“ R.R.E.V.” (REDISCOVER THE REAL EUROPEAN VALUES) PARTNERS: Romania,Estonia, Italy, Spain, Norway, France, Cyprus, Holland, Turkey.
Romanian cookery book ‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’
200 grams celery 200 grams carrots 1/2 red apple 1/2 green apple Lemon juice, Oil Salt, Pepper ½ cup Mayonnaise (optional)
How to make it:
Grate the carrot and the celery, cut the apples a la julienne;
After that, prepare a dressing from oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper and mayonnaise and arrange them beautifully on a plate.
-250 g smoked pastrami -250 g bacon -250 g salami -250 g meatballs -250 g Swiss/sheep cheese -200 g cherry tomatoes -100 g olives -100 g green pepper -10 filled eggs(hard boiled egg whites filled with liver paste and mayonnaise) -cold meat salad and aubergine salad(optional)
1 kilo of mushrooms 200 grams Swiss cheese (if desired) 1 onion, 3 cloves of garlic 1 egg parsley, salt and pepper
How to make it: Clean the mushrooms, break their tails and cut them in little pieces, then mix these pieces with onion, garlic and fry them in vegetable oil. Stop the fire, add the cheese, egg and some parsley. Fill with this mixture the mushrooms, grate some Swiss cheese over and put them in the oven for 20 minutes.
500g pork meat (legs, breast) 500 g smoked meat 500 g smoked sausages 3-4 tablespoons lard (oil) 5 cloves of garlic Salt, pepper, 50ml red wine
Place lard or oil in the pan. Add bacon and chopped pork meat and fry a few minutes until the bacon begins to melt. Add 100 ml water and let it continue to boil until the water evaporates. After about 30 min. add the sausages and continue frying until the meat becomes crispy outside but soft inside.
•When the meat is fried add garlic, salt, pepper and wine, then still cook for 10 minutes. •Serve with ’mamaliguta’, sheep cheese and fried eggs.
1 qt. Water, 1-2 cups corn meal, 2 tsp. salt. Boil water and salt in a pot. When water is boiling, gradually add corn meal while stirring the mixture with a whisk. Stop adding corn meal when the mixture is considerably thick. Continue to simmer for about 10-15 minutes, with caution since the mixture bubbles up and splatters hot polenta around.
Remove from the heat, put on a plate one layer of polenta, then a little butter and a layer of traditional Romanian sheep cheese and finally again polenta. Serve hot with the meat dish (‘tochitura moldoveneasca’) and with traditional pickles in salty water.
Romanian Panetone dough: 1 kg flour, 300 g sugar, 1 1/2 cups milk, 6 eggs, 50 g yeast, 200 g butter, 2 tablespoons oil, vanilla stick, salt, egg for washing the dough, grease for the pans. Make a starter from yeast and a teaspoon of sugar. Mix until the consistency of sour cream, add 2-3 tablespoons tepid milk, a little flour and mix well; sprinkle some flour on top, cover and let sit in a warm place to rise. Boil the milk with the vanilla stick (cut in very small pieces) and leave it on the side of the range, covered, to keep warm.
Mix the yolks with the sugar and salt, then slowly pour the tepid milk, stirring continuously. Place the risen starter in a large bowl and pour, stirring continuously, the yolk-milk mixture and some flour, a little at a time. Then add 3 whipped egg whites. When you finish this step, start kneading. Knead, adding melted butter combined with oil, a little at a time, until the dough starts to easily come off your palms. Cover with a cloth and then something thicker (like a blanket). Leave in a warm place to triple in bulk. If during kneading the dough seems too hard, you may add a little milk. If, on the contrary, the dough seems too soft, you may add a little flour.
Filling: 300 g ground walnuts, 1 cup milk, 3/4 cup sugar, 1/4 cup rum, vanilla Melt the sugar in the warm milk with vanilla in a pot on the range. When the sugar is melted, add the walnuts and keep stirring. After a few minutes of boiling, and after the filling has thickened, remove from heat and add rum. When the filling is cold, roll a sheet of dough about one finger thick, uniformly spread the walnut filling on top and roll like a jelly roll. Grease a bread pan, place the roll inside, let rise for a while. Wash with egg and bake at medium heat. Take out of the pan as soon as it is done, place on a cloth and let cool.
Presentation prepared by a team of students from ‘Mihai Eminescu’ school and ‘St. Francis of Assisi’ High School Roman, Romania with the help of teachers Antica Dobrita and Paula-Odille Dogan