PPT Study Guide

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Period ______. ADVANCED COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY. PowerPoint Study Guide. Complete the following questions using the PowerPoint presentation, ...
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ADVANCED COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY PowerPoint Study Guide Complete the following questions using the PowerPoint presentation, Creating a Slide Show, from the shared drive. Develop the Content  Identify ____________________  ____________________ topic  Brainstorm  Create ________________  Title slide  Introduction  Key points  Conclusion Define the Audience  Who is the _____________________?  What are their ____________________?  What are their expectations?  How much do they already _______________?  What will help in conveying the message? Title Slide  Creates ____________________ in topic  Uses key idea from the presentation Edit the Content  Carefully choose ___________ for each slide  Make text concise  Use consistent _________________ _______________________  Utilize strong active verbs  Eliminate excess adverbs and adjectives  Use few prepositions Simplify the Content  Use __________ main concept per slide  Apply the ____________________________________  Limit slide to seven or few _________________  Limit lines to seven or fewer ______________

Determine Additional Content  Color and Culture  Make careful color choices  Limit the use of _______________  Colors have different meanings and connotations  Consider ______________________ audiences Seven Deadly Sins of PowerPoint 1. The speaker ____________ the slides to us 2. Text is so ______________ it cannot be read. 3. The speaker used Full sentences instead of bullet points on each slide and it was too much information. (PowerParagraph) 4. Slides were hard to see because of color choice. 5. Moving/flying text or graphics 6. Annoying use of _______________________ 7. Overly complex diagrams or charts were used. Text Guidelines  Do not underline text.  DO NOT USE ALL CAPS in body text.  Use bold and italics sparingly.  Avoid text that leaves one word on a line by itself.  Title text should be ______ pts or greater.  Body text should be _______ pts or greater. Closing Slide  Similar in content to title slide  Call to ____________  Not “The End”

Fill in the blanks using the words on the back of this handout and the page numbers given. PowerPoint Chapter 1 1. A presentation is all referred to as a _________________________________. (PPT 2) 2. What should be your starting point for a presentation according to the Project Planning Guidelines?_____________________________________________________________(PPT 2)

3. What principle should be used when choosing the text for a slide show? (PPT 4) _____________________________________________________________________ 4. Plan Ahead suggest two ways for distributing a presentation, electronically and ______________. (PPT 4) 5. A document theme provides _____________________________________ throughout the entire presentation (PPT 5). 6. Layouts in PowerPoint vary the position of ____________________________ , which contain text or visual content. (PPT 7 or 21) 7. Plan Ahead (green boxes) provides guidelines to follow when creating a presentation. List four presented in Chapter 1. a. __________________________________________________ (PPT 7) b. _____________________________________________________(PPT 9) c. _____________________________________________________(PPT 12) d. ______________________________________________________(PPT 27) 8. Using bullets you can make multi-level lists. To indent to create a second level, you would ____________ the text. To create a higher level you would ___________________ the text. (PPT 17) 9. The layout gallery contains _______________ different layouts for text, text and content, and blank slides. (PPT 21) 10. TRUE or FALSE. When you change the layout of a slide, PowerPoint retains the text and objects and repositions them into the appropriate placeholders. (PPT 21) 11. TRUE or FALSE. PowerPoint slide layouts require the user to resize all objects and adjust font sizes to fit the placeholder. (PPT 21)

12. In Normal View, the tabs pane contains a _________________ tab and an _____________tab. (PPT 24) 13. The width and height of the panes in normal view can be adjusted using ___________________________________________. (PPT 24) 14. When a slide has similar content, creating a slide can be easier using the command __________________________________________. (PPT 38) 15. Special visual and sound effects applied to text or content is called ____________________________ .(PPT 43) 16. A special animation effect used to progress from one slide to the next is _____________________________________________ .(PPT 43) 17. List five different types of transitions that are available in PowerPoint. (PPT 43) a. _____________________ b. ______________________ c. ______________________ d. _______________________ e. _______________________ 18. When a transition is added to a slide, it is indicated by a __________________ in the Slides Pane. (PPT 44 & 45) 19. Details about a file are found in the _________________________________ .(PPT 45)

PowerPoint Chapter 2

20. To move from the PowerPoint title placeholder to the body text placeholder, press ______________________________. (PPT 78) 21. Each presentation has 12 complementary colors, which collectively are called the ______________________________ . (PPT 80) 22. Shadows, reflections, glow, soft edges, bevel and 3-D rotation are all _____________________. (PPT 89) 23. PowerPoint allows a user to view a change before applying it using ________________________________________ . (PPT 92) 24. The feature Format Painter copies ______________________ from one selection of text to another, ensuring formatting consistency in a presentation. (PPT 101)

PowerPoint Chapter 3

25. Color saturation changes the ________________________________ of colors. (PPT 142) 26. ______________________ converts a picture into a wide variety of hues. (PPT 142) 27. If lines of text exceed the size of the text placeholder, the ___________________button displays on the left side of the slide. (PPT 148) 28. This feature allows the user to set the beginning and ending time of a video clip, it called _________________________ .(PPT 164) 29. Notes for a presentation can be easily added to the _____________ Pane. (PPT 179) 30. A printout containing the slide along with notes entered can be printed by using ____________________ on the print menu. (PPT 179)

Fill in the Blank Answers Adhere to copyright regulations Animation Autofit Options Choose the words for the slide Color scheme Consistency in design and color Ctrl + Enter Demote Document Properties Duplicate Selected Slides Establish why it is needed Format text colors Formatting Identify how to format specific elements of text Intensity Less is more Live Preview Nine Notes Notes Pages Outline Paper Picture Effects Placeholders Promote Recolor Slide Show Slides Splitter bar Star Transition Trim Video