MIKE FLOOD is a unique modeling tool that combines the strengths of two well-
proven ... With MIKE FLOOD you can leverage your investment in MIKE 11 river.
Integrated Water Resources Management and Planning
Flood Modeling in 1D and 2D
Professional Applications
Professional Applications
> Optimizing and allocating water resources > Managing reservoirs with the decision support system for optimizing water use with water rights > Establishing cost-effective measures for water quality compliance > Exploring conjunctive use of groundwater / surface water > Analyzing irrigation performance > Solving multi-criteria optimization > Prioritizing between users and describing water sharing policies > Optimizing the use of hydropower
> > > > >
MIKE BASIN is a versatile decision support tool for integrated water resources management and planning. It provides a simple, yet powerful, framework for managers and stakeholders to address multisectoral allocation and environmental issues in river basins. MIKE BASIN is based on ArcGIS. MIKE BASIN Key Features > Local and global priority algorithms for water allocation > Very flexible simulation of reservoirs > Detailed hydropower simulations > Diversions and optional Muskingum routing > Irrigation and crop demand calculations > Water supply simulations including trends > Broad scale water quality modeling > Rainfall-runoff with different models for estimating catchment runoff > Time series analysis tools for pre- and post processing results > Automatic catchment delineation from DEMs* MIKE BASIN Water Quality The WQ module enables MIKE BASIN to simulate steady state reactive transport of the most important substances affecting water quality. Point sources and non-point pollution can be modeled as well as the water quality in reservoirs and groundwater.
System Requirements: Microsoft Windows 98/NT/2000/XP, 128 MB RAM required for larger models and 1GB of free disc space.
Pricing US
5,80000 US 00 MIKE BASIN Extended..................... 8,100 MIKE BASIN Basic............................
MIKE BASIN WQ...............................
Call 519-746-1798 for additional technical details! *MIKE BASIN EXTENDED
Flood modeling involving river-flood plain interaction Modeling of river embankment failures Detailed dam break studies Flood modeling for estuaries Production of flood scenario animations
MIKE FLOOD is a unique modeling tool that combines the strengths of two well-proven 1D and 2D modeling tools into one comprehensive flood modeling package. With MIKE FLOOD you can leverage your investment in MIKE 11 river models and expand your capabilities to more detailed 2D modeling of flood plains. Or you can rapidly establish 2D flood models from digital elevation data and then refine your model by adding hydraulic structures from the unique arsenal of MIKE 11 structures. MIKE FLOOD is approved by US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for use in the National Flood Insurance Program. MIKE FLOOD Features MIKE FLOOD includes a wide range of relevant tools for flood plain and storm surge analysis:
> A comprehensive hydraulic structures package for modeling of culverts, > > > > > >
bridges, weirs, etc. Flood hazard maps, animations, dam and embankment failure analysis tools An efficient flooding and drying facility A fast and robust solution technique GIS integration for spatial analysis Extensive time series analysis tools Super critical flow solutions
System Requirements: Microsoft Windows 98/NT/2000/XP, 128 MB RAM required for larger models and 1GB of free disc space.
Pricing US
MIKE FLOOD ..........................from
Call 519-746-1798 for additional technical details!