Press Note/Notice inviting Tender

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SHORT TERM NOTICE INVITING e-TENDERS e- Tender Notice No. RDP/2014/UK/1 Dated 15/01/2014. Rural DevelopmentĀ ...

e-Tender Notice No. RDP/2014/UK/1 Dated 15/01/2014 Rural Development & Panchayats Department Punjab Vikas Bhawan, Sector 62, SAS Nagar, 160062 Ph.-0172-5063522 Department of Rural Development and Panchayats, Punjab invites Short term online eTender for the following items:-

Supply of Utensils Kit in the State of Punjab Project Cost

50 Crores

Supply Period

2 Months

Period of availability of tender on line/Date and Time of online bid submission and date of opening of Bids are as per detail below: Availability of tender on line

Date and Time of opening tenders



Technical Bid

Financial Bid

January 16, 2014

January 30, 2014

January 30, 2014

Will be intimated

1000 hour onward

up to 1000 hours

At 1130 hours

later on

Detailed Notice Inviting Tenders and other terms & conditions are available on website:, For participating in the above e-tendering process, the firms shall have to get themselves registered with and get user ID, Password. Class-3 Digital Signature is mandatory to participate in the e-tendering process. For any clarification/difficulty regarding e-tendering process flow, please contact us on 8146699894/ 8054628821/0172-3934667.

Director Department of Rural Development and Panchayats Punjab, S A S Nagar

gzikp ;oeko g/Av{ ftek; ns/ gzukfJsK ftGkr ftek; GtB, ;?eNo 62, ;HnH;H Bro. ;/tk fty/ vkfJo?eNo, b'e ;zgoe ftGkr, gzikp, uzvhrVQ. (fBwB^fbys nyapkoK ftZu SkgD fjZs) 1) fNqfpT{B (nzro/iah) (;ko/ nvhPB) 2) fjzd{;skB NkJhwia (nzro/iah) (;ko/ nvhPB) 3) o'iakBk nihs (gzikph) 4) iZr pkDh (gzikph) 5) gzikp e/;oh (fjzdh) whw' BzL 8(01)2011^yg^2$ ft;akL^


gzikp oki ftu GKfvnK dhnK feZNK dh ;gbkJh d/ N?Avo wzrD ;pzXh fJ;afsjko. &&&& nkg B{z T[go'es ft;a/ ;zpzXh ezw d/ N?Avo wzrD fjZs Bkb BZEh

fJ;afsjko G/i e/ fbfynk iKdk j? fe fJj fJ;afsjko T[es fbya/ nyapkoK ftZu fwsh 16$01$2014 B{z SgtkT[D dh feqgkbsk ehsh ikt/. BZEh$T[es nB[;ko fJ;afsjko dk xZN'^xZN oepk u'VkJh 3 ekbw bzpkJh 10 ;?AfNwhNo whw' BzL 8(01)2011^yg^2$

vkfJo?eNo, g/Av{ ftek; ns/ gzukfJs ftGkr, gzikp.


T[go'es dh ekgh ;w/s N?Avo d;skt/iK dh ;kcN ekgh vhHvhHghHU, fJzukoi, nkJhHNhH ;?Zb, g/Av{ ftek; ns/ gzukfJs ftGkr G/id/ j'J/ fbfynk iKdk j? fe fJ; B[z ftGkr dh t?p ;kJhN s/ nZgb'v ehsk ikt/.

BZEh$T[es nB[;ko

vkfJo?eNo, g/Av{ ftek; ns/ gzukfJs ftGkr, gzikp.