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Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004. Compiled by Konstantin A. Lutaenko and Shu Gao. Nanjing: Nanjing University, 2004. 157 p. Publication of ...

PROCEEDINGS OF THE WORKSHOP Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

(APN Project 2004-18-NMY)

Nanjing 2004

Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004. Compiled by Konstantin A. Lutaenko and Shu Gao. Nanjing: Nanjing University, 2004. 157 p.

Publication of this book and workshop were financially supported by Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN Project 2004-18-NMY)

ISBN 5-8044-0277-3

C Nanjing Univ., Inst. Mar. Biol. FEB RAS., 2004

Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

Contents T.A. Belan. Long-term changes of marine environment and bottom communities of Amursky Bay (the Sea of Japan) ...................................................................................................


I.V. Stonik, T.Yu. Orlova. Spatial and long-term changes in the phytoplankton of the coastal waters off Vladivostok (Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan), 1991-2000 ..........


V.I. Ponomarev, N.I. Rudykh. Multiscale oscillation of Razdolnaya (Suyfun) and Amur Rivers discharge affected by climate variability in the northeast Asia .............................


O.N. Pavlyuk, Y.A. Trebukhova. The structure of meiobentic communities in Amursky Bay (Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan) ...............................................................................


V.M. Shulkin, N.N. Bogdanova. Concentration of metals in the rivers of the south part of Primorski Krai, Russia ...................................................................................................


V.M. Shulkin, G.I. Semykina. Seasonal and annual variability of the concentration and output of nutrients by the Razdolnaya River (Primorski Krai) ...............................................


Congxian Li, Shouye Yang, Daidu Fan, Juan Zhao. Change in Changjiang suspended load after completion of the three-gorges dam and its impacts on the delta evolution ........


Qingshu Yang, Ping Xie. The changes of sediment concentration and discharge in recent five years from the Pearl River to the Pearl River delta, China ...........................................


Shu Gao. River delta growth in relation to sediment retention ..................................................


Wu Chaoyu, J.Ren, Y. Bao, Y.P. Lei Z.G. The deposition modes and the possbile dynamic mechanism during evolution of the Pearl River delta since 6000 BP ...........................


O.V. Dudarev, A.I. Botsul, A.N. Charkin, I.V. Utkin. Scales in the variability of the lithological and biogeochemical processes within the Razdolnaya River estuary ...............


A.V. Silina. Changes in the growth rates and degree of shell bioerosion of the Yezo scallop inhabiting Razdolnaya River estuary for two decades ..................................................


A.V. Moshchenko, E.V. Oleynik. Correlation between contamination and granulometry of sediments: choice of abiotic variables for explanation of the variability of composition, abundance and spatial distribution of benthic invertebrates in Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan ...........................................................................................................


V. N. Bocharnikov, Yu.N. Gluschenko, S.M. Krasnopeev. Wetlands of Primorye and Priamurye current status, global threats, biodiversity conservation ...............................


E.V. Oleynik, A.V. Moshchenko. Biodiversity and abundance changes of bivalve mollusks in 2001 compared to the end of 1980s in Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan ...............


I.R. Levenetz, I.I. Ovsyannikova. Macroepibionts of scallop Mizuhopecten yessoensis from the polluted area of Amursky Bay, Sea of Japan .................................................................


I.G. Syasina. Histopathological biomarkers in fish from Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan for assessment of biological effects of contaminants ..........................................................


M.A. Vaschenko, P.M. Zhadan. Study of the state of coastal ecosystems in Amursky Bay (Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan): comparative analysis of the data of 1980s, 1990s and 2000s ............................................................................................................


M.H. Wong. Good aquaculture practice for sustainable coastal management ...........................


L. M. Gramm-Osipov, A. V. Savchenko. Physico-chemical modeling of behavior of trace elements in the mixing zone of Razdolnaya River and Amursky Bay ..........................


N. I. Grigoryeva. Seasonal and interannual variation of water temperature at the mouth of the Tumen River ............................................................................................................


A. N. Makhinov. Long-term changes in the hydrological regime of the Amur River ................



Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

Ruihong Yu, Youpeng Xu, Zongwei Ma. The impact of climate variability and human activities on flood and drought disaster in the Yangtze valley ...............................................


V.A. Omelyanenko, V.A. Kulikova. Pelagic larvae of Bivalvia, Gastropoda and Echinodermata in Amursky Bay (Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan) ...........................................


V.I. Zvalinsky, P.Ya. Tishchenko. Nutrients, primary production and carbonate system in Razdol naya River estuary .............................................................................................


Shouye Yang, Jingong Cai, Congxian Li, Daidu Fan. Rare earth elemental compositions of the Changjiang and Huanghe sediments and its applications for tracing the river origins and uplift history of the Tibetan Plateau ...........................................................


Chang-Hee Lee, Taeho Rho, Hyunjoo Moon, Sungwoo Jeon, Kyeongmi Heo and Seong Hwan Pae. Environment management strategy for Han River estuary in Korea ......


D.L. Pitruk, V.L. Kasyanov. Big problems of the big river (ecological state of the Tumen River) .............................................................................................................................


A.N.Kachur, P.Ya. Baklanov. Nature management within the Russian Far East coastal zones ......


K.A. Lutaenko. Endangered bivalve mollusks in near-estuarine areas of the Russian coast of the Sea of Japan (East Sea) .......................................................................................



Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

LONG-TERM CHANGES OF MARINE ENVIRONMENT AND BOTTOM COMMUNITIES OF AMURSKY BAY (THE SEA OF JAPAN) T.A. Belan Far Eastern Regional Hydrometeorological Research Institute (FERHRI), Vladivostok 690990, Russia; Institute of Marine Biology, Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok 690041, Russia

Introduction The aim of this report is to review the state of bottom sediment pollution and benthic communities in the coastal zone of Peter the Great Bay in August 2001, and to compare these results with similar data for 1990s. Amursky Bay is the study area. The following basic parameters will be discussed: 1) concentrations of trace metals, petroleum and chlorinated hydrocarbons in bottom sediments; 2) benthos quantitative characteristics and species composition. Materials and Methods Sediment samples were taken in the coastal zone of Peter the Great Bay in August 2001 (Fig. 1). The sampling design in 2001 was the same as in 1986-1989. Four replicate sediment samples at each site were taken with vanVeen grab (0.11 m2). Only surface sediments (1-2 cm) were collected for chemical analysis (trace metals, chlorinated hydrocarbons and total non-polar petroleum hydrocarbons. For biological analysis, sediments were washed by seawater through 1.0 mm sieve, and residues including macrobenthos were preserved by 4% buffered formaldehyde. In the laboratory, benthic organisms were sorted to major taxa. All individuals were identified to species level, but some organisms could only be identified to higher taxa. Wet weight of macrofauna was determined: organisms were blotted and air-dried for approximately one minute prior to weighting. Benthos parameters were calculated using four replicate samples and included the following: total biomass (B), abundance (A), Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H), Pielou evenness index (e), Margalef richness index (R), and Simpson domination index (Si). For determination of species structure of benthic communities SIMPER-analysis (PRIMER Program) was used (UNEP, 1995).


Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

Study Area Amursky Bay is located in the northwestern portion of Peter the Great Bay. The highest depth is 53 m, and the mean depth is about 20 m. Bottom sediments are characterized by the prevalence of silt, but in the southern part of the bay fine sands are present. Salinity ranges from 26.5PSU in shallow waters to 33.5PSU in the deepest areas. Dissolved oxygen (DO) saturation in the bottom layer usually exceeds 90%. In the shallow part of the bay DO saturation is sometimes decreased dramatically (down to 30%). The highest nutrient levels are observed in the inner part of the bay because of river runoff. Eastern part of the bay is polluted due to influence of municipal and industrial wastewater discharges, urban runoff (stations 16, 24, 55, 59) and former dredged material dumping (24A). As a result of high load of pollutants (including nutrients and dissolved organic matter), Amursky Bay is under chronic anthropogenic impact (Shapovalov et al., 1989; Tkalin et al., 1993; Belan, 2003). Results and Discussion The first hydrobiological expeditions in Peter the Great Bay have been carried out in 1925-1933, when initial data on benthos distribution patterns, species composition and benthic quantitative characteristics where obtained. Average benthos biomass in Amursky Bay at that time was more than 150 g/m2, the most abundant and wide-spread species in silty and silty-sand sediments (with depth ranging from 14 to 40 m) were polychaetes Maldane sarsi, Scoloplos armiger, Lumbrineris minuta, Sigambra bassi, Anobothrus gracilis, bivalve mollusc Nucula tenuis, ophiuroid Ophiura sarsi, hydroid Obelia longissima (Deruygin & Somova, 1941). The expeditions carried out in 1970s, 40 years later, have demonstrated the following alterations in benthos communities of Amursky Bay (Klimova, 1971): · composition and distribution of wide-spread assemblages were changed; · the abundance of dominant species (M. sarsi, S. armiger, O. longissima) was declined. In 1986-1989, the following significant changes, in comparison with 1970s, have been recorded (Klimova, 1988; 2003): · the average benthos biomass decreased by a factor of 2; · reduction of the habitat areas and disappearance of Echinodermata (starfish Luidia quinaria, ophiuroids O. sarsi) as well as decreasing of abundance of some polychaete species (Scalibregma inflatum, S. armiger and M. sarsi) took place; · pollution-tolerant species became wide-spread with anomalously high density in the most polluted areas (polychaetes Tharyx pacifica up to 8100 ind/ m2; Dipolydora cardalia up to 2100 ind/m2; phoronids Phoronopsis harmeri up to 2000 ind/m2). The data on contaminant levels in bottom sediments of the bay in 19861989, evaluated by principal component analysis (PCA), have shown three distinctive areas (Belan, 2003), namely less polluted (northern and southern parts of the bay), moderately polluted (eastern part) and severely polluted (dumping 6

Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

site). For example, contents of pollutants at the former dumping site exceeded background level by a factor of 7-10 (Shapovalov et al., 1989). The associated negative changes in ecosystems of Amursky Bay have been explained by anthropogenic factors: chronic pollution and progressive eutrophication (Tkalin et al., 1993; Belan, 2003). Joint ecological expedition carried out by FERHRI and the Institute of Marine Biology in Peter the Great Bay in August 2001 obtained new data on bottom sediment pollution and the status of benthic fauna. In total, 16 stations were sampled in Amursky Bay in the depth from 6 to 35 m. Location of sampling stations is shown on Fig. 1. In case of PHCs, discharge of Razdolnaya River flowing into Amursky bay is clearly seen (in addition to discharges from industrial enterprises). Maximum concentrations of TM and DDTs were also found near industrial wastewater outfalls (near stations 16 and 59). Maximum concentrations of Cu, Pb and DDTs in Amursky Bay sediments exceed the minimum threshold concentrations (ERL) causing negative biological effects (Long et al., 1995). The pollutant contents at the former dumping site (24A) are no longer different from the surrounding areas (the dumping site has been closed for about 15 years). Figure 2 shows the temporal trends of some pollutants (PHCs, DDTs and Cd as an example) in bottom sediments of Amursky Bay from 1990 to 2001. The data for summer (sum.), fall (f.) and spring (sp.) surveys were used for trend analysis. The trends are statistically significant for Cd and PHCs, but not for DDTs. The possible reason of these decreasing trends is the decline of the Russian Far East economy after the Soviet Union breakdown.

Razdolnaya River


11 8



9 28





24 55



Russky Island




Fig. 1. Sampling stations in August 2001


8 2001-sum 2001-f


2000-sum 2000-f


1999-sum 1999-f


1998-sum 1998-f

1997-f 1998-sp


1996-f 1997-sp


1995-f 1996-sp


1994-f 1995-sp


1993-f 1994-sp

1993-sp 1993-sum


1992-sp 1992-sum


1991-sp 1991-sum


1990-sp 1990-sum


1998-sum 1998-f 1999-sp

1997-sum 1997-f 1998-sp

1996-f 1997-sp

1995-f 1996-sp 1996-sum

1994-f 1995-sp 1995-sum

1993-f 1994-sp 1994-sum

1993-sp 1993-sum

1992-sp 1992-sum 1992-f

1991-sp 1991-sum 1991-f

1990-sp 1990-sum 1990-f

Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004









DDTs, ppb









Cd, ppm









Fig. 2. Temporal trends of PHCs, DDTs and Cd in Amursky Bay

Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

The average benthos biomass in Amursky Bay in 2001 was 157.9 g/m2, and it was formed mainly (64.5%) by large bivalves Arca boucardi, Macoma tokoyensis, M. orientalis, Scapharca broughtoni and polychaetes (21.3%) Cirratulus cirratus, Potamilla reniformis, Th. pacifica (Table 1, Fig. 3). Table 1 Benthic community parameters in study areas in 2001 and in 1980s

Years n B A N

1986-1989 aa. 25 Quantitative parameters 73.9± 41.4 5104.6±4106.9 21.6±9.9

2001 a. 60 157.9±427.5 1457.2±1732.8 12.3±8.8









05±0.3 2

Benthos composition (g/m /%) Polychaeta 48.1 33.6 65.0 21.3 Bivalvia 14.0 101.7 19.0 64.5 Crustacea 1.8 6.1 2.4 3.9 Echinodermata 2.9 8.8 4.0 5.6 Ascidia 1.0 0.3 1.3 0.2 Others 6.1 7.1 8.3 4.5 Parameters of species structure Th. pacifica (1872.0), Lumbrineris sp. (339.6), Ph. harmeri (335.2), Sch. japonica (132.0), Species (ind/m2) M. sarsi (333.6) Lumbrineris sp. (190.2), S. bassi (85.9), Th. pacifica (604.6), M. sarsi (82.9), Sc. inflatum (80.2) Note: n number of samples; B biomass, A- abundance, N number of species, R Margalef richness index, H - Shannon-Wiener diversity index, e - Pielou evenness index; average abundance (ind/m2) of dominant species are presented in bracket, the statistically significant values (p< 0.05) are bolded


Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

Fig. 3. Long-term changes of distribution of dominant species (g/m2) of benthos M.s Maldane sarsi, O.s.v.-Ophiura sarsi vadicola, O.l Obelia longissima, O.s- Ophiura sarsi. S.i Scalibregma inflatum, P.f Polydora flava, D.p Dosinia penicillata, M.t - Macoma tokoyensis, M.o - Macoma orientalis, M.n Macoma nipponica, M.e - Melinna elisabethae, P.h Phoronopsis harmeri, P.r Potamilla reniformis, M. sp. Macoma sp., P.a Philine argenata, T.p Tharyx pacifica, C.c Cirratulus cirratus, G.t Glycera tesselata, C.m Cerebratulus marginatus


Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

In 1986-1989 (Belan, 1992; 2001), the average biomass (73.9 g/m2) was created by polychaetes (65.0%) Th. pacifica, Maldane sarsi, P. reniformis and bivalves (19.0%) Yoldia sp. and Alveinus oijanus. The dominant and wide-spread species in 2001 were different in comparison with 1986-1989: non-tolerant species (in order of their importance in community structure: polychaetes Lumbrineris sp., Sigambra bassi, M. sarsi and S. inflatum) were responsible for community structure in Amursky Bay. Some of them (S. bassi and S. inflatum) became more numerous again, as in 1930s and 1970s (Deryugin & Somova, 1941; Klimova, 1971; Volova, 1975), while abundance of some positive pollution indicator species (polychaetes Th. pacifica, Sch. japonica, Dipolydora cardalia and phoronid Ph. harmeri) decreased (Table 1). While the mean benthos biomass in 2001 has been increased, the average abundance decreased comparing with 1986-1989, when anomalously high density of tolerant polychaete species was observed (Klimova, 1988; Tkalin et al., 1993; Belan, 2003). The contribution of benthic group to the total biomass in Amursky Bay in 1980s and in 2001 is presented on Table 1. The diversity index was not significantly different in 1986-1989 and in 2001. However, it must be noted that the mean number of species and index of richness in 2001 decreased considerably (Table 1). Available biological data for the period from 1930s to 2001 showed that the most significant alterations of benthos occurred in 1980s, when industrialization and urbanization growth was very intensive. Total pollution load in ecosystems has caused serious negative changed of benthic communities structure of these areas many pollution sensitive species have been replaced by tolerant organisms. In 2001, despite on decreasing some pollutant concentrations in bottom sediments, reduction of species richness and diversity is observed, due to excessive nutrient enrichment of the bay. References Belan, T.A. (2003). Benthos abundance pattern and species composition in conditions of pollution in Amursky Bay (Peter the Great Bay, the Sea of Japan). Marine Pollution Bulletin 49. P. 11111119. Deryugin, K.M., & Somova, N.I . (1941). Contributions to quantitative estimate of the benthonic population of Peter the Great Bay (Japan Sea). Studies of Far Eastern Seas of USSR. MoscowLeningrad. P. 13-36 (in Russian). Klimova, V.L. (1971). The quantitative distribution of benthos from Peter the Great Bay (the Sea of Japan) in summer of 1970. Proceedings of VNIRO 87/7. P. 97-104 (in Russian). Klimova, V.L. (1988.) Biological effects of dredged material disposal in the Japan Sea. Results of investigations of dredged-material disposal in the sea. I .: Hydrometeoizdat. P. 137-141. (in Russian). Shapovalov, E.N., Tkalin, A.V. & Klimova, V.L. (1989). Effect of dredged material dumping on the marine environment quality and biota. Meteorology and Hydrology, No. 6. P.82-88 (in Russian). Tkalin, A.V., Belan, T.A., & Shapovalov, E.N. (1993). The state of the marine environment near Vladivostok, Russia. Marine Pollution Bulletin 26. P. 418-422. Long, E.R, MacDonald D.D., Smith S.L. & Calder F.D. (1995). Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuarine sediments. Environmental Management 19. P. 81-97. Volova, G.N. (1975). Bottom biocenosis of Amursky Bay (the Sea of Japan) Proceedings of TINRO 110. P. 111-120 (in Russian).


Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

SPATIAL AND LONG-TERM CHANGES IN THE PHYTOPLANKTON OF THE COASTAL WATERS OFF VLADIVOSTOK (PETER THE GREAT BAY, SEA OF JAPAN), 1991-2000 I.V. Stonik, T.Yu. Orlova Institute of Marine Biology, Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok 690041, Russia

Amursky and Golden Horn Bays, the coastal waters of Vladivostok, are characterized by the greatest eutrophic level in Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan. These water areas are adversely affected by industrial waste products and municipal sewage of Vladivostok as well as by agricultural and municipal sewage of Ussuriysk that are transported to the sea by terrigenous runoff and by the waters of Razdolnaya River, respectively [1, 2]. The first data on the phytoplankton of the study area and adjacent waters were reported in the 1920s 1930s [3-5]. Konovalova was the first researcher to carry out a detailed year-round study of the species composition and dynamics of the phytoplankton [6]. High concentrations of nitrates and nitrites, as well as an increase in the phytoplankton primary production [7], suggest that the eutrophic level of the coastal waters of Vladivostok increased during the period of the early 1980s through the early 1990s. In spite of the continuous increase in the eutrophic level, the eutrophication-related changes in the phytoplankton composition have not been studied yet. The aim of this study was to determine long-term changes in the phytoplankton density as well as the peculiarities of the composition and distribution of the phytoplankton in the eutrophic coastal waters off Vladivostok during 1991-2000. Material and Methods Sampling sites were chosen in accordance with the goal of our work, i.e., we studied the effects of two sources of eutrophication, Razdolnaya River runoff and the sewage effluent from the city of Vladivostok. For the study on the effect of the river runoff, the survey was carried out in Amursky Bay at stations 1-5 during June October 1991. In order to study the effect of the sewage effluent on the phytoplankton, year-round samplings were performed in Golden Horn Bay at station 6 and in Amursky Bay at stations 7 9 from January 1993 to January 1994 (Fig. 1). The study area was conventionally distinguished into three parts by their distances from the major sources of eutrophication: a hypereutrophic, eutrophic, and mesotrophic.


Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

The hypereutrophic area covered the innermost and north-eastern parts of Amursky Bay (stations 1, 2, and 7), as well as Golden Horn Bay (station 6). Stations 1 and 2 were directly exposed to the effect of the river runoff, whereas stations 6 and 7 were located close to the industrial and domestic sewage outfalls. The results of hydrochemical studies also suggest that the eutrophic level of this area is greater than that of other parts of Amursky Bay. For instance, the contents of silicon and both organic and inorganic phosphorus in the waters of the northern part of the bay were reported to exceed those in the open southern part by a factor of 1.2-15 [8]. High concentrations of nitrogen-containing and soluble organic compounds were recorded in the south-eastern part of the bay near the sewage outfalls [7]. The eutrophic level also increased in Golden Horn Bay. In this bay, high concentrations of toxic substances (petroleum hydrocarbons, chlorinated pesticides, and detergents) both in the water column and in the bottom sediments were recorded; thermal pollution was also registered [7, 9]. The eutrophic area included stations 3, 8, and 9 in the north-eastern part of Amursky Bay, as well as station 4 in the south-western part of the bay. Compared to the hypereutrophic waters, this intermediate area was less severely affected by eutrophication. The mesotrophic area was the farthest one from the sources of eutrophication and included station 5 in the southern part of Amursky Bay. A comparative study of the phytoplankton from the hypereutrophic, eutrophic, and mesotrophic areas has enabled us not only to reveal the differences between these areas but also to make an attempt to determine a tendency in the way the situation changes in Fig. 1. Location of sampling stations (1-9) around the microalgal communities as Vladivostok. I- hypereutrophic waters; II- eutrophic waters; III mesotrophic waters. the eutrophic level increases. For the study on the long-term changes in phytoplankton density under eutrophic conditions, the survey was performed in Amursky Bay. The samples were collected at the monitoring station 9 (eutrophic area) two to four times a month from June until October 13

Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

1991, from January 1993 until January 1994, as well as from January 1996 until May 1998 and from May 1999 until April 2000. Samples were taken from the surface water horizon using a 4-liter Molchanov s bathometer. Material was concentrated by a routine sedimentation method and/or by reverse filtration. The samples were fixed with Lugol s iodine solution and then postfixed in 4% formaldehyde. Phytoplankton density was counted in a 0.05 ml Nojott chamber. The species diversity was estimated using the Shannon-Weaver index [10]. Peculiarities of the composition and distribution of the phytoplankton in the eutrophic coastal waters off Vladivostok. With decreasing distance from the main sources of eutrophication (the mouth of Razdolnaya River and sewage outfalls), the following peculiarities of the distribution of phytoplankton became more pronounced. 1. An increase in the total density and biomass of microalgae. A comparative analysis of the peaks of density and biomass of summer phytoplankton from the areas differing in their eutrophic levels showed that both density and biomass in the hypereutrophic waters are greater than those in other areas. For instance, the greatest values of microalgal densities (17.9-31.1 million cells/l) were recorded in the hypereutrophic area (stations 1 and 7); the intermediate values (5.3-9.4 million cells/l) were registered in the intermediate eutrophic area (stations 8 and 9); and the smallest value (1.9 million cells/l) was obtained for the mesotrophic area (station 5). The distribution of biomass followed this pattern less exactly. In the hypereutrophic waters (stations 1 and 7), the biomass of microalgae was significantly greater (11.4-29.3 g/m3) than that in other areas, with the exception of station 8 in the eutrophic area. The maximum value of biomass recorded at this station equalled to that in the hypertrophic area. In the hypereutrophic area, the peak of biomass was caused by the massive occurrences of the diatom Skeletonema costatum, whereas the considerable increase in biomass in the eutrophic waters was due to the intensive occurrences development of the large dinoflagellates Diplopsalis lenticula and Polykrikos schwartzii. 2. An increase in the density of S. costatum that leads to the decrease in species diversity of phytoplankton. During the period of summer phytoplankton bloom, the microalgal community of Amursky Bay was dominated by only one species, S. costatum, which accounted for about 90% of the total density of phytoplankton. The analysis of the samples taken in the summer of 1993 showed that the density of this species (17.4 million cells/l; 96% of the total density of phytoplankton) in the hypereutrophic waters of Amursky Bay near the sewage outfall (station 7) was greater than that in other areas. In the eutrophic area and in Golden Horn Bay, the maximum values of the density of this species were about 2-4 times smaller (4.7-8.8 million cells/l, 88-92%) and by an order of magnitude smaller (1.7 million cells/l, 29%), respectively, than those in the hypereutrophic waters of Amursky Bay. These differences were responsible for the smaller value of the species diversity index (0.3 bit/cell) in the hypereutrophic waters (station 7) in comparison with those in the eutrophic waters (0.5-0.9 14

Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

bit/cell). Along with S. costatum, the diatoms L. minimus and Thalassiosira sp. also increased in their numbers in the hypereutrophic waters of Golden Horn Bay (station 6) during the summer bloom. At this station, a corresponding value of the species diversity index for microalgal community was relatively high (3.3 bit/cell). An analysis of the summer autumn phytoplankton showed that in the summer of 1991 the density of S. costatum increased with decreasing distance from the source of eutrophication (the mouth of Razdolnaya River). For instance, the greatest density of Skeletonema (7.7 and 12.1 million cells/l) was observed in the hypereutrophic area (station 1 and 2, respectively), whereas the smallest value (1.6 million cells/l) was recorded in the mesotrophic area (station 5). The smallest (0.7 bit/cell) and the greatest (2.7 bit/cell) values of the species diversity index were recorded in the hypereutrophic (station 1) and eutrophic (station 4) areas, respectively. 3. A significant increase in the density of the non-diatom component of phytoplankton was observed near the sewage outfalls in the hypereutrophic parts of Golden Horn and Amursky Bays (stations 6 and 7). In the spring and autumn of 1993, the relative densities of flagellates and blue-green algae at the stations 6 and 7 located near the sewage outfalls were significantly greater than those at other stations (Fig. 2). In the summer of 1993, considerable density of nondiatom microalgae was observed only in the hypereutrophic waters of Golden Horn Bay. This was due to the massive development of euglenophytes and chlorophytes belonging to the genus Pyramimonas. The proportion of non-diatom algae in the hypereutrophic area of Amursky Bay (22%) was slightly greater than that in the eutrophic area (13-21%). This difference was insignificant due to the intensive bloom of S. costatum observed throughout the bay. In winter, the values of relative density of non-diatom microalgae obtained from the hypereutrophic waters of Amursky Bay were even smaller than those in the eutrophic area. This was due to the intensive development of the diatom Thalassiosira nordenskioeldii. However, the mean annual values of the total relative density of flagellates and blue-green algae showed a marked distribution pattern: the relative densities of these microalgae in the hypereutrophic stations (42-51%) located close to the sewage outfalls (stations 6 and 7) were significantly greater than those at stations 8 and 9 (31%) located in the eutrophic waters. During the summer autumn period of 1991, no significant increase in the density of non-diatom component of phytoplankton was recorded in the innermost part of the bay. However, an intensive bloom of the dinoflagellate P. minimum was observed in the hypereutrophic and eutrophic waters of Amursky Bay in the summer of 1991. In the hypereutrophic and eutrophic areas of Amursky Bay (stations 1, 2, and 3), the density of this species was more than by two orders of magnitude greater than that in the mesotrophic area (station 5).


Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

Fig. 2. Relations between the densities of major phytoplankton groups at stations 6-9 from January 1993 to January 1994. a- diatoms, b-dinoflagellates, c- Prasinophyceae, d- chrysophytes, e- euglenophytes, f- cryptophytes, g- small flagellates, h - other microalgae.

Long-term changes in the phytoplankton density. The density and biomass of phytoplankton ranged between 0.01-13 million cells/l and 0.005-45,624 g/m3, respectively, during 1991-2000 in Amursky Bay at monitoring station 9. The maximum of phytoplankton density and biomass were recorded in July 1996 and in February, 1998, respectively. The greatest peaks of densities of phytoplankton (12,4-13 million cells/l) were observed in August 1991 and July 1996 (Fig. 3). These summer peaks of density of phytoplankton were recorded after heavy rains under conditions of substantial freshening of the surface waters, while the salinity were 7-16 and 24-27 , respectively. The diatom S. costatum, an indicator of organic pollution [11], accounted 40-87% of the total phytoplankton density (7,6-12,7 million cells/l) during the summer bloom period in 1991 and 1996. Sewage pollution is known to stimulate the growth of the diatom S. costatum, which prefers a heterotrophic mode of nutrition [12, 13]. In the end of 1990s, a tendency has arisen for a decrease in density of S. costatum, compared with the level of 1991 and 1996 (Fig. 3). Density of S. costatum in the summers of 1997 and 1999 did not exceed 3 million cells/l. In summary, the following trends in the phytoplankton composition with decreasing distance from the sources of eutrophication were revealed: 1) total density and biomass increased; 2) the density of the diatom S. costatum, which reflects a decrease in the Shannon-Weaver species diversity index during the summer microalgal bloom, increased significantly; and 3) the density of the 16

Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

Fig. 3. Long-term changes in the density of Skeletonema costatum and other phytoplankton species in Amursky Bay at station 9 for 1991-1993 and 1996-2000. n.s.- phytoplankton was not sampled.

non-diatom component of the phytoplankton increased. Our results are consistent with the previously reported data on the changes in the composition of phytoplankton in other eutrophic waters [14, 15], as well as with the results of hydrochemical investigations of the study area [7]. The study on the long-term changes in phytoplankton density in Amursky Bay revealed a decrease in the density of S. costatum, an indicator of organic pollution, in the end of 1990s ccompared with the level of 1991 and 1996. The data obtained suggest that there has been no decrease in the level of organic pollution in Amursky Bay over recent years. This conclusion is consistent with high densities of S. costatum (up to 3 million cells/l), exceeding the reportedly eutrophic level [11]. References 1. Ogorodnikova A.A., Veideman E.L., Silina E.I., Nigmatulina L.V. Influence of the coastal sources of pollution on the bioresources of Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan. Izvestia TINRO, 1997, vol. 122, pp. 430-450. (In Russian). 2. Vaschenko M.A. Pollution in Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan, and its biological consequences. Russian J. Mar. Biol., 2000, vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 155 166. 3. Skvortzow, B.W. 1931. Plankton diatoms from Vladivostok bay. Philipp. J. Sci., 46 (1), 77-83. 4. Kisselew, I.A. 1934. Seasonal changes of phytoplankton in Patrokl Bay, Sea of Japan. Byull. Tikhookean. komiteta AN SSSR, 3, pp. 45-48. (In Russian). 5. Kisselew, I.A. 1935. Composition and periodicity of phytoplankton in Patrokl Bay, Sea of Japan. Issled. morei SSSR, 22, pp. 82-118. (In Russian). 6. Konovalova, G.V. 1972. Seasonal characteristics of phytoplankton in Amursky Bay, Sea of Japan. Okeanologya, vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 123-127. (In Russian).


Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

7. Tkalin A.V., Belan T. A., Shapovalov E.N. The state of the marine environment near Vladivostok, Russia. Mar. Pollut. Bull., 1993, vol. 26, No. 8, pp. 418 422. 8. Podorvanova, N.F., T.S. Ivashinnikova, V.S. Petrenko, and L.S. Chomitchuk. 1989. Main patterns of hydrochemistry of Peter the Great Bay (the Sea of Japan). DVGU, Vladivostok, 201 p. (In Russian). 9. Tkalin, A.V. 1991. Nhemical pollution of the north-west Pacific. Mar. Pollut. Bull., vol. 22, No. 9, pp. 455-457. 10. Shannon, C.E., and W. Weaver. 1963. The mathematical theory of communication. Urbana University of Illinois Press, 117 p. 11. Yamada, M., A. Tsuruta, and Y. Yoshida 1980. Classification of eutrophic levels in several marine regions. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish., 1980, vol. 46, No.12, pp. 1435-1438. 12. Yamada, M., Y Arai., A. Tsuruta, and Y. Yoshida. Utilisation of organic nitrogenous compounds as nitrogen source by marine phytoplankton. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish., 1983, vol. 49, No. 9, pp. 1445-1448. 13. Kondo, K., Y. Seike, and Y. Date 1990. Red tides in the brackish lake Nakanoumi (III). The stimulative effects of organic substances in the interstitial water of bottom sediments and the excreta from Skeletonema costatum on the growth of Prorocentrum minimum. Bull. Plankton. Soc. Jap., vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 35-47. 14. Marasovic, I., and T. Pucher-Petkovic. 1991. Eutrophication impact on the species composition in a natural phytoplankton community. Acta Adriat., 32 (2), pp. 719-729. 15. Mihnea, P.E. 1997. Major shifts in the phytoplankton community (1980-1994) in the Romanian Black Sea. Oceanologica Acta., vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 119-129.

MULTISCALE OSCILLATION OF RAZDOLNAYA (SUYFUN) AND AMUR RIVERS DISCHARGE AFFECTED BY CLIMATE VARIABILITY IN THE NORTHEAST ASIA V.I. Ponomarev, N.I. Rudykh Pacific Oceanological Institute, Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok 690041, Russia

Introduction Major patterns of centennial/semi-centennial climatic tendencies in the surface air temperature and precipitation associated with global warming are found for the continents (Bradley et al., 1986), as well as for different countries and areas of the Northeast Asia in terms of annual/seasonal mean anomalies (Varlamov et al., 1998; Tyson et al., 2002) and monthly mean anomalies (Ponomarev et al. 2002, 2003). Distribution and seasonality of positive and negative patterns of the centennial/semi-centennial climatic tendencies in the Sea Surface Temperature (SST) are shown by Casey and Cornillon (2001) for the World Ocean and Ponomarev et al. (2002, 2003) for the Northwest Pacific in details. At the same time, it is also known that the climatic oscillations with semicentennial time scale (50-60 years, Minobe, 1997), interdecadal (15-25 years), and quasi-decadal (8-15 years) scales (Tourre et al., 2001; Ponomarev et al., 2003), variability of ENSO time scale (3-7 years) in the subtropic/ subarctic North East Asia (Li et al., 2001; Ponomarev et al., 1999, 2002; Tyson et al., 2002) and Northwest Pacific (Hanawa, 1988; Oh and Park, 1999; Ponomarev et al., 2002), as well as, biennial oscillations (Li et al., 2001, and others) play a 18

Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

significant role in the Asian-Pacific climate variability. Major effects of both climate change and most of climatic oscillations in the North-East Asia are associated with monsoon system variability (Li et al., 2001; Tyson et al., 2002; Pai, 2004) accompanying seasonal anomalies which may be inversed in winter and summer. The aim of our paper is to reveal and compare seasonality and regionality of both climatic trend and prevailing oscillations in the North East Asia and Northwest Pacific. It is focused on the regional features of climate variability in the Far East and its impact on the anomalies of Amur and Razdolnaya river discharge. The study is based on the observation data analyses with application of different statistical methods. Observation Data and Methods Monthly mean time series of air temperature and precipitation at the meteorological stations were selected for the area studied from data bases of NOAA Global History Climatic Network (USA), RIHMI-WDC (Russia) and JMA (Japan) for the period of instrumental observations since late 19th century to 20002003. To outline the details of climate change associated with extreme cooling or warming in winter and summer, we also used the daily time series of surface air temperature at some meteorological stations. Monthly dataset of the Northwest Pacific SST on different grids were selected from JMA data base of time series (1946-2000) with horizontal resolution 2x2° for the ocean area 15 65°N, 110 180°E. We also analyze monthly/seasonal/ annual time series of Razdolnaya (Suyfun) river (total length is 245 km) discharge near its estuary in Tavrichanka (1930-1986), as well as Amur river discharge near its estuary in Bogorodskoye (1900-1985) and in mid area of the Amur Basin in Blagoveschensk (1900-1985) situated in the offshore continental region (50.25N, 127.57E). Initial time series of air temperature, precipitation and SST have missing data. To use complete datasets, missing data of the time series in each month were recovered by the statistical method of incomplete multivariate data analysis using EM and AM algorithms. Linear trend of monthly mean precipitation and air/water temperature is estimated by two statistical methods. The first one is the least squares method with the Fisher s test for a significance level. The second method is a nonparametric robust method based on the Theil s rank regression and the Kendall s test for a significance level applicable to the dataset with the abnormal distribution function typical for the precipitation time series (Krokhin 2001; Ponomarev et al. 2002, 2003). We also use wavelet techniques from MATHAB to reveal amplitude phase characteristics of dominating climate oscillation in the area studied (Ponomarev et al. 2003). Climatic Tendencies in the North East Asia and Northwest Pacific High seasonality of the climatic tendencies and relationship between temperature anomalies in the Northeast Asia and Northwest Pacific is revealed in (Ponomarev et al. 2002, 2003). It is shown that the semi-centennial summer cooling in a central continental area of Asia accompanies the semi-centennial negative SST anomaly in the offshore region of the western subarctic pacific 19

Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

gyre. At the same time, warming at Kamchatka Peninsula and marginal subtropic area of the Northeast Asia accompanies the positive SST trend in the Kuroshio and Aleutian current systems. Statistically significant (with 95 99% confidence probability) trends of precipitation for the second half of the 20th century (1945 2000), as well as for the 20th century (1900 2000; 1916 2000) are revealed in large-scale areas of the Northeast Asia for each month of a year (Ponomarev et al. 2002, 2003). A sign and confidence probability of semi-centennial trend (1945 2000) of monthly precipitation estimated by the nonparametric robust (NR) method are shown in Fig. 1. Increase of precipitation in the second half of the 20th century is found in large-scale continental areas of the Northeast Asia prevailing in Oct. May in the moderate and arctic latitude zones. Typical monthly precipitation rise of high confidence probability (99%) is 0.2 0.4 mm/year, and maximum values are in the range of 1.4 1.7 mm/year at some Russian meteorological stations in the continental area of the moderate latitudes. In Oct. Feb. the positive semicentennial trend of monthly precipitation sum occurs east of 55°E in the whole latitude band of 45 70°N, but in March, May and June it occurs in the area east of 100°E in the same latitude band. In February the positive precipitation trend of high confidence probability (99%) also occurs in the tropical and subtropical marginal area east of 95 100°E adjacent to the East China Sea, where the air temperature trend in winter is also positive. Negative precipitation trend (0.1 0.2 mm/year) in this subtropical area is found in May and October, and only at some meteorological stations it takes place from July to September. Bands of positive precipitation trend in summer months are stretched out from southwest to northeast, parallel to the Northwest Pacific marginal zone (Fig.1c). Positive patterns of precipitation and air temperature trends are very similar in the continental area of the Northeast Asia. Dominant winter warming accompanies winter precipitation rise in the Asian continental area of moderate latitudes. Relatively weak (with confidence probability of 90 94.9%) negative precipitation trends of both centennial and semi-centennial (Fig.1c,d) scales are found in Russian Primorye region adjacent to the Northwest Japan Sea, including Razdolnaya (Suyfun) River basin for the most months (Krokhin, 2001; Ponomarev et al. 2002, 2003), Similar trends with low confidence probability ( 1000 m3/c) took place in 1938, 1968 (Fig. 3a), and 1990. The second positive extreme of the annual Razdolnaya River runoff occurred in 30 years after the first one, and third extreme took place in 22 years after the second one. The recurrence of these extreme anomalies is associated with interdecadal variability. All of these extremes are related to high positive discharge anomaly in summer and moderate/weak positive anomaly in fall. The first extreme value of the Razdolnaya River run off in 1938 is due to high precipitation in Aug. and Sept.; second one (1968) is due to high rainfall from May to Aug., and in Nov.; third extreme is due to positive anomaly of precipitation in May and high rainfall from Jul. to Sept. The increase of typhoon activity took place in three mentioned extreme years. Tree negative annual extreme anomalies -563, -650, and -493 m3/c are observed in 1967, 1976, and 1985 correspondently with 9 years periodicity. Annual anomalies of precipitation in the river basin show similar mixed periodicities in the same frequency band. The interdecadal variability with period 20-30 years is clear seen in the long time series of Amur River discharge in Blagoveschensk and runoff in the estuary, as well as, precipitation anomaly in Blagoveschensk (Fig.3b) and Vladivostok (Fig.3a). Positive (negative) anomaly of the interdecadal time 22

Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

scale in Amur and Razdolnaya river basins occur in the similar decadal perionds: 1955-1964 and 1954-1963 (1974-1982 and 1975-1985) correspondently. Other oscillations oscillation in both precipitation and river discharge is drifting from ENSO (3-7) to decadal (8-13 years) time scale and vice versa within the observational records. The positive (negative) phases of mixed decadal - ENSO-scale oscillations in the Amur and Razdolnaya river discharge might be substantially shifted or inversed. Positive/negative extreme values of the Amur and Razdolnaya (Suyfun) river discharge are usually observed in the same decades, but not in same years. 1200

1500 3

a) 3

1000 4





-1000 3

4 3





-800 1920 4000



3 43 3


42 3

32 2 3 3 3 24 22 4 3 42 4 3 3 2 2 2 424 2 322 3 3 4 4 32 3 4 4 24 34 4 3 1 2 2111131 24 2 34 1111111111111211111414111111111211111311 11131 114 2311 21 1 111114 42 44 4432 24 42 4 223 4 3 3423 343 2424242 2242 4 2 2 3 2 3 4 42 2 22 34443 24424 32 3 4 22 3 4 4 2 442 4 3 4 2 24 42 4 3 3 23 3 3 3 33 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 1920








4 3 4





3 3 33 42 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 33 44 2 4243 24 2 2 44 2 2 3 4 3 3 4 2 4 3 22 4 4 222 4 33 3 32 4 2 2 43 234 11124 13244 4 1 23 4 14 2111 132 32212 322 34 4 1 221 1 42 11211 224 312 1 111 1 32 1 1 1 2 4 3 4 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 21 1 211414 212 11421 1111 1 14 23 111 24 21 4 241 3 22111 413 23 13 113 21 4 4 2 222 22 3 22 2 3 41 4 32124322 4 33 3 42422 4 4 42 3424 22 24 2 3 4244243 3 3 33 4 24 3 4 4 4 4 34 23 4 2 4 334 4 2 343 4 3 334232 4 4 3 3 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3







3 4 3 4 4 3 4 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 22 24 2 22 3 42 33 1324 434 2 3 3231 4 2 3 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 4 1 4 1 22 4 1 2 41 24 22 4 24342 2 42 1 2114 1421 2 222 3 4 2 32 4 3 1311214 2 11 2 3411 1 1 42 3144 4132 1 4 4 224 1211124241 11 23 12 12114241124 21111 211121421 24 23131214211 2 21 1 113 11 4214214 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 4 1 1 214 2 21 1313 42121131 3 3 11241314 2 331 1 2 32 3 42 22 2 42 4442 11 4 23 24 3 2 2 4 2 4423 32 4 4 4 3 32 42 4434 4 3 443 34 2 3 4 24 4 4 44 3 4 4 2 3 3 4 3 4 333 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000















3 3





3 4 23 4 4 2 4 3 2 4 2 3 443 3 3 4 33 3 3 3 2 3 44 4 4 2 2 23 2 43 3 443 2 424 3 2 4 43 2 42 4 4 3 233 4 424 2 222 3 2 2 22 343 43 4 2 2 234 431 4 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 3 1 3 13 4 211111111111 1111111 111111111111111 11 2114 14 0 114 21 211111111 1 114 111111111 111 2111 21111113 23 211114 1 3 4 2 2211 2 322 43 22443 422 2422 2 22433442 2 4 42 2 4 24 2 2 2 4 44 32 4 2 332234 22 433 2 2223 4 44 4 2 4 4 2 2 2 424 3 2 2 3 4 4 44 4 4 4433 3 32 3 43 2 43 32 444 33 3 43 43 3 3 33 334 3 4 4 33 4 3 34 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 -2000 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980



Fig. 2. Time series of precipitation sum anomalies in Vladivostok (a) and Blagoveschensk (b), as well as anomalies of Razdolnaya/Suyfun (c) River runoff and Amur (d) River discharge in Blagoveschensk winter (1), spring (2), summer (3), and fall (4).

Negative linear trend in the annual mean Razdolnaya (Suifun) River runoff and positive one of the Amur river discharge were estimated with low confidence probability (< 95%), at least, for the time series examined. It is due to weak negative precipitation trend (Krokhin 1991; Ponomarev et al., 2002, 2003) in south area of Primorskii Krai (Razdolnaya River basin) and statistically significant positive precipitation tendency (Fig.1) prevailing in Jan.-Feb., and Apr.-May in the Amur river basin, in Oct. and Nov. in the eastern area of the basin.


Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004



1 2







2000 800





500 0 0

-2000 -400

-500 -200

-800 1920


1960 Years


-4000 2000

-1000 1900







Fig. 3. Time series of annual anomalies of precipitation sum in Vladivostok (a, curve 2, mm) and Blagoveschensk (b, curve 2, mm/12), as well as, annual anomalies of Razdolnaya River run off (a, curv 1, m3/c) and Amur River discharge in Blagoveschensk (b, curve 1).

It seems to be that the anthropogenic effect on the Amur and Razdolnaya river runoff is invisible, at least, for the observational records examined. Climatic oscillations and small change in the river runoff during 20th century are mainly associated with natural variability and nonlinearity of interacting physical processes in the ocean atmosphere land system. Acknowledgements This study was supported by grants APN 2004-18-NMY, FEB RAS 04-3A-07-049 and RFBR 04 05-64-233a. References Bradley R.S., Diaz H.F., Eischeid J.K., Jones P.D. Kelly P.M., Goodess C.M. (1986) Precipitation fluctuations over Northern Hemisphere land areas since the mid-19th century. Science, 237: 171 175. Casey K.S., Cornillon P. (2001) Global and regional Sea surface temperature trends. J. Climate, 14: 3801 3818. Hanawa K., Watanabe T., Iwasaka N., Suga T., Toba Y. (1988) Surface thermal conditions in the Western North Pacific during the ENSO events. J. Met. Soc. Jap. 66 (3): 445 456. Krokhin V.V. (2001) On the precipitation trends over the Russian Far East in a warm season. Rep. Intern. Workshop on the Global Change Studies in the Far East, Sept. 7 9, 1999. Vladivostok: Dalnauka. TEACOM Publication 7(1): 111 122. Li C.Y., Sun, S.Q., and Mu M.Q. (2001) Origin of the TBO-interaction between anomalous East-Asian winter monsoon and ENSO cycle. Adv. Atmos. Scien., 18(4):554-566 Minobe S. (1997) A 50 70 year climatic oscillation over the North Pacific and North America. Geoph. Res. Lett., 24: 683 686. Oh I.S., Park W. (1999) Variability of SST and Atmospheric Variables related to ENSO in the North Pacific and in the East Asian Marginal Seas. Proc. CREAMS 99 Int. Symp., Fukuoka, Japan, 26 28 Jan. 1999: 104 107. Pai D.S. (2004) A possible mechanism for the weakening of El Nino-monsoon relationship during the recent decade. Meteorol. Atmos. Phys., 86 (3-4): 143-157 Ponomarev V., Trusenkova O., Trousenkov S., Ustinova E., Kaplunenko D., Polyakova A. (1999) The ENSO signal in the Northwest Pacific. Proc. Science Board 98 Symp. 1997/98 El Nino event, 14 25 Oct., 1998, Fairbanks, PICES Sci. Rep.10: 9 31. Ponomarev V.I., Trusenkova O.O., and Trousenkov S.T. (2002) Relationship between surface temperature anomalies in the mid-latitude North Pacific region and ENSO. Reports Int. Workshop on Global Change Studies in the Far East, Sept. 7-9, 1999, Vladivostok, Russia, TEACOM Publication 7 (2): 34-65.


Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

Ponomarev V.I., Kaplunenko D.D., Krokhin V.V., and Ishida H. (2003) Climate change in the Northeast Asia and Northwest Pacific during 20th century. Recent Advances in Marine Science and Technology, 2002, Tokyo: 27-36 Ponomarev V.I., Krokhin V.V., Kaplunenko D.D., and Salomatin A.S. (2003) Multiscale climate variability in the Asian Pacific. Pacific Oceanography, 1(2): 125-137. Tyson P., Fu C., Fuchs R., Lebel L., Mitra A., Odada E., Perry J., Steffen W., Virji H. (Eds.) (2002) Global-regional linkages in the Earth system. Global Change, START, IGBP Series: Springer, 186 p. Tourre Y.M., Rajagopalan B., Kushnir Y., Barlow M., and White W.B. (2001) Patterns of coherent decadal and interdecadal climate signals in the Pacific basin during the 20 th century. Geoph. Res. Lett., 28: 2069 2072. Varlamov S.M.,. Kim Y.S, and Han E.Kh. (1998) Recent variations of temperature in East Siberia and in the Russian Far East. Meteorology and hydrology (1): 19 28 (Rus., Eng).

THE STRUCTURE OF MEIOBENTIC COMMUNITIES IN AMURSKY BAY (PETER THE GREAT BAY, SEA OF JAPAN) O.N. Pavlyuk, Y.A. Trebukhova Institute of Marine Biology, Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok 690041, Russia

Amursky Bay - one of the most investigated water areas in Peter the Great Gulf of Sea of Japan. The big attention has been given to studying of structure and distribution of macrobenthic communities (Lutaenko, 2003; Belan, 2003; Belan, Tkalin, Lishavskaya, 2003, etc.). At studying ground communities in Amursky Bay, meiofauna remained outside of a zone of attention though meiobenthos represents the important component of marine ecosystems. The purpose of our work is studying of structure and distribution of meiobenthic density in Amursky Bay, and in particular, one of dominating groups the free-living marine nematodes. As a material of our investigation we used meiobenthic samples collected in august of 2001 in Amursky Bay (13 stations) (fig. 1). The depth at the stations changed from 8.5m up to 35m. The samples (4 samples per station) were taken with a tubular 20cm2 bottom sampler, the height of the core sample was 5 cm. A millnet sieve 63µm was used for the sample washing and samples were processed according to standart methods (Gal tsova, 1976). Amursky Bay is located in a northwest part of the Peter the Great Gulf. The largest river of southern Primorski Krai runs into a gulf - Razdolnaya. Amursky Bay is substantially subject to influence of a drain of the river. The increase of salinity of surface waters from the north to the south is distinctly traced, in distance from the river. In a benthonic layer of water during research the fluctuation of salinity were insignificant (32.6 - 32.9 ), the temperature at a bottom changed from 15.6 up to 17.6 N. In a northeast part of a gulf the bottom sediments basically are presented by pelits. The contents of organic matter in sediments was strongly varied: less than 1 % in the central part of a gulf and more than 4 % - in eastern part of the gulf, nearby the Vladivostok. The taxonomical composition and density of meiofauna in Amursky Bay were unevenly distributed in bottom sediments. In western part of the bay the average meiobenthic density was 92±35 thous. spec/m2, meiofauna was reprei


Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

Fig. 1. Sampling stations in Amursky Bay in 2001

sented by 7 groups. In eumeiobenthos were Nematodes, Hapracticides, Ostracods and Turbellarians; Nematodes (the average density was 45±21 thous. spec/m2 and Harpacticides (25±16 thous. spec/m2) were the dominating groups. In this part of the bay we found the greatest amount of species - 38, Monopostia latiannulata, Paracanthonchus macrodon, Sabatieria palmaris, Sphaerolaimus limosus and Dorylaimopsis peculiaris dominated. The species variety index was high and changed from 2.9 to 4.15. In pseudomeiobenthos we found next groups: Polychaets, Bivalvia and Amphipods; Polychaets were dominant (19±8 thous. spec/m2). In the central part of the bay the average meiobenthic density was highest - 106±46 thous. spec/m2; taxonimical composition was represented by 7 groups. In eumeiobenthos we found: Nematodes, Harpacticides, Ostracods and Turbellarians. Nematodes were the dominating group (92±42.3 thous. spec/m2). The quantity of species at the station 37, 39, 42 varied from 11 up 15; Paracanthonchus macrodon, Sabatieria palmaris, S. pulchra, Theristus sp. And Dorylaimopsis peculiaris were dominant. The species variety index changed from 2.65 to 3.41. In pseudomeiobenthos we found next groups: Polychaets, Bivalvia and Amphipods; Polychaets were dominant (6.9±2.8 thous.spec/m2). The maximum average meiobenthic density was found in eastern part of the bay at station 59, located nearby from city and is under influence of household 26

Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

sewage. There was found the highest organic matter and oil hydrocarbons contents. The taxonimical composition was very poor and consisted of three groups. In eumeiobenthos were Nematodes and Harpacticides; Nematodes were dominant (186±92.3 thous.spec/m2). There we found 9 species of nematodes; the species variety index was very low 1.37. This station dominated by one species - Oncholaimium ramosum, which density reached more then 100 thous.spec/ m2. In conditions of the maximal pollution there are significant changes in nematodes community structure, which are closely connected with the sulfide contents in the bottom sediments. In extremely oxygen-free conditions the unusual specific structure of nematodes is developed, represented by one or two species, that have an abnormally high density; then it is possible to relate to such species Oncholaimium ramosum (Fadeev, Fadeeva, 1999; Fadeeva et al, 2002). According to Fadeeva et al., 2002, Oncholaimium ramosum is resistant to low oxygen concentrations and to high concentrations of oil. This species maintains not only high concentration of toxic substances, but also uses these substances for a feed. The authors has been shown, that carbon of oil hydrocarbons is included in a trophic chain of community as an additional source of organic matter. In pseudomeiobenthos we found only Polychaeta (8.8±3.7 thous.spec/m2). The lowest density is marked at the station 8 located in a zone of influence of the Razdolnaya river, where salinity was less then 30 . Taxonomical composition of meiofauna was presented by 4 groups. In eumeiobenthos were Nematodes, Harpacticides and Turbellarians. The dominating groups were nematodes (47±21.3 thous.spec/m2). The species composition at this station was poor and consist of only 7 species; Paracanthonchus macrodon and Oncholaimium paraolium were dominant. The species variety index was 1.58. It is known, that in interstitial water finely grained grounds of sea beaches and shallows the salinity, as a rule, is higher than the salinity of benthonic waters. Neither snow melting nor strong rainfalls causing freshening of coastal waters has any pronounced effects onto the salinity of the interstitial water; such a salinity gradient exists throughout long periods of time (Jansson, 1967, a, b; 1968). However, other authors believe, that in brackish water biotopes, such as estuaries and the coastal lagoons, the lowered salinity influences both specific structure, and on nematodes density. According to Fadeeva (1991), Influence of the lowered salinity of water affects not occurrence of specific species, and in pauperization of species composition and reduction of density of marine nematodes. The station of sampling was in a zone of receipt of fresh waters and wave influence that has affected pauperization of species composition and reduction of density of marine nematodes. Thus, on structure of meiobenthic communities, and also on species composition of nematodes in Amursky bay the big influence is rendered with household sewage, as in conditions of the maximal pollution there are significant changes in community structure. In particular, in these conditions the unusual species composition of nematodes, practically represented by one species, which share has made pains of 90 % from an number of nematodes has developed. Polluted water flow of Razdolnaya River influences on meiobenthic community. As a result of which, there was a reduction of density and pauperization of species composition of meiobenthic animals. 27

Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

References Belan T.A. Benthos abundance pattern and species composition in conditions of pollution in Amursky Bay (the Peter the Great Bay, the Sea of Japan). Mar. Poll. Bull. 2003. V.46. P. 1111-1119. Belan T.A, Tkalin A.V., Lishavskaya T.S. The present status of bottom ecosystems of Peter the Great Bay (the Sea of Japan). Pacific Oceanography. 2003. V.1, N 2. P.158-166. Gal tsova V.V. Free-living Marine nematodes as a Component of the Meiobenthos of Chupa Inlet (White Sea), in Nematody i ikh rol v meiobentose (Nematodes and it s Role in Meiobenthos), Leningrad: Nauka, 1976, pp. 165-270. Lutaenko K.A. Bivalve molluscan fauna of Amursky Bay (Sea of Japan/East Sea) and adjacent areas Part 2. Families Trapezidae Periplomatidae. Ecological and biogeographical characteristics of the fauna. Bull. Russ. Far East Malacol. Soc. 2003. V. 7. P. 5-84. Fadeeva N.P. Distribution of free-living nematodes in the area of Kievka Bay // Biological studies of benthos and fouling in the Sea of Japan. Vladivostok: DVO AN SSSR. 1991. P. 66-84. Fadeeva N.P., Bezverbnaya I.P., Tazaki K., et al. Sostav, struktura i metabolism donnykh soobschestv ilistykh gruntov v usloviyakh khronicheskogo antropogennogo zagryaznennia (na primere b. Zolotoi Rog) (The composition, Structure and Metabolism of Bottom Communities in Conditions of Chronic Antropogenic Pollution (by Example of Golden Horn Bay), Basic Research of Marine Biota: Biology, Chemistry and Biotechnology. Materials of Students, Postgraduates and Young Researches Conference of Research-and-Education Center of Far Eastern University Marine Biota , October 1-2, 2002, Vladivostok, Vladivostok: DVGU Press, 2002, pp. 62-65. Bouwman L.A. Systematics, ecology and feedeng biology of estuarine nematodes // Biol. Onder. Eems Dollard Estuar. 1983. !3. 173 p. 8. Gerlach S.A. Die biozonotishe Gliederung der Nematodenfauna an den deutschen Kusten // Zeitsch. Morphol. Okol. Tiere. 1953. Bd. 41. S. 411-512. Fadeev V.I., Fadeeva N.P. Distribution of small-sized benthic organisms in conditions of chronic oil pollution of bottom sediments // Earth-Water-Humans: Proceedings of the International Symposium (Kanazawa, Japan, 30 May-1June). Kanazawa: Kanazawa University. 1999. P. 146-154. Jansson B.-O. The significance of grain size and pore water content for the interstitial fauna of sandy beaches // Oikos. 1967a. V. 18. P. 311-322. Jansson B.-O. Diurnal and animal variatios of temperature and salinity of interstitial water in sandy beaches // Ophelia. 1967b. V. 4. P. 173-201.

CONCENTRATION OF METALS IN THE RIVERS OF THE SOUTH PART OF PRIMORSKI KRAI, RUSSIA V.M. Shulkin, N.N. Bogdanova Pacific Institute of Geography, Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok 690041, Russia

Determination of the authentic level of metals concentration in river waters continues to be actual for many regions of Russia, including Primorski Krai It is connected with difficulties of sampling and chemical analysis of metals in quantity 0,00n - 0, n µg/l. As a result of improvement of sampling and analysis technique there is a revision of many data published earlier, aside reduction (Shiller, 1997). Especially it concerns rather poorly contaminated and un polluted rivers (Taylor, Shiller, 1995). However other consequence of these researches is the increase in contrast of distribution of metals at the significant anthropogenic influence and enhance 28

Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

of opportunities to use metals as indicator of biogeochemical processes and/or anthropogenic loading (Shulkin, 2004). Researches of microelement composition of the rivers of Primorski Krai were carried out repeatedly (Ignatova, Chudaeva, 1983, Chudaeva, 2002), however the data on the concentration of some metals in river waters continue to remain debatable. Most obviously also The behavior of metals in the rivers under specific influence of the mining industry is most obvious (Elpatyevski, 2000). But outside these areas, the degree of anthropogenic influence on the metal concentration in river waters of Primorski Krai is characterized not enough. The purpose of the given paper is a presentation of the new data on the content of dissolved Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd and their concentration in suspended solids in Razdolnaya River - one of the main rivers of the south of Primorski Krai. It is necessary to note, that headwaters of Razdolnaya River is located in China and it is necessary to allocate and characterize possible influence of intensively developing economy of northern provinces of China on a metal concentrations in Razdolnaya River. The characteristic of metal concentration in the downstream of Tumen River the biggest river of Japan/East Sea basin, is a next aim of this paper.

Fig.1. Area studied. 1 place and number of sampling points along Razdolnaya River

Materials and Methods Two sampling along Razdolnaya River were carried out at low water in June and in September 2003 from headwaters to the downstream (Fig. 1), and additional sampling at the high water in July, 2002 and July 2004. Sampling point R1 settled down in headwaters of the river in 2 km from border China/Russia, R5 - is lower than the main output of municipal sewage of Ussuriisk - the largest city on watershed and the main source of anthropogenic influence on Razdolnaya River. Spacious. Other sampling points reflect influence of agriculture settlements. The water discharge of Razdolnaya River in June 2003 a changed from 34,5 m3 /s at station R1 up to 42 m3 /s at station R7. In September 2003 a the water discharge was even lower: 10 m3/s and 22,5 m3/s, accordingly. In July 2004 water discharge was 160 m3/s, and in late summer 2002 so high as 349 m3/s. The down stream of Tumen River had been 29

Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

sampled several times from 1998 till 2004, including high water in July 2002. Besides the data on metal concentration in unpolluted rivers of southwestern part of Primorski Krai has been used. Sampling were carried out in preliminary washed polyethylene bottles with use of pump MasterFlex and capsule filter AquaPrep with the effective pore size 0,45 microns to obtain filtrate with dissolved forms of metals directly on a place of sampling. The received filtrates preserved nitric acid up to ?I 2.5. At the sampling ?I and conductivity, as a parameter of the general mineralization were determined. Simultaneously 5-8 litres of water were sampled for subsequent segregation and analysis of suspended solids. The filtration of these samples was carried out in laboratory through filters Nucleopore with a same pore size 0,45 microns. The concentration of the dissolved forms of metals determined by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) on device Shimadzu-6800F/G in flame and in graphite furnace after concentration of metals by extraction with dietilditiocarbaminat-Na in CHCl3 (Chelation/Solvent , 1975). The accuracy of the analysis was controlled by a method of standard additions. The reproducibility of spikes was 80-85% at a level of concentration of the dissolved metals less than 0,5 µg /l. Filters with a suspended solids were dried, weighed for definition of quantity of the weighed material, decomposed by mixture of HF-HClO4 and were analyzed for metals by AAS method. The control of accuracy carried out by the analysis of blind tests, reproducibility of standard additives, and the analysis of standard reference material BCSS-1 and PACS-2. The divergence with passport data did not exceed 10-12 %. Results Change of the concentrations of dissolved metals in Razdolnaya River from headwaters up to downstream in June and September, 2003 is presented on Fig. 2. The most obvious feature is the peak of concentration of dissolved forms Mn, Zn and Fe in river waters near Ussuriisk city. In September at the lowered water discharge this maximum is expressed much more brightly, than in June though the general level of concentration of dissolved metals along Razdolnaya River in June, 2003 was higher, than in September. Contrary to expectations, sewages from Ussuriisk do not conduct to significant increase of concentration dissolved Cu, Cd, and Pb in adjoining part of Razdolnaya River. Some increase in concentration of dissolved Cd and Pb in 25 times is observed at all middle stream of Razdolnaya River in comparison with a down stream. That is, anthropogenic input of dissolved Pb and Cd occurs more likely due to non-point drain from middle part of watershed, instead of owing to point sewage discharge from Ussuriisk that is typical for Fe, Mn, Zn. However the most unusual feature of spatial distribution of dissolved Pb is significantly increase in headwaters (Fig. 2) above influence of main Russian settlements. In June a elevated concentration in headwaters was observed for dissolved Cd also. Concentration dissolved Cu in Razdolnaya River was rather constant 1,2-1,5 µg /l, and influence of drains from Ussuriisk, does not lead to dissolved Cu increase. 30

Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

Fig. 2. Change of dissolved metal concentrations (?g/l) and conductivity (?S) in Razdolnaya River water from headwaters (R1) to downstream (R8) in June and September 2003.


Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

For the transport of metals in the rivers the significant role of the suspended forms in the general balance is typical. The rivers of the south of Primorski Krai are not exception. Even at low water mode more than 70 % Zn, 90 % Fe and 95 % Pb are transported into suspended solids. The share of suspended forms in Cu and Cd balance makes about 50 %. In a high water sharp dominance of the suspended forms is observed for all metals due to increase in the contents of a suspended solids at the order and more. From the point of view of seasonal variability, the main factor controlling contents and a role of suspended forms of metals is a quantity of a suspended solids which itself defined by a hydrological mode, first of all. Therefore for the characteristic of geochemical features of a river drain and for the assessment of anthropogenic influence concentration of metals in a suspended solids (on a mass unit) is more informative than content of suspended metal forms (on a volume of water unit). Change of concentration of metals in a suspended solids of Razdolnaya River from headwaters up to a mouth is presented on Fig. 3, and Table 1 shows averaged concentration of metals in suspended matter of Razdolnaya, Tumen and some other rivers. Table 1 Concentration of metals in suspended solids of the Razdolnaya River, Tumen River and some others. River Razdolnaya, R1-R4, low water* Razdolnaya, R5-R8, low water* Razdolnaya,, R8, high water** Tumen, mouth, low water1 Tumen, mouth, high water** Chanjijan 2 Average on Rivers of the World 3

Fe 4.08 5.27 3.56 5.27 5.93 nd 4,79

Mn 3172 3959 302 2503 982 nd 1043

Zn 125 134 65 215 153 70 250

Cu 36 43 22 66 41 30-43 100

Fe in %, other metals in ?g/g dry mass. * - averaged for 2003; ** - July 2002; Zhang et al., 1995; 3 Martin, Whitefield, 1983

Pb 102 94 38 66 51 32 46 1

Cd 1.31 0.43 0.08 0.66 0.04 0,6 1,23 Shulkin, 2000;


It is obvious, that by averaged concentration of metals, a suspended solids of Razdolnaya River do not strongly differ from a suspended matter of other rivers. Exception make Mn and Pb at the low water discharge with concentration, in 2-4 times higher, but at the high water Mn and Pb concnetration in suspended solids becomes close to background. The same feature of significant decrease of metal concentration in suspended solids of high water compare with the suspended matter of low water modes is true for all other metals (Table 1). Spatial variability of metal concentration in suspended solids along Razdolnaya River is rather indicative (Fig. 3). The main feature is the peak of concentration of all metals in a suspended matter near Ussuriisk. For almost all metals this maximum is especially strongly expressed in September and only for Cd in June (Fig. 3). Further downstream concentration of metals falls in most cases up to a level close or smaller, than in a suspension of head waters of Razdolnaya River. Only for Fe concentration in suspended solids of the down stream is 32

Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

Fig. 3. Change of metal concentrations in suspended solids of Razdolnaya River water from headwaters (R1) to downstream (R8) in June and September 2003. Fe in %, other metals in ppm (mg/kg).

higher, than in head waters (Fig. 3). The probable reason is the increase of the role of fine-grained matter in the suspension of downstream, that is typical enough (Strakhov, 1968), and elevated concentration of Fe in thin fractions of a suspended solids (Lubchenko, Belova, 1973). 33

Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

Discussion Observable distribution of concentration of metals in solution and suspended matter of Razdolnaya River can be stipulated by both natural, and anthropogenic factors. The most powerful natural factor capable to influence on metal concentrations is a seasonal change of water discharge, caused by a monsoonal climate of Primorski Krai when 80 % of an atmospheric precipitation drop out within 2-3 months in late summer and early autumn. In absence of additional anthropogenic input of metals, the inverse relationship should be observed between the water discharge and the concentration of dissolved metals and mineralization, because concentration of metals in rains, is less, as a rule, than in underground waters - the second main source of river discharge. The same should be true for the general mineralization, and indeed at the greater water discharge, a mineralization expressed through conductivity, is significant less. However for the dissolved metals in July and September 2003 the picture is not so clear, because there is possible additional delivery due to washout of the anthropogenic material enriched with many metals from a watershed during rainy and relatively high water period in July. Exception makes a site of the maximal anthropogenic influence near Ussuriisk where concentration Zn, Mn, Fe in a solution opposite grows in September at the lowered water discharge (Fig. 2). That is, on the one hand, reduction of the water discharge leads to increase of a role of anthropogenic drains and increase of concentration of metals on the places of direct sewage influence. On the other hand, the moderate increase in the water discharge is accompanied, probably, amplification of washout of anthropogenic metals from a watershed, and conducts to increase of the general level of concentration of the dissolved metals. Spatial distribution of the dissolved metals along Razdolnaya River is more unequivocal. The dominating factor supervising concentration Zn, Mn, Fe in solution is drains of Ussuriisk leading to grows for Zn, Fe at 2-15, and for Mn - in 10-100 times. Already in 5 km downstream concentration of the dissolved metals is strongly reduced (Fig. 2). Nevertheless only at the sampling point located in 40 km downstream, concentration of these metals decreases up to a level observable above of Ussuriisk. Decrease is caused, mainly by self-cleaning due to sorption and transfer of metals into suspended matter and deposit. Distribution of dissolved Pb is determined, probably, its receipt out of Russia or from unknown source near the border and the subsequent reduction due to dilution and sorption on suspended solids. Influence of Ussuriisk on dissolved Pb is not great, and is more appreciable in September (Fig. 2). Distribution dissolved Cd in June is also distinctly supervised by input from the outside though the role of local Russian sources is more essential, than for Pb. In September at reduction of volume of water discharge, receipt from the Russian sources prevails (Fig. 2). Irrespective of sources of additional input of the dissolved metals in Razdolnaya River, significant decrease of their concentration is observed in the dawn stream. It specifies on efficiency of processes of self-cleaning in this river. Only for dissolved Fe the tendency of increase in a lower reaches (Fig. 2) is 34

Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

observed, but it is probably caused by prevalence in balance of dissolved Fe of colloids much abounded in dawn stream. In comparison with the dissolved metals, influence of drains from Ussuriisk on metal concentration in suspended matter is expressed more brightly, especially in September at the lowered water discharge when the role of an anthropogenic components becomes higher. Concentration of all investigated metals in a suspended solids near Ussuriisk 2-10 times higher background, including Pb, Cd and Cu metals which dissolved forms do not show influence of Ussuriisk. Increase of metal concentration in suspended matter in September were local enough: already in 5 km downstream concentration of metals in a suspension was sharply reduced practically up to background level (Fig. 3). The most probable reason is a dilution by unpolluted suspended solids which contents in the down waters in September was 90-100 mg/l compare with 2025 mg/l near Ussuriisk city and up stream.. In June anthropogenic increase of concentration in suspension due to influence of. Ussuriisk has been less expressed for all metals behind exception Cd, but this increase was traced further downstream, than in September (Fig. 3), because content of suspended matter changed slightly: from 20-30 mg/l to 38-44 mg/l. The significant increase of dissolved Cd and Pb noted in upstream of Razdolnaya River was confirmed by elevated concentration of these metals in suspended matter of this part of river (Fig.3). A level achievable here (150 µg / g Pb and 2 µg /g Cd) at 5-10 time exceeds a regional background for unpolluted river suspension (Shulkin, 2004). In downstream of Razdolnaya River concentration in suspended solids of all metals, except for Fe, is reduced due to dilution by unpolluted suspended material. However some inheritance is observed: if in suspension of headwaters concentration Pb and Cd has been elevated, it will be increased in suspension of downstream too (Fig. 3). For the dissolved forms of these metals the diminishing of concentration to the downstream was irrespective of the concentration in headwaters (Fig. 2). It specifies the prevailing sorption of metals in the solution/solids system within the river. Concentration of the dissolved metals in the downstream of Tumen River corresponds to unpolluted rivers of Siberia and the Far East. Exception makes dissolved Cu which concentration changed from background up to moderately elevated (1,7-4,1 µg/l). Concentration of metals in suspended matter of Tumen River is closed to a range typical for unpolluted rivers, however concentration Zn and Cu in 2 times exceed a level observable in a suspended solids of Razdolnaya River at a similar hydrological mode (Table 1). Conclusion Concentrations of dissolved Mn, Zn, and Cu in headwaters of Razdolnaya River are 20-30; 0,3-0,7; 1,2-1,3 µg /l, accordingly, that is close to the level observable in unpolluted rivers. However, the concentration of dissolved Pb and Cd is 3-10 time higher than background, due to additional input from Chinese People s Republic, or due to unknown sources at the Russian territory. Concentration Fe, Zn, Cu in suspended solids of headwaters is equal to back35

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ground, but on Pb and Cd in suspended solids is observed 2-10 time increase upon background level as well as for the dissolved forms of these metals. Change of concentration of metals in solution and in suspended matter along Razdolnaya River allows to characterize confidently a degree and character of anthropogenic influence, and to assess existing self-cleaning ability of the river. Anthropogenic influence on the concentration of metals in Razdolnaya River could be registered on distance of 10-20 km downwards from Ussuriisk. At the greater water discharge anthropogenic increase of concentration of the dissolved metals is traced further downstream. However on distance of 40 km downstream off Ussuriisk concentration of the majority of the dissolved metals in June and September are compared and reduced up to a background level (0,09-0,9 µg/l Zn, 0,005-0,008 µg /l Pb, 0,004 µg /l Cd, 2-12 µg /l Mn). Despite of obvious and significant anthropogenic influence on metal concentration in solution and suspended solids of Razdolnaya River, self-cleaning ability of the river is sufficient and in the downstream concentration of the dissolved metals is reduced close to background. The basic mechanism of selfcleaning is, probably, sorption on suspended matter. Concentration of metals in downstream of Tumen River do not show heavy anthropogenic press, but dissolved Cu and Zn and Cu in suspended matter are elevated compare with down stream of Razdolnaya River and unpolluted strems. References Chelation/Solvent Extraction System for the determination of Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn in natural waters. Applied Geochemistry Research Group Imperial College and Technology. Techn. Commun., V.61, 1975. Chudaeva V.A. Chemical elements migration in the waters of the Far East. Vladivostok, Dalnauka, 2002, 392 p. (in Russian). Elpatievskaya V.P. The interaction of mining waters with river waters. Geography and natural resources, 1997, N2, 57-62. (in Russian). Ignatova V.F., Chudaeva V.A. Suspended solids river input and shelf sediments of Sea of Japan, Vladivostok FERC, 1983, 154 p.(in Russian). Lubchenko I.Yu., Belova I.V. Migration of elements in river waters. Litology and ore resources. 1973, N2, 23-29. (in Russian). Shiller A.M., 1997. Dissolved trace elements in the Mississippi river: Seasonal, interannual, and decadal variability. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 61: 4321-4330. Shulkin V.M. Assessment of metal pollution of the Tumen River and adjacent sea water area. In The state of environment and biota of the southweatern part of Peter The Great Bay and the Tumen River mouth. Volume 1. Vladivostok 2001, 72-82. Shulkin V.M. Metals in the coastal ecosystems. Vladivostok, 2004, 276 p. (in Russian) Strakhov N.M. Geochemical Problems of recent sedimentation in ocean. M. Nauka. 1976, 298 p. (in Russian). Taylor H.E., Shiller A.M. 1995. The Mississippi River Methods Comparison Study: Implication for water quality monitoring of trace elements. Environ.Sci.Technol. 29, 1313-1317. Zhang J., 1995. Geochemistry of trace metals from Chinese River/Estuary systems. An overview. Estuarine. Coastal and Shelf Science,41: 631-658.


Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

SEASONAL AND ANNUAL VARIABILITY OF THE CONCENTRATION AND OUTPUT OF NUTRIENTS BY THE RAZDOLNAYA RIVER (PRIMORSKI KRAI) V.M.Shulkin, G.I.Semykina Pacific Institute of Geography,Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok 690041, Russia Center for Environmental Monitoring of Primorski Krai HydrometService, Vladivostok 690000, Russia

Introduction The southern part of Primorski Krai of the Russian Federation is the most developed territory of the Russian Far East. There is a certain deficiency of fresh waters here. Therefore the water quality of Razdolnaya River - the main river of this territory is a subject for the monitoring by the State Agency on Hydrometeorology and research institutes. The purpose of these works is to provide information for prevention of water pollution and rational water use. Besides headwaters of Razdolnaya River is located within the Chinese People s Republic and it is necessary to allocate and characterize possible influence of intensively developing northern provinces of China on a chemical composition of river waters in the Russian territory. Among problems of the water quality caused by economic activities, it is possible to allocate three aspects: 1) superfluous amount of nutrients (N, P, Si, N) which leads to enhanced bioproduction, consumption of oxygen, hypoxia and degradation of water ecosystem; 2) receipt of potentially toxic chemical compounds of heavy metals, pesticides, phenols, surfactants which can render negative influence on biota and reduce quality of water as resource; and 3) changes of a chemical composition of water, caused by change of physical characteristics of water systems (construction of water basins and dams). Besides the increase in concentration of chemical compounds in river water causes increase in their delivery to the coastal waters. For Razdolnaya River the first problem is most actual, and the purposes of given paper are: 1) the analysis of seasonal and spatial variability of concentration and output of nutrients, especially different forms of nitrogen; 2) definition of a trend of change of a chemical composition of river waters for the period of 1980-2002; 3) the characteristic of a modern level of anthropogenic influence on a chemical composition of Razdolnaya River. In the literature there are data on the general hydrochemical characteristic of Razdolnaya River waters [7]. Seasonal and annual variability of a chemical composition are not highlighted though such information has crucial importance for an estimation of a status of the river, and also its influences on adjoining coastal waters.


Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

Materials and Methods Seasonal variability of Razdolnaya River hydrochemical parameters is considered for 2002 as an typical example (Fig. 1). Chemical analyses were carried out in the Center for environmental monitoring of Primorski Krai HydrometService by recommended standard techniques [1, 5]: the dissolved nutrients by photocolourimetry, biological consumption of oxygen (BOD5) - on reduction of concentration of oxygen at the standard conditions, chemical consumption of oxygen (COD) after oxidation by K2Cr2O7, and suspended solids (SS) by weighing after filtration. Quality assurance of chemical analyses was carried out in conformity with the normative documents regulating quality assurance of results of the analysis [6]. For calculation of an output of chemical substances the concentration data were multiplied on water discharge data from Hydrological Fig. 1. Area studied. 1 place and number of sampling points along Razdolnaya River year-books. Results Seasonal variability. The main feature of seasonal change of Razdolnaya River hydrological characteristics is a distinct maximum in water and SS discharge from July till September (Fig. 2a) in accordance with monsoon climate of watershed. The intermediate maximum of the water discharge is registered in April, reflecting snowmelt, but on the SS discharge the spring high water does not influence. Seasonal variability of water and SS discharge, as well as the mineralization of water, is practically identical during all Russian side of the river. It means that sewages from Ussuriisk and other settlements does not influence on the seasonal change of main hydrological characteristics and mineralization of Razdolnaya River waters. The seasonal variability of dissolved silica is independent of a sampling place, too, but the minimum of concentration takes place at spring and the end of fall (Fig. 2b), probably, due to active development of diatoms during these periods. Seasonal change of other nutrient components depends on a place of sampling. The increased scale of seasonal variability and concentration of the phosphate, nitrogen and BOD5 is observed in a zone of sewage 38

Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

Fig. 2. Seasonal changes of water discharge, some nutrient concentrations, dissolved oxygen and BOD5 at the different places along Razdolnaya River on the example of 2002.

dumping from Ussuriisk (R-5). Here a maximum of nitrogen, presented by ammonium mainly, takes place in winter (Fig. 2c) when the river is covered with ice, and also in the middle of summer. Phosphates at this station has a 39

Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

summer maximum, too, and BOD5 is characterized by the increased concentration during all year (Fig. 2d). It is necessary to note, that in eighties winter maximum of BOD5 similar to the nutrients, was observed as a rule, but now this maximum is expressed not so obviously. In waters sampled in 20 km down the river from Ussuriisk (R-7) level BOD5 is insignificantly reduced, but continues to be elevated compare with headwaters (Fig. 2d). Decrease of nutrient

Fig. 3. Annual changes of averaged values of water discharge (Q), suspended solids (SS), dissolved oxygen, nitrogen and BOD5 for the downstream of Razdolnaya River for last 20 years.


Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

concentrations at station R7 in summer time is more expressed, than for BOD5, but winter maxima are kept (Fig. 2c, 2d ). The minimal seasonal variability and the minimal annual concentration of nutrients and BOD5 as well, are observed above Ussuriisk (station R4 and R1) (Fig. 2). Concentration of phosphates at these stations corresponds to unpolluted fresh waters, though concentration of the ammonia and BOD5 remains 2 times more, than background values. (Table. 1). Annual variability. Change of annually averaged water and SS discharge at the low stream of Razdolnaya River (Station R7) for last 20 years is resulted on Fig. 3. It is possible to ascertain, that the period up to 1995 was with the expressed alternation of water rich and shallow years, but on the average rather abounding in water and with accordingly high SS. On the contrary, the period after 1995 was stably shallow with the weak tendency of reduction of the SS concentration. It is necessary to note, that character of annual variability of the water and SS discharge was practically identical at all stations within the Russian part of Razdolnaya River. There was some synchronism of annual variability of dissolved oxygen at the different stations, but its concentration at the down stream (R5, R7) was always below, than in headwaters (R1, R4) (Fig. 3). Especially appreciable (3-4 mg /l) this difference was before 1990, but gradually decreased and now (2002) it is absent due to the tendency of increase of the dissolved oxygen in down stream waters (Fig. 3). The trend of change of BOD5 and the dissolved forms of nitrogen was pretty different in upstream and downstream. For BOD5 at the unpolluted sites the constant level of 1-2 mg /l with the weak tendency of increase up to 3-4 mg /l last years (1998-2002) is characteristic. However the tendency of BOD5 increase is much more obvious for the Razdolnaya River at Ussuriisk city (R5), and last 5 years (1997-2002) BOD5 content reached here 8,8-19,8 mg/l (Fig. 3). Even 20 km lower at station R7 the BOD5 was at the same level. And only after next 20 km below the BOD5 was essentially reduced to 1,6-4,8 mg/l (Fig. 3). It indicates significant scale of anthropogenic input of easy oxidisable organic substances to the river with sewages of Ussuriisk and allows to estimate approximately a zone where there is an oxidation of this material in 30 - 40 km. Ammonium concentration shows the opposite annual trend: after a maximum in the middle eighties concentration has considerably decreased to the beginning of nineties and continues to remain at low enough level 0,02-0,58 mgN/l in upstream of the river, 0,63-1,27 mgN/l at Ussuriisk city and 0,4-0,75 mgN/l in the down stream of Razdolnaya River (Fig. 3). Thus as against BOD5 the elevated ammonium concentration in area of sewage direct influence (Station R5) is considerably reduced already at Station R7. The contents of the oxidized forms of the dissolved nitrogen among which nitrates prevail, in upstream waters of Razdolnaya River for last 20 years changed without the certain trend (Fig. 3). It is possible to note only decrease of their annually averaged concentration in 2002-2003 in comparison with the previous period, however to estimate stability of this tendency is difficult so far. 41

Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

Discussion The analysis of monthly data from the 1981 till now shows, that seasonal variability of concentration of nutrients and BOD5 in Razdolnaya River is caused by winter mobilization from bottom deposits of the dissolved forms of nitrogen, and receipt of phosphates and easy oxidasable organic substances with municipal sewages, and consumption of the dissolved silicon and nitrogen at the plankton bioproduction. In result the winter increase in ammonium concentration is observed, especially at the polluted sites near Ussuriisk city. Moreover at these sites the summer peak of nitrogen and the phosphorus takes place, caused probably by the increase of sewage input. Seasonal variability of BOD5 within the stations in 2002 has not been expressed, but, for example, in 1984 distinct winter maximum BOD5 was observed, (Fig. 2) especially near Ussuriisk city. It reflects, probably, change of nature of easy oxidasable organic substances due to reduce of production by the food-processing enterprises, because averaged BOD5 level now even is higher, than in eighties (if to exclude a winter maximum) (Fig. 3). The analysis of the data of seasonal variability of concentration of biogenic connections in the rivers of pool of Caspian sea [2] also shows presence of winter peaks of ammonium concentration, is especial in the rivers with a steady ice cover. Change of chemical characteristics of Razdolnaya River for last 20 years has shown presence of significant trends for BOD5, ammonium, and at the polluted stations - for the dissolved oxygen. Decrease of ammonium concnetration after 1992 was marked at all sites of Razdolnaya River, located in Russia. Thus up to 1992 a the tendency of an inverse relationship between annual averaged ammonium concentration and annual water discharge. The increase in water discharge at a monsoon climate occurs due to an atmospheric precipitation, which, as a rule, has less nutrient concentration compare with ground waters and sewages. Therefore the increase in the water discharge should be accompanied by decrease of concentration, as was observed till 1992. That the similar picture was observed in upstream and in downstream of Razdolnaya River specifies a dual source anthropogenic ammonium - both drains of Ussuriisk, and receipt from China. However at the reduction of anthropogenic input, influence of water discharge change becomes insignificant, that took place after 1992. Level of the nutrient concentration in the upstream (R1, R4) and downstream (R5, R7) waters of Razdolnaya River in comparison with waters of Tumen River - the biggest river of Sea of Japan/East Sea basin, and with unpolluted small rivers from southwest of Primorski Krai, is resulted in Table 1. Data on a chemical composition of some rivers from the European part of Russia [3, 4], and the Khan River draining multi-millions Seoul are also presented (tabl. 1). It is obvious, that a level of the phosphates, ammonium and especially BOD5 even in headwaters of Razdolnaya River is higher, than in the down stream of Tumen River. In the middle stream of Razdolnaya River near Ussuriisk the concentration of these substances 5-10 times higher than in the Tumen River.


Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

Table 1 Averaged concentration of nutrients (mg N(P,Si)/l), BOD5 and COD (mg O/l)) in Razdolnaya River, Tumen River, Tsukanovka River and in some rivers of other regions River Tsukanovka Razdolnaya(R1,R4) Razdolnaya(R5,R7) Tumen River Onego River1 Volga River2 Khan River3








7,4 5,9 6,5 15,7 3,02 2,63 -

0,01 0,02 0,09 0,01 0,028 0,017 0,02-0,42*

0,09 0,26 0,58 0,21 0,13 0,29 0,03-1,96*

0 0,02 0,05 0,04 0,004 0,006 -

0,02 0,22 0,33 0,04-0,4 0,026 0,19 1,08-2,77*

4,1 4,2 12,5 1,9 3,5-10,5 0,9-6,1*

6,9 12,6 16,1 27,6 40 -


- Leonov, Tchitcherin, 2004; 2 - Leonov, Nazarov, 2001; 3 - http: //, * - the first number second - within the Seoul

upstream, the

Thus, even upstream waters of Razdolnaya River seems more changed, than a lower reaches of Tumen River and the background small rivers of the south of Primorski Krai. Exception makes the dissolved silicon and COD, which concentration in Tumen River is much higher, than in Razdolnaya River (tabl. 1). If the increased content of the dissolved silicon in Tumen River is a consequence of natural factors (composition of dredged rocks and soils), the elevated concentration of the dissolved organic substance (COD) reflects probably enough high anthropogenous loading on the middle stream of Tumen River. The easy oxidisable part of organic substances has time to be destructed that causes low BOD5, but the general content of dissolved organic substances (COD) remains pretty high (tabl. 1). The level of nitrates and nitrites concentrations in the Razdolnaya and Tumen rivers is close each other and in 2-4 times more, than in unpolluted rivers, though the nitrate concentration in down stream of Tumen river is very variable (tabl. 1), and additional works are necessary for more authentic characteristic of a level of nitrates in this river. Upstream of Razdolnaya River within the Russia is characterized by increased concentration of BOD5 and ammonium, but not phosphates, in comparison with pristine river Tsukanovka or upstream of Khan River. Near Ussuriisk city BOD5 reaches and even exceeds the level observable in obviously polluted downstream of Khan river, but nutrients contamination of Razdolnaya river continues to be less them in Khan downstream. In comparison with the rivers of the European part of the Russian Federation the Razdolnaya river is represented moderately polluted by ammoium and BOD5 and practically background on concentration of nitrates. For the characteristic of river waters themselves the information on chemical composition is a first priority, but for estimation of river influence on adjoining estuarine and sea areas it is necessary to take into account a flux (output) of chemical substances which is supervised by two major factors: the water discharge and concentration of chemical substances in river water. Thus if the water discharge does not depend on its chemical composition the opposite is not always true.


Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

Conclusions Study of seasonal variability of nutrient concentrations at the Russian part of the Razdolnaya River has shown, that the concentration of the dissolved silicon is controlled by bioproduction processes and irrespective of anthropogenic loading. Contrarywise seasonal variability of phosphates and the ammonium strongly depends on anthropogenous influence. In the upstream of the rivers where it is minimal, seasonal variability is reduced to slight increase of concentration during the winter period due to increase in a role of delivery from ground water. Near Ussuriisk city - the main source of pollution, the extent of winter maxima grows and summer maximum of phosphates and ammonium, connected with high-water, has been added. Significant annual variability of ammonium, BOD5, and dissolved oxygen concentrations is found in Razdolnaya River for last 20 years. The ammonium concentration is reduced, since 1993 a, but BOD5 and the dissolved oxygen grows, is especially down stream of Ussuriisk city. In comparison with other rivers of region Razdplnaya River is characterized by the elevated level of easy oxidisable organic substances (by BOD5) and ammonium. Relatively increased concentration of these components is observed upstream of river, that is caused, probably, anthropogenic influence at the Chinese part of Razdolnaya River. The phosphates and nitrates concentration in the upstream of Razdolnaya River is close to the background, and raises in 1,5-4 times near Ussuriisk city. Output of nutrients by the Razdolnaya river during the year changes on the order and more, and is defined, first of all, by seasonal variations of water discharge. Annual variability of output also reaches the order, but is caused both fluctuations of a mid-annual water discharge and trends in change of a chemical composition. References 1. GOST "Wildlife management. Hydrosphere. The general requirements to sampling of superficial and sea waters, ice and atmospheric precipitation". 2. Leonov A.V., V.V.Sapozhnikov. The analysis of dynamics of nutrient concentration and rates of bioproductive-destructive processes in waters of northern part of Caspian sea. // Oceanology, 2000, 40, ? 1. 37-51 (in Russian). 3. Leonov A.V., Tchitcherin O.V.Carrying of biogenic substances in the White sea with a river drain. / / Waters. Resources. 2004. O. 31.? 2. 170-192 (in Russian). 4. Leonov A.V., Nazarov N.A. Receipt of biogenic substances to Caspian sea with a water drain of the rivers // Water Res.. 2001. O. 28.? 6. With. 718-728 (in Russian). 6. ?A 52.24.509-96 the Supervising document. The order of work on quality assurance of the hydrochemical information (in Russian). 7. Chudaeva V.A. Chemical elements migration in the waters of the Far East. Vladivostok, Dalnauka, 2002, 392 p. 8. WEB site of National Institute Environmental Research of Ministry of Environment of Korea: http: //


Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004


Congxian Li, Shouye Yang, Daidu Fan, Juan Zhao Marine Geology Laboratory of Tongji University, 1239 Siping Road, Shanghai 200092, P.R.China

The suspended load at Datong comes mainly from the Changjiang upper reach and constitutes almost all sediment discharge flowing into the sea. Based upon the data obtained by hundreds of investigation sections on middle and lower reaches, the sediment discharge at Datong in 100 years after the ThreeGorges-Dam (TGD) completion has been mathematically projected, which is 384*106 tons/yr. on average. Considering factors reducing sediment discharge, such as water diversion from the Changjiang Basin to the Yellow River Basin (South-to-North Water Diversion Project), building reservoirs on the river and its tributaries, close hillsides to facilitate afforestation and converting cultivated land back to forest and grassland in Changjiang upper basin, decreasing population in 21th century and some technical problems in prediction etc. the suspended sediment load at Datong might be estimated to be about 200-250*106 t/yr after TGD completion. The sediment discharge at Datong, calculated by drillcores in the Changjiang Delta, was 1.84-228*106 t/yr. during the postglacial period, which is close to that predicted in 100 years after the dam completion, and is deviated from that measured at Datong during the last five decades. Examination of the environmental change in the Changjiang basin, triggered by population growth, deforestation, soil erosion etc. in Chinese historical time leads to conclude that the predicted suspended discharge in 100 years after damming may be more representative for the Changjiang during the postglacial period. The suspended load at Datong, measured during the last five decades, is only a record of a short period with highest suspended load in the history of the Changjiang development, resulted from abrupt population growth, serious deforestation and severe soil erosion. The Changjiang Delta should not be seriously changed and would not subject to erosion in 100 years after the completion of the Three Gorge Dam. However, accelerated tidal flat reclamation project in the Changjiang Delta might likely trigger a serious coastal erosion of adjacent provinces, where the sediments of coastal zone is transported from the Changjiang Estuary.


Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004


Material flux is the important theme of two core projects of the International Global Biosphere Program (IGBP): the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS) and the Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone (LOICZ). To understand the global material flux, it is necessary to study material flux first at the local scale, and then integrates it over the regional and global scales (Shen Huanting et al., 2001). Since estuaries of large rivers play an important role in the LOICZ, the fluxes and secular trends of sediment and discharge of large rivers are considered. The Pearl River is the third largest river in China and is the largest river into the South China Sea. The changes of Sediment concentration and discharge from the Pearl River to the Pearl River Delta desiderated to be taken into account. The runoff and sediment runoff of the Yellow River is declining from 1970s (Zhang Sunli, 1994; Zhao Yean et al., 1994). Moreover, the runoff and sediment runoff exhibit a declining secular trend from 1950s (Shen Huanting et al., 2001). On the other hand, the change of the discharge and sediment discharge of the Pearl River, the third largest river in China, has little information, thereby, it is important to analyze the change of the discharge and sediment discharge of the Pearl River in the recent period. The Pearl River is the largest river in the South China. It is made up of three main rivers such as the West River, the North River and the East River. Gaoyao, Shijiao and Boluo stations are selected to represent the controlled hydrometric stations of West River, North River and East River from the main rivers to the Pearl River Delta as the cross-section of the discharge, sediment concentration and sediment discharge. The monthly mean and annually mean time series were collected. The data period of Gaoyao, Shijiao and Boluo hydrometric stations are 1957-2003, 1955-2003 and 1954-2003 respectively; and the statistic analysis results of the discharge, sediment concentration and sand discharge as showed in Table1-3. The departure and the relative percentage of departure of the time series are used to analyze the changes of discharge and sediment concentration in the Pearl River in recent years. The departures of discharge and sediment concentration at Gaoyao station in the West River during 1957 and 2003 are showed in Fig.1. It reveals that the discharge at Gaoyao station is fluctuant and has no certain decreasing trend, nevertheless, the sediment concentration exhibits a decreasing trend, particularly from 1995; the departures are negative from 1995, and the decrement of departures is more and more significant. As showed in 46

Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

Tab.1, the departures of the discharge at 3 stations reveal that the significant decline trend in the recent five years (from 1999 to 2003) does not exit. The departures of the discharge at Gaoyao station in the West River in 2001 and 2002 is positive, otherwise, are negative in 1999, 2000 and 2003; the positive relative percentages are less than 16 percent, and the negative relative percentages are from 3 percent to 17.17 percent. The similar pattern at Shijiao Station in the North River is found. On the other hand, the departure of the discharge at Boluo station in the East River are almost negative except in 2001; the relative percentages are from 0.61 percent to 39.47 percent, and it shows that the decline trend of the discharge in the East River in the recent five years may possible exit. Table 1 The departure and the relative percentage of discharge at Gaoyao, Shijiao and Boluo station.(m3/s) Station Gaoyao Shijiao Boluo

0Statistic value Annually mean Departure Relative percentage Annually mean Departure Relative percentage Annually mean Departure

1999 6769 -209.213 -3.00% 1007 -335.918 -25.01% 529 -209.5

2000 6157 -821.213 -11.77% 1445 102.0816 7.60% 734 -4.5

2001 8090 1111.787 15.93% 1745 402.0816 29.94% 939 200.5

2002 7930 951.7872 13.64% 1551 208.0816 15.49% 447 -291.5

2003 5780 -1198.21 -17.17% 1140 -202.918 -15.11% 599 -139.5

Relative percentage






Average 6978.213


Fig.1. The departures of discharge (a) and sediment concentration (b) at Gaoyao station in different years



Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

The results in Tab.2 demonstrate that the departures of sediment concentration at three stations in the West River, the North River and the East River are all negative in the recent fiver years. The relative percentages of departures at Gaoyao Station in the West River range from 28 percent to 72.8 percent, from 20.8 percent to 57.9 percent at Shijiao station in the North River and from 24.7 percent to 61 percent. The decrement of the sediment concentration is significant in the Pearl River in recent five years. Table 2 The departure and the relative percentage of sediment concentration at Gaoyao, Shijiao and Boluo station.(kg/m3) Station Statistic value Annually mean Gaoyao Departure Relative percentage Annually mean Shijiao Departure Relative percentage Annually mean Boluo Departure Relative percentage

1999 0.174037 -0.14057 -44.68% 0.0578 -0.07403 -56.16% 0.051324 -0.04995 -49.32%

2000 0.161969 -0.15264 -48.52% 0.066042 -0.06579 -49.90% 0.076256 -0.02502 -24.71%

2001 0.2264 -0.08821 -28.04% 0.104433 -0.0274 -20.78% 0.070473 -0.0308 -30.42%

2002 0.205098 -0.10951 -34.81% 0.095426 -0.0364 -27.61% 0.039478 -0.0618 -61.02%

2003 0.085456 -0.22915 -72.84% 0.055419 -0.07641 -57.96% 0.060941 -0.04034 -39.83%

Average 0.314609



The departures of the total sand discharge of the Pearl River (Gaoyao, plus Shijiao plus Boluo station) were showed in Tab.3. The departures are negative, and change from 380 kg/s to 1858.5 kg/s; the relative percentages of departure vary from 15.5 percent to 75.8 percent. It illustrates that the total sand discharge in the Pearl River are decreasing in the recent five years, and the decrement are significant (Tab. 3). Table 3 The departure and the relative percentage of the total sand discharge (Gaoyao, plus Shijiao plus Boluo station). (kg/s) Statistic value Annually mean Departure Relative percentage

1999 1292.5 -1158.64 -47.27%

2000 1169.28 -1281.86 -52.30%

2001 2071.11 -380.026 -15.50%

2002 1779.82 -671.316 -27.39%

2003 592.67 -1858.47 -75.82%

Average 2451.136

The decrease of sediment concentration and sand discharge in the Pearl River are resulted from the reservoirs built in recent years, well vegetation in the drainage area and the distribution of the rainfall in the drainage basin, etc. References [1] Shen Huanting et al., 2001. Material flux of the Changjiang Estuary. China Ocean Press, P11. (in Chinese) [2] Zhang Sunli, 1994. The changes of discharge and sediment concentration in the middle reach of Yellow River and analysis on sail conservation. Bulletin of sail conservation, 14(3):8-11. (in Chinese); [3] Zhao Yean et al., 1994. The changes of discharge and sediment concentration in Yellow River and the channel process of the lower reach in Yellow River. Journal of People s Yellow River. (2):31-41. (in Chinese)


Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

RIVER DELTA GROWTH IN RELATION TO SEDIMENT RETENTION Shu Gao MOE Laboratory for Coast and Island Development, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, P. R. China

River deltas grow in response to sediment discharge from the land. During the Holocene periods, numerous river deltas with different sizes were formulated where the river meets the sea. A scientific problem raised from this observation is that whether or not there is a limit for the deltaic shoreline advancement under a given set of hydrodynamic, sedimentary and climatic conditions. To solve this problem, mathematical modeling approaches may be adopted. For instance, a conceptual model can be formulated to simulate the growth of a river delta, assuming that the accommodation of the sediment body is constrained by a sector of cone-shaped geometry (see Figure 1). This pattern implies that the delta shoreline at the apex is short, but it increases with the growth towards the sea.

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram showing a delta with the cone-shaped sediment body

It is possible to express the total volume of the deltaic sediment as a function of the distance between the delta apex and the shoreline (L), the length of the deltaic shoreline ( ), the original bed slope ( ), the delta profile ( ) and the water depth (H) at the front of the sub-aqueous delta: 49

Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

(1) Hence, the rate of shoreline advancement, dL/dt, can be defined as a function of dV/dt. For a delta shown by Figure 1, the growth rate without considering the effect of sea level rise and coastal ground subsidence can be expressed as: (2) where QS is the river sediment discharge, R the sediment retention index for the entire delta area, and = /360 and ? is defined by Figure 1 (in degrees). If the combined effect of sea level rise and coastal ground subsidence is considered, then we have: (3)

where P represents the combined effect of sea level rise and coastal ground subsidence. There are no existing methods to calculate the sediment retention index, but we may formulate a general equation using certain hypotheses. For example, the index may have the form (4) where K is a coefficient, H is the water depth at the front of the subaqueous delta, q is a parameter representing the capacity of sediment transport over the sub-aqueous delta areas. Further, if we assume that (5) and (6) where H0 is the water depth at the shelf edge, then the delta growth may be simulated. Figure 2 shows an example using the delta geometry data of the Changjaing River.


Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

Fig. 2. Changjiang River delta growth curves under fixed conditions of sediment supply and bathymetry, with the hypothesized sediment retention index (QS m3 yr-1, tan 0.35 10-3; tan = 0.10 10-3; = 40°

Apparently, realistic simulation of the growth of a river delta depends upon an appropriate definition of the sediment retention index. Hence, methods of calculation of the index are required on the basis of hydrodynamic, sediment dynamic and geochemical studies. Further, the retention index may be a scalerelated parameter (i.e. given different temporal scales the value will be different), with spatial variations. These form an important research topic for the future.


Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

DEPOSITION MODES AND THE POSSBILE DYNAMIC MECHANISM DURING EVOLUTION OF THE PEARL RIVER DELTA SINCE 6000 BP Wu Chaoyu, J.Ren, Y. Bao, Y.P. Lei, Z.G. He Center for Coastal Ocean Science and Technology Research, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou 510275, P.R. China

Pearl River Delta is one of the most complicated large scale estuarine systems in China. The Pearl River estuarine system consists of a stream network and estuarine bays (Fig 1.); the two portions of the estuary system are connected by men (meaning gate in Chinese), a special morphological unit. The present study introduces the result of the long-term morphological model PRD-LTMM(Wu et al, 2002, Wu wt al 2004) on the evolution of the Pearl River delta in the last six thousand years. The study emphasizes on the estuarine dynamic environment and their long-term sedimentation effects. Several deposition patterns during the evolution of the Pearl River Delta can be identified: (1) Estuary bar deposition This is a common estuary process. When river enters the receiving basin, sediment carried by the river lays down in the front of the estuary. With the Fig. 1. The Pearl River estuary system development of the sand body, estuarine bar may become the new point of channel bifurcation; it could also be broken through during major flood and becomes network channel. In either situation, most deposit is preserved and becomes sand body of the delta. When the river is reach in sediment load accomplished with subsidence or deep receiving basin, the sand body may develop to very thick. Sediment from the West River by far exceeds the other tributaries; the thickness of its estuary bar is greater than 60 meters in a couple of locations. The flow dynamics of this deposition pattern is estuary jet. When river discharges to the sea, an estuarine jet is formed. The deposition process is con52

Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

trolled by flow energy dissipation (Wright, 1974). The dynamic mechanism is mainly a barotropic process. The jet is uni-direction (seaward). (2) Deposition between parallel outlets Due to men and the initial topography, the Pearl River develops several parallel outlets (Fig. 2) during different stages of the evolution. The channels are often several kms apart. Deposition builds up rapidly between channels. When sand body is pushed to the sea, second order channels vertical to the parallel channels are often developed. This process can be identified from the historical or modern channel patFig. 2 Sketch map of parallel channel deposition tern as well as from the simulation. The driving force of this deposition pattern is the interaction between two estuary jet systems. A new mixing zone with eddies develops when the outer entrainment zones of two jet systems meet. This increases the deposition between the parallel channels. The merge of low pressure or compensation zones of two jet systems, and the water stage deviation between two channels create favorite dynamic environment for the formation of the secondary channels. The detailed mechanism needs further study. (3) Deposition around the skirt of rocky islands During the full transgression, hundreds of rocky islands scattered in the shallow inner paleoestuary bay. These islands act as nucleuses of sediment deposition. During the early stage of delta evolution sediment had deposited around the skirt of islands and platforms, Fig 3. Deposition around the skirt of islands 53

Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

and emerged from the water much earlier than the open shallow sea. When sediment accumulated around the fringe of Shiqiao platform, Wugui mountain, emerged from water and became delta plain, the area to their north remained estuarine bays for the following hundreds or even thousand of years (Fig.3) (4) Deposition of men and bi-directional tidal jet systems In the early stage of evolution, due to the open and broad water bodies in both sides of the gate, water was ejected from the gate to both directions alternatively during flood and ebb tides. With the progress of evolution, the broad water body in the up stream (river side) gradually became water channel because of sedimentation while water body to the sea side remained wide open; the bi-direction jet retreated to a normal estuarine jet. Calculation from the model and hydrographical surveys indicates that this system has been the dominant dynamic feature in the upper estuarine complex and has important effects on the morphology and sedimentation of the estuary in different evolution stages. The present study with the help of the long-term morphological modeling, provides new spatial and temporal information on the delta evolution. The study also provides more details to the delta development originated from the effects of the different morphodynamic structures. Mainly due to the geological constraint of the coast and the effects on the re-distribution of marine and river energy, the evolution of the Pearl River Delta and estuarine system is very unique among the large scale delta and estuary system in the world. References 1.Wright L.D. and J.M. Coleman. 1974, Mississippi river mouth processes: effluent dynamics and morphologic development. Jour. Geol. 82:751-778 2.Wu C.Y. Bao Y., Ren J., Shi H.Y., Lei Y. P. 2002, A Study on the Pearl Rive Delta in the Last 6000 Years - A Long-term modeling approach. International conference on tidal dynamics and environment (TIDALITE 2002), Hangzhou, China, 2002, August 8, 13. 3.Wu C.Y. et al. 2004, A Primary Morphodynamic Study on the Evolution of the Men of the Pearl River Delta, China. Second IAG Yangtze Fluvial Conference, June 24-July 2, 2004, Shanghai, China.

SCALES IN THE VARIABILITY OF THE LITHOLOGICAL AND BIOGEOCHEMICAL PROCESSES WITHIN THE RAZDOLNAYA RIVER ESTUARY O.V. Dudarev, A.I. Botsul, A.N. Charkin, I.V. Utkin Pacific Oceanological Institute, Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok 690041, Russia

As for the regularities of the lithological and biogeochemical transformation of the terrigenous material in estuaries, their study is very important for the better understanding of the spatial variability regularities in the sedimentational and transitic material flows within marginal geosystems. The most detailed investigations of this type were performed in the Razdolnaya River Estuary, where the seasonal and inter-annual oceanographical measurements were being real54

Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

ized from 1982 until recent times. The analysis of arrays with the numerous lithological, biogeochemical and hydrological data has allowed to estimate the scales of the spatial and temporal variabilities for lithodynamical and biogeochemical processes within the weak tidal estuary of the Razdolnaya River. The general view about our investigation object can be inferred from its structural guide: the total length of the Razdolnaya River is 245km, the water system area ranges up to 16,830km2 (including 7,300km2 within boundaries of Russia). Since April to November, the water outflow may amount to 98% from annual one, with maxima during August and September. In this time, the water discharge may be as great as 782m3/sec (owing to the high pluvial floods), whereas the mean long-standing discharge is only 72m3/sec. In winter, this magnitude can decrease down to 0.3m3/sec, and, during the whole winter drought period, it can be estimated as low as 2% from the annual volume. The mid-annual discharge of the suspended matter is 6kg/sec, the mean value of the sedimentary material outflow comprises 15 tonnes/km2, the integrated solid material outwash ranges up to 462,000 tonnes, with the suspended and tracted portions, comprising 451,000 tonnes (97.8%) and 11,000 tonnes (2.4%), correspondingly [Stepanova, 1979; Hydrological..., 1989; Dudarev, 1996]. Owing to hydrological and morphological features, the near-mouth area of Razdolnaya River can be assigned to the shoal semi-enclosed non-deltaic type with the two-channel mouth segment, undergoed the weak tidal action. According to above criteria, the near-mouth area provides the typical estuary of the valley bay, with two-layered circulation and moderately intermixed waters, having well-defined vertical salinity gradients [Polonskiy et al., 1992; Dudarev, 1996]. The boundary between river and marine estuarine parts passes above the crest of the near-mouth bar, which spatially coincides with the traverse of the entrance capes between the Amur Bay and the near-deltaic Tavrichanka Liman (the zeroth kilometer mark). The bar crest fixes the location of the geographical mouth and the transition to the supply basin for the river outwash (Fig.1). The main features of the zonality in the sedimentational processes. Within the river estuarine part, fine sediments are revealed, attributed to the facies of the tidal prop or of the marine water wedge (Fig.2). In the direction of the near-deltaic liman and the near-mouth bar, the sequential replacement of psammitic aleurites (the near-deltaic liman) by aleuritic psammites (the river part of the bar) and finegrained psammites takes place. Within the marine estuarine part, as a result of the well-defined decrease in the power of the flow with the suspended matter, the avalanche process of the particle removal from the transit begins. According to hydraulics laws, at the beginning, the coarse-grained fractions of the sedimentary material are settled, and psammitic and aleuritic sediments are formed on the upper near-bar part of the depth drop. In the marine direction, this lithological type is replaced by aleurites and pelites. Last-named ones form (on the vast bottom area of the north-western part of the Amur Bay) the sediments of the alluvial fan of the river; they are classified as own prodelta facies (Fig.2). By the means, the main features of the sedimentogenesis zonality within the Razdolnaya River Estuary consist in the sequential lateral changes in the intensity of the combined influence of the lithodynamic and biogeochemical 55

Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

Fig.1. The investigation region. The fragment of the satellite exposure for the marine area of the Razdolnaya River Estuary (the photography was made in April 27, 1999, by the radiolocation station with the synthesized aperture from ERS-2 Satellite).


Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

processes, determining the fractionation of the sedimentary material according to its grain size. With the transition from the estuarine top to the near-mouth bar and the near-deltaic liman, the decrease of the physical and chemical process importance is observed as a result of the lithodynamic factor increase. Once again, physical and chemical processes begin to dominate within the intermixing field of the marine estuarine part, and, at this site, the influence of the biological factor is superimposed. The facial replacement of the prodelta sediments by near-coastal marine ones reflects the location of the actual marine estuarine border, where it conforms to the limit of the intermixing area distribution at the mean long-standing outwash of the Razdolnaya River. Scales of the variability in the chemical composition of bottom sediments. The main reason of the differentiation in the solid material runoff into estuaries lies in the initial spatial dissimilarity of the processes, occurred there in the «river-sea» system. Over the course of the Razdolnaya River from the estuarine top to the marine border (30km), the change in the ratios of the process interaction takes place, and it is reflected in the sequential replacement of different fractionation mechanisms for grain-size, miner2. The model of the parameter variability for the bioal and chemical compositions Fig. geochemical barrier of the Razdolnaya River Estuary. of bottom sediments. This Values of the stratification parameter of Hansen-Rattry: order agrees adequately with >1 - intermixed waters, 1-0.1 - moderately intermixed 91 % of its variance). Under GrF1 growth the grain size and sorting of sediments increase against the background of the increase of its diversity, and this factor may be interpreted as anthropogenic influence on bottom sediments that is testified by the occurrence of its maximal values in the Golden Horn Harbour and Diomid Inlet. GrF2 significantly correlates with only (negative, r2»50 %). Stepwise procedure allow to include , SD, and Hr (two last variables with positive coefficients, r2=63.6 %) in the regression model. In other words, GrF2 effects on the structure of sediments as a whole. Its maximal values are mainly observed at the most shallow and exposed to wave action areas. Therefore, GrF2 should be interpreted as the factor controlling the sediment sorting. The inclusion of the single, coarse sand, fraction in its composition strongly testifies to the equity of this conclusion. At shallow-water areas the main role in sediment perturbations are known to play the wave action. GrF3 correlates mainly with SD (negative), although its relation with Hr (positive) is also statistically significant. Stepwise procedure allow to include both SD and in model with negative coefficients (r2=71.8 %). In spatial distribution of GrF3 values a tendency to growth in deep parts of the region and off Razdolnaya river mouth is clear. Apparently, its variations display both the effect of the river run-off and the accumulation of fine particles as a whole. Average (modal) grain size of sediments, its diversity (Hr), and content of fine particles (siltation) are the most important parameters in biological sense. Variations of the last parameter are determined by GrF3 alterations. Variance of Hr is explained by the mutual action of GrF1 and GrF3 (60.5 %). Variability of and SD is significantly influenced by all 3 factors. GrF1 is the most important for (r2=63.2 %, GrF1-3 explain 98.1 % of its variance); GrF1 and GrF3 endows rather equally in SD variability (by 37 %; GrF1-3 84.0 %). Contaminant content and distribution. The studied regions of Peter the great Bay are exposed to contamination in different degree. As in 1979-89, the most polluted area is Golden Horn Harbour; Amursky Bay is characterized by moderate pollution, and Ussuriysky Bay is the cleanest region. But within boundaries of a separate area the contamination of sediments varies noticeably, and different stations display different level of contamination (Fig. 1).


Proceedings of the Workshop Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast Asian Land-Ocean Interactions and Their Implications for Coastal Zone Management, Nanjing, China, December 4-8, 2004

Bunching of the stations by contaminant contents (cluster analysis) under the preliminary data ranking allow to reveal 3 groups: (A) stations with heavy sediment contamination Z-1, 7,11,22 (Golden Horn Harbor and Diomid Inlet); (B) moderately polluted stations A 9,10, 12,16,24,24a,28,37,39,59 (Amursky Bay), U 18,100 (Ussuriysky Bay); (C) relatively clean ones Z-12 (mouth of Golden Horn Harbor), Z 18,23 (East Bosporus strait), Z 19 (Uliss Inlet), U 11,16,17,103,104, 105,106,108 (Ussuriysky Bay), and A 4,6,8,11,42,55 (Amursky Bay). The effect of factor group is statistically significant (p