Jun 7, 2017 - Population: 17.8 million. GDP: 23 478 US$ per capita. Income inequality: 0.46 Gini coefficient. Gross domestic spending on R&D: 0.4% of GDP.
Real estate and sustainable construction: private perspectives for progress in energy regulation of a liberalised market Felipe Encinas Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Carlos Aguirre Universidad de las Américas
Carlos Marmolejo Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña
“The sustainable attributes reach the real estate market” 5th November 2014
“Sustainable attributes lose their importance in real estate marketing” 7th June 2017
Chile 17.8 million GDP: 23 478 US$ per capita Income inequality: 0.46 Gini coefficient Gross domestic spending on R&D: 0.4% of GDP Life expectance at birth (men): 76.4 years Unemployment: 6.5% of labour force Population:
Santiago 40% of the population
Santiago 33˚27’S Concepción 36˚50’S Puerto Montt 41˚28’S
56% of the housing supply
Maximum U-Value requirement for walls by city/country W/m2K 2,0
Santiago Concepción
1,5 Puerto Montt
1,0 Spain 0,5
Punta Arenas 53˚09’S
0,0 1000
Punta Arenas Austria Portugal Slovakia Czech Republic Italy UK Poland Belgium Lithuania Germany Netherlands 2000