Pharmacognosy and Medicinal Plants

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7th Edition of International Conference on Pharmacognosy ... Several clinical trials of these plant medicines are now done .... Plants. • Medicinal Plant Chemistry.
International Speakers of Pharmacognosy 2018 7th Edition of International Conference on

Hari Shankar Sharma Uppsala University Sweden

Pedro Medina Yo creo en Colombia Colombia

Nikola Kovinich West Virginia University USA

Aruna Sharma Uppsala University Sweden

Pharmacognosy and Medicinal Plants March 11-12, 2019, London, UK

Theme: “Medicinal Plants as A key for Disease Hindrance”

Ali Hikmet Mericli Near East University, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

Tiah Rachmatiah Institut Sains dan Teknologi Nasional, Indonesia

Svetlana Lyashenko Volgograd Medical State University, Russia

Jhansee Mishra V.B.S.P. University, India

Antonia Diukendjieva Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria

Yiftach Vaknin ARO Volcani Center Israel

Nikola Stojanovic Faculty of Medicine University of Nis Serbia

Amel Bouzabata Badji Mokhtar University, Algeria

• Mona Alyedreessy Azara Beautique, UK

• Mila Radan University of Split, Croatia

• En Hyung Kim Dankook University, South Korea

• Samira H Zaidan Zaidan Clinic, UK

• Alexandra Bodo  University of Pécs, Hungary

• MinWon Lee  Chung-Ang University, South Korea

• Lucia Bada Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain

• Maria João Rodrigues Centre of Marine Sciences, Portugal

• Amina Saadeldin Abdelmotalab Omer UMST, Sudan

• Marhoume Fatima Zahra Hassan I University, Morocco

• Reham Sharafeldin Osman Hajomer  UMST, Sudan

• Prasanth S S  Al Shifa College of Pharmacy, India

• Samar Saadeldin Abdelmotalab Omer  UMST, Sudan

• Ikram Mohamed Eltayeb Elsiddig UMST, Sudan

• Estherna Pretorius University of Johannesburg South Africa

• Ibrahim Siddig Hamid Humedia  UMST, Sudan

• Vedrana Cikes Culic University of Split, Croati

• Hicham Boufous Hassan 1st University, Morocco

• John Addotey University of Münster, Germany • Jian He Shanghai Jiaotong University, China

Website :

Dear Colleagues,


Sara Nadi Joseph Wisa UMST, Sudan

STUDENT AMBASSADOR FOR 2019 CONFERENCE Rajasekaran Aiyalu KMCH College of Pharmacy, India

Welcome Message

Jamal Ouazzani Institut de Chimie des Substances Naturelles France

And many more...

Hari S Sharma Director, Int. Expt. CNS Injury & Repair; Sweden

Supported by International Journals • American Journal of Phytomedicine and Clinical Therapeutics • American Journal of Ethnomedicine • Asian Journal of Plant Science & Research

his gives me immense pleasure to welcome you all to the 7th Edition of International Conference on Pharmacognosy and Medicinal Plants in London, UK. During March 11-12, 2019. This 2-day of Great Event will highlight all aspects of plant medicine for the betterment of Health Care and management of diseases afflicting human being. Medicinal plants and their use to cure diseases are being practiced since ages. The value of medicinal plants and their use to alleviate disease are well known since more than 5000 years ago in China, Egypt, India and other parts of the world. Several clinical trials of these plant medicines are now done in Europe, Asia and America with good results. However, in order to find out the exact nature of compound in this plant medicine those are responsible for specific effects are not so well known and require further investigation. Moreover, interaction of these plant medicinal extracts with other drugs and disease are still not known in all details. Also with the advent of nanotechnologies, the need of the hour is to use plant medicine for effective drug delivery using nanobiotechnology for better healthcare. In this 2-days mega event all aspects of medicinal plants from extraction, purification to drug delivery for effective therapy will be discussed by leading experts in the world gathered in UK. The conference will provide new insight and future development of therapeutic value of medicine plants and their usage to students, researchers, health care professionals, policy makers, Academia and industry alike. Please join the conference and be a part of the future development of medicinal plants in healthcare!

Website :

Young Researchers Forum Competition • • •

This forum will give pertinent and timely information to those who conduct research and those who use and benefit from research

Develop a foundation for collaboration among young researchers

The forum will provide an opportunity for collegial interaction with other young investigators and


Interact and share ideas with both peers and mentors


Opportunity for young researchers to learn about the research areas of their peers to increase their capacity as multidisciplinary researchers

Clinical Pharmacognosy and Aromatic Medicinal Plants

Medicinal Plant Chemistry

Actively distribute information and promote the benefits of education and career matters

Traditional Medicine

Analytical Methods for Natural Products

The Career Guidance Workshops to the Graduates, Doctorates and Post-Doctoral Fellows

Toxicological Studies of Plant Products


Plant Biotechnology and Tissue Culture

Applied Plant Sciences

Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Applications of Natural Products

Natural Products in Medicines

Analytical Techniques in Phytochemistry

Standardization of Herbal Drugs

Formulation and Manufacture of Plant Medicines

Marine Drugs

• •

Best Poster Award Competition •

Supporting Partners

established senior investigators across the globe

Present your research through oral presentations Learn about career development and the latest research tools and technologies in your field

Conference Highlights

You will be given about 5-7 minutes to present your poster including questions and answers. Judges may pose questions during the evaluation of the poster

Judges will even evaluate the student’s enthusiasm towards their study, interest and knowledge in the area of their research

Speech Opportunity Available!!

The winners will be announced at the closing ceremony of the conference. decision of the winner will be withdrawn if the winner/winners is/are not present at the time of announcement Apart from the judging time you may also be present at the poster to share your research with interested delegates


Speaker Benefits Includes •

You can Attend Scientific and Technical Sessions

Complete Conference Kit

Submit your abstract today at:

Electronic Poster is to encourage interested researchers/students incapable of attending the conference, to present their original research which will be later published in the supporting journals.

Certificate Accreditation by the International Organizing Committee

Special Benefits:

• Our robust on-line publicity attracts 5 million readers to our library of abstracts which brings worldwide exposure to the speakers participate in our conferences

Accepted abstract will be published in journal of Pharmacognosy.

Abstracts will be published in conference souvenirs & Related International Journals

The presenter is not required to be present in person at the conference

Abstracts will be provided with DOI by cross reference

• Accepted Abstracts will be provided with Digital Object

Abstracts will be displayed electronically under e poster category in conference website.

Pre-Conference and Post-Conference Networking

Networking and collaborating with peer researchers and industrial personals

B2B meetings/Scientific networking for Research collaborations

We invite you to attend and give a talk on the topic of expertise to share views and research with your peers at this event.

Identifier by and will be published in supporting International Journals • Live streaming of your presentation through our websites and YouTube




Conference Secretariat EuroSciCon Ltd, 40 Bloomsbury Way Lower Ground Floor London, United Kingdom, WC1A 2S Ph: +44-2033182512, +1-800-841-6480 Website:

Contact : Veronika Rockova | Program Manager Pharmacognosy 2019 Email: [email protected]

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