The Quantum Theory of Fields by Steven Weinberg and Quantum Field. Theory
in a Nutshell by Anthony Zee are on reserve at the Marriott Library. Description:.
Physics 7640: Quantum Field Theory I Fall 2013
Instructor: Email: Phone: Office: Office Hours:
Pearl Sandick
[email protected] 801-581-8397 INSCC 210 M 4:00-5:00pm & by appointment
Jason Kumar
[email protected] 808-956-2972 WAT 436 by appointment
Course Website: All announcements, lecture notes, assignments, and solutions will be posted on the course website. Check it often! A Google Calendar for the course is also available there.
Prior to Nov. 3rd, T Th 1:00pm-2:15pm in JFB 210 After Nov. 3rd, T Th 12:00pm-1:15pm in JFB 210
An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory M.E. Peskin and D.V. Schroeder ISBN: 0-201-50397-2
There are many great references available both online and in print form. Links to several electronic references are available on the course webpage. The Quantum Theory of Fields by Steven Weinberg and Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell by Anthony Zee are on reserve at the Marriott Library.
This is the first semester of a two-semester graduate-level course sequence in Quantum Field Theory. Topics covered will include quantization of scalar and fermionic fields, quantization of gauge fields, perturbation theory and scattering, renormalization and quantum corrections, and quantum electrodynamics.
By the end of the course, students will develop an understanding of the formalism, techniques, and important physical applications of quantum field theory, i.e. students will understand how quantum mechanics and special relativity combine to produce realistic theories of particle creation and annihilation. Students will be able to carry out tree-level calculations in quantum electrodynamics.
Homework and Exams:
Homework problems will be assigned roughly every two weeks. In order to receive full credit, your solutions must be correct and your calculation and/or explanation must be clear. There will be one take-home midterm exam roughly halfway through the semester, and one take-home final exam. 1
60% Homework 20% Midterm 20% Final Exam
Important Dates:
August 27th (Tuesday) - First Day of Class September 4th (Wednesday) - Last day to drop classes October 13-20 (Sunday-Sunday) - Fall Break October 25th (Friday) - Last day to withdraw from classes November 3rd (Sunday) - Daylight Savings Ends - Time Change November 28-29 (Thursday-Friday) - Thanksgiving Break December 12th (Thursday) - Last Day of Class
Cheating on exams or copying homework will not be tolerated. You are encouraged to discuss class lectures and readings with your classmates, as well as to collaborate on homework assignments, provided all members of the group contribute to the collaboration. In all cases, all students must turn in their own unique solutions. If caught cheating or copying assignments from any sources, all parties involved will receive zero credit for the exam or assignment.
ADA Compliance:
The University of Utah Department of Physics seeks to provide equal access to its programs, services and activities for people with disabilities. If you will need accommodations in this course, reasonable prior notice must be given to the instructor and to the Center for Disability Services, 162 Olpin Union Bldg, 581-5020 (V/TDD) to make arrangements for accommodations. You are strongly encouraged to come and talk to the instructor about your disability and necessary accommodations within the first two weeks of the semester.