Prayer and Praise - Grace Lutheran Church

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Apr 19, 2015 - Visit our website for podcasts of services and videos of special events. ... Email or Call Beth Webb: bet
Prayer and Praise Pray for the Teigland family as they mourn the loss of their father, grandfather, great-grandfather, Erling. We rejoice that he is now with the Lord he loves. Please pray for Kathryn's friend, Loretta, and her husband who has Parkinson's. He is getting weaker, and Loretta is his primary care person. Pray for strength for both of them. Pray for Pastor Dave Christenson who has been ill. Pray for a return to good health. Praise that Vickie is doing much better (she had dizzy spells). Pray for a continued good recovery. Please continue to pray for Dan and Mardelle Lida. Pray for relief from pain for Dan. They are no longer able to attend church but would enjoy receiving cards from their friends in our congregation. Praise that Laila got a new car (new to her), a good car that just fell in her lap. (only 14,000 miles on it!) She knew she had to get another car, and the Lord knew it too! She is so grateful! Continue to pray for Bob Hosmer while he is in Japan. Pray for a safe journey. Please continue to pray for Todd Eisinger and that his recovery will continue to progress smoothly. Pray for all the Christians who are being persecuted around the world. Help us to not be complacent or become too comfortable.

Easter Season April 19, 2015 1212 9th Ave N Edmonds WA 98020-2606


Think of and pray for the schoolgirls that Boko Haram kidnapped in Nigeria one year ago. Pray for their families and loved ones as well. Pray for faith and strength for these girls that they would not give up hope. Pray for our church. May we reach out to others in our community to share the gospel. May we open our hearts and put our faith to action at every opportunity. Email or Call Beth Webb: [email protected] or 425.742.6347 for prayer requests, praise items, or to be added to the prayer chain.

Visit our website for podcasts of services and videos of special events.

Worship Service Second Sunday after Easter

Announcements Grace Week | A Ministry and Prayer Calendar April 19th through April 26th

Gathering Welcome and Announcements ………………...... Victor Kraakmo Call to Worship .................................................... Psalm 139:1-11 Hymn: 571 ..................................................... He Hideth My Soul Invocation

Today: 10 minutes after Service 3:30 PM

Bible Study, Acts

Saturday 25th 7:00 AM


Nominating Committee Meeting

Wednesday 22nd Men’s Prayer Breakfast

Sunday: 26th

Gospel Lesson ...................................................... Luke 24:36-49 Hymn: 140 ……………… Praise to the Father, the Glorious King The Persecuted Church Hymn: 500 .............................. I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go Offering Offertory .................................................................. Kathryn Isely "My Shepherd Will Supply My Need" Congregational Prayer Sermon Text ......................................................... Genesis 50:21 "Forgiveness" Pastor Emmanuel Sitaki Hymn: 518 ……………….. Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It Sending

9:15 AM 10:30 AM

Sunday School Worship Service Pastor Emmanuel Sitaki, speaking

Next Sunday’s Scriptures: 26th Psalm 23, Acts 4:23-33, John 10:11-18, 1 John 3:1-2

Other Opportunities Reports for the Annual Meeting are Due. Please Email your reports this week. To: [email protected]. Thank you! Thank you for those I have received.

There is a Signup Sheet for Fresh Flowers for the Altar. We are asking for volunteers to take a Sunday or two (or three!). Please consider signing up for this ministry. Gary Stueckle has the signup sheet.

Edmonds Food Bank needs food items each week. Please

Benediction Doxology

bring at least one canned food item per week. See posted list for suggestions.

Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

If You Would Like to Start Using Offering Envelopes: Call or Email Beth Webb at: 425.742.6347 or [email protected].

Planning Ahead Thank you for joining us at Grace Lutheran today, May the Lord bless you throughout this coming week.


Please join us for a time of refreshments and fellowship downstairs

Our Grace Mission is to glorify God as instruments of His love through which our world will come to know Jesus as Savior and follow Him as Lord.

1st 4th 10:00 AM Date/Time TBD 10th 24th 10:00 AM 25th

National Day of Prayer Women of Grace Annual Congregational Business Meeting Mother’s Day Summer Schedule Begins Memorial Day