Plagiarism Detection for Multithreaded Software Based on Thread ...

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for distributing Busybox in its FIOS wireless routers [1], and the crisis of Skype's VOIP service for the violation of licensing terms of Joltid. Unfortunately software ...
Plagiarism Detection for Multithreaded Software Based on Thread-Aware Software Birthmarks 1

Zhenzhou Tian1, Qinghua Zheng1, Ting Liu1∗, Ming Fan1, Xiaodong Zhang1, Zijiang Yang2, 3

MOEKLINNS, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China 2 Department of Computer Science, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, USA 3 College of Computer and Technology, Xi’an University of Technology, 710048, China {zztian,fanming.911025,oijiaoda}; {qhzheng,tingliu}; [email protected]


for distributing Busybox in its FIOS wireless routers [1], and the crisis of Skype’s VOIP service for the violation of licensing terms of Joltid. Unfortunately software plagiarism is easy to implement but very difficult to detect. The unavailability of source code and the existence of powerful automated semantic-preserving code obfuscation tools [8] are a few reasons that make software plagiarism a daunting task. Nevertheless, researchers welcomed this challenge and developed effective methods. Software watermarking is one of the earliest and most widely adopted techniques. A watermark is a unique identifier embedded in a program before its distribution. Being hard to remove but easy to verify, watermarks can serve as a strong evidence for occurrences of software plagiarism. However, watermarks in a program may be eliminated by code obfuscations. It is also believed that a sufficiently determined attacker will eventually be able to defeat any watermark [7]. In order to address the problem, the concept of software birthmark was proposed. A birthmark is a set of characteristics extracted from a program that reflect the program’s intrinsic properties and can be used to uniquely identify the program. As illustrated in [17], with proper algorithms birthmarks may identify software theft even after code obfuscations.

Categories and Subject Descriptors

Despite the tremendous progress in software plagiarism detection technology, a new trend in software development greatly threatens its effectiveness. In recent years, from smartphones to servers, multicore processors are now ubiquitous. The availability of inexpensive multicore hardware presents a turning point in software development. In order for software applications to benefit from the continued exponential throughput advances in new processors, the applications must be multithreaded programs. The trend towards multithreaded programs is creating a gap between the current software development practice and the software plagiarism detection technology as the existing dynamic approaches remain optimized for sequential programs and cannot be applied to multithreaded without significant redesign.

The availability of inexpensive multicore hardware presents a turning point in software development. In order to benefit from the continued exponential throughput advances in new processors, the software applications must be multithreaded programs. As multithreaded programs become increasingly popular, plagiarism of multithreaded programs starts to plague the software industry. Although there has been tremendous progress on software plagiarism detection technology, existing dynamic approaches remain optimized for sequential programs and cannot be applied to multithreaded programs without significant redesign. This paper fills the gap by presenting two dynamic birthmark based approaches. The first approach extracts key instructions while the second approach extracts system calls. Both approaches consider the effect of thread scheduling on computing software birthmarks. We have implemented a prototype based on the Pin instrumentation framework. Our empirical study shows that the proposed approaches can effectively detect plagiarism of multithread programs and exhibit strong resilience to various semantic-preserving code obfuscations. K.5.1 [Legal Aspects of Computing]: Hardware/Software Protection—Copyrights, Licensing; K.4.1 [Computer and Society]: Public Policy Issues—Intellectual property rights

General Terms

Experimentation, Security, Legal Aspects

Keywords Software Program






Software plagiarism is becoming a serious threat to the healthy development of the software industry. The recent incidents include the lawsuit against Verizon by Free Software Foundation

Figure 1 shows a multithreaded program that is taken from a test case used in the WET [25] project with slight modifications. We apply two widely used software plagiarism detection approaches based on software birthmarks: Dynamic Key Instruction Sequence Birthmark (DKISB) [22] and System Call Short Sequence Birthmark (SCSSB) [24]. We execute the program multiple times under the same inputs. For each run we use DKISB or SCSSB to extract a software birthmark and then compare the similarity between the birthmarks across different runs. The similarity is computed using four different metrics, including Cosine distance, Jaccard index, Dice coefficient and Containment [22, 20, 6, 24], that are widely used in birthmark based plagiarism detection literature. According to its definition, a birthmark can uniquely

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In this paper, we present thread-aware algorithms that effectively detect plagiarism of multithreaded programs at the binary level. Unlike many existing approaches [14, 19, 11] that require source code, our approach uses binary because source code is usually unavailable when birthmark techniques are used to obtain the initial evidence of software plagiarism. We name our two approaches TW-DKISB (Thread Aware Dynamic Key Instruction Sequence Birthmark) and TW-SCSSB (Thread Aware System Call Short Sequence Birthmark) that amend the existing approaches of DKISB and SCSSB, respectively. We exploit two models to abstract the thread information during birthmark extraction. The similarity of birthmarks is computed using two matching algorithms on the four metrics, i.e. Cosine Distance, Jaccard Index, Dice Coefficient and Containment [22, 20, 6, 24].

#include #include #include #include #define N 8 pthread_t mThread[N]; void *run(void *data){ int tid; tid =(int) data; printf("hello world from thread %d\n",tid); return NULL; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ int rc, i; int count; printf("input a number please: \n"); scanf("%d",&i); for(i;i