Positive Rate Weekly - FDX ALPA

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Mar 7, 2017 - the app will expire 28 April, and will no longer function after that ... who are unable to attend in perso

Your MEC officers will be hosting two hub turn meetings in Memphis. The first one will be on Wednesday, March 15th at noon. The second one will be during the night hub turn on Wednesday, March 15th/Thursday, March 16th at midnight. If you will be in Memphis during either of these times, we encourage you to attend.

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I had the opportunity this morning to review April’s SIG Notes. As you will notice, there are a few changes throughout the system. We want to make sure that the changes that negatively impact our quality of life get the proper attention so we can stop any erosion of our work rules, and work toward a fix. This is a data driven company, and the statement “no data, no problem” is very powerful. When things don’t go as expected, we need to know. Our schedule is our life, and we have to guard against incremental grabs that slowly impede on our working conditions—think frog and boiling water. The Scheduling Committee asks for three things: 1. If the company contacts you with a request for fatigue data collection, please make every effort to comply. With multiple new routings, we need verified data to aid us in our efforts in fatigue

mitigation. This data will assist us in our continuing charge to improve pairing construction going forward. 2. Please communicate with us regarding bid pack pairings and lines, revisions and extra pairings or any scheduling issue. We cannot do our job without your input. Our preferred method of communication and tracking is via the ALPA Scheduling Committee PIREP. 3. If any scheduling issues arise (DH's, unusual trip revisions etc.), please be sure to fill out an INSITE Report and forward a copy to your PSIT (see PSIT email addresses below). These reports have to be followed up and provide us with historical data. Like I said, according to the company, “no data, no problem.” Let’s start communicating about the issues we face on the line via the methods mentioned above. Data is the key to positive change, so let’s pull out all the stops and provide our SIG with reams of data to help them make the changes that need to be made. Fly safe, John PSIT Email Addresses: MEM 757 - [email protected] CGN 757 - [email protected] HKG 767 - [email protected] IND 767 - [email protected] MEM 767 - [email protected] MEM A300 - [email protected] HKG A300 - [email protected] MEM MD11 - [email protected] ANC MD11 - [email protected] LAX MD11 - [email protected] MEM 777 - [email protected]

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We want to hear from you! Each week, your communications committee publishes our Positive Rate Weekly in an effort to keep you informed of issues or events occuring within our union. We are in the process of redesigning our publication and over the next several weeks we will begin making changes. With that in mind, we want to hear from you. Please let us know topics of interest that you would like to see included and we will do our best to include them in upcoming issues. Once published, we hope you will find the new version useful, informative and and easy to navigate. We look forward to hearing from you! Please send all suggestions to [email protected]. Courtney Bland Senior Communications Specialist FedEx ALPA

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This communication concerns the subject of pilots being payroll deducted due to missing, incorrect or late expense report receipts. Sections 5.A.7. of the Agreement provides that “An expense report shall be submitted within one bid period to document expenses incurred during the preceding bid period.” Likewise, Section 8.C.5. provides, “Any time an expense is charged to a Company-issued Travel Card, a deviation ticket is purchased, or a deviation expense is incurred, an expense form shall be submitted, with appropriate original receipts (or electronic reproduction thereof)”, and “Such expense form shall be submitted no later than the end of the subsequent bid period.” The Agreement does not contain language to reopen an expense report once it is closed. We encourage all pilots to review and promptly act upon notifications concerning expense report receipts. Below are descriptions of the notifications you will receive if you have not submitted an expense report or if your credit card/ticket expenses have not been

classified. Please note that the second notification is essentially the last notification upon which to act as the final notification is a notice of payroll deduction.  At the end of a bid period, you will receive a notification to remind you of any missing credit card transactions or deviation tickets, or if you have not submitted the expense report for that bid month. If you still have missing receipts after the due date of the expense report (end of next bid period), you will receive a second notification. It will remind you that some of the receipts are still outstanding and a deadline to submit the missing items to avoid payroll deduction. PLEASE HEED THIS DEADLINE. A third and final notification is received if the items were not addressed from the expense report. It will detail the amount that has been submitted for payroll deduction. Please note, even if you have submitted an expense report, if you still have an outstanding receipt(s) you will receive a notification regarding the missing receipt(s) and a deadline to submit the missing item(s) to avoid payroll deduction.  Even if you think you have submitted your receipt(s) and believe that you are receiving notifications in error, please resolve the matter with Crew Audit prior to the deadline for submitting missing items.

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Current and qualified B777 pilots are invited to participate in vital research related to EFVS operations for future EFVS applications. The study is being conducted by the FAA in the FedEx MEM Flight Simulator Facility.  The task will focus on the need for low visibility operations/surface movement guidance and control system (LVO/SMGCS) airport infrastructure when taxiing with an Enhanced Flight Vision System (EFVS)” (EFVS taxi study).

A minimum of 24, and possibly as many as 40 pilots, will be needed. One captain and one first officer will be paired up for an approximate five hour event. This is completely a non-jeopardy activity and your participation will help with the development of future applications and enhanced safety. While this is completely voluntary, you will receive compensation of $575 for your contribution.  Commuters are welcome to participate. Hotel and meal expenses will be provided for pilots living outside of the Memphis area. The current dates that are open are March 29, 30 and April 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13. Show time is 1930 and completion will be 0030. You can only participate once, but you are welcome to submit multiple days you are available. If you are interested in assisting, please send an email to [email protected] and include your name, 777 seat position and contact number. You can initially state your interest in the study, then provide your availability once you have established it.

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The Pilot Assistance Team Hotline (PATH) is introducing a new quarterly newsletter, "PATHways," which will highlight various topics. The first issue comes from Susan Gillpatrick, and discusses 6 keys to a succesful and happy retirement. Susan is a Tennessee Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) with 20 years of experience in Behavioral/Mental Health and 10 years of services in aviation (ALPA, FedEx, NetJets, Southwest, FAA, AFA). Additionally, she is a Certified Employee Assistance Professional, Board Certified Expert in Traumatic Stress,

Certified Life Coach and International speaker and trainer. Please take a few moments to read the newsletter; we know you will find some useful information! If you have any questions, need additional information or want to share your ideas for our next newsletter, please contact PATH Coordinator Kandy Bernskoetter at [email protected] or 773-4054354.

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What do you like to do while on a layover? Any exciting places or exceptionally good restaurants that you think your fellow pilot might enjoy visiting? We need your help in keeping our Layover Gouge updated with new and useful information! This website was designed with you in mind and can only be successful with your input. Please visit the Layover Gouge website to see the information currently available or to add new information!

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FDX MEC Membership Committee members had the pleasure of giving a "Welcome Aboard" presentation on behalf of FDX ALPA to our newest pilots on March 7th, 2017. The class of 14 pilots began their new hire indoctrination on March 6th. The new hires were assigned as MEM based FOs in the MD11, 777,

767, and A300. One of our new pilots will be headed to Cologne in the 757. The background of our newest pilots comes from commercial, corporate, military, and charter aviation. Please join us in welcoming our newest pilots to the FedEx pilot seniority list! The famous caboose seniority number is 4602.

Jeff Dean, Trip Rossetti, Anna Hern, Tim Moody, Leroy Cohen, Tyler Ferrara, Michael Gottlieb,            Steve Armstrong, Justin Burton, Joe Howard, Brandon Smith, Joshua Carlson, Joe Boyes, Ed Bradley

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The FDX MEC and R&I Committee would like to congratulate the following ALPA members who retired in January and thank them for their years of participation in the Association. Captain Roger Bordman First Officer Norman G. Schlaich Total retirements from January, were 2, of whom, 2 were ALPA members. * Our condolences to the family of Captain Charles J. Jensen, who passed away on January 28, 2017.

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We're partnering with FedEx Flight Ops iPad Support to bring you information you can use. Please continue to read the Positive Rate for more articles similar to the one found below. We would like to thank Al Brucker for providing us with this information. Jepp FD Pro 2.9.1 is the Latest Version Written by: Jeffrey Garmen Jepp FD Pro 2.9.1 has been thoroughly tested and works well with iOS 10.2. Pilots should update now. Previous versions of the app will expire 28 April, and will no longer function after that date. For more detailed information regarding the Jepp app, please see the FD Pro 2.9.1 Release Notes and/or the FD Pro 2.9.1 User Guide on PFC>Resources>Support.

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MEM Retirement Seminars: The next available Retirement Counseling Seminars will be held on April 5th and April 19th from 1:004:00 p.m. CST at the FDX MEC Office, 1770 Kirby Parkway, Suite 300, Memphis, TN 38138. The Retirement Seminar is geared towards pilots preparing for retirement providing general information on all pilots’ retirement benefits and the retirement process. While we encourage all pilots to attend the Retirement Seminar, preference will be given to pilots closer to retirement. For pilots who are unable to attend in person, we will provide access to the seminar via teleconference. In order to streamline the seminars and to ensure the highest level of counseling, we are limiting each seminar to 28 slots. Spouses are welcome to attend.  To register for a Retirement Counseling Seminar click here. Please be prepared to provide your ALPA member number. Since the seminars fill up quickly, you should register as soon as possible.

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Memphis: Dates: Thursday, March 23rd, April 6th and April 20th Schwab Executive Services Financial Consultants will be available on Thursday to conduct individual Retirement & Financial planning sessions with FedEx ALPA member pilots and their spouses. See the link below for available times. The sessions are free and scheduled for one hour in length. The slots fill up fast, so reserve yours now by clicking here. Charles Schwab is ALPA’s preferred financial provider. Some of the benefits available









complimentary financial planning, low-cost trading, educational online resources, etc. To learn more about the ALPA-Schwab relationship, please visit www.schwab.com/alpa or contact Sylvia Arellano, the lead Executive Services Financial Consultant for FedEx ALPA pilots, directly at (720) 418-4200.

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Professional Pilot magazine has given us permission to reprint their "Terminal Checklist" section of the magazine. Please click here to view the "March 2017 Terminal Checklist." John Cardaci MEC Vice Chairman

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As you know, we recently received permission from Air Facts

Journal to forward their online magazine to FedEx pilots. We hope you find this reading enjoyable. To view articles in Air Facts Journal, please click here. Fly safe, John Cardaci MEC Vice Chairman

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