Jun 30, 2016 - format and/or delivery method including without limitation email, ... World funds: U.K. : Weight over/und
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June 30, 2016
Post-Brexit country allocation One of the advantages of our data is that we can infer the change in positioning on a daily basis. A week after the Brexit referendum shock, how did money managers tweak their country allocation? Before we look at the change in positioning, let’s see how equity benchmarks have moved since June 23. The U.K., despite being at the epicenter of the shock, had the smallest impact on its very large stocks. The FTSE 100, which is composed of multinationals that benefit from a weaker pound, is actually up 0.2% since then. The FTSE 250, which includes more domestic companies, pulled back 7.4% over the period. Equities in the European periphery were much more affected. Italian stocks are down 11.7% in less than a week.
European equity benchmarks total return since June 23 (%) 0.2
FTSE 100 -0.6
OMX STKH30 -5.9
CAC 40
DAX -7.4
FTSE 250 -8.6
-11.6 -12
LuxArbor Institutional Positioning
At the time of the referendum, global fund managers had market weighting in U.K. stocks. Since then, fund managers, on average, have reduced their exposure to an underweight position of 0.6 percentage point. Top-quartile managers (over the past three months), had a more drastic reduction in exposure. They now underweight U.K. stocks by 1.9 percentage point, which is similar to where they were when the referendum was first announced in February. In other words, uncertainty is still present and it is a deterrent to institutional managers.
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June 30, 2016 Developed World funds: U.K. : Weight over/under Developed World benchmark Average of funds vs. top quartile Percentage points Funds ov erweight v s. World benchmark 0.0 -0.5
Ref erendum ►
-1.5 Top quartile Average of funds
-2.0 2016
Funds underweight v s. World benchmark Mar
LuxArbor Institutional Positioning (Data as of Jun 29, 2016)
Elsewhere in the broad European region, global fund managers have been actively reducing their allocation to France and Germany. Only two countries have seen their allocation increase: Ireland and Finland. Top-quartile funds: Change in European country allocation since June 23 (percentage points) Ireland Finland Norway Switzerland Denmark Portugal Austria Sweden Belgium Italy Spain Netherlands Germany France U.K.
-1.9 -2.0
LuxArbor Institutional Positioning
-0.7 -0.8 -0.8
-0.1 -0.1 -0.1 -0.2 -0.2 -0.3
WOL-CT -00002-20160630
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