Schedule 4 of the Poisons List. * DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone). + Diazepam.
Diethylpropion. Di-Gesic. Doloxene. * Drive. * Durateston. Duromine. Ephedrine.
SCHEDULE 4 APPENDIX D DRUGS (Prescribed Restricted Substances) The list of substances and preparations below are classified as “prescribed restricted substances” by their inclusion in Appendix D of the Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Regulation 2008. Not all Appendix D substances are included here since many are not currently available for use in Australia. Some brand names, including veterinary products, have been included alphabetically in bold letters. The list is not exhaustive, not all derivatives or brand names are listed individually. Anabolic and androgenic steroidal agents, barbiturates and benzodiazepines that are not listed individually are included in their classes. Salts, derivatives, preparations and admixtures of the substances listed are controlled in the same way as the substances themselves. # Amylobarbitone when packed and labelled for injection
# Amytal Sodium when packed and labelled for injection
Anabolic and androgenic steroidal agents when included in Schedule 4 of the Poisons List (examples are marked thus * in this list)
* Anadiol
* Drive
* Anaplex
* Durateston
* Andriol
* Androderm
+ Ativan
* Ethyloestrenol
Barbiturates including barbituric acid when included in Schedule 4 of the Poisons List (examples are marked thus # in this list)
* Filybol
Benzodiazepine derivatives when included in Schedule 4 of the Poisons List (examples are marked thus + in this list)
+ Frisium
* Boldebal-H
+ Halcion
* Boldenone
+ Hypnovel
# Brietal Sodium
+ Lexotan
+ Bromazepam
+ Libriol
* Canitone
+ Lorazepam
* Mesterolone
+ Clobazam
* Methandriol
+ Clonazepam
# Methohexitone
# Methylphenobarbitone
Dextropropoxyphene when included in Schedule 4 of the Poisons List
* Methyltestosterone
* DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone)
+ Midazolam
+ Diazepam
+ Mogadon
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* Nandoral
* Ropel Liquid
* Nandrolone
+ Serepax
+ Nitrazepam
* Sesoral
* Nitrotain
* Spectriol
* Norandrostenolone
* Stanabolic
* Norethandrolone
* Stanazol
+ Normison
* Stanozolol
* Oxandrin
* Sustanon 100
* Oxandrolone
* Sustanon 250
+ Oxazepam
* Sybolin
+ Temaze
+ Temazepam
# Pentobarbitone when packed and labelled for injection
# Pentothal Sodium
Tenuate Dospan
# Phenobarbitone
* Tepro
* Testaprop
Pipradrol except in compounded preparations containing 0.01 per cent or less of pipradrol
* Testosterone except when included in Schedule 6 of the Poisons List
* Prasterone (dehydroepiandrosterone, dehydroisoandrosterone)
# Thiopentone
* Primoteston Depot
* Trenbolone except when included in Schedule 5 or 6 of the Poisons List
+ Triazolam
* Protabol
* Tribolin 75
* Proviron
+ Valium
Pseudoephedrine when included in Schedule 4 of the Poisons List
+ Zolazepam
+ Rivotril * denotes an anabolic and androgenic steroidal agent + denotes a benzodiazepine # denotes a barbiturate
For further information or clarification of these guidelines, contact the Duty Pharmaceutical Officer, Pharmaceutical Services during office hours on (02) 9391 9944. This guide has been produced by: Pharmaceutical Services Unit Legal and Regulatory Services Branch NSW Ministry of Health Telephone (02) 9391 9944 Fax (02) 9424 5860 Email:
[email protected] Website:
Issue date: February 2014
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