press release - North American Development Bank

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Apr 27, 2016 - Management Institute (UMI) of the North American Development Bank ... a diploma-level course, to be taugh
Border Environment Cooperation Commission / Comisión de Cooperación Ecológica Fronteriza

North American Development Bank / Banco de Desarrollo de América del Norte


CONTACT: Jesse Hereford 210-231-8000 [email protected]

Training in comprehensive water management for utility professionals from three Mexican border states Monterrey, Nuevo León – Today the first of five modules of the new diploma-level course on water utility basics was initiated in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon. The program developed by the Utility Management Institute (UMI) of the North American Development Bank (NADB) is being offered by the Latin American and Caribbean water center, Centro del Agua para América Latina y el Caribe (CDA), of the School of Engineering and Science of the Monterrey Technological Institute (ITESM) to water utility professionals and experts in the field. The Head of the School of Engineering, Salvador García Rodríguez, along with officials from NADB and CDA, formally inaugurated the course, which is intended to strengthen the administrative and financial capacities and leadership skills of water utilities located along the northern border of Mexico. At the end of 2015, NADB and ITESM signed an agreement to turn the UMI training program into a diploma-level course, to be taught in five sessions for a total of 100 hours, with emphasis on such topics as planning, designing and implementing successful water utility; financial planning an administration; leadership in the utility; and public policies for water. The course is being presented at the facilities of the School of Government and Public Transformation (EGTP) at ITESM, with the participation of about 25 representatives from the water utilities in Reynosa, Piedras Negras, Monterrey and Victoria, as well as from the Mexican National Water Commission (CONAGUA). For more information about NADB’s training program and schedule of seminars, visit NADB is a financial institution established and capitalized in equal parts by the United States and Mexico for the purpose of financing environmental infrastructure projects along their common border. As a pioneer institution in its field, the Bank is working to develop environmentally and financially sustainable projects with broad community support in a framework of close cooperation and coordination between Mexico and the United States . For more information, visit ###