Phosphorus mobility in interstitial waters of sediments in Lake Kinneret ...

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Kinneret, Israel. Barbara S taudinger ' , Stefan Peiffer ', Yoram Avnimelechz & Thomas Berman 3. ' Limnologixhe Station der Universitlit Bayreuth, P.O. Box 10 12 ...
Hydrobiologia 207: 167-177, 1990. D. J. Bonin & H. L. Golterman (eds), Fluxes Between Trophic Levels and Through the Water-Sediment 0 1990 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in Belgium.



Phosphorus mobility in interstitial waters of sediments in Lake Kinneret, Israel Barbara S taudinger ’ , Stefan Peiffer ‘, Yoram Avnimelechz & Thomas Berman 3 ’ Limnologixhe Station der Universitlit Bayreuth, P.O. Box 10 12 51, 8580 Bayreuth, F.R. G. ; 2 Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Technion City, Haifa 32000. Israel; 3Kinneret Limnologikal Laboratory, P.O. Box 345, Tiberibs 14102, Israel

Key words: phosphorus-solubility,



iron sulfides

Abstract Monthly samples of sediment cores from maximum depth (- 42 m) in Lake Kinneret were taken from May 1988 until January 1989. The chemical composition of the interstitial and overlying water was investigated with respect to phosphate, Fe 2 + , Fe3 + , Ca2 + , alkalinity and electric conductivity. pH, pH,S and pe (electron-activity) were measured by microelectrodes inserted directly into the sediment core immediately after sampling. Ion activity products of vivianite, siderite, ironsulfides, Ca-P complexes and Ca-P solid phases were calculated; in addition, Ca/P ratios for the overlying and pore water were obtained by using the potential diagram technique. Despite the fact that anoxic conditions prevail for most of the year, no control of phosphate solubility by a Fe-P relationship could be found. Determination of IAPs, together with calculated molar Ca/P-ratios, suggests that hydroxyapatite as well as surface complexes like dicalciumphosphate are the solubility-controlling species in pore water. For the overlying water a Ca,(HCO,),PO, surface complex is assumed to fix the phosphorus, accompanied by a subsequent transformation of the bound P into apatite.

Introduction Much effort has gone into the investigation of the phosphate release from lake sediments, because of its strong influence as a limiting nutrient on trophic status. This is especially significant for Lake Kinneret, which is a major water supply source for Israel. The sediment-water interface may react either as a sink or as a potential source for phosphate (Bostrbm et al., 1982; Enell & Lofgren, 1988). Classic works by Mortimer (1941, 1942) Ohle (1937, 1938), Einsele (1936, 1937, 1938) Einsele & Vetter (1938) confirmed by subsequent studies,

reported that the exchange of phosphate from sediments is related to redox-dependent iron chemistry. Phosphate is adsorbed on FeOOH or hydrated Fe3 + -complexes which then form solid phases. Under reduced conditions, which develop during stagnant periods, phosphate as well as Fe2+ is released into solution. Furthermore, with increasing pH-value, processes such as ligand exchange mechanisms also liberate phosphate adsorbed to hydrated Fe or Al complexes, due to competition of OH - and Pod3 - ions (Lijklema, 1977). For calcareous systems, Stumm & Leckie (1971) reported that with decreasing pH there was a release of P adsorbed

168 on calcite, with a formation of surface complexes. A useful way of evaluating the Ca-P solid phase, which controls the solubility of orthophosphate, o-PO, in interstitial waters, is the application of ion activity products and calculation of molar Ca/P ratios. These ratios are characteristic of certain Ca-P complexes, which may be determined by the potential diagram technique, PDT, (McGregor & Brown, 1965; Avnimelech, 1980; 1983). The purpose of this work was to investigate the overlying- and sediment pore water of Lake Kinneret with respect to the processes that control phosphate solubility. In this lake the sediment pore-water has been investigated by Serruya et al. (1974) for the nutrient composition. These authors investigated two layers of sediment: O-2 cm and >2 cm. Concerning o-PO, their results show that most of the sediment phosphorus was bound as calciumphosphate, but that the exchangeable fraction belonged to the ironbound phosphorus. They noted further that this Fe/P relationship seemed to be responsible for the o-PO, release into the pore water in summer at low redox potentials, accompanied by the formation of iron sulfides. The observed phosphorus solubility in the pore water and hypolimnion seemed to be caused by the formation of calcium phosphates.

values, forms according to x Ca(OH),


As mentioned above, calculation of ion activity products and comparison with the corresponding solubility products allow the determination of the P-mineral or -complex responsible for the o-PO+ -solubility of the solution. PDT can also be used to investigate these determinants. This procedure is used when the stoichiometry of forming Ca-P-complexes is not known. PDT has been applied by McGregor & Brown (1965), Cole & Olsen (1959) and Avnimelech (1980, 1983). McGregor & Brown (1965) assume that a compound with the generalized empirical formula Ca,H,(PO,) zH,O with 2x + y = 3 and y having possibly negative


(z - 2x) H,O + Ca,H,(PO,)



Providing that there is equilibrium, stable or metastable, between the solid phase (Ca,H,(PO,) zH,O) and the saturated solution, the sum of the chemical potentials, ,u, on the left hand side of this equation, equals the characteristic free energy of formation of the solid phase F(z,. x pCa(OH),

+ pH,PO,

(z - 2x) pH20


= FG, .


The chemical potential of H,O in solute solutions may be considered constant and may be combined with F$, to a new constant F*. If we express the chemical potentials by their activities and by K, =

1 R * T * 2.303


* (@‘Ca(OH),

+ F*



it follows that: -log{H+}3


+ H,PO,


* {POd3-}




Regarding a carbonate-phosphate-surface complex, Ca,(HCO,),PO,(H), _ x, a similar equation was obtained by Avnimelech (1980). -log{H+}3 -x*

* {POd3-}


= +&


where K, and K, are constants specific for the calciumphosphate under consideration. { > denotes activities and x is the molar Ca/P ratio: A(-log{H+}3*{P0,3-))/ A( -log{Ca2’}

* {OH-}2

169 and A(-log{H+}3* A( - log{Ca’+}

{POd3-})/ * {C032-})

which is given by the stoichiornetry of the considered Ca-P-complex and carbonate-phosphate-surface complex respectively. The molar Ca/P ratio corresponds to the slope when - log {H + }’ * { Pod3 - > is plotted against - log{Ca2+} * -log{Ca2+} * {OH-}2 or { CO32 - }, respectively. Theoretical molar Ca/P values for equation (4) are: CaHPO, (dicalciumphosphate: 1.O; Ca,(PO,), (B-tricalciumphosphate): 1.5; Ca,(PO,), (octacalciumphosphate): 1.3 and Ca,(PO,),OH (hydroxyapatite): 1.67; for equation (5): Ca,(HCO,),PO, surface complex: 3.0.


and sampling site

Lake Kinneret is a warm monomictic lake located in the northern part of the Jordan Rift Valley, Israel (for general description, see Serruya, 1978). Sediment and overlying water samples were taken at maximum water depth (42 m). Perspex tubes with holes drilled laterally (diameter: 5 mm) at 1 cm intervals were used to obtain cores with a gravity corer described by Tessenow et al. (1977). Immediately after sampling, the cores were covered with aluminium foil, to avoid stimulation of the growth of photosynthetic H,S-consuming bacteria, and transported to a 17 ’ C room in order to reduce gassing out of H,S, COZ and possibly CH,. On the same day, pH, pe and pH,S measurements were performed with rH and pH,S microelectrodes, inserted laterally into the sediment core. Since it was not possible to carry out all investigations immediately on the day of sampling, a second core, which was used for porewater extraction, was stored at 4 “C in a dark room overnight. Although oxidation of Fe” to Fe3 + may occur at 4 ‘C, it seems quite impossible that it occurred in these samples, because of the strong smell of H,S that escaped from the overlying water removed. A pressure filtration appara-

tus (Reeburgh, 1976) was used to separate pore water from sediment. The pore water was filtered twice, through a GF/C filter and then through a 0.45 pm membrane filter. Both filters were washed with 200 ml of distilled water before use. Analyses of Fe2 + , Fe3 + and phosphate were performed immediately after extracting the pore water. The remaining pore water was stored in airtight flasks with septa at 4 ‘C in the dark. The extraction, filtration and determination of Fe’ + , Fe3+ and phosphate were carried out under anoxic conditions in an anaerobic hood to avoid oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3 + and a subsequent coprecipitation of phosphate. The cores were examined down to a depth of 14 cm, with sample slices taken every cm down to 4 cm, then every 2.5 cm. o-PO, was analyzed by the molybdenum blue method. Fe2 + -, Fe3 + -concentrations were determined by the bathophenanthroline method. APHA-Standard-Methods (1981) were used for the analyses of SO,’ - and Ca2 + , referring to the turbidimetric method with BaCl, as reagent and the EDTA titrimetric method with murexide as indicator, respectively. Alkalinity was obtained by titration with a 0.01 M HCl solution. All methods described above were optimized for 1 ml sample and standard volume, except for sulfate and electrical conductivity (5 ml) and aIkalinity (2 ml) determinations. Duplicates were analyzed, but due to the small total sample volume, only single measurements of SOd2-, Ca2+ and alkalinity were made.

Results and discussion Three different kinds of phosphate concentration profiles in the sediment pore waters were observed, corresponding to: i) the ‘mixed’ period in May 88, and subsequently from November 88 to January 89; ii) the ‘transition’ period in June and July 88 and iii) the ‘stagnant’ period from August until October 88. These periods are roughly correlated with the mixed and stratified lake periods, indicated by homothermy and thermal stratification respectively. (Fig. la-c) The stratification of the lake in summer causes

170 mixed


stagnant period






-1411 0

-14, 10









_I 10

, 20

O-PO, [Nl Fig.





, 60

, 70













1. Phosphate concentration patterns with sediment depth shown at three periods of different sediment conditions (see text), which could be roughly correlated to lake mixing and lake stratification: a) ‘mixed’; b) ‘transition’; c) ‘stagnant’.

the onset of reducing conditions in the sediment. Fig. lb shows a typical o-PO,-concentration profile in the pore water for this period, where a zone of o-PO,-production could be found at N 6.5 cm depth. From this zone o-PO, diffuses into the overlying water and deeper sediment horizons, following the concentration gradient. Since o-PO,-concentrations were always higher in the sediment pore waters than in the overlying water (42 m) throughout the whole sampling period o-PO,-fluxes (Fig. 1a-c), between the overlying water and the frost cm of the sediment pore waters were calculated with the assumption of molecular diffusion using Fick’s first law. This assumption is valid for the ‘stagnant’ period. During the ‘mixed and ‘transition’ periods, turbulent diffusion has to be considered. Thus the calculated o-PO,-fluxes represent the minimum values for the o-PO,fluxes from the pore water into the overlying water. They ranged from a minimum value of 49pM*me2*d-’ in June 88 to a maximum value of 70pM*m-‘*d-’ in January 89. The diffusion coefficient, D, = (3.6 & 1.1) *

10 - 6 cm2 * s - ‘, was taken from Krom & Berner (1980a). The turnover of the lake in winter is responsible for the profile of the mixed period (Fig. la). The lowering of the thermocline and the following strong convectional currents, which were confirmed by hydrodynamic measurements (Serruya et al., 1974), destroyed the sediment-water interface built up in summer. These bottom currents are responsible for a certain mixing of the upper layers of the sediment pore-waters in winter. Serruya et al. (1974) estimated a mixing down to 15 cm sediment depth. Resuspension of a few mm of the sediment may also occur (Serruya, 1976). In winter the dissolved species maintain a more or less constant concentration between 4 and 14 cm depth; o-PO, concentration ranged between 60 and 70 PM o-PO, (Fig. la). The pattern of the upper 4 cm might be caused by a persistent concentration gradient. The transition period is characterized by the development of stable conditions, which prevail throughout the summer (Fig. lb). To examine the variability of the sediment and

171 Table 1. Sediment pore-water concentrations of o-PO,, Fe2 + , Ca2 + , SO,‘- , carbonate-alkalinity, and pH,S-values at station A of Lake Kinneret, 5 Oct. 1988 (‘stagnant’ period). so,z-



Alk.* [meq l-r]



1.2 1.2 1.3 1.6 1.6 1.4 1.7 1.7 1.9

2.93 3.83 4.50 5.33 5.70 5.95 6.40 6.50 6.85

317 196 218 170 90 84 84 82 78

0.018 0.018 0.018 0.021 0.021 0.022 0.023 0.023 0.025



Fe2 +

Ca2 +




0** 1 2 3 4 6.5 9 11.5 14

2.4 26 42 46 61 70 68 36 10

ionic strength as well as pH-



7.35 7.16 7.07 7.03 7.00 6.96 6.93 6.90 6.84

3.70 3.42 3.45 3.66 3.77 4.10 4.45 5.60 6.57

* Alk. corresponds to carbonate-alkalinity (HS - -concentration ** 0 cm depth corresponds to the overlying water.

has been substracted).

pore water composition, three sediment cores were taken at the same time at station A. We observed differences in the pore water concentrations of several dissolved species between the three sediment cores, which however did not exceed 13 %. We therefore assume that the patchiness of the sediment cannot account for the observed seasonal variations of the concentration profiles. The measured o-PO,, Fe2 + , Ca2 + , Sod2 - and ionic alkalinity concentrations, calculated strength-values (Griffin & Jurinac, 1973), as well as pH- and pH,S-values for two characteristic measurements representing the ‘mixed’ and ‘stag-

nant’ period (5.01.89 and 5.10.88, respectively), are given in Tables 1 and 2. The redox potentials (pe-values) were always < 150 mV. Since the pe-value represents a mixed potential of several redoxactive substances present in the sample solution, which react with the platinum electrode cell, it is difficult to interpret these values qualitatively. The determination of pH,S-values in H,S-bearing waters is therefore much more informative with respect to the redox state of the sample solution (Peiffer, 1989). The first 15 centimetres of the sediment are characterized by high biological activity. Sulphate-reducing bacteria dominate in the first l-3

Table 2. Sediment pore-water concentrations of o-PO,, Fe2 + , Ca2 + , SO,‘-, carbonate-alkalinity, and pH,S-values at station A of Lake Kinneret, 5 Jan. 1989 (‘mixed’ period). Depth [cm1


Fe2 +

Ca2 +




Alk.* [meq 1- ‘1





0** 1 2 3 4 6.5 9 11.5 14

0.5 27 37 41 55 64 49 68 61

0.7 2.8 0.8 0.8 0.9 3.6 1.6 2.8 1.3

1.00 1.60 1.60 1.87 1.70 1.96 2.14 2.30 2.20

2.1 4.9 4.8 6.3 7.3 8.2 8.4 9.3 9.3

500 194 135 58 0 0 0 0 0

0.016 0.019 0.018 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.025 0.026 0.026

* Alk. corresponds to carbonate-alkalinity (HS --concentration ** 0 cm depth corresponds to overlying water.

has been substracted).

ionic strength as well as pH-



7.80 7.09 7.11 6.93 6.88 6.86 6.83 6.80 6.78

22.7 4.8 5.7 7.4 7.7 11.7 11.9 14.0 15.6

172 centimetres, reducing Sod’- to H,S as indicated by a decrease in Sod2 - -concentration with depth and a H,S-activity maximum at l-3 cm depth. Similar to the pattern of the o-PO,-concentration, H,S diffuses from this maximum into the overlying water and into deeper sediment horizons. sod2 - -concentration decreases from 270-500 PM in the overlying water to 50-190 PM at 4 cm depth in the sediment and to values of O-80pM down to 14 cm depth, causing an increase in carbonate-alkalinity with depth. Fermenting and probably methane-producing bacteria dominate below 4 cm depth, causing a decrease in the pH-value. During the sampling period, the pH-value decreased from 7.2-7.8 in the overlying water to 6.2-6.85 at 15 cm sediment depth. Carbonate-alkalinity increased from 2.1-3.8 meq 1-i in the overlying water to 6.6-9.3 meq 1-l at 15 cm depth. As can be seen from Tables 1 and 2, Ca2 + and HCO, - (representing carbonate alkalinity) diffuse into the overlying water because of the existing concentration gradient. Only a slight increase with depth could be observed for Ca2 + -concentration. In the sediment pore-waters Fe3 + could not be detected, in contrast to Fe” which was measurable. Furthermore, the presence of H,S at high concentrations (Table la, b) and the low EMF values (< 150 mV) of the platinum electrode cell (except for the one overlying water sample at turnover in January 1989) exclude the existence of dissolved Fe3 + and Fe3 + -hydroxides in the overlying- and sediment pore-water of Lake Kinneret. Formation of iron sulfides in presence of H,S was probably responsible for the observed Fe2 + -concentrations (O-8 PM, exception: June 88: 15-29 PM Fe2+ from 6.5 to 14 cm depth) in the overlyingand sediment pore-waters. These Fe2+ -concentrations are low in comparison to other freshwater systems (Emerson & Widmer, 1978). Soluble bisulfide complexes with ferrous iron: Fe(HS)‘, Fe(HS),, Fe(S)(HS)and Fe(HS),(Landing & Westerlund, 1988) have to be considered as causing the free Fe2 + -concentration to be lower than the measured Fe2+ -concentration. As no data were available for Fe(HS) + , Fe(HS), - and Fe( S)(H S) -, only

Fe(HS); has been considered for the calculation of the free Fe’+-concentration and the iron activity product of the iron sulfides. The calculated free Fe2 + -concentration as well as the calculated ion activity products might therefore be overestimated. Fe2+ + 2HS

-+ Fe(HS),

K = 108.’


and Fetot = Fe2 + + Fe(HS),



Fetot= measured Fe2 + Because of the difficulty in obtaining reliable values for the second dissociation constant of the H,S/HS - /S’ - system, Davison (1980) proposes the use of the following equations for the calculation of the ion activity products (IAP) of iron sulfides. H’

+ MS$HS-

+ M2+


where M = Fe and

IAP = W2+ > * P-IS-1 W’l { } denotes the activity of the metal-, hydrogen-, hydrogen sulfide-ions etc. HS --activities can be obtained from H,S-activities. Values for the ionic strength range between 0.016 and 0.025 M for all samples. Since the Davies-approximation is valid for I < 0.5 M, we used this approximation to calculate activity coefficients y. -logy,,


___Jr 1 JEi


Os2*I I

(10) with I = ionic strength [M] A = constant for 25 “C: 0.508 Z = charge of ion From equation (6) and (7) it follows that:

173 [Fe*+]

Tot 1



(1 + 1O8.9 {HS -}) Transformation

into activities,


= [Fe*+]

and combining IAP =



(12) with (9) gives

[Fe,,,1 (1 + 1O8.9 {HS-})

W-l Carbonate

YFe2+* {H’} (13)

The relation between IAP and solubility constant K,, for the following equation FeS + Fe*+ + S2-


is given by pIAP = pK,,

The results obtained by the calculation of ion activity products of vivianite, Fe,(PO,),, and siderite FeCO,, respectively, indicate undersaturation of the pore-waters with respect to both vivianite and siderite. The metastable iron sulfides, amorphous iron sulfide, greigite, mackinawite and pyrrhotite, therefore control Fe” -solubility in the sediment pore-water.

- pK,

where K, is the second dissociation constant. The values obtained for pIAP (denoting - log IAP) in the sediment pore-waters range between 2,9 and 4.9 in the first 4 cm and between 4.0 and 6.1 down to 14 cm depth. Iron sulfide solubility products (K,,) following equation (8) reported by Landing & Westerlund are: amorphous FeS pK,,: 3.6, greigite Fe,S, pK,, : 4.2, mackinawite pK,, : 4.9 and pyrrhotite pK,, :6.53. Comparison of the pIAP’s with the solubility products of the several iron sulfides indicates the possible formation of amorphous FeS, greigite Fe3S4, mackinawite S and pyrrhotite (Emerson, 1976) with F-q1 + x) depth. Analysis and comparison of the sediment Fe,,,-concentration (16-30 mg g- ’ dry substance) and of the acid soluble sulfide representing the iron fraction, which is bound as iron sulfide but not as pyrite, FeS,, (20-36 mg g- ’ dry substance) showed that most of the iron in the first 3-4 cm of the sediment is bound as iron sulfide. Acid soluble sulfide decreases with depth to about 2-3 mg g- ’ dry substance, whereas total iron stays constant. This difference between total and acid soluble sulfide below 4 cm is probably due to the formation of pyrite.

The ion activity product of CaCO, has been calculated as IAP = yca2+ P*+

1k,,z- W3*- 1

It is necessary to consider a CaHCO, +-complex, since this can lower the free Ca* + -concentration (Plummer & Busenberg, 1982). CO,2 - has been calculated from pH-values and carbonatealkalinity concentrations. The results indicate that the sediment pore-waters are undersaturated concerning CaCO,. The pIAP lies between 8.46 and 8.85 from May 88 until January 89. Chemisorption of impurities, which are attached at sites of CaCO, dissolution can greatly retard this process (Berner & Morse, 1974). In the case of CaCO, such impurities are mainly o-PO, (Bemer & Morse, 1974) and organic matter (Suess, 1970). This suggests that CaCO, dissolution in Lake Kinneret sediments may have been inhibited by adsorption of o-PO, and organic matter.

Phosphorus As discussed above, we could exclude the presence of Fe3+ in the sediment pore-waters throughout the sampling period. Furthermore the sediment pore-waters were undersaturated with respect to ferrous phosphate complexes like FeH,PO, + and FeHPO,. (formation constants: pK = 2.7 and pK = 3.7 respectively. Nriagu 1972). Also vivianite, a mineral which is often present in freshwater lakes (Emerson & Widmer,

174 34.7




3.3 15.4 15.6 15.8 16.0 16.2 16.4 16.6 16.8




- log Ca(OH),


log taco,

Ca/P ratios calculated with equation (4) and (5) (see text) for the overlying water throughout the sampling period, The calculated equations are: a) -log H,PO, = - 1.59 * - log Ca(OH), , r = - 0.96; b) - log H,PO, = - 3.18 * - log CaCO, , r = - 0.83; indicating the presence of apatite and a Ca,(HCO,),PO, surface complex, respectively. Fig. 2.

1978), does not determine o-PO,- and Fe* + -solubility in the sediment pore-waters of Lake Kinneret. Thus, a direct Fe-P relationship, responsible for the o-PO,-solubility in the se&ment pore-waters, may not exist here (Serruya et al., 1974) We therefore wished to demonstrate that a Ca-P relation within these periods could have determined the solubility of o-PO, in the sediment pore- and overlying-waters. The potential diagram technique, together with the calculation of ion activity products of several Ca-P species was used to evaluate such a possible relationship. The calculated molar Ca/P ratios (Fig. 2a, b) indicate the presence of apatite (Ca/P = 1.59, equation (4)) and a Ca,(HCO,),PO, surface complex (Ca/P = 3.18, equation (5)) in the overlying water. Such a clear relationship cannot be found for the pore water, if we consider each discrete layer (depth) throughout the whole sampling period. (We excluded the anomalous Nov. 88 sample, since the first 3 cm of the sediment were apparently advected by currents). Fig. 3 shows a plot of these molar Ca/P porewater ratios versus sediment denth. A linear relationship could be found for l-9 cm depth (correlation coefficients I = - 0.62 to - 0.93) but not for 11.5 and 14 cm depth (r = - 0.26 and - 0.36). Theoretical values could be obtained for 3 cm and I

6.5 cm depth, whereas the molar Ca/P ratios for 15 and 4 cm depth lie between mono-cakiumphosphate and di-calciumphosphate, and for 0.0 l

-1.5 l

-3.0 l

2 s -4.5 c & -O -6.0





Ca/P -ratio

Fig. 3. Calculated Ca/P ratios with depth for single layers of the sediment pore water throughout the sampling period, using equation (4) (see text). The vertical lines represent the theoretical values of the calcium phosphates. Ca(H,PO,), - .,- = 0.5; CaHPO, = 1.0; Ca,(PO,), = 1.5; Ca,H(PO,), = 1.3; Ca;(PO,),OH =-i.67.‘.-

175 9 cm depth between di-calciumphosphate and octa-calciumphosphate. The experimental determination of solubility products for calcium phosphates is complicated because of their metastable character. It is therefore difficult to clearly define a solution as under-, over- or saturated with respect to a distinct calcium phosphate mineral. Solubility products for di-calciumphosphate, CaHPO,, are given as 2.77 * 10 - ’ mole * l- i (Moreno et al., 1960) and 2.56 * lo-’ mole * l- i (Greogry et al., 1970) for /?-tri-calciumphosphate, Ca,(PO,), as 3.16 * 1O-29 mole * 1-l (Duff 1971) and for octa-calciumphosphate, Ca,H(PO,), as 1.45 * 10p4’ mole * l- ’ (Moreno et al., 1960). The solubility product for hydroxyapatite, Ca,(PO,),OH (or Ca,,(PO,),(OH),), ranges from 10e50, calculated from data from the river Rhine and Phone (Golterman & Meyer, 1985) to many experimentally determined solubility products, e.g. lo- 57, Stumm & Morgan (1981) 6.3 + 2.1 * 1O-59 Avnimelech & Moreno (1973). In this article, we refer to the experimentally determined data. Our calculated activity products indicated that the sediment pore-waters were undersaturated with respect to octa-calciumphosphate (pIAP = 48.4-55.7) at all depths, and saturated from l-9 cm depth with respect to di-calciumphosphate (pIAP = 7.7-8.1) and p-tri-calciumphosphate (pIAP = 28.3-30.0), taking into account the variability of the solubility products and the difficulties of their determination. Diand Q-tricalciumphosphate calciumphosphate were undersaturated in the overlying water and in the sediment pore-water at 11.5 and 14 cm depth (pIAP < 8.1 and < 30, respectively). The pIAP’s of hydroxyapatite lie between 5 1.3 and 54.1 at l-9 cm depth. pIAP values between 52.1-54.4 in the mixed period and 54.3-56.9 in the transition and stagnant periods have been found at 11.5 and 14 cm depth. The sediment pore-waters can be interpreted as slightly oversaturated with respect to hydroxyapatite from l-9 cm, whereas from 11.5 to 14 cm depth the sediment pore-waters were at saturation during the transition- and stagnant-, but

oversaturated during the mixed-period concerning hydroxyapatite. The overlying water was always saturated with respect to hydroxyapatite. The results obtained for the sediment porewaters by PDT and by calculation of ion activity products do not agree very well. Possibly, the adsorption of o-PO, on clay minerals (montmorillonite), uptake of o-PO, by bacteria (Gachter et al., 1988), or formation of mixed phosphate phases (see below) could distort the results obtained by these two methods. Nevertheless, we suggest that di-calciumphosphate, P-tri-calciumphosphate and probably intermediates of both, as indicated by the molar Ca/P ratios, could be responsible for the o-PO,_ -solubility in the sediment pore-waters. Oversaturation of solutions with respect to hydroxyapatite has been widely reported (Murray et&., 1978; Krom & Berner, 1980b; Matisoff et al., 1980), and could be caused by the presence of surface complexes on hydroxyapatite. Smith et al. (1974) reported that di-calciumphosphate exists as a chemical compound on the surface of dissolving apatite. Furthermore, Cole et al. (1953) reported that, at high o-PO,-concentrations, di-calciumphosphate precipitates and that this compound is an intermediate of hydroxyapatite, whereas at low o-PO,-concentrations O-PO, will adsorb on CaCO,. Since interstitial waters represent multicomponent systems, the existence of precipitates consisting of pure minerals or single solid phases is unlikely. Thus, the computation of activity products in such systems frequently gives unreliable results with respect to solubility. For these systems, mixed phases (e.g. Fe-Mn phosphates, Fe-Ca phosphates or Mg-Ca carbonates) have to be considered (Suess, 1979; Matisoff et al., 1980). In our case no evidence can be given for the existence of mixed phases, but the prevailing geochemical conditions strongly imply the possibility of their presence. These results, together with the difficulties in determining the solubility product of metastable calcium phosphates and stable hydroxyapatite, suggest that, besides the possible formation of

176 mixed phases, surface complexes, such as dicalciumphosphate and p-tri-calciumphosphate existing on the hydroxyapatite surface, determine the o-PO,-solubility in the sediment pore-waters. These metastable calcium phosphates will be transformed into the stable hydroxyapatite. The results of the Ca/P ratios and the determination of the IAP’s for the overlying water agree well, indicating the presence of hydroxyapatite and a carbonate-phosphate-surface complex, Ca,(HCO,),PO,, as described by Avnimelech (1980). The profiles of o-PO, (Fig. la-c) and the Ca2 + -concentrations (Table 1 and 2) in the upper sediment layers throughout the sampling period were mainly determined by diffusion of o-PO, and Ca2 + into the overlying water because of the concentration gradient. After being released from the sediment pore-water, o-PO, can be transported into the epilimnion and there, with increasing pH during stratification, coprecipitate or interact with calcite to form a surface complex, Ca,(HCO,),PO,. According to Stumm & Leckie (1971), o-PO, can be adsorbed immediately on calcite and may subsequently be transformed into an amorphous carbonate-hydroxy-apatite growing epitaxially in a pH-range of 6.8-8.3. We assume that this process occurs in Lake Kinneret. Finally, we emphasise that other mineralogical methods (e.g. SEM, TEM), which were beyond the scope of this study, would be desirable to verify our present conclusions. Acknowledgement This work was financially supported by a Minerva scholarship granted to B. Staudinger, who thanks Drs. W. Eckert, A. Nishri, 0. Hadas, Y. Salingar and the statf of the Kinneret Limnological Laboratory for their advice and help. References A.P.H.A., 1981. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. lSh Edition, Washington D.C., 1134 pp.

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1990; accepted 4 May 1990