Poster Presentation and Reception

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Shannon Doherty, Davidson College. “Determining AUF1's Impact on Leptin ... Manuela Hoyos, New York City Technical Col
Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) Poster Presentation and Reception Hosted by the Sackler Institute and Office of Diversity Affairs 1. Adeola Adeyeye, SUNY Stony Brook “The Role of Latent Transforming Growth Factor-Beta Binding Protein (LTBP) in Mammary Gland Development” Research Mentor: Pamela Cowin, PhD 2. Samuel Border, Rochester Institute of Technology “The Effect of STAT6 Deletion on Gut Microbiota during Helminth Infection” Research Mentor: Png Loke, PhD 3. Joseph Cooper Devlin, University of Florida “Characterizing Human Microbiome Gene Expression through the Development of a Metatranscriptomic Analysis Pipeline” Research Mentor: Kelly Ruggles, PhD 4. Shannon Doherty, Davidson College “Determining AUF1’s Impact on Leptin Expression and Adipogenesis “ Research Mentor: Robert Schneider, PhD 5. Chiamaka Ekwunazu, University of Maryland, Baltimore County “Targeting APP Translation for Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention and Therapy” Research Mentor: Martin Sadowski, MD, PhD 6. Hannah Fay, University of Montana “Examining the Role of MMSET and Other Mutations in the Resistance to Chemotherapy Drugs in Pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia” Research Mentor: William Carroll, MD 7. Fran Franceschini Lopez, University of Puerto Rico-Ponce “The Role of the PAR Polarity Complex in Response to Osmotic Stress in the C. elegans Excretory System” Research Mentor: Jeremy Nance, PhD 8. Diana Gonzalez, Florida International University “Using Laser Capture Microdissection to Isolate Lung Tumors Induced by Somatic Gene Editing” Research Mentor: Cynthia Loomis, MD, PhD 9. Talia Hart, San Francisco State University (not on display) “The Role of SENP8 in Regulating NEDD8-Conjugated Substrates in Human Cells” Research Mentor: Tony Huang, PhD

10. Waverley He, Harvard University “Interactions between Microglia and Stem Cells in the Adult Brain: Implications in Brain Repair” Research Mentor: James Salzer, MD, PhD 11. Jade Howard, Florida State University “Identification of Dopamine Release Proteins in the Soma and Dendrites of the Substantia Nigra in Mice” Research Mentor: Margaret Rice, PhD 12. Manuela Hoyos, New York City Technical College “Genetic Determinants of Staphylococcus Aureus Colonization of the Murine Gastrointestinal Tract” Research Mentor: Bo Shopsin, MD, PhD 13. Kamilya Hunter, Xavier University of Louisiana “Development of a Candidate Vaccine against Group B Streptococcus Infection in Neonates” Research Mentor: Adam Ratner, MD, PhD 14. Justin Ingram, Michigan State University “The Role of RAGE in Liver and Muscle Tissue” Research Mentor: Ann Marie Schmidt, MD 15. Allie Karz, Duke University “Role and Regulation of the Circular RNA CDR1as in Melanoma Progression” Research Mentor: Eva Hernando-Monge, PhD 16. Justine Lewis, Howard University “Targeting STAT3 to Inhibit Cancer Cell Growth by Genetic and Pharmacologic Methods” Research Mentor: David Levy, PhD 17. Joyce Mendoza-Navarro, University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras “Neural Basis of Maternal Behavior” Research Mentor: Robert Froemke, PhD 18. Salma Mumuni, Western Michigan University “The Role of the Serine Biosynthesis Pathway in EML4-ALK Driven Lung Cancer Cells” Research Mentor: Thales Papagiannakopoulos, PhD 19. Tung Nguyen, Brown University “Epigenetic Regulators of T Cell Identity” Research Mentor: Dan Littman, MD, PhD

20. Oghale Obaro-Best, SUNY Plattsburgh “In Vivo Time Course Analysis of Manganese Uptake in DMT1 Reporter Mice Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging” Research Mentor: Daniel Turnbull, PhD 21. Oge Onuh, Mercer University “The Culturing, Isolation, and Sequencing of Propionibacterium Acnes in the Human Skin Microbiome” Research Mentor: Martin Blaser, MD 22. Sean Pirkle, Vanderbilt University “Transmembrane Domain of p75 Neurotrophin Receptor Enhances trkB Phosphorylation” Research Mentor: Moses Chao, PhD 23. Nancy Sanchez, University of California Santa Cruz “The Germline of the Testis Exerts a Control Over the Sexual Behavior of Male Flies” Research Mentor: Erika Bach, PhD 24. Stela Sota, Jacobs University Bremen, Germany “Herpes Simplex Virus 1 Activates the mTORC1 Pathway in Glucose Deprived Cells” Research Mentor: Angus Wilson, PhD and Ian Mohr, PhD 25. Connor Tsuchida, University of Washington “Isolating and Numerating Vascular Cells by Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting in Murine Models of Atherosclerosis Progression” Research Mentor: Edward Fisher, MD, PhD 26. Idelle Vaynberg, Brandeis University “The Role of Three Exoglycosidases, bgaA, nanA, and strH, in Transmission of Streptococcus pneumonia” Research Mentor: Jeffrey Weiser, MD 27. Yoheilly Velázquez, University of Puerto Rico-Ponce “Immunohistochemical Analysis of Truncated Beta Amyloid Species” Research Mentor: Jorge Ghiso, PhD 28. Ashley Vincenty Acosta, University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez “Spread of Tau Pathology and its Prevention by Antibodies in a Chamber Culture Assay” Research Mentor: Einar Sigurdsson, PhD

29. Jonathan Werner, University of Maryland, Baltimore County “Hypoxia-Induced Remodeling of a Chemosensory Neuron” Research Mentor: Niels Ringstad, PhD 30. Wafa Zeidan, University of California Davis “Disruption of the Multimeric Configuration of a Regulatory Ribonuclease through Targeted Mutation” Research Mentor: Joel Belasco, PhD