Physical activity and associated factors among students ... -

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Jan 14, 2015 - Rev Bras Cineantropom Desempenho Hum 2015, 17(2):205-215. 207 of a project that has evaluated the physical activity level and health risk.


original article

Physical activity and associated factors among students attending evening classes Fatores associados à atividade física em adolescentes estudantes do período noturno Fabio Luis Ceschini1 Erinaldo Luiz de Andrade1 Aylton Figueira Júnior1

Abstract – The aim of this study was to describe the physical activity level and associated factors among students attending evening classes in public and private schools in a region of the city of São Paulo. The sample was composed of 1,844 adolescents of both sexes aged 15-20 years. Three public and private schools in the city of São Paulo were visited. Daily physical activity level was assessed through International Physical Activity Questionnaire that classifies physical activity level. Physical activity level was divided into insufficiently active (when subject reported less than 300 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activities per week) and physically active (when subject reported more than 300 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activities per week). Information related to risk behavior such as smoking and alcohol consumption was collected. Data were analyzed using logistic regression with three levels of data input and p300 minutos/semanais) foi de 36,1%, se associando às seguintes variáveis: A) rapazes mais jovens e com menor nível socioeconômico; B) adolescentes que estudavam em escolas privadas; C) não fazer uso de tabaco ou bebidas alcoólicas; D) não exercer atividades profissionais remuneradas e; E) frequentar a escola nos fins de semana para praticar atividades físicas. O nível de atividade física dos estudantes de escolas públicas e privadas parece sofrer influência do período que frequentam as aulas, sugerindo a implantação de mecanismos de incentivo que aumentem a participação em atividades físicas. A estrutura escolar e programas de intervenção poderiam contribuir para incrementar o nível de atividade física entre adolescentes. Palavras-chave: Adolescentes; Atividade motora; Ensino noturno.

1 São Judas Tadeu University. Graduate Program in Physical Education. São Paulo, SP. Brazil.

Received: 12 October 2014 Accepted: 14 January 2015 CC


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Physical activity level in adolescents

Ceschini et al.

INTRODUCTION The last decades have been marked by major technological changes worldwide, which may explain in part the decrease in daily physical activity levels in adolescents and young adults both in developed and developing countries1. Scientific evidence has demonstrated that reduced physical activity levels are associated with higher prevalence of chronic diseases, especially when there is combination of health risk behaviors such as tobacco use, alcohol consumption and poor diet, which result in high levels of blood cholesterol, overweight and type II diabetes2,3. On the other hand, there is consensus about the relationship between regular physical activity and its health benefits, regardless of age, ethnicity and social class4,5. Specifically during adolescence, the combination between low physical activity levels and health risk behaviors are determining factors in the development of the cardiorespiratory, neuromuscular and bone mass problems during adolescence and adulthood6,7. Studies have shown various health risk indicators in adolescents, which have led public health authorities worldwide to increase interventions, following recommendations of health promotion focusing on regular physical activity for adolescents supported by the World Health Organization2, American Heart Association5, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention3, American College of Sports Medicine7 and American Academy of Pediatrics8. Recommendations suggest that all adolescents should perform at least 300 minutes of physical activity per week, over five days of week, 60 minutes per session, preferably at moderate and vigorous intensities2,3,7,8. In a recent meta-analysis study evaluating Brazilian adolescents, it was demonstrated that the prevalence of physical inactivity (