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Kate Kreindler (Stanford). 15:00‐15:20. Wind of Change. Craft in Times of Crisis and Accelerated Socio‐ political Transformation in Iron Age Italy. Elisa Perego ...

Registration, Tea & Coffee



Opening remarks Approaching People, Technology, and Society in the Age of Iron Chair: Simon Stoddart Craftworkers, Patrons, and the Production of "Enchanting" Objects Peter Wells (Minnesota)


Time, memory and praxis in the archaeology of Iron Age Metallurgy Maria Kostoglou (Manchester)


Materials make people: how technologies shape figurines in early Iron Age Central Europe Katharina Rebay‐Salisbury (Vienna)

11:40‐12:00 12:00‐12:20 12:20‐12:40 12:40‐13:00



Building techniques in Dark Age Greece: the Lefkandi‐Toumba building as a timber‐framed structure Alexandra Coucouzeli (Cambridge) Stone Crafting in Chalk: the late Iron Age figurines of East Yorkshire Melanie Giles (Manchester) Tuff quarrying in the territory of Veii: A ‘status’ related activity of the landowning aristocracy of the Archaic period, from construction to craft Marco Arizza, Daniela Rossi (Rome) Discussion Lunch


Metal: Temperate Europe and Britain Chair: Fraser Hunter


West Hallstatt gold ‐ Early Iron Age craftsmanship and workshops Barbara Armbruster (Toulouse)


Iron Age non‐ferrous metalworking in Britain ‐ a review of the evidence Justine Bayley (Handsworth)

14:40‐15:00 15:00‐15:20 15:20‐15:40 15:40‐16:00 16:00‐16:20

Type casting Sophia Adams (Bristol) Style, form and use: copper alloy objects in Iron Age hoards Mary Davis (Cardiff) Discussion Tea / Coffee Metal: Southern Europe Chair: Jody Joy Some observations on bronze production in Sardinia between the Final Bronze and Early Iron Age Anna DePalmas, Claudio Bulla (Sassari)


The Etruscan mirrors with border decorated with figures Laura Ambrosini (Rome)


Iron and bronze metallurgy between the Western and Eastern Adriatic Regions, and its relationship with the Tyrrhenian district Valeria Acconcia (Rome), Ilaria Di Sabatino (Chieti‐Pescara)

17:00‐17:20 17:20‐17:40 17:40‐18:00 18:00‐19:00 19:00


Helmets in Verucchio: production and significance Claudio Negrini (Vienna), Marta Mazzoli (Mainz), Giorgia di Lorenzo (Naples) Early Iron Age production of bronze and iron fibulae from the Rhodope Mountains Diana Gergova (Sofia) Discussion Wine reception Buffet dinner

14:00‐14:20 14:20‐14:40

Pottery: the Central Mediterranean Chair: Lucilla Burn “My name is red” New data on the earliest production of red impasto in the Ager Faliscus Jacopo Tabolli (Dublin) Fingerprinting a production: analysis of clay technology from the Etruscan to the Roman period. The case study of the Montelabate Project Letizia Ceccarelli (Cambridge), Ilenia Rossetti (Milan), Simon Stoddart (Cambridge), Luca Primavesi (Milan)


Cremation Urn Workshops at Chiusi: Questions of Craft Specialization in an Intraregional Etruscan Market

15:00‐15:20 15:20‐15:40 15:40‐16:00

Theresa Huntsman (Harvard) Investigating an Ancient Industrial Zone in Vescovado di Murlo Eóin O’Donoghue (Galway), Anthony Tuck (Massachusetts Amherst) Discussion Tea / Coffee Pottery: Ibera, temperate Europe and the Balkans Chair: Sheila Kohring Material Culture and Chronology of Western Andalusia in the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Michał Krueger (Poznan) and Dirk Brandherm (Belfast) A world in shadow: Wooden settlement structures and ceramic production as a reflection of the late Hallstatt society in south‐west Pannonia Saša Kovačević (Zagreb)

16:00‐16:20 16:20‐16:40 16:40‐17:00 17:00‐17:20 17:20‐17:40

Early Celtic pottery production, especially stamped pottery and its relations to bronze working techniques such as metal decorations Elizabeth Jerem (Budapest) Late Iron Age ceramic production in pre‐Roman Dacia – tradition, imitation and transformation Mariana Egri (Cluj‐Napoca)


Pottery production and the process of centralisation during the Early Iron Age: A case study of the ‘Heuneburg’ hillfort in Southwest Germany Gerd Stegmaier (Tübingen) Discussion

18:00‐19:00 19:00

Wine reception Buffet dinner


9:20‐9:40 9:40‐10:00 10:00‐10:20 10:20‐10:40

10:40‐11:00 11:00‐11:20 11:20‐11:40 11:40‐12:00 12:00‐12:20 12:20‐12:40 12:40‐13:00 13:00‐14:00


Locating Production: Urban and Rural Chair: Stefano Campana History of an Etruscan frontier: production and economy of the site of Col di Marzo (PG, Italy) Simon Stoddart (Cambridge), Letizia Ceccarelli (Cambridge), Caroline Malone (Belfast), Marco Amadei (Sassari), Federica Galiffa (Rome), Claudio di Giacomo (Viterbo), Conor Mc Adams (Cambridge), Finbar McCormick (Belfast), Jacob Morales (Universidad del País Vasco, Spain) Duna Feniglia. A production settlement of the Early Iron Age Nuccia Negroni Catacchio, Massimo Cardosa, Fabio Rossi, Irene Cappello, Alessandra Lepri, Mirko Luciano (Milan)

Pianvalle (Como): metal‐working in an Iron Age settlement Nuccia Negroni Catacchio, Christian Metta (Milan) Quinta de Crestelos. One long‐term occupation in north‐west Iberia: social and economic changes during the first millennium BC José Sastre Blanco, Sérgio Pereira and Rita Gaspar (Baixo Sabor‐ACE) A Late Iron Age agro‐industrial landscape from Malta: the Wied Mgarr ix‐Xini, Gozo, landscape survey

Anthony Pace (Valetta) Discussion Conference Photo (weather permitting) Tea / Coffee Craftspeople, Specialisation, and Social change (1) Chair: Bela Dimova ‘Novelty and innovation’: What motivated the producers of Early Celtic Art? Helen Chittock (British Museum/Southampton) Craftsmanship and community in the eastern Carpathian Basin during the Late Iron Age (4th‐3rd centuries BC) Aurel Rustoiu (Cluj‐Napoca), Sándor Berecki (Târgu Mureş) Coppersmiths & Co.: metalworking craft specialisation in Bronze Age Europe Linda Boutoille (Belfast) The Second Age of Iron: European iron in New Zealand Maori craft and production Deidre Brown (Auckland; Te Hikutu descendant community member) Discussion Lunch and Poster Session

Innovative analytical method for the identification of pottery production Letizia Ceccarelli (University of Cambridge), Francesco Beccari (Diessechem Srl) Early grey wheeled pottery in the Carpathian Basin Szabolcs Czifra, Attila Kreiter, Orsolya Viktorik (Budapest) A new faϊance alabastron with figurative decoration from Cerveteri Federica Galiffa (Rome) Textile production and consumption in (1000‐500 BCE) Margarita Gleba (Cambridge)

SATURDAY AFTERNOON 14:00‐14:20 14:20‐14:40

14:40‐15:00 15:00‐15:20



Craftspeople, Specialisation, and Social change (2) Chair: Yannis Galanakis Iron, glass and graphite: communication network and cycles of prosperity on border of the Hallstatt world  Hrvoje Potrebica (Zagreb), Ana Franjić (UCL) Etruscan technological transformation at Poggio Colla (FI) and its impact on socially stratified and gendered craft roles in the seventh‐ fifth century  Phil Perkins (Open University) Italo‐Corinthian Perfume Vessels and the Body as a Marker of Status Kate Kreindler (Stanford) Wind of Change. Craft in Times of Crisis and Accelerated Socio‐ political Transformation in Iron Age Italy Elisa Perego (UCL), Rafael Scopacasa (UFRN/ Exeter), Silvia Amicone (UCL) Scribes, Artisans and Literacy: The Making of Inscriptions in Early Italy Kathryn Lomas (UCL and Durham) Discussion Tea / Coffee

SATURDAY AFTERNOON (CONTINUED) 16:00‐16:20 16:20‐16:40 16:40‐17:00

17:00‐17:20 17:20‐17:40 17:40‐18:00 18:00‐18:20 19:30

Textiles Chair: Margarita Gleba A new orientalizing Etruscan dress from Veii Alessandra Piergrossi (Rome), Alessio De Cristofaro Not just a belt: Late Iron Age female costume in the south‐east Carpathian basin  Marko Dizdar and Asja Tonc (Zagreb) Textile tools from the Ager Faliscus area in the Iron Age. Are they always functional tools? Maria Anna De Lucia (Soprintendenza Archeologia Lazio ed Etruria Meridionale), Romina Laurito (Copenhagen), Cristina Lemorini (Rome), with contributions from Vanessa Forte and Assunta Perilli Textile production in the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age of Southern Etruria: interpreting a craft between life and death Marta Alberti (Newcastle), Christian Metta (Genova) Organisation structures, networks and resource management. Textile production in the 1st millennium BC in Central Europe Karina Grömer (Vienna) Transmitting sailcloth into raw materials, land and labour Lise Bender Jørgensen (Trondheim, Norway) Discussion Candle‐lit dinner at Magdalene College

SUNDAY MORNING 9:00‐9:20 9:20‐9:40


10:00‐10:20 10:20‐10:40 10:40‐11:00 11:00‐11:20 11:20‐11:40

Salt Chair: Simon Stoddart Salt and Protohistoric Society in Central Tyrrhenian Italy Luca Alessandri, Biancamaria Aranguren, Peter Attema (Groningen), Maria Rosaria Cinquegrana and Marco Pacciarelli (Naples) Italic salt production and trade in the Iron Age: the case of the south eastern coast of Sicily  Barbara Roggio (Villa Giulia, Rome) The Early Iron Age salt mines of Hallstatt: provisioning processes Kerstin Kowarik (Vienna) The Early Iron Age salt mines of Hallstatt: working processes and economic structures Hans Reschreiter (Vienna) Discussion Tea / Coffee Environment, Resources, and Subsistence Chair: Caroline Malone Fodder for change: production and consumption of livestock in protohistoric Italy Angela Trentacoste (Oxford)


Organisation of food production and landscape use Girolamo Fiorentino (Lecce) Water and Production In Iberian Iron Age Elena Sanchez (Granada) Craft beer: The production of cereal based fermented beverages in later prehistoric Britain Johny Horn (Edinburgh) Discussion



11:40‐12:00 12:00‐12:20

SUNDAY AFTERNOON 13:30‐13:50 13:50‐14:20 14:20‐15:00

15:00‐15:15 15:15

Closing session Chair: Elizabeth DeMarrais Towards Standardization: Materiality and Identity in Iron Age Craft Production Manuel Fernández‐Götz (Edinburgh) The Study of Iron Age Craft Production: A View from the Americas Cathy Costin (Northridge, California) Pannel Discussion Zosia Archibald (Liverpool), Melanie Giles (Manchester), Vincent Megaw (Adelaide), Niall Sharples (Cardiff) Closing remarks and publication plans Tea / Coffee


This programme and the book of abstracts can be downloaded from the Conference website: The organisers would like to thank the ACE Foundation, Beta Analytic, Brewin Dolphin, the European Research Council, the Faculty of Classics, the Division of Archaeology, the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, and the Thriplow Trust for financial support. We would also like to thank the staff of Magdalene College, particularly Victoria Wallace; as well as Jeremy Bennett, Ben Hinson, Paola Pugsley, and Emma Smith. The poster was kindly prepared by Charlotte Stoddart (