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(C) Focal myocarditis, related liver changes secondary subacute pneumonia . Oral Report Date:·. Brain lesions- differne



DATE PERFORMED: July 26,1987 OWNER: Sea Life Park


SPECIES: P. crassidens ANIMAL: "Ia'nui"

HISTORY: Ia'nui did not eat on July 18, 1987 and appeared somewhat depressed. Prior to this(the past several years) he had exhibited morning behaviors suggestive of a digestive upset--stand ing on his head, belching large quantities of air, and acting as if he had a stomach ache. Although these symptoms were becoming increasingly more frequent and severe, he had always eaten. The situation did not change for the next several days, so a blood sample was obtained and antibiotic and supportive treatment was given. Results of the blood analysis indicated a possible infection, and treatment was continued. No fecal material was seen during this time, and he had only eaten a few fish. On July 24 he vomited several times and appeared sicker. Early on the morning of July 25th, he was moved to the training area, a blood sample was obtained, mineral oil was given via tube and intramuscula r antibiotics, e . t.c., were administered . He vomited a portion of the mineral oil shortly thereafter. Several hours later he passed a large amount of normalappearing fecal material. His condition continued to deteriorate and he died early the morning of July 26th. The post mortem was conducted about 12 hours later by Dr. Sawa, State Veterinary Pathologist, and myself. His report is enclosed, as well as histopatholo gical reports by Dr. John Simpson. Another written report by Dr. John Hardeman, an M.D. neuropatholo gist, has not been received but his findings will be mentioned during the discussion. EXTERNAL EXAMINATION:

Nothing remarkable(NR )

INTERNAL EXAMINATION: CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: Heart: Nothing remarkable(NR ) on gross examination. An area of dead tissue found on histopatholog y(HP). Vasculature: Lymph:


Not examined(NE)

Sea Life Park Post-mor tem Report( "Ia'nui" ) Page 2 RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: Sinuses :



Some white foamy materia l.

Lungs : Much white foam. Staphloc occus aureus isolated . Acute pneumon ia signs were seen on HP. ALIMENTARY SYSTEM: Mouth :

Several teeth were loose, one very loose.

Esophag us:

One area of erosion.

Stomach : Both the forestom ach and stomach were empty. lesions were noted. Small Intestin e:

Bile stained through out.

Large intestin e :

Bile stained.



No lesions.

No lesions .


Liver: Slightly swollen , dark colored. E. coli isolated in pure culture . Some fatty infiltra tion, congest ion, and cellular changes were seen on HP. Pancrea s: Large white areas with clumps of function al tissue interspe rsed. Fatty deposits with apparen tly normal pancrea tic tissue were seen on HP. UROLOGENITAL SYSTEM : Kidneys : Creamis h materia l in right kidney. specific changes were seen on HP. Bladder :

Urine filled.


Several non-

See report on urinaly sis.


NERVOUS SYSTEM: Central: NR grossly . Sub-acu te meningo -enceph alitis seen in isolated area by one patholo gist, the others saw nothing abnorma l on the tissues they were given. Periphe ral: Eyes:



Sea Life Park Post-mortem Report("Ia•nui") Page 3 MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM:


REMARKS : There is solid evidence that Ia•nui died from a bacterial pneumonia. What began the chain of events which resulted in this fatal infection is not clear. Blood sample results, and other signs were not helpful in arriving at a diagnosis while he was alive. The post-mortem reports are also not particularly revealing, and occasionally contradictory.

A very speculative senario is presented in an attempt to tie together all events. It starts with a progressive liver and/or pancreatic dysfunction which, in the latter instance, may have resulted in lowered insulin levels or digestive enzymes or both. This resulted in digestive upsets over a period of time which finally culminated in him becoming inappetant. Once he was not eating, his system weakened, and a common type of virulent bacteria, resistant to the several antibiotics used, attacked the lungs. Another possible cause of inappetance was a brain inflammation which, at least in humans can cause loss of appetite, headaches, vomiting, general malaise, and the more severe symptoms of convulsions, coma, and finally death . Cause of the brain inflammation may have been viral or toxic, but cannot be determined . This report was deliberately delayed as the findings were reviewed and specialists were consulted and given tissues to examine in an attempt to come up with a more definite diagnosis . Unfortunately, the additional time was not helpful.

... J•

Owner's Name Sea Life Park Makapuu Pt. Waimanalo, HI

Report to Dr.

St,p.te of Hawaii DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Division of Animal Industry Veterinar y Laboratory 99-762 Moanalua Road Aiea, Hawaii 96701


Date Rec'd 7/27/87 7812V ! Test NC HE{87-7- 116) ! UR TX BK 6788 6789 6790 6791 - 6792 6793 6794 ---------- --! Log No.

David Mackay Kaneohe Veterinar y Clinic 45-480 Kaneohe Bay Drive Kaneohe, HI 96744


Species & Breed: Whale

) Sex: M

Type of Specimen(s): (A)Body[ X Examination completed: PM[ 1 Chern[ Other

(B) Fi xed[ X Histo[ 1 Hemo[

] ] ]

(C) Blood[ Bacti[ 7 Sero[

( D)Others [ X UR[ l Tox[ l

] ] ]

August ll, 1987

Age: Cyto[

15+Y ]

Vi ro[

Result(s) Gross findings:


No food in GI tract, much bile in intest; esophagus - erosions; lung -much foam, white; liver- sl. swollen; kidney- creamish mat. in rt kid; pancreas - conn . tiss. interlobu l ar fibrous.

Pancreas - much adipose tissue in interlobu lar spaces; autolysis . Heart- acute necrotic focus . Brain - peri vascula r cuffing; vasculitis , generaliz ed, nonsuppur ative medial generalize d; meningiti s, locally extensive ; focal cortical hemorrhage. Liver- fatty changes, acidophi lic intracytop lasmic inclusion in some liver cellsprobably not viral. Lung- prolifera tion of some lymphocytes, macrophages, few neutrophi ls. Kidney- few smal l foci of inflammatory cell s; few amorphous basophili c bodies in renal pelvis; some acidophil ic bodies (like those seen in liver cell cytoplasm) free in tubules basement membrane of some tubules and Bowman's capsule of some

State of Hawaii OF AGRICULTURE Division of Animal Industry Veterinary Laboratory 99- 762 Moanalua Road Ai ea, Hawaii · 96701

Owner's Name Sea Life Pa rk ( Pg. 2)

Date Rec ' d Log No. 7812V Test

Report to Dr .

(Pg. 2)


Species & Breed:

) Sex:

Type of Specimen(s) : (A) Body[ Examination completed: PM[ Chem[ Other

] ] ]

(B)Fixed[ Hi sto [ Hemo [

] ] ]

(C)Blood[ Bacti[ Sero[

] ] ]

(D)Others[ P/0[ Tox[

Age: ] ] ]



Vi ro[

Resul t (s) glomeruli are slightly thickened golden brown cytoplasmic pi gments in many epithelial cell s. U1·inalysis:




Occult Bl ood

1arge +++


Cl oudy

Bi 1e


Specific gravity

1.050 +

Urobilin ogen Ehrli ch


Reacti on (pH)


Asco rbi c Ac id mg/dl

0- 10

Protein mg/dl

300 ( +++ )



Glucose mg/dl

2000 or more


20- 25






Negati ve

Ep. cel ls


Proteus vul gari s, Morganell a morganii, Pseudomonas putrefacien s, Escherich ia coli, Prot eus mirabilis and Staphyl ococcus aureus No Salmonel l a isolated.

DIAGNOSIS (Final): (A )

Li ve r cell s- probabl y not viral.


Focal me ni ngoencepha litis .


Focal myocardi ti s, related liver changes secondary subacute pneumonia . Oral Report Date: ·


Brain lesi ons- differnetia l diagnoses: 2) fun gal -none seen.

1) bacterial endotoxic (no bacteria isolated from brain)

3) parasiti c - no migration tract.

4) toxic, e . g. l ead , l ittle cortical

damage myoca rdial l es i on maybe related to brai n l esions. cc: Head, DAI cc: cc : VL-4 10/86

Thomas R. Sawa, DVM, PhD .

AI-! I

! ·JF A L

G. Simpson OliN 923 Garrido Drive Camarillo, Ca. 93010 .John

,Ph. 8!ZL5 498 .368,·-t

CllSE #


B-f37 .: .t

D/-I T E

False Kill er

Hhal e


Necr opsy tissues

11g1.?d Nal e


Dr. David B.Nackay DUNER 45-480 Kaneohe Bay Dr. Kaneo h e, Hawaii 96744 PATHDLOG)·'

Sea Life Park


Fibrinous Pneumonia

CO NNEl,fT The lung sections seen here display edema, fib rin and inflam matory cell_ infi ltrates. Although there is some infl am mation wit h in the i n terstitium, the bronchi and alveoli are the sites of pr im a r y involveme nt. Th e c h anges are rather ac ure in natur e . I t is possibl e t hat the pneumonia was secon d ary to vomiting (via inhalation). morte m a utolvis is foun d , in varying degrees, 1n the ty of tissues, a nd thus some detail is lost. Because of the rapid P.N. change i n stomach and intestinal muco sa, th ese are affected rather mark edly . In so far as could be determined, there was e :l c.l e n .-: e r.· o of ante-mortem morphologic alteration (disease) in e i ther stomach or i n testinal spec imens . F·'(.> S t

;,r, aj .iv e d.