Physics 222: Modern Physics for Engineers

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Course objectives: To learn the physics of the 20th century. Course outcomes: Know ... Text: Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers by S. Thornton and A.
Physics 222: Modern Physics for Engineers Spring 2014 Instructor: Hans Schuessler Office: TBA Office Phone: TBA Lectures: TRU 10:00 – 10:50am, Engineering Bld. 114

Website: Office Hours: R 10:00am – 11:00am or by appointment Email: [email protected]

Course objectives: To learn the physics of the 20th century Course outcomes: Know the basic laws of relativity, quantum and atomic physics, nuclear physics ad solid state physics. Text:

Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers by S. Thornton and A. Rex 4th Edition ISBN: 9781133103721 Tentative Class Schedule: Week: Topic: January 12 Birth of modern physics, Special relativity January 19 Time dilation, length contraction, etc January 26 Relativistic velocity, momentum and energy February 2 General relativity and EXAM I February 9 Experimental basis of Quantum Theory February 16 Quantum Mechanics I February 23 Quantum Mechanics II March 5 Hydrogen atom March 16 EXAM II March 23 Atomic Physics March 30 Molecules and Solids April 6 Atomic Nucleus April 13 EXAM III April 20 Semiconductors TBA FINAL EXAM

Chapter: 1, 2 2 2 15 3 5 6 7 8 10 12 11

Lab and recitation: no recitation Assessment: There will be 3 exams, approximately every 4 weeks, some unannounced short quizzes, homework assignments and a final exam. The grade will be determined as follows: Each exam 20%; short quizzes, research topics, and homework 10%; and final exam 30%. Academic Integrity Statement: The Aggie Honor Code is β€œAn Aggie does not lie, cheat, or steal or tolerate those who do.” For more information, refer to the Honor Council Rules and Procedures on the web at