Jul 27, 1993 - Akira SugawaraS, Paul M. Yen, James W. AprilettiO, Ralff C. J. RibeiroO, ... and Pathology, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Howard Hughes ..... Forman, B. M., Casanova, J., Raaka, B. M., Ghysdael, J., and Samuels, H. H.. 4.
Vol. 269,No. 1, Issue of January 7,pp. 433-437, 1994 Printed in U.S.A.
THEJOURNAL OF B I O L ~ ~ I C CHEMISTRY AL 0 1994 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc
Phosphorylation Selectively Increases Triiodothyronine Receptor Homodimer Binding toDNA* (Received for publication, July 27, 1993)
Akira SugawaraS,Paul M. Yen, James W. AprilettiO, RalffC. J. RibeiroO, David B. Sacks, John D. BaxterO, and William W. Chin From the Division of Genetics, Departments of Medicine a n d Pathology, Brigham a n d Women’s Hospital, Howard Hughes Medical Institute andHarvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115 a n d the §Metabolic Research Unit, University of California, Sun Francisco, California 94143-0540
T3 influences TR-DNAinteractions (7,18-21). We found that T3 Thyroidhormonereceptors (TRs) areligand-reguor TR/RXR decreases TR homodimer binding, but TFUTRAP not lated transcription factors that bind to thyroid hormone response elements ( m a ) as monomers and hoheterodimer binding, to several TREs (7, 17). Therefore, TBmodimers, and as heterodimers with nuclear proteins liganded TWTRAP or TFURXFt heterodimers may play an imX receptors. portant role in T3-mediated transcription (7, 17). Additionally, such asTR auxiliary proteins and retinoid Recently, bacterially expressed humanTRp-1 (hTRP-1) since unliganded TRs may suppress basal transcription (18, in vitro byHeLa wasshowntobephosphorylated 22), unliganded TR homodimers may be involved in basal recon- pression. cytosolic extract. However,little is known about the sequences of phosphorylationon the nature ofTR comIn addition to the effect of ligand, phosphorylation may be plexes. Therefore,we studied the effect of phosphoryla- involved in the transcriptional activity andor DNA binding tion on TR binding to TREs. Bacteriallyexpressed ability of members of the steroidthyroid hormone receptor suhTRp-1 was phosphorylated in vitrowith ATP by HeLa perfamily. Recently, i t has been reported that phosphorylation cytosolic extract. The ratio of phosphoserine to phosphothreonine was approximately5:l. We then analyzed enhances transcriptional activity of the progesterone receptor
of phosphorylatedhTRP-1binding to several TREs byelec- (23,24), and both transcriptional and DNA binding activities t h e glucocorticoid receptor (25). Chick TRa, v-erbA, and bactetrophoretic mobility shift assay. Phosphorylated hTRP-1 bound better as a homodimer to the TREs than hTRp-1rially expressed human TRP-1 (hTRP-1) are also known to be phosphorylated (26-29). However, t h e physiologicalsignifiincubatedwithpreheatedcytosolicextract.Alkaline phosphatase treatment of the phosphorylated hTR/3-1 cance of these phosphorylation eventsis still unclear. The chick eliminated the enhanced homodimer bindingDNA. to In TRa andv-erbA are phosphorylated at serine residues that are contrast, phosphorylation did not affect TWTR auxil- not conserved in mammalian TRs such as human and rat TR iaryprotein or TWretinoid X receptorheterodimer isoforms. The hTRP-1 was phosphorylated in vitro by HeLa binding toDNA. Triiodothyronine decreased both phos- cytosolic extract, which resulted inan increase in hTRP-1 DNA phorylated and unphosphorylated hTRp-1 homodimer binding using an avidin-biotin complex DNA binding assay binding to several m a , and the addition of okadaic (29). However, that study did not address the effect of phosacid did not alter this triiodothyronine effect. These rephorylation on the nature of TR complexes. Accordingly, we sults indicate that phosphorylation, in addition to li- have examined this question using electrophoreticmobility gand binding, modulatesTR dimer bindingto TREs. As shift assays (EMSA) and in vitro phosphorylated hTRP-1. Sursuch, it is possible that phosphorylation may also par- prisingly,phosphorylation of hTRP-1increasedhomodimer of transcription. ticipate in TR-mediated regulation binding to DNA, without changing TR/RXR or TR/TRAP heterodimer bindingto DNA. Thyroid hormone receptors (TRs)l are ligand-regulated transcription factorsthat belong toa large superfamilyof receptors including steroid hormone, vitaminD, and retinoic acid receptors (1, 2). TRs bind to specific DNA sequences called thyroid as monomers and hohormoneresponseelements(TREs) modimers (3-71, and bind as heterodimers with nuclear proteins suchas TR auxiliary proteins (TRAPS) (7-11) and retinoid X receptors (RXRs) (12-17). Several groups have reported that
* This work wassupported in part by Research Grant DK43682 (to D. B. S.) from the National Institutes of Health. The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement”in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. t Tu whom correspondence should be addressed: G. W. Thorn Research Bldg., Rm. 905,Brigham and Women’s Hospital, 20 Shattuck St., Boston, MA 02115. Tel.: 617-732-5858;Fax: 617-732-5123. The abbreviations used are: TR, thyroid hormone receptor; TRE, thyroid hormone response element; RXR, retinoid X receptor; TRAP, TR auxiliary protein; T3, triiodothyronine; h, human; m, mouse; PAGE, polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis; EMSA, electrophoretic mobility shift assay.
MATERIALS AND METHODS HeLa Cytosolic Extract Preparation-HeLa or HeLa thymidine kinase-negative (tk-; kindly provided by Dr. M. Pfahl, La Jolla Cancer Research Foundation, La Jolla, CAI cellsweregrown in monolayer culture at 37 “C, 5% COz in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium with 10%fetal calf serum, 100 unitdm1 penicillin, and 100 pg/mlstreptomycin. Cytosolic extracts were prepared as described previously (29). In Vitro Phosphorylation of TR-Bacterially expressed full-length hTRP-l* (98% pure, 20pmoV30 pl) was incubated with 10 pCiof [y-32PlATP,50 p~ ATP, and 15 pg of HeLacytosolic extract in the presence of 200 y sodium orthovanadate (Na,VO,) and 1 y okadaic acid in a final volume of 50 pl at 30 “C for 50 min as previously described (29).As a control, HeLa cytosolicextract preheated at 90 “C for 5 min was incubated under the same conditions. In thecase of samples used for stoichiometrydetermination and phosphoamino acidanalysis, the reaction was stopped with an equal volume of 10% (w/v) trichloroacetic acid, and 40 pl of 0.1% bovineserum albumin was added. Samples were processed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) (10% acrylamide gel) and autoradiography as previously described (30). Stoichiometry was determined by excising
J. W. Apriletti, manuscript in preparation.
Phosphorylation Increases TR Homodimer Binding to
the phosphorylated hTRp-1 from the gel; solubilizingin 1:2:10 (v/v/v)of water, Soluene, and Ultimagold; and performing liquid scintillation spectrometry. Background wasmeasured in a piece of gel without specifically enhanced radioactivity. WesternBlotting-AfterSDS-PAGE, proteins were transferred to polyvinylidene difluoride (Immobilon P, Millipore) in 25 mM Tris, 192 m glycine, and 20% (v/v) methanol for 120 min at 250 mA constant current. Membranes were dried, and autoradiography was performed. Phosphwmino Acid Analysis-Phosphoamino acidanalysis was performed by thin-layer chromatography as described (31). Briefly, after transfer to polyvinylidene difluoride, phosphorylated hTRp-1 was identified by autoradiography and hydrolyzed with 6 M HCl at 110 "C for 2 h. Phosphoamino acids were separated on cellulose plates in 7% (v/v) formic acid at 600 V for 7 h and identified by autoradiography. The position of migration of phosphoamino acids was determined by ninhydrinstaining of standards (phosphoserine, phosphothreonine, and phosphotyrosine). Immunoprecipitation of in Vitro Phosphorylated TRs-Polyclonal anti-TRp-1 antibody (32) was incubated with the same volume of immunizing peptide solution (1pg/pl) or phosphate-bufferedsaline for 1h a t 4 "C. As a control, preimmune serum was also incubated with the same volume of phosphate-buffered saline. ARer centrifugation at 10,000 x g for 5 min, 10 pl of the supernatantwas incubated with 10 pl of in vitro phosphorylated hTRp-1 and 30 pl of 1x immunoprecipitation buffer (50m Tris-HC1 (pH 7 3 , 150 m NaCl, 0.1% (v/v)Triton X-100, 0.1% (w/v) SDS, 10 rm NaF, 10 rm Na4P20,, 10 m EDTA,10 m EGTA, 2 m NaaVO,) for 2 h at 4 "C. Slurries (100 p1)of 10% (v/v) protein A-Sepharose (Calbiochem) in 50 m Tris (pH 7.5),150 m NaCl, 10 m x NaF, 10 rm Na4P207were added to each sample and mixed gently for 1 h at 4 "C. The samples were washed, boiled, and then analyzed bySDS-PAGE as previouslydescribed (32), except that samples were washed well with 50 m Tris-HC1(pH 7.5), 150m NaCl, 0.1% Triton X-100, and then with 50 m Tris-HC1 (pH 7 . 9 , 150 mM NaCl. DNA Binding AssaylEMSA-EMSA using F2(chickenlysozyme TRE) as a probe was performed as described previously (7, 17). EMSA using TREpal (palindrome of two TRE half-sites), rMHCa (rat myosin heavy chain (I TRE), or DR4 (direct repeat of two TRE half-sites spaced by 4 nucleotides)as probes were performed as previously described(19). In vitro phosphorylation of hTRP-1 for EMSA was performed using conditions identical to those described above, except that unlabeled ATP (2 m) was used.In vitro transcription and translationof human RXRa (hRXRa)in pBKS (kindly provided by Dr. M. G. Rosenfeld, University of California, San Diego, CA)and mouse RxRp (mRXRf3)in pBS (kindly provided by Dr. K. Ozato, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD) were performed, and the proteins were used for EMSA as previously described (17). Nuclear extracts of 235-1 pituitary cells used for EMSA were prepared as previously described (33). The rat liver TR auxiliary factor/protein(s) was obtained from fractions eluted out the high performance liquid chromatography sizing column during large scale purification of endogenous TRa (34). They didnot contain endogenous TR activity, as evidenced by their lack of T3 (data not shown) and DNA (Fig. 3B, lane IO) binding activities. The densities of the bands detected by EMSA were quantitated by scanning laser densitometry (Molecular Dynamics, Sunnyvale, CA). Alkaline Phosphatase I).eatment-hTRp-l phosphorylated with unlabeled ATP was incubated with or without 36 units of alkaline phosphatase (Boehringer Mannheim) in a final volume of 10 pl at 37 "C for 30 min and was then used for EMSA.
lB1. Anti-TRP-1 antibody immunoprecipitateda doublet of 32Plabeled bands (-50 kDa; Fig. X , lane 81, which migrated with mobilities identical to those of the 35S-labeled, in vitro translated hTRP-1 forms seen inFig. 1C (lane 1 ). These bands were not observed when anti-TRP-1 antibodywas preincubated with immunizing peptide (Fig. lC, lane 9)or when preimmune serum was used (Fig. lC, lane lo),indicating that these 32Plabeled doubletbands representphosphorylated hTRP-1. When cytosolic extract was incubated without hTRP-1 (Fig. lC, lanes 2-41, or hTRP-1 was incubated with preheated cytosolic extract (Fig. lC, lanes 5-71 in thepresence of [y-32PlATP, these bands were not observed. These data confirm that hTRP-1 phosphoHeLa cytosolic extract rylation is mediated by a kinase(s) in the (as previously reported; Ref. 29) whose activity was inactivated by heating. 32P-Labeled doublet bands with apparent molecular sizes of approximately 95 kDa were also immunoprecipitated (Fig. lC, lane 8).The identity of these 95-kDa bands is unknown. It is possible that they are due to weak antibody cross-reactivity with low abundance,but highly phosphorylated, non-TR proteins contained in the bacterialand/or cytosolic extract (Fig. 1, B and C ) . We next performed phosphoamino acidanalyses of the bands corresponding to TR and the 95-kDa protein. As shown in Fig. 2 A , phosphorylation of serine, tyrosine, and threonine residues in TR was ina ratio of 90:3:7 (lane 1 ) and 80:4:16 (lane 2 )in the absence and presence of okadaic acid and Na3V04, respectively. The ratio in the presence of okadaic acid and Na3V04 is similar to the ratioobserved by Lin et al. (29). In contrast, therelative ratios of phosphoserine, phosphotyrosine, and phosphothreonine in the95-kDa protein(s)were 61:2:37 (Fig. 2 B , lane 1)and 55:3:42 (Fig. 2 B , lane 2 ) in theabsence and presence of okadaic acid and Na3V04, respectively. These data suggest that the 95-kDa protein is unrelated toTR. Determination of stoichiometry showed that -0.1 molof phosphatdmol of hTRP-1 was incorporated. However, since cytosol is reported tocontain large amounts of ATP (0.2-1.9 mM) (36, 37), the actual stoichiometry is probably higher than 0.1. We next performed EMSA to study thebinding of phosphorylated hTRp-1 (incubated with cytosolic extract in the presence of ATP) and unphosphorylated hTRP-1 (incubated with preheated cytosolic extract in the presence of ATP) to several TREs containing half-sites of different orientations. As shown in Fig. 3,panel A (lanes 2 and 3) andpanel B (lanes 2,4,12,14, 16,and 18),phosphorylation of hTRP-1 increased homodimer binding to F2 (inverted palindrome), rMHCa (direct repeat), DR4 (direct repeat), and TREpal (palindrome). In the latter as monomer case,unphosphorylatedhTRp-1boundmainly (Fig. 3B, lane 2 ) , and the monomer binding was notincreased by phosphorylation of hTRP-1 (Fig. 3B, lane 4).Cytosolic extract alone showed no binding to F2(Fig. 3A, lane 1 ). We next treated phosphorylated hTRP-1 with alkalinephosphatase. As shown in Fig. 3C, phosphatasetreatment deRESULTS AND DISCUSSION creased TR homodimer binding (lanes l and 2 ) to F2, confirming that hTRp-1 phosphorylation enhances homodimer binding Silver staining of the unmodified bacteriallyexpressed hTRP-1 revealedtwo TR forms (55 and 49 m a ) , with the latter to DNA. Similar resultswere also observed with anotherTRE, probably due to translationfrom an internal methionine(Fig. DR4 (data not shown). Comparison of silver-stained hTRP-1 I A , lane 1 ). No bands corresponding to hTRp-1 were observed samples treated with or without alkaline phosphataseshowed the in HeLacytosolic extract (Fig. lA,compare lane 2 with lane 1 ). no difference in the protein patterns, indicating that phosWe previously reported that co-incubation of HeLa nuclearex- phatase did not contain any proteaseactivity (data notshown). We have shown previously that T3 decreases in vitro transtract with hTRP-1 formed a TRrIRAP heterodimer band that migrated more slowly than theTR homodimer band on EMSA lated TR homodimer binding toseveral TREs (7). T3 decreased and unphosphorylatedbacterially ex(35). However, co-incubation with HeLa cytosolic extract did bothphosphorylated not form additional bands on EMSA, suggesting that thecyto- pressed hTRp-1homodimer binding to F2 at similar concentrations (Fig. 4, panel A, lanes 1 4 , and panel B ) . Furthermore, solic extract did not contain any TRAP activity (datanot shown). When hTRP-1 was phosphorylated with [y3'P1ATP by addition of the phosphatase inhibitors, Na3V04 and okadaic HeLa cytosolic extract and analyzed by SDS-PAGE, three ma- acid, had no effect on the T3-mediated decrease in TR hojor 32P-labeled bands (95,50, and 32 kDa) were observed (Fig. modimer binding to F2 (Fig. 4 A , lanes 5 and 6).T3 also de-
Phosphorylation Increases TR Homodimer Binding to DNA A
46 -
- P-Tyr
- P-Ser
" okadaic acid :
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- P-Thr
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FIG.1. SDSPAGE analysis of hTR&l. A, hTRP-l-containing bacterial and HeLa cytosolic extracts were analyzed by SDS-PAGE, and silver staining of the gel was performed using Silver Stain Plus (BioRad) according to the manufacturer's instructions. Lane 1, bacterial extract containing hTRP-1 (10 pl); lane 2 , HeLa cytosolic extract alone (1 pg). B, SDS-PAGE analysis of the phosphorylated hTRp-1 before immunoprecipitation. Bacterially expressed hTRP-1 incubatedwith HeLa cytosolic extract in the presence of [y-32PlATP(33 pl) was passed through a Sephadex G-50 column, and the eluate was analyzed by SDS-PAGE. C , phosphorylation of hTRP-1 by HeLa cytosolic extract. Lane 1, 3sS-labeled in vitro translated hTRP-1. Cytosolic extract alone (lanes 2-4) and bacterially expressed hTRP-1 incubated with either HeLa cytosolic extract (lanes 8-10)or preheated cytosolic extract (lanes 5-7) in the presence of [y-32P]ATPwere immunoprecipitated a s described under "Materials and Methods." Immunoprecipitation was performed using anti-TRP-1 antibody alone (lanes 2 , 5 , and 8),anti-TRP-1 antibody preincubated with immunizing peptide (lanes 3,6,and 9). and preimmune serum (lanes 4, 7, and 10). hTRP-1 bands are indicated by arrows. Abbreviations are asfollows: pre, preimmune serum; cyt, cytosolic extract.
okadaicacid : NasV04
+ +
2. Phosphoamino acid analyses of hTRf3-1 and 96-kDa protein. A, phosphoamino acid analysis of hTRP-1 phosphorylated with HeLa cytosolic extract in the absence (lane 1 ) or presence (lane2) of 200 p~ Na3V0, and 1p~ okadaic acid. B, phosphoamino acid analysis of the 95-kDa protein phosphorylated in theabsence (lane 1 )or presence (lane 2 ) of 200 p~ Na3V04 and 1 p~ okadaic acid. P-Thr, P - n r , and P-Ser represent the positions of migration of phosphothreonine, phosphotyrosine, and phosphoserine, respectively. The origin for each sample lanein the thin-layer chromatography is indicated. FIG.
protein(s) using TREpal as a probe (Fig. 3B, lanes 6-9). In addition, alkaline phosphatase treatment of phosphorylated hTRP-1 incubated with cytosolic extract had no effect on heterodimerization with endogenous TRAP in 235-1 nuclear excreased phosphorylated hTRP-1 homodimer binding to rMHCa tract using F2 (Fig. 3C, lanes 3 and 4 ) .Similar resultswere also and DR4 (Fig. 3B, lanes 15 and 19).Additionally, as previously observed with another TRE, DR4 (data not shown). These data reported for unphosphorylated hTRP-1 (191, T3increased both suggest that phosphorylation of hTRP-1 affects TR homodimer monomer and homodimer binding of phosphorylated hTRP-1 to binding to TREs, but not TWTRAF' or TR/RXR heterodimer TREpal (Fig. 3B, lunes 4 and 5).These results also imply that binding to TREs. These results aresimilar to those of Lin et al. the T3 influence on TR-DNAbinding is not exerted by inducing (291, whoobserved an increase in phosphorylated TR binding to dephosphorylation of the TR sites phosphorylated by the HeLa DNA.However, their workdid not distinguish whether the cytosolic extract. increase was due to increased TR homo- or heterodimer bindWe also performed EMSA to examine the ability of phos- ing. Phosphorylation can alter the DNA binding activity of sevphorylated and unphosphorylated hTRP-1 to form heterodimers with endogenous TRAP or in vitro translated RXR. eral othertranscription factors in addition to hTRP-1(38). For In order to allow only heterodimer formation, lo4 M T3 was example, glucocorticoidreceptor (25), SRF (39), and CREB (40) added to each sample. In contrast to their ability to form ho- binding to DNA is increased by phosphorylation. In contrast, modimers, there was no difference between phosphorylated c-Myb (41), c-Jun (42), and Max homodimer (43) binding to and unphosphorylated hTRP-1 heterodimerization with in vitro DNA is decreased by phosphorylation. Interestingly, Max phostranslated RXRa, RXRP,or endogenous TRAP in 235-1 nuclear phorylation does not affect MydMax heterodimer binding to extract using F2 as the TRE (Fig. 3A, lanes 4-12). Similar DNA(43). results were also observed with rat liver TR auxiliary factor/ The role of TRphosphorylation in TR action is unknown. The
Phosphorylation Increases TR Homodimer Binding to DNA
436 A
3 .
B ,
~ T R D - I : - U U P P U U P P- - U U P P U U P P Liver: - - . . + + + + + . " . . . T 3 : - - + - + - + - + . + probe : TREpal MHca OR4
T3 Concentration
FIG.4. Tseffect on TFt homodimer binding to F2 TRE.A, effect of phosphatase inhibitors on the T,-induced decrease in homodimer binding to DNA. Phosphorylated (lanes 1, 3, and 5) or unphosphorylated (lanes 2 , 4 , and 6 )hTRP-l(O.7 PI) was analyzedby EMSAin the absence (lanes 1 and 2 ) or presence of 10" M T3 (lanes 3 and 4 ). In lanes 5 and 6,phosphatase inhibitors (200PM Na3V0, and 1 okadaic acid) werealsoincubatedwith M T3. B, T3 dose-dependent effect on hTRP-1 homodimer binding to F2 TRE. Phosphorylated or unphosphorylated hTRP-1(1pl) was incubated with increasing concentrations of T3 and analyzed by EMSA. The intensities of the homodimer bands on the fluorograph were quantitatedby laser densitometry. The density of the homodimer band in the absence of T3 is set as maximal homodimer bound (100%).
influence of phosphorylation on DNA binding appears to be selective for homodimers and, therefore, could affect TR function when homodimers are active. This might be more prominent in the absence ofT3, since the ligand tends to disrupt homodimers, and unligandedTRs may repress basal transcription. However, since okadaic acid enhances T3-mediated transcriptional activation: it is possible that phosphorylated TR may activate transcription in its liganded state. In any case, our results provide evidence for another mechanism, in addition to ligand binding, by which homodimer binding to TREs is modulated. As such, i t is possible that phosphorylation of TRs may participate inTR-mediated regulation of transcription.
FIG.3. EMSA of phosphorylated and unphosphorylated hTRp-I. A , homo- and heterodimerization of phosphorylated and unphosphorylated hTRP-1 on F2 TRE. Homodimer formation was examined using 1 pl of phosphorylated (lane 2 ) and unphosphorylated(lane 3 ) hTRp-1. Lane 1, cytosolic extract alone (2 pg). For heterodimer formation, in vitro translated hRXRa (3 pl, lanes 4 4 3 , mRXRp (3 pl, lanes 7-9),or 235-1 cell nuclear extract (3 pg, lanes 10-12)was incubated with 0.3 pl of either phosphorylated (lanes 4 , 7,and 10) or unphosphorylated (lanes 5,8,and 11) hTRP-1 in the presenceof 10" M T3. B , homo- and heterodimerizationof phosphorylated and unphosphorylated hTRp-1 on different TREs. Homodimer formation was examined using K. Jones, personal communication. 1 pl of phosphorylated (lanes 4, 5 , 14, 15, 18, and 19) or unphosphorylated (lanes 2.3, 12, 13, and 17) 16,hTRP-1 on TREpal (lanes 1 5 ) , rMHCa (lanes 11-15),and DR4 (lanes 1619).In lanes 3,5,13,15,17, EMSA in the absence (lanes 1 and 2 ) or presence of 2 pg of235-1 and 19,T3 (lo-" M) was added.Lanes 1 and 11,probe alone. Heterodimer nuclear extract and10" M T3 (lanes 3 and 4). Additional abbreviations: formation was examined using 1pl of phosphorylated (lanes8 and 9 )or P,phosphorylated hTRP-1; U,unphosphorylated hTRP-1; PM, hTRP-I unphosphorylated (lanes 6 and 7 )hTRp-1 with rat liver TRAP (Liver) monomer; PD, hTRP-1 homodimer; TRIRa, hTRP-yhRXRahet(0.7 pg) on TREpal in the absence(lanes 6 and 8 )or presence (lanes 7 erodimer; TRIRP; hTRP-lIrnRXRP heterodimer; HD, heterodimers of and 9 )of T3 (IO-* M). Lane 10,rat liver TR auxiliary factor/protein(s) hTRP-1 formed with endogenous TRAP in liver; HDl and HD2, het(0.7 pg) alone. C , effect of alkaline phosphatase treatmentof phospho- erodimers of hTRP-1 formed with two endogenous TRAPS in 235-1 cells rylated hTRP-1on homo- and heterodimerization on F2 TRE. Phospho- (35). Notethat thetwo hTRP-l/hRXRa heterodimer bands areprobably rylated hTRp-1 was treated with (lanes 1 and 3 )or without (lanes2 and due to the two in vitro translated products of hRXRa. * represents 4 ) alkaline phosphatase. Then 0.8 pl of each sample was analyzed by nonspecific binding.
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to DNA
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