I n November 1998 the Singapore Mathematical Society started the Primary.
Mathematics Olympiad Programme, an enrichment programme for primary
school ...
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Primary Mathematics Olympiad Programme A Report by Yap Weng Yin
n November 1998 the Singapore Mathematical Society started the Primary Mathematics Olympiad Programme, an enrichment programme for primary school students. Since 1998 the programme has been conducted two or three times every year and often receives overwhelming response.
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Dr Victor Tan is conducting a session of Primary Olympiad.
The programme is conducted in five 3hour sessions and covers topics on numbers and algebra, counting and geometry as well as logical thinking and number games. The programme is intended for students who are in Primary 5 or Primary 6 and have a
The major reason for the popularity of this programme is the team of excellent instructors who are able to facilitate the learning of difficult mathematical Olympiad problem-solving techniques by keen primary school students. This programme is conducted by NUS/NTU lecturers, many of whom have trained some of the past winners of the Primary School Mathematical Olympiad.
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strong interest in mathematics. While some of the teaching material will be similar to problems from the Primary School Mathematical Olympiad, the aim of the programme is to stimulate and develop the students' creative thinking and problem-solving abilities. There will be hands-on problem-solving activities during which the students will interact with the instructors and their classmates. These activities are designed to enhance the students' learning process.
Dr Roger Poh is conducting a session of Primary Olympiad.
Students are attending a class of Primary Olympiad.