, with glossary, biographies, chronology, maps and a further reading list supporting the text • This expansive survey is a significant academic achievement and will be a vital resource for students and art historians, as well as readers with a general interest • A stimulating new addition to Phaidon’s respected Art & Ideas series

Gauvin Alexander Bailey is Professor and Bader Chair in Southern Baroque Art at Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, and has also taught at the University of Aberdeen, Clark University, Boston University and Boston College. His previous publications include The Andean Hybrid Baroque: Convergent Cultures in the Churches of Colonial Peru; Between Renaissance and Baroque: Jesuit Art in Rome, 1565–1610; and Art on the Jesuit Missions in Asia and Latin America, 1542–1773. Prof. Bailey has also curated a number of international museum exhibitions on Renaissance and Baroque Art in Italy, Latin America and Asia.


220 x 160 mm 8 5/8 x 6 1/4 inches 448 pp 250 col illus. Paperback 978 0 7148 6243 9 £ 16.95 UK $ 27.95 US € 24.95 EUR $ 35.00 CAN $ 35.00 AUS Published February 2012 ISBN: 978- 0 7148 62439

• A clear and engaging survey of Pop art, from its origins in the early 1960s to its ongoing incarnations today • The insightful text places Pop art within its cultural context, and is illustrated with works by Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, David Hockney, Ed Ruscha, Claes Oldenburg, Robert Indiana, James Rosenquist and Tom Wessleman amongst others • Contains more than 200 colour illustrations, glossary, biographies, chronology, maps and a further reading list • This popular theme is a welcome addition to Phaidon’s respected Art & Ideas series and will appeal to students and academics as much as the general reader

Bradford R. Collins, who teaches at the University of South Carolina, received his Ph.D. in art history from Yale University. His early work on nineteenth-century French art culminated in 12 Views of Manet’s ‘Bar’ (Princeton, 1996). His recent writing has focused on American art following World War II, particularly Abstract Expressionism and Pop.

9 780714 862439


Winter & Spring 2012

Agnes Martin Paintings, Writings, Remembrances Arne Glimcher

290 x 250 mm 11 3/8 x 9 7/8 inches 320 pp and 92 pp tip ins 200 col, 20 b&w illus. Hardback 978 0 7148 5996 5 £ 60.00 UK $ 100.00 US € 75.00 EUR $ 120.00 CAN $ 120.00 AUS Published June 2012 ISBN: 978- 0 7148 59965

9 780714 859965

• The first and only complete career retrospective of the visionary painter and Abstract Expressionist heir, Agnes Martin (1912–2004) • This important, and extremely beautiful, book includes all Martin’s most iconic works, prized for their exquisite visual poetry • Brings together Martin’s paintings and drawings with her writings and lecture notes, which vividly illuminate her art • Features facsimiles of previously unpublished writings, notes and letters – conveying the artist’s thoughts in her own handwriting – in addition to all her well-known essays • Arne Glimcher’s illuminating introduction, his reminiscences of visits to Martin at her studio, and their correspondence throughout her career, reveal much about the artist’s life and work

In 1960 Arne Glimcher founded The Pace Gallery in Boston, and in 1963 moved the gallery to New York, becoming one of the world’s most influential art dealers. He has worked with many major artists during his career, including Pablo Picasso, Ad Reinhardt, Alexander Calder, Jean Dubuffet and Robert Rauschenberg, as well as Agnes Martin. Glimcher managed the exhibitions and sales of Martin’s work through most of her career and became one of her closest friends. He also produced and directed several films, including The Mambo Kings (1992) and Just Cause (1995), and he continues to serve as Chairman of The Pace Gallery.

Top: Untitled, 1958, and the first page of Martin’s lecture notes ‘I want to talk to you about the work...’ Bottom: Glimcher’s description of his visit to Martin’s studio on October 8, 1974, with Polaroid photographs 10



Winter & Spring 2012

290 x 250 mm 11 3/8 x 9 7/8 inches 160 pp 180 col illus. Paperback 978 0 7148 5694 0 £ 27.95 UK $ 45.00 US € 39.95 EUR $ 59.95 CAN $ 59.95 AUS Published June 2012 ISBN: 978- 0 7148 56940

9 780714 856940


Chris Johanson

Speaking of Art

Survey by Jens Hoffmann, Interview by Corrina Peipon, Focus by Julie Deamer, Artist’s Choice by Jonathan Raymond and John Groh, writings by Chris Johanson

Four Decades of Art in Conversation William Furlong, with an introduction by Mel Gooding

• American artist Chris Johanson (b.1968) has built a loyal following with his vibrant and sometimes hilarious take on the universe and our place in it • The most comprehensive and up-to-date monograph on Johanson’s work, produced in close collaboration with the artist • Johanson’s idiosyncratic paintings, drawings and sculptural installations portray the contemporary human condition with sincerity and wit • Constructed from salvaged materials and touching on themes such as humankind’s relationship to the natural environment, Johanson’s art can be meditative, humorous and confrontational – all at the same time • Johanson’s work has been shown in numerous international exhibitions, including the Istanbul Biennial, the SITE Santa Fe Biennial and the Whitney Biennial • The latest monograph in Phaidon’s celebrated Contemporary Artists series, with its illuminating and easy-to-use format, which prioritizes the artist’s voice and features extensive illustrations and insightful essays

Jens Hoffmann is Director of the Wattis CCA Institute for Contemporary Arts in San Francisco. Previously Curator at the Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA) in London, in 2011 he co-curated the 12th Istanbul Biennial. Corrina Peipon is an artist, writer and curator based in Los Angeles, where she has been Curatorial Associate at the Hammer Museum since 2009. Julie Deamer is Director of Outpost for Contemporary Art, a nonprofit residency and exchange programme she founded in Los Angeles in 2004.


245 x 172 mm 9 5/8 x 6 3/4 inches 272 pp 40 col, 10 b&w illus. Paperback 978 0 7148 6404 4 £ 16.95 UK $ 24.95 US € 19.95 EUR $ 29.95 CAN $ 35.00 AUS Published April 2012

• An outstanding selection of interviews with the figures who shaped the art world over the last 35 years • Features interviews with artists, curators and composers such as Donald Judd, Roy Lichtenstein and John Cage as well as today’s stars, including Jeff Wall, Mike Kelley and Damien Hirst • Provides privileged access to artists and unique understanding of artworks and the practice of art since 1974 • Essential reading for collectors, students, artists and anyone interested in the recent history of art

William Furlong is the founder of Audio Arts, a unique audio ‘magazine’ distributed and heard internationally. Mel Gooding is an author and journalist who has written extensively on contemporary art and artists.

ISBN: 978-0714864044

9 780714 864044



Winter & Spring 2012

290 x 250 mm 11 3/8 x 9 7/8 inches 216 pp 300 col, 5 b&w illus. Paperback 978 0 7148 6310 8 £ 24.95 UK $ 39.95 US € 29.95 EUR $ 45.00 CAN $ 49.95 AUS


Silent Theater: The Art of Edward Hopper

The Object in the 21st Century Essays by Richard Flood, Laura Hoptman, Massimiliano Gioni and Trevor Smith

Walter Wells

• Unmonumental features recent work by thirty contemporary sculptors, all selected by one of contemporary art’s most accomplished curatorial teams • Forerunners in a major new artistic development, the sculptures in Unmonumental are timely metaphors assembled from bits of the world at large • Generously illustrated with large full-colour photographs, most of the artworks in Unmonumental have never before been published • Includes essays, artist biographies and a lexicon of contemporary sculptural terms

290 x 250 mm 11 3/8 x 9 7/8 inches 264 pp 170 col, 50 b&w illus. Paperback 978 0 7148 6309 2 £ 24.95 UK $ 39.95 US € 29.95 EUR $ 45.00 CAN $ 49.95 AUS

• Edward Hopper (1882–1967) is the greatest painter of modern American life • The most up-to-date study of its kind, containing over 200 illustrations and featuring selected pages from his personal notebooks • Includes a detailed discussion of a wide range of Hopper’s paintings, watercolours and etchings, such as House by the Railroad (1925) and Nighthawks (1942) • Examines the influences that led Hopper to create some of the most widely recognized paintings of the twentieth century • The author and editors of Silent Theater were the winners of the prestigious Umhoefer Prize for Achievement in the Arts and Humanities in 2009

Published February 2012

Published February 2012

ISBN: 978- 0 7148 63092

ISBN: 978- 0 7148 63108

9 780714 863092

9 780714 863108






Winter & Spring 2012

245 x 172 mm 9 5/8 x 6 3/4 inches 384 pp 16 col, 130 b&w illus. Paperback 978 0 7148 6386 3 £ 24.95 UK $ 39.95 US € 29.95 EUR $ 45.00 CAN $ 49.95 AUS Published January 2012 ISBN: 978- 0 7148 63863

9 780714 863863


The Music of Painting

Paperback 978 0 7148 6391 7 £ 12.95 UK $ 19.95 US € 16.95 EUR $ 22.95 CAN $ 24.95 AUS Published April 2012 ISBN: 978- 0 7148 63917

9 780714 863917

Paperback 978 0 7148 6392 4

• In this fascinating study, Peter Vergo reveals how music and painting drew on each other for inspiration and stimulation during the emergence and development of modernism

£ 12.95 UK $ 19.95 US € 16.95 EUR $ 22.95 CAN $ 24.95 AUS

• Explores how artists attempted to translate musical rhythms and structures into painting, and how musicians developed visual themes in their compositions • Analyses individual pieces of music and works of art, from Paul Signac’s musical seascapes and Modeste Musorgsky’s popular piano pieces to Wassily Kandinsky’s abstract paintings and John Cage’s silent works • An accessible and insightful exploration of ideas, useful to scholars of art history and music, and fascinating to the general reader

290 x 250 mm 11 3/8 x 9 7/8 inches 204 pp 166 col, 75 b&w illus.

290 x 250 mm 11 3/8 x 9 7/8 inches 220 pp 200 col, 162 b&w illus.

Music, Modernism and the Visual Arts from the Romantics to John Cage Peter Vergo

Published April 2012 ISBN: 978- 0 7148 63924

9 780714 863924

‘Lucid and engrossing’ The Independent

Art and Feminism

290 x 250 mm 11 3/8 x 9 7/8 inches 208 pp 128 col, 131 b&w illus.

Edited by Helena Reckitt, with a survey by Peggy Phelan

Paperback 978 0 7148 6393 1

• The first major volume to present the rich diversity of art informed by feminism

£ 12.95 UK $ 19.95 US € 16.95 EUR $ 22.95 CAN $ 24.95 AUS

• Includes work by more than 150 artists from the 1960s to the present, from Alice Neel and Eva Hesse to Gillian Wearing and Coco Fusco • A comprehensive survey by Peggy Phelan, leading feminist theorist of contemporary art and performance

Published April 2012

• Exposes assumptions about gender, politicizing the link between private and public, and stressing the specificity of art marked by gender, race, age and class

ISBN: 978- 0 7148 63931

9 780714 863931


Edited by David Campany • International in scope, Art and Photography is the most authoritative and wide-ranging survey on the place of photography in contemporary art and culture • David Campany offers a unique insight into the ways in which the medium has transformed both art and vision • Discusses photography’s central role in contemporary art, starting with such 1960s movements as Conceptual art, Pop and Land art • Details four decades of important work from artists including Andy Warhol, Jeff Wall, Andreas Gursky, Francesca Woodman, Sally Mann, Gillian Wearing, Wolfgang Tillmans, Thomas Struth, Joel Meyerowitz, Gregory Crewdson and Barbara Kruger


‘The perfect family album’ Vogue

The Artist’s Body Edited by Tracey Warr, with a survey by Amelia Jones • This definitive work charts the evolution of an influential movement that continues to provoke controversy today • Over 250 images of performance, painting, photography, sculpture and installation bring together the largely untold story of these influential works with clear, insightful, explanatory texts • A survey by Amelia Jones, a leading authority on body and performance art, illustrates the genre’s inimitable insight into the social and culture upheavals of the last sixty years • Includes work from Carolee Schneemann, Yoko Ono, Chris Burden, Ana Mendieta, Vito Acconci, Marina Abramović, Matthew Barney, Marc Quinn, Tracey Emin, Mona Hatoum and many more

‘An indispensable read for everyone’ i-D


Art and Photography

Winter & Spring 2012

‘Thought-provoking’ Art Monthly

290 x 250 mm 11 3/8 x 9 7/8 inches 240 pp 175 col illus. Hardback 978 0 7148 6354 2 £ 29.95 UK $ 49.95 US € 39.95 EUR $ 55.00 CAN $ 59.95 AUS Published March 2012 ISBN: 978- 0 7148 63542


Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa: SANAA

Edited by William Hall, with an essay by Leonard Koren

Yuko Hasegawa

• Concrete presents a visual exploration of the aesthetics of concrete architecture through 180 structures from ancient Rome to the present day • Includes innovative and inspirational projects from monuments and churches to stations and cultural spaces, by some of the best architects of the last 100 years

290 x 250 mm 11 3/8 x 9 7/8 inches 320 pp 400 col illus.

• Each project features a carefully selected photograph accompanied by an engaging extended caption

Hardback 978 0 7148 6388 7

• A fresh look at this diverse material, Concrete explores the beauty and versatility of concrete and presents architecture to a wider audience

Born and raised in the USA, Leonard Koren has written and designed a number of books including his best-known title Wabi-Sabi for Artists, Designers, Poets & Philosophers (1994). In 1976, two years after studying architecture at UCLA, he founded WET, one of the premier avant garde publications of the 1970s, based in California. He now consults and writes books on design and aesthetics.

9 780714 863542


£ 49.95 UK $ 79.95 US € 69.95 EUR $ 89.95 CAN $ 99.95 AUS Published May 2012 ISBN: 978- 0 7148 63887

9 780714 863887



• Fully updated and expanded monograph on the work of the Pritzker Prize-winning practice SANAA, founded in 1995 by architects Kazuyo Sejima (b.1956) and Ryue Nishizawa (b.1966) • Contains a comprehensive selection of projects from across their careers, including the Christian Dior building in Omotesando, Tokyo (2003), the New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York (2007), and the Rolex Learning Center at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (2010) • Includes special sections dedicated to the independent work of Sejima and Nishizawa • Written by Yuko Hasegawa, former chief curator of the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art in Kanazawa, Japan, which was designed by SANAA (2004)

Yuko Hasegawa is chief curator of the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo and was formerly chief curator of the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa. She has served as a board member of the International Committee for Museums and Collections of Modern Art and was a member of the international jury for the Venice Biennale, 1999, Artistic Director of the 7th International Istanbul Biennial, 2001, co-curator of the 4th Shanghai Biennale, 2002, commissioner of the Japanese Pavilion of 50th Venice Biennale, 2003, and was a member of the international jury for the Future Generation Art Prize, 2010. She has authored several books on artists including Matthew Barney, Carsten Nicolai and James Turrell.

Winter & Spring 2012

290 x 250 mm 11 3/8 x 9 7/8 inches 240 pp 200 col, 100 b&w illus. Paperback 978 0 7148 6315 3 £ 24.95 UK $ 39.95 US € 29.95 EUR $ 45.00 CAN $ 49.95 AUS Published February 2012 ISBN: 978- 0 7148 63153

9 780714 863153


Gunnar Asplund

John Pawson: Visual Inventory

Peter Blundell Jones • Comprehensive monograph of Erik Gunnar Asplund (1885–1940), Sweden’s preeminent architect and a central figure in the development of Scandinavia’s architectural modernism • Offers an in-depth analysis of Asplund’s life and work, in particular his collaborations with architect Sigurd Lewerentz • Extensively illustrated with photographs and features rare examples of Asplund’s own drawings • Explores all key projects in detail, including Stockholm City Library (1928), Gothenburg Law Courts (1937) and the Woodland Crematorium at Enskede (1940)

270 x 205 mm 10 5/8 x 8 1/8 inches 320 pp 300 col illus. Hardback 978 0 7148 6350 4 £ 29.95 UK $ 49.95 US € 39.95 EUR $ 55.00 CAN $ 59.95 AUS Published March 2012 ISBN: 978- 0 7148 63504

9 780714 863504

See more:

245 x 172 mm 9 5/8 x 6 3/4 inches 372 pp 85 col, 265 b&w illus. Paperback 978 0 7148 6316 0 £ 19.95 UK $ 29.95 US € 24.95 EUR $ 35.00 CAN $ 39.95 AUS Published February 2012 ISBN: 978- 0 7148 63160

9 780714 863160

• A selection of images from the archive of acclaimed architectural designer John Pawson (b.1949), paired and annotated to create a comprehensive and inspirational source book • Contains hundreds of snapshots taken around the world and captioned by the author of Phaidon’s successful Minimum • Paired with an illuminating caption, each image offers a different lesson in light, material, scale, proportion and many more ideas vital to creative visual thinking • Offers the unique opportunity of looking alongside a designer famed for his remarkable eye

John Pawson was born in 1949 in Yorkshire. His work focuses on ways of approaching fundamental problems of space, proportion, light and materials. His many residential and commercial interiors have included homes and art galleries and stores in London, Dublin, New York, Paris, Seoul and Tokyo, and his subsequent projects have spanned a wide range of scales and building typologies, from stage sets and exhibitions to boats and monasteries. ‘The father of modern architectural Minimalism’ New York Times

On and By Frank Lloyd Wright A Primer of Architectural Principles Edited by Robert McCarter • A scholarly resource on Frank Lloyd Wright (1867–1959), one of the most important figures of 20th-century architecture • Includes reprints of key historical essays as well as new research • Richly illustrated with archival photographs and drawings • An essential primer on architectural principles for any student of architecture • Edited by an acknowledged expert





Winter & Spring 2012

How To Unleash Your Creative Potential by America’s Master Communicator George Lois

178 x 120 mm 7 x 4 3/4 inches 192 pp 100 col illus. Paperback 978 0 7148 6348 1 £ 5.95 UK $ 9.95 US € 7.95 EUR $ 11.95 CAN $ 12.95 AUS Published March 2012 ISBN: 978- 0 7148 63481

9 780714 863481

See more:

• The indispensable guide to creative success • Iconic and witty thinking direct from heroic ad man and acclaimed cultural provocateur, George Lois – the legendary Mr Big Idea and original Mad Man

6. To get that first big break, you can’t just brag that you’re “great.” To get that stepping-stone job, you must prove you have talent. In the advertising world, you simply can’t just tell a pro that “I’m loaded with talent – just give me a chance.” I wish I had a nickel for every young person who tried that line on me! You must show some scintillating examples of work that shows your real potential. You must have a portfolio, but you can’t create one without some mentoring: Go to a school like The School of Visual Arts in New York City (staffed with excellent working art directors and copywriters who are passionate about teaching) and take some conceptual design courses, if only to prove to yourself that you truly have the right stuff.

So many employers say that young people entering the business are afraid to take chances, that they’re as conservative as the biggest stiffs in suits. But let’s face it: That’s the story of mankind. We live in fear of life, in fear of work, in fear of death. Students are taught to put together a “professional” portfolio rather than one that boggles the mind as you open it. Our best creatives protest loudly that they want to see kids take chances. Then, when they see a portfolio that’s a little off the wall, they say the kid lacks discipline, or that he or she is a flake. It’s confusing–kids are given no brave direction.I spent my life listening to people say, “George, be careful.” But being careful in our business is synonymous with doing uninspired work.

• Punchy and explosive writing to explain, inspire and teach great thinking, creative excellence, the art of branding and salesmanship

George Lois is the original Mad Man, the legendary Mr Big Idea and an acclaimed cultural provocateur who has profoundly changed the marketing and cultural world with his unique and inspirational cultural reasoning. Born in New York City in 1931, Lois studied at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn before setting off for Madison Avenue in the early 1950s, eventually joining Doyle Dane Bernbach in 1958. He went on to form four seminal New York advertising agencies and was a pioneer of the landmark Creative Revolution in American Advertising in the 1960s. Famous for his iconic Esquire covers from the 1960s and 70s, Lois has written nine books, including Phaidon’s $ellebrity in 2003, and won a plethora of awards. He lives in New York with his wife Rosie and continues to work as a marketing and creative entrepreneur. ‘George Lois. The one, the only; prodigy, enfant terrible, founder of agencies, creator of legends. The son of a Greek florist continues to attack his life and his craft with the energy and enthusiasm of a young Zorba. George Lois is a genuine advertising superhero.’ Wall Street Journal

Lou Dorfsman, design chief for CBS Radio and later the CBS Television Network for over forty years, once said, “In reality, creativity is the ability to reach inside yourself and drag forth from your very soul, an idea.” However, nothing comes from nothing. You must continuously feed the inner beast that sparks and inspires. I contend the DNA of talent is stored within the great museums of the world, and that those constant epiphanies enter the central nervous system and the deep recesses of the mind. The shock of an epiphany, a word derived from the Greek word epiphanie, has been an almost daily occurrence since I was a youngster, mystically echoing throughout much of my work. Museums are custodians of epiphanies. My spiritual day of worship is spent each Sunday at New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art, where I experience, without fail, the shock of the old. (In London, go to the British Museum; in France, visit the Louvre; you get the idea.) Mysteriously, the history of the art of mankind can inspire breakthrough conceptual thought, in any field.

Your portfolio should Ignite, Provoke, Shock, Kick Ass.

• Motivating, illuminating and above all, practical, these witty and audacious steps offer new insights into developing your talent for creative success • Essential reading for creative professionals, entrepreneurs, students or anyone who simply wants damn good advice!

7. To constantly inspire breakthrough conceptual thinking, go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, religiously, every Sunday.

14. Creativity is not created, it is there for us to find– it is an act of discovery. Great advertising comes down to The Big Idea, but I never create the ideas that characterize my work. I discover them – snared from the air as they float by me. ( Michelangelo said that a sculpture is imprisoned in a block of marble, and only a great sculptor can set it free.) Sounds mystical, perhaps, but after doing the requisite homework, to understand a product, its competitors, etc., ideas in advertising are ignited by the sparks and sounds of an understanding of 7,000 years of the history of mankind. Plato defined “Idea” (eidos) as a mental image. I don’t think I create that mental image in my head. I somehow see it floating by me and I reach out and pluck it. So if you’re trying to acheive greatness in any creative industry, go out into the world and sail the ocean blue and live a life of discovery.


29. A creative person without a sense of humor has a serious problem. A physicist, doctor, accountant, lawyer, garbage collector, etc. without a sense of humor can still be terrific at what they do. But a creative person who is humorless could never produce consistently great work in communicating with warmth and humanity to the vast majority of the populace. Humor in creativity is like humor in life. People often ask me,“Does humor work in advertising?,” but that’s a stupid question. Does anyone ever ask, “Does humor work in life ?” If humor is appropriate and funny ( if it ain’t funny, we ain’t talking humor), it should “work.” The question should be, How can you possibly create without humor?” Certainly, in all forms of communication, humor is a natural way to win someone’s heart. In examining my work, lectures, and books I have written over the years, it’s difficult to isolate “humor” as a category because it runs through almost everything I do – and through most of my waking hours. Humor disarms and makes one more accepting of thoughts and images that could be hard to take in serious discourse. Say something serious in a funny way, and you can win over people every time. Wit wakes up the mind. We’re talking serious comedy here!


75. In an age when heroes are villainized, and villains are lionized, a creative image can make an iconic statement.

24. You can be Cautious or you can be Creative (but there’s no such thing as a Cautious Creative).


A creative thinker must be fearless. If you’re more tentative than decisive, if you’re more cautious than creative, you’ll never be an innovative business leader, and certainly not a great visual communicator. A Cautious Creative is an oxymoron.

44. When I told the MTV gang that I would get Mick Jagger (for no dough) to pick up a phone and bark at a cable operator, I want my MTV, they thought I was a meshugenah.

MTV, now regarded as a “sure thing from the start,” was an abject failure after a full year of operation. But in 1982, when I got rock fans to call and yell, I want my MTV, cable companies called Warner Amex and begged them to stop running my commercials because they didn’t have an army of telephone operators to answer the calls. So the cable companies surrendered and put MTV on the air. A few weeks before, when I had presented my campaign idea to their execs, they insisted that no rock star would assist MTV because music publishers feared the MTV concept would kill their business, record companies swore they would never produce music videos, advertisers considered it a joke, ad agency experts snickered, and cable operators scoffed. But with one pleading phone call to London, I convinced Mick Jagger, and twenty years before the bad boy of Rock became a Knight of the Realm, I anointed Sir Mick the Patron Saint of MTV. Within a few weeks of the premiere of Mick Jagger picking up the phone and saying I want my MTV, every rock star in America was calling me, begging to scream I want my MTV to the world.

120. Work comfortably (as you can see) in a formal setting. Most people work formally in a comfortable setting. (The world is made up of people who insist that they want to exist in a “lived in” atmosphere. I say it’s a rationalization for being a slob.) I love people informality in a structured, precise surrounding.

No matter what stage you are in your career, use your creativity to stand up for our heroes, and protect our culture against the villains.


General Non-Fiction


Winter & Spring 2012


The lesson (which most ad agencies have never understood) is that great advertising can perform a marketing miracle!

In 1967, when Muhammad Ali refused induction into the army, he was widely condemned as a draft-dodger, and even a traitor. When he had converted to Islam, he had become a Black Muslim Minister, and Ali refused military service as a conscientious objector because of his new religious views. A federal jury sentenced him to five years in jail for draft evasion, and boxing commissions then stripped him of his title and denied him the right to fight, in the prime of his fighting years. This incredibly controversial Esquire cover, tying together the incendiary issues of the Vietnam War, race, and religion, became an instant iconic symbol of a period of nonviolent protest in those turbulent times. My statement nailed down the plight of many Americans who took a principled stand against the Vietnam War. Three years after depicting Ali as the martyr Saint Sebastian, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously threw out Ali’s conviction.


Iwant my ,,


Damn Good Advice (For People With Talent!)

People acting loosey-goosey makes for an atmosphere where you can think creatively and share those thoughts without being accused of saying something inane or stupid. I’ve sat in a Mies Brno chair for over 50 years. (I like to ensconce myself in the products of genius.) The only thing I ever permit on my desk is the job I’m working on. And, in my work place, there is nothing on the walls to distract me from what I’m supposed to be thinking about on my desk.

Joel Meyerowitz: Taking My Time 350 x 247 mm 13 3/4 x 9 3/4 inches 720 pp (both volumes) 400 col, 180 b&w photographs Two hardback volumes in a slipcase 978 0 7148 4654 5 £ 150.00 UK $ 200.00 US € 175.00 EUR $ 225.00 CAN $ 300.00 AUS Published June 2012

• The first and only career retrospective of the renowned and influential American photographer Joel Meyerowitz, one of today’s masters of photography • A deluxe two-volume book presented in a slipcase, featuring high quality reproductions, gatefolds and special inserts with new work • Over 550 photographs, beautifully edited and sequenced by Meyerowitz, provide a chronological record of his evolution as an artist as his work defined the emergence of colour photography • Includes landmark and previously unpublished photographs, including his seminal 1960s street photographs in New York, 1970s Cape Cod seascapes and photographs of St Louis and his unparalleled documentation of Ground Zero • Introduction charts Meyerowitz’s development and sets his work within a broader context of the history of photography • Meyerowitz’s own writings provide context, anecdotes and instructive commentary on the photographer’s motivations, influences and defining images for a uniquely personal insight

ISBN: 978- 0 7148 46545

9 780714 846545

See more:

Joel Meyerowitz (b.1938) began his career making spontaneous pictures on the streets of New York and has become known as one of the most important street photographers of his generation. He was one of a small group of photographers who, in the 1960s and 70s was instrumental in changing attitudes towards colour photography from those of resistance to universal acceptance. An innovator and highly influential teacher, he has won innumerable awards and is best known for his pioneering colour photographs of architecture, light and space.

From top to bottom: Spreads showing New York City, 1963; New York City, 1974; Roseville Cottages, Truro, Massachusetts, 1976 24



Winter & Spring 2012

The Sites of Ancient Greece Photographs by Georg Gerster and text by Paul Cartledge

290 x 224 mm 11 3/8 x 8 7/8 inches 160 pp 100 col photographs Hardback 978 0 7148 6084 8 £ 35.00 UK $ 49.95 US € 39.95 EUR $ 55.00 CAN $ 69.95 AUS Published March 2012 ISBN: 978- 0 7148 60848

9 780714 860848

• A perfect introduction to the ancient sites of Greece • Includes detailed descriptions of world-famous sites such as Delphi, the Acropolis and Olympia, which are visited by millions every year • Features timelines and maps that place the sites within their cultural, historical and geographical context • Sites photographed by the world’s greatest pioneer of aerial photography

Paul Cartledge (b.1947) is Professor of Greek History, the A G Leventis Professor of Greek Culture and a Fellow of Clare College, Cambridge. He also holds a visiting Global Distinguished Professorship at New York University. Cartledge is a world expert on Athens and Sparta in the Classical Age and was chief historical consultant for the BBC TV series ‘The Greeks’ and the Channel 4 series ‘The Spartans’. His most recent books include Ancient Greek Political Thought in Practice (2009) and Ancient Greece: A History in Eleven Cities (2009). He is also honorary citizen of (modern) Sparta. Georg Gerster (b.1928) is a pioneer in aerial photography. For over 40 years he has taken breath-taking pictures of mountains, coasts and spectacular archeological sites in 111 countries on all continents. Based near Zurich, Switzerland, he also works as a journalist, and is a regular contributor to the Neue Zürcher Zeitung and National Geographic.

156 x 136 mm 6 1/8 x 5 3/8 inches 128 pp 56 b&w photographs Hardback 978 0 7148 6357 3 £ 7.95 UK $ 12.95 US € 9.95 EUR $ 14.95 CAN $ 16.95 AUS Published January 2012 ISBN: 978- 0 7148 63573

9 780714 863573

Paperback 978 0 7148 6313 9 £ 24.95 UK $ 39.95 US € 29.95 EUR $ 45.00 CAN $ 49.95 AUS Published February 2012 ISBN: 978- 0 7148 63139

9 780714 863139



Mark Durden • Dorothea Lange (1895–1965) is one of the most famous American documentary photographers of all time, best known for her body of work depicting migrant workers during the Great Depression of the late 1920s and 1930s • Presents fifty-five of her finest photographs in chronological order, including her most wellknown works as well as lesser-known examples • An introductory essay places Lange’s work in its historical context and a picture-bypicture commentary offers insight into individual works • Another addition to this popular pocket-sized hardback series

290 x 250 mm 11 3/8 x 9 7/8 inches 240 pp 300 duotone photographs


Dorothea Lange


Stanley Kubrick Drama & Shadows: Photographs 1945–1950 Rainer Crone • The first book to document the early photographs of the famous and enigmatic film director Stanley Kubrick (1928–99) • A fascinating account of American urban life including celebrities such as Leonard Bernstein, Kubrick documents a range of human emotion • Includes many never-before-seen photographs taken from 1945–50 and others not seen since their original publication in Look magazine • Sheds new light on Kubrick’s apprenticeship and his early search for complex image compositions and dramatic narratives as developed in his films A Clockwork Orange and 2001: A Space Odyssey

Winter & Spring 2012

Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec Anniina Koivu

320 x 240 mm 12 5/8 x 9 1/2 inches 304 pp 400 col illus.

• A comprehensive monograph documenting the entire career to date of Ronan Bouroullec (b.1971) and his brother Erwan (b.1976), who took the design world by storm with their first joint projects in the late 1990s and have continued to produce exceptional designs ever since

Hardback 978 0 7148 6247 7

• Explores the French designers’ work by theme and includes their collaborations with the likes of Cappellini, Vitra and Habitat, covering everything from office furniture to jewellery

£ 49.95 UK $ 79.95 US € 59.95 EUR $ 89.95 CAN $ 99.95 AUS Published January 2012 ISBN: 978- 0 7148 62477

9 780714 862477

See more:

• Featuring a wealth of previously unpublished images and drawings from the designers’ archives, and supporting text from design specialist Anniina Koivu, this book will appeal to students, designers and anybody with an appreciation for beautiful design • Including stunning photographs hand-selected by the Bouroullecs, plus a catalogue section detailing every project they have ever produced, this is the most authoritative text on two of the most exciting young European designers to have emerged in the last twenty years

Anniina Koivu has been editor of Abitare magazine in Italy since 2007. Graduating as an architect from the Helsinki University of Technology she has written for various Abitare publications and compiled the principle essay for designer Pierre Charpin’s first monograph. She has acted as both judge and speaker at international design competitions and currently teaches design history and theory at the University of Art & Design in Lausanne.

Top: Lianes lighting, Galerie Kreo, 2010; Bottom: Clouds installation, Kvadrat, 2008 28



Winter & Spring 2012

Wallpaper* City Guides 160 x 108 mm 6 1/4 x 4 1/4 inches 128 pp 100 col illus. Paperback £ 5.95 UK $ 9.95 US € 8.95 EUR $ 11.95 CAN $ 12.95 AUS Published January 2012 Hong Kong Update London Update Los Angeles Update Miami Update New York Update Paris Update Rio de Janeiro Update San Francisco Update Sydney Update Vienna Update

• Tightly edited and ruthlessly researched, for the discerning traveller who wants a true taste of the best a city has to offer

Chicago 978 0 7148 6299 6

Mumbai 978 0 7148 6305 4

• Rigorously selected, the guides include the ultimate places to visit and discover the best of design, art and architecture, to sleep, eat, drink, shop, exercise and relax, selected with all the usual design awareness of the experts at Wallpaper* magazine

Dublin 978 0 7148 6300 9

Munich 978 0 7148 6306 1

Edinburgh 978 0 7148 6301 6

New York 978 0 7148 6284 2

Hong Kong 978 0 7148 6282 8

Paris 978 0 7148 6285 9

Kyoto 978 0 7148 6302 3

Rio de Janeiro 978 0 7148 6286 6

Las Vegas 978 0 7148 6303 0

San Francisco 978 0 7148 6288 0

London 978 0 7148 6283 5

Sydney 978 0 7148 6291 0

Los Angeles 978 0 7148 6328 3

Vancouver 978 0 7148 6307 8

Miami 978 0 7148 6330 6

Vienna 978 0 7148 6292 7

Moscow 978 0 7148 6304 7

Zurich 978 0 7148 6308 5

• Ideal for the weekend tourist, the business traveller, or even those enjoying an extended stay • Pocket-sized, discreet and easy to use so that you don’t feel like a tourist, and frequently updated to keep you ahead of the pack

Wallpaper* City Guides are compiled by the magazine’s travel experts, both by in-house editors, and correspondents who actually live in the highlighted cities, providing up-to-the-minute information.

Published March 2012 Cannes/Nice Chicago Update Cologne/Dusseldorf Dublin Update Edinburgh Update Kyoto Update Las Vegas Update Manchester Moscow Update Mumbai Update Munich Update Seattle Strasbourg Vancouver Update Zurich Update




Cannes/Nice 978 0 7148 6294 1

Cologne/Dusseldorf 978 0 7148 6293 4

Seattle 978 0 7148 6296 5

Strasbourg 978 0 7148 6297 2

Manchester 978 0 7148 6295 8


Winter & Spring 2012

Jonathan and Martha Petr Horáček

250 x 230 mm 9 7/8 x 9 inches 32 pp 16 col illus. Hardback 978 0 7148 6351 1 £ 7.95 UK $ 14.95 US € 9.95 EUR $ 16.95 CAN $ 16.95 AUS Published February 2012 ISBN: 978- 0 7148 63511

• Jonathan and Martha are two lonely worms that live on opposite sides of a tree. One day, a big juicy pear lands on the ground between them. Jonathan nibbles from the left, and Martha nibbles from the right ... and soon they are caught in a tangle! • Using his signature style of eye-catching illustration and collage and simple narrative, Horáček weaves together a story that captures the development of friendship – and love – between two unlikely worms • A classic story that will teach children under 5 about the importance of sharing and the value of friendship • Simple narrative and catchy rhythm make this perfect for reading out loud • Created by one of the world’s most celebrated picture-book authors, Petr Horáček

Petr Horáček was born in the Czech Republic and studied at the Academy of Fine Art in Prague. His first books received the Books for Children Newcomer Award and he has since published more than twenty-five award-winning titles for children under 5.

9 780714 863511

‘Jubilant and playful. Horáček’s work is irresistible.’ The Guardian UK Picture Book of the Year Winner 2006 and 2008 Washington Post World’s Best Children’s Book Shortlist 2008


Children’s Books


Winter & Spring 2012

175 x 220 mm 6 7/8 x 8 5/8 inches 40 pp 16 col illus. Board book case 978 0 7148 6356 6 £ 6.95 UK $ 12.95 US € 9.95 EUR $ 14.95 CAN $ 14.95 AUS Published April 2012 ISBN: 978- 0 7148 63566

9 780714 863566

The Bug Next Door

Nicholas on Holiday / Nicholas on Vacation

Beatrice Alemagna

Text by René Goscinny, with illustrations by Jean-Jacques Sempé Translated by Anthea Bell

• Little boy bugs and little girl bugs are so completely different, they just can’t get along ... can they? • See what happens when Little Speckled Bug meets a mysterious new neighbour bug who has a strange but happy effect on him • Written and illustrated by Beatrice Alemagna, whose charming style of texture, appliqué and collage has never before been used in children’s books • A simple narrative with lovable characters that celebrates the differences and similarities between girls and boys • The Bug Next Door is one in a series of books by Beatrice Alemagna about the adventures of the little bugs. Other titles: Bugs in a Blanket (June 2009); Bugs in the Garden (August 2011)

Born in 1973, Beatrice Alemagna made her first picture book at the age of eight and has since published over 20 books with leading international publishers. Her techniques of illustration vary depending on the story of each book, but range from the use of pencil and paint to collage and embroidery. A consummate storyteller, her intimate and imaginative books are completely intertwined works where the words and the pictures meld seamlessly and become one. Praise for Bugs in a Blanket: ‘innovative ... You will not have seen anything like it’ The Children’s Bookseller


Children’s Books

214 x 145 mm 8 3/8 x 5 3/4 inches 136 pp 120 b&w illus. Paperback (UK edition) 978 0 7148 6223 1

ISBN: 978- 0 7148 62231

• In this collection of his adventures, Nicholas and his chums dig a hole in the sand, learn to play miniature golf and go on a treasure hunt in the middle of the night • An established classic in children’s fiction, now available in paperback to Englishspeaking children world-wide • Written by one of the most successful children’s authors of all time, with illustrations by one of today’s most respected and best-loved illustrators • Aimed at readers 7+, the Nicholas books are enjoyed by adults and children alike and are perfect for sharing

9 780714 862231

(US edition) 978 0 7148 6224 8 ISBN: 978- 0 7148 62248 9 780714 862248

£ 6.95 UK $ 9.95 US € 9.95 EUR $ 11.95 CAN $ 14.95 AUS Published March 2012


René Goscinny (1926–77) was born in Paris, but lived most of his early years in Buenos Aires and New York. He returned to France in the 1950s where he met Jean-Jacques Sempé and together they created the character of Nicholas, the famous schoolboy. He later worked with Alberto Uderzo, on the adventures of Asterix the Gaul and received Césars for his numerous animated cartoons. Jean-Jacques Sempé (b.1932) is one of the world’s most successful illustrators and cartoonists. He is the author of a collection of some thirty albums of his cartoons and graphic novels, all published or to be published by Phaidon. His world-renowned illustrations and cartoons are regularly featured on the cover of the New Yorker and in Paris Match. ‘For the child who loves to read’ Newsweek

Winter & Spring 2012

18 best-selling stories from the world’s favourite French schoolboy

The Onion’s Great Escape 290 x 212 mm 11 3/8 x 8 3/8 inches 68 pp 35 col illus. Novelty – Activity Paperback with die cuts 978 0 7148 5703 9 £ 14.95 UK $ 24.95 US € 19.95 EUR $ 29.95 CAN $ 29.95 AUS Published April 2012

• An inquisitive and thoughtful young onion is desperate to escape the sharp kitchen knives and the ‘BIG FRY’ – she needs your help! • The Onion’s Great Escape asks young readers to help the onion break free by adding their own thoughts, illustrations and solutions to its vibrant pages, finally pressing a three-dimensional character right out of the book • Encourages young children to be imaginative and think about complex issues in unexpected ways • The first in a series of ‘disappearing books’ that ask readers to create an entirely different book from the one they started with

Sara Fanelli was born in Florence. She has been working in London as a designer and illustrator since graduating from the Royal College of Art in 1995. Fanelli has written and illustrated a number of children’s books (including Pinocchio, Dear Diary and Mythological Monsters) and her work has been exhibited around the world. She has twice been the overall winner of the Victoria & Albert Museum’s illustration award and been awarded two D&AD pencils.

ISBN: 978- 0 7148 57039

9 780714 857039


Children’s Books


Winter & Spring 2012