Oct 28, 2016 - privacy concerns of mobile device users with respect to their location information and their use of location-based ... prefer not to answer this). 4.
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Privacy concerns for mobile users Scope of the survey: The TLTPOS group at TUT (www.cs.tut.fi/tlt/pos) is conducting this web survey in order to learn more about the privacy concerns of mobile device users with respect to their location information and their use of location-based services. The results will be analyzed anonymously and in a conglomerate form. This study is related to INSURE project, and results will be available at the project website, when they will be published (www.insure-project.org).
1. Age below 18 years old between 18 and 25 years old between 25 and 35 years old between 35 and 45 years old between 45 and 55 years old between 55 and 65 years old above 65 years old prefer not to answer
2. Gender Male Female Prefer not to answer
3. Country where you resided most of the time in the past 5 years ((you can leave it empty if you prefer not to answer this)
4. Have you ever used the 'check-in' feature in Facebook? I don't have a Facebook account I have a Facebook account, but I have never used the 'check-in' feature I have a Facebook account and have used the 'check-in' feature couple of times I have a Facebook account,and I use the 'check-in' feature regularly
5. Have you ever used the 'tagging' feature in Facebook (i.e., adding location information and/or people's names on photos)? I don't have a Facebook account I have a Facebook account, but I have never used the 'tagging' feature I have a Facebook account and I have used only the name tagging option (to add people names to pictures) I have a Facebook account and I have used only the location tagging option (to add location to pictures) I have a Facebook account and I have used both the name tagging and the location tagging
6. Have you ever used the 'location tagging' feature in Twitter (i.e., adding location information on your Twitter posts)? I don't have a Twitter account I have a Twitter account, but I have never used the 'location tagging' feature I have a Facebook account and I have used the 'location tagging' feature
7. Do you have any of the following applications active on your mobile phone? 'Active' means
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here that they are used more often than 6 times per year. Yes
Facebook Whatsapp PokemonGo Instagram WikiLoc Bitmoji Uber Whisper SnapChat
8. Do you read the permissions required by a location-based application before installing it on your mobile devices? Yes, often or always Yes, sometimes No, I don't read the permissions I have never installed a location-based application on my mobile device(s)
9. Have you ever used the location engine on your mobile phone? Yes, I have it always on Yes, I use it at least once a month Yes, but I use it rarely (e.g., only when traveling) No
10. If you have ever used the location engine on your mobile phone, did you activate only the GPS engine, or also the WiFi engine? I only activate GPS when using the location engine I activate both GPS and WiFi connections when using the location engine, I never use the location engine on my mobile phone
11. Do you allow your location data to be collected by your active mobile applications? Yes, but only if I cannot use a mobile application otherwise Yes, usually, even if I could use that particular application without sharing my location data Yes, always No, I prefer to not use at all the applications which require access to my location data
12. Do you currently use any of the following cloud data services? Fill all rows. Yes, both for personal and professional use, Yes, only for professional use Yes, only for personal use No Dropbox Google drive Flickr Amazon Cloud Drive Apple iCloud Drive Microsoft OneDrive Hive Picassa Overleaf Sharelatex
13. How often do you use a public free Wifi connection, assuming that such a free Wifi connection is available? Every time when I find a free WiFi connection outside my home Sometimes, no matter if I am required to freely register to use it
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Only when I am not required to give an email address to use it Never
14. Please select the top two Internet search engines from the list below. Select number 1 for the most used, number 2 for the second most used and number 3 for all the others. If the search engine you are using is not in the list, use the option 'Other' . If you only use one search engine, use only the numbers 1 and 3 in your selection. 1
Google Bing DuckDuckGo IxQuick Yahoo Searches via Tor browser Yauba Ahmia Other
15. Regarding the social networking, blogging and cloud services, which of the following privacy issues worry you and how much? Please fill each row. A third party here refers to any unit or person different from you, No concern
Little concern
Moderate concern
High concern
Very high concern
I am concerned if my pictures or videos can be seen and used by third parties I am concerned if my location data can be seen and used by third parties I am concerned if my phone contacts can be seen and used by third parties I am concerned if my voice calls can be heard and used by third parties I am concerned if my documents stored in cloud services can be seen and used by third parties I am concerned if my emails can be read/analyzed by third parties
16. How much would you be willing to pay for a private cloud data service? A private cloud data service is for example a home hard disk with internet access, where you have full control of whom can see, use or share your data, such as photos, music or other files. Check the maximum bound you would be willing to pay, 0 EUR, this is not interesting for me aa I can use freely the public cloud storage services no more than 20 EUR no more than 50 EUR no more than 100 EUR no more than 200 EUR no more than 300 EUR no more than 400 EUR no more than 500 EUR
17. How much would you be willing to pay monthly for a privacy-preserving location engine on your mobile phone? (i.e., a location engine which does not transmit your location data to any party without your express approval). Select the maximum amount that applies. If more than one of the options below, then select the last one. Nothing Less than 5% of my current monthly mobile fee Less than 10% of my current monthly mobile fee Less than 15% of my current monthly mobile fee Less than 20% of my current monthly mobile fee Less than 25% of my current monthly mobile fee
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