Poster session 4. Molecular diagnosis & biomarkers

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European Society for Medical Oncology 2013. Published by Oxford University ... rights reserved. abstracts. Annals of Oncology 24 (Supplement 1): i27–i29, 2013.
Annals of Oncology 24 (Supplement 1): i27–i29, 2013 doi:10.1093/annonc/mdt046.8

Poster session 4. Molecular diagnosis & biomarkers P04:11



O. Rixe1, A. M. Salkeni2, J. M. Furgason2, C. McPherson3, R. Warnick3, M. Bahassi2 1 GRU Cancer Center, Augusta, GA, USA, 2University of Cincinnati Cancer Institute, Cincinnati, OH, USA, 3University of Cincinnati Brain Tumor Center, Cincinnati, OH, USA

Several strategies have been recently developed to target EGFRvIII in glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), including vaccines (CDX-110) and antibody-drug conjugates (AMG595) and represents a new challenging therapeutic avenue with potential great clinical benefits. EGFRvIII is a truncated extracellular mutant of the EGF receptor (EGFR) found in about a third of GBMs, confers enhanced tumorigenic behavior and is associated with chemo- and radio-resistance. GBM patients testing positive for EGFRvIII have a bleaker prognosis than those who do not. We developed a strategy to detect EGFRvIII deletion in the circulating tumor DNA. The purpose of this study is to identify a simple and robust biomarker from the peripheral of patients diagnosed with GBM in order to screen patients for the EGFRvIII deletion. 11 patients have been included in this study. The circulating DNA status for EGFvIII correlates with the analysis performed on the respective tumors samples, and its level seems to be correlated with the extend of the tumor resection. This semi-quantitative blood biomarker may represents a strategy to 1) screen patients for anti-EGFRvIII therapy 2) monitor the therapeutic response to specific targeted therapies.

© European Society for Medical Oncology 2013. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society for Medical Oncology and NDDO Education Foundation. All rights reserved.