Policy 78: EMA environmental policy - European Medicines Agency

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May 5, 2015 - Promote and share environmental knowledge and best practice with all stakeholders, including other EU Agen
11 November 2016 EMA/566378/2016 Executive Director

Environmental Policy POLICY/no 0078 Status: Public Effective date: 11 November 2016 Review date: 11 November 2019 Supersedes: EMA/180840/2015, effective 05 May 2015

1. Introduction and purpose As a European Union (EU) body the European Medicines Agency acknowledges its institutional responsibility to safeguard the environment for present and future generations. Recognising that social and civil responsibilities of the Agency’s activities have the potential to affect the environment, we believe that a long-term sustainable approach and proactive environmental management generates environmental, social and economic value for the community in which it operates. We strive to meet and exceed the expectations of our stakeholders for the prevention of pollution, the sustainable use of resources and the minimisation of waste and emissions.

2. Scope This policy applies to all EMA staff, interims, trainees, seconded national experts, delegates, contractors and visitors working within the premises of the Agency without exception.

3. Policy statement Improving Environmental Performance In order to fulfil these commitments, the Agency’s leadership will provide strategic direction and promote the continual improvement of environmental management at every level of the Agency. The Agency will take the following actions: 

Ensure compliance with local, national and EU environmental legislation, as well as regulatory and voluntary obligations;

Promote and share environmental knowledge and best practice with all stakeholders, including other EU Agencies via the Greening Network;

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An agency of the European Union

© European Medicines Agency, 2016. Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

Set targets and objectives for improvement and put in place systems to monitor their progress;

Encourage suppliers by including environmental elements within the minimum requirements of procurement procedures’ technical specification documents where relevant;

Maintain a network of staff environmental ambassadors, organised as the Green Group, to promote good environmental practices throughout the Agency;

Ensure our ambassadors and staff are aware of their environmental responsibilities and empower them to participate in efforts to improve the Agency’s environmental performance;

Publish a statement each year of its environmental performance, which has been independently verified under the European Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS).

4. Related documents 

Environmental Strategy (adopted by ESB - Jan 2014) https://docs.eudra.org/webtop/drl/objectId/090142b2825622f2

Relaunch of environmental activities (endorsed by ESB – Dec 2014) https://docs.eudra.org/webtop/drl/objectId/090142b282b1e3ab

5. Changes since last revision Policy amended to reflect EMAS requirements.

London, 11 November 2016

Signature on file

Guido Rasi Executive Director

Environmental Policy EMA/563378/2016

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