Press Release - Walla Walla - Elect John Turner for Sheriff

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Committee to Re-Elect Sheriff John Turner (R) ... endorsed Sheriff John Turner in his bid for reelection. Sheriff Turner
Press Release Local Law Enforcement and Majority of Sheriff’s Office Employees Endorse Sheriff Turner for Reelection Many local law enforcement officers and the majority of Sheriff’s Office employees have now endorsed Sheriff John Turner in his bid for reelection. Sheriff Turner’s opponent, Tom Cooper, has campaigned on his claim that Sheriff’s Office morale is low and that the office is fractured. Based upon recent strong local law enforcement and Sheriff’s Office employee support for Sheriff Turner’s reelection, Cooper’s claims appear to not be the case. “I have been a Deputy Sheriff with the Walla Walla County Sheriff's Office for more than 30 years. Under John Turner's time as Sheriff I feel there has been more opportunities for continuing education and quality training available for the Sheriff's office. Sheriff Turner has worked hard to provide updated equipment for his deputies. He has been a hands on leader, many times I have been responding to an emergency call and in my rearview mirror I see Sheriff's Turners emergency lights coming up behind me to back me up. Even in the middle of the night he has been there to back up his deputies. My family has expressed to me and to Sheriff Turner that because of the changes he has implemented (new equipment, 12 hour shifts, quality training, and continued education) they feel more confident that I have the tools available to protect the public and to come home safe at the end of my shifts. The morale on my squad as well as our sister squad is great. We work great as a team and know what each other is going to do. This also goes beyond work as we socialize together as we are each other's second family.” - WWSO Deputy Robin Frisvold “I have worked in Walla Walla area law enforcement for the past 30 years which has allowed me the opportunity to work with all three candidates for Sheriff. Sheriff John Turner has the education, vision and leadership to provide the citizens of Walla Walla County with professional law enforcement services. Please join me in voting to re-elect John Turner for Sheriff.” - WWPD Detective Sergeant Matt Wood “Times have changed, we need a sheriff that is not only a good cop but understands modern policing and how to manage a multi-million dollar operation. The man that meets and exceeds these requirements is John Turner. I want a sheriff who has goals. John has communicated his goals and has done exactly what he said he was going to do. John is the most qualified and experienced. Please join me in re-electing Sheriff John Turner.” - WWPD Chief Chuck Fulton, Ret. Committee to Re-Elect Sheriff John Turner (R) [email protected] • 509-524-8814 • PO Box 1215 • Walla Walla, WA 99362

"I already have a sheriff I can trust!" - WWSO Corrections Officer Steven Perez “I served under five sheriffs. The fifth sheriff, Sheriff John Turner, is the hardest working, most dedicated, most honorable, and most ethical law enforcement leader I served with.” - WWSO Captain Jim Romine, Ret. “Many of the things mentioned in the forums and in previous articles lack the truth. I do not stand alone when I say I am happy serving with and working for the current sheriff.” - WWSO Deputy Luke Watson “I have seen many different leadership types both stateside and in Iraq and Afghanistan. I have seen what works and what does not, and I can say that what Sheriff John Turner brings to the table day in and day out is the right kind of leadership for the Sheriff’s Office.”


WWSO Deputy Chris Johnson

“In the 21 years I’ve been at the Walla Walla Sheriff’s Office, I have never seen the morale so high and teamwork so effective. Please don’t be misled; our Sheriff, John Turner, is doing a great job. The vast majority of local law enforcement, fire-fighters, and Sheriff’s Office employees support our Sheriff for re-election. Please join us!” - WWSO Deputy Gerrod Martin

List of Local Law Enforcement Professionals Endorsements Sheriff Ron Kespohl (Ret.) Chief Deputy John King Chief Deputy Keilen Harmon Chief Deputy Shanda Zessin Deputy Robin Frisvold Deputy Dale Preas Deputy Richard Schram Deputy Luke Watson Deputy Chris Johnson Deputy Ryan Allen Deputy Gerrod Martin Deputy Ian Edwards Deputy Travis Goodwin Deputy Brian Bush Reserve Deputy Ted Sams

Corrections Sergeant Jared Brown Corrections Officer Kevan Gifford Corrections Officer Lacey Ammons Corrections Officer Benjamin Olson Corrections Officer Steven Perez Corrections Officer Tim Moro Corrections Officer Leonardo Diaz Corrections Officer Amanda Thomas Corrections Officer Shane Thomas Corrections Officer Jonathan Watson Debra Thomas Erin Morgan Shelby Rugraff Julie Lorren Carol Guay

Committee to Re-Elect Sheriff John Turner (R) [email protected] • 509-524-8814 • PO Box 1215 • Walla Walla, WA 99362

Chaplain Gil Alden Chaplain Angie Alden Court Security Officer Robert Britton Captain Jim Romine (Ret.) Undersheriff Eddie Freyer (FBI Ret.) Roger Gerow (CSO Ret.) Chief Chuck Fulton (Ret.) Assistant Chief Don Wood (Ret.) Sergeant Matt Wood Sergeant Kevin Braman Sergeant Kevin Bayne Sergeant Steve Potter Detective Mike Boettcher Detective Miguel Sanchez Detective Eric Knudson Officer Michael Burnett Officer Brent Barberich Officer Gunner Fulmer Officer Tim Bennett Officer Tracy Klem Officer Nick Loudermilk Officer Kevin Huxoll Officer Scott Knutson Officer Jeff Meyer Officer Matt Greenland Officer Tim Hollingsworth Officer Jeremy Pellicer Officer Al Schneidmiller (Ret.) Chaplain Ron Alexander WESCOM Director Steve Ruley WESCOM Supv. Pete Erb Chalese Rabidue Vicki Ruley Sandi Olson Sheriff Terry Rowan, Umatilla County Chief Doug Boedigheimer, Milton-Freewater Police

Committee to Re-Elect Sheriff John Turner (R) [email protected] • 509-524-8814 • PO Box 1215 • Walla Walla, WA 99362