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Department of Plant Pathology. 201F Plant Science Building 1405 Veterans Drive University of Kentucky Lexington, KY 40546-0312. phone: (859) 257-7445
The Plant Journal (2006) 45, 320–334

doi: 10.1111/j.1365-313X.2005.02618.x

Light-dependent hypersensitive response and resistance signaling against Turnip Crinkle Virus in Arabidopsis A. C. Chandra-Shekara1, Manisha Gupte1, Duroy Navarre2, Surabhi Raina3, Ramesh Raina3, Daniel Klessig4 and Pradeep Kachroo1,* 1 Department of Plant Pathology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40546, USA, 2 USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Washington State University, 24106 N. Bunn Road, Prosser, WA 99350, USA, 3 Biology Department, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244, USA, and 4 Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research, Tower Road, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA Received 30 July 2005; revised 28 September 2005; accepted 10 October 2005. * For correspondence (fax 859 323 1961; e-mail [email protected]).

Summary Resistance to Turnip Crinkle Virus (TCV) in Arabidopsis ecotype Dijon (Di)-17 is conferred by the resistance gene HRT and a recessive locus rrt. In Di-17, TCV elicits a hypersensitive response (HR), which is accompanied by increased expression of pathogenesis-related (PR) genes and high levels of salicylic acid (SA). We have previously shown that HRT-mediated resistance to TCV is dependent on SA-mediated signal transduction and that increased levels of SA confer enhanced resistance to TCV via upregulation of the HRT gene. Here we show that HRT-mediated HR and resistance are dependent on light. A dark treatment immediately following TCV inoculation suppressed HR, resistance and activation of the majority of the TCV-induced genes. However, the absence of light did not affect either TCV-induced elevated levels of free SA or the expression of HRT. Interestingly, in the dark, transgenic plants overexpressing HRT showed susceptibility, but overexpression of HRT coupled with high levels of endogenous SA resulted in pronounced resistance. Consistent with these results is the finding that exogenous application of SA prior to TCV inoculation partially overcame the requirement for light. Light was also required for N gene-mediated HR and resistance to Tobacco Mosaic Virus, suggesting that it is an important factor which may be generally required during defense signaling. Keywords: Turnip Crinkle Virus, salicylic acid, defense, Arabidopsis, signaling, ssi2, light.

Introduction Plants are dependent on light for their survival. In addition to providing life-sustaining energy, light is required for various growth and developmental processes (Chory, 1997; Karpinski et al., 2003; Mustilli and Bowler, 1997). Light also plays a role in plant defense against pathogens and is required for activation of several defense genes and regulation of the cell death response (Asai et al., 2000; Brodersen et al., 2002; Fryer et al., 2003; Karpinski et al., 1999; Mateo et al., 2004). Studies on light perception have shown that salicylic acid (SA)-induced pathogenesis-related 1 (PR-1) gene expression and bacterial pathogen-induced SA accumulation are dependent on light (Genoud et al., 2002; Karpinski et al., 2003; Zeier et al., 2004). Furthermore, Arabidopsis plants grown in the dark or under reduced light are compromised in their 320

local and systemic resistance responses to the avirulent pathogen Pseudomonas syringae (Genoud et al., 2002; Zeier et al., 2004). Genetic evidence supporting the role of light in defense was provided by studies on mutants that are defective in the perception of light. Mutations in the photoreceptors phytochrome A (phyA) or B (phyB) not only compromised the hypersensitive response (HR) but also repressed the SA-induced expression of the PR-1 gene (Genoud et al., 2002). The more severe effect of the phyA phyB double mutant on the SA-mediated pathway further suggests that light perception has a cumulative effect on SA signaling and plant defense. The SA-signal transduction pathway plays a pivotal role in plant defense signaling. Several components of the SAmediated pathway have been identified, and mutations in ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

Light-mediated signaling against TCV 321 these lead to enhanced susceptibility to various pathogens (reviewed in Durrant and Dong, 2004). Mutations in EDS1 (Falk et al., 1999), EDS5 (Nawrath and Metraux, 1999; Nawrath et al., 2002), PAD4 (Jirage et al., 1999) and SID2 (Wildermuth et al., 2001) reduce or abolish pathogeninduced increases in SA levels. However, exogenously supplied SA, or its functional analog benzo(1,2,3)thiadiazole-7-carbothioic acid (BTH), is able to induce PR-1 gene expression in eds1, eds5, pad4, and sid2 mutants, which suggests that these components act upstream of SA (Chandra-Shekara et al., 2004; Nawrath et al., 2002). Besides their role in the resistance (R ) gene-mediated resistance response, EDS1, EDS5, PAD4 and SID2 also participate in basal resistance to pathogens, and mutations in these genes lead to enhanced susceptibility to virulent pathogens. The mechanisms through which EDS1 (a putative lipase), EDS5 (a member of the MATE transporter family) and PAD4 (a putative lipase) regulate pathogen-induced SA accumulation are unclear. Resistance to turnip crinkle virus (TCV) in Arabidopsis is dependent on the EDS1, EDS5, PAD4 and SID2 genes of the SA pathway (Chandra-Shekara et al., 2004). However, TCV-induced HR and PR-1 gene expression are independent of mutations affecting the SA pathway, suggesting that these phenotypes are independent of SA or require much lower levels of SA. HR and resistance to TCV are conferred by HRT, which encodes a putative resistance (R) protein with coiled coil, nucleotide binding, and leucinerich-repeat domains. However, unless overexpressed, HRT is insufficient to confer resistance in the absence of a recessive allele at a second locus, rrt (Chandra-Shekara et al., 2004; Cooley et al., 2000). Interestingly, while the majority of TCV-resistant Arabidopsis ecotype Dijon (Di)17 plants restrict the virus to the inoculated leaves, 1–15% of the inoculated plants show systemic spread of the virus (Chandra-Shekara et al., 2004; Dempsey et al., 1993, 1997; Kachroo et al., 2000; Simon et al., 1992). This suggests that environmental factors may play a role in resistance signaling. In the present work, we demonstrate that HRT activates HR and resistance via a pathway(s) that is dependent on light, but independent of the photoreceptors phytochrome A (PHYA) and phytochrome B (PHYB). However, the absence of light does not affect TCV-induced elevated levels of free SA. Exogenous application of SA or the presence of high levels of endogenous SA only partially restored resistance in dark-treated plants. Moreover, HRT expression was unaffected by light and overexpression of HRT was insufficient to confer TCV resistance in the dark. The dark treatment carried out prior to TCV inoculation or 24 h after inoculation did not affect the HR or resistance. Taken together, these results suggest that light is required after TCV inoculation and acts downstream of HRT.

Results Light modulated HR and resistance to TCV Light is known to play an important role in several physiological and developmental processes. To examine whether light affects resistance to viral pathogens, we assessed the effects of light on HR and resistance to TCV in resistant (Di-17) and susceptible (Columbia; Col-0) ecotypes of Arabidopsis. After inoculation with TCV, plants were incubated in the dark for 10, 12, 24, 48 or 72 h followed by exposure to 14 h light (178.9 lmol m)2 sec)1)/ 10 h dark (0 lmol m)2 sec)1) cycles. Col-0 plants, which lack the HRT gene, did not exhibit an HR under any of the conditions used. In contrast, Di-17 plants grown for 10 and 12 h in the dark post TCV inoculation (drk-pi) developed a normal HR 3 days post inoculation (dpi). However, as the dark period was lengthened the number of HR lesions in Di-17 plants was progressively reduced, with 24 h darktreated plants showing a marginal reduction, 48 h darktreated plants exhibiting a significant reduction and 72 h dark-treated plants failing to develop an HR (Figure 1a). HR development was confirmed by trypan blue staining of mock- and TCV-inoculated leaves at 3 dpi. While the leaves from Di-17 plants grown under normal conditions or in 12 h of darkness showed localized cell death lesions corresponding to a visible HR, the Col-0 and 48 or 72 h darktreated Di-17 plants showed dying cells throughout the leaf and 24 h drk-pi Di-17 plants exhibited an intermediate phenotype (Figure 1b). To determine if reduction or absence of HR correlated with the suppression of defense gene induction, expression of the PR-1 gene was assessed (Figure 1c). Similar levels of expression were seen in Di-17 plants grown under normal light/dark cycles and those maintained in 12 or 24 h of darkness. By contrast, Di-17 plants maintained in 48 or 72 h of darkness showed a marked decline in PR-1 transcript levels. The effect of prolonged darkness on resistance was investigated by determining the percentage of plants that developed disease symptoms by 10–14 dpi. The Di-17 plants showed approximately 10% susceptibility under normal growth conditions or with 12 h drk-pi. By comparison, the other dark-treated Di-17 plants exhibited increases in percentage susceptibility, reaching a maximum in plants darktreated for 48 and 72 hours post inoculation (hpi), where approximately 90 to 100% were susceptible, respectively (Figure 1d). Strikingly, Di-17 plants dark-treated for 24 hpi showed a dramatic increase in susceptibility (approximately 75%), even though HR was nearly normal. Like the percentage of susceptible plants, the severity of disease symptoms increased with increase in the duration of the dark treatment (Figure 1e,f); Di-17 plants maintained in 48 and 72 h of darkness showed more severe symptoms than plants darktreated for 24 hpi. The appearance of disease symptoms

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Figure 1. Effect of darkness on the hypersensitive response (HR), pathogenesis-related 1 (PR-1) gene expression, and resistance to Turnip Crinkle Virus (TCV). (a) Typical morphological phenotypes of mock- and TCV-inoculated Arabidopsis plants at 3 days post inoculation (dpi). ‘Normal’ indicates a 14 h light/10 h dark cycle. 24D, 48D and 72D indicate that these plants were kept in the dark for 24, 48 or 72 h, respectively, immediately after TCV inoculation. (b) Microscopy of trypan blue-stained leaves from the mock- and TCV-inoculated plants shown in (a). The arrow indicates dead cells. (c) PR-1 gene expression in the mock- and TCV-inoculated plants shown in (a). The samples were collected at 3 dpi. Ethidium bromide staining of rRNA was used as a loading control. (d) Percentage susceptibility seen in Dijon (Di)-17 and Columbia (Col)-0 plants upon exposure to various durations of dark treatment. The susceptible plants were scored based on their typical TCV-induced disease symptoms, including crinkling of leaves and drooping or shortening of bolts. The number of plants analyzed is indicated above each bar. (e) Disease symptom rating of susceptible Di-17 plants maintained in normal conditions or subjected to 24, 48 or 72 h of dark treatment. The severity of disease symptoms was rated according to the key on the right. (f) Typical morphological phenotypes of mock- and TCV-inoculated Di-17 and Col-0 plants grown in normal conditions or subjected to 24, 48 or 72 h of treatment. (g) Systemic spread of TCV to uninoculated tissue in mock-inoculated ()) and TCV-inoculated (þ) plants shown in (a). RNA was extracted from the uninoculated tissues at 18 dpi and analyzed for the presence of the viral transcripts (TCV-U). Ethidium bromide staining of rRNA was used as a loading control.

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Light-mediated signaling against TCV 323 Figure 1. Continued.

also correlated with the presence of TCV transcript in the systemic un-inoculated tissue (Figure 1g). In comparison to Di-17, the Col-0 plants subjected to dark periods of 12, 24, 48 or 72 h did not exhibit any enhanced disease symptoms. These results suggest that light affects only R gene-mediated resistance and not basal resistance to TCV. Taken together, our data show that HRT-mediated signaling is dependent on light for the induction of HR and resistance to TCV. Light was required after TCV inoculation To assess whether light affects HRT-mediated resistance signaling before or after TCV inoculation, we incubated Di-17 plants in the dark for 24 or 48 h (24D-preTCV or 48DpreTCV, respectively) prior to TCV inoculation followed by a normal light/dark cycle after inoculation. Alternatively, after inoculation plants were maintained for 24, 48 or 72 h under normal light conditions before being subjected to 48 h dark treatment (24N þ 48D, 48N þ 48D and 72N þ 48D, respectively). Di-17 plants maintained in darkness before TCV inoculation showed normal HR and PR-1 gene expression (Figure 2a,b). These plants were also resistant to TCV and did not allow systemic spread of the virus (Figure 2c–e). The Di-17 plants maintained under normal conditions for 24 or 48 h after TCV inoculation followed by a 48 or 24 h dark treatment, respectively, also showed normal HR and high levels of PR-1 gene expression (Figure 2a,b). Percentages of resistant plants were similar in the TCV-inoculated Di-17 plants maintained under normal light conditions and the

plants that were maintained for 24, 48 or 72 h under normal light conditions before being subjected to a 48-h dark treatment (Figure 2c–e). These results suggest that the lightdependent defense signaling occurs within the first 14 h after inoculation. To further define this light-dependent phase, the Di-17 plants were subjected to 0.30, 1, 3, 6, 12 or 14 h of light before being subjected to 48 h of darkness. No HR or PR-1 gene expression was seen in plants that were exposed to 0.30, 1, 3, or 6 h of light prior to the dark phase (Figure 2f and data not shown). However, plants exposed to 12 or 14 h of light before the onset of the dark phase showed a normal HR and high levels of PR-1 gene expression. Interestingly, increasing the length of the light phase led to proportionate increases in the number of resistant plants, with light phases of 6 h and 12 h resulting in approximately 25% and approximately 70% resistance, respectively (Figure 2g). However, the percentage of resistant plants maintained under conditions of 14 h light followed by 48 h dark was lower (70%) than that for plants subjected to normal light/dark cycling (approximately 85%). These data suggest that a light phase followed by a dark phase may be required to obtain an optimal resistance response. Extended darkness suppressed HR and resistance without impacting free SA levels As light has been shown to modulate SA levels (Zeier et al., 2004), it is possible that the absence of light may lead to a reduction in TCV-induced SA production, thereby resulting in susceptibility. To address this possibility, we measured

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Figure 2. Effects of darkness and light prior to and post Turnip Crinkle Virus (TCV) inoculation, respectively, on hypersensitive response (HR), pathogenesis-related 1 (PR-1) gene induction, and resistance to TCV. (a) Typical morphological phenotypes of TCV-inoculated Arabidopsis Dijon (Di)-17 plants at 3 days post inoculation (dpi). Plants were either subjected to a dark treatment for 24 or 48 h before TCV inoculation (preTCV) and returned to a normal light/dark cycle or maintained after inoculation under normal conditions for 24, 48 or 72 h followed by 48, 24 or 0 h of dark treatment, respectively. Normal (N) indicates a 14 h light/10 h dark cycle. (b) PR-1 gene expression in the mock- and TCV-inoculated plants shown in (a). The samples were collected at 3 dpi. Ethidium bromide staining of rRNA was used as a loading control. (c) Percentage susceptibility in Di-17 plants that were either subjected to a dark treatment for 24 or 48 h before TCV inoculation and returned to a normal light/dark cycle or maintained after inoculation under normal conditions for 24, 48 or 72 h followed by a 48-h dark treatment. The susceptible plants were scored based on their typical TCV-induced disease symptoms, including crinkling of leaves and drooping or shortening of bolts. The numbers of plants tested are indicated above each bar. (d) Systemic spread of TCV to uninoculated tissue in mock- and TCV-inoculated plants shown in (c). RNA was extracted from the uninoculated tissues at 18 dpi and analyzed for the presence of the viral transcripts (TCV-U). Ethidium bromide staining of rRNA was used as a loading control. (e) Typical morphological phenotypes of TCV-inoculated Di-17 plants shown in (c). (f) PR-1 gene expression in TCV-inoculated plants that were grown in the light for 3, 6, 12 or 14 h prior to a 48-h dark period. The samples were collected at 3 dpi. Ethidium bromide staining of rRNA was used as a loading control. (g) Percentage susceptibility seen in Di-17 plants that were grown in the light for 3, 6, 12 or 14 h prior to a 48-h dark period. The susceptible plants were scored based on their typical TCV-induced disease symptoms. The number of plants analyzed is indicated above each bar.

SA and SA glucoside (SAG) levels in Di-17 plants that were subjected to 24 or 48 h of darkness after TCV inoculation. Di-17 plants maintained under normal conditions or subjected to 24 or 48 h of dark treatment showed similar levels

of free SA at 3 dpi (Figure 3a). However, in comparison to the normal-treated plants, the 24 and 48 h dark-treated Di-17 plants showed an approximately two- to seven-fold reduction in their SAG content, respectively. To determine

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Light-mediated signaling against TCV 325 Figure 2. Continued.

Figure 3. Levels of salicylic acid (SA) and SA glucoside (SAG). Endogenous SA (a) and SAG (b) levels in mock- and TCV-inoculated leaves of Arabidopsis Dijon (Di)-17 and Columbia (Col)-0 plants subjected to normal conditions (N), a 24-h dark treatment (24D), a 48-h dark treatment (48D) or a normal 24-h cycle followed by a 48-h dark treatment (24N þ 48D) are shown. Samples were harvested at 3 days post inoculation (dpi). The values are presented as the mean of three replicates. The error bars represent standard deviation.

whether this reduction in SAG was responsible for susceptibility in these plants, we analyzed SA and SAG levels in TCV-inoculated Di-17 plants that were maintained under normal conditions for 24 h followed by a 48 h dark period.

Although these plants showed normal HR and resistance to TCV, they accumulated approximately sevenfold lower levels of SAG as compared with normal-treated TCV-inoculated plants (Figure 3b). In contrast to SAG levels, SA levels in

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326 A. C. Chandra-Shekara et al. these plants were only marginally lower than in normally grown plants. Neither SA nor SAG levels in Col-0 plants changed significantly in either the mock- or TCV-inoculated dark-treated plants. Taken together, these results suggest that increasing the length of the dark phase after TCV inoculation proportionately affects the TCV-induced SAG levels. However, a reduction in SAG level does not appear to be responsible for the enhanced susceptibility seen in the dark-treated Di-17 plants. In contrast, absence of light did not alter the free SA levels. Exogenous application of SA partially overcame the requirement for light Previously, we showed that exogenous application of SA or BTH to HRT-containing SA-deficient mutants or to SA-deficient salicylate hydroxylase (NahG) expressing transgenic Di-17 plants enhanced their resistance to TCV in a PAD4-dependent manner (Chandra-Shekara et al., 2004). To investigate whether induction of the SA-signaling pathway prior to TCV inoculation followed by dark treatment overcomes the requirement for light, we pretreated Di-17 plants with BTH under normal light conditions and then transferred these plants to the dark for 48 h after TCV inoculation. Under these conditions, application of BTH greatly increased the percentage of resistant plants (Figure 4a,b). However, BTH treatment was more effective under normal light conditions; percentages of resistant plants were higher in normally treated plants as compared with dark-treated plants (Figure 4a). Simultaneous treatment with BTH and darkness following TCV inoculation did not enhance the resistance response in Di-17 plants (Figure 4c; also compare to Figure 1d), suggesting that light was required to trigger the SA-mediated signaling. Consistent with this data, plants treated with BTH and kept in the dark did not induce PR-1 gene expression (Figure 4d). As expected, BTH treatment did not affect resistance in Col-0 plants, irrespective of the light conditions (Figure 4a). These data suggest that pre-induction of the SA pathway in the presence of light may provide a factor(s) required for resistance. To examine the dependence of BTH-induced resistance in dark-treated plants on SID2, EDS1, EDS5 and PAD4, we assessed resistance in HRT sid2, HRT eds1, HRT eds5 and HRT pad4 plants that were treated with BTH prior to TCV inoculation followed by 48 h of dark treatment. Exogenous application of BTH increased the percentage of resistant plants in all except the HRT pad4 plants (Figure 4a,b). Similar to BTH-treated Di-17 plants, the percentage resistance was higher in the plants maintained under normal light conditions as compared with those subjected to a 48-h dark treatment. Taken together, these data suggest that the BTHinduced stimulation of resistance in the dark is not dependent on EDS1, EDS5 and SID2 but does require PAD4.

Light did not affect HRT transcript levels and overexpression of HRT was insufficient to confer resistance in the dark Previously, we showed that overexpression of HRT conferred resistance to TCV in an rrt-independent manner. To assess if the dark treatment impaired resistance to TCV by affecting HRT transcript levels, we analyzed HRT overexpressing lines HRT ssi2, HRT cpr5 and E-9-4. The characterization of HRT ssi2 and E-9-4 has been described previously (Chandra-Shekara et al., 2004). The HRT cpr5 line was created by crossing Di-17 with cpr5 and identifying F2 progeny, which were homozygous for HRT and cpr5. While the HRT ssi2 and HRT cpr5 plants contain high levels of endogenous SA and SAG, the overexpression of HRT in E-9-4 is not associated with increased SA levels (Chandra-Shekara et al., 2004). Dark treatment did not affect basal levels or overexpression of HRT; the levels of HRT transcript in normally treated plants were similar to those in plants subjected to 48 h of dark treatment (Figure 5a,b). Dark treatment also failed to abolish feedback induction of EDS1 and PAD4 gene expression in HRT ssi2 plants, which suggests that dark treatment was unlikely to impact SA levels in these plants (Figure 5b). However, SA treatment carried out in the dark was unable to induce expression of EDS1, PAD4 or HRT, suggesting that light was required for SA-mediated induction of these genes. The increased expression of HRT in E-9-4 plants led to elimination of visible HR and reduced cell death when these plants were maintained in normal light conditions (Cooley et al., 2000; Figure 5c). By contrast, the E-9-4 plants subjected to a 48-h dark period showed extensive microscopic cell death at 3 dpi (Figure 5c). These results are similar to those obtained with dark-treated Di-17 plants and suggest that high levels of expression of HRT do not compensate for the loss of HR in plants undergoing a prolonged dark treatment. The TCV-induced HR responses in the HRT ssi2 and HRT cpr5 plants could not be evaluated because these plants spontaneously develop lesions on their leaves. However, dark-treated HRT ssi2 and HRT cpr5 plants did not develop any prominent chlorotic symptoms on their leaves, suggesting that these plants continue to resist TCV replication and spread. Consistent with this, dark treatment caused only a marginal reduction in resistance (approximately 95% to approximately 85%; Figure 5d). In contrast, resistance in E-9-4 plants was markedly suppressed by 48 h of dark treatment. To investigate whether the dark-induced susceptibility in E-9-4 plants can be overcome by the exogenous application of SA or BTH, we assessed the resistance response in BTH-pretreated E-9-4 plants (BTHpreTCV, Figure 5e) grown in the dark for 48 h post inoculation. BTH pretreatment increased the percentage of resistant E-9-4 plants, suggesting that induction of SA-mediated responses partially compensated for the

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Light-mediated signaling against TCV 327

(a) Figure 4. Effect of exogenous application of benzo(1,2,3)thiadiazole-7-carbothioic acid (BTH) on resistance to turnip crinkle virus (TCV). (a) Percentage of resistant Arabidopsis plants obtained with Dijon (Di)-17, Di-17 NahG, HRT sid2, HRT eds1, HRT pad4, HRT eds5 and Columbia (Col)-0 with or without BTH pretreatment under normal light conditions or with a 48-h dark treatment. The number of plants tested is indicated above each bar. (b) Systemic spread of TCV to uninoculated tissues in water- and BTH-treated and darkmaintained plants shown in (a). RNA was extracted from the uninoculated tissues at 18 days post inoculation (dpi) and analyzed for the presence of the viral transcripts (TCV-U). Ethidium bromide staining of rRNA was used as a loading control. (c) Percentage susceptibility in Di-17 plants treated with BTH in the light and the dark. The number of plants analyzed is indicated above each bar. (d) Pathogenesis-related 1 (PR-1) gene expression in water- or BTH-treated Di-17 and Col-0 plants 48 h after treatments. The treated plants were either grown in normal light conditions (14 h light/10 h dark) or in the dark. Ethidium bromide staining of rRNA was used as a loading control.



absence of light. This is also consistent with the observation that both HRT ssi2 and HRT cpr5 contained high levels of endogenous SA, and thus these plants may be favorably predisposed for resistance to TCV, regardless of whether a dark treatment is applied after inoculation. Light-dependent HR and resistance to TCV were independent of phytochromes A and B Light-mediated signaling leading to SA-dependent PR-1 gene expression, HR and resistance to Pseudomonas syringae was shown to require the photoreceptors PHYA and PHYB


(Genoud et al., 2002). To determine the dependence of TCVinduced PR-1 gene expression, HR and resistance on these photoreceptors, we crossed Di-17 with phyA or phyB mutants and analyzed the F2 population for TCV-induced phenotypes. Upon TCV inoculation, plants that carried HRT and were homozygous for either the phyA or phyB mutation developed a HR comparable to that seen in Di-17 (Figure 6a). The HR in these plants also correlated with high levels of PR-1 gene expression (Figure 6b), suggesting that TCV-induced HR and PR-1 gene expression phenotypes are independent of PHYA and PHYB. To further assess the roles of PHYA and PHYB in resistance to TCV, we analyzed the segregation of resistance

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in HRT phyA and HRT phyB plants. Because resistance requires both HRT and a recessive locus rrt, only approximately 25% of the HRT-containing plants in a parental cross between Di-17 and Landsberg (or Col-0) were resistant to TCV (Table 1). If resistance was also dependent on PHYA and/or PHYB loci, all HRT phyA and HRT phyB plants would be expected to show disease symptoms and viral spread. However, approximately 25% of the HRT phyA or HRT phyB plants, as well as HRT PHYA/– or HRT PHYB/– plants, showed resistance to TCV (Table 1, Figure 6c), suggesting that PHYA and PHYB were not contributing to HRT-mediated resistance. Transcriptome profiling revealed suppression of defense genes in the dark To determine the effects of a dark treatment on genes that are induced or repressed after TCV inoculation, we compared the transcriptome profile of TCV-inoculated Di-17 plants that

Figure 5. Effect of darkness on HRT, EDS1 and PAD4 transcript levels, cell death phenotype and resistance mediated by HRT overexpression. (a) Reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis of Arabidopsis plants maintained under normal light conditions or in the dark for 48 h. RT-PCR was performed using total RNA and HRT gene-specific primers (Cooley et al., 2000) and the products were visualized on an ethidium bromide-stained agarose gel. The level of b-tubulin was used as an internal control to normalize the amount of cDNA template. (b) RT-PCR analysis of plants maintained under normal light conditions, maintained in the dark for 48 h or treated with SA in the light or the dark. RT-PCR was performed using total RNA and EDS1, PAD4, or HRT gene-specific primers and the products were visualized on an ethidium bromide-stained agarose gel. The level of btubulin was used as an internal control to normalize the amount of cDNA template. (c) Typical morphological phenotype and microscopy of trypan blue-stained leaves from Turnip Crinkle Virus (TCV)-inoculated E-9-4 plants maintained in normal light conditions or in the dark for 48 h. The leaves were sampled at 3 days post inoculation (dpi). (d) Percentage of TCV-resistant Dijon (Di)-17, E-94, HRT ssi2 and HRT cpr5 plants maintained in normal light conditions or in the dark for 48 h. The numbers of plants tested are indicated above each bar. (e) Percentage resistance in Di-17, E-9-4, and Columbia (Col)-0 with or without BTH pretreatment and under normal light conditions or with a 48-h dark treatment. The numbers of plants tested are indicated above each bar.

were maintained under normal light conditions or in darkness for 48 h. Profiles were compared at 3 and 7 dpi and included approximately 1200 genes that either respond to various biotic or abiotic stresses or have a housekeeping function. A total of eight microarray data sets were generated with two biological replicates for each time point; genes induced or repressed at least twofold were analyzed further. As expected at 3 dpi, TCV-inoculated Di-17 plants maintained under normal light conditions showed alterations in the expression of a number of genes; these were categorized based on their predicted function (Table S1a). Expression of the majority of defense- and stress-related genes, which was induced at 3 dpi in TCV-inoculated normal-treated plants, was suppressed in dark-treated TCV-inoculated plants. The TCV-inoculated plants maintained in normal light showed high levels of induction of PAD3 at 3 dpi, which corresponds well with the accumulation of high levels of camalexin in these plants (Dempsey et al., 1997). Surprisingly,

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Light-mediated signaling against TCV 329 induced expression of SID2 at 3 dpi but this did not cause any further increase in SA levels in dark-treated plants. It is possible that induction of SID2 in the dark is a result of the failure of the TCV-induced SA signal to be properly transduced, thus leading to the absence of feedback regulation. This possibility is supported by the finding that the darktreated plants showed delayed induction of several defense genes at 7 dpi (Table S1b). The level of induction seen in dark-treated samples at 7 dpi was slightly lower or comparable to that found in normally treated TCV-inoculated samples collected at 3 dpi. Taken together, these data suggest that, while dark treatment is unable to prevent initiation of a signaling pathway, it may be able to render it ineffective. However, some of the signaling intermediates are likely to accumulate during the dark treatment and mount a defense response when light becomes available.



(c) N gene-mediated resistance to tobacco mosaic virus was light dependent To examine the importance of light in other host–virus interactions, we assessed the effects of dark treatment on N gene-mediated local as well as systemic resistance to Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV). TMV-resistant (NN ) and TMVsusceptible (nn) Xanthi-nc tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum) were maintained for 48 h in the dark after TMV inoculation and analyzed for HR, PR-1 and coat protein accumulation in inoculated and systemic un-inoculated tissues. In comparison to the NN plants that received a normal light/dark cycle, the NN plants subjected to 48 h of dark treatment showed an increase in the size of lesions (Table 2). Increase in lesion size is associated with a reduced ability of the plant to restrict the replication and spread of the virus (Kumar and Klessig, 2003). Similar to dark-grown Di-17 plants, the dark-grown NN plants also showed a reduction in PR-1 protein (Figure 7a). In contrast to NN plants maintained under normal conditions, the dark-treated NN plants allowed systemic spread of the virus, resulting in severe disease symptoms and accumulated viral coat protein in the uninoculated leaves (Figure 7b). The susceptible nn plants

Figure 6. Effect of phytochrome A (phyA) and phytochrome B (phyB) mutations on the HRT-mediated hypersensitive response (HR), pathogenesisrelated 1 (PR-1) gene expression, and resistance to turnip crinkle virus (TCV). (a) Typical HR in TCV-inoculated leaves of Arabidopsis Dijon (Di)-17, HRT phyA and HRT phyB plants at 3 days post inoculation (dpi). The HRT phyA and HRT phyB plants were homozygous for the mutant locus and had at least one copy of the HRT gene. (b) PR-1 gene expression in mock- or TCV-inoculated Di-17, Columbia (Col)-0 and HRT phyA or HRT phyB plants. The HRT phyA and HRT phyB plants were homozygous for the mutant allele and had at least one copy of the HRT gene. Ethidium bromide staining of rRNA was used as a loading control. (c) Resistance and systemic spread of TCV in various genotypes shown in (b). RNA was extracted from the uninoculated tissues at 16 dpi and analyzed for the presence of viral transcripts (TCV-U). Ethidium bromide staining of rRNA was used as a loading control.

TCV-inoculated plants maintained in the light had repressed levels of ICS1 (SID2) expression at 3 dpi; SID2 is required for TCV-induced SA synthesis. By comparison, dark treatment

Table 1 Analysis of segregation for resistance to turnip crinkle virus (TCV) in the F2 population derived from a cross between Dijon (Di)-17 and phytochrome A (phyA) or phytochrome B (phyB) mutants


Number of plants analyzed

Di-17 · Col-0 Di-17 · Ler Di-17 · phyA

150 122 194

Di-17 · phyB



Number of plants obtained







99 85 26 43 34 31

þ þ þ þ þ þ

21 18 8 12 11 6

78 67 18 31 23 25

0.74 0.65 0.45 0.18 0.97 0.53

0.38 0.42 0.50 0.66 0.32 0.46


The genotype at the HRT, phyA and phyB loci was determined by cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence analysis. One degree of freedom. HR, hypersensitive response; R, resistant; S, susceptible; Col, Columbia; Ler, Landsberg. b

ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, The Plant Journal, (2006), 45, 320–334

330 A. C. Chandra-Shekara et al. Table 2 Effect of the 48-h dark treatment on local Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV)-induced lesions in Xanthi-nc tobacco plants (NN) Lesion size Treatment

Diameter (mm)a

% increaseb

Normal Dark

0.89  0.24 1.49  0.35


a Mean  standard deviation. Approximately 20–30 lesions were measured from nine different zones and three different leaves. Measurements were made using a vernier caliper. b Relative to normal growth conditions.



Figure 7. Effect of dark treatment on pathogenesis-related 1 (PR-1) gene induction and resistance to tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). (a) PR-1 induction in mock- or TMV-inoculated Xanthi-nc tobacco plants (NN and nn). After inoculation the plants were maintained either under normal conditions or in the dark for 48 h. The samples were collected at 2 days post inoculation (dpi). Approximately 10 lg of total protein was fractionated using sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and subjected to immunoblot analysis using anti-PR-1 antibodies. Levels of Rubisco were used as the loading control. (b) Spread and replication of TMV in uninoculated leaves in the genotypes shown in (a). Approximately 10 lg of total protein was fractionated using SDS-PAGE and subjected to immunoblot analysis using anti-coat protein (CP) antibodies. Levels of Rubisco were used as the loading control.

exhibited similar timing and severity of symptoms under light or dark conditions. These results indicate that light is also required for N gene-mediated HR and resistance to TMV. Discussion In this study, we showed that the HR and resistance to TCV and TMV in Arabidopsis and tobacco, respectively, are influenced by light (Figures 1 and 7). When plants inoculated with TCV or TMV were exposed to prolonged darkness before regular day and night cycling, development of HR was compromised and the virus spread systemically. This susceptibility in otherwise resistant plants suggests that light acts as an important signal in host–virus interactions. The findings of host–pathogen interaction studies using Arabidopsis or rice (Oryza sativa) with bacterial pathogens also

support the view that light-mediated or -facilitated signaling is required for resistance (Genoud et al., 2002; Guo et al., 1993; Zeier et al., 2004). Thus, in general, light-mediated or facilitated signaling appears to play a key role in the defense response to pathogens. In light of the work of Genoud et al. (2002) showing that mutations in PHYA and PHYB repress SA induction of PR-1, HR and resistance to P. syringae, we anticipated that these two photoreceptors would participate in TCV-induced defense responses. However, our results indicate that HR and resistance to TCV are independent of PHYA and PHYB (Figure 6). Since Genoud et al. (2002) analyzed the resistance response only in the phyA phyB double mutant, it is possible that both phyA and phyB need to be mutated to see an effect on TCV resistance. Alternatively, it is possible that the TCV resistance pathway is dependent on photoreceptors other than PHYA and PHYB. In addition to PHYA and PHYB, the Arabidopsis genome contains three other phytochromes (PHYC, PHYD and PHYE), three cryptochromes (CRY1, CRY2 and CRY3) and two phototropins (PHOT1 and PHOT2), all of which are involved in photoreception (reviewed in Chen et al., 2004). Thus, it is possible that one or more of these photoreceptors may be involved in generating or facilitating a signal(s) required for HR and resistance to TCV. The results of these two studies also argue that different photoreceptors may mediate or facilitate defense responses in different host–pathogen systems. SA was induced to similar levels in dark-treated TCVinoculated plants and TCV-inoculated plants subjected to normal light/dark cycling (Figure 3). By comparison, the TCV-induced SAG levels showed a reduction after 24 or 48 h of dark treatment. This dark-mediated reduction in SAG suggests the possibility that darkness affects the SA biosynthetic pathway, leading to generation of SAG. However, it is unlikely that the reduced SAG levels contribute to susceptibility, as plants that were dark-treated 24 h after being maintained under normal light conditions also showed a decline in their SAG levels, and yet these plants were resistant to TCV. Moreover, the biological activity of SAG is dependent on its conversion to SA (Hennig et al., 1993), which also suggests that levels of free SA, but not SAG, are critical for resistance to TCV. Resistance to TCV in dark-treated plants was markedly improved upon pretreatment with exogenous SA (Figure 4a). This result is supported by the observation that pretreatment of SA leads to potentiation of cell death, H2O2 accumulation and PR-1 gene expression (Kohler et al., 2002; Shirasu et al., 1997). However, SA was only effective when the plants were pretreated in the presence of light; SA treatment carried out in the dark was unable to induce SAmediated signaling leading to resistance or PR-1 gene expression (Figure 4c,d). In addition, the percentage of plants resistant to TCV was reduced in SA-pretreated plants that were shifted to darkness after inoculation, as compared

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Light-mediated signaling against TCV 331 with those kept under normal light conditions (Figure 4a). These results argue that both light and SA contribute to resistance and that SA-mediated potentiation of cellular defense responses may be light dependent. Interestingly, light does not appear to be as critical for resistance in HRT ssi2 and HRT cpr5 plants. These plants have constitutively high levels of SA and remain resistant to TCV even after dark treatment. This suggests that mutants with constitutively high levels of SA have already activated the downstream events that are light influenced, thus obviating the need for light. The failure of pretreatment with SA, prior to inoculation and dark treatment, to provide as much resistance in Di17 plants as seen in HRT ssi2 and HRT cpr5 plants may reflect less effective defense induction by transient application of exogenous SA. SA- or BTH-induced enhancement of resistance in the dark was independent of EDS1, EDS5 or SID2 (Figure 4a,b). In contrast, BTH-treatment of HRT pad4 plants did not result in resistance in either control or dark-treated plants. This is consistent with our earlier observation that PAD4 is required for SA-mediated induction of HRT (Chandra-Shekara et al., 2004). The absence of light did not compromise the SAmediated feedback induction of EDS1, PAD4 or HRT in the HRT ssi2 plants (Figure 5b), nor did it affect the levels of HRT in HRT-overexpressing E-9-4 plants, in which SA does not contribute to increased expression of HRT. These observations suggest that darkness does not reduce resistance by simply impairing the feedback loop leading to overexpression of HRT. This conclusion is further supported by the finding that dark treatment suppressed resistance in E-9-4 plants, although it did not affect HRT overexpression. It is interesting to note that, although the HR to TCV does not require high levels of SA, this phenotype is dependent on light. The HR to TCV is independent of the EDS1, EDS5, PAD4, and SID2 genes, all of which are involved in the SA synthesis pathway, suggesting that the pathway leading to generation of SA is not required for the HR (Figure 8; Chandra-Shekara et al., 2004). This possibility is supported by the finding that HR-associated induction of PR-1 gene expression was not seen in dark-treated plants, although SA levels in these plants were similar to those induced in plants maintained under normal light conditions. The presence of near-identical levels of free SA in TCV-inoculated normally treated and dark-treated plants also suggests that darkness is unlikely to affect the initiation of HRT-mediated signaling. Because light is involved in a number of physiological responses, it is possible that lack of it weakens the general physiology and metabolism of plants and renders them unable to mount an effective defense response. However, analyses of the amino acid, protein and chlorophyll content of Arabidopsis leaves after 1 and 2 days of dark treatment showed no or marginal variation in these metabolites (Buchanan-Wollaston et al., 2005; Lin and Wu, 2004). In addition, a marginal change or no change was seen in the

Figure 8. Model for induction of the hypersensitive response (HR) and resistance to the Turnip Crinkle Virus (TCV). The TCV-induced resistance response is initiated upon direct or indirect interaction between the dominant resistance protein HRT and the TCV avirulence factor, the coat protein (CP). Upon recognition of the pathogen, an HRT-mediated response leads to the HR, accumulation of salicylic acid (SA) and pathogenesis-related 1 (PR-1) gene expression. Both the HR and PR-1 gene expression are independent of the EDS1, PAD4, EDS5 and SID2 genes. In contrast, resistance to TCV is dependent on the EDS1, PAD4, EDS5 and SID2 genes. Exogenous application of SA upregulates expression of HRT and this step is mediated via PAD4 (dot–dashed line) (Chandra-Shekara et al., 2004). Exogenous application of SA also upregulates expression of EDS1, PAD4 and PR-1 in the light but is rendered ineffective in the dark. Absence of light during the initial stages of HRT-mediated signaling abolishes both the HR and resistance to TCV (thick lines). A dark treatment also impairs resistance in E-94 transgenic plants, where overexpression of HRT is not mediated by high levels of SA (dashed line).

photochemical efficiency of photosystem (PS) II after 48 h of dark treatment (Buchanan-Wollaston et al., 2005). It has also been shown that lack of a carbohydrate source is not a limiting factor that restricts SA-induced PR-1 expression or HR under low light conditions (Genoud et al., 2002). These findings, together with our observation that dark treatment had no effect after 24 h of TCV inoculation, suggests that light plays a specific role in plant defense. Our results show that light or a light-derived or -facilitated signal(s) is required together with the SA-dependent pathway to positively modulate resistance to TCV (Figure 8). In addition, a light-derived or -facilitated signal(s) is also required for the HRT-mediated pathway leading to the HR and PR-1 gene expression. Thus, absence of either SA or light would result in susceptibility and compromised HR. This scenario is supported by several observations. First, a hyperactive phytochrome pathway in the psi mutant has been shown to amplify SA-dependent induction of the HR and PR-1 gene expression to higher levels (Genoud et al., 2002). Secondly, continuous or high light produced increased levels of resistance and induced elevated expression of several PR genes (Bechtold et al., 2005; Dempsey

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332 A. C. Chandra-Shekara et al. et al., 1993; Genoud et al., 2002). Thirdly, silencing of the 33 kDa subunit of the oxygen-evolving complex of PS II results in increased accumulation of TMV, potato virus X and alfalfa mosaic viruses (Abbink et al., 2002). These and several other observations suggest that chloroplast-derived signals and photosynthesis play an important role in host– pathogen interactions (Tecsi et al., 1992; Allen et al., 1999; Genoud et al., 2002; Shalitin and Wolf, 2000). Further characterization of light-induced signaling will help unravel this complex interaction between light and defense.

Experimental procedures Plant growth conditions, viral infections and genetic analysis Plants were grown in MTPS 144 Conviron walk-in chambers (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada) at 22C and 65% relative humidity and with a 14-h photoperiod. The photon flux density (PFD) of the light period was 106.9 lmol m)2 sec)1 and was measured using a digital light meter (Phytotronic Inc., Earth City, MO, USA). After viral inoculations, the plants were transferred to a Conviron MTR30 reach-in chamber maintained at 22C and 65% relative humidity and with a 14-h photoperiod. The PFD of this chamber was 178.9 lmol m)2 sec)1. Dark treatments were carried out in a similar chamber maintained at 22C and 65% relative humidity and with a 0h photoperiod (0 lmol m)2 sec)1). Transcripts synthesized in vitro from a cloned cDNA of TCV using T7 RNA polymerase were used for viral infections (Dempsey et al., 1993; Oh et al., 1995). For inoculations, the viral transcript was suspended at a concentration of 0.05 lg ll)1 in inoculation buffer, and the inoculation was performed as described previously (Dempsey et al., 1993). Resistance and susceptibility were scored at 14 to 21 dpi and confirmed by northern gel blot analysis. Susceptible plants showed stunted growth, crinkling of leaves and drooping of the bolt. For tobacco inoculations, two upper fully expanded leaves of 6–8week-old plants were infected with TMV strain U1 at a concentration of 1 lg ml)1 in 50 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.2) containing carborundum. Control plants were treated with phosphate buffer and carborundum only. Crosses were performed by pollinating flowers of Di-17 plants with pollen from Landsberg (Ler), cpr5, phyA and phyB plants. The genotypes of the F2 plants at the PHYA and PHYB loci were determined by conducting cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) analysis. The PHYA and PHYB loci were amplified using GAAGTGTTGACTGCTTCCA CGAGT, TAGCAAGATGCACAGAACGCC and GTCAAGGTTCTTGTTTAAGC, TCTTTTATCTGAACTTCACT primers, respectively. The amplified products were digested with HinfI and AccI to determine polymorphisms at the PHYA and PHYB loci, respectively.

Trypan blue staining Cell death was determined visually and by trypan blue staining 3 to 4 dpi. Leaf samples were vacuum-infiltrated with trypan blue stain, which contained 10 ml of acidic phenol, 10 ml of glycerol, 20 ml of sterile water and 10 mg of trypan blue. The samples were incubated for 2 min in a water bath set at 90C and subsequently incubated at room temperature for 2–12 h. The samples were destained in a chloral hydrate solution (25 g/10 ml sterile water).

Chemical treatment of plants Three-week-old plants were sprayed or subirrigated with a solution of 500 lM SA or 100 lM BTH. Control plants were treated with water and, 2 days after treatment, three leaves per plant were inoculated with TCV RNA.

SA and SAG estimations Salicylic acid extraction was based on the method of Gaffney et al. (1993), with modifications to allow for a higher throughput approach and recovery. Anisic acid was used as an internal standard and SA recovery averaged >80%. Results are the average of three to six independent extractions. Samples were analyzed on an Agilent 1100 (Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, CA, USA) with diode-array detector and fluorescence-array detector detection, using a Novapak C18 column (Waters, Milford, MA, USA).

RNA extraction, reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and protein work-up Small-scale RNA extractions were performed with TRIzol reagent (Invitrogen, Rockville, MD, USA), according to the manufacturer’s instructions. RNA gel blot analysis and synthesis of random primed probes were performed as described previously (Kachroo et al., 2000). RT-PCR was performed using total RNA and HRT gene-specific primers (Cooley et al., 2000). Proteins were extracted in buffer containing 50 mM Tris, pH 8.0, 1 mM EDTA, 12 mM b-mercaptoethanol and 10 lg ml)1 phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride. Proteins were fractionated using 10–12% sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and subjected to immunoblot analysis using a specific anti-PR-1 mouse monoclonal antibody or anti-coat protein antibody. Immunoblots were developed using the ECL detection kit (Roche, Indianapolis, IN, USA). All experiments were carried out at least two times using independently prepared RNA, cDNA or protein.

Microarray analyses Inoculated and systemic samples post mock and TCV inoculation were harvested at 3 and 7 dpi, respectively. TCV inoculations were carried out twice with independently prepared viral transcripts. Total RNA was isolated as described above. Microarray hybridizations were conducted using cDNA microarray representing 1194 Arabidopsis genes. These cDNAs were obtained mainly from cDNA libraries made by suppression subtractive hybridizations to identify Arabidopsis genes that are differentially expressed in response to various biotic and abiotic stresses (Mahalingam et al., 2003). This microarray also contains approximately 200 Arabidopsis expressed sequence tages (ESTs) obtained from Michigan State University that were selected by literature survey for previously identified stress-responsive genes (Table S2). Inserts from these cDNA clones were amplified by PCR, purified and resuspended in 3 · SSC at a final concentration of approximately 0.3 lg ll)1. In addition, we used the SpotReport Array Validation System (Stratagene, La Jolla, CA, USA) for negative and spiking controls. DNA samples were spotted in quadruplicate at different positions on the silanized glass slides using the OmniGrid 100 robot (Genomic Solutions Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, USA). About 40 lg of total experimental RNA and RNA from the SpotReport Array Validation System were mixed and used for probe preparation. Protocols for probe preparation, slide processing,

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Light-mediated signaling against TCV 333 pre-hybridization and hybridization are described at http:// Treated samples were fluorescently labeled with Cy3 and mock samples were labeled with Cy5 dyes. After hybridization and washing, slides were scanned in the GenePix 4100A microarray scanner (AxonTM Instruments, Union City, CA, USA). Spot intensities were measured using GENEPIX PRO 5.0 software (Axon) and normalized using the global normalization method. Data points whose background-subtracted median intensities in both channels were below 60% of the background plus two standard deviations (SDs) were flagged and removed from further analysis. Ratios were calculated using Cy3/Cy5 by the GENEPIX PRO 5.0 software (Molecular Devices Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA, USA). Data points (ratios) were averaged from four replicate spots for each gene on each slide independently. Data points were removed manually when replicate spots varied at 0.6 SD of log2 ratios or when the data point represented a single value. Normalized data points that fulfilled these statistical criteria were analyzed further to identify differentially expressed genes (Table S3). Ratios for each data point were averaged from the two replicate experiments to determine the mean and SD using ACUITY 4.0 software (Molecular Devices Corporation). cDNAs with mean expression ratios of 2.0 and 0.5 were considered to be differentially expressed (up- and downregulated, respectively).

Acknowledgements We thank Aardra Kachroo for help with the protein work-up, Joanne Holden for SA analysis, Ludmila Lapchyk for technical expertise, Amy Crume for help with managing the plant growth facility, and Aardra Kachroo and David Smith for critical comments on this manuscript. We also thank Xinnian Dong for the cpr5 seeds and the ABRC database for the phyA and phyB seeds. This work was supported by USDA grant 2003-35329-13312 to DFK and PK and NSF (MCB 0421914) and KSEF (555-RDE-005) grants to PK. This study is publication No. 05-12-135 of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station.

Supplementary Material The following supplementary material is available for this article online: Table S1 List of genes differentially expressed after dark treatment. Table S2 List of genes present on the array. Table S3 Original microarray data. This material is available as part of the online article from http://

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