Prayer and Praise - Grace Lutheran Church

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Jan 12, 2015 - Visit our website for podcasts of services and videos of special events. ... Email or Call Beth Webb: bet
Prayer and Praise Pray for the McIvor family during this time of transition for them. Pray for the Lord to direct them as they seek His guidance. Pray for our church as well during this time. Pray His direction for our future. Praise that Brian's sister-in-law and family that their adoption will be finalized soon. Pray for Ken Webb who broke a bone in his foot. Pray for a complete recovery. Pray for Colleen's family (husband and two daughters) as mourn her passing. Pray for Judy Kumma as she is recovering from an injured knee. Pray for Robyn King who had a trial spinal stimulator inserted over a week ago. Pray that it helped with the pain she has been experiencing for some time now. Please continue to pray for Todd Eisinger who has leukemia. Pray for his family as well.

Christmas Season December 28, 2014 1212 9th Ave N Edmonds WA 98020-2606 425.640.3692 Pastor Dirk McIvor [email protected] Office Hours: Monday–Thursday, 8:00 AM–12:00 PM

Please continue to pray for Brenda Welch as she recovers from her injuries at Harborview in Seattle. Please continue to pray for Bridget who has cancer. We sang carols to her parents a couple of weeks ago. Visit our website for podcasts of services and videos of special events. Email or Call Beth Webb: [email protected] or 425.742.6347 for prayer requests, praise items, or to be added to the prayer chain.

Worship Service Christmas Sunday

Announcements Grace Week | A Ministry and Prayer Calendar December 29th Through January 4th

Gathering Welcome and Announcements .............................. Gary Stueckle Call to Worship ............................................................ Psalm 111 Hymn: 18 ........................... Joy to the World! The Lord Is Come!

Wednesday: 31st New Years’ Eve

Sunday: 4th 10:30 AM

Word Epistle Lesson ............................................... Colossians 3:12-17 Hymn: 37 .......................................... Once in Royal David’s City Gospel Lesson ........................................................ Luke 2:25-38 Hymn: 27 ……………….... From Heaven Above to Earth I Come Offering Offertory ………………………...…… John and Nathaniel Hendrix Response Hymn: 41 .. The Happy Christmas Comes Once More Pastoral Prayer Message .............................................................. Matthew 2:1-18 “The Other Wise Men Story” Pastor Jack Storry Sending

Worship Service

Next Sunday’s Scriptures: 4th Psalm 72, Isaiah 60:1-6, Matthew 2:1-12, Ephesians 3:2-12

Other Opportunities Nursery Attendants Are Needed for Service Times. If you are willing to assist in this ministry, contact Marit Stueckle.

If You Would Like to Start Using Offering Envelopes: The record of your giving will be sent to you for Income Tax. Call Beth Webb at 425.742.6347 or Email [email protected].

Security Measures: Please remember your possessions in

Hymn: 36 .............................................. Infant Holy, Infant Lowly Benediction Doxology Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. Thank you for joining us at Grace Lutheran today, May the Lord bless you throughout this coming week.

the sanctuary after the church service. Take them with you even if you are just going downstairs for the fellowship time

Planning Ahead January: 5th, 10:00 AM Wednesday’s, 3:30 PM 20th, 7:00 PM 24th, 7:30 AM 31st, 7:00 AM

Please join us for a time of refreshments and fellowship downstairs following the service.

Women of Grace Bible study at church Parish Ed Board Planning Council Men’s Prayer Breakfast

Our Grace Mission is to glorify God as instruments of His love through which our world will come to know Jesus as Savior and follow Him as Lord.

Ushers Serving You in December Bill Davey ~ Karl Groth ~ Kristopher Kraakmo